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drag0niusanyone knows some good ajax irc?00:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #967984 in iscsitarget (universe) "iSCSI target administration utility (ietadm) not detecting inactive sessions" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96798400:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #1010854 in linux (main) "linux-crashdump not producing coredump nor rebooting" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101085400:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #1043582 in lxc (universe) "lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud --userdata ignores userdata" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104358200:50
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arrrghhhback.  anyone use PS3MediaServer?  trying to get the upstart script to work, and I don't quite understand it.00:55
smoserhallyn around?00:56
smosermaybe sgraber is, he peobably knows.00:57
arrrghhhsmoser, are you talking to me...?00:57
smosereither one. how would i start dnsmasq that lxc runs to specify 'dhcp-boot=pxelinux.0,hostname,ip.address'00:58
smoserarrrghhh, no, was talking to stgraber but yeah, did typo00:58
luigyanyone can help w/ iptables and openvpn.  I can successfully connect, but need further configurations to be able to access my NFSshare which is hosted on the same machine as my openvpn server00:58
smoserit loks like the answer is 'edit /etc/init/lxc.conf'01:00
arrrghhhhow about help troubleshooting an upstart script in general?  i can start the program by hand, but the upstart script just says "ps3mediaserver stop/pre-start, process 14131" - and there is no pid 1431301:05
arrrghhh14131.   either way.01:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #1043588 in lxc (universe) "sudo restart lxc-net does not kill/restart dnsmasq" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104358801:16
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hallynlastlog hallyn 302:40
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drag0niuseverything on my server is running extremely slow04:31
drag0niusgot 2gb ram c2d 2.4 ghz04:31
drag0niususage is ~5% cpu 400 mb ram, but everything is like running on some overloaded machine04:32
drag0niusany ideas?04:33
lickalottrun top and see whats eating resources04:34
drag0niusthe thing is04:34
drag0niusthere isnt anything04:35
drag0niushtop tells me usages is ~5% on cpu and ~300 mb on ram04:35
lickalottthere isn't any processes running when you do top04:35
drag0niusi mean nothing is eating much resources04:36
lickalottmaybe it's network related?  are you running any network intensive apps04:37
drag0niusdont think so04:37
drag0niusand im also running it on lan04:37
lickalottno znc/bncs running04:38
lickalottnvm then04:39
lickalottwhats your uptime?04:39
drag0niusi restarted like hour ago04:39
lickalottnetstat -a | grep 80  or any other ports that you have open to apps (ftp, telnet, etc...)04:40
drag0niusalso when i log with putty04:41
drag0niustheres like 5 sec delay after entering username and receiving password propmpt04:41
lickalottis that what you're baseing your opinion off of?  or is it slow on the actual machine too?04:42
lickalottmine slows down also, at times, when using putty04:42
drag0niusi recently installed ajax app04:43
drag0niusand its extremely slow04:43
drag0niuslike responding to action after few sec04:43
lickalottare you scripting or using java intensive apps?04:44
drag0niusi wrote java app using vaadin04:44
drag0niusand another one is just some irc client for web04:44
lickalottjava and ajax are resource hogs (usually)04:44
drag0niustry http://d3calc.drag0nius.pl/04:45
drag0niusfriend told me its extremely slow through internet, locally its simply not as fast ast it could be04:45
drag0niusfirst load takes lots of time afaik04:46
drag0niusim just out of ideas04:47
drag0niusif you entered it nothing unusual happened04:47
lickalottyeah that took 4-EVA to load04:48
drag0niusjust had around 1 mb uploaded04:49
drag0niusmin ago04:49
drag0niusso out of ideas?04:50
drag0niusseems like it tries to use least resources or something04:51
drag0niusits lazy xD04:51
lickalotthave any ram laying around?  maybe try to feed the beast a little more04:53
drag0niusit has 2gb of some very fast ram04:53
drag0niususes just 320 mb04:53
drag0niusaccording to htop04:53
drag0niusim using server also as a router directly connected to modem04:54
drag0niuspings are fine and everything04:54
drag0niusjust stuff running directly on it04:54
lickalottit is recent?04:55
drag0niuswhat you mean?04:55
drag0niusparts, applications?04:56
drag0niusmaybe you know some reasonable web irc client with logging in?05:04
lickalotti mean is it recent that it started running slow.05:08
lickalottwhat do you mean "web irc client with logging in?"05:09
drag0niusirc client running on ajax preferably05:11
drag0niuswith user accounts, so it would remember history etc05:11
lickalotti don't.  only 3rd party irc client I know of that's not mainstream is written in python05:12
drag0niuswell i want something that does not require anything but browser05:22
drag0niusdoes it allow any kind of irc server?05:25
drag0niusfrom first glance looked like connecting to just theirs05:25
lickalottnever used it.  it's the only one I know of that's web based05:26
lickalottsee if they have an api and reverse engineer that shit for java...LOL05:27
lickalottwondering if anyone has seen this issue before:  I have 3 drives mounted through fstab and shared out via NFS through exports.  Im also sharing one of the drive out via apache.  After the apache installation and configuration, I can't "map network drive"(nfs) the one drive that is shared out on apache05:28
drag0niusyeah, mibbit is banned from both servers i use05:31
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RaskIf this is the wrong channel in which to ask this, feel free to redirect me... My experience level is "enough to be dangerous".  :)  I'm trying to recover some data off one drive out of a RAID 1 array using a USB-SATA adapter.  Ubuntu sees it and fdisk -l shows that it has three "Linux raid autodetect" partitions on it.  How would I go about mounting this-- and indeed, is it doable?05:51
lickalottcd /dev05:54
lickalottsee if you have sdb1 (2, 3) or sdc1 (2, 3) available05:54
lickalottthen just try mounting them to a folder05:55
lickalottsudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/test05:55
Raskmount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'05:56
lickalottwait 105:57
RaskSure.  (Thanks!)05:57
lickalottmount -t ext2 maybe?05:58
lickalotttime to go wash my arse.  good luck man05:59
RaskThanks, I'll give that a read.06:00
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stgrabersmoser: yeah, overriding the upstart job (lxc-net.conf) would do the trick, alternatively, set one of the variables in /etc/default to contain the extra options you want (hackish, but will avoid changing the upstart job)06:22
Rasklickalott: Just got it mounted.  Thanks for that link.  :D06:24
ogra_rbasak, seeing your mail to the cross-distro list ... shouldnt you first discuss with dhcp upstream ? they need to make a protocol change for what you ask for ... (or if you want to work around changing the protocol you should explain how you plan that in the bug)08:08
eagles0513875_hey guys I am looking at the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XenProposed and im a bit lost as to the networking portion a bit are there any xen specialists in here?08:11
rbasakogra_: DHCP?08:12
rbasakogra_: the point is to not use DHCP08:12
ogra_rbasak, well, DHCP is doing the negotiation of what gets sent on the server side if you use PXE08:13
rbasakogra_: no, the pxelinux emulation does08:13
ogra_you only describe changes to the client side and an option that the server needs to understand08:13
rbasakThe change I've proposed is to U-Boot's pxe emulation only. Nothing else needs to change.08:14
rbasakDefinitely not DHCP08:14
ogra_buut youo dont describe how the server side is supposed to learn about it08:14
rbasakIt will learn it when U-Boot fetches default.<arch>-<subarch> via TFTP08:14
rbasakWhich I propose it does at the pxelinux emulation stage, before falling back to "default" as normal08:15
ogra_so how does pxe learn about <arch>-<subarch> *without* making changes to the protocol ?08:16
rbasakI don't understand your question08:16
ogra_well, on the server side *something* needs to decide if it sends an arch specific kernel or the default08:17
rbasakForgetting MAAS for a moment to keep this simple, if you're doing things manually you just dump a pxelinux.cfg/default.arm-highbank in your tftp server which refers to a highbank kernel08:17
rbasakAnd leave pxelinux.cfg/default for i386/amd6408:18
rbasakIf you want to use a pxelinux.cfg/01-ab-cd-ef-12-34-56-78 to be specific to the MAC, then you need to know the architecture (or pick it up via the existing DHCP mechanism)08:19
ogra_still, thats done using a defined protocol ... you are proposing changes to that protocol that also should go into the upstream definition of that protocol08:19
* eagles0513875_ wonders what is being discussed here08:19
rbasakNo, it's not done using a defined protocol08:19
rbasakIt's a U-Boot invented emulation08:19
rbasakpxelinux only exists for Intel and so this is not needed there08:19
ogra_eagles0513875_, bug 1041092 (and a mail to the cross-distro list about it)08:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1041092 in u-boot-linaro "Add netboot architecture detection without using DHCP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104109208:19
rbasakI admit that other theoretical pxelinux emulators that work cross-arch will ideally do the same thing08:20
rbasakThis is what I meant by "<arch> and <subarch> must be defined in a new pxelinux emulator namespace"08:20
rbasakBut this change *only* applies to pxelinux *emulators* on non-Intel architectures08:20
rbasakWhich, AFAIK, is only U-Boot currently08:20
ogra_right, i just think you should make the PXE side "more official" by having such a change made rather globally ....08:21
rbasakPlease, stop calling it PXE. It's pxelinux (if upstream) or pxelinux emulation (if U-Boot)08:21
rbasakThere is no official definition08:21
rbasakI'd happily try and make it more official, but it doesn't apply to pxelinux upstream. Only to pxelinux emulators08:22
* ogra_ remembers how ultra painful it was to make PPC macs work as thin clients when he did LTSP ... it would have massively helped back then to have such a feature just in the PXE setup 08:22
rbasak(since PXE doesn't exist for ARM)08:22
ogra_well, PXE is the protocol ... pxelinux uses that protocol08:22
rbasakNo, it does not08:22
rbasakWell OK, it does08:22
ogra_or a superset of it :)08:22
rbasakBut I am not proposing any change to the PXE protocol08:22
rbasakU-Boot does not use any PXE protocol08:23
ogra_well, it pretends to :)08:23
rbasakNo, it does not08:23
rbasakIt pretends to do what pxelinux does08:23
rbasakBut that part of what pxelinux does is not part of PXE08:23
rbasakThat part is invented by pxelinux as an extension to the syslinux configuration format08:24
rbasakThe only relevant group in its definition is pxelinux/syslinux upstream08:24
rbasakIt is very important here to not conflate the two parts.08:25
ogra_well, its your project ... i would just think having a properly defined RFC or some such that defines arch specific support in netboot protocols which then get implemented in teh bootloader might be better than hacking up one bootloader specifically ... at least for the long term08:28
rbasakOK, so you're proposing that I take my proposal and write it up into an RFC?08:29
sorenI'm with rbasak on this. pxelinux.0 is loaded using PXE, but its protocol for finding its boot configuration is a pxelinux thing. I very much see the value in having upstream pxelinux be part of the process of adding this extension, though.08:29
ogra_i'm just thinking we have an opportunity here to take the lead as MaaS upstream to do it properly08:29
rbasakI can write to the pxelinux guys and explain what U-Boot is doing, and ask them to hold the master namespace definition.08:29
rbasakin case there are any other people who want to emulate them08:30
rbasakon different architectures08:30
rbasakBut I don't expect them to adopt this at all, since it only applies to non-Intel, which they don't do08:30
ogra_(i dont think what you ask is wrong, i'm fully with you on it ... i just think we should think more globally and fix it for everyone if we start such an initiative)08:31
rbasakWho is everyone?08:31
rbasakI'm only aware of U-Boot08:31
ogra_well, there are hundrets of arm bootloders :)08:31
ogra_we have linke 5 or so in the archive even08:31
rbasakDo any of them emulate pxelinux?08:31
sorena) It's their configuration protocol we're extending. b) What if they ever decide to expand into the non-Intel space?   I think it's important to have them be part of the process.08:32
ogra_most of tehm can do netbooting one or the other way08:32
rbasaksoren: sure. I have no objection to getting in touch with them.08:32
ogra_some of them can be scripted to fake PXE like u-boot does08:32
rbasakApart from some upstream pxelinux mailing list (which I doubt pxelinux emulator maintainers read!), where else is an appropriate forum, apart from the cross-distro list?08:33
ogra_(oh, and tehre is always PPC and MIPS too that have their own bootloaders ;) )08:33
ogra_rbasak, probably start with syslinux upstream and walk up the hierarchy from there, not sure08:35
Kingsycan someone in here talk to me about atopsar? I have no experience with analyzing load averages andf stuff, so it would be cool if someone could talk through some stuff?08:36
KingsyI have been googling but there doesnt seem to be any good tutorials on it, and the manual page is alot to take in08:37
sorenrbasak: hpa seems to be the primary contributor to pxelinux. You could poke him and ask for the best forum for this discussion.08:37
th0mzdoes any1 have an idea how to get support for SVG in php5-imagick ? please08:59
th0mz(Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS")08:59
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th0mzok found.09:12
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jamespagexnox, the issue you are seeing with duplicate login forms in the dashboard - is that for 12.04/essex or 12.10/folsom10:03
jamespageopenstack dashboard that is10:03
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xnoxjamespage: the one on canonistack =)10:05
jamespagexnox, right-oh - essex/12.04 then10:06
Davieyxnox / jamespage: when switching to a different region?10:10
jamespageDaviey, yeah10:10
xnoxDaviey: yes.10:10
Davieyyeah, i'm getting that aswell.10:11
xnoxDaviey: i filed a bug on launchpad. no screenshots, but you can access it yourself =) ah...10:11
jamespageDaviey, can you see instances running in the second region?10:11
jamespageDaviey, bug 1043437 for reference10:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1043437 in horizon "multiple login forms / distored web-page when trying to switch projects" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104343710:12
jamespagexnox, Daviey: dupe of bug 103393410:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1033934 in horizon "Attempting to change regions in the dashboard does not display correctly" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103393410:14
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1042274 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-client-5.5 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: 正试图覆盖 /usr/bin/innochecksum,它同时被包含于软件包 mysql-server 5.5.27-2" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104227410:26
Davieyjamespage: have you fixed it yet?10:32
jamespageDaviey, hey - I'm just the triage monkey for today! :-)10:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #1042901 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: podproces instalovaný post-installation skript vrátil chybový status 1" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104290110:36
Davieyjamespage: Oh well :)10:37
cefege123how can I configure my vps and namecheap domain, so it works on the internet ( I have 5 domains, and 5 websites, 1 vps)10:38
jamespagebah - I really hate that bacula/mysql-server all-in-one ordering issue10:41
jamespageit bites upgrades as well as fresh installs...10:41
jamespageanyone know what the default network bonding mode is off the top of their heads?11:24
sorenjamespage: none?11:28
jamespagesoren, probably - I missed the "bond-mode 802.3ad" in the provided configuration11:28
sorenI mean.. If you don't configure an interface for bonding, it won't have a bonding network mode.11:30
sorenIf you do configure it for bonding (i.e. enslave it under a bond device), the default mode is 0 (balance-rr).11:30
patdk-laphmm, default bond mode of rr is kind of evil11:45
thierry__hi everyone ,i'm working on a ubuntu-server image on my pandaboard, i just found out that usb keys are not mounted automatically, and fstab is not updated since the distro is minimal , i was wondering if there is a package that allows solving this problem?11:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1035594 in nova "Floating IP addresses leak if you delete an instance with one assigned" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103559412:26
cr3Daviey: thanks for fix bug #1042906 so quickly!13:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1042906 in live-installer "live-installer/net-image cannot fetch-url to unexisting /tmp/live-installer directory" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104290613:25
Davieycr3: it was an accident.. i put in a "sleep 7d ; dput *.changes" ... but i mistyped d and put m :(13:36
Davieycr3: we have a reputation to keep up.13:36
Davieyhello hello, i don't know wy you say hello, say good.13:36
streulmacan I install Ubuntu Server with a proxy server ?13:37
DavieyYou say goodbye and I say hello Hello hello.13:37
Davieystreulma: Have you tried?13:37
streulmabut not with the standard installer13:37
Davieywhat installer did you use?13:38
streulmathe standaard ubuntu server installer 12.0413:38
streulmawith setting Expert mode it is possible13:39
streulmabut my install failes when it will install the server13:40
cr3roaksoax: hi there, any progress on getting the quantal server image to netinstall?13:45
cr3roaksoax: are you also at the point where the system installs but boots into memtest86? :)13:45
Davieycr3: so, i used mini.iso.. with a preseed.. and the kernel installed as expected13:45
cr3Daviey: mini.iso also has a filesystem.squashfs? does it have a netboot initrd.gz separate from the cdrom install one?13:46
Davieycr3: No, i added to the preseed to use a filesystem.squashfs13:46
Davieycr3: it's basically the same thing.. miminal image, 20-30MB, and pulls down everything it needs from the interwebs13:47
roaksoaxcr3 not yet will work on it later today13:48
cr3Daviey: ah, this thing: live-installer/net-image. that's really good to know, where can I find this mini.iso?13:48
cr3Daviey: could I have a look at your pxelinux.cfg and preseed?13:48
cr3roaksoax: looks like Daviey did all the progress, curse him and his timezone!13:49
Davieycr3: I repacked with, http://pb.daviey.com/pVfb/13:50
roaksoaxDaviey could you pastebin your preseed?13:50
cr3Daviey: wait, what? modules=live-installer, I wonder if that was my problem all along :(13:52
Davieycr3: the mini.iso doesn't include it by default.13:52
hallynutlemming: are you interested in fixing bug 1043582 ?13:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1043582 in lxc "lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud --userdata ignores userdata" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104358213:53
hex__hi to all14:24
cr3roaksoax: when you install the quantal server image, you use initrd.gz, linux and pxelinux.0 from this directory in the image, right? install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/14:29
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roaksoaxcr3 yes and now but cobbler imoorts that and uses it14:30
hex__Aug 30 16:28:25 hex-SATELLITE-C660 kernel: [68029.901192] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=b8:70:f4:5f:04:10:00:e0:4c:eb:a8:e1:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=40 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=107 ID=23340 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=60913 DPT=47248 WINDOW=0 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=014:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #1043864 in nova (main) "nova-compute does not start at boot due to unsatisfied libvirt-bin dependency" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104386414:31
hex__this is what I get on ufw14:31
hex__can anyone help14:31
cr3roaksoax: do you happen to know if /boot/vmlinux-* is supposed to be installed come from the filesystem.squashfs or from linux-image-*-generic package in the pool?14:34
cr3s/installed come from/installed from/ :)14:35
roaksoaxcr3 the linux image should  copied over to the filesystem by live-installer14:35
* roaksoax bbl14:36
hallynstgraber: you have fixes queued up for SRU, but do you have any for quantal?  If not i'll push fix for bug 104358214:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1043582 in lxc "lxc-create -t ubuntu-cloud --userdata ignores userdata" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104358214:47
stgraberhallyn: I don't have anything queued for quantal. I'd like to drop the lxc-wait from debian/local, but the upstream lxc-wait is kinda broken upstream (not actually doing any waiting) so don't do that until it's fixed upstream ;)15:14
hallynstgraber: ubuntu:lxc updated.  I"ll test and push in a bit15:16
hallynstgraber: two of those should be SRUd to precise15:18
stgraberhallyn: when you have a sec, can you look at that lxc-wait bug, my current guess is that I messed up the merge of lxc_wait15:18
hallynstgraber: oh, ok.  will do15:19
cr3Daviey: odd, I installed the contents of daily/current/quantal-server-amd64.iso over the network using your pxelinux.cfg and preseed, but I still get the same outcome: no kernel installed so boots into memtest8615:21
cr3Daviey: where can I download this mino.iso of yours?15:22
cr3mini.iso even, mino is probably for fish15:22
hallynutlemming: (in case you read yoru backlog - pls ignore my previous comment about userdata;  i've taken the bug)15:24
utlemminghallyn: okay....the first comment was before I got in. but yes, I'm more than happy to take that bug if you're not attached. I need bugs for fixing.15:26
Davieycr3: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/15:30
cr3roaksoax: I just had a look at the mini.iso that Daviey seemed to have tested, probably the one from archive, and I really don't see how that could work more than the server image. have you tried both the server iso and the mini one?15:40
hallyncr3: you mean the mini iso at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/${release}/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso ?15:41
hallyni use those freuqently to install generic images, and bootstrap a desktop (apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)15:42
hallynhave had no problems, but it's been a few weeks15:42
hallynbut maybe that's not what you're talking about :)15:42
cr3hallyn: I just discovered it, seems neat! the problem I'm referring to is netinstalling recent quantal server images because of the filesystem.squashfs that was introduced. it looks like my system boots into memtest86 because there's no kernel under /boot/vmlinuz-*15:43
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hallynah i see15:46
hallynso initramfs on the image needs a squashfs moudle perhaps?15:46
smosercr3, you're reporting that the server netboot.iso is hosed?15:51
smoserthats bad.15:52
hallynstgraber: tests pass, pushing to quantal15:52
hallynsmoser: wasn't something about squashfs and server iamge installs discussed in team mtg a few weeks ago?15:53
cr3smoser: I don't know what's the problem yet, I just hear that roaksoax is experiencing something similar but Daviey isn't15:55
hallynutlemming: well hm.  my proposed fix doesn't seem to be fixing it15:57
hallynd'oh, wrong package being tested.  nm15:58
cr3hallyn: I'm not sure whether the problem is with the initramfs on the image, because the installation seems to complete just fine. I would imagine that there would be a failure mounting the filesystem.squashfs that would interrupt the installation if it were a problem with the missing squashfs module15:58
cr3hallyn: emphasis on "seems", of course, because the installation is obviously not fine if it reboots into memtest86 by lack of any installed kernels :)16:00
hallyncr3: can you see update-grub running during install?  no errors?16:03
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cr3hallyn: yeah, I even ran it myself during the late_command, and it runs just fine. the problem is that there's no /target/boot/vmlinuz-* file, so update-grub does the right thing and only adds memtest86 to its options16:08
cr3hallyn: however, I also ran chroot /target dpkg -l 'linux-image-*' at the same moment and the linux-image-*-generic package was installed (ii in the output of dpkg)16:08
hallynsmoser: ^ whose domain would this be, cjwatson?16:10
cr3hallyn: I'm guessing, and I could be very wrong, that the vmlinuz-* file should be copied from the filesystem.squashfs file but it isn't. I'm also guessing that the dpkg database is also copied from the filesystem.squashfs which is why it's showing that the package is installed even though it's not16:10
hallyncr3: can you paste the precise url for the iso you are using?16:10
cr3hallyn: I'm rsync'ing from rsync://rsync.cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ubuntu-server/daily/current/quantal-server-amd64.iso, and the .disk/info says: Ubuntu-Server 12.10 "Quantal Quetzal" - Alpha amd64 (20120830)16:11
Davieycr3: Can you clarify your exact test.. I am confused.. you are using the large iso, but also preseeding?16:15
Davieycr3: If you are preseeding, why are you using a remote squashfs?16:16
TheLordOfTime(repost) is there a way to easily find the name of the source package of a given installer package within apt-cache, without me going to packages.u.c to find the source package?16:18
cr3Daviey: I'm just using the large iso to get a few files from: 1. the initrd.gz, which is the same as on the mini.iso; 2. the linux, also the same; 3. pxelinux.0, which is not on the mini.iso; 4. and the packages that I make available by http16:18
cr3Daviey: I'm preseeding with the same preseed as you provided, where I only added a like for my workaround: d-i preseed/early_command string mkdir /tmp/live-installer16:18
hallyncr3: but to be clear, your installed rootfs has no vmlinuz in /boot right?16:19
hallyncr3: bc otherwise i'd assume you're missing one of the files pxelinx needs (i've had trouble with that before)16:20
cr3hallyn: right, I even checked from grub and no vmlinuz in /boot16:20
hallynstgraber: yeah, upsream lxc-wait doesn't have that problem.  i'll dive into the code now :)16:21
Davieycr3: i'm doing a respin right now.. which should remove the need for the early_command16:21
cr3Daviey: for completeness, this is my preseed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1176188/16:21
cr3Daviey: thanks, but I doubt this is causing the problem with the missing vmlinuz under /boot. I'm really surprised it works for you, do you have a syslog from the installation that I can try to compare with mine?16:22
cr3Daviey: since I'm also using the same pxelinux.cfg as you, the debug level should make it possible to more or less diff side by side16:23
cr3... after removing the timestamps, of course16:23
Davieycr3: i did have one..16:24
Davieyi can make another16:24
cr3Daviey: cheers, I'm making another one too so I'm not quite ready yet either. can you email me the file when it's ready, that'd be really appreciated16:25
Davieycr3: no, i'm not going to mail you an iso. :)16:27
SpamapSDaviey: don't judge me (re help2man)16:27
hallynstgraber: phew :)  just needed to initialize my_args.timeout to -1.16:28
rbasakTheLordOfTime: by installer package, do you mean udeb or something else? Your system's apt-cache won't have the udeb package list I don't think. (or will it?)16:29
cr3Daviey: the installation syslog!16:29
hallyni just deleted bzr/lxc.  but that's the shared repo holding all my various lxc trees.16:29
TheLordOfTimerbasak:  i mean by the binary .deb that is built from the source16:29
TheLordOfTimefor example:16:29
TheLordOfTimethe 'nginx' source package is the source package that produces nginx-full16:29
TheLordOfTimeif i didn't know that, is there a way outside of going to packages.u.c to find nginx-full's "source" package16:29
rbasakSo "Source" field of "apt-cache show" will give you that16:30
Davieycr3: I'll pastebin that.16:30
hallynstgraber: i'll stage the fix for upstream lxc in ubuntu:lxc.  If you want to drop debian/local/lxc-wait, i'm good with that16:31
TheLordOfTimerbasak:  and if a package doesn't have a Source: field?16:31
TheLordOfTimethen should i assume its a metapackage?16:31
rbasakI'm not sure, but I've always assumed that without a Source: field the source has the same name16:31
rbasakeg. the hello package doesn't have a Source: field16:32
rbasakI haven't found a counterexample but I don't know that it is defined this way either16:32
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rbasakPeople in #ubuntu-devel may know more.16:33
TheLordOfTimerbasak:  i just needed to know if it'd show in apt-cache16:33
hallynstgraber: pushed.  (let me know if you want me to just drop our lxc-wait and push;  else i'l lleave it to you)16:33
cr3Daviey: is that why you have your own pastebin, so that you can upload files that you want to pastebin instead of actually copying and pasting which might be problematic for over 10K lines?16:33
TheLordOfTimebecause i'm writing a utility script for me to generate a link to the security team's CVE trackers for source packages, i'm going to tweak that script to grep through the actuasl package's apt-cache info and find the "Source: " field, if the package itself (when tested in the URL search) isnt a source (it'll 404 if that's the case)16:34
TheLordOfTimerbasak:  i wasnt sure where to ask, but i know apt-cache is CLI, so... :P16:34
TheLordOfTimerbasak:  thanks though :)16:34
Davieycr3: I pastebin'd /dev/random before :)16:35
cr3Daviey: I should introduce you to someone who listened to /dev/random16:35
Davieycr3: well, it16:38
Davieycr3: well, it's not finished.. but i think there is enough for you there.. http://pb.daviey.com/1HTR/16:38
cr3Daviey: thanks! by the way, I noticed a step near the end called something like "remove-live-packages" that sounded suspicious, so I would like the whole thing when you got it16:41
rbasakTheLordOfTime: you could use grep-dctrl against http://www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/{main,universe,...}/source/Sources.gz/bz2 and look for a Binary entry that matches the pacakge you're looking for16:42
rbasakThat would be cleaner I think - rather than relying on your system's apt cache16:42
rbasakThere may be a library that already does this that I'm not aware of though16:42
TheLordOfTimerbasak:  true, but this is a Bash script, trying not to have to delve into actual programming :P16:42
TheLordOfTimetrying to make it very simplistic16:42
Davieycr3: it is odd that it pulls the kernel down twice.  I suspect it installs the one shipped, then does a dist-upgrade16:42
TheLordOfTimebut if i need to redo it with some other program, i can do so, it'll just take longer :P16:43
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  FINALLY YOU APPEAR16:43
TheLordOfTimeyou've been disappeared for a WHILE16:43
cr3Daviey: where do you see it being pulled down? searching your pastebin for linux-image doesn't return anything :(16:43
hggdhhi TheLordOfTime, I am on holiday :-)16:43
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  ah.  so... not a good time to ask you to check an email string and give your opinions (for bugsquad stuff)16:44
Davieycr3: updated, http://pb.daviey.com/Z608/16:44
hggdhTheLordOfTime: well, I am actually not here, but I might be able to look at an email sent to me ;-)16:44
cr3Daviey: sweet! I haven't noticed that in some of my syslogs but I'll have another look at my other syslog once I can get at it, shouldn't be too long now16:44
Davieyi'm using a us mirror for some daft reason16:45
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  heh.  i sent it to the bugsquad mailing list, its just finalizing that whole core vs. noncore stuff i brought up a couple of months ago.  just getting opinions on wording it for the footnotes on the Importance docs, then adding that, and that's the end of it :)16:45
hggdhwill look at it, if I have not to get to a party somewhere and drink a bit more of beers16:46
cr3Daviey: us > uk, of course16:46
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  have a beer on me :P16:46
hggdhwill do16:46
cr3even Python thinks so: "us" > "uk" == True16:47
Davieycr3: I disgaree, http://pb.daviey.com/gaVw/16:49
cr3Daviey: "win" should be in caps to emphasise how awesome you are, then I'd agree with your code16:58
Davieycr3: ok16:59
cr3Daviey: I did some side by side diff of our syslog and I wonder if you would have the same problem as me if your kernel was not updated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176273/17:04
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cr3Daviey: oh, one more thing, you might like to make sure you're using the latest filesystem.squashfs to prevent the upgrade. mine is from today's image, md5sum: 0027b200eb2c3c24218d252bcdad834517:06
Davieycr3: mine was from today17:11
Davieydf423b2e84af20365dc123645b1b4deb  filesystem.squashfs17:11
Davieycr3: a newer iso has just been published btw http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20120830.2/17:12
roaksoaxcr3: so what i did, IIRC was only to download the filesystem.squashfs and place it under /caspter, and the live-installer took care of everything17:27
Davieyroaksoax: you shouldn't need to do that..17:38
roaksoaxDaviey: right, so I'm pressuming that cjwatson added support to live-installer to use the squashfs image from /tmp17:38
Davieyroaksoax: no, wget's it17:39
Davieyroaksoax: di live-installer/net-imagestring
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah I have that, but my point being is that it stores it under /tmp/filesystem.squashfs17:40
Davieyroaksoax: live-installer respects /install and /casper, but also supports net-image preseed17:40
Davieyroaksoax: well the fact it is in /tmp is irrelevant17:41
roaksoaxDaviey: right! but I guess i didn't express myself correctly, as what I did was during the product sprint and that';s what I was talking about :)17:42
roaksoaxsorry for the confusionm17:42
Davieyi understand now :)17:46
sbeattieadam_g: do your keystone/precise-proposed packages include the fix for LP: #998185 ? (I kind of assume so, since you got the other two token expiry issues incorporated)17:48
TheLordOfTimeLP Bug 99818517:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 998185 in keystone "Once a token is created/distributed its expiry date can be circumvented" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99818517:49
TheLordOfTime(so you can see the subject ;) )17:49
zulsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1176358/ thats the error i get18:03
smoserzul, sorry for ignorance18:07
smoserbut what is iscsiadm doing here?18:07
zulsmoser: its doing the libvirt attach-device call basically18:07
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smoserwhat does that have to do with the instance?18:08
smoserits just setting up device on the host that is connected to the scsi target?18:08
zulsmoser: i think so....im still trying to figure stuff out as well18:09
zulsmoser: its blowing my mind man :)18:10
zulsmoser: here is a bit more info in the traceback http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1176374/18:11
dassoukiis tehre a way to list the 10 largest folders in total size in the system18:25
cr3roaksoax: first, I think you meant that you placed the filesystem.squashfs under /install rather than /casper. second, are you saying that netinstalling the current quantal server image now works for you?18:28
roaksoaxcr3: i meant when I first did it, i put it in /caspter IIRC18:29
roaksoaxcr3: now, we should only need to specify the URL for it18:30
roaksoaxcr3: and that should be it18:30
cr3roaksoax: ok, I'm glad to hear that works for you. I'll keep troubleshooting my side on the assumption that my configuration is wrong18:37
noslin005hi, people , someone know a good site that talk about mounting a server hardware18:40
patdk-wknormally follow the instructions that came with the mounting hardware18:42
Troy^hello when setting up a raid 1 with ide drives, do they both have to be on the same channel for instance on the same primary chain or can one be on each primary and secondary what will perform best?18:43
patdk-wkTroy^, makes 0 difference at all18:46
patdk-wkso make them primary on their own channels, if you can18:46
Troy^hmm so no diff even if i put them prim and secondary on the first channel? it would make for better airflow? unless you think i would get better performance18:47
drag0niusis there something like webadmin for Squid?18:50
drag0niuswith gui?18:50
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.18:52
RoyKdrag0nius: squid is rather easy to configure if you read the manual and the config file18:52
drag0niusthe config file has couple thousand lines ;/18:53
patdk-wkhmm, I have many config files that are only 20lines, but end up at a few thousand when I'm done configuring it18:54
patdk-wklike, apache :)18:54
drag0niusi dont need that much for now at least ;d18:54
RoyKdrag0nius: just ask what you want to do18:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:55
drag0niusi've tomcat/glassfish/apache2 running on server18:55
drag0niuswanna make access to them with urls not ports18:56
drag0niusi've domain already18:56
drag0niusright now using dns redirect, but its not sufficient18:58
drag0niuslike i want drag0nius.pl/apps/ direct to drag0nius.pl:808018:59
drag0niuswithout changing url base18:59
drag0niusprobably later would get to manually configuring, but need something quick now19:03
drag0niusfound artica19:06
drag0niuslooks good19:06
cr3Daviey: I got it to work... by using the old filesystem.squashfs from 20120829 which resulted in upgrading the same 14 packages as you, including the linux-image-*-generic package.19:11
cr3Daviey: I'm still of the opinion that using the latest filesystem.squashfs which doesn't upgrade the linux-image-*-generic package will result in a broken installation.19:12
cr3Daviey: and, I would suggest that someone confirm this because I don't think QA tests network installs yet19:13
Davieycr3: Ah, balls.. I am testing yesterdays iso19:15
cr3Daviey: no worries, as long as we're now comparing oranges and oranges, I'm reassured to keep plowing ahead. will keep you posted19:16
Davieycr3: so, the other thing that differs.. mini.iso is created from debian-installer uploads, and only then.19:21
Davieycr3: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-server-amd64_default/141/console .. latest iso .*30.2 seems to be using life-installer ok19:23
cr3Daviey: cdrom install != network install != usb install19:25
cr3Daviey: you're welcome to comparing other fruits to a network install of the current image, that doesn't fix the current image unfortunately :(19:27
cr3Daviey: what files other than initrd.gz and vmlinuz are used from the mini.iso for a network install using MaaS?19:28
Davieycr3: no shit :)19:34
cr3Daviey: I found the problem that I'll be documenting in a bug shortly, it's all in: live-installer/usr/lib/live-installer.d/ubuntu-kernel19:36
Davieycr3: debian-installer, which produces the network installer, was uploaded 20 hours ago19:37
cr3Daviey: in short, the filesystem.squashfs does not contain /boot/vmlinuz-* as can be seen from mounting it. the kernel is actually copied from the cdrom which doesn't freaking exist in a network install19:37
Davieycr3: well, this was actually by design.19:37
cr3Daviey: if it seems to have worked in a network install, it's only a fluke that you've had a more recent kernel in the archive otherwise it cannot work19:38
cr3Daviey: so, by design, how should the network install get its kernel under /boot?19:38
Davieycr3: good question.19:39
Davieycr3: wing and a prayer ?19:39
cr3Daviey: it's not important to know the design to report a bug though, so I'll continue gathering the necessary information for a good bug report. I'd rather leave the design to the experts :)19:39
Davieycr3: Colin is not around this week. He'd probably be the best person to take this, if not.. roaksoax or myself will.19:40
cr3Daviey: I'll try to find a way to workaround that problem too so that certification can continue to test server images, but at least I'm confident about the problem now. I hope this will be useful for your team as well19:40
Troy^i didn't choose degraded array for my raid 1 setup what is the downfall?20:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044044 in cloud-init "ubuntu user not in correct groups" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104404420:16
cr3Daviey, roaksoax: I reported bug #1044049 describing the problem installing the latest quantal server image over the network, I hope this will help make maas even better!20:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1044049 in live-installer "live-installer/ubuntu-kernel cannot work on a network install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104404920:20
Troy^omg on the package install selection i hit enter trying to select first package and it goes auto to continue not selecting the package... spacebar is to select packages so now i have server installing with no packages lol20:21
Davieycr3: no doubt it will, thanks for your detailed digging20:25
cr3Daviey: I'll have a workaround soon, so you can either use sleep 7d or wait for cjwatson, I won't be blocked on this20:26
Davieycr3: well, i'm worried that i set unreasonably fast turnaround expectations.. so this one might need to be a sleep 14d.20:27
cr3Daviey: as long as it makes it before the quantal release, I'll be happy for the sake of MaaS20:29
Davieycr3: super.20:36
Troy^does openssh server auto start on boot?20:57
wedgieby default, yes21:04
fij0there is a way to put ascii characters in console witout use unicode wit the combination of ctrl + shift + u ?21:17
epifanioHi All21:38
epifanioI'm running a virtual server on a machine of my institute, uname -a give me :  Linux ecoop.aquarius.tw.rpi.edu 2.6.32-28-vserver #55~ppa1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Feb 4 21:25:09 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:38
epifanioi have sudo rights on this machine .. and i was trying to install some packages unsing apt-get ... unfortunatly it gave me "unmet dependencies" , so i tryied to do an :   apt-get updarte & apt-get upgrade21:39
epifaniobut now .. the apt-get instruction is stuck on the cron packages ... the ssh shell prompt show me : http://paste.debian.net/186732/21:40
epifaniois in this state that is half hour .. i'm worried21:40
epifaniohave you any clue on what's going wrong ? or how to try to debug the problem ?21:41
epifanioto stop the process .. i opened an other ssh connection and i run :  sudo fuser -cuk /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo rm -f /var/lib/dpkg/lock21:47
epifaniothen i used : dpkg --configure -a21:47
epifaniothe log in the shell is :  http://paste.debian.net/186736/21:48
epifaniothanks for any help!21:48
epifanio'm trying again with : sudo aptitude safe-upgrade21:50
epifanioafter a long list of unpacking / preparing replacement .. it is still stuck on cron : http://paste.debian.net/186737/21:54
ariel__i wanna ask a question how do people find your server online22:38
SpamapSariel__: are you asking how you might advertise the existence of your server that you build on Ubuntu?22:39
Troy^question openssh only seems to run on a linux box reboot when i log in to a user. how do i get the box to auto login?23:00
Troy^in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file do i need to uncomment "#" the line with port 22 if i want to change it to Port 2277 for example?23:18
Troy^and sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart does not work i even tried service ssh restart23:18
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