
thafreakwhat genius thought yeah lets get rid of desktop apps and switch to web apps...13:28
thafreakgmail in chromium is using like 7.7% of ram :(13:29
thafreaktoo bad not everything runs well in midori13:29
thafreaklooks like firefox is the current least memory hog :/13:39
paultagyeah, lame13:39
paultagweb apps are meh13:39
thafreakthey'd be great, if not so ram hungry13:47
thafreakgimme a native gtk/qt/wx etc app instead13:47
paultagmy internet is very spotty13:47
thafreakeven python apps aren't that memory hungry13:47
thafreakthat's even worse13:47
thafreakso, my code I wrote to catalog all my files...mainly to see how many duplicates I have scattered across all my machines...13:58
thafreakit seems very io heavy....mostly io wait time while running13:59
thafreakwondering if I should parallelize it a bit...13:59
thafreakwould make it much more complicated...not sure how much faster it would run though14:00
thafreaknothing like downloading a single 500+mb binary executable14:16
thafreakyou've never installed an open source project based on java?14:44
thafreakthey package every single possible piece of software they may need and put it in a giant binary installer14:45
thafreakcause aparently only non admins install their crap14:45
thafreakand cause that's how you do it on windows...so that's gotta be the right way...14:46
thafreaki hate java based projects...14:46
yanome too14:47
Cheri703If I could get a desktop app that would give me ALL of the functionality of the web version of gmail, then I'd go for it. otherwise? I have yet to find a desktop app that meets my needs16:39
paultagCheri703: I was working on one for a while, but I lost time16:55
paultagit was brilliant16:56
Cheri703I mean...labs functionality and everything...16:56
paultagI know16:56
Cheri703do eeet16:56
Cheri703I like the web apps because no matter what computer I am using, I can sign in and have EVERYTHING I need16:56
thafreakbut you need a pc with >2Gb of ram if you want to check your email and do anything else on the web at the same time :'(16:57
Cheri703you can load the html only version?16:58
thafreakdoes it auto update and tell me i have new mail?16:58
Cheri703uhm, not sure.16:59
Cheri703what OS are you using?16:59
thafreakI might as well just have my tablet up as a third monitor just for telling me when I have new mail16:59
* Cheri703 's phone is good for that16:59
thafreakon this pc16:59
Cheri703there are programs that are "gmail notifier" things...also I am running "desktop notifier" on my phone and computer, so any phone notification pops up on the computer for me17:00
Cheri703*desk notifier17:00
thafreakoh yeah...is that in the repos, or something external you installed17:02
Cheri703desk notifier is external the gmail notifier things are in the software center probably17:02
Cheri703desk notifier is via wine17:02
Cheri703https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.elfsoft.desknotifier&hl=en has the download link in there for the computer application17:03
Cheri703it isn't the best solution, but it's a heck of a lot better than missing a call because I forgot my phone in the other room17:03
Cheri703I believe it's java based, so anyone who knows java want to make an ubuntu version? hint hint, anyone?17:03
thafreakscrew java...i'm in an extreme anti-java mood atm17:05
thafreakalfresco is a pile of sh*t17:05
canthus13....Nothing like going to power cycle your router... and finding it missing.17:06
canthus13Cheri703: Just got a call...17:07
thafreakI hope they were calling because their internet was "out"17:09
canthus13thafreak: They were. I had her check the connections on her router as the modem was reporting the ethernet port being down, which usually indicates an unplugged network cable.... and the router was missing. now she's beating the truth out of her children, I Think.17:10
paultag_my internet box went for a walk17:10
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
thafreakpaultag is now known as TEHTAG17:13
paultagI liked taggerdoodles17:15
paultagthafreak: so, I had ideas17:16
paultagthafreak: basically, I was trying to do what AMIs are for17:16
paultagthafreak: so, I think, I'm going to make a paultag-buildd ami, and use that, rather then this bootstrapping, apt-getting nightmare17:17
paultagonly trouble is storing these will be like 5 bucks a month17:17
paultagI need a sponsor.17:18
thafreak$5/month? how big is your ami? 50gb?17:19
paultag10, but I'll have 4 of them17:19
paultagI s'pose I could use 217:20
paultagjust for x86, another for 64 bit17:20
thafreak10gb after its all compressed and split up?17:20
paultagI have no idea17:20
paultagI don't know what i'm doing17:20
thafreakwhen you bundle an ami, it compresses the disk img down and splits it into chunks and puts it in s317:21
thafreaki'd say bundle one, and see how much space it really is first17:21
paultagI'll do that17:22
thafreakgrrr...wth man...i went to re-install this alfresco crap, cause I wanted to answer the questions differently17:46
thafreakand it didn't even prompt me this time...17:46
thafreakso I deleted all the files everywhere...did it AGAIN...still not prompting...17:47
thafreakdelete vm and start all over17:47
thafreaki really hate being a sysadmin...honestly...17:47
thafreakI think i'd rather a related job...17:47
thafreaklike system engineer17:47
thafreakother people's software is garbage17:48
paultagall software is garbage17:48
thafreakespecially if it's java...17:48
canthus13"What error message are you receiving?" "It ain't workin' or sumpin like dat.."17:48
canthus13McAfee broke the internet...17:50
thafreakwhat now17:59
canthus13DUnno.. but people with McAFee can't browse the web unless in safe mode w/ networking.18:00
canthus13I just refer 'em to McAfee. I'm not fixing it. :)18:01
thafreakwhy should you18:01
thafreakso I take it mcafee is one to avoid18:02
thafreakgood to know18:02
thafreaki need to pick one soon for my in-laws18:02
thafreakcurrently using kaspersky18:02
thafreakmight stick with it...might not18:02
thafreakconsidering uninstalling it all and just putting the microsoft endpoint thing on there18:02
canthus13McAfee screws stuff up pretty bad about every 2 years.18:03
canthus13Last time, they enforced secure connections... so much so that you could only access sites using SSL.18:05
thafreakwhich is good...as every website SHOULD be offering SSL18:06
canthus13Right, but since they don't, it's rather annoying.  I like HTTPS everywhere. :)18:11
thafreakif software stacks were people...18:39
thafreakjava would be paula dean18:39
thafreakwait, scratch that18:40
thafreakjava would be a dead body found in the ocean18:40
thafreakbloated...and useless18:40
canthus13java would be Paula Deen's cooking... lotsa butter.18:45
thafreakjava would be what years of eating paula dean's food would turn any human into18:47
thafreakso yeah, java is to computers what paula deans cooking is to humans18:47
dzhothere we go18:47
thafreakit will eventually kill you18:47
paultagend of conversation18:47
thafreakPAULA DEAN18:47
dzhoI knew we'd get around to making that comparison work somehow.18:48
paultagI will literally die18:48
thafreakpaultag: is your middle name Dean?18:48
dzholess tasty, though.18:48
thafreakthat would explain your deap hatred18:48
thafreakhell, even if it isn't your middle name, it is now in my mind18:49
thafreakpaul "a" "Dean" Taggypants18:49
paultagI'm not saying I'm glad she has diabetus18:49
paultagbut the world is likely better off18:49
thafreakany sql pro's in here?19:07
thafreakI have a bunch of rows, some of which have the same value for certain columns...19:08
thafreaki want to see just the rows that have the same values for that column...i.e. the oposite of SELECT DISTINCT19:08
canthus13meh. I suppose sql has no grep function.19:19
thafreakit has regex...but that won't help19:21
* canthus13 nods.19:22
canthus13SO... select duplicate values?19:22
thafreakheh, yeah, that looks about like what I was looking for19:25
* canthus13 eyes thafreak. "The google-fu is weak in this one...."19:27
thafreakmeh, I didn't really bother google yet :)19:30
thafreakmy lazyweb-fu is strong though ;)19:30
thafreakthanks canthus-bot19:30
canthus13haha.  http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/ywb5o/confession_time_i_spent_an_entire_day_resetting/19:58
thafreakdid her bf call you for tech support?20:24
canthus13That would have been awesome. :D20:28
canthus13I think I want this shower... http://i.imgur.com/9Ajj9.jpg21:35
thafreakcanthus13: is it golden?22:37
thafreakyou would probably have to use specific kinds of soap/shampoo as to not kill the plant life22:38
canthus13thafreak: yep.22:39
canthus13thafreak: could be done, though.  It'd be awesome to have.22:39
canthus13that freaks me out.22:39
* dzho guess fmri23:20
dzhook, guess I should look at the link.23:21
dzhohuh, not even that fancy.23:21

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