
tasslehoffAlternate cd: after creating a logical, encrypted partition, I want to select said partition and "Use as physical volume for LVM", but I get "In use as physical volume for encrypted volume sda5_crypt".09:07
tasslehoffwhere did I go wrong? has something changed with 12.04. I follow a recipe that worked on 11.1009:07
tasslehoffgah. users are losers. sorry09:07
xnoxtasslehoff: you sorted? activate the encrypted volume, then select the crypt volume as physical volume for the LVM09:09
tasslehoffxnox: I'm sorted. thanks :)10:07
xnoxcia is broken =(10:24
xnoxreleasing version 2.11.2410:24
xnoxof ubiquity10:24
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
* xnox wishes debconf was more like modern translation systems14:04
cr3anyone happen to know how to extract a data.tar.xz file as contained in the live-installer udeb?20:59
xnoxcr3: unxz ?21:00
cr3nevermind, the file command where the udeb was located just returned that it contains "data" whereas newer system was more useful. all good now :)21:00
cr3xnox: thanks, I used xzcat data.tar.xz | tar -xf -21:01
xnoxcr3: tar speaks compression; tar -xaf *.tar.*21:01
cr3xnox: nice! any particular reason for using xz instead of gz or bzip2?21:02
xnoxcr3: google for it. it compresses better than gz or bzip221:02
cr3xnox: interesting, I thought we'd reached perfection with bzip2 :)21:04
xnoxxz has options from -1 to -9 with extreme/normal/etc strategies as well as cpu specific optimisations21:05
xnoxi though BlueRay & HD was the end of Digital video, only for 3D to come around21:06
cr3I've been trying to install the latest quantal server image over the network, which now has a filesystem.squashfs, but after working around bug #1042906 there is no /boot/vmlinuz* file so the system reboots into memtest86. Any ideas what might be wrong?21:07
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1042906 in live-installer "live-installer/net-image cannot fetch-url to unexisting /tmp/live-installer directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104290621:07
xnoxDaviey: ^^^^^ cr3 any help?21:22
xnoxcr3: interesting. I am not an expert, and experts are not around. You can try #ubuntu-server21:23
cr3xnox, Daviey: I asked about MaaS support for the latest quantal server image, I expect them to have the same problem assuming they will be installing from the filesystem.squashfs file for super fast deployment21:24
DavieyThere are even fewer experts there. :)21:24
xnoxDaviey: ok =)21:24
cr3xnox: yeah, I asked in #ubuntu-server but I ended up answering a question instead :)21:24
Davieycr3: roaksox is working on it right now.. but yeah, #-server is better21:24
xnoxDaviey: I need to go. But maybe you can look into above linked bug =)21:24
Davieywill try21:24
xnoxsee ya =)21:24
cr3Daviey: see you in #ubuntu-server then, I'll talk about the bug there21:25

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