
ttgdzwrst all day  is here?04:20
cyberangerwrst: ouch06:37
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: some of us have to sleep06:37
cyberanger..followed by night shift06:44
ttgdzoh,yeah,it is night where you are?06:46
chris4585its 3am over here07:02
cyberangerwb everyone09:21
netritiouswrst how did your mad scientist experiment go?11:49
wrstha ha well believe it or not i got it to install upstart remove ugghh the initsysv? and it rebooted :)11:50
wrstbut netritious i was having trbouble with wireless, and yes i know on a server but its what i have and using it to serve a printer11:51
wrstwireless worked well with arch, but the latest greatest cups didn't like my printer, wireless worked sometimes with debian but not all the time i had difficulty getting it to load the firmware before it tried connectinig11:51
* wrst looks at xTEMPLARx's direction12:43
* xTEMPLARx wakes up.13:13
wrsthowdy xTEMPLARx13:18
xTEMPLARxg'morning sir :D13:18
wrsthow are you doing?13:18
xTEMPLARxa bit tired but i'm otherwise okay, y tu?13:18
wrstfeeling better?13:20
xTEMPLARxslowly but surely13:22
xTEMPLARxdefinitely bettr than I was, but the cough and drainage remains13:22
xTEMPLARxsorry if TMI13:22
xTEMPLARxCanonical needs to hurry up and get FF 15.0 into the repositories13:24
wrstxTEMPLARx: that's where i miss arch13:26
wrstand also thats also why i use chrome it stays up to date, i prefer chromium but they sure don't keep it up to date13:26
xTEMPLARxI use chrome as well, pretty much always.  I'm still a bit curious about FF 15 though13:37
xTEMPLARxto see if it's as improved as they claim13:37
wrsti like firefox and its good13:38
wrstbut i like how the full screen of chrome works now in gnome-shell gives me more screen realestate13:38
wrstat work i'm using firefox in winders13:38
xTEMPLARxI used to use firefox exclusively, but I watched it get more and more bloated, becoming the very thing it railed against at its onset13:59
xTEMPLARxChrome came out, and it wasn't 100% at first, but it's blossomed quite nicely and is a great browser now13:59
xTEMPLARxI don't have any reason whatsoever to switch back.  I just feel like I almost owe it to them to see if 15 is truly as good as they claim14:00
xTEMPLARxI just about always have FF installed on my machines alongside Chrome14:00
xTEMPLARxon my windows systems, the only time IE gets launched is when I encounter a website that requires it14:00
wrstand that is getting fewer and fewer14:01
xTEMPLARxand really the only reason FF gets launched anymore is if something doesn't work in Chrome and I'm trying to verify that it's the server and not the browser14:01
xTEMPLARxwrst agreed14:01
xTEMPLARxmy company here provides a web GUI product that requires IE still14:01
xTEMPLARxbased off a product called WebGUI of all things14:02
wrstand really i think the latest IE isn't so bad i don't guess but why chance it14:05
wrstand really if you have to run commercials for people to use the browser that comes with most computers on the planet, that's probably not a good sign14:05
wrsti have been playing with a spare box at home now i have quantel server running14:06
wrstor however you spell the codename for 12.1014:06
xTEMPLARxNVidia drivers finally crapped and refused to come back up14:58
xTEMPLARxquite suspiciously after an update14:58
xTEMPLARxan ubuntu update, not the driver14:59
xTEMPLARxswitched to one of the drivers available in the ubuntu proprietary drivers utility14:59
wrstohh so you were running out of repo software xTEMPLARx? shame shame :)15:02
xTEMPLARxit's been rock solid for a loooong time now15:04
wrstha well it broke your hamster, hope you are happy :P15:04
xTEMPLARxmakes me wanna smack dat hamster!15:04
xTEMPLARxfor being such a wuss, that is15:04
xTEMPLARxi'm in  unity at the moment, and notifications from Quassel aren't workin'15:05
wrstare you using unity by choice? :)15:19
wrstjust thought i would help you check your notifications :D15:19
xTEMPLARxfirst switched to it thinking maybe gnome-shell was the root of my problems15:46
xTEMPLARxi'm back in shell now15:46
xTEMPLARxunity is kinda clunky compared to shell15:46
wrstyeah unity just isn't for me15:50
xTEMPLARxnor for me15:51
xTEMPLARxwhat's funny is i have Shell set up similarly15:51
wrstbut i'm sure its for someone!15:51
xTEMPLARxI have the Avant Window Manager bar on the left-hand side15:51
xTEMPLARxbut it works better than the unity bar15:51
xTEMPLARxmore intuitive15:51
wrsti think it would have been interesting to have seen ubuntu switch to kde and see what they would have done with it15:51
wrstbut i just like watching things get changed, crash, and then burn also15:52
xTEMPLARxI so wanted to like KDE15:54
wrstyes me too but the file browser is awful and really if you can't do that right15:58
wrstbut hey gnome wants rid of the file browser!15:58
* xTEMPLARx gags a little.16:04
xTEMPLARxmy linux box isn't an iOS device16:04
wrsttell me about it!16:06
wrstwanting to do a search thing, but i know where my files are i don't need to search for them16:06
xTEMPLARxin a larger filesystem, browsing directly to something can go much quicker than waiting for a search to complete.16:13
xTEMPLARxplus, what if i know where the files are, but don't remember the name?16:13
wrstexactly xTEMPLARx!16:29
xTEMPLARxgrabbed the net install for 12.04... it won't run in command line mode on this old Dell because it launches into an unknown graphics mode16:32
xTEMPLARxhow about we just stay in the mode we're in now, that works, instead of getting fancy with it?16:32
xTEMPLARxremoved the vga call in the boot string, and we're good now16:38
wrstwb xTEMPLARx :)16:48
xTEMPxWorking on a system install in our clean room16:51
wrstxTEMPx: you the man16:52
wrstyou installing ubuntu if i read that correctly?16:55
wrstahh nice i thought you were mainly a windows shop16:56
wrstsorry but my spanish isn't good enough to make many comments16:56
xTEMPxThis is a server for the clean room.  Originally running xp but I want a more robust, virus-resistant platform16:58
wrstyou have found it... well about anything16:58
wrstyou could go hardcore adn bsd that bad boy16:58
wrstyou know you want to16:59
wrsti need my little wireless cards to work i may try bsd next i know i shouldn't have wireless cards in a server but its what i have :)17:01
xTEMPxWell if you're gonna do it that way you could at least make sure they're supported17:02
wrstxTEMPx: that would be too easy and make sense and cause things to work quickly17:03
wrsti had it working in debian but half the time it wouldn't load the firmware on boot17:03
wrstyeah had to load a module somethign antoher it was late i needed sleep17:05
wrstthere is an opensource driver for the card but the firmware had to be installed17:05
xTEMPxOne of THOSE deals17:06
wrstyeah and ubuntu used to work out of the box so i loaded up good ol' 12.04 and found out they have removed support bless their stinkin' cold hearts17:09
xTEMPxGo back to an earlier LTS release?17:10
wrstyeah i could but that's no phone i was using arch but the latest cups messed it all up17:10
wrsti'm using this for a print server i guess i should have started with that17:11
wrstbut the wireless setup was super easy with arch17:11
wrstso i may go back to arch and figure out why cups blew up on me17:14
wrstthat would be said to try 3 distros and return back to what i started with17:15
xTEMPxIt may prove that switching distros to fix a problem isn't always the answer17:15
xTEMPxBut at least u had fun trying17:16
wrstwell debain worked for 3 days until the power blinked17:16
wrstthen it never worked again :)17:17
wrstmy cards are a little finicky but worked perfectly with arch17:17
wrstxTEMPLARx: nice :)17:35
wrstand xTEMPx looks like freebsd probably supports that card... i cant see how this could go wrong17:37
wrstif this works i would have a few linux machines my wifes os x and a bsd all sorts of *nixy goodenss17:38
wrstand *goodness17:38
xTEMPxI think that if I ever buy another laptop, it'll be a MacBook17:40
wrstxTEMPx: they are just soooo overpriced17:43
wrsti can buy like 3 of my laptops for one macbook17:43
wrstbut my wife's macbook is nice17:44
xTEMPxSame can be said for most of system 76's hardware17:44
xTEMPLARxthe apple hardware is excellent though17:44
wrstxTEMPLARx: you have mutliple personalities don't know who to talk to :) but... sys 76 isn't bad when you compare, but i mean i can by foxconn stuff a lot cheaper from newegg when it just says foxconn and not apple17:46
xTEMPLARxthing about a macbook is, it's a well-engineered total package17:47
xTEMPLARxyeah you can find foxconn pieces/parts on newegg, but not a macbook clone17:48
xTEMPLARxi don't see any laptop-related hardware there17:48
wrstthat is true, but my $499 Asus, not hardly so well engineered package will do everything my wife's 1600 well engineered macbook will do17:48
wrstxTEMPLARx: i know but foxconn makes a lot of their stuff and i think tablet stuff in china17:49
xTEMPLARxbut in terms of laptops17:49
xTEMPLARxI dunno... just can't imagine buying another laptop, really, so if I did I'd want something that was rock-solid17:50
xTEMPLARxand there are just way too many unknowns in the off-the-shelf laptop world in those lower price ranges17:50
wrstwhen i purchase one i try to go for stuff that I know linux works well with but sometimes its hard to find detailed specs17:50
xTEMPLARxspecs notwithstanding, the big variable I worry about is build quality17:53
wrstxTEMPLARx: this istn' too bad: https://www.system76.com/laptops/model/panp917:53
xTEMPLARxsure there are reviews and such online, but so many are highly suspect17:53
wrsti have been very happy with asus stuff its not always the best but i'm not usually unhappy and if i pay under 500 for a laptop i realize its not going to be a tank17:54
xTEMPLARxnot awful17:54
wrstno not bad and its helping the linux world out17:58
xTEMPLARxi wonder how many systems they sell annually18:08
xTEMPLARxsystem76 that is18:09
wrstgood question18:09
wrstif i had funds they might sell one more this year that's a nice looking machine18:11
wrsthello chris458518:11
chris4585hey wrst18:12
wrstchris4585: all going well?18:14
chris4585wrst, awesome, you?18:15
wrstoh between good and awesome :)18:15
wrstthanks for asking chris4585 :)18:15
xTEMPLARxits just after 2 p.m.18:16
xTEMPLARxhe wasn't lying!18:16
chris4585that is a good spot to be18:16
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx18:17
chris4585xTEMPLARx, lol I turn off and unplug my computer station before I sleep18:17
xTEMPLARxmakes sense18:17
xTEMPLARxyou work from homoe?18:17
chris4585right now no job18:18
wrsti never turn off a computer until it fries... i might should do that18:18
xTEMPLARxwrst:  my machines run 24-7 too18:18
xTEMPLARxmy last desktop machine at the house never got shut off till I shut it off to put my new computer together18:19
wrstxTEMPLARx: my laptop really doesnt' need to sometimes i read while i'm in bed adn will suspend or power it off but if not its always on18:19
xTEMPLARxI use my iPad for that stuff, so it stays on pretty much always18:19
wrsti have a server that runs 24x7x365(6 if a leap year)18:19
xTEMPLARxthats not the one that hosts quassel is it?18:22
xTEMPLARxcoz if so it goes down sometimes XD18:23
xTEMPLARxand dont blame the power company!18:23
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx yes that's the one its been on a good streak here recently18:27
wrstlvm really messed me up18:27
wrstbut i have that fixed18:27
xTEMPLARxcan't fault ya for 1 or 2 unintended outages over the course of a year18:28
chris4585wrst, I never turned my computer off until I left skype on all night and my computer died18:28
chris4585well there was some strange bug or something causing my cpu to spike for long periods of time while I was asleep18:29
chris4585since then I monitor my cpu's temp always18:30
wrstchris4585: it was a microsoft plot18:30
wrstusing skype to destroy the world18:30
xTEMPLARxi mean18:30
xTEMPLARxno that bug is fixed now18:30
chris4585lol, probably18:30
xTEMPLARxfeel free to leave it on, unattended18:30
wrstha ha18:31
chris4585also I turn off my computer to regulate the temp in my room, it gets hot in florida :D18:32
xTEMPLARxah yes18:40
xTEMPLARxmy favorite place when I visit one of our customers in Fort Myers, FL is their server room18:40
wrstthey have a good A/C i hope xTEMPLARx?18:42
xTEMPLARxoh man18:43
xTEMPLARxand humidity control :D18:43
wrsthumidity... i hate it18:43
chris4585you wouldn't like florida, its been so humid lately due to the storm18:43
wrstchris4585: no i don't like TN in the summertime18:44
chris4585speaking of which.. I wonder how new orleans is doing18:44
wrsti haven't seen anything terribly bad today18:45
chris4585well that is good, I read that the new barrier? held up18:45
wrsthope so because if it won't take a Cat I they have issues18:46
wrstxTEMPLARx: i have FF 1519:04
xTEMPLARxyou play final fantasy, eh?19:06
xTEMPLARxnever woulda guessed19:06
wrstuhh games, i have a 17 month old no games :)19:07
wrstxTEMPLARx: your evil twin left?19:46
xTEMPLARxipad apps aren't truly multitasking19:51
xTEMPLARxi switched to spotify on the ipad and poof!19:51
wrstthe great apple says you don't need multitasking19:53
xTEMPLARxwell in it's defense, the ipad would have to be beefed up a bit more to be good at doing so19:54
xTEMPLARxas it is, its excellent19:54
xTEMPLARxplus, the irc app does have a setting that will force it to stay connected in the background but it could eat up batteries quickly19:54
wrstxTEMPLARx: you need android and run quasseldroid you can connect straight to quassel19:55
xTEMPLARxno way19:56
xTEMPLARxapple put its thumb down on ze android19:56
netritiousmy wife has iphone for two days and has asked almost every day about switching to a nice android phone19:57
wrstyep i run it on my phone and tablet xTEMPLARx19:58
wrstreally netritious?19:59
wrstwhat does she not like?19:59
chris4585my friend just got an android tablet, and it seems pretty good20:07
wrstchris4585: i have a tablet running ICS and the OS is ok but my hardware is just so so but knew that when i bought it20:16
chris4585wrst, yeah20:18
wrstyou are just so less locked it than you  are with an IOS device20:18
xTEMPLARxI'm not opposed to being locked in20:27
xTEMPLARxsimply because I have one less device that "just works" without my having to worry about it getting hacked/attacked/virus-laden20:27
xTEMPLARxit just works as it should20:28
xTEMPLARxand the apple app store is so full of options that anything that's "missing" (i.e., a Quassel client) is really not a big of an inconvenience20:28
wrstxTEMPLARx: i'm just jaded and bitter towards apple20:35
wrsti mean their logo is an apple20:35
xTEMPLARxheaven forbid!20:35
xTEMPLARxadam and eve!20:35
wrsti know that is just it for me20:35
wrstexactly xTEMPLARx20:35
wrsti'm not falling20:36
xTEMPLARxapple's logo represents the fall of man20:36
wrstwell and really nothing says it was an apple but hey i will run with it!20:36
xTEMPLARxthats what all the artwork depicting the event shows20:36
wrstartist are never wrong, case settled!20:37
wrstohh i gotta go home burn my free bsd disk20:39
wrstor disc20:39
wrstdisc refers to optical storage, so disc20:39
xTEMPLARxdidn't know that was an official designation20:40
wrstwikipedia is just like an artist xTEMPLARx its infallible20:40
wrstdoesn't seem to be official but seems to be widely accepted20:40
xTEMPLARxwhich is why I use it for reference on long documents.  nobody ever questions the WP20:40
wrstha ha20:42
netritiouswrst: who can say with wives? she just doesn't like it lol20:43
netritiousmight have something to do with using an android tablet for the past six months idk20:43
wrstnetritious: here is something that may be handy for us, xTEMPLARx you too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelling_of_disc20:44
wrstugh not that ^^^20:44
wrstgreat... i killed the conversation!20:46
netritiouslol "The findings surprised the researchers, because that same gene has been linked to alcoholism, aggression and generally antisocial behavior."20:47
xTEMPLARxis it five o'clock yet?20:48
netritiousalmost xTEMPLARx20:48
xTEMPLARxwrst for once it was YOU instead of me20:48
xTEMPLARxnetritious: how's life?20:48
netritioushow's it goin' bud?20:48
wrstha ha xTEMPLARx20:48
netritiousoh I am to tired..helped a guy with a code feature emergency before his presentation today20:49
wrstnetritious: i hope you got to charge emergency rates ;)20:49
netritiousstayed up way past my bedtime and now drinking coffee at 4pm :P20:50
wrsttake a nap!20:50
netritiousof course I did wrst20:50
xTEMPLARxcoffee at 4 p.m. is not normal?20:50
* xTEMPLARx needs to rethink his life.20:50
netritiouscan't...little girl in the next room doing homework20:50
netritiouseh it's not normal for me XD20:51
wrstxTEMPLARx: i don't think coffee is ever normal20:51
* wrst is weird like that20:51
* xTEMPLARx agrees that you are, in fact, weird like that.20:51
wrstthanks xTEMPLARx :P20:52
wrstoh netritious my frankenstein system actually rebooted20:52
netritiousnice wrst...what's it running? :D20:53
wrstwell i don't know it was a debuntu i guess20:53
wrsti reinstalled ubuntu 12.04 on it20:53
wrsti am needing wireless cards i have to actually work which was no problem with arch but i just downloaded a free bsd net iso now20:53
wrstso i'm playing :)20:53
netritiousis that the little via server or something else?20:53
wrstno this is an old walmart computer of some sort20:54
wrsti think a compaq20:54
netritiousoh a comcrap20:54
wrstbut i have a pair of ralink rt2561 wireless cards in it i have messed with a router etc20:54
wrstyes netritious :)20:54
netritiousso i did some comparisons between my daughter's win xp install and a family's ubuntu install...20:57
netritiousmainly filesystem size :P20:57
netritiousbut they are roughly the same. maybe a few hundred MB difference20:58
netritiousso ubuntu is getting fat20:58
xTEMPLARxyeah, but how much of that is just waiting, available for those times when you need that particular software, versus actively running all the time whether you're using it or not?20:58
xTEMPLARxtime to head out.  Sniff you jerks later!20:59
wrstlater xTEMPLARx:P21:00
wrstnetritious: ubuntu is certainly getting fat i think21:01
netritiousxTEMPLARx: ram utilization is about the same to21:01
netritiousmaybe a few 10's of MB difference21:01
wrstbut that is what they do and do it pretty good but I am very impressed with the mini iso nice best of both worlds solutions21:01
netritiouslast time I installed debian without /any/ cruft (no meta-packages other than what is required to boot and access cli) was <500MB on disk and used <20MB memory.21:02
wrstnetritious: the ubuntu install probably wasn't much different, but i installed gnome shell software ceneter all that jazz just no unity21:03
wrstso i was quickly bloated but bloated the way i like to bloat :)21:08
netritiousnothing wrong with self-imposed bloat wrst :)23:04
wrstnah not at all i hope :)23:08
chris4585I haven't used the mini iso in a while, haven't needed to, but I heard the alternative iso may disappear next release23:11

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