
blkperlgrr when is unity going to support 4 monitors...01:23
tgm4883blkperl, it doesn't already?01:32
tgm4883I thought I read somewhere it did01:32
blkperlwell it might, but when I log in with four monitors it sits at a black screen01:33
blkperland .xsession fills with angry compiz erros01:33
tgm4883when you install google chrome in 12.10, it tells you the package is of bad quality01:45
tgm4883zsyncing an ISO at 15000 kBps, nice14:08
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bkerensatgm4883: you see the ZDnet article about Goobuntu?17:43
bkerensa"Light Years Ahead of Fedora and OpenSuse"17:43
blkperlplymouth-- gives no information about what its doing.....17:47
c_smithplymouyh-- does exactly what it's supposed to, press esc to see what is being done in the background.17:57
blkperlimpatient sysadmin believes plymouth is hung and powercycles box. me--18:02
c_smithwell, the sysadmin could simply press esc to see what is going on.18:05
c_smithdunno if Plymouth could safely be removed.18:06
nathwillprobably best to just remove "quiet" from the boot param18:09
c_smithstill, not quite sure how it works, but my new laptop went to Eugene to portland last night.18:18
c_smithUPS has some weird routes.18:18
nathwillwhat'd you end up getting c_smith?18:21
c_smithlet me get you a link.18:24
c_smiththis: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834246323&nm_mc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel&cm_mmc=TEMC-RMA-Approvel-_-Content-_-text-_-18:25
c_smithand let me know if the link doesn't work.18:25
nathwillyay lenovo18:26
c_smithtook your advice into consideration when picking that.18:26
c_smithI believe it was you who gave the advice.18:26
nathwilli like lenovo, so it's likely18:27
bkerensasorry about your luck c_smith ... Lenovo has a nice laptop on frys for $28018:27
c_smithyeah, true.18:27
nathwilli don't know about ideapad series18:27
c_smithbkerensa, thanks for bursting my bubble. >.>18:27
c_smithanyway, back to my music.18:28
c_smithoh, one thing: has a muxless gpu pair, which I've read isn't supported by X.org currently, but I also heard there's a simple fix to making it use one GPU instead of the other in this case.18:29
c_smithin this laptop's case, that solution would be installing the FGLRX driver.18:30
bkerensac_smith: Oh price dropped to $24718:30
c_smithnot quite the specs I wanted and found with the laptop I bought, though.18:31
c_smithone thing I looked for that the laptop I bought has is a dedicated GPU (even though it's paired with an integrated)18:32
nathwilloh man, google news cracks me up18:33
c_smithcare to send me a link?18:34
nathwillnews.google.com vs news.yahoo.com :P18:34
nathwillbut i'm biased ;)18:35
nathwillit's kind of cool that google exposes the settings a bit18:37
tgm4883yay for asbestos abatement!18:42
nathwilltgm4883: always a good thing...18:49
tgm4883yes it is, although better to just not have abestos18:50
bkerensatgm4883: you have asbestos at home? woah what a treat18:59
tgm4883bkerensa, no, we have abestos in the datacentre19:00
bkerensatgm4883: even worse ;p19:18
c_smithand what even worse is on your clothes!19:23
nathwillour whole house was shingled in it19:35
nathwilland we had to get rid of it :(19:35
nathwillit was not a fun summer19:35
sbeattieasbestos isn't much of a problem if it isn't disintegrating. The problem is when dust from it gets airborn and can be breathed in.19:35
* nathwill nods19:36
* sbeattie 's old house used to have asbestos floor tiles in its basement19:36
nathwillhooks of doom19:36
bkerensaMy elementary school and middle school had asbestos and lead paint20:17
c_smithnow I flippin' hate UPS.20:38
nathwilljust wait until they throw it on your roof20:39
c_smithfreaking screwed me over twice already.20:39
c_smithyeah, at that point I'm gonna deck someone.20:39
c_smithfed up with them already.20:40
bkerensac_smith: why mad at UPS?20:44
bkerensaI have to see them everyday20:45
bkerensa5 packages this week20:45
nathwillbkerensa: you buddies with the driver yet?20:45
bkerensanathwill: so not really... I actually think one of the two drivers who service my area is a douche20:46
bkerensahe done some stealthy door tagging and I dont much like that20:46
bkerensastealth door tagging = When you have a door tag pre-written out... go and slap it on someones door and dont knock and attempt to deliver the package likely because you had a busy day and want to get home on time20:47
c_smithbkerensa, they A. changed the date of delivery to one that I may not be able to pick it up at, and B. have a policy where I can't change where it's delivered to before they first attempt to deliver it.20:48
bkerensabut now I have a VueZone setup on my carport so I can see them before they get to my front door20:48
c_smithyou're lucky you CAN install that in your house. >.>20:48
bkerensac_smith: Was it UPS Ground?20:48
c_smithyep, 3 day. which now is more than that.20:48
bkerensaUPS Ground has a Zero Service Level Guarantee20:49
c_smithwhich is freaking ridiculous to me,20:49
bkerensanot really.... UPS and FedEx legally do not have to even deliver to you20:49
bkerensatheir contract says they can deliver to anyone on your street20:49
c_smithif you look at it that way, yeah.20:50
tgm4883bkerensa, that seems a bit wrong20:50
c_smithbut I don't see how it would cost anything to let the person receiving the package change the drop off to a UPS store.20:50
bkerensanot really its... in their shipping terms20:50
bkerensawrong in the sense that it should not work that way? yes20:50
bkerensaHere we go20:55
bkerensa"The FedEx customer service agent dutifully informed me that leaving the doorway of the correct house (with a name labeled mailbox) to walk over and deliver to the house next door instead was "within the terms of the service I had paid for," and let me know that in the future if I wanted things delivered to the right address, I should pay for signature receipt service."20:56
bkerensac_smith: you could tweet UPS... they are usually good about fixing things21:04
c_smithnot that I'm in a calm enough state of mind to not chew them out instead of asking for help. >.>21:10
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tgm4883so the state department apparently decided to keep the only copy of my birth certificate when they issued my passport :(23:15
bkerensatgm4883: lol23:40

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