
trijntjeping dpm: I noticed that the templates for evolution still have a high priority, despite the fact that evolution is no longer  the default mail application09:27
=== sagaci_ is now known as sagaci
gotwigplease help me!20:04
gotwigtomorrow is feature freeze for translations, right :X?20:04
gotwigwhat ever, is that the right package for the ubuntu lightdm greeter??20:05
gotwigseems it does not get used, my translation20:05
gotwigoh no its the wrong one20:05
gotwigwhere do I find that string20:09
gotwigin which package??20:09
gotwigplease say me... wrong password, please enter again20:09
gotwigor something like that for unity20:09
gotwigGerman here?20:37
gotwigplease see bug #92484021:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 924840 in unity (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcuts overlay text too long" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92484021:05

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