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wgrantStevenK: wallyworld mentioned on the call that you probably forgot to remove the feature flags from sampledata01:49
wallyworld_wgrant: with the change to give all new projects default sharing policies, setPrivateBugs() become irrelevant and broken. so i think i should remove it01:53
wallyworld_or wil that break apport?01:53
wgrantwallyworld_: Things that test private_bugs behaviour (which is still important, not for apport but for all unmigrated projects) will have to setBugSharingPolicy(None) first01:53
wallyworld_there's a garbo job which has migrated all projects except a few commercial ones01:54
wgrantprivate_bugs/setPrivateBugs will die with BVP01:54
wgrantAnd the commercial ones are the ones that use private_bugs :)01:54
wallyworld_hmm. ok. will set to None01:55
wgrantIf it was killable already, it would be dead already :)01:55
wgrantBut sadly not quite yet01:55
wallyworld_yeah, me got a lot of test failures related to all this to fix :-(01:55
wgrantwallyworld_: Not tooo many things should use setPrivateBugs02:03
wallyworld_it's more than just that02:04
wgrantwallyworld_: Most will probably be fixed by fixing makeProduct, I suspect02:04
wallyworld_bvp stuff fails too etc02:04
wgrantAh, true02:04
wgrantStevenK: Hm, why does lib/deb822.py still exist?02:14
wgrantIt's a broken symlink now02:14
wgrantDid you miss it in your cleanup?02:14
StevenKSeems I did, indeed02:16
StevenKSigh, I bet https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/feature-flags-sampledata is cursed.02:19
wgrant[2012-08-29 02:03:46,105: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Job resulted in OOPS: OOPS-f59d1eb05281222ebbe8ce921e02b2d802:21
wgrantcursed indeex02:21
wgrantStevenK: Well02:31
wgrantStevenK: I was going to say that was a trivial self-review02:31
wgrantBut you made a mistake :P02:31
StevenKI was like "Green? There's not supposed to be any green in this branch ... Oh."02:31
wgrantI see the next rev02:32
StevenKThat's better, +0, -302:32
StevenKwgrant: So now you've made fun of me for it, are you going to review it, or shall I self-review?02:35
wgrantThat's a self-review if I ever saw one02:36
lifelessjam: what tz are you now?03:44
bigjoolslifeless: he's +403:55
lifelesshalfway to a good place  :)03:56
jamlifeless: +404:59
jammorning, btw04:59
wallyworld_StevenK: auditor broke db_devel again :-( i need to land a branch to devel but have to wait till db devel is restarted with a testfix or completes fully?05:00
wgrantwallyworld_: Force, wait 10 minutes, land05:02
wgrantNo need for a testfix or a green run05:02
wallyworld_ok, will do, ta05:03
StevenKwallyworld_: The new auditor wasn't in that db-devel run05:03
wallyworld_ah ok, explains it.05:03
wallyworld_were you going to land a testfix for it?05:03
StevenKdevel finally passed, so it will be in the next build after buildbot-poller actually merges in stable.05:03
wallyworld_which will be when do we know?05:04
StevenKPQM probably rejected it due to db-devel being broken05:04
StevenKForce a build of db-devel05:04
StevenKBleh, new auditorfixture05:05
StevenKr15871 has hit stable at least.05:06
StevenKNow to wait for the 8 revisions to be merged into db-devel05:07
jambigjools: /wave for being online05:08
bigjoolshi jam05:09
bigjoolsgimme 5 mins and I'll grab you05:09
StevenKbigjools: Hahaha. Grab him where?05:09
lifelessjam: o/ :)05:13
StevenKCome *ON* buildbot-poller05:15
lifelessjam: its probably faster to do remote hands (tuolumne)05:16
bigjoolsjam: ok, hangout?05:20
jambigjools: sure on the hangout, let me grab the camera05:28
StevenKbuildbot-poller only merges if both builds worked05:28
jambigjools: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/70125daf3bc2bab87f46d925ed9e5fc229cdf07e?authuser=0&hl=en#05:30
wallyworld_StevenK: so pqm is ignoring my lp-land and not even sending back hate mail. is that expected?05:31
StevenKHaven't seen anything in the pqm logs05:33
StevenKBut archvsync is still chewing on my request05:33
wallyworld_but lp-land should be expected to work right now i think?05:36
wgrantWhich branch?05:37
wallyworld_no, branch-infotype-portlet2-104099905:38
wgrantNo conflicts05:39
wgrantHow many times have you tried to land it?05:39
wallyworld_3 maybe05:39
wgrantOne more time for good luck?05:39
wallyworld_once when it complained about a testfix, 2 since after forcing bb05:39
wallyworld_ok, here goes....05:39
StevenKHow long after forcing buildbot?05:39
wgrantIt should have been fine after the first */10 after the forcing05:40
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/shift-get_distroseries_pofiles/+merge/12175105:41
wallyworld_wgrant: yeah, i waited maybe 20 minutes05:42
bigjoolsjam: you're frozen05:42
wgrantwallyworld_: :(05:42
wallyworld_wgrant: and lestest attempt, nothing05:42
wallyworld_i gotta go get the kid, back soon05:42
wgrantwgrant@carob:~$ rsync prasé::05:43
wgrantrsync: getaddrinfo: pras\#303\#251 873: Name or service not known05:43
wgrantwallyworld_: Hm, it's either hung or a wallyworld-denier05:44
wgrantI see nothing in its logs from you in more than 50 minutes05:45
wgrantwallyworld_: Ah05:45
wgrantwallyworld_: Landed just now05:45
StevenKAh ha! It was waiting for wallyworld_ to be AFK.05:46
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StevenKwgrant: No review for me? :-(06:02
wgrantStevenK: Where's the cleanup?06:03
wgrantAdding more methods to DistroSeries is probably not removing tech debt.06:03
StevenKwgrant: Destroying half of a translations module doesn't do it for you?06:05
StevenKwgrant: I'd argue that they probably belonged their to begin with06:07
wallyworld_well, next time something fails, i'm going away again and it wil work06:08
wgrantStevenK: Adding app-specific stuff to registry modules when it can be avoided makes me a very sad panda06:08
StevenKObviously, -60 doesn't make you happy either06:09
wgrantmodel/distroseries.py is already 1800 lines long06:09
wgrant-60 is nice06:10
wgrantBut bloating (I)DistroSeries is less so06:10
StevenKwgrant: Then where?06:10
wgrantIVPOExportSet? :P06:11
* StevenK deletes the MP06:12
wgrantCode reduction is nice, but Distribution/DistroSeries/Archive/Person are already huge06:12
wgrantWe need a better solution than just adding every method in the application to them06:12
lifelessstop using subclassing ?06:13
jam1bigjools: it seems to be fairly specific to g+, do you want to try the hangout without video, or maybe mumble?06:16
wallyworld_StevenK: wgrant: did you guys find any more email addresses on dogfood?06:16
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bigjoolsjam1: looks like your whole internets given the disconnection from irc!06:17
jambigjools: well, hangouts triggers the disconnect.06:17
bigjoolsI don't have mumble set up on here.  I think we're pretty much done for now, perhaps you can try out the code and that'll generate more questions06:17
bigjoolsyeah I guess they don't like all the bandwidth it seems to eat06:18
wgrantwallyworld_: Wasn't there only one missing?06:19
wallyworld_wgrant: not sure. i thought there were a few but could be wrong06:20
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adeuringgood morning07:47
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jelmermgz: done now08:29
bigjoolsGiven a base url like http://host/path and an additional path/to/thing, what would you use in Python to join them? Yes, this is a trick question.08:57
wgrantbigjools: urlparse.urljoin, as long as the first URL has a trailing /08:59
bigjools>>> urljoin("", "/api/thing")09:02
wgrantWell, yes, if the path is absolute :)09:02
bigjoolsthis is the trick part :)09:02
wgrantBut yours wasn't09:02
nigelbwait, what is the trick part?09:02
bigjoolsaha stripping the leading / from the path works09:02
wgrant>>> os.path.join('where/did/this/go', '/hello/there')09:02
bigjoolsnigelb: the trick is that if you have a leading slash on the path part it doesn't work09:04
wgrantIt trips everyone up, but it is consistent with other path handling and sort of makes sense.09:05
nigelboh wow. I totally didn't notice that :)09:05
bigjoolsit's a nasty trap for URLs09:06
bigjoolsmakes total sense for is.path though09:06
bigjoolsos.path, even09:06
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adeuringwhat does this buildbot failure http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lucid_db_lp/builds/2252 mean?10:36
wgrantadeuring: There's a new version of auditorfixture that will hopefully fix that spurious failure10:41
adeuringwgrant: thanks10:41
wgrantIt should be in the next db-devel build10:41
mgzhow do I unbreak my copy of launchpad today? <http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1173583/>10:41
wgrantmgz: ^^10:42
wgrantOr just make10:42
mgzso, basically I need to run make after bzr switch before running bin/test? I will get used to this in the end...10:45
wgrantIf you're changing between trees of significantly different versions, yes.10:46
wgrantYou do need to rebuild :)10:46
mgztoo used to either python, where you don't, or C, where the way you run tests builds as a side-effect anyway10:48
wgrantYou do in Python unless you have modules installed system-wide.10:48
wgrantWhich is becoming a rarity10:48
wgrantbuildout and pip have this same problem10:48
wgrantand virtualenv10:48
jammgz: any luck with the ppa updates?11:04
mgzjam: no, we need some major packaging changes11:05
mgzsee the log from yesterday morning, maxb suggested a few things11:06
jammgz: "we need major changes" means we should bring up the idea of just going to P w/ flacoste11:10
mgzjam: I think so, yes, but lifeless wasn't keen11:15
jammgz: I'm not specifically keen, but if it is 'spend another 2 weeks sorting out py2.7 on lucid' vs, 'slowly migrate one appserver at a time to P' where the latter is where we want to be anyway...11:16
jammgz: I really like the idea of every step being something we can easily roll back, but remember my "installing py2.7 seems tractable"11:18
jamif that part is invalidated11:18
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mgzokay, lib/lp_sitecustomize.py is what made this so confusing11:34
mgz...why is all that work being done pre-normal imports?11:35
jammgz: bin/py does not load 'site.py' the regular python site package, instead it uses a custom site.py so that it *only* loads eggs from the buildout location.11:37
jamto promote isolation from the system.11:37
mgzsure, but that's site.py11:38
mgzthis sitecustomize.py stuff is all just working around zope being weird and (failing to) silence various loggers11:38
mgzand importing a barrel of cruft in the process11:38
mgzdeliberately importing bzrlib plugins before script execution seems to serve no purpose, and breaks our api version check stuff11:41
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Beretwgrant, just an FYI, the landscape project wasn't changed to proprietary by SQL12:56
Beretwgrant, I did it yesterday, so I think we hit a bug12:56
Beret(I just read the backlog of your conversation with fcorrea)12:56
wgrantBeret: Around what time did you do it, do you recall?12:58
wgrant'cause when I set it away and back to the same setting, it worked fine.12:58
BeretI would guess around 22:00 GMT12:59
BeretI'm not certain I just knowit was later in the day12:59
Beretafter the email went out12:59
wgrantBeret: Ah, found the bug13:04
wgrantA cleanup job is being a tad aggressive13:04
wgrantOnly affects the initial setup, before there are any new bugs or branches13:06
deryckabentley, ping for standup13:32
abentleyderyck: Sorry, having trouble with it on this machine.  Can you please invite me and I'll answer on my phone?13:32
deryckabentley, sure13:32
rick_h_abentley: that makefile update looks good from here. Thanks for that. Did you want to submit that?13:50
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 4.0*10^2
wgrantabentley: Hi, do you have a few minutes to review https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-1043319/+merge/121874 shortly? It's a pretty simple regression fix for the sharing migration that I'd like to get landed tonight.14:24
abentleywgrant: certainly.14:25
wgrantCurtis beat you to it14:25
wgrantEven though he's not here14:25
wgrantthis week14:25
wgrantBad sinzui14:25
wgrantThanks anyway :)14:26
abentleywgrant: np14:26
abentleyrick_h_: Sure, I'll get that in.14:30
abentleyrick_h_: Whenever you're ready for a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/makefile-tweak/+merge/12188515:27
rick_h_abentley: r=me thanks for the fix15:32
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wgrantStevenK: Morning23:13
StevenKwgrant: O hai23:13
wgrantStevenK: Can you QA your rev?23:13
wgrantAnd I will QA my fix23:13
wgrantAnd then we can deploy the bugfix23:13
StevenKI am in the middle of doing so23:13
wgrantStevenK: Did you see the garbo bug?23:16
wgrantQuite amusing23:16
StevenKwgrant: Not I recall23:16
wgrantdammit firefox23:17
_mup_Bug #1043319: UnusedSharingPolicyPruner doesn't preserve permitted access policies <disclosure> <qa-needstesting> <regression> <sharing> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by wgrant> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1043319 >23:17
wgrantstop pruning schemes23:17
StevenKwallyworld_: Did you cast your eyes over qas sharing?23:20
wallyworld_StevenK: yes, looks ok23:23
StevenKwgrant: Just waiting for your QA and we can deploy23:33
StevenKAnd I have a row ready to paste into LPS.23:35
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