
dholbachgood morning07:00
dpmhey ajmitch, have you had the chance to look at the spec? It'd be cool if we could make it public tomorrow, but I want to make sure the ARB has had a good look and is happy with it08:52
dpmand did you manage to get your computer working? ;)08:53
gotwigdpm: hey, do you work on unity translations?08:56
dpmhi gotwig, it depends on what you mean by working :)08:57
gotwigdpm: what about unity shortcut overlay text. Why are new strings at launchpad not09:06
gotwig u09:06
dpmgotwig, can you be a bit more specific? Which exact strings? Which Ubuntu version? Is there a bug about it already?09:06
gotwigdpm: please wait :-)09:07
gotwigdpm: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/92484009:07
gotwigbug 92484009:07
gotwigoh, no bots here ;D09:08
dpmgotwig, your comment in there does not seem related to the original bug, which makes it a bit confusing for developers to track (yes, it's all about translations, but they are completely separate issues as far as I can tell). Would you mind filing a separate bug? If you could add as much detail as possible, that'll make it easier to track down and fix (e.g. I'm not sure what you mean by "the old strings"). Thanks!09:11
gotwigdpm: I dont know if its my fault.09:12
gotwigdpm: Maybe these translations are now hosted somewhere else? Do you understand my last comment?09:12
dpmgotwig, I do not understand it, not (btw, no one's talked about blame here, so I'm pretty sure whatever is happening is not your fault :)09:13
dpmUbuntu translations are always hosted in Launchpad09:14
gotwigdpm: I mean, do you think this page is the right page for translations, that I linked in my comment?09:14
gotwigdpm: but is that the right package? It should be right?09:14
gotwigits part of Unity, isnt it?09:14
dpmgotwig, the page you linked is the right one for Unity Quantal translations, yes. But the bug where you added the comment is not about outdated translations09:16
dpmif you are referring to Quantal strings translated in Launchpad and not yet appearing in Ubuntu, it's because they have not yet been exported and put in a language pack09:17
dpmthis should happen soon, no need to file a bug for the development release about this one (if I understood correctly what you're describing)09:17
gotwigdpm: good.09:18
gotwigsee ya09:19
ajmitchdpm: I looked, I got my computer going & ubuntu installed rather late last night (and just got home tonight at 11:30 :) )11:32
ajmitchsorry I haven't added more than comments on irc11:33
dpmajmitch, no worries, I just want to make sure you guys are happy with the spec and we've factored in any feedback you might have before going to ubuntu-devel11:36
dpmajmitch, also, did someone on #canonical-sysadmin help you sorting out the syncing from PPA to extras?11:37
ajmitchyes, that's been sorted now11:38
* ajmitch had originally asked there last week & filed the ticket11:38
ajmitchdpm: I appreciate you wanting to get our feedback & the spec clarified, it's just unfortunately a rather busy time for me11:43
dpmajmitch, no worries. From our conversations, you've started reviewing the spec already, and from your comments and questions on IRC, I understand that overall you're happy with it. If that is the case, would it work better for you to give the input later? That is, when we announce it on ubuntu-devel?11:47
ajmitchdpm: I think so, I'll be recoverin from the conference next week :)11:49
dpmajmitch, great, thanks :)11:49
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=== dpm-laptop is now known as dpm

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