[07:19] good morning [08:40] dholbach: how was the first day of UDW ? [08:41] busy :) [08:41] I think last I checked it was close to 300 folks in there [08:41] LOADS of questions [08:42] wow [08:42] impressive [08:43] yeah, can't complain :) [15:27] JoseeAntonioR: ping [15:32] mhall119: would he be at school perhaps at this hour ? [15:33] hmmm, probably [15:33] if school has started up again for him [15:34] ah true [15:35] do you know who else has edit permissions on the ubuntu-on-air calendar? [15:39] we have another calendar? [15:39] um.. nope sorry, popey or jcastro might know. [15:59] mhall119, pretty sure jcastro wanted to drop the calendar, I may be confused though [16:00] popey: I just need someone to remove my scheduled Q&A session, wherever it is [16:01] pass [16:01] i haven't touched any calendars [16:08] well, at least the on-air website isn't showing my Q&A [16:14] alright, I've got to run - see you tomorrow :) [20:12] Obama is doing an AMA http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/z1c9z/i_am_barack_obama_president_of_the_united_states/ :D [20:17] the President on Reddit? What can *possibly* go wrong [20:27] mhall119: Unicorns [20:28] * AlanBell gives up trying to follow that on reddit, worst UI evar. [20:31] :P [20:35] bkerensa: Unicorns are always a concern, yes [20:54] mhall119: Q: Do you have cats if so can you post pictures? [20:54] lol [21:27] https://plus.google.com/u/0/103037366582313115962/posts/bebjKi3fdeW [23:11] mhall119: We need a Ubuntu AMA https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mozilla.reps.general/H3exCyld9lQ [23:11] :D [23:22] bkerensa: we've had several [23:23] mhall119: a group AMA [23:23] oh, a group one, that's be fun [23:23] "I am the Ubuntu community" [23:23] mhall119: like AMA Ubuntu Community Team etc [23:23] LOL [23:23] resistance is futile, you will be assimilated [23:23] I dont think that would work so well :P [23:24] "We are the Ubuntu Community! Exterminate! Exterminate!" ? [23:28] Im still waiting for the Mark Shuttleworth ama... [23:28] as if [23:28] ;p [23:28] didn't he do one? [23:29] he's done a bunch on IRC [23:29] he does one with irc in open week [23:30] Im co running that, i was gonna post it to reddit to inform people maybe [23:31] unfortunately all the "Ask Mark" questions tend to fall into one of two categories, either "Why are you/Ubuntu/Canonical so evil?" or "the drivers for my SoundBlaster 2640 don't compile on Gutsy, why not?" [23:32] and the obligatory "what was it like in space?", which to be honest, I'd ask too [23:33] I wish I knew why people thought its evil. Also, thats a kernel issue anyway. [23:33] I wish I was in space. Im just stuck in San Diego [23:33] that's what I mean, they're either baited questions, or overly technical [23:34] mhall119: You haven't asked him yet? [23:34] ;p [23:34] philballew: you at plumbers conf? [23:34] bkerensa: so, we were...busy...last UDS [23:34] s/so/no/ [23:34] mhall119, no, I live in SD, though linuxcon is this weekend here. Way to pricey for me [23:34] s weekend/week [23:34] oh, I didn't realize they charged admission [23:35] mhall119: even at night? He came outside plenty and chatted :) [23:35] bkerensa: the only time I spent with him at UDS was on stage at the closing party [23:35] philballew: I am sure you could get sponsored since you live local if you sent a couple e-mails [23:35] bkerensa: as you'll recall [23:35] mhall119: What? You were on stage? [23:35] >.< [23:35] or, maybe you won't recall [23:35] I don't [23:36] mhall119: I'm here, and yep, school has already started [23:36] see, when you drink too much, you don't remember the embarrassing stuff [23:36] bkerensa, Might, but I have school all day. College is overrated [23:36] I haven't scheduled another of your sessions, and yeah, jcastro wanted to drop it [23:36] we may be using the fridge calendar, though [23:36] I remember somehow arriving on the stage.... I do not recall going up the steps... but yeah [23:36] :) [23:36] JoseeAntonioR: ok, cool, I just didn't want something to tell people to attend my session when I wasn't doing it [23:36] howdy.. from Plumbers and LinuxCon [23:37] bkerensa: oh yeah, you went up too, different song though [23:37] cjohnston: ;p [23:37] :-P [23:37] mhall119: Thank goodness nobody filmed [23:37] philballew: see you should work on summit and get a free pass like cjohnston [23:37] bkerensa: amen to that [23:37] LOL [23:37] cjohnston: Summit got you to LinuxCon? [23:37] =/ [23:38] I don't remember mhall119 on stage [23:38] mhall119, alright, If only my phtyon skills didn't suck. [23:38] and I wasn't drunk [23:38] philballew: django even [23:38] I do know rails [23:38] and php [23:38] peh [23:38] rails is lame :P [23:38] if you know php and ruby, you'll be able to pick up on python easily [23:39] I have to learn java this semester... gonna be interesting. [23:39] uh, I'm sorry [23:39] bkerensa: uh huh [23:39] http://wiki.theory.org/YourLanguageSucks#Ruby_sucks_because: [23:39] I think I know why philballew's python skills suck.. he spells it phtyon :-P [23:39] kidding [23:39] bkerensa: it's not exactly free though, I lied, they're making cjohnston work for it [23:40] haha, laying in bed typing. [23:40] philballew: welcome to my work day [23:40] :) [23:40] mhall119: that's my work day at both my day jobs [23:41] "can't fight fires right now, trying to get mhall119 to review summit branches" [23:42] He would really be good if there was a fire in a data center. [23:42] I don't have security clearance for DCs.. heh [23:42] nah, data centers have halon gas suppression systems [23:43] they still use halon? [23:43] I dunno, but it sounded clever didn't it? [23:43] heh [23:43] I think that halon is going away [23:43] cjohnston, your in San Diego? [23:43] slowly [23:43] ya [23:44] you're slowly in San Diego? [23:44] Ah, If it see you ill make sure to say hi. [23:44] moving away from halon [23:45] cjohnston, You need to get a good burrito here. [23:45] philballew: I went to Old Town Mexican Cafe last night [23:45] one that screams, unhealthy, and really tasty. [23:45] What was it called? [23:46] Old Town Mexican Cafe [23:46] ah, that one. Not sure if you just ment one in sd. are you gonna be here friday night? [23:46] If so avoid downtown [23:46] ok [23:46] Its critical mass night [23:47] bkerensa, portland has that right? [23:47] philballew: Portland is a neverending Critical Mass [23:48] but yes we do have it [23:48] its very irritating though :P [23:48] But its how I have fun! [23:48] Lima has terrible traffic jams every single day [23:49] Well, Im about to ride downtown to drop off a package at that hotel. [23:50] philballew: There is a push to make bicyclists have licenses in Portland coming :) [23:50] lame [23:51] cjohnston, jorge is not in sd to is he? [23:52] philballew: not really... there have been plenty of cases where bicyclists have injured pedestrians in Portland or damaged vehicles [23:52] I ran into a parked car once [23:52] Last year a pedestrian got hit by a bicyclist and stuck with a $30k hospital bill because the bicyclist kept riding away [23:53] ass move [23:54] philballew: no [23:54] ah, no worries. just have a shirt for him [23:54] You can give it to me [23:55] alright, well I was gonna drop be at the hotel lobby at like 6 [23:55] Giving a shirt to jono [23:56] Well, at the desk anyway. [23:57] I'm not actually going to give Jorge the shirt tho. lol [23:58] its true. But make sure to see him see you wearing it. [23:58] bkerensa: I learned pretty quickly in Portland that bikes have the right of way everywhere :) [23:59] I was hit by one on a sidewalk in SF (they didn't stop), no more assuming they will yield for pedestrians, I jump out of the way