
ochosiyay, pushed the lightdm theming00:05
ochositime to go to sleep00:05
knomegood night, and thanks00:05
knomewe rock00:05
ochosiyes we do :)00:05
* knome goes to bed too00:05
knomepleia2, have a nice evening!00:06
ochosinight y'all!00:06
knomenighty night00:06
pleia2good night ochosi and knome :)00:09
Unit193Good night.00:12
SkippersBossevery ones going ??00:18
pleia2only a little after 5PM here, so I'm still around ;)00:19
SkippersBossyes can't get rid of you <grin>00:20
SkippersBossDid you find a sleeping parter ?? 00:20
SkippersBossfor the zoo thet is00:21
pleia2haha, not yet, I'll ask again during the week00:21
pleia2no one reads twitter on weekends :)00:21
SkippersBossThat might b a good thing :-)00:22
SkippersBossi ve done my bit for the day/nite. Enjoy ur evening. Tomorrow I hope to do a doc for Xfburn01:28
pleia2ok, compiz doc reviewed, it's fine01:42
pleia2also, gosh, I don't love the cube :)01:42
SkippersBossnite nite01:43
pjotrHello, There appears to be a memory leakage bug in gtk-xfce-engine, causing certain panel plugins to eat huge amounts of memory. Upstream has patched gtk-xfce-engine and scheduled a bugfix release: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=852109:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 8521 in General "gtk-xfce-engine triggers leaks in panel plugins using cairo drawing or progressbars" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]09:07
pjotrWill this bugfix release eventually land in Xubuntu 12.04 as well?09:07
=== scott-work is now known as Guest49317
smartboyhwfmolinero: What?15:18
knomeshiny new ubuntu qa logo! http://temp.knome.fi/ubuntuqa/qa-final.svg15:21
smartboyhwThanks knome.15:28
knomefor what?15:29
smartboyhwFor providing the new logo:)15:29
smartboyhwI don't even know about that:)15:29
knomewell, that was "published" now.15:29
knomehad some PM's with balloons earlier15:29
smartboyhwknome: I just did too:)15:29
fmolineroa question...15:58
fmolineroI tried to sync Xubuntu desktop Qantal ISO daily15:58
fmolinerobut I only got 2012.08.2215:58
fmolinerois it correct15:59
fmolineroor it is my error?15:59
smartboyhwWell, the latest build IS 2012082215:59
pleia2fmolinero: if you look at the top of http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ you'll want to read the "Notice board" message, they've been trying to update it when there are issues, right now it says that some builds aren't happening :)16:06
knomepleia2, i'm going to look at updating the installer slideshow in a shilw16:23
fmolineroit's hapend to me because I do not read the little words :-(16:24
knomethe simple most useful commit to the branch ever16:28
knomei always hated that feature missing16:28
bluesabreknome, that sounds particularly handy!16:30
knomealso created a launcher for it16:31
knomedevilspie script16:33
knomedoesn't open in an awkward place16:33
knomei suppose i'm ready to start working on it :)16:34
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
knomepleia2, hai. the drupal5 branch is moved under the new product now17:59
knomepleia2, should send a message to LP admins to delete the old product to be replaced with the new18:00
knomepleia2, will see if there is any bugs for the old product18:00
knomeno open bugs18:00
pleia2knome: yeah18:00
pleia2(sorry, my time is limited this week, much work stuff)18:01
knomepleia2, np. if you want, you can double-check that we actually have the drupal stuff since you are so attached to it.18:01
knomepleia2, with your ack, i will get it done18:01
pleia2they were quite strict about sticking to the branch, so I'm quite sure the one that is there is the one we want to keep as an archive18:02
pleia2oh, I see what you mean18:02
pleia2yeah that's the right one18:02
pleia2go for it18:02
knomeok, good18:02
knomepleia2, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20696418:13
* pleia2 subscribes18:14
* pleia2 works with czajkowski on it18:20
pleia2and done \o/18:20
knomesick too18:21
knomepleia2, here comes: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/quantal_blueprints/doclooks-update.png23:39
knomeit's still really rough, but it's working with the actual docs23:40
pleia2that's nice23:40
knomethough we really should get hold of somebody who understands docbook23:41
knomeand building the docs better, too23:42
pleia2well, I am hoping the people who signed up to do the docbook work would know, maybe an email directly to them?23:42
knomeyeah, maybe23:43
knomelooking at their karma, i'm not sure if they can23:46
knomepleia2, do you have any free time today?23:55
micahgyou can always bribe j1mc to come back23:55
knomemicahg, we have started that progress actually... >:]23:56
knomedo we know anybody from the docs committers?23:56
micahgknome: based on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-August/035675.html, what's our use case for the alternates?23:57

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