
knomewirelessless, i got to go to sleep - good luck with the installation and getting the wireless to work :)00:06
unheedingknome: you use xfce?00:06
wirelesslessknome:  Thanks again for everything.!!!00:07
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Polls are highly discouraged to be taken on this channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, please ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:05
Troy^what is the best way to add launchers or things to the menu button01:42
Troy^like i have two .jar files that i execute and would like easy access to.01:43
oldmanstan2for about 2 days now my machine hangs every few seconds for about 1 second while typing, anyone have any thoughts or ideas? i thought it was from the google-talk (hangouts) plugin, but i did a fresh OS install (xubuntu 12.04) and same problem still02:19
oldmanstan2^ took forever to type that :-(02:20
AtlasHow is Xubuntu pronounced?03:36
Atlas..Okay then.03:36
CellTechCan someone please tell me why my computer has auto logged out on me 3 times today?04:05
KombuchaKipCellTech: Good question. I actually had that happen to me too recently.04:16
KombuchaKipCellTech: My guess is X or the login manager might be crashing and I would check a log to see why, but not sure which one in /var/log/04:16
CellTechI'l check that out. Thanks04:17
Vlad239Soo, how do I change back to Vista?08:14
grizlo42how do i turn up the screen brightness08:22
grizlo42the keys on my keyboard aren't working08:22
Marzatano brightness applet?08:23
grizlo42erm wut?08:24
grizlo42apparently not08:24
grizlo42at least no panel or anything brightness related on windows+r search08:25
grizlo42no that didn't work08:36
SlendertronI'm having a problem install Xubuntu 12.10 Alpha 309:51
SlendertronWhen it comes to copying files09:52
SlendertronAbout 2/5 of the way through, the whole installer just freezes.09:52
SlendertronThen shortly afterwards tells me there was an error, then [Errno 5]Input/output error09:53
SlendertronI know that the disc I'm using works fine09:53
SlendertronSo... any ideas?09:53
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kavi_This Configuration Possible or not ?   1St server have a 4 core , next server have a 4 core and these 2 combine to another server its also 8 core its possible in ubuntu Server10:19
kavi_Hi  to all10:19
kavi_Please Clarify my doubht10:20
TheSheepkavi_: "combine"?10:20
TheSheepkavi_: what do you mean?10:21
knomei believe this is a question for #ubuntu-server anyway10:22
knomeor maybe a loco channel10:23
kavi_main Server have 8 core sir, these split to 2 server's..similar 1 server have 4 core another one have a 4 core sir10:23
knomekavi_, what's your primary language?10:23
knomekavi_, try #ubuntu-in10:25
KAVIThis Configuration Possible or not ?   1St server have a 4 core , next server have a 4 core and these 2 combine to another server its also 8 core its possible in ubuntu Server10:38
KAVIMathmatical functions  in cloud Computing10:39
knomeKAVI, we don't know; try to ask #ubuntu-server10:39
well_laid_lawnis that a question about clusters?10:40
kavi_This Configuration Possible or not ?   1St server have a 4 core , next server have a 4 core and these 2 combine to another server its also 8 core its possible in ubuntu Server10:43
kavi_Its similar to mathmatical functions10:45
kavi_Please anybody help me10:45
knomekavi_, please ask #ubuntu-server. if you don't stop asking, i will have to remove you.10:46
disastere3dhi all11:29
disastere3dyesterday installed 12.04 sucessfully, byt today when i started the pc it frozed at verifyin dmi pool data...cant do anything11:30
disastere3dsafe mode doesnt start w shift11:30
disastere3dpls help!"11:30
disastere3dplease somebody!11:32
disastere3dshoulo i reinstall it again from live usb?11:32
TheSheep isn't "verifying dmi pool data" still part of BIOS, not the operating system?11:34
disastere3dwell last nigh was everythin OK11:36
disastere3dnever had this problem before11:36
disastere3dI havent messed with HDD options in bios..only boot seq so to be able to load from usb11:37
disastere3dI will check....again..11:37
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uberamdhas anyone tried GW2 in wine?13:44
quazimodowhy doesnt .xinitrc or .xsession run when I log in?13:44
quazimodois it a lightdm thing13:44
quazimodoor an xfce thing13:44
TheSheepuberamd: try #wine maybe13:44
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:45
uberamdquaz, somehting like: http://askubuntu.com/questions/77191/how-can-i-use-lightdm-for-user-defined-sessions13:54
uberamdDo any of you fine folks know of a way to do display all windows as a grid, much like OS X does it?16:05
uberamdI find that having 10 terminal windows and 5 browsers open makes alt-tabbing a tedious affair16:05
holsteinuberamd: i use virtual workspaces in both.. even in OSX.. do you have a screenshot of what you are going fot?16:07
uberamdessentially just this: http://blog.grapii.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/mac-osx-expose.jpg16:08
uberamdi know it was possible with compiz in Ubuntu, but I haven't touched compiz in a while16:08
holsteinuberamd: there was an expose in compiz that i used.. i dont consider it worth the hassle in XFCE16:08
uberamdholstein: Same here, I'm trying to stay away from Compiz and all the crap it brings with it.16:09
mips1911uberamd, there is a utility that functions similar to expose. I had it installed a long time ago on my laptop which has minimal space but I can't remember it's name. Worked well,16:09
holsteinyou can look into other compositing.. http://crunchbanglinux.org/forums/topic/17196/cairo-compositing-manager030-and-expose/ for example16:09
holsteinmips1911: with cario? that was all i had seen in a quick search16:10
mips1911holstein not sure as I can't remember16:10
holsteinmips1911: me either.. i just briefly tried cario, and decided it wasnt worth the hassle either, though quite nice16:11
uberamdI'll do some digging into that, thanks for the info guys :)16:11
mips1911holstein, I had it on my old arch install16:12
lucettohi everybody, i'm neewbie. i need help 'cause i cante rotate upside down my monitor. In visualization options window it appear rotation button but nothing appear when i click on it. i can change resolution and frequency but not rotation. i've tried xandr command on shell but nothing. o u maybe have some suggenstions??? thanks16:13
mips1911Just found it, was called Skippy16:14
mips1911uberamd it was called Skippy and I used it with openbox16:14
uberamdmips1911: thanks! I'll look into that16:16
mips1911uberamd also have a look for Expocity16:16
mips1911anybody know why I can't see wbar when I launch it from cli?17:09
holsteinmips1911: i used to start xbar, and it would say something about "super bar present" ? i would look for the errors and see what they mean17:29
mips1911holstein, thx but I found a newer 2.3 version on the google code site that works but how do I configure this thing as I can't find wbar-config17:36
holsteinmips1911: mabye the new version doesnt support it?...17:37
mips1911holstein, well I could not find it for the 1.3.3 version from the repos either.17:37
holsteini think i just edited a config file... i stopped using "bars" when i started using kupfer (after liking gnome-do)17:39
uberamdAnyone know of a way to force an alt-tab for apps that seem to capture the cursor/keyboard?17:50
uberamdI can do an Alt-F9 but I don't really want to hide the window just to make it lose focus17:50
holsteinuberamd: other than clicking on them?17:50
TheSheepuberamd: alt+ctrl+grey *17:51
uberamdthis is a game, so i can't move the mouse from my primary display to the second display17:51
holsteincan you specify something inside the game?17:51
uberamdholstein: I can in Windows and OS X. Its called "Exclusive Mode", turning that off allows the game to alt-tab but remain on the screen. In Linux there is no such option :-/17:52
uberamdI've been doing Alt-F9 but it makes it so I can't see whats going on in game while interacting with my other windows which is a bit of a pain17:52
holsteinmaybe you need a gaming keyboard profile?17:52
TheSheepuberamd: alt+ctrl+grey * should release the mouse cursor17:53
uberamdTheSheep: Pardon my noobness, whats "grey"17:53
TheSheepuberamd: it's a color17:53
TheSheepyou have a normal '*' key, and a grey one on your keyboard17:53
holsteinim not sure i understand what that means either TheSheep ... is that a function key?17:54
uberamdah, my keyboard is all one color so that explains how I missed the meaning17:54
TheSheepholstein: no, it's a grey key with a '*' printed on it17:54
uberamdI'll give that a shot when I can, cheers17:54
TheSheepuberamd: the grey one is the one on the numpad17:54
uberamdTheSheep: Thanks :)17:54
TheSheepif you have a broken keyboard :P17:54
uberamdApple keyboard so yeah, broken ;)17:54
TheSheepmy condolences17:55
uberamdI can thank my employer for that one. Worst $60 ever spent17:55
uberamdThey also got me a retina macbook pro which is awesome, but Linux support is lacking17:57
uberamdThough I'm running xubuntu in a VM spanned across two displays and I can't even tell it isn't native which is nice17:57
TheSheepI tried that, but in the end, when my ssd drive died, I just installed xubuntu over the macosx17:58
TheSheepand had a 30% boost in productivity since17:59
TheSheepand 80% boost in happiness17:59
uberamdyou can't put a value on the boost in happiness, thats for sure18:02
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xubuntu963please can you help me ????19:51
knome!ask | xubuntu96319:52
ubottuxubuntu963: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:52
xubuntu963ok how can i have a language tool bar like the one in windows and Ubuntu19:54
holsteinxubuntu963: do you have a screenshot?19:55
TheSheepxubuntu963: just add one to the panel19:55
FounderOf420not sure what you mean ?19:55
TheSheepxubuntu963: right-click on the panel, select 'add to panel' and select it from the list19:56
vnhi, I upgraded a Lucid box to precise (12.04.1) recently, but my system switched to chinese, I'm looking in locale config files...all en_CA like it should, but if I type locale, LANG and LANGAGE = zh_CN, how can I get rid of these chinese configs?20:06
equexi am running xubuntu 10.04 in vmware (with addons) and i seem not to be able to get more than 1600x1200 resolution and that clips of the task bar. have to use 1440x1050 to see the whole desktop properly. i got the full 1920x1080 in regular ubuntu 10.04. i take it resolutions are controlled by xrandr now and not xorg.conf anymore, but can i change this ?20:07
knomevn 'export LC_ALL=en_ca' ?20:07
vnroot@zzyzx:~# export LC_ALL=en_CA20:08
vn-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_CA): No such file or directory20:08
vnsame for ca20:08
knomeoh, right, en_CA.utf8 ?20:08
saschakbsudo dpkg-reconfigure locales20:09
vndid that one already saschakb20:09
Sysivn: select right locale in login window20:09
vnexport LC_ALL=en_CA.UTF-8 worked, but how do I flush the chinese? its still there and dont want it20:10
vnok im remote in console atm20:10
saschakbhm, seems to be an ugly  bug ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/99396820:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993968 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Unwanted Chinese locale since 12.04" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:12
vnlooks like that20:14
saschakbvn: did you have english on you're system before upgrade (not only english-canada)? Reading some pages, it sounds like not having english on a system before upgading triggers this bug.20:17
vnsaschakb: afaik, I only had canadian english...20:18
saschakbWell, try installing english, too, restart the machine - and I guess ... you're system should run normal again.20:19
vnhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/152668/i-cannot-set-my-system-back-to-english-from-chinese-language 2nd reply20:21
vnthat did it, but zh_CN is still there as LANGUAGE and LANG20:22
saschakbvn: http://www.justskins.com/forums/changing-locale-91295.html  ... how about this?20:22
vnok, found out...I was as root when I was supposed to be as user to do that setup20:49
drcBeen rooted, hub :)20:51
vnapparently its a bug from ubuntu..20:52
drcUbuntu doesn't want you be be root...sounds like a "feature".20:52
vnright...I just hate to sudo all the time hehe20:53
holsteinsudo -s gets you a "root" shell20:53
vnnot -i?20:53
holsteinive always used -s ..-i looks the same20:54
* holstein refers to man sudo20:54
vnI think I used -s before but ran into some issues that -i fixed20:54
tech1how can i run a program fullscreen from terminal?22:57
holsteintech1: i use F11 to full screen the terminal22:57
tech1no i mean run a program from the terminal fullscreen with a command.... like firefox FULLSCREEN22:57
drcThat would probably depend on the app.23:00
tech1ahhhh... "xterm -fullscreen" did it.. but too much fullscreen..... it hid my menu bars and everything23:00
tech1the app i want to run fullscreen is emacs23:00
tech1but not hiding my menu bars... full screen as in wndow maximised so it aligns to the panels/menu bars at the edge23:01
holsteini dont see -fullscreen or -geometry in -help23:01
holsteinrunning firefox -help23:01
drcIf no one here knows, try #emacs. They should.23:01
PeteHagoris there any french channel for xubuntu ?23:03
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:03
xubuntu803I am experiencing an odd issue on two separate installations of Xubuntu 12.04. Thunar is extremely slow to load, and not just on the first load for the session either. I mean, it is slow to load all the time, each and every time I attempt to load it. Something simple like opening my home directory takes ages.23:17
xubuntu803I have a desktop and laptop with a fresh Xubuntu installation, and they both suffer from the same issue. Both have non-encrypted home directories for now, and it did not correct the issue at all.23:18
drcxubuntu803: Try un-installing gvfs-backend.23:19
drcunless needed, of course.23:19
xubuntu803Would would the repercussions of removing this package be?23:19
xubuntu803Just the loss of connectivity among specific protocols?23:19
holsteinxubuntu803: temporarily not having it... you can put it back23:19
holsteinxubuntu803: might be worth checking for and applying upgrades before testing any further.. assuming you havent23:20
xubuntu803E: Unable to locate package gvfs-backend23:20
drcMy guess, if you don't know, nothing...but see the entry in synaptic as to what exactly does.23:21
xubuntu803That corrected the issue.23:22
xubuntu803it seems the only drawback is losing support for network shares and the like in Thunar, which isn't a huge deal.23:25
xubuntu803So, it looks like this will be a solution that suits me.23:25
xubuntu803Thanks for the help.23:25
drc /clear23:27
tech1on the panel with menu buttons i can add program launchers, but i there a way to add a script launcher there or even a simple button which runs a command?23:29
troy__/join #smuxi23:29
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knomeyou know it's very much valued23:34
knomewrong window23:35
knomebut it is!23:35

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