
widoxrick_h_: 1st para under Complications "the celery tas3k"00:04
rick_h_widox: ty00:07
rick_h_bah, I hate saying 'ummm, no' in pull requests.11:37
rick_h_it's nice to get some, but ugh11:37
brouschWhat's wrong with it?11:41
rick_h_well the one is done the way I'd like and his response is 'well it's better than what's there' and I don't want to do the work unless we do it right11:41
rick_h_the second one is just going to require a lot of clean up. It's done hte hackiest way possible and I'll have to refactor it a bunch for a use case I don't case about, but he does11:42
rick_h_don't care about that is11:43
brouschrick_h_: What's the brilliant idea?11:55
brouschOr is it in stealth mode?11:56
rick_h_brousch: for a work thing. s/undisclosed/protected11:56
rick_h_I'm demo'ing my ui mockup work to my team this morning11:56
snap-lgood morning12:33
rick_h_anyone want to come out for lunch? 12-2:30?13:03
jrwrenrick_h_: i did not get anywhere with watchdog, still need to spend some time with it.13:03
rick_h_jrwren: ok cool, just curious. Was doing some hacking this weekend13:04
brouschI want to, but I can't13:05
jrwrenhacking at that part?13:09
rick_h_jrwren: was merging a pull request in the makefile and saw it (not directly related)13:10
rick_h_man I hate listening to TWiT when they have apple fans on ugh13:12
PainBankI hate listening to TWiT for 2 hours, but the 20 mins of good parts are worth the hassle.13:12
rick_h_yea, it's background stuff13:13
PainBankI haven't found a decent tech podcast as an alternative though.13:14
PainBankgot any suggestions?13:14
rick_h_skip podcasts :P13:14
PainBankhaha, true.13:14
rick_h_I've cut way back13:14
PainBankCast of Dads is fun.  short and not too often.13:14
PainBankbut not tech focused.13:14
shakes808good morning all13:17
jrwrenwhich twit? i wan to listen to the apple fans :)13:18
jrwreni've got a list of developer podcasts, but not general tech13:19
rick_h_this last week's one13:20
jrwrenDeveloping Perspective, Giant Robots Smashing into other giant robots, Hanselminutes, In Beta, Radio Free Python, Ruby5, The Talk Show With John Gruber13:20
jrwreni'm watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYnEhDOKoxA13:20
jrwrenthen I'll tune into the last twit13:20
PainBankjrwren: thanks.  I'll check em out.13:22
brouschI like The Linux Action Show, but it has fallen off a bit due to one of the hosts leaving13:29
jrwrenthere is some other python podcast that is IMO just terrible. It is a guy rambling about whatever. I listened to 2 or 3 episodes and got zero value out of it.13:31
brouschjrwren: Python 41113:33
jrwrenthat might be it.13:33
brouschI want to punch that guy in the head whenever I listen13:33
jrwrennow i'm pretty sure that is i.13:33
brouschHe is done though13:33
jrwreni wish him well.13:33
brouschI swear he was eating during the podcast13:34
brouschCould hear his lips smacking13:34
brouschRadio Free Python is good. The host seems a little arrogant, but the content is good13:36
PainBankwhat is the Python podcast with the metal head host?13:38
PainBanktoo bad that one doesn't produce many podcasts...13:38
jrwrenhosts are often like that.13:38
rick_h_yep :)13:40
PainBankI do like The Command Line13:40
jrwrenon second thought, I think i'll skip twit13:45
snap-lI can't stand the Linux Action Show13:56
snap-lor the Linux Link Tech Show (What little I've heard)13:56
brouschToo exciting for you?13:57
snap-lNo, I don't care enough to hear a rundown of the latest news that's already a week old13:57
PainBankyou all seen this yet: http://www.scribd.com/doc/102594989/Samsung-Apple-Oct-5-2010-Licensing13:57
snap-lNo, I'm done with Apple. :)13:58
PainBankhaha, well, they are not done with you. :D13:58
snap-lPainBank: So, the allegation is Apple v. Samsung is a license deal gone south?14:02
PainBankthat is what it looks like to me.  or at least, Apple gave them the chance to start off with...14:08
nullspaceoh man another kernel update... it's gotten to the point I don't bother reading the updates14:09
nullspacemore than likely it doesn't add or improve anything I would notice or know about anyway14:10
jrwrenfixed a bug in some driver for some hardware you don't have.14:57
snap-lThat Tulip Ethernet card is going to perform awesome with that Kernel upgrade. ;)15:05
jrwrenlol, those are old cards, but I gues if you aren't gigabit, they work great.15:11
snap-lrick_h_: That bad, eh? (was re: tweet)15:28
rick_h_yea, having fun today...is it over yet?15:28
snap-lNot yet15:29
shakes808snap-l: rick_h_: Can you try going to www.nunit.org please? It won't load up on my computer for some reason. Want to know if it is their site or if my work blocked it. Thank you15:46
rick_h_http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/www.nunit.org shakes80815:46
shakes808thank you rick_h_. That is an interesting site. I am guessing it is a way around firewalls and proxys15:47
rick_h_well it's checking from different servers out there15:48
rick_h_so if it can't access it via any of it's connections, it's going to say it's not just you15:48
shakes808That is pretty slick like rick ;)15:48
snap-lUm, it reports that google.com is down15:49
snap-lat least it did for me initially.15:49
snap-lI'd take that site with a small grain of salt.15:50
shakes808I plan on making an appearance at CHC this Wednesday. A coworker might join me as well. He likes the idea of CHC ;)15:50
snap-lThat said, nunit.org seems down.15:50
jrwrenpoor nunit!15:54
shakes808jrwren: You are the C# person, correct?15:58
jrwrenwhat do you need?16:01
shakes808just wanted you opinion about unit testing, what do you use?16:01
jrwrenmostly because I like the runner16:01
shakes808as of right now there isn't any unit testing set in place and was wondering if that is a good way to go or another avenue would be better16:02
jrwreni'd go nunit.16:02
jrwrengotta run, bbl16:02
shakes808coworker said that he knows and likes rhinomocks16:02
shakes808take care16:02
shakes808thank you for the quick answer ;)16:02
Blazeixshakes808: there are two different parts to testing, one is a test runner, like nunit or xunit; the second is the mocking library.16:03
Blazeixyou could use both nunit and rhinomocks together16:03
shakes808The little bit of unit testing that I have been exposed to is the short time working with Pyramid around CHC16:04
Blazeixso you could use nunit to set up test methods and classes, and rhinomocks to set up your test data objects.16:05
shakes808interesting. I will have to look more deeply into this16:06
Blazeixi'm personally a fan of the moq library in C#. i use that with mstest.16:10
shakes808is there an all-in-one?16:12
Blazeixnot that i know of, though i haven't done much research. they're sort of two separate concerns.16:16
Blazeixyou might try reading: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163904.aspx16:16
Blazeixthat will give you a decent intro to what mocking is16:16
Blazeixmaybe some of the python peeps like rick_h_ or snap-l can relate them to the pyramid testing you've done16:17
snap-lUnit Testing is for bedwetters, not real coders. (j/k)16:28
Blazeixreal programmers simply use the haskell type system to prove their program is correct.16:29
rick_h_there you go16:29
rick_h_less tests more types ftw16:29
rick_h_tests are for lazy devs :P16:30
snap-lHaskell? ADA.16:30
snap-lThrow an exception if your flaoting point types don't match. ;)16:30
Blazeixpshaw, if it doesn't use vim-like commands it isn't worth using :)16:35
Blazeixactually, i'd like to extend that to most software.16:36
jrwrenshakes808: rhinomocks works great with nunit.16:56
shakes808jrwren: Thank you. I was just looking into that :D17:04
=== brousch_ is now known as brousch
rick_h_so who wants to come over and help me move these into the house? http://ubuntuone.com/4eVf4CRSXMDXwzGprFfapH18:10
devinheitmuellerI would help, but the commute is a bit far for me.18:12
rick_h_oh come on, what's a plane flight between friends?18:12
devinheitmuellerI actually did fly to Detroit once to help a friend drive a car back to New Jersey.18:14
brouschThat's a lot of flooring18:14
devinheitmuellerBut hey, if you're willing to cover the cost of the flight, I would be happy to help.18:14
rick_h_brousch: 650sq ft + 10% I guess18:25
rick_h_24/box * 28 boxes = 672sq ft18:25
jrwrenreal hardwood?18:40
rick_h_jrwren: yea, hickory18:42
rick_h_dream floor going down, not moving for a looong while now18:43
rick_h_die carpet die!18:43
brouschRugs 4 life!18:44
rick_h_oh I'll have to pick up a couple of area rugs, a hallway runner18:45
rick_h_but nothing I can't take out back and beat18:45
rick_h_next year I'll try out some of that fancy cork stuff in my office maybe, but wood ftw!18:45
widoxrick_h_: cork is nice, had it in my kitchen18:56
rick_h_widox: cool, yea it seems like a good floor for the basement office18:57
brouschSo when it floods you can walk on it like a raft?19:11
shakes808Back, sorry meetings and such. Just found out VS / MS already has a unit testing library. How is that one? .... Or is that the reason NUnit came along, is because it wasn't that great?19:17
Blazeixyeah, that's mstest, the one i use.19:21
Blazeixi like it, good visual studio integration.19:22
Blazeixi think it might be a PITA to get it automatically running in continuous integration environments19:22
Blazeixwhich is where nunit shines, because it was The One True Testrunner for a while.19:22
shakes808Thank you19:27
jrwrenshakes808: i really hate the VS/MS "MSTEST" :)19:27
jrwrenits not extensible in places it should be, typical idiotic MS stuff like sealed classes for no reason, sealed methds for no reason.19:28
jrwrenand what Blazeix said about getting a build server up and running... you have to install an expensive VS on the build server19:28
snap-lAlso, there's a pragmatic programmer book on C# and NUnit, and apparently a coupon code for 40% off: randy_lives_6307756319:33
snap-l(good for a few hours)19:33
Blazeixshakes808: i wouldn't stress out too much about picking a testing framework. go ahead with nunit, and if you ever do need to switch for some reason, it's not a big deal.19:48
shakes808Just doing some research for the company that I am working for now. They don't have anything in place yet and since there are trying to refactor what they have with more of us programmers, just trying to see which way to go.19:53
jrwreni use nunit and mstest extensively and had #ifdefs to toggle between the two based on build flags19:54
jrwrengo nunit, if you find a reason to change, then change :)19:54
shakes808Their IT crew went from 1~4 people in the code to 5+ and they are still growing it seems like. They are using SVN for their versioning control19:55
shakes8085 is below actual number, but it has grown double in a month lol and continuing19:55
rick_h_really nice sqlite/debugging article ^^20:04
rick_h_this is going to get annoying for users http://goo.gl/TkLIS20:17
snap-lHonestly, at this point it's rather pointless to make a Twitter client20:20
snap-lThey've stated as much20:21
brouschrick_h_: You're welcome https://github.com/cwood/vim-django20:26
rick_h_brousch: :P20:41
brouschJust trying to make your life easier20:42
greg-gfeeling much better now, killing this todo items21:35
snap-lgreg-g: Man, NC /ND is a shit-stirrer. :)21:36
snap-lThough I would love for the "NC-ND is essentially the same as 'all rights reserved'" crowd to please create a podcast with every single from the Billboard Top 40 chart and tell me they're the same when the RIAA busts down their door.21:42
snap-lbbl. :)21:43
greg-gsnap-l: as social norms go, it is. See: P2P file sharing, tumblr, youtube, etc etc. Just because it isn't legal doesn't mean it isn't what most think (c) means.21:46
greg-galso, jerk for baiting and leaving21:46
greg-gI'd suggest listening to the Surprisingly Free podcast episode on the new prohibition, it was pretty well explained why this researcher thinks they are related (prohibition and modern copyright maximalism)21:50
greg-g(I linked to it in that thread, too lazy to dig it up now, don't want to look at that thread again, laurel was too gut reactive, not analytical enough for me on a topic that has long term consequences)21:51
greg-galso, one in a long line of such arguments, they all take a very thing slice view (such is the world of acadmic articles, mostly): http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=212945821:56
greg-g(I just linked to that one because I just came across it today)21:57
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, I'm a jerk, but I was at work. :)22:37
snap-lBut yeah, parallels between prohibition and (c) are pretty valid22:38
greg-grm -rf ~23:25
rick_h_how helpful greg-g23:33
Blazeixhalp i ran that command and i get error23:34
greg-gI once, accidentally created a folder called " ~" (without the quotes)23:35
greg-gthat was the scariest rm -rf I ever did23:35
brouschThis will get it back: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda23:36
rick_h_we're so going to get shut down ...23:37
Blazeix'dd' means data duplicate, it restores all your data from the automatic backup, right?23:37
brouschWait, are we actually helping someone?23:37
greg-gI sure hope not23:37
brouschOK, I came in on greg-g's command and didn't know23:38
Blazeixi, too, randomly post data destroying commands on entering a channel.23:38
greg-gthat's just the kind of clientele #ubuntu-us-mi attracts23:39
roivasI blame my typo on using a wireless apple keyboard on ubuntu23:42

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