
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
mandelmorning all!08:58
czajkowskimandel: aloha09:38
mandelczajkowski, hello :)09:38
gatoxgood morning11:20
mandelgatox, morning, how is the tooth?11:23
mandelgatox, if your face look like a balloon take a pict!11:23
gatoxmandel, painnnnn, but manageable....... but the doctor recommend me not to get surgery before my trip because soomething can go wrong... so i will need to extract it when i get back :11:24
gatoxnot, my face looks normal....... well, normal......... as usual11:25
mandelgatox, ouch! well, I hope it does not give you any problems in NZ11:25
gatoxmandel, i hope that too..... my major concern is not being able to speak the next sunday.... but the doctor gave a lot of painkillers just in case for my trip jeje11:26
mandelgatox, if not, speak via the pc :)11:26
mandelgatox, that and a wheelchair and you will be more than impressive hehehe11:27
gatoxmandel, espeak "hello, i'm going to talk about ninja-ide"11:27
mandeljust like that hehehe11:28
mandelgatox, if I where you I would record it just in case, at least you can be there and show a video in person :)11:28
mandelgatox, I saw that ralsina fixed lots of the ui problems in mac, right?11:29
gatoxna..... i'm going to talk..... even with pain.... i prepare a really funny presentation http://ubuntuone.com/7fMIOKbq3xfPjwEOVghGMD11:29
gatoxmandel, i heard something about it, but didn't see any branch11:29
mandelgatox, awesome, I'm in the process of fixing the dead references once and for all :)11:30
mandelI hate that ipc code..11:30
mandelgatox, and turns out that the macfsevents guy used to work for canonical, so the changes should land in upstream :)11:30
gatoxjeje yes, i saw your twit11:31
mandelsmall world11:31
alecuhello, all!12:07
mandelalecu, morning!12:08
mandelI need to get lunch or I'll die, catch you in 30/45 min12:09
gatoxalecu, hi12:13
ralsinagood morning!12:25
gatoxralsina, hi!12:25
ralsinamandel, gatox: yes I did and they are merged already12:25
ralsinamandel: see why you didn't have to worry about those? ;-)12:25
gatoxralsina, alecu i've made some updates in my branch12:43
alecugatox: ack12:45
gatoxalecu, sorry for the long branch..... it was too late when i realize..... but a lot of parts of the branch are really trivial12:45
gatoxalsooooo... please remember that today is my last day before the vacation.... so if you could do the reviews today, so i fix anything i need to fix, IT WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED!12:46
alecugatox: yup, I remember!12:46
gatoxthx! :D12:47
* alecu is not happy reviewing long branches.12:47
gatoxi know.... sorry..12:47
* alecu reviews anyways, and makes a small note to play saboteur tonight, and kill a few ninjas.12:47
alecugatox: in ubuntuone/controlpanel/backend.py, in def get_public_files()...12:51
alecugatox: I think there's a returnValue missing12:51
gatoxalecu, mmmm that method doesn't return anything....... just trigger the action, and the informatoin is retrieved in the signal PublicFilesList12:52
alecugatox: oh, right.12:53
ralsina_Hello, this is me on the backup IRC client, so if you said anything I need to know since friday, please repeat ;-)12:58
alecugatox: why do we set qss inside the code??? I mean btn_icon_style='''....''' for instance.12:59
alecugatox: isn't there a way to just change the style by qss id name or something similar?13:00
gatoxalecu, i did it that way..... because we use the same enhancer..... to build different line edits with buttons, and in one of them we need a special style but not in the other13:00
alecugatox: I understand why we need to change the style.13:01
gatoxalecu, i could do 2 qss styles, and let the user specify just the  name13:01
alecugatox: right!13:01
gatoxdo you prefer that?13:01
alecugatox: that's what I was asking about.13:01
alecugatox: yes: I would prefer if we keep all the styling together.13:01
alecugatox: anyway: not a blocker for this branch, so please add it as a new bug.13:02
gatoxalecu, as you wish..... i can change that in a few secs13:02
gatoxalecu, do you mind if i do it now?13:03
alecugatox: no, go ahead!13:03
gatoxalecu, roger that13:03
alecugatox: I've added a couple of comments to the branch, but I'm still reviewing it.13:03
gatoxalecu, ack13:03
alecugatox: same question regarding the <span style="..."> inside the QLabels.... can't they get the style from the QSS?13:10
gatoxalecu, nop13:11
gatoxalecu, we have label styling in several places13:11
alecugatox: :-(13:11
alecugatox: yes, I see that it's done all over our code.13:11
gatoxalecu, that's why you can customize different parts of the same string in different ways.... as we do there13:11
alecugatox: right, but perhaps QLabels have a way to do that like in html. Like <span class="qssname">, and in the qss you define the right style.13:13
ralsina_alecu: no, you would have to set a CSS stylesheet for the QLabels to do that13:13
ralsina_alecu: and then set the same stylesheet on each QLabel13:14
alecugatox, ralsina_: if there's no option to do this, then let's move all these custom styles (colors and font sizes) into just one file. I think we should not have styles scattered everywhere.13:15
alecugatox: anyway: not blocking for this branch, don't worry about fixing it here.13:15
ralsina_alecu: yes, a few constants is a better idea13:15
ralsina_gatox, alecu: file a bug13:15
gatoxalecu, ralsina_ i'll file that bug13:15
gatoxralsina_, alecu bug created...13:19
ralsina_gatox: awesome13:19
mandelralsina_, yes, I saw :)13:23
* mandel back13:23
mandelralsina_, alecu, mmcc, do you know how to reproduce the 'Stale Broker'  exception in any of the platforms (Windows or Mac) ?13:29
mandelgatox, ^13:30
ralsina_mandel: not intentionally13:30
gatoxmandel, nop.....13:30
ralsina_mandel: on mac, apparently it's enough to just switch tabs a few times13:30
mandelralsina_, ok, good to know, I wonder why it happens because that means that the object ref in the server side is not valid anymore, I want to try if re-requesting the ref is ok or the root is also funky13:31
ralsina_mandel: my guess is the TCP socket for IPC reconnects and you get a new ref but that's just guessing13:31
ralsina_mandel: and then the old ref is stale13:31
mandelralsina_, which can only happen if the root object is gc, so in theory it should also be out13:33
mandelralsina_, expecting the exception in the tools code and reconnecting if needed should fix the problem, got a solution like that I'll test it and will propose13:34
mandelralsina_, should also fix the problem on windows :)13:34
ralsina_mandel: awwwwwwwesome13:35
ralsina_this is the "fix the stupid bugs we are dragging for a year" week!13:35
alecugatox: a few more comments on the branch (still reviewing)13:37
gatoxalecu, ack13:37
ralsina_Oh, sqlite, I love you but I hate you so much.13:39
mandelalecu, I should not be using iteritems in new code, right? what is the new method to be used called?13:49
ralsina_mandel: just use items13:50
mandelralsina_, but that is not an iterator, right?13:50
ralsina_mandel: it's one in py3, not in py213:51
ralsina_mandel: and yes, that means it's less efficient in py2. Unless you expect a bazillion items...13:51
mandelralsina_, should not be a problem, is just the signals that has already been connected so that on reconnection we do still work correctly13:52
ralsina_mandel: ok13:52
chaselivingstonmmcc, mandel: I've been getting an error quite a bit recently from the mac app, something about "calling stale broker"13:53
chaselivingstonany ideas?13:53
mandelchaselivingston, yes, is my top bug atm :)13:53
chaselivingstonmandel: awesome, good to know :)13:53
mandelchaselivingston, seems that the ipc reconnects, there is a gc call and the remote objects are gone13:53
mandelin case you wanted to know the possible reason13:53
chaselivingstonmandel: haha thanks13:54
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ralsina_chaselivingston: we probably are going to get a new build today that fixes a few f the reported issues13:57
chaselivingstonralsina_: awesome, looking forward to checking it out13:57
ralsina_chaselivingston: may even have something useful in the "share" tab :-)13:57
chaselivingstonralsina_: haha, nice!13:58
* mandel feels dirty than usual when patching __getattr__14:10
ralsina_mandel: that doesn't feel like something that would have to be done in any sane code14:13
mandelralsina_, is for a testcase because the perspective_broker implementation of sdtools uses __getattr_ to wrap any attribute call with a possible deferred call14:13
ralsina_mandel: ok, if you are testing crazy code I suppose it's ok14:14
mandelralsina_, yes, it is crazy code14:14
gatoxalecu, i'm a little confuse about this: There's an extra blank line after "class ShareLinksPanel" and its docstring. ...... i was told that was the way to do it14:16
gatoxis it wrong?14:17
ralsina_gatox: Leaving an extra line between the class and the docstring if the class has more than one "block" in it is ok according to the PEP14:17
gatoxralsina_, more than one "block"?14:18
gatoxmultiline docstring?14:18
ralsina_gatox: but there's two blanks BELOW the docstring14:18
ralsina_gatox: no, if a class has, for example, two methods, which are separated by blanks, then the docstring should be separated by blanks too14:19
ralsina_gatox: oh, wait. that's only one below, sorry14:19
ralsina_gatox: that docstring is ok, except it's missing the final "."14:19
gatoxralsina_, so..... my docstrings are ok?14:19
ralsina_gatox: ok, according to pep257, one-line docstrings have no blaks before or after14:21
gatoxok..... so deleting that.... grrrrr contradictory peps!14:21
ralsina_gatox: the extra blank lines before and/or after is only for multiline docstrings14:21
ralsina_gatox: and don't forget the "." :-14:21
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
dobeyoh bugger. ui freeze *is* on thursday :(14:35
ralsina_dobey: I thought it was next week!14:35
dobeynope. next week is b1 release; ui and b1 freeze are thursday (aug 30)14:36
ralsina_dobey: just checked, you are right :-/14:36
ralsina_dobey: so we need to do releases again, right?14:37
dobey3.99.90 release is scheduled for today, yes :)14:37
ralsina_dobey: hmmm late toay I hope ;-)14:38
alecugatox: sorry, I'm feeling not quite well today, so I was afk.14:38
gatoxalecu, no problem14:38
ralsina_dobey: at least u1cp14:38
gatoxalecu, get better! :)14:38
alecugatox: re: the extra blank lines, I mean the empty lines between the class definition and the docstring14:38
gatoxalecu, yes, ralsina already explain it to me14:39
alecugatox: ah, ok.14:39
dobeytime dilation bubble would be awesome right now14:39
ralsina_dobey: yeah14:42
ralsina_dobey: in any case, we don't have any UI changes pending AFAIR except for diego's and the rb stuff that was going to need exceptions anyway14:43
ralsina_dobey: and all the dash stuff is in libunity and the exceptions are njpatel's to request14:44
ralsina_dobey: right, missed that one14:47
mmccgood morning everyone!14:49
ralsina_good morning mmcc!14:49
ralsina_dobey: so, average morning? ;-)14:49
mmccgood news - this morning I got a response from an Apple dev relations person about the blocking issue I had on Friday :) -> no time spent waiting for help!14:50
dobeyreminder of all the things you wanted to get done and don't have time to do, morning14:50
ralsina_mmcc: awesome14:50
mmccalso, OS security-enforcement code that crashes when you send it a string instead of a dictionary -> yikes!14:50
ralsina_mmcc: so, feeling good about another build today?14:51
mmccralsina_: right now I am. ask again in 20 minutes ;)14:51
ralsina_mmcc: will do :-)14:51
mandelmmcc, before you do the build, let me know there is a branch I'd like you to include for testing14:53
ralsina_mmcc, dobey, alecu, gatox, mandel, briancurtin, thisfred_: standup starts in 7, ends in 9 ;-)14:53
mmccmandel: sure.14:53
alecuralsina_: do we have techleads call today_14:55
ralsina_alecu: apparently not14:56
ralsina_dobey, thisfred_, mmcc, briancurtin: tick tock15:01
ralsina_oops, not you briancurtin :-)15:01
briancurtinyessss, i'm out of the twitter shaming15:01
alecumandel: go15:02
mandelDONE: Could not work on friday due to stupid telefonica changing all the network. Looked at the stale broker problem, we have reconnection problems which seem to be common on mac. Made code that will reconnect and get new remote objects with the correct python references. Talked with macfsevents to land our changes in, should be ok, also developer is an ex-canonical :)15:02
mandelTODO: 1-1 ralsina. Find what import is screwing up my tests. Test the code irl. Move to the next ugly bug (to be defined).15:02
mandelBLOCKED: No15:02
mandelgatox, your turn!15:02
gatoxPropose Share Links tab branch, with all the functionality. Start fixing the branch according some comments.15:02
gatoxFinish fixing the branch. Prepare for my vacations. Enjoy vacations.15:02
gatoxI'll be back on September 10th.15:02
gatoxbriancurtin, go15:02
briancurtinDONE: subprocess, read up on python-defer15:02
briancurtinTODO: figure out cross-version subprocess stdout/stderr once and for all...15:02
briancurtinNEXT: alecu15:02
alecuDONE: got vala doing oauth and calling webservices with libsoup (thanks rye!). reviews, more reviews.15:02
alecuTODO: more reviews, more vala, learn nux15:02
alecuBLOCKED: no15:02
alecuNEXT: ralsina_15:02
ralsina_DONE: redid mac env, fixed a couple of mac UI issues (yay), helped around, reviews, canonicaladmin, etc. TODO: check schedules, check exceptions,  hopefully fix some other stuff, coordinate with other teams BLOCKED: the UK bankholiday is not helping NEXT dobey15:02
dobeyDONE: reviews, py3 rb plug-in15:02
dobeyTODO: releases, icon generating magic, music store work15:02
dobeyBLCK: None.15:02
dobeythisfred_: go15:02
thisfred_DONE: refactored v1 and v2 music web api to use common base.py TODO: introduce u1db to base.py BLO(CKED: no NEXT15:02
ralsina_NO SHAMING TODAY!15:02
gatoxralsina_, yes! mmcc15:03
gatoxor he is not around?15:03
ralsina_mmcc? ;-)15:03
ralsina_gatox: he was a little while ago15:03
* ralsina_ goes work on the shaming15:03
gatoxalecu, branch has been updated15:03
alecugatox: great15:03
mmccsorry, toddler emergency, back now. perfect timing…15:05
mmccDONE: launchd, updated dev instructions, discussed daemon15:05
mmccupgrade and versioning issues15:05
mmccTODO: launchd15:05
mmccBLCK: no15:05
ralsina_cool, comments?15:06
ralsina_mmcc: sorry, had I known it was because of toddler issues I woul have held it ;-)15:06
mmccralsina_: no prob :)15:07
ralsina_I wouldn't have expected this to work, but we are having much cleaner standups lately :-)15:08
gatoxtwitter shaming is a powerful weapon15:09
alecugatox: double dot here: """Get the information of the shares.."""15:10
gatoxalecu, fixed15:11
alecugatox: do you have the number for the bug I asked you to create earlier today?15:12
gatoxah yes..... adding to the comment15:13
gatoxalecu, done15:14
* gatox lunch15:16
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
dobeyok; lunch and then a lot of work. bbiab15:22
mandelmmcc, could you build the app bundle using lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-client/stale-broker ??15:23
mmccok mandel - you mean right now or just when we do the next build to share?15:24
mmccbtw, have you tried building the app yourself? I still don't know if anyone else has done it recently15:24
mandelmmcc, next time :)15:24
mmccmandel: k15:24
mandelmmcc, no I have not, if you point me to instructions I'll do it right now :)15:24
gatox_lunchalecu, i forgot to fix something.... doing it now15:25
mmccmandel, probably best to be using the new buildout15:26
mandelmmcc, ok, I'll give it a try15:26
mmccmandel, one thing I just noticed in there. py2app might already be installed on your system but it's probably out of date. you will need to get py2app and its dependencies from bitbucket15:29
mandelmmcc, ok, so no easy_install, right?15:30
mmccmandel: I don't think he's released the changes you need yet…15:30
czajkowskidobey: you about ?15:32
mmccmandel: here are the deps you need to install -- py2app last: altgraph modulegraph macholib py2app15:33
mmccall from bitbucket.org/ronaldoussoren15:33
briancurtinczajkowski: he just went to lunch a few minutes ago15:33
czajkowskibriancurtin: thanks15:33
mmccI just did 'python setup.py develop' from each, but you could install instead of develop, if you don't need to tweak it15:34
mmccand you shouldn't15:34
czajkowskidobey: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers-libs was registered but licience left empty can you get someone to change it please, it's in my review queue15:34
mandelmmcc, ok, I'll just be like a machine and follow each step15:34
* mmcc is one step closer to a botnet15:35
ralsinaah, back with the good IRC client :-)15:40
mandelralsina, on trunk I see a funny mirroed loading widget, is this known?15:41
ralsinamandel: no idea what you mea15:41
mandelralsina, let me post a pict, I'll do it as soon as I'm done testing :)15:41
ralsinamandel: ok15:42
mandelralsina, just happens at the very beginning of the app15:42
ralsinamandel: oh, wait, you see two overlays?15:42
mandelralsina, yes15:42
ralsinamandel: one is global the other one is on the tab, no idea why that started happening15:42
mandelralsina, oh, ok15:42
mandelralsina, 1-1? or are you to busy right now?15:43
ralsinamandel: it clears up in a couple of seconds though15:43
ralsinamandel: in 17'?15:43
mandelralsina, yes, I noticed15:43
mandelralsina, 17' mins then :)15:43
mandelralsina, if you use --with-icon the overlay seems to stay there15:53
ralsinamandel: hmmm you shoud be getting an exception somewhere in that case15:54
mandelralsina, ok, I'm looking into solving the json decode issues we have which are usually error pages coming from the server ad will take a look closer to that, the stale brokers problems seems to be fixed or hard to reproduce when running from comandline15:55
ralsinamandel: ok15:56
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
mandelalecu, mmcc, can I have a review for the following: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/stale-broker/+merge/12145616:00
ralsinamandel: mumblez16:00
mandelralsina, sure, launching the thing16:00
alecugatox_lunch: I added one final needsfixing to the branch. I might agree to move it to a new bug, so let's discuss it when you get back.16:10
alecugatox_lunch: otherwise the branch is in good shape to me.16:10
mmccmandel: do you know why the PB is getting disconnected? just reconnecting seems like a band-aid to me…16:12
mandelmmcc, no idea, the issue does happen on widows again. Twisted will reconnect automatically, what the code does is to re-request the references of the server side objects so that we do not ask for the wrong id16:13
mandelmmcc, the way pb works is that it uses the python object id to point to the object that should perform the requested method, and when that objects is gc you get a stale broker error16:14
mandelmmcc, the main reason would be that the factory is release the root object which is the only guy that has the reference to all remote objects which then are also gc16:14
mmccmandel: understood, but why is the connection getting broken in the first place?16:14
mandelmmcc, no idea16:15
mandelmmcc, will need to look deeper in twisted to know exactly why, alecu any idea?16:15
mmccsomeone mentioned TCP timeouts earlier, but we're not using TCP, right? are we just mis-configuring the initial connection or something?16:15
mmccI mean, auto-reconnecting might be useful to have anyway, and your code is logging when it happens, that's good, but I'd also like to try to fix the root problem too16:16
mandelmmcc, I'll look closer during the tests to catch the reason, I also want to know why :)16:17
mandelat least we have a way to fix the issue or better said, not expose the issue to the user16:17
mandelralsina, an example of the json decode issue is shown in the image of bug 104091016:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040910 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "U1 Darwin Client Crash on OSX " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104091016:19
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
gatoxalecu, reviewing your comments16:19
alecugatox: one second, I'm adding one more thing.16:19
ralsinamandel: ack16:20
gatoxalecu, i've just fixed the FakeDesktopService thing that i forgot16:20
alecugatox: done. Two things of notice in the comments: some tests are missing, and the UI gets unresponsive for 15 seconds on startup.16:21
alecummcc, mandel: the only time I noticed that the PB connection is dropped is when one of the two process speaking dies or finishes, or is killed.16:23
mmccalecu, mandel - what was triggering the stale broker errors in the bug? I never saw them… were they with syncdaemon or some other backend process?16:23
mandelalecu, any idea on where to start looking on why twisted reconnects? the issues is definitely related to the refs being removed16:24
mandelmmcc, I have seen it via changing the tabs in control panel, chaselivingston has seen them too that way16:24
gatoxalecu, i'll split the keyPress code..... and try to see how to avoid the blocking thing16:25
alecugatox: I think we can split keypress and add tests to it on a different branch.16:25
alecugatox: I'm more worried about the blocking thing16:25
alecugatox: my guess is that it might get worse for people with much more files.16:26
alecugatox: how many files do you have in the account you tested with?16:26
gatoxalecu, probably...... because here is less than 15 sec16:26
gatoxalecu, i only have 854mb16:26
alecugatox: I've got 17000 files (mostly photos)16:28
gatoxalecu, i don't have so much files16:29
alecugatox: 30Gb16:29
mmccmandel: so if changing tabs makes it happen, does that mean it's the control panel backend and not the syncdaemon?16:29
alecugatox: so, this will get worse for people with more files.16:29
gatoxalecu, yes16:29
mmccmandel: I'm trying to find the connection between the CP backend and the code you changed in u1-client on your branch…16:29
chaselivingstonmandel, mmcc: it seems as if uploading has stopped as a result of that stale broker issue as well16:29
gatoxalecu, i tried to do something about it.... but it seems didn't work.... will take a deeper look at that now16:30
mmccchaselivingston: ok, noted… :\16:30
mmccchaselivingston: are you observing that via the UI, or looking at the web interface?16:30
chaselivingstonmmcc: that is assuming that the size of the u1 folder locally should match its size on the website16:31
mandelmmcc, so the back end uses ubuntuone/platform/tools to make the calls to the server side, I need to double check how the control panel backend and the control panel interact but AFAIK they do not use ipc16:31
mandelralsina, gatox, how do the control panel and the control panel backend interact on mac, do they use IPC?16:31
chaselivingstonmmcc: guess that answered your question :)16:32
mandelmmcc, if the answer to that ^ is a yes I have to add similar code for them just in case16:32
mmccchaselivingston: yes…16:32
gatoxmandel, yes16:32
mandelchaselivingston, I have made the changes and have not seen a problem yet16:32
mandelgatox, yes.. bummer or 'mierda' as you please..16:32
chaselivingstonmandel: meaning you're running a new build?16:32
mmccgatox: it uses code in sso, though, right?16:32
mmccchaselivingston: he's running from source16:32
mandelchaselivingston, I'm doing irl tests from source :)16:33
gatoxmmcc, not for that.... or i'm missing something16:33
chaselivingstonmmcc, mandel: gotcha, well good to know something is coming that should fix what I'm seeing16:33
alecugatox: and here's a bug: if you scroll not using the down key (for instance with the scrollwheel), no new items are added to the list.16:33
mmccgatox: well, grepping for 'ipc' gets nothing in ubuntuone-control-panel/16:33
alecugatox: also, pgdown pgup do not work.16:33
mandelchaselivingston, mmcc know the branch with the fix, we want to put it there for irl testing before landing16:33
mmccso I figured it was getting it somewhere else16:33
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
mandelmmcc, I know that ubuntuone/platform/tools uses ipc, which is what is used to talk with sd16:34
mandelmmcc, I'll keep looking there to see if there is more ipc to fix16:34
gatoxalecu, ok..... i'll try to add all of that today...... but i suggest that something like that is missing a t the end of the day, we should open bugs for that..... because that is not blocking... and i'm not going to be here for 2 weeks16:35
mmccmandel: right, I see the sd tool being used in cp, but nothing else. but how is changing tabs related to our connection to SD? and SD isn't dying, right? do we have more than one connection to SD? (one per tab?!)16:35
alecugatox: of course! do not waste time with pg/pgdown nor scroll: those can wait.16:35
alecugatox: those are just bugs16:36
alecugatox: but the delay that is added is more serious, because nightlies will have that delay for every user with many files.16:36
mandelmmcc, we have one sdtool per tab AFAIK, when there is a reconnect all those sdtools have old references but the update is just done when you move to the tab, we can say is lazy16:36
mandelmmcc, but I'd need to double check that by looking at the code, it is not an area I've spent a long time with16:37
mmccmandel: ok. so I wonder if we're causing problems by reusing the same socket for multiple connections between the same two processes16:38
mandelmmcc, should not be a problem, twisted should deal with that16:38
mandelbut yet again, god only knows..16:38
mmccIt's not inherently wrong to connect over the same socket multiple times between two processes, but I bet twisted doesn't expect you to do that16:39
mandelmmcc, it does, twisted in that matter is really good, but is worth looking at the internals16:40
alecugatox: I think I found inklings of the problem16:44
gatoxalecu, shoot16:44
alecugatox: trunk uses 0.8% of my 8Gb of ram. Your branch uses 5.8%!!!!16:44
alecugatox: that's only second to firefox with a lots of tabs opened.16:45
alecugatox: my guess is that the scanning of the files is using too much cpu on start, plus a lot of ram.16:46
gatoxalecu, mmmmmm..... that's probably because we have the information of the files in memory.... the other solution will be to store the info with sqlite and do queries while the user type...... not so sure about this16:46
mmccmandel: in my syncdaemon log just now, it looks like something's using TCP: ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - Connection started to host, port 53108.16:46
alecugatox: that sounds like an awful solution, using sqlite.16:47
gatoxi agree16:47
alecugatox: I would guess that there are a bunch of more elegant, and less resource intensive solutions.16:47
mandelmmcc, yes, but that is action q, nothing to worry about regarding this bug, that is too low within sd16:47
mmccmandel: ok, but aren't we supposed to be using unix sockets for the IPC? just looking to see where we might be missing something here16:48
alecugatox: I'll try to come up with one while I have lunch.16:48
mandelmmcc, all ipc was moved to sockets yes, we might have left out something not related with ipc but I would be surprised since we did not notice it on the windows port16:48
mmccmandel btw, does the monitor code log which monitor it is using anywhere?16:49
gatoxalecu, ok..... i'm improving the keyPressEvent method16:49
mmccmandel, I'm trying to verify that i"ve actually connected to the root daemon16:49
mandelmmcc, lets ask in #chicharra (internal) about action q16:49
mandelmmcc, hm.. i might not do it, let me check16:49
alecugatox: let's mumble with ralsina after I get back from lunch, and we can decide if we land it like this, or if we wait after you get back and come up with a different approach.16:49
mandelmmcc, it does not log it16:50
mmccmandel: ok, well at least that means I might be using the right one :)16:51
mandelmmcc, please file a bug and I'll have that fix tom morning16:51
mmccmandel: ok16:52
alecugatox: this line may have part of the blame:16:55
alecufiles_list += [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files]16:55
mmccmandel: bug #104233616:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1042336 in Ubuntu One Client "platform filesystem monitor code does not log which monitor it used" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104233616:55
alecugatox: try it with files_list.extend(...)16:55
mandelmmcc, awesome, I'll do that asap16:55
mmccmandel: thanks16:56
gatoxalecu, will try16:56
alecugatox: or unrolling that list comprehension16:56
alecugatox: because += creates a whole new list each time16:56
alecu(I *think*)16:57
ralsinaalecu: it shouldn't16:57
* ralsina checks16:57
alecuralsina: right, it does not.16:57
joshuahooverralsina, alecu: sounds like the sync indicator has landed in q now...can you take a look soon and see how much time you think it'll take for us to hook u1 up?16:58
ralsinaalecu: it just extends()16:58
ralsinajoshuahoover: I am guessing about a week of work but it may be we can't do it until after gatox comes back from vacation16:58
ralsinajoshuahoover: which means Sept. 17th16:58
alecujoshuahoover: I'll take a look, sure. But yes, such bad timing, with gatox going on vacation :-(16:59
ralsinajoshuahoover: we may be able to make it happen sooner but I am not promising16:59
joshuahooverralsina: ah, k...would be good if you or someone else could take a look at it to see if there are any question/concerns we have about the api before gatox gets back16:59
ralsinajoshuahoover: yes, that we can do17:00
dobeyczajkowski: hrmm17:00
ralsinajoshuahoover: we were talking with them about APIs and how to do stuf, it's just that things got merged late and some bad timing luck. But we'll get it done.17:03
dobeyspeaking of vacations, i need to use mine at some point before the year ends17:08
ralsinadobey: yes you do17:09
dobeyit's too bad i can't engineer the weather to be amiable during the holidays i take17:10
ralsinadobey: YET17:11
ralsinaI'm off for lunch, will be back soonish.17:12
dobeyyeah, i need a kickstarter for my "global weather control doomsday device"17:13
mandeldobey, sorry I have the patent of a 'device' of any form, color or shape that might but not may control the global weather, I have a small diagram of it too17:15
mmccwhy does it always have to be a doomsday device? why not a "pleasantday" device. or a birthday device? we could all have cake17:15
mandelralsina, mmcc, feel free to review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fs-darwin-logging/+merge/12146617:18
joshuahooverralsina: fyi...i filed bug #1042343 for a ffe for the sync indicator work and assigned to you (for now)17:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 1042343 in Ubuntu One Client "[FFE] Ubuntu One integration with Q sync indicator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104234317:18
czajkowskidobey: indeed17:20
dobeyczajkowski: i'll review it when i get an answer17:21
czajkowskidobey: cheers17:24
mandelall, EOD for me, I need to walk the dog, see you tom!17:40
mandelmmcc, remember to use the stale broker branch in the bundle, I'll like to see if it fixes the issue, alecu do please review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/stale-broker/+merge/12145617:41
mandeladios! o/17:41
mmccbye mandel, thanks17:42
gatoxmandel, bye17:47
mmccalecu I'd like your input on that one too - I'm wondering what the root cause is…17:48
* briancurtin lunch17:58
ralsinajoshuahoover: awesome, thanks18:09
ralsinammcc: if it happens switching tabs, it may be between u1cp-frontend and u1cp-backend18:14
mmccralsina: right… but those aren't actual separate processes, are they?18:15
ralsinammcc: no18:15
ralsinammcc: so probably not18:15
mmccbtw, I was disconnected for a bit there, did I miss any discussion? sorry…18:16
ralsinammcc: no, I just caught up with backlog18:17
mmccralsina ok.18:17
mmccarch. back again, stupid key shortcut18:18
gatoxalecu, let me know when you want to mumble with ralsina and me18:22
ralsinahah! That bug is not darwin-specific. Which means I get to fix it in ubuntu. WIN!18:23
ralsinagatox, alecu:whenever you guys say18:24
mmccralsina: what bug?18:26
ralsinammcc: bug #104089918:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1040899 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "“Limit upload speed” setting value not saving" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104089918:26
mmccoh right, yeah I verified it in precise18:26
ralsinammcc: which is one of the bugs QA reported from the mac exploratory testing18:26
ralsinaplus, it seems easy enough18:27
alecuralsina, gatox: let's!18:32
ralsinastarting the mumbler18:33
briancurtinralsina: for run-tests scripts to support python3, is it acceptable for that to be done via a "-3" flag or does it need to be smarter than that?18:46
ralsinabriancurtin: smart is bad18:46
ralsinabriancurtin: ;-)18:47
ralsinabriancurtin: at least in this specific case, -3 is awesome18:47
briancurtinalright, cool18:47
dobeybriancurtin: well, ideally we'd run the test suite on both 2 and 318:49
dobeybriancurtin: but given where things are at the moment, we can't really do that18:50
briancurtindobey: yeah i was originally thinking that, since i end up manually running on 2 and then running on 3. do you think it's fine to go with a -3 flag for hte time being?18:51
dobeybriancurtin: the problem with doing that is that we have to pass the full path of the script to python, since we can't do "u1trial -3" for example18:52
dobeybriancurtin: so for OSX, it's a problem18:52
dobey(and windows)18:52
mmccdobey: the new buildout has a python that accepts all flags18:53
mmccnot sure if that helps with u1trial though18:53
briancurtindobey: i was doing that from within run-tests, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-dev-tools/py3-run-tests/revision/9218:53
mmccoh, that's different than 'python -3'18:54
briancurtin(i don't really know if that's a good solution, my bash knowledge is limited, but that least lets me run the tests on 2 and 3, albeit manually)18:54
dobeybriancurtin: oh, ick.18:54
dobeybriancurtin: that's not the same as python -318:54
briancurtini know18:54
briancurtini want to execute tests on python2 and on python318:54
dobeyso it won't catch things that break18:55
briancurtinif that branch is wrong, how should run-tests execute tests on python2 and python318:55
dobeyi really wish we didn't have to do all this -i foo.py -p foobar/windows junk18:55
briancurtini'm not (currently) worried about passing flags to the interpreter18:55
dobeybriancurtin: i think in cases where we can run the tests on both versions, we should; if we can't, we shouldn't. understand why you want the -3 thing there though, because passing all the args around to u1trial is really annoying18:56
gatoxalecu, i know where is being blocking!!!18:56
gatoxeasy to fix18:56
mmccbriancurtin: since you just want to do it manually, you could do "PYTHON=python3 ./run-tests"18:57
alecugatox: I think I found it too.18:57
alecugatox: it's the initial pass of load_items18:58
mmccat least I think that works. If I'm wrong I'll claim I was thinking of a different shell18:58
gatoxalecu, yes!18:58
gatoxalecu, because i'm not loading the list by parts like the other place18:58
gatoxand that is what is eating all the memory too18:58
gatoxbecause there is a lot of qlabels18:58
dobeymmcc: it doesn't work if run-tests isn't doing $PYTHON u1trial...18:59
mmccdobey: it is, in his r92 he linked18:59
dobeymmcc: only because he also added that in his branch already i presume18:59
dobeymmcc: also that's in ubuntuone-dev-tools, which he was pointing at as an example. and he's asking about ubuntu-sso-client, which doesn't do that :)19:00
gatoxalecu, works like a charm now :P19:00
dobeyi think?19:00
alecugatox: yes, it should work much better now.19:01
dobeybriancurtin: are you asking to do this in dev-tools or sso?19:01
mmccdobey: aha. well, you added $PYTHON in that file, but I'm not sure about sso19:01
briancurtindobey: i'd eventually need something for sso, but for now i just need dev-tools19:01
gatoxalecu, pushed...... you can test that while i finish fixing the tests19:01
gatoxnow is fast! :D19:03
dobeyoh right19:03
dobeybecause in dev-tools it runs the scripts from within the tree19:04
alecugatox: the search is case sensitive!19:05
gatoxalecu, shouldn?19:05
dobeybriancurtin: need to run for a few real quick, but let me think about it while i'm doing that19:05
briancurtindobey: sounds good19:05
alecugatox: I tried searching with "belf" for a file that's named "Belfast", and it's not being found!19:05
ralsinaanyone: easy brach for review https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/keanu-in-a-bus/+merge/12147519:05
alecugatox: I think this should not be case sensitive.19:05
gatoxalecu, ok.... i'll fix that19:05
alecugatox: anyway, bugfix for later19:05
mmccSo - I can't reproduce the stale broker error that mandel proposed a fix for. However, while trying to understand it, I noticed that if you watch the control-panel log, sso.main calls shutdown() just after all the control-panel pages are loaded. Should it be shutting down (ref_count = 0) so early?19:06
alecugatox: please just add it as a bug.19:06
gatoxalecu, it's just: lower() to all the strings19:06
ralsinammcc: sso shuts down a few seconds after it hands credentials to the last app that requested it19:06
alecugatox: assuming all the files have ascii names, yes.19:06
ralsinammcc: it's pretty quick19:06
gatoxahhhhh okok19:06
gatoxbug it is19:06
mmccralsina: ok, so red herring. thx19:06
alecugatox: but remember this word: "UNICODE"19:06
gatoxi know..... i still have nightmares with that19:07
ralsinagatox: ¡já!19:07
alecugatox: I need to fetch Amelia from kinder, I'll re-review when I get back.19:07
ralsinaalecu, gatox: please don't break it for turkish where lower(upper('i')) != 'i' :-)19:07
gatoxralsina, that sounds like endless hours of funn...... for someone else19:08
ralsinaor rather lower('I') != 'i' :-)19:08
gatoxwhy...... why are you ignoring me patch function??!!19:09
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
gatoxralsina, i don't know if you read it..... it seems that the memory and cpu issue is already fix now :P19:15
ralsinagatox: AWESOME19:16
ralsinaHave to go pick up my son. Will be back in about 15'19:16
gatoxalecu, ralsina tests fixed and pushed19:22
alecugatox: looking19:37
dobeybriancurtin: i guess the -3 is an ok stopgap in dev-tools run-tests for now, so that people who can run the tests with python3, can do so manually; but a bug saying we should always run the tests with python3 to go along with, would be nice19:38
briancurtindobey: alright, i'll put that in19:38
briancurtinrestarting, printer isn't being found19:41
alecugatox: why this? self.data['cls'] = FakeDesktopService19:42
alecugatox: what is it used for?19:42
gatoxahhhhh legacy19:42
ralsinagatox: starting review of it19:43
ralsinagatox: if you are not too busy can I get a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/keanu-in-a-bus/+merge/12147519:43
gatoxralsina, i've justttttt pushed some changes19:43
gatoxralsina, on it19:44
ralsinagatox: ok, pulling19:44
gatoxalecu, fixed19:44
gatoxalecu, ralsina also, there was a missing docstring that i just pushed19:44
gatoxralsina, jejejeje keanu in a bus?19:45
ralsinagatox: it's about speed!19:45
mmccis there any way we could make the twisted PB connection lost error tell us anything about *which* connection was lost?19:48
mmcclike setenv TWISTED_USEFUL_ERRORS=1 ?19:48
ralsinammcc: YOU_WISH=119:50
gatoxralsina, +119:52
ralsinagatox: awesome19:52
ralsinagatox: yours is going to take a bit longer ;-)19:52
dobeymmcc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-dev-tools/+bug/791834 <- this maybe?19:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 791834 in ubuntuone-dev-tools "Add an option to enable DelayedCall.debug" [Wishlist,New]19:52
gatoxralsina, i know :P19:53
mmccdobey: that looks handy, thanks19:53
ralsinabriancurtin: when you have 5 minutes for a quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/keanu-in-a-bus/+merge/121475 much appreciated19:56
alecugatox: here's another bug, for later: "Non-subscribed UDFs are being searched"19:59
gatoxalecu, ohhhhhh right19:59
alecugatox: "The user press the * key" -> "The user pressED the space key".20:00
alecugatox: why the "unicode(...)" in this line?  self.setText(unicode(widget.name))20:01
gatoxalecu, no reason..... that and the docstrings fixed20:02
alecugatox: what values can there be in "widget.name"?20:03
gatoxalecu, unicode was for some old conversion if that was a QString, because before was being used in somewhere else.... but it not a problem there, because setText can handle QString20:04
alecugatox: ok. Can it be removed then?20:04
gatoxalecu, already did20:05
gatoxand pushed20:05
gatoxwith the docstrings fixed too20:05
briancurtinralsina: looking at that review20:06
ralsinabriancurtin: awesome, thanks20:06
mmcchaving one of those days where even logging isn't working like I expect20:06
gatoxok..... eod for me....... i need to go and buy some staff before my trip!! if you find anything in my branches, please email me at gmail and i'll fix it tonight!! See you in 2 weeks people!!! HAVE FUN!! :D20:07
briancurtingatox: enjoy your trip!20:07
gatoxbriancurtin, thx! :D20:07
gatoxfirst time gatox leave his country...... :P20:08
alecubye gatox20:08
mmcchave a great trip, gatox!20:08
ralsinait's ok to go to NZ because you are a LOTR fan, but buying a staff seems overkill ;-020:09
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mmccok, lunchtime here…20:16
briancurtinralsina: seems unrelated to your branch, but i'm seeing "AttributeError: 'Ui_Form' object has no attribute 'share_links_tab'"20:18
ralsinabriancurtin: yes, unrelated20:22
ralsinabriancurtin: could be you forgot to run python setup.py build ?20:22
briancurtinralsina: ah20:23
briancurtinralsina: approved!20:24
ralsinabriancurtin: yay!20:25
briancurtini need to run to FedEx...suddenly school won't take girlfriend's scanned docs, needs originals overnighted. be back in a bit20:26
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
dobeyralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/rhythmbox-ubuntuone/update-4-0/+merge/12149320:35
ralsinadobey: looking20:36
ralsinadobey: global +120:37
ralsinaalecu: want me to take over gatox's branch to address your needfixings?20:42
ralsinaalecu: and then we have mandel do a review tomorrow on his morning20:42
dobeyick. new unity really does not like drawing things :(20:50
* briancurtin back20:59
alecuralsina: if you want to take over gatox's branch, please warn him with some email to his gmail account, since I already pingd him about that as he requested.21:19
ralsinaalecu: ok, if I do it, I'll do it tomorrow21:20
ralsinaalecu: I found a unicode bug :-(21:20
alecuralsina: another one? ;-)21:20
ralsinaalecu: the branch is using os.walk which ... sucks21:20
ralsinaalecu: there is a reason why we have a walk helper in u1-client21:21
ralsinammcc: I am scheduling a test run by QA on mac for late tomorrow, early wednesday. I think it's cutting it very close for our thursday release but it's what we can do.21:36
dobeylater all, have a good evening21:39
ralsinabye dobey!21:41
mmccralsina: ok - can you refresh my memory on the timeline here? I don't remember a release schedule, just the QA appointment last thursday…21:48
ralsinammcc: we "alpha" release on thursday21:48
ralsinammcc: so we should be closing up the code tomorrow21:48
ralsinammcc: I wanted to have some testing from QA for last-minute fixes21:49
ralsinammcc: other than that I am testing it myself, as I assume are you and mandel :-)21:49
ralsinammcc: I have been saying "we release an alpha on August 30th" for at least three weeks now21:51
mmccok. yes, I'm testing it myself.21:51
ralsinammcc: I am pretty happy with how it's working too21:51
mmccralsina: apologies for spacing it a bit there on the dates. Think we're in good shape though21:53
ralsinammcc: it's ok :-)21:53
ralsinammcc: keeping all the dates in my head is my job, allegedly21:53
mmccanyway, I should have the daemon stuff wrapped up today. I need to do some testing, but the code signing appears to be less troublesome than I feared21:54
* mmcc crosses fingers21:54
ralsinammcc: yay21:57
mmccso, mandel's logging branch didn't work for me - to save him time I have a new merge that did work for me: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/log-monitor/+merge/12150721:57
ralsinammcc: looking...21:58
mmccshould be a quicky21:58
ralsinammcc: yes, I can review that alone21:58
ralsinagatox's branch has *one* functional unicode bug that actually has a simplish fix21:58
ralsinaand we may be feature-complete tomorrow!21:58
mmccralsina: to review - start syncdaemon however you want, look at syncdaemon.log21:58
ralsinammcc: ack21:59
ralsinammcc: global +1 since it's not functional code I am not asking you for tests22:03
mmccralsina: great, thanks22:03
mmccso should I disapprove mandel's earlier branch? what do we do with proposals for branches that we know won't merge (I have another one of those sitting around somewhere)22:04
ralsinammcc: yes, disapprove22:04
mmccbrb, ~10 minutes22:06
mmccb, nevermind22:09
ralsinaEOD for me22:11
ralsinabye people, have fun!22:12
mmccack, fun it is22:12
mmccis anyone still around? briancurtin? I have a one-character typo fix merge that could use a quirky review22:33
briancurtinmmcc: yep, send it22:33
mmccor a quicky review. https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-log-typo/+merge/12151322:33
mmccbut if you want to go quirky I guess my autocorrect would like to see it22:33
briancurtinmmcc: approved22:34
mmcchrm, we can't be logging every file event in the whole system…23:04
ralsinammcc: hopefully!23:23
mmccok, launchd works, squashed a couple of bugs in the daemon code, quieted those logs, still something is stopping us from getting events from the daemon…23:28
mmccI have to EOD now, but I'm going to come back later and see if I can't get that figured out.23:29
mmccok I think it's a simple retain/release bug, have to go now, will try it tonight23:32
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ralsinammcc: great!23:39

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