
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterbac benji frankban call in 112:09
teknicohi everyone :-)12:10
benjigary_poster: I watched this Rich Hickey video about his database project last night, it looks really nice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cym4TZwTCNU12:35
gary_postercool benji.  I want to watch his "values" video too12:35
benjiI started it, but didn't have time.12:35
benjigary_poster: I emailed you the interview doc.13:02
* gary_poster has to do more car things15:43
frankbanbac or benji: IIRC, buildbot/precise and buildbot/lucid are quite different and not interchangeable, right?16:16
benjifrankban: they are different plus we actually use a hacked version of /lucid16:17
frankbanbenji: and we are taking the patched version from launchpad/ppa?16:18
benjifrankban: I don't recall the details, but that sounds right.16:18
frankbanbenji: thanks16:20
frankbanbenji: did you intend http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad/lpbuildbot/public? I think we use the normal buildbot/lucid adding configuration from that branch.16:30
benjifrankban: right; maybe my memory is out of date, but I was thinking that we still used a hacked buildbot (it has code added to handle the subunit streams as well as interface with PQM)16:32
frankbanbenji: could you please follow up with jjo in #launchpad-ops after my EOD (~ minutes)? AFAICT, he is setting up the parallel testing machines following https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/ParallelTestingSetupForDataCentre16:34
frankbans/~ minutes/~30 minutes16:35
benjifrankban: sure.  What is the summary of the situation?16:35
frankbanhe is actually building buildbot/lucid, shelltoolbox and lpsetup (they do not use ppas in their hosts), that's all I know16:36
benjiin that case I will grab a quick lunch in order to be back at 17:00 UTC16:38
frankbanhowever, Gary could be back before jjo16:38
frankbanok benji, have a nice evening16:38
benjitalk to you later16:39
gary_posterI'm here benji, fwiw.  I may be called away again by the car shop though, so keeping you in the loop would be wise17:06
gary_posterbac, hey.  I reviewed and added some stuff to https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow/ParallelTestingTroubleshooting#preview .  I'd appreciate your review of my changes for clarity.18:19
gary_poster...and completeness and so on.18:19
bacgary_poster: thanks, will happily look at it18:19
gary_posterthank you18:20
bacgary_poster: did you save it?  i see "preview" in your url18:20
gary_posterbac, confirmed18:20
bacgary_poster: s/decreases/increases/ ... what was i thinking?18:22
bacgary_poster: it looks good but i cannot parse this sentence:18:31
bacAnother possible cause is tricked in this bug.18:31
bacare the kids saying 'tricked' now for a meaning i don't get?18:31
bacoh, i see you didn't write that18:32
gary_postercrazy kids18:32
gary_posteryou fixing, bac?18:33
gary_posterthank you18:34
bacoh no, you did write it.  what were you trying to say?18:34
baclisted?  mentioned?18:34
benjiI watched this YUI app framework video which was a pretty good intro (AFAICT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCexiX_eUJA18:38
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away

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