
rick_h_long CHC tonight11:54
snap-lhttp://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/4805 <- Check the Rights and Access portion of this recording12:07
snap-l1915, and they still claim copyright12:08
snap-lWhat the fuck.12:08
brouschYour art should provide for your great, great grandchildren or it's not worth doing12:10
snap-lhttp://www.loc.gov/jukebox/recordings/detail/id/1 <- 1902, and still protected.12:13
snap-lWell, there goes one of the ideas for my classical podcast12:15
brouschMake your own music, thief!12:16
snap-lSure thing. Let me first resurrect Sergei Rachmaninoff and I'll get right on recording him12:17
brouschKickstart that shit!12:22
snap-lThank you. Just tweeted that.12:24
brouschWhat is ht?12:29
snap-lHat Tip12:29
rick_h_man, this is nuts: http://goo.gl/kxTzA12:42
rick_h_I know what I'm going to do, forget beach comber, I want to just quit and go become a bomb hunter12:43
snap-lrick_h_: War is never as clean and tidy as people might be lead to believe12:44
snap-lI'm sure your children's children will be dealing with unexploded ordinance from the early 20th century.12:44
rick_h_reminder all, CHC early tonight snap-l Blazeix widox PainBank12:52
rick_h_derekv: ^^12:52
widoxrick_h_: offer still available to borrow a keyboard or two?13:02
rick_h_widox: oh, yea thanks for reminding me13:02
rick_h_I'll stack them by the door13:02
widoxsweet, thanks13:02
brouschsnap-l: Ug, we need an earlier time for the jam13:06
snap-lbrousch: If someone can come through, that would be awesome13:11
jrwreni forgot it is open week. was there any good content yesterday?13:16
rick_h_jrwren: no idea, I should be ashamed13:17
jrwrensnap-l: do teh podcast, wiat for (C) holders to invoke their rights.13:17
jrwrensnap-l: if you don't want the liability, do the podcast under my name, I'll pay you to do it, so the liability is mine :p13:18
jrwrens/open week/developer week/13:19
derekvrick_h_: retweeted.13:19
derekvwill try to make it13:19
derekvi have worky work to do but maybe i can find a way to bring some of it13:19
jrwrenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek  looks like the things i'm interested in are today.13:20
rick_h_derekv: hah, we had a buy bring dev tv tuner hardware to work on at CHC so surely your work can travel :P13:20
snap-ljrwren: Heh13:21
rick_h_oh hmm, I should have checked out the arm stuff yesterday13:21
rick_h_I keep almost hitting buy on one of those arm 1U boxes on newegg13:21
brouschYou don't need one. Use your phone13:22
rick_h_maybe juju today13:22
rick_h_my phone can't run jenkins :P13:22
rick_h_or more like...I don't want my phone running jenkins13:22
jrwrenany pythonistas use buildbot ?13:22
rick_h_launchpad is on it :(13:22
rick_h_but one day we're supposed to get from it to jenkins13:23
rick_h_maybe in 201513:23
jrwrenwhy not enhance buildbot.13:23
rick_h_because it's fail13:23
jrwrenfix it?13:23
jrwrenor would it be better to restart?13:23
rick_h_and jenkins is better and it's use is the new standard13:23
jrwrentrue, but jre makes me cry.13:23
rick_h_you'll cry less than buildbot will make you cry13:24
brouschPure Python all the things!13:24
rick_h_and it's much more active, supported, and lots of pretty features13:24
rick_h_bah, language snobs fail :P13:24
jrwrengood answers.13:24
rick_h_as long as I don't have to dev for it :)13:24
jrwrenits more the runtime than the langauge that bugs me.13:24
jrwrenI feel like considering a software's pedigree should slightly impact decision to use it.13:25
rick_h_the software or the language?13:25
rick_h_I guess are we talking about jenkins or jre when you say that?13:25
derekvmy head frikn hurts13:27
derekvi'm having one of those mornings where it feels like my soul is lagging somewhat behing my mind, which is lagging far behind my body, which is barely moving13:29
jrwreni never did get the hang of wednesdays.13:31
rick_h_http://www.lematinal.com/mobile/technologie/18274-Samsung-Pays-Apple-1-Billion-Sending-30-Trucks-Full-of-5-Cents-Coins.html lmao!!!!!13:33
derekvi wish13:46
snap-ltaking fatherinlaw to hospital13:51
rick_h_everything ok?13:51
jjesseoh no13:51
jjessehope things are ok13:51
snap-lcan't walk, but otherwise ok13:51
jjesserick_h_ while that samsung story would be assume, they are appealing the deal right?  so it can't be true that they are paying14:02
rick_h_droidjjesse yea didn't verify it but made me smile14:03
snap-loh pshaw14:14
brouschDo you go back after a pip freeze and remove dependencies that were added by the packages you actually added?15:05
brouschLike I install localwiki, which installs django-honeypot. Should I go into the requirements.txt and remove django-honeypot?15:06
rick_h_don't store the pip freeze in those cases15:06
rick_h_manually make sure you keep up your setup.py and requirements.txt and that you have a builder that runs tests to make sure your project builds with the right deps15:07
rick_h_because if you get an updated django-honeypot, but they update a dep, and you've got it locked from a previous pip freeze, you can break things in crazy ways15:07
rick_h_pip freeze is a helpful tool, but I'm against pip freeze > requirements.txt unless you're doing it from master to production and you rerun that process after successful builds down the road15:08
brouschSo you manually build your requirements.txt?15:10
rick_h_it started out from a pip freeze, but yes, I manually change it from now on15:10
brouschUg, this thing needs solr15:11
brouschThis is abig ang gnarly as Bookie :P15:12
brouschDarn complicated programs needing a bunch of dependencies15:12
rick_h_even bookie does't need solr :P and it has a makefile to make life easier15:12
brouschYeah, I'm building a makefile for our localwiki instance15:12
rick_h_wtf...this honeypot thing needs solr?15:13
brouschNo, localwiki needs it15:13
rick_h_yea, that's what I've been avoiding with bookie. Getting tied to only fulltext search implementation15:13
rick_h_interfaces ftw15:13
brouschHave to start up a solr server now15:13
rick_h_there are a few services for running solr as a service15:15
rick_h_but ugh15:15
brouschthey use jetty15:15
shakes808Good morning all15:18
shakes808Sorry for the delay. Got in a car accident this morning on my way to work.15:19
shakes808And I won't be at CHC tonight. I have to go meet up with my son's first grade teacher on the other end of town (harrison township) :(15:20
snap-lshakes808: sorry to hear that15:25
snap-lSitting in the emergency room.15:38
shakes808You are sitting in the ER?15:38
snap-lfather in law is in the emergency room15:39
shakes808Sorry to hear that15:39
shakes808What for if you don't mind me asking?15:40
snap-lnp. Happens.15:40
snap-lLeg pain15:40
shakes808Hope it is nothing serious.15:40
snap-lHope so too.15:48
snap-lWe'll see.15:48
greg-ganyone experience stupid behavior from Chromium in GNOME Shell? As in, it starts maximized on my laptop screen, I want to alt-drag it to my monitor, in doing so, it goes full screen, so I hit F11 to exit that, and it goes back over to my laptop.16:50
greg-ggood thing I only use Chromium for flash videos, goo.gl, and pr0... er... nothing else16:50
snap-lgreg-g: I'm sure the GNOME Shell developer have a perfectly reasoned out reason fr it doing that.16:53
brouschWelcome to Gnome3!16:54
Blazeixwell, your average user doesn't use maximize, so you're really testing out the edge-cases of the system.16:54
Blazeixit's going to be deprecated in version 3.516:54
brouschAre you being sarcastic?16:55
snap-lThe average user also thinks Windows is just ducky16:56
greg-gsnap-l: Fx does the right thing, along with all other apps, it is just Chromium16:59
greg-gbrousch: ^16:59
snap-lChrome also does some weird things with window barriers17:00
snap-lDid you try native?17:01
shakes808rick_h_: You available? JS question.17:04
brouschSon of a ... solr is 87MB. Is git going to be mad about that in my repo?17:07
brouschWait, I should download it as part of the dev setup17:10
snap-lgreg-g: There's a switch to use the naitve borders17:11
* greg-g looks in a second17:11
greg-gsnap-l: that was the issue17:11
greg-gthat's understandable then17:14
rick_h_heh, time for a new camera http://goo.gl/GlmrW18:52
greg-gwhoa, for real? nice19:04
jrwrenhow can I tell a new style class v. old style class at runtime?19:10
jrwren<class 'mod.blah'> is newstyle, right?19:10
jrwrenoh, nevermind.19:10
rick_h_http://paste.mitechie.com/show/768/ jrwren19:12
jrwrenand if you had typed just Test to eval the class object, you would have got <class 'Test'>19:25
jcastrohey rick_h_19:40
jcastrogot that url to those AV guys?19:40
jcastrothey install TVs and stuff too I assume?19:40
snap-ljcastro: You still need to come over for the Squeezebox demo19:47
snap-lwhen you're not farting around witht eh fishes in Atlanta.19:47
greg-gcrazy, eh?20:19
Blazeixi choose to imagine obama slumped in his chair, cheek on his fist, lazily scrolling though the comments20:21
jjesseand reedit is now dead20:23
brouschfuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu reddit is under heavy load right now, sorry. Try again in a few minutes.20:23
jjessehrmm just that page20:23
jjessei can get other redit pages to load20:24
jjessei picture the Reddit servers smoking right now… big heaping piles of waste20:30
Blazeixreddit runs on EC2, right? are their downtime issues due to a poor architecture or money issues or something?20:32
jjesseno idea, and i know the servers don't catch on fire or whatever but its fun to picture (at least for me) a rack of servers on fire because of the president showing up on Reddit20:32
greg-gBlazeix: not quite your image: http://i.imgur.com/oz0a7.jpg20:33
brouschrick_h_: I done you proud today. One more thing to figure out and this will be a thing of beauty20:36
snap-lthat is awesome20:37
dsschnau_hi... there wouldn't happen to be anyone here at caribou in birmhingham for coffee coders?23:05
rick_h_oh yea, we're in the back dsschnau_23:06
dsschnau_oh cool, one sec23:07
rick_h_dsschnau_: we're over at the caribou in woodward/13mi23:07
rick_h_is that birmingham?23:07
dsschnau_yeah... i'm in the main part23:07
rick_h_dsschnau_: ah cool yea back part23:07
rick_h_upvotes please http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/z1m4h/what_are_the_most_interesting_pyramid_projects/23:29
rick_h_see if we can't get another wave :)23:29

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