
blackshirtharushimo, i think you should care about your crash00:00
harushimoits drupal stuff00:00
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
infinituxHas anybody here done the CompTIA Linux+ exam?00:00
harushimoI know what happen00:00
harushimowhat other places should I look for excessive memory usage in the root partition?00:01
Ben64harushimo: ~/00:01
blackshirtridor, maybe for some reason, your wifi trying to get some address fromdhcp server00:01
harushimomy home directory?00:01
budricharushimo: du -h --max-level 1 /  will list directory usage by size, you can then drill down00:01
aaaaasi have a problem with my graphic driver: it says that the driver is activated but not currently in use'00:01
harushimothat's a good idea00:01
alexr2 a00:02
blackshirtharushimp, i think you using a wrong frase for memory on your root partition00:02
ridorbut before i never had this problem00:02
blackshirtridor, what are you try to do before?00:02
MonkeyDustSpectacle_K  try this command in a terminal, in one line     dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}'|less > list;cat list|xargs sudo apt-get instal00:03
harushimothat is what called /00:03
harushimoI mean root directory00:03
blackshirtridor, have you try configure network manually?00:03
ridorbefore the same thing with wifi dhcp enable00:03
alexr2I can't seem to get sound drivers working for my laptop, I'm on an alienware m17x.  From what I've seen I need to edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file, but it's a bit above my knowledge.  Anyone have time to lead me through fixing it?00:03
harushimoI am so sorry. you are correct00:03
Spectacle_KMonkeyDust: E: Invalid operation insta00:03
MonkeyDustSpectacle_K  try this command in a terminal, in one line     dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}' > list;cat list|xargs sudo apt-get instal00:03
ridorno yet00:04
MonkeyDustSpectacle_K  idd, it's install00:04
Spectacle_KMonkeyDust: E: Invalid operation instal00:04
blackshirtridor, how a long time for waiting?00:04
Spectacle_KMonkeyDust: OK.00:04
MonkeyDustSpectacle_K  copy paste this       dpkg -l|grep ii|awk '{print $2}' > list;cat list|xargs sudo apt-get install00:04
blackshirtspectacle_k, install ...checks it00:05
Spectacle_K0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:05
harushimodu -h --max-level 1 /  this command isn't working00:05
MonkeyDustSpectacle_K  off course, it's already installed, but no errors, thats good00:05
Ben64harushimo: it is --max-depth not --max-level00:06
MonkeyDustSpectacle_K  that command puts all installed programs in a list, then installs it     (after you reinstalled ubuntu)00:06
budricyeah sorry00:06
ridorthere is a message "up to 60 second if not found " :( blackshirt00:06
harushimothank you00:06
Jordan_UMonkeyDust: Realize that that command probably had the side effect of marking all of Spectacle_K's packages as "manually installed".00:06
Spectacle_KMonkeyDust: OK, so run the command you gave me to reinstall these programmes?00:06
Ben64MonkeyDust: that should be two separate commands00:06
harushimohmm...it isn't working00:07
Ben64otherwise nothing will ever be done00:07
blackshirtridor, was ctrl+c would stop them?00:07
lsvharushimo: alias du='du -h --max-depth 1'00:07
ridorno nothing00:07
randomDudedoes anyone know of a thunderbird addon that lets me right click an email in the list view and create a filtering rule from it?00:07
MonkeyDustBen64  idd, the semicolon divides the commands00:07
blackshirtridor, try to not set connect automatically00:08
ridori've remove ssh server and samba00:08
Ben64MonkeyDust: but it does it right after the other, so in effect it will install only the packages that are already installed, which accomplishes nothing00:08
MonkeyDustBen64  yes, for now, but not after reinstallation00:08
Ben64yes even after reinstallation00:08
Ben64MonkeyDust: because of the first part it will overwrite the list of packages00:09
shade34321is it better to copy a list of installed packages from one computer to another by dpkg -l or dpkg --get-selections?00:09
MonkeyDustBen64  first create the list, then take the list to the new installation, then execute the part after the semicolon00:09
Ben64MonkeyDust: right, but you never said that00:10
ridorok i reboot my machine and i tell you what's happens blackshirt00:10
blackshirtokey ridor00:10
MonkeyDustBen64  you're right, i was too enthousiastic00:10
jen_how can I make my computer start up faster?00:10
blackshirtjen_, for some simple solution, disable some service you don't need00:11
jen_like what? Some of my apps blackboxer_00:11
jen_blackshirt, *00:11
budricAnyone know how to manually install sound card driver?  apt-get install alsa-* didn't do it for me.  It didn't install the module I need.  How do I track down the module for my card?  Is there an apt package for more sound card firmware modules?00:11
blackshirtjen_, see it with pstree or ps aux00:12
harushimoman I never used this much of root00:12
harushimoI don't understand what is causing that00:12
swil7705webcam freezes after 30 seconds in any application, same with different kernal updates and different cameras. lubuntu 12.04 on Inspiron B13000:12
blackshirtJen_ you should know service you don't need00:12
jen_blackshirt, what 'service'??00:12
dr_williswith a SSD drive my Ubuntu box gets to the Desktop in 12 sec. ;)00:13
SolarisBoysweet dr_willis00:13
blackshirtjen_, i don't know what is your programs installed ?00:13
jen_ocelot blackshirt00:13
dr_williseven on a normal HD - it booted in perhaps 60 sec.00:13
SolarisBoymines was about that until i turned on a bunch of startups00:13
jen_blackshirt, ocelot XD00:13
blackshirtJen_, maybe ssh,apache,samba or etc00:13
jen_what is samba?00:14
SolarisBoyfile sharing00:14
dr_willisservices really shouldent slow down a boot time by much since most are booting in parrallel.00:14
ridorno it doesn't work blackshirt  :-(00:14
dr_williswhen you see the lightdm/login screen some services are still starting up.00:14
SolarisBoydr_willis: true00:14
SolarisBoydr_willis: but i think it was gwibber or something00:14
blackshirtjen_, some compiz effect will slow your system if your box not capable00:14
dr_willisthats part of why a SSD is such a gain. :)00:15
SolarisBoyseems to pause my system on bootup =( well not seems - it does00:15
SolarisBoyim on a ssd =(00:15
SolarisBoyi need to re-time my boot and stop complaining meh00:15
ridorblackshirt,  any other ideas ?00:16
dr_willisI just count off the seconds..  the first few times.. then dont worry about it.. i hit power.. by the time i sit down.. the system is booted.00:16
SolarisBoy yea i remember thats how my reboots were.. hhmm ok brb i can't wait anymore lol00:17
SolarisBoydr_willis: made me jealous00:17
erealzhey guys need your opinion best vpn provider for linux ?00:17
NChief_when using a dualscreen setup, the name of the monitor is displayed in the upper left corner.. how can I remove that?00:17
dr_willisNChief_:  thats the monitors controll panel tool that dident exit properly . find its pid and kill it.. or try xkill and click on it   perhaps.00:18
dr_willisNChief_:  if its the same bug ive seen in the past. :) you could post a screenshot.00:19
aaaserealz i use ivpn not sure it's the best though check lifehacker they had an article on this (but not sure it was for linux) recently00:19
wormmdHey all. I had a connection issue a few days ago when I was trying to do an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, and this is the error I'm getting now: http://pastebin.com/vnQDNEqf00:20
erealztrying to to get something good with out haveing to shell out to much00:20
wormmdI can't find the sources causing the error in /etc/apt/sources.list, either.00:20
erealzanyone else have opinions vpn providers most bang for the bucks?00:20
wormmdCan someone point me in the right direction?00:20
firei was trying to enable my nvidia graphic driver and it now it wont let me boot up. the last command that i run was sudo nvidia-xonfig00:22
erealzremove the nvidia config file00:23
NChief_dr_willis: xkill did not work.. do you know the name of the process?00:23
erealzor the try removeing xorg config file00:23
dr_williswormmd:  look at the ppa files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/00:23
dr_willisNChief_:  nope, proberly has display or monitors in its name00:24
wormmddr_willis: checking.00:24
fireerealz:but if i remove them then ill go back again :S00:24
NChief_http://i.imgur.com/bTt0V.jpg screen00:24
dr_willisthat little laptop - is a window from that moniotors/displays tool hanging about.. seen it in the past.00:25
compdocwormmd, can you ping www.google.com from that machine?00:25
wormmdcompdoc: yes. Why?00:25
compdocwormmd, just checking00:26
fireerealz: ?00:26
harushimoI'm having issue with my root directory using a lot of memory00:26
harushimoany other suggestions00:26
NChief_oh well. reinserting the cable did the trick00:26
wormmdcompdoc: from what I can tell, my connectivity issues are solved now (surfing the web, apt-get functions as expected except for those errors).00:26
firei was trying to enable my nvidia graphic driver and it now it wont let me boot up. the last command that i run was sudo nvidia-xonfig00:26
wormmdcompdoc: I'm just wondering if trying to run an update and upgrade when I had connectivity issues messed with some config file at some point.00:27
sumpterHey everyone00:27
Ben64fire: why didn't you install nvidia with the Hardware Drivers program00:27
sumpterumm I may have deleted all my kernels00:28
sumpterand I can't seem to fix it00:28
compdocwormmd, have you tried sudo apt-get clean   ?00:28
wormmdcompdoc: will do now.00:28
sumptercan anyone assist?00:28
fireBen64:i ve done it but it says that the driver is enabled but not in use so i run the nvidia config00:28
Ben64fire: do you get an error or anything now when you start ubuntu00:29
isabella_drHi, wanna integrate the java-plugin into my chrome-browser from /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk/jre/lib/amd64. But the file "libnpjp2.so" is missing. How to integrate??00:29
sumptercan anyone help me get a kernel again?00:30
sumpterive tried online guides, but they don't seem to be working00:30
isabella_drusing ubuntu00:30
isabella_drjava is installed over apt00:30
Ben64sumpter: what did you do to cause the issue?00:30
fireBen64:yes failed to load the nvidia kernel module, no drivers available  no screens found00:30
sumpterI tried to update the kernel :/00:30
wormmdcompdoc: now I'm getting this: http://pastebin.com/UH9YBUSS00:31
fireBen64:xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2) unable to connect to X server00:31
Ben64sumpter: how00:31
sumpterBen64: I was being careless and used the Software Center to install the latest kernel for 12.0400:31
sumpterinstead of terminal00:31
wormmddr_willis: now I'm getting this (after backing up and moving the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d): http://pastebin.com/UH9YBUSS00:31
Ben64fire: can you get to a console? (ctrl+alt+f1)00:31
Ben64sumpter: that wouldn't cause a problem00:32
wormmdsumpter: that doesn't sound careless. Are they not showing up in grub when you boot?00:32
fireBen64:you mean like the terminal?00:32
Ben64fire: yes00:32
sumpterBen64: I had a few glitches, so i then proceeded to uninstall the kernel00:32
wormmdBen64: sorry, didn't see you talking to sumpter, I won't confuse things :)00:32
Ben64wormmd: you can, thats what this channel is for :)00:33
sumpterBen64: that's what messed it up00:33
sumpterwormmd: No, it shows up, just won't boot00:33
Ben64sumpter: can you choose a different kernel00:33
sumpterBen64: I'm using Burg00:33
MrBossWho can install and run itunes 10.6.3 with wine ?00:34
xangua!appdb | MrBoss00:34
ubottuMrBoss: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help00:34
Ben64fire: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:34
wormmdJust an update for anyone following my issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155087700:35
fireBen64:i cant open it00:35
sumpterBen64: Idk how to select a different kernel in burg, or how to get grub back00:35
wormmdSeems strange that Ubuntu would be having issues with their signing, so I'm going to investigate more on my end. Thanks!00:35
Ben64sumpter: i've never heard of burg before, so i'm not sure either00:35
Ben64fire: try this on command line - "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit"00:36
sumpterBen64: I'm in LiveCD now though, is there anything I can do to fix the kernel00:36
Ben64sumpter: yes, but i don't know the exact steps. it involves mounting your system on the livecd and using apt to install the kernel(s)00:36
WHAT_UPif i buy a cheap usb adapter that has linux drivers, would i be able to use it as a WAP for my phone (both work on 802.11n)?00:36
WHAT_UPerr, cheap wireless usb adapter00:37
sumpterBen64: Yeah I've done that, but I'm getting apt error code 1 on everything to do with apt00:37
Ben64WHAT_UP: many adapters don't support infrastructure mode00:37
compdocwormmd, that repo seems very odd to me00:37
WHAT_UPBen64: how can i figure out which do?00:38
Ben64WHAT_UP: not sure, sorry00:38
fireBen64:this api has been disabled.please use pastebin's new api00:38
wormmdcompdoc: found this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/80680/cannot-update-system-error-during-signature-verification and this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-extras-keyring/+bug/893743/comments/700:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #893743 GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,Triaged]00:39
Ben64fire: ok then... try this... "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us"00:39
jmpdevi have a very basic install of postfix, mail sends fine, and i setup my mx records to use google apps for inbound mail. how do i make sure my outbound will be sent through postfix without having "via" example.com attached to the from00:39
jrbergdorffhi all00:41
MrBosssomeone can update iphone OS ?00:42
MrBosssomeone can update iphone OS with ubuntu or need use dual boot ?00:42
fireBen64:it comes with : http://sprunge.us/MKPS00:42
jrbergdorffHaving a problem with my printer...it's a canon pixma MP560 and the printer state says the printer is unreachable. Can anyone help?00:42
wormmdMrBoss: what is this I don't even00:43
jrbergdorffIt's Wifi00:43
Ben64fire: what happens if you do "sudo modprobe nvidia"00:43
wjtaylorHow do I set the input property in gstreamer-properties00:43
sumpterBen64: Okay, I still have the kernel, but it says it's not configured yet00:43
fireBen64:fatal:module nvidia not found00:43
Ben64fire: ok then the problem is you don't have the nvidia driver00:44
jrbergdorffHaving a problem with my printer...it's a canon pixma MP560 and the printer state says the printer is unreachable. Can anyone help?00:44
MrBosswormmd, do you have iphone00:44
sumpterBen64: How do I configure the kernel?00:44
fireBen64:is there any command that i can see this?00:44
fireBen64:If ncidia driver is installed00:44
dr_willisjrbergdorff:  and how is the printer attatched. has it ever worked on linux?00:45
Ben64fire: dpkg -l  | grep nvidia00:45
djlangn252_alt@find american ride zip00:45
jrbergdorffyes, last night I had the printer attached to linux and running off the WiFi network. Now it says unreachable00:45
dr_willisdjlangn252_alt:  Do you have a ubuntu support question?00:46
dr_willisjrbergdorff:  can you ping its ip# ?00:46
fireBen64: i can see some nvidia thing :P00:46
jrbergdorffI did last night, didn't try today, let me check00:46
powerplayhey everyone just a quick question, i have some code in my .profile. should i move the code into my .bash_profile since it will not get read?00:46
sumpterdoes anyone know how to fix an unconfigured kernel?00:46
Ben64fire: let me see.... "dpkg -l  | grep nvidia | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us"00:47
jrbergdorffdr willis:no, says destination unreachable00:47
wormmdFor those of you following my issue, this worked: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-extras-keyring/+bug/893743/comments/700:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #893743 GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,Triaged]00:47
jrbergdorffDr. Willis: Could my IP have changed?00:48
sumpterHey can anyone help me with my kernel issue?00:48
jrbergdorffRunning an ALFA box for the Wifi00:48
sumpterCan anyone help with a kernel not configured error?00:49
Jordan_Usumpter: Are you currently able to boot your intstalled system?00:49
sumpterJordan_U: No, I can see it in the select menu, but it won't start00:49
sumpterJordan_U: I'm on the LiveCD right now00:49
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
fireBen64:the command doesnt work00:50
fireBen64:i dont have link00:50
Jordan_Usumpter: OK, start by following this guide to install grub (which should replace burg packages installed though explicitly remove them with apt-get) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#ChRoot00:51
sumpterJordan_U: thanks, looking at it now00:51
jrbergdorffDr.Willis: Any ideas?00:51
Ben64fire: anyway you could delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then you will be able to boot and install the nvidia driver00:51
WHAT_UPBen64: if i share a connection using an adapter in infrastructure mode, is this more or less transparent to the parent network providing the wired connection to the computer, or do some of the dhcp requests or whatever get forwarded?00:51
jrbergdorffJust checked IP, it is still the same00:51
ki4ro_jrbergdorff: There's a web site that might be helpful:  http://www.iheartubuntu.com/2012/02/install-canon-printer-for-ubuntu-linux.html00:52
Ben64WHAT_UP: depends. the computer could act as a router or a bridge00:53
dr_willisjrbergdorff:  i always set my router to assign static ips to my printers.00:53
fireBen64:lets see00:53
WHAT_UPBen64: if i want it to be transparent, i make it act as a router?00:53
Jon--When I plug my headset in the audio goes through both my laptop's internal speakers, and the headphones. I want to configure it so that once the headphones are plugged in the internal speakers mute. Anyone want to help? 12.0400:53
Ben64WHAT_UP: yeah00:53
jrbergdorffdr. willis: I just ran an IP check and it shows the same IP, if it was static wouldn't it change?00:54
ki4ro_jrbergdorff: Static means it will always have the same address assigned00:54
jrbergdorffoh ok00:55
fireBen64:i can boot now everything is like before...now how can i enable the gpu driver?00:55
verici need to install java is there a certain way to install it or a certain version that is better00:55
zykotick9 !java | veric00:55
ubottuveric: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:55
Ben64fire: run jockey-gtk00:56
luigyneed help w/ iptables and openvpn.  I can successfully connect, but need further configuration to access my NFS share on my server which is in the same machine as openvpn server00:56
jrbergdorffKi4ro: before I follow the steps on the site, should I delete my current printers?00:56
ki4ro_jrbergdorff: Not sure00:57
fireBen64:the driver is activated but not currently in use...00:57
sumpterJordan_U: I'm having issues installing grub00:57
ki4ro_jrbergdorff: Does the site give you any advice regarding that?  When I updated mine I believe I took them out before I started and disconnected it from the computer00:57
jrbergdorffKi40: got to looking at the site better and it will do the same thing I have already done for the USB..I want to use my WiFi00:58
ki4ro_jrbergdorff: Okay, sorry...thought I saw some WiFi guidance there00:58
jrbergdorffki4ro: no there wasn't00:59
jrbergdorffThankyou though00:59
jrbergdorffdr. willis: any ideas on how to fix the issue?01:00
sumpterOkay, grub isn't the issue. I only have the one kernel01:00
InItForTheLulzI am trying to install a driver for an Agere modem in .deb and it doesn't seem to be opening in the Ubuntu Software Centre.01:02
WeThePeoplemy wireless board is set to off every time i reset the computer is their a way to have it on, on bootup01:02
fireBen64:are you still here? ..01:04
Ben64fire: yeah01:04
fireBen64:do you know what can i do:01:04
Ben64try to reinstall the driver with jockey01:05
jrbergdorffMy router shows the printer is connected and shows the correct, IP, but I can't ping my printer's IP, and I can't access it directly, have shut down and restarted printer already, no change01:06
Intergage`WorkHey all, just wondering if anyone knows why I am getting a mount error(13): Permission Denied.01:07
WeThePeoplehow do i upgrade xchat01:07
WeThePeoplein terminal01:07
Intergage`WorkI did some googling and according to some people it's to do with GPO's. I don't think this is correct as my GPO's are very minimalistic.01:08
pepperjackWeThePeople: I dont know that this is the ideal way but I'm assuming you are talking about rfkill which sets a bit to block or unblock the device.  try sudo rfkill list   is your card listed?  you can sudo rfkill block <number shown in list >or sudo rfkill unblock <num in list>. you could set this at login or boot maybe01:08
jrbergdorffHaving a problem with my printer...it's a canon pixma MP560 and the printer state says the printer is unreachable. Can anyone help?01:11
WeThePeoplepepperjack, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1174948/01:11
fireBen64:Systemerror: installArchives() failed01:11
powerplayHey everyone just a quick quesiton, i recently realize that my bash shell was not loading bashrc properly because of the .bash_profile file, as soon as i removed this file everything was good so is it ok to move all the cotents of .bash_profile to .profile and then delete .bash_porofile?01:12
hylianjrbergdorff: if i remember right, you have to get a driver for that printer from canon. I had one of those set up wirelessly, is that what you are trying to do?01:12
wormmdpowerplay: the advice I've gotten with respect to issue like that is, verbatim: "Try it and see."01:12
wormmdpowerplay: for simple stuff, it usually works out pretty well.01:13
hylianpowerplay: sorry, never dealt with that. I don't know.01:13
powerplaywormmd: ok thanks i tried it and it works01:13
wormmdpowerplay: as in, a problem immediately reveals itself, or it doesn't and I assume everything is cool.01:13
jrbergdorffIt was running on Wifi last night, and I have the driver, but now a connection has been lost...and the IP won't PING01:13
wormmdpowerplay: not trying to be a jerk, just pointing out that some things are minimally invasive and easy to test on your own.01:13
powerplaywormmd: i see i just wanted opinions so i could be aware of any future mishappenings01:14
jrbergdorffHylian: Went to Canon and there are no drivers available, got the driver from ubuntu printer setup01:14
hylianjrbergdorff: strange, never had that happen with that model. The one we use at the office runs without a hitch...01:14
wormmdpowerplay: and honestly, learning to play around with small stuff on your own and tweak and play will increase your *nix-fu ;)01:14
wormmdpowerplay: helped me immensely. ymmv.01:14
dr_willisone of those bash scripts is ONLY read at the initial login to the system. (a login shell) the other is ran by bash each time it starts up01:14
bkc_jrbergdorff: add the nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf01:14
jrbergdorffhylian: yeah it leaves me baffled! Router shows its running01:14
wormmdpowerplay: see, you learn something new every day!01:14
wormmddr_willis: thanks for the information :)01:15
fictivejust did a dist-upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, but the login screen and status bar still says "Ubuntu 11.10", any hints as to why?01:15
powerplaywormmd: alrighty thanks for the help01:15
jrbergdorffbkc: How do I do that, new here01:15
dr_willisnight all..01:15
bkc_jrbergdorff: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf <-- add "nameserver" if there are no others (without the quotes)01:15
zykotick9bkc_: fyi resolv.conf is deprecated in 12.04 and will get reset to default on reboot01:15
zykotick9jrbergdorff: see above01:16
bkc_zykotick9: depricated? o.O01:16
bkc_zykotick9: what replaces it?01:16
zykotick9bkc_: i'm not sure - but i think you use /etc/network/interfaces now...01:17
fireBen64:Systemerror: installArchives() failed again :S ..01:17
WeThePeoplewhat would be a good channel to extract and configure a bz2/01:17
hylianjrbergdorff: here is the site for the canon drivers. you will also need the scangear software if you intend on using the scanner. you said you had it running though, so maybe this is a network error? (http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010756.asp)01:17
WeThePeopleto help with01:17
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
jrbergdorffhylian: gonna try to reset router first01:19
hylianjrbergdorff: i would, it's worth a try.01:19
hylianWeThePeople: did you have a restfull rest?01:20
jrbergdorffwill be gone for a minute01:20
hylianjrbergdorff: ok. i'll be here01:20
WeThePeoplehylian, yeah thanks01:20
poz_i need some assistence with a sound problem01:22
poz_anyone up for helping me out?01:22
hylian!ask | poz_01:22
ubottupoz_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:22
dabears2what is a good asp shell?01:22
hylianpoz_: sure, what's the problem?01:22
poz_Thanks hylian01:23
WeThePeopledabears2, you mean active server page?01:23
vericI have tried every way i could find for 3 days now to get web vids to play an i have had no luck i have Ubuntu 12.04, shockwave flash, open JDK 7  and ice tea plugin at the moument what am i missing that is making this so difficult01:23
poz_my speakers pop when they are pluged into the audio outlet but not the "back" outlet01:23
bkc_also, punctuation! ^^01:23
dabears2yes, active server page shell01:23
Maro848veric run the command sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:23
Maro848that will install the software you need01:23
bkc_poz_: normal01:24
poz_however, when I run windows 7, it does not pick up the "back" outlet so I need it in the audio outlet01:24
hylianpoz_: let me look this up fr a second, while I am doing that, can you run a command in console? (terminal)? run alsamixer if you can.01:24
poz_it is open01:25
vericMaro848 forgot to mention that i have that installed to01:26
dabears2whats the best one from here http://sh3ll.org/?01:26
vericit hasent helped01:26
Maro848then try and run sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:26
hylianpoz_: what version of ubuntu are you using?01:27
vericPackage flashplugin-nonfree is a virtual package provided by:01:27
veric  adobe-flashplugin
veric  flashplugin-installer
vericYou should explicitly select one to install.01:27
vericE: Package 'flashplugin-nonfree' has no installation candidate01:27
FloodBot1veric: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
Maro848then run flashplugin-installer01:27
fictiveanyone know why a newly dist-upgrade of 11.10 -> 12.04 still displays 11.10 in the status and login screen?01:27
poz_how do i make it red?01:27
vericthat is the response it gives me01:28
Maro848thats what the nonfree defaults to01:28
blackshirtfictive, you should do full-upgrade or dist-upgrade01:28
Maro848so run sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer and see if that helps01:28
zykotick9fictive: don't call dist-upgrade as a version-upgrade... they aren't the same.01:28
bazhang!dist-upgrade | blackshirt fictive01:29
fictiveI installed it from the update-manager. am I missing something or not understanding something?01:29
ubottublackshirt fictive: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.01:29
hylianpoz_: the audio levels? choosing the audio level left and right, and then press up and down to change volume. if you want, you can also use q and z and e and c i believe to lower and raise one side ata a time.01:29
bazhangfictive, it's NOT a version upgrade01:29
jrbergdorffhylian:appears we are having a router issue01:29
vericflashplugin-installer is already the newest version. says i have the newest one01:30
vericstill no veds01:30
hylianpoz_: ok, when you hit f6, do you see more than one audio device available?01:30
Maro848then try to install the other package and see if that works01:30
Maro848the adobe-flashplugin01:30
hylianjrbergdorff: did restarting it solve it, or are you still printer-less?01:30
poz_yes, i see two available01:30
hylianpoz_: can you tell me which ones you have?01:31
fictivebazhang, blackshirt, zykotick9: though I did do exactly this: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/upgrade01:31
poz_hylian i see two available01:31
poz_i dont know how to make it red01:31
hylianpoz_: how to make what read?01:31
jrbergdorffhylian: still printerless...if I plug directly into the ethernet, printer works...can't establish a connection to the rinter throught the router all of a sudden01:31
poz_0: HDA Intel PCH &1: HDA Nvidia01:31
poz_red* so that it sticks out for you01:31
jrbergdorffand my husband lost internet on his comouter through the router...I have it he doesn't01:33
hylianjrbergdorff: i had a client that had a similar issue. the only problem is his solution was deactivate the wireless on the printer side of things, power cycle the printer, and then reactivate the wireless. I don't even know if you have that option, his was a hp.01:33
poz_As far as I know it would be pluged into the Intel one because its in my motherboard and thats what it is pluged in to01:33
poz_I do not get my sound from my graphics card..01:33
jrbergdorffhylian: I do, will try that now01:34
hylianpoz_: well actually... this is going to sound strange, but nvidia makes audio hardware. I have seen this especially in hp's, compaq's and dell's machines.01:34
poz_hylian: there is also a default setting available01:35
verictools/ add-ons says all is up to date Java test is working but still no vids just a blank space01:36
hylianpoz_: the first thing i would do if i where you, would be to set something playing in a loop, and then use alsamixer untill you find what device is controlling those ports, then we can work on the popping.01:36
poz_ok, will do01:36
Maro848can you give me a link to vid you are trying to see so that I can get a better idea on what you may need to do from here?01:36
vericany vid on the net none work01:37
zykotick9veric: FYI if you have more then 1 flash installed that could explain your issue...01:37
Maro848zykotick9 does have a point.... have you tried to run apt-get update and upgrade to see if that solves the issue. Sometimes it will if the issue is packages causing an issue01:38
verichow do i check it said removing before it installed the other01:38
vericnot this time but i have over the last 3 days01:39
peppermintIm using a lubuntu varient Where would I be able to install the system profiler and benchmark tool?01:39
Maro848ok then I would say run sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree01:39
zykotick9veric: i mean if you have gnash & adobe at the same time...01:39
nausicaa_Hey , has anyone seen bz ?01:39
Maro848then reinstall it using sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:39
hylianpeppermint: sudo apt-get install hardinfo will do it., use that code in the terminal.01:40
dabears2ping admin01:40
hylianwyj: hello01:40
jrbergdorffhylian:no luck yet, in process of making sure my IP didn't just change01:40
vericdont think i have gnash i will check01:40
hylianjrbergdorff: that happens too. but usually that error is with a printer router, not a wireless printer... but stranger things have happened.01:41
harrishow do i upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.04.1 without new install01:41
vericno gnash01:41
poz_hylian, there are three things that change the volume: Master, PCM, and Front01:41
jrbergdorffyep changed...give me a sec01:42
Maro848then Veric I would recommend the purge and reinstall of your flash and that very well may solve the issue01:42
jribharris: run update-manager01:42
hylianI found a dead rat once in a computer i fixed in chicago. it got in and bit into the power supply cooking itself. this job is never boring.01:42
harrisi did and nothing came up01:42
poz_lol nice01:42
dabears2any admins still arounD?01:42
hylianpoz_: ok, and I hope they are all from one audio hardware source, right? (f6)?01:43
vericwould multiple players hurt vcl , divx,windows media01:43
lukemorrisonI am new to IRC.  How do I reply to a person directly, i.e. their handle is at the beginning of my post?01:43
bazhangdabears2, whats the issue01:43
zykotick9!tab | lukemorrison01:43
ubottulukemorrison: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:43
dabears2sorry wrong room01:43
poz_well when I change the devices I see no change so I am assuming there is only one, its only pluged into one place01:43
harrisjrib,  it says software up to date01:43
bazhangpeppermint, there are not any supported lubuntu variants. what is yours01:43
hylianlukemorrison: if you start to type their nickname, and then press tab, it will fill in the entire nickname for you. then just type your messsage afterwards.01:44
jribharris: then you're on 12.04.1 assuming you have the default repositories enabled01:44
harrisno i am not on 12.04.101:44
jribharris: how are you determining this?01:45
harrisi ran a command that says i am on 12.0401:45
jribharris: what command?01:45
histo!who | lukemorrison01:45
ubottulukemorrison: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:45
jrbergdorffhylian: can print a test page, but nothing else01:45
harris do-release-upgrade -c01:45
jrbergdorffhylian: nevermind, it's going now01:45
hylianpoz_: ok, so there is only one audio hardware devce mentioned then, using f6... hmmm. what's the name it gives for that hardware? (i.e. mine shows  Card: HDA ATI SB                                                                                                                             F1:  Help               │01:46
hylian│ Chip: Realtek ALC27001:46
vericwould multiple players hurt vcl , divx,windows media01:46
lukemorrison am new to IRC.  How do I reply to a person directly, i.e. their handl my post?01:46
hydrospell./msg <name of person>01:46
histolukemorrison: if  you want to private message someone you /msg nickname whatever  however if you are trying to solve a problem in here please keep the discussion in the channel so that all can bennefit01:46
bazhanglukemorrison, type it out01:46
Maro848no that shouldnt be an issue01:46
lsvhow can I get a terminal using the new launcher?01:46
lukemorrison! zykotick9 | Thanks!01:46
jribharris: and what did that command tell you?01:46
histolukemorrison: you just begin typing their nickname and press the <tab> key to auto complete it thne type your message01:46
Maro848are you trying to view a vid on the internet or from your hard drive?01:46
hylianlsv: hit alt-f2, and then type gnome-terminal01:46
poz_it says it is using HDA Intel PCH01:46
poz_chip is realtek alc89801:47
jrbergdorffhylian: thanks for your help!01:47
harrisno new release found01:47
vericno on websites like yahoo and youtube01:47
lsvhylian: thanks01:47
hylianjrbergdorff: i am glad it is working for you. hopefully this is a seldom occurance, or non at all would be great too! :)01:47
vericas far as i can see i only have shockwave flash01:47
harrisjrib,  no the command was lsb_release -a and it said 12.0401:47
lukemorrisonzykotick9, et al Thanks!01:47
jribharris: 12.04.1 is just a point release.  It's 12.04 with some of the later updates so fresh installs don't need to download as many updates.  If you are on 12.04, just grab the latest updates01:47
jrbergdorffhylian: well at least I know what to do now if it does!01:47
bazhangveric, so you have multiple sources/versions of flash, gnash and other installed. remove them, and use only the ubuntu one01:48
harrisi want 12.04.1 though01:48
hylianjrbergdorff: i'm glad. come back if you ever need help/01:48
tech1anyone done android testing (emulator) on ubuntu?01:48
Maro848ok just making sure but if running the purge and reinstall of flash doesn't work then you will most likely have to purge again and install from source01:48
jribharris: you have it...01:48
jrbergdorffhylian: I was stuck because my daughter wanted a pic of the dog to take to school tomorrow :)01:48
harrisno i have 12.0401:48
hyliantech1: i have a long time ago, using virtualbox.01:48
histotech1: I ahve but it's been awhile01:48
jrbergdorffI love this help group, everyone is so friendly, Thank you!01:48
tech1when i run the android avd i get error: segmentation fault, core dumped01:48
hylianpoz_: did i lose you?01:48
jribharris: do you understand what I just explained to you about what 12.04.1 is?01:48
bazhangharris, whats the output of lsb_releaase -a01:49
tech1thats running with the terminal command01:49
tech1emulator -avd name01:49
poz_hylian: no, i am here01:49
bazhang!version | harris please pay attention01:49
ubottuharris please pay attention: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:49
vericno gnash i only have shockwave flash01:49
histoharris: is this on a install or you want to upgrade an iso to .101:49
vericwill try purge01:49
hylianpoz_: if you sent me a message I may not have recieved it. it's pretty busy here tonight.01:49
harrisi already have 12.04 installed histo01:49
poz_hylian: I said my card is HDA Intel PCH and chip is Realtek ALC89801:49
cubix`The VERSION request on | has timed out01:49
bazhangharris, type lsb_release -a  in the terminal01:50
jribcubix`: !help01:50
harrisbazhang,  Release:12.0401:50
hylianpoz_: thanks. i'm going to see what I can dig up now, be back in 501:50
jriboh he's back. great.01:50
poz_hylian, thank you01:50
bazhangcubix`, hi01:50
lukemorrisonzykotick9 test01:50
harrisjrib,  can i be op01:51
histoharris: if you install upgrades you will have 12.04.101:51
jribbazhang: I removed the ban just yesterday on this host, sigh01:51
harrisi instaLLED UPGRADES STILL 12.0401:51
histoharris: sorry updates not upgrades would be a better term01:51
Maro848let me know what the outcome is of the purge and reinstall01:52
histoharris: cat /etc/issue   what does that output?01:52
jribharris: 12.04.1 is not a new version.  It's just a bookmark of sorts for people doing fresh installs so they don't need to download so many upgrades after a fresh install01:52
jrbergdorffhylian: another problem, printer and computer said the image was printing and nothing came out! printer state: Data Sent Successfully!01:53
WeThePeoplein sudo chown $USER /usr/local/src am i suppose to put my comp name where $USER is?01:53
WeThePeoplei am installing a bz201:53
=== fernando is now known as Guest91549
jribWeThePeople: $USER will automatically be replaced by your username01:53
lukemorrisonlukemorrison this is a tesr01:53
hylianjrbergdorff: there aren't any backed up "stuck" printer jobs, are there?01:54
bazhanglukemorrison, success01:54
jrbergdorffhylian: no01:54
histolukemorrison: I don't think you can hilight yourself if that's what you were trying01:54
lukemorrisonI need to enter the colon manually?01:54
histolukemorrison: no start typing luke<tab>    <---- hit the tab key for auto completion01:55
lukemorrisonhisto okay01:55
Nullvoidhi all, how can I set nautilus to be the default file manager from the CLI? The prefered applications menu isn't working.01:56
histolukemorrison: like for me you could type his<tab>  should autocomplete my name and add the colon. With or without the colon it will show a hilight on the other users irc application usually01:56
poz_hylian: it is weird, it does it ever few mins, like its being unplugged and pluged back in, that kinda popping sound01:56
lukemorrisonI'm doing this on my phone.  Maybe that's causing the issue?01:57
poz_hylian: any fixes that I read about seemed to indicate to turn off a power sleep mode for audio01:57
jrbergdorffhylian: I can print a document from the wifi, and I can't print templates directly from the printer, but the picture wouldn't print01:59
hylianpoz_: sorry, that took considerably longer than 5. the suggestions where first to go into alsamixer and turn down pcm and mic boost. if that doesn't work, then we can look into the power sleep mode thing, or you can follow up on the information in this article: http://shortrecipes.blogspot.com/2010/12/ubuntu-1004-static-and-noise-sound-with.html02:00
lukemorrosonhisto: That looks like it was the issue02:00
lukemorrosonhisto: I am now on my desktop02:00
hylianjrbergdorff: sorry man. I have had several people ask for help at once. so the document prints, but with no picture?02:00
histolukemorrison: cool02:01
histolukemorrison: each irc client is a little different02:01
jrbergdorffhylian: now the document and pictures are seperate. Can print a document from Libre, but can't print the picture from the viewer....checking now to see if it was an image setting issue02:01
jrbergdorffhylian: p.s. I'm a chick...LOL ;002:02
pinPointman, Im noticing alot of hdd led blinkage on my box today... what is up!!!?02:02
poz_Thanks hylian, it is hard to test because the popping is so inconsistent but I will start messing around with these things02:02
histopinPoint: you can install iotop and see what is using read/writes or install iostat  both will show you02:02
hylianjrbergdorff: ohh, sorry. I'm a jr myself, and i know a few others. I assumed you where a guy too.02:03
poz_Does anyone know what songr is for windows 7 and know if there is a good replacement for ubuntu?02:03
lukemorrisonhisto: Thanks for the help02:03
hylianpoz_: if none of these work, come back and we'll take another crack at it.02:03
jrbergdorffhylian: haha, no prob, stands for Jocelyn Rose...to long to put all that02:04
hylianohh, mine stands for junior... nice to meet you jr.02:04
pinPointhisto: I have top but that is it.02:04
pinPointshows 0% on cpu an all02:04
poz_hylian, can you tell me how to change the default program associations?02:04
zykotick9!info iotop02:04
ubottuiotop (source: iotop): simple top-like I/O monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.4-4 (precise), package size 21 kB, installed size 120 kB (Only available for linux-any)02:04
hylianpoz_: sure, for what file type?02:04
poz_I want to change all music and video file types to use vlc02:05
vericMaro848 i purged tried it without installing anything  now youtube works but yahoo and the weather chanel vidos dont work02:05
hylianpoz_: right click on a file you want to change the association for, then choose properties. there will be an option that says "open with". choose the app you want, apply and close. repeat for any other file types.02:06
histopinPoint: sudo apt-get install iotop && sudo iotop02:06
crimsonmanepoz_: open each type individually and select "open with", choose VLC and select "remember my option"02:06
Maro848some youtubes will because they work on shock they're older, reinstall with sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and try again02:07
roshanhello, I have a question about removing the kernel image 3.2.0-12-generic ?02:07
poz_Thanks crimsonmane and hylian02:07
hyliancrimsonmane: thanks for helping out poz_ man.02:07
roshanhow to remove the linux-image 3.2.0-23-generic without having to install linux-image 3.2.0-29-generic ?02:07
hylian!ask | roshan02:08
ubotturoshan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:08
hylianroshan: no big deal. :)02:08
poz_I have some strange cuztimization ideas, I am not sure if they are possible... I have a dual screen and I want to get rid of the top bar on one of them (left). is this possible?02:09
roshanMy question is to remove totally linux-image 3.2.0-23 without having to install anything else02:09
histopoz_: configuration > details  you can change teh default apploications02:09
erdoshey, this is probably the wrong place to ask but, i've moved the dns entries to point to a new host, is it possible to figure out the ip address of the mail server from the old dns, without pointing the domain back at those old servers?02:09
hylianpoz_: the first question to that answer would be in asking what desktop environment you are using. is it unity? (the one that automatically comes with ubnutu 12.04)?02:10
poz_yes, unity02:10
nOdeHey, is it ok to manipulate the fan speeds on ubuntu?02:11
hylianpoz_: that's a tricky one. i personally don't like unity, so i don't use it. I could try and dig a little, but you would probably get more answers by trying to find a unity irc channel. i am a gnome classic user myself.02:11
nOdeWhenever im on ubuntu, the fan speeds are way too high02:11
nOdebut the sensors show that the temp. is normal02:12
poz_oh okay. so why dont you like unity?02:12
hyliannOde: i don't think you will get anyone to say yes to that question. they  could be liable. i will say this, you can defintly modify the fan speeds. fancontrol is a popular app for that.02:12
poz_histo, where can i find configuration?02:13
nOdehylian, any idea why the fan speeds could be rising? I used intel graphics 400002:13
nOdeAnd the system has detected it.02:13
poz_Does anyone know how to delete the guess user account?02:14
TUplinkis the /proc directory stored in ram?02:14
hylianpoz_: i like the full menu to be available to me without typing out the name. I am a little forgetful at times as to what this software is acalled or that. in gnome classic, every gui app is available in a organized menu at the top left. thats the cool thing about linux, if you don't like something, there are a lot of other options.02:14
histopoz_: sorry system settings  click on the gear in the upper right and go to settings or you can hit the windows key and start typing in details02:14
hyliannOde: could be you have the vents blocked a little. to be honest, i don't specifically know why. my laptop barely runs fans at all.02:15
poz_hylian, is it easy to switch?02:15
jrbergdorffhylian: so, I can print from anywhere other than pictures!02:16
poz_histo, configuration is not listed in all settings02:16
hylianpoz_: as easy as typing sudo apt-get install gnome, and then loggin out of unity once it is installed. then choose gnome, gnome classic, or my fave, gnome classic, no video extras edition.02:16
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
zykotick9TUplink: i don't think so.  "mount" should show you "proc on /proc type proc ..."02:16
hylianjrbergdorff: what happend when you move the picture to /home/jr (or whatver your username is..02:17
histopoz_: details is in all settings02:17
histopoz_: or as I said you can click the dash icon or hit the windows key and type "details" to find the exact settings page I am talking about.02:17
TUplinkis there any directory that is stored in ram that i can write a short string to?02:17
hylianjrbergdorff: this is strange. what type of partition is your pcitures folder in?02:18
TUplinki want to make a script to check my RAID and write it somewhere not on a DISK like once an hour or so   then every second read it and output it to 2 line LCD02:18
somsipTUplink: might be worth just mounting a small ramdisk02:19
poz_histo, thanks, the helped!02:19
TUplinksomsip: sounds good   can you point me in the right direction GOOGLE is my friend02:19
hylianpoz_: yeah, there is kde, which i think is too bloated. then there are the underweights, xfce and lxde. all of these are officially supported by ubuntu. i like gnome classic myself. but if you like eyecandy, try gnome regular instead of classic or kde. (besides unity..)02:19
TUplinki thought maybe /proc was a ramdisk02:19
poz_so I have a general question about the ubuntu install I did. I set 15 gb to be associeated with / (root I am assuming) and 100 gb to /home. When I install stuff which one does it go to?02:20
somsipTUplink: here is a paste of my fstab entry to put all of /tmp into RAM. You should be able to figure it from there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175013/02:20
histopoz_: applications get installed to /   all your settings and media files should get stored in /home02:20
TUplinkthank you02:20
histopoz_: 15gb shouold be plenty02:20
poz_how do i get gnome regular?02:21
somsipTUplink: and I got this from plenty of tutorials on the web,02:21
hylianhisto: thanks for helping poz_ man! :)02:21
crimsonmanepoz_: i like to suggest people not live in the past...02:21
crimsonmanepoz_: closest thing is MATE desktop environment02:21
poz_histo, but I just installed gnome which takes up 500 mb (0.5 gb or 1/30 of my space), I plan on installing applications which take up a few gb (like matlab)... I have several other drives where I can store files, so I am thinking that maybe I should have put it all to / and store everything else on the other drives02:22
hylianpoz_: after installing gnome via sudo apt-get install gnome, then just log out of unity. there will be a ball shaped icon nect to your password section. this will let you choose what desktop you would like to use for this session. then enter your password, and whalla,02:22
WeThePeopletheir is a install-sh script in 2.8.8 xchat is this the only file i need to run in order to install it?02:22
TUplinkalready figured it out :P02:22
TUplinksomsip THANKS02:23
somsipTUplink: np02:23
poz_thanks hylian02:23
poz_crimsonmane, what do you mean?02:24
shade34321how would I add a directory to my path that affects all users on this system, I would typically put in /etc/bashrc but couldn't find it?02:24
hylianpoz_: gnome isn't a nessessity. if you need more space, I would suggest removeing gnome with sudo apt-get remove gnome. and then sudo apt-get autopurge. it's a nice desktop, but unity works jjst as well.02:24
crimsonmanepoz_: gnome2 is an abandoned project. MATE is a fork of gnome2 and you will find it quite familiar.02:24
k3rn3l_klinkI've known about IRC for a long time, but just yesterday I started keeping this channel open and it's very informative to read.  Just want to thank all of the experienced Ubuntu users for the insight (-:02:24
DasberryWould anyone mind helping me optimize my SSD ? I am very new to ubuntu02:25
hyliancrimsonmane: installing the package gnome is supposed to install gnome 3. the gnome classic is supposed to be a modified form of 3. not that i can't be wrong.02:25
crimsonmanehylian: it's only there to keep people on ubuntu. it will be removed in the future02:26
poz_interesting. so will all of these different types of Linux have all of the applications I installed to them available?02:26
crimsonmaneyes poz_02:26
hyliancrimsonmane: mate does not show up in my repos, is it going to become available?02:26
crimsonmanepoz_: they are different "desktop environments"02:27
crimsonmanehylian: mint-meta-mate02:27
hyliancrimsonmane: right but I am not running mint.. maybe I am missing something here.02:27
baldypalnewbie to ubuntu here. wondering if some one could help me out02:27
crimsonmanehylian: they use the same repo02:27
poz_right on02:27
hylianpoz_: yes, they will all have the same menu entries.02:28
poz_so what does autopurge do?02:28
Maro848sure baldypal what ya got?02:28
crimsonmanepoz_: autopurge is like sweeping the crumbs off the floor after a good cookie02:28
hyliancrimsonmane: i mean is mate going to become an official ubuntu, er, canonical package?>02:28
crimsonmanehylian: nope. it's not canonical02:28
baldypali've download the 32 bit and 64 but iso. iso burned it to a cd. correctly...and i reboot and it goes right back into windows02:28
hyliancrimsonmane: but will it be available through regular ubuntu repos without adding more repos?02:29
baldypaland my bios is set to boot to cdrom, i've confirmed and done so with another working cd for drive backup02:29
Maro848you need to get into the bios of your computer and set it to boot from cd02:29
|Anthony|i am looking at a new mobo that has uefi. will i be able to use ubuntu on it?02:29
crimsonmanebaldypal: you need to press F10 to select a one-time boot option, or set your bios to boot from cd first02:29
crimsonmanehylian: it's already there02:29
Maro848cimsonmane not all machines use f10 for a one time boot menu02:29
crimsonmane|Anthony|: yes02:29
hylianbaldypal: your system is probably set not to boot from the cd-rom before the hard drive. you may need to go into your bios and change that around.02:29
|Anthony|crimsonmane, are there any caveats to be aware of?02:30
baldypalthanks crimsonmane i've tripled checked that cdrom is in front of harddrive in boot order02:30
hyliancrimsonmane: if i type sudo apt-get install mate, i get no options...?? ohh i think i get it now, thanks.02:30
baldypalmy order is cdrom, usb, harddrive02:30
crimsonmanehylian: mint-meta mate like i said before02:30
drag0niushow can i get to root if i have no sudoer account?02:30
baldypalliveUSB didnt work either. is the 12.04 version on the ubuntu website good?02:30
drag0niusremoved myself from group by mistake02:31
poz_poz@PozUbuntu:~$ sudo apt-get autopurge02:31
poz_E: Invalid operation autopurge02:31
Maro848if your pc is set to boot from the cd rom and it is not booting to the cd then perhaps you did not burn the .iso correctly02:31
crimsonmanebaldypal: you might have burned a dvd by mistake? i've done that before.02:31
WeThePeoplehylian,  their is a install-sh script in 2.8.8 xchat is this the only file i need to run in order to install it?02:31
poz_poz@PozUbuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install mate02:31
poz_Reading package lists... Done02:31
poz_Building dependency tree02:31
poz_Reading state information... Done02:31
poz_E: Unable to locate package mate02:31
FloodBot1poz_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
crimsonmanepoz_:    mint-meta-mate02:31
crimsonmanenot mate02:31
baldypali've burned on a TDK CD-R using Active ISO Burn02:31
pepperjackdrag0nius: google how to boot into a single user shell to change password.02:32
crimsonmanedrag0nius: hang on i got you'02:32
WeThePeoplehylian, or do i need to ./configure02:32
baldypalshould i burn the disc a differnt way other than Active ISO Burnere?02:32
therealfakemootI'm ahving trouble figuring out how to apt-get or aptitude form the terminal to query my installed pacakages02:32
crimsonmanedrag0nius: reboot, holding down shift until you reach Grub ... select RECOVERY and you'll get to a command prompt you can add yourself to the group via CLI or you can type startx to get into the GUI02:32
hylianWeThePeople: to ubuntu? personally i use irssi. but to install xchat you type sudo apt-get install xchat. (unless i misunderstood your querstion?)02:33
crimsonmanebaldypal: try UNETBOOTIN02:33
zykotick9therealfakemoot: don't use aptitude with 12.04!02:33
zykotick9!aptitude | therealfakemoot02:33
ubottutherealfakemoot: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.02:33
crimsonmanebaldypal: because your CD was not made as bootable, apparently02:33
hyliancrimsonmane: apt-cache search for that comes up with nada. so i do need another external repo...02:33
Maro848i use imgburn personally since it works best in my opinion on windows but if you have burned it with a proper tool at x1 speed then i do not understand y your machine wouldnt boot to it02:33
crimsonmanehylian: google is your friend. i'm just a troll apparently.02:33
pepperjacktherealfakemoot: i usually use dpkg for that like say dpkg -l02:33
poz_crimsonmane: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175026/02:33
baldypalok, i'll try UNETBOOTIN.02:33
WeThePeoplehylian, yeah, i did that to but it installed 2.8.6 not the newest ver.02:33
baldypalthanks crimsonmane02:33
hyliancrimsonmane: no, i was just curious.. sorry. ;(02:34
Maro848that would be a great thing to try baldypal02:34
WeThePeoplehylian, which is 2.8.802:34
hylianWeThePeople: ohh, i see. yes, the sh script would be what you run. i would sudo that, after removing xchat ofcorse... sudo ./shfile.sh02:35
WeThePeoplehylian, pls check your version in the terminal and see what version you have using 'xchat -v'02:35
poz_crimsonmane: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175026/02:35
crimsonmanepoz_: as i was saying to hylan...02:35
hylianWeThePeople: i am not using xchat. I use irssi.02:35
poz_use google?02:35
crimsonmanepoz_: i guess you ubuntu people have to add a repo for it. from my end (installed MATE from the beginning) i have access to all your ubuntu stuff.02:36
=== brittnee is now known as girlofdisinteres
poz_I dont know what a repo is02:37
hylianWeThePeople: i built a little script, and then added it to the menu via alacarte. now when I click on it, i get logged into freenode at lightning fast speeds.02:37
=== girlofdisinteres is now known as GirlOfApathy
* crimsonmane thinks someone is trying a little too hard to be goth.02:37
* hylian agrees with crimsonmane 02:38
IdleOnecrimsonmane: if you don't mind, try keeping your comments support related and on topic please02:38
vericMaro848 do i need to do anything else after sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin02:38
IdleOnehylian: you too please02:38
crimsonmaneIdleOne: i do mind, but thanks.02:38
Maro848you shouldnt Veric02:38
poz_IdleOne, you too please :P02:38
Maro848that should do the trick02:38
hylianIdleOne: ok, thanks for the reminder.02:38
poz_wow, did crimsonmane just get kicked?02:39
hylianpoz_: perhaps.02:39
poz_crimsonmane, did you just get kicked?02:39
crimsonmanepoz_: mhmm. never challenge authority, my friend.02:40
IdleOnepoz_: you are welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic02:40
Barrtohawkhello world02:40
poz_I did not know that was possible here? so there are stricked guild lines to stay on ubuntu suport here?02:40
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:40
poz_ok ok02:40
IdleOnejust wanted to link you so you can have a look02:41
hyliandoes anyone know if the gnome package installs strictly gnome 3, or does it install gnome 3,2 etc?02:41
vericpurged the baner on top of youtube shows up vids play but says i need to upgrade after i sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin the baner dissapers but vids on youtube play dose not ask for upgrade anymore no vids play anywhere else im thinking i have 2 versions somewhere02:41
poz_nothing happens02:41
IdleOnepoz_: the bot just posted it. it is rate limited02:41
iwtiydtymanyone know why a netbook would heat up when running linux and not windows?02:42
crimsonmaneiwtiydtym: because the effects you're running. turn off compiz or any other effects system and you'll cool down.02:42
pepperjackhylian: its a gnome3 metapackage02:42
pepperjackhylian: apt-cache show gnome02:42
hylianpoz_: not really strict. the idea is to keep these lines open for support. the "chatter" gets a bit thick otherwise. i should have kept that in mind, sorry all.02:43
iwtiydtymit has a defaul installation.. i tried xubuntu and even Joli OS...same result on all02:43
poz_"Support channels are usually very busy places, and we prefer them strictly for support only. " - got it02:43
gilrezHello everybody how it going?02:43
hylianpepperjack: thanks, i didn't know about the show flag in apt-cache. that is very useful.02:43
crimsonmanepoz_: IRC is a dictatorship and you have to respect that fact.02:43
roasted_Question - I'm running 12.04 and it seems as if my status bar is missing (time, battery, etc). How can I get it back?02:43
vericWhere should flash be installed in my machine by default02:44
crimsonmaneiwtiydtym: mine doesn't heat up after turning off effects. go to 2d mode or something?02:44
crimsonmaneveric: in a terminal type "locate flash" without the quotes02:44
crimsonmaneIdleOne: what's the offtopic channel again? #ubuntu-offtopic ?02:45
Maro848there are "flash" files all over the place on my system most are under /usr/src/02:45
iwtiydtymI am using a a Dell notebook 1012.   Also when closing the lid it does not come back. I have to press and hold the power button.. I have tried 2d  and its still pretty hot.02:45
poz_hylian, I found on what is causing my speakers to pop02:46
crimsonmaneiwtiydtym: and you've tried XFCE or LXDE as your desktop environment? these two should be very light-weight and low heat output02:46
iwtiydtymthe netbook sitting idle shut down with the heat.  Netbook is pretty new so airflow is working02:46
IdleOnecrimsonmane: correct02:46
iwtiydtymI will load LXDE. that i have not tried02:47
poz_hylian, there is an "Auto-Mute Mode" disableing makes the popping stop02:47
hylian_irssi died on me.02:47
hylian_IdleOne: what do i do if freenode still shows my normal nick logged in?02:48
poz_Anyone know how to view ubuntu file system in windows 7?02:48
IdleOnehylian_: /msg nickserv help release02:49
iwtiydtymI also have an IBM laptop T60p, core2duo, 4gb ram and heat is also an issue.  Only place it works fine is on my desktop.02:49
pepperjackpoz_: so far as I remember windows ext drivers are very unreliable I wouldn't use em myself on a partition I cared about02:49
vericwhat is better gnash or flash?02:49
hylian_poz_: there are some windows apps for viewing ext 3 and 4 partitions. it's been so long I don't remember them off the top of my head.02:49
DasberryHi, I am new to linux / ubuntu and need some help setting up02:49
hylian_IdleOne: thank  you!02:49
zykotick9veric: both are poor... for different reasons.02:49
poz_I see02:49
pepperjackpoz_: but thats been years.  might be better now02:50
poz_pepperjack, why not? so it crashes, could I lose data? assuming I am in read only mode...02:50
somsippoz_: if you're viewing you might be okay, but writing might not be reliable02:50
Maro848i have never used gnash to be honest02:50
vericnot reassuring but thx02:50
Maro848well i can only be honest on that02:50
poz_somsip, I might be moving stuff...02:51
Maro848flash has always done what i need it to so gnash has never been needed on my systems02:51
poz_Should I have used a different file structure?02:51
poz_like fat32 or somthing02:51
Maro848did the reinstall work as we hoped?02:51
baldypalhey baldypal back again...attempt 1with unetbootin failed. trying again just for kicks.02:51
somsippoz_: then you should heed any warnings in the packages that you use that suggest it might not be reliable. I've used something on XP years ago when I still used windows and it didn't break, but that's not to say it won't02:51
pepperjackpoz_: usually best bet is to make an ntfs partition you use in ubuntu.  then you use that as kind of a 'shared' partition02:51
vericnah no matter how i install it02:51
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Maro848and you are using 12.04?02:52
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Maro848then I am unsure of what could be causing the issue off the top of my head02:53
poz_well i have three external hard drivers, a 240 gb ssd with win 7 on it, a 120 gb with ubuntu on it, and a 3tb drive for common storage02:53
xckpd7question: how to check if a particular url is requestable?02:53
baldypalMaro848 yes the one straight from the ubuntu website.02:53
Maro848from the info you gave me it should be working but from here i would say that your best bet is to use google veric02:53
poz_I just want to have access to ubunbu files in win7 as I have access to win7 files in ubuntu02:53
baldypal"veric" ???02:53
k3rn3l_kl1nkJust upgraded to 12.04 LTS.  Sweet interface!02:53
Maro848baldypal if unetbootin is not working for your usb boot then I am back to saying that something is off on your bios settings02:53
baldypalok, checking bios again to be safe02:54
vericim on that now02:54
ace2what does this mean http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175059/02:54
somsipxckpd7: http://osxdaily.com/2011/07/07/get-http-header-info-from-web-sites-using-curl/02:54
vericyes baldypal02:54
Maro848baldypal be sure that you have saved your changes once you make them, that is a common mistake I see on some systems02:55
baldypalheres the thing. i just rooted my droid x using a linux boot cd and that wored perfect. booted properly just as expected. havent changed bios.02:55
poz_I put everything as ext3 (on the 120 gb ssd), 1gb as boot, 4 gb as swap, 15 as /, and 100 as /home. I am thinking that maybe 50 as /  and 65 as /home ntfs would have been more appropriate for what I am looking for.02:55
Maro848thats odd... perhaps the bios on that come with cd boot first as standard?02:56
baldypalsorry "veric" didnt realize it was a nickname...02:56
pepperjackxckpd7: you mean like in a bash script?  just test to see if you can hit a url?  maybe:  wget -q --spider www.google.com;echo $?      so if the echo comes back 0 you're good02:56
ace2hylian, any ideas.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175059/02:56
hylian_poz_: sorry i am dealing with a strange freenode situation. where you talking to me?02:56
poz_I am talking to anyone with any experience in this matter02:57
ace2hylian_, see above02:57
hylian_ace2: hmm, perhaps glib isn't installed, i.e. the version it wants isn't installed?02:57
poz_Is it possible to re-partition this stuff? I have no data to loss on my ubuntu (I just don't want to have to go through reinstalling/ configuring it all again)02:58
baldypalmaro848 in bios now. boot order is cd, usb, hard disk. i cant help but think it has to be something particular about how to burn this iso...02:58
somsippoz_: gparted but I have no idea if NTFS is suported02:58
poz_I see. does ntfs work fine with ubuntu?02:58
Maro848that is possible what settings did you use to burn the disk?02:58
hylian_poz_: repartitioning it, yes. it takes a while. i would use gparted, but don't do this unless you know your stuff.02:59
baldypalwhats the one tim eboot button again? f10 was it?02:59
somsippoz_: yes, AFAIK02:59
Derpianhow do I make acroread open chromium when I click open a link in it? (I have chromium-browser.desktop as default)02:59
poz_I am looking for good performance, but I want my win7 to be able to see it.02:59
Maro848on some machines it is but not on all02:59
baldypaldefault settings. i just choose the iso file and hit burn button02:59
Maro848some don't have a one time boot menu02:59
zeptishello all.02:59
Maro848you may have to change the burn speed to x1 i have found that can help02:59
poz_hylian, I have nothing to lose on my ubuntu ssd (just a few hours of reconfiguring it all) - there is no way to cause perminent damage to the ssd, is there?03:00
poz_somsip, AFAIK?03:00
baldypallol, i've got the cd in and the usb in and both were by passed...i'll check that 1x setting03:01
crimsonmanebaldypal: how did UNETBOOTIN go? if the disk isn't burned as bootable, it wont boot.03:01
pepperjackpoz_: there are some mount flags to add as options in /etc/fstab to decrease unnecessary writes but as far as repartitioning or starting over no you wont break anything03:01
Maro848well not sure how that could be03:01
hylian_ace2: it looks like glib is only up to 2.0.0 on ubuntu 12.04. it looks like this may be an uphill battle. you would probably have to update glib to 2.0.3 to update xchat. and then hope nothing else needs updating.03:01
baldypali us unetbootin to create a live usb. there i didnt see a "burn as boot" or a "burn to cd" options03:01
crimsonmanebaldypal: it's auto03:02
poz_Thanks pepperjack03:02
Maro848alright guys I must leave, gotta work in the morning03:02
hylian_poz_: no. solid state drives work very well with ext4. is that what you where going to use?03:02
baldypalthanks for the assistance maro84803:02
baldypalcrimsonmane, got a minute or a link to walk e through unetbootin?03:03
poz_hylian, No, I want to change my / (root) part to 50 gb and my /home to 65 gb as ntfs (or anything else that will work well and let my win7 see it)03:03
poz_hylian, but I want my root as ext3 (or 4, whatever it already is)03:04
crimsonmanebaldypal: there's two radio buttons for unetbootin. one for "download the ISO for me" (that's the top one) and "i already have the iso" (the bottom one) ... you put in your USB stick or CD BEFORE running unetbootin. select the device to write to, and continue03:04
hylian_poz_: ahh, yes. i use ntfs myself. it works well. i use my ntfs partition as a backup section for that purpose. ubnutu doesn't automatically mount ntfs partitions though. just keep it in mind.03:04
wilee-nileepoz_, seeing windows from linux is easy, the general consensus if you want to share from linux to windows is a shared ntfs.03:05
somsippoz_: As Far As I Know. Always best to do research yourself to make sure you get good advice on here03:05
baldypali've got a cd in but cd isnt a choice in the type dropdown.or would harddisk really mean cd in this case?03:05
homecableany one have an acer one 722 ?03:05
crimsonmanebaldypal: you cd drive is deceased and needs replaced03:06
poz_somsip, I have did some research, but now it is down to implementation and there are a few details that are hard to find.03:06
zykotick9!anyone | homecable03:06
ubottuhomecable: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.03:06
baldypali dont really think that is the case. but i appreciate the ideas and troubleshooting. brand new CPU and CD as of last december and its never failed me on anything else03:07
rafaelsoaresbrare there other tools like unetbootin for linux?03:07
poz_wilee-nilee: thats kinda what I plan to do... can I set that shared nrfs as the /home?03:07
zykotick9!info unetbootin03:07
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 565-3 (precise), package size 282 kB, installed size 794 kB03:07
baldypali'm going through unetbootin one more time03:07
poz_hylian, does that mean that I can not set it as /home, it just has to be a blank partition?03:08
wilee-nileepoz_, you wont be able to run your home from a ntfs in linux, only the files of what you want to share should be there like music...etc03:08
poz_I see03:08
baldypalah BEFORE running unetbootin....it wasnt in BEFORE03:08
crimsonmanerafaelsoaresbr: LILO i think03:08
crimsonmaneor LILI03:08
tdjacrI'm trying to configure encrypted raid devices. I have three HDs, with unencrypted /boot partitions, in RAID-1 and three with encrypted partitions in RAID5. They have LVM on them, with an LVM group for both swap and /. When i try to boot the machine however, it hangs with the BIOS trying to load the OS. Any ideas?03:08
zykotick9rafaelsoaresbr: sorry didn't notice the "like".  with modern ubuntu you can cat (or dd) the iso, which is hybrid cd/usb, directly to USB.03:08
poz_when I save somthing to the desktop in ubuntu, it saves it to the home. correct?03:08
crimsonmanepoz_: yes03:08
crimsonmane   /home/username/Desktop\03:09
crimsonmanewithout the \03:09
crimsonmanethat was a typo03:09
wilee-nileepoz_, Yes there is a desktop icon in home.03:09
Dasberryhow can I view my disk drive?03:09
poz_is there a file type i can set as /home such that I can see it in win7? (not as the actual desktop, but as a drive...)03:09
zykotick9Dasberry: "mount" or "sudo fdisk -l"03:09
Dasberryzykotick9: thank you03:09
crimsonmanepoz_: recommendation is to create an extra partition03:10
poz_Do I even need a /home?03:10
rafaelsoaresbrcrimsonmane, zykotick9: thanks03:10
wilee-nileepoz_, that is really old school there are drivers that will read a ext2 or ext3 supposedly, personally I would not want my linux in less than a ext3, and would not rely on a outdated driver to read it from windows.03:10
crimsonmanepoz_: it sounds like what you want is a fileserver. Tell me about your setup and i'll help you more.03:11
wilee-nileepoz_, Your not the first to want this you have to realize, if it was click and go it would be all over the net.03:11
poz_I can see a 3tb drive as well as my win7 partition (playing music off it right now) so I dont really need another specific shared partition. What I want is the convenience of just putting files where ever and being able to access them03:12
baldypalwheres the best place to down unetbootin from?03:12
wilee-nileebaldypal, from unetbootin03:12
zykotick9baldypal: for what OS?03:12
tdjacrI'm trying to configure encrypted raid devices. I have three HDs, with unencrypted /boot partitions, in RAID-1 and three with encrypted partitions in RAID5. They have LVM on them, with an LVM group for both swap and /. When i try to boot the machine however, it hangs with the BIOS trying to load the OS. Any ideas?03:13
poz_Thanks wilee-nilee. I think you are right. What I am looking for may not be available yet...03:13
hylianpoz_: sorry man, freenode issues again.03:13
poz_lol its ok hylian, I am not even sure what freenode03:13
crimsonmanebaldypal: it's in the repo i thought. anyway it's also on sourceforge03:13
wilee-nileepoz_, use your terabyte drive and set up a rsync cron to link the file you want shared03:13
hylianpoz_: you are on #ubuntu, which is on irc.freenode.org.03:14
crimsonmanepoz_: freenode is the server hosting the ubuntu channel you're currently talking in03:14
DasberryHow can I redirect my downloads so they save onto my HDD rather than my SSD?03:14
poz_oooh, snazzy03:14
wilee-nileeDasberry, in the browser03:14
baldypalok, thats the one i'm working with. off the sourceforge site. looks like 578...that must be a version03:14
bass_ninjaHey folks. interesting situation: have latest stable ubuntu running on an Inspiron 530 with bluetooth built in. keyboard and mouse work, even though the gnome settings menu says I have no bluetooth devices. Any one know what's up with that?03:14
Dasberryin the browser?03:14
hylianDasberry: what are you using to download with? firefox, chrome?03:14
DasberryI am using firefox03:15
wilee-nileeDasberry, if anthother app like a torrent app in its settings03:15
wilee-nileeDasberry, in the preferences first tab is a download destination03:15
poz_sync software can get tedious and cause a lot of unwanted duplicates as well as writes (which I want to reduce on my ssd's)03:16
hylianDasberry: in firefox it is under edit>prefernces> and then the option is in the general tab. it will say save to: downloads. change "downloads" to what you desire.03:16
Dasberryaaah ok. I just found it. Thank you very much03:16
wilee-nileepoz_, rsync will check a file and only move what you want.03:16
Dasberryhylian: thank you03:16
hylianDasberry: no problem. :)03:16
wilee-nileepoz_, if set up correctly03:17
poz_Thank you for your suggestion wilee-nilee, but I dont think it is what I am looking for03:17
DasberryI'm just making the switch to linux today :) Spent 2 days trying to fix problems I've had with Windows7 inculding fresh installs03:17
UmeaboyAny devs of ubuntu.com here?03:17
hyliangoodnight, all. I am fried.03:17
poz_I appreciate your advice though03:17
wilee-nileeUmeaboy, they don't hangout here and probably if here admit it.03:18
Umeaboywilee-nilee: Wher can I find them?03:18
crimsonmaneif you got something to say to the devs, say in it the forums03:19
poz_lol why would the dev stay away from here or not admit it?03:19
wilee-nileeUmeaboy, I don't think you can just get a hold off, pick your app and find the team probably.03:19
poz_they must know what they are doing to do such a good job03:19
baldypalok, i'm going to try the direct download option. i shouldbe choosing 12.4_live right?03:20
wilee-nileepoz_, Easy guess think about it, every yahoo would be here with their own idea of reality.03:20
wilee-nileeto tell them.03:20
baldypalaight. looks like that will take a while. i appreciate the help crimsonmane. i'm gonna let that ride and come back to finish tomorrow.03:21
wilee-nileepoz_, go to the ##Windows channel no MS developers there either.03:21
poz_haha yeah, but I am sure they would get some good ideas and they are the ones that know how to best implement it.\03:21
crimsonmanethis place is not a place for top-of-the-food-chain types03:21
crimsonmanethis is the coffee shop03:21
poz_windows developed by microsoft. they are a company and have their own place to comunicate with each other03:22
poz_ubuntu is developed by people everywhere, right?03:22
crimsonmaneubuntu is developed by canonical03:22
crimsonmanewhich is in california if i'm not mistaken03:22
crimsonmanebut the tools ubuntu/canonical uses, yes those are developed by volunteers around the world03:23
wilee-nileepoz_, some what yes but it goes through a chain of command to be ubuntu implemented, no different than any other OS provider, MS is done worldwide as well.03:23
crimsonmanecanonical wants home users to have an awesome operating system03:23
crimsonmanecanonical charges money for support03:23
crimsonmanecanonical's "job" is converting enterprise business to linux (ubuntu)03:24
drag0niuswhat is some cli only equivalent of system monitor?03:24
poz_oooh i see03:24
drag0niusi need to see how much free/used ram/cpu i have03:24
crimsonmanei wish to hades that my company would call canonical and put a project together03:24
crimsonmanedrag0nius: top03:24
crimsonmaneor something03:25
zykotick9drag0nius: "free"03:25
poz_I think the best way to get linux to businesses is for software developers to start getting their software compatible with linux03:25
zykotick9drag0nius: real answer "htop"03:26
crimsonmanepoz_: there's no money in that03:26
crimsonmanethat's the problem. and we're off topic (gestapo FTW)03:27
poz_Sorry.. so back on topic... what is the /home used for?03:27
drag0niushtop made it, ty03:27
poz_i have 3 gb used already...03:27
crimsonmanepoz_: that's where you put your personal junk03:28
crimsonmanepoz_: each user on your system needs a /home03:28
poz_I have no personal junk on ubuntu, why are 3 gb being used? I just installed it a few days ago and only used it like once or twice since then...03:29
pepperjackpoz_: there is no registry or HKCU or anything.  everything is a config file and your config files are in /home.  for instance do a find /home/$USER   in terminal  note all those files starting with a dot  they're hidden config files03:29
NinjaGirlCan I ask a noob question?03:30
Robr3rdMy system (not the current one, but the desktop right beside me) gave a Kernel Panic out of nowhere (has never happened before), so I did the only thing I could do -- shut it off. Upon starting the system back up again, I am brought to a fullscreen terminal prompt that states that the partition could not be found, and the input line in the prompt is prefixed with "grub rescue>", so it would seem as though GRUB has auto-started itself i03:30
Robr3rdnto rescue mode. Not sure where to even begin -- any suggestions?03:30
poz_I see03:30
crimsonmaneNinjaGirl: you can, but you're not supposed to ask permission03:31
pepperjackNinjaGirl: thats kind of what this channel is for :)03:31
NinjaGirlso what is the difference, functionally, between ls -all and ls -la ?03:31
Ben64NinjaGirl: man ls03:32
crimsonmaneyou call that a noob question? i only knew about "ls -a"... guess i'm the noob03:32
* crimsonmane only knows the answers to noob questions03:33
pepperjackNinjaGirl: ls -all isnt actuall "all" its ls -a and -l and -l ls --all is just another way of typing ls -a03:33
pepperjackNinjaGirl: if youre not afraid of the man page "man ls" will show you03:33
NinjaGirlOh ok03:33
acerthis app wants portaudio19, another wants libportaudio03:33
acerin ubuntu 12.0403:33
NinjaGirlok man ls, I've been doing man -k ls03:33
NinjaGirlty ty03:34
acerbut both cant be installed at the same time03:34
acerwhat do i do03:34
pepperjackNinjaGirl: man -k is a way of searching all man pages.  handy for finding a command.03:34
pepperjackNinjaGirl: but doesnt give you any info other than the name of the command really03:34
poz_So if I want to change to size of my partitions on my ssd using gpart. how would I do it?03:34
poz_It says I can not do it if it is in use03:35
pepperjackpoz_: you have to use a livecd.  gparted cannot work on partitions that are mounted so you cant run it on a partition your OS is using03:35
Ben64poz_: correct. you'd have to use a livecd03:35
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tjwwow, test03:36
NinjaGirl 03:36
pepperjacki mean isn't using03:36
poz_will I lose any data or will it just reassign empty space? I am concered about the installs I have on my root partition03:36
pepperjackgparted can resize partitions so no data loss.  if you just want to start over you could manually partition using the ubuntu install cd which deletes and adds partitions but doesnt resize existing03:37
poz_I dont want to start over because it will take a few hours to reconfigure all of the settings I have put in place03:38
pepperjackor I dont know the installcd probably has gparted on it too. but the installer itself cant resize only delete/create03:39
poz_i think i will run the cd i used to install it as a live cd and use gpart to resize them03:39
poz_Thanks pepperjack03:39
poz_I will keep that in mind to make sure I dont do anything dumb03:40
pepperjackpoz_: good luck :)03:40
chspurgeoncan someone explain this message to me?03:40
poz_anyways I am out for the night03:40
chspurgeonE: Malformed status line, no 2nd word03:40
chspurgeonE: Error occurred while processing pulseaudio-module-x11 (UsePackage1)03:40
chspurgeonE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status03:40
poz_good night everyone!03:40
chspurgeonE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.03:40
ace2what is a good support channel for GLIB for ./configure .bz2 files03:40
barfhi all everytime I play a video or burn a cd my labtop shuts down hi all everytime I play a video or burn a cd my labtop shuts down hi all everytime I play a video or burn a cd my labtop shuts down hhi all everytime I play a video or burn a cd my labtop shuts down03:40
barfsorry about that03:41
trismace2: if it is the same question from earlier, you need libglib2.0-dev03:41
NinjaGirlAny one else experience installing linux alongside their current windows os (I've got Mint 13 & 7) and upon booting into windows the system does a chkdsk? but only into windows?03:41
ace2barf, check your program settings it is prob configured to do that03:41
pepperjackchspurgeon: if you open a terminal and type this eactly it might fix it:  sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status03:42
pepperjackchspurgeon: basically the status file might be hosed.  there is a backup calld status-old though03:42
barface2 what settings do I check ?03:42
chspurgeonpepperjack: that seemed to have done it. Thank you!03:43
pepperjackNinjaGirl: i imagine if the windows partition was resized then there might be an issue or maybe chkdisk running once will fix it.  dual booting itself should be fine but if it asked you if you wanted to "install alongside linux" or whatever we say then it had to resize the windows partition and it's remotely possible something bad happened03:45
TopolI need help with OpenVPN setup on Ubuntu 10.0403:46
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TopolAnyone I could get help from?03:46
NinjaGirlit did resize, and I can boot into windows even if I cancel the chkdsk03:46
pepperjackNinjaGirl: have you let it run it's course just once?03:46
pepperjackchkdisk I mean.  it might just need to do that and then it's fine03:47
NinjaGirlI haven't let it run the chkdsk because of the drive size, i need my computer now :(03:47
NinjaGirloh well, thanks03:47
pepperjackNinjaGirl: ok.  I'm sure it just sees the change and needs to run once.  unlikely anything is actuall wrong03:47
Robr3rdMy system (not the current one, but the desktop right beside me) gave a Kernel Panic out of nowhere (has never happened before), so I did the only thing I could do -- shut it off. Upon starting the system back up again, I am brought to a fullscreen terminal prompt that states that the partition could not be found, and the input line in the prompt is prefixed with "grub rescue>", so it would seem as though GRUB has auto-started itself i03:47
Robr3rdnto rescue mode. Not sure where to even begin -- any suggestions?03:47
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luftikussPrettyGood Privacy (pgp) knows primary keys and secondary keys. How can I derive a secondary key from a primary key?03:50
pepperjackRobr3rd: first thing I'd do is a livecd and then sudo fdisk -l to make sure my partition table is intact03:50
pepperjackRobr3rd: I'm afraid I dont have enough exp with grub2 to offer any help from the rescue shell03:51
ace2did this "make" work for the bz2 dir.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175118/03:52
Robr3rdpepperjack: Currently waiting for the LiveCD to finish booting to check just that.03:52
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pepperjackace2: often what I'll do instead of say ./configure   is specify a directory in my /home for it to be installed.  for instance 1. mkdir ~/local   2.  ./configure --prefix=/home/pepperjack/local    since you had a permissions error what if you try that first you can always delete ~/local with no ill effects03:56
Robr3rdpepperjack: Checked with "sudo fdisk -l" (and gParted) to discover that the only partition available to the system currently is the USB stick (LiveCD), itself. None of the hard drive partitions were discovered.03:57
pepperjackRobr3rd: it might not be the end of the world there are partition recovery disks you can download.  then you'd only need to re-run the grub install command03:58
PRabytehow can i get the grub menu at boot, so i can select a previous kernel?03:58
PRabyteis there a hot key to press?03:59
pepperjackesc  i believe is still correct for grub2.  i only use grub so not sure03:59
NullvoidPRabyte: hold shift03:59
PRabytepositive? i am remote helping a buddy but i can see jack, broken system.04:00
PRabytehow about esc?04:01
ace2would it be possible to upgrade xchat 2.8.6 to 2.8.8 using the terminal?04:01
ace2i have the bz2 for 2.8.8 but no luck in the making :)04:02
Newtoubuntulsv: you here?04:02
Robr3rdpepperjack: So, for instance, I just grab one from the Interwebz, pop it into the "problem system", and it attempts to recover the lost partitions. After that, I reinstall GRUB, and it (ideally) "automagically" finds them again?04:02
pepperjackideally. even if it works I'd be tempted just to backup the data and install a new hard disk.  i dont know if i could trust the hd again04:03
Newtoubuntui keep getting a random system program error. what is that about?04:04
LostyJaihow would I go about backing up ubuntu and restoring it on a new hDD?04:07
NullvoidLostyJai: clone the drive04:07
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LostyJaiboot up ubuntu live04:08
LostyJaiand use dd?04:08
LostyJaidd source HDD to new HDD?04:08
ebs512_hello, is this the ubuntu help channel?04:10
* LostyJai slaps lickalott around a bit with a large trout04:10
LostyJaii hate you04:10
LostyJaidoes it matter if the HDD are different size?04:10
luftikussebs512_: Yes.04:10
lickalottits usually something like dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb04:11
lickalottif = input file of = output file04:11
LostyJainot recommended for HDD with different geometry04:11
luftikussebs512_: Yes. More precisely, this is the Ubuntu support channel.04:11
ebs512_I really need some assistance in getting this, ubuntu, dual booted on my hp laptop, I have made a usb install but everytime I attempt to install ubuntu it reboots the laptop04:11
luftikuss!Enter |  LostyJai04:12
ubottuLostyJai: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:12
NinjaGirlis there any other option (other than -R) with ls to list subdirectories. I've man ls and don't see anything????04:13
luftikussebs512_: You have made a usb install. What have you installed using an usb stick?04:13
tech1ninja you can install "tree" and use it, i find it much better than ls04:13
Newtoubuntudo you have to actually install password from the software center to change the users password?04:14
tech1it displays subfolders/files in a tree view04:14
zIzNinjaGirl: what are you trying to achieve?04:14
lickalottNewtoubuntu have you tried sudo passwd <username>04:14
luftikussNewtoubuntu: No.04:14
ebs512_I put ubuntu 12.04 on the usb, it worked on my hp desktop but when I attempt to install ubuntu it reboots the laptop, this laptop has an i5 processor and intel hd 4000 graphics card04:14
Newtoubuntuluftikuss, no, hence the nickname.04:14
NinjaGirlI want to list all my directories and subdirectories along with address, permissions, user, etc in one list under any given directory04:15
ace2did this make go according to plan? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175131/04:15
wilee-nileeebs512_, same hp the install from the live desktop04:15
tech1try ls -lR04:15
lickalotttry that Newtoubuntu.   that will allow you to change the password, provided you are a user in the sudoers file04:15
tech1-l shows permissions etc04:16
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luftikussebs512_: Just a moment please.04:16
LostyJailuftikuss: I'll use clonezilla, thanks!04:16
lickalottace2 TL:DR04:16
ebs512_sure no problem04:16
zIzNinjaGirl: presumably you want to exclude files?04:16
PRabyteill have them hold shift Nullvoid, also, we need to boot old kernel04:16
lickalotttry to redirect output to a file then grep within the file for errors04:16
vericzykotick9 when i purged flash the banner ad on top of youtube shows up and vids play but says i need to upgrade no other sites play vids they say i need flash after i sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin the baner dissapers but vids still plau on youtube it dose not ask for upgrade anymore no vids play anywhere else still04:16
PRabyteit should be listed,,, 1 line down, but not rescue04:17
lickalottveric you still can't play vids?04:17
NinjaGirlTech1: OMG thanks! what I needed was to just exclude -a, ls -liR04:17
PRabytewe are just trying to save data at this point, the going to do a clean install, they stopped an upgrade from 12.04 to 12.04 lol... mistaken button pressed, sighs...04:17
vericstill having trouble04:17
luftikussebs512_: Pleas follow the advice in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick.04:17
Newtoubuntuhow amazing is the gnome desktop and what is the difference?04:18
PRabyteif there is a quicker way , let me know to fix what was janked, gnome is and libs are missing, and lots of stuff wont load, not even openssh-server, so i can get in04:18
lickalottebs512_ why not use a VM?  no need to dual boot.  have access to both OS's at the same time04:18
lickalottjust asking04:18
ace2lickalott, idk what that means04:18
loneTigerhow does one make a distribution of ubuntu with the packages already existing on the present computer -to be installed on another system???  is it possible (i'm newbie to UBUNTU recently installed 12.04)04:18
lickalottwait 104:18
ebs512_because I am building source04:18
verichow do you pm in here04:19
ebs512_I have all the files correct on the usb, it boots into temporary ubuntu but after I go to install and click next it reboots the computer after going to a black screen with a bunch of code04:19
lickalottace2: make  all-recursive > log.txt04:19
ace2veric, right click on name04:19
lickalottwhen it finishes just cat log.txt | grep -i error04:20
luftikussNewtoubuntu: The GNOME desktop in comparison to what?04:20
lickalottveric type /query <NICK> typeyourmessagehere  or /msg <NICK> typeyourmessagehere04:20
wilee-nileeloneTiger, check out this link notice the remastersys https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization04:20
Newtoubuntuto ubuntus stock layout in 12.0404:20
lickalott*for mIRC04:20
ace2veric, right click for xchat, you will see some more options04:21
ace2it in there04:21
loneTigerhow does one make a distribution of ubuntu with the packages already existing on the present computer -to be installed on another system???  is it possible (i'm newbie to UBUNTU recently installed 12.04)04:21
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loneTigerthx willie-nillie04:22
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luftikussloneTiger: I cannot recommend you to make a distribution when being a newcomer to Ubuntu. Do you really need to fabricate an Ubuntu distribution?04:22
wilee-nileeloneTiger, no problem.04:22
ebs512_I think it might have to do with my graphics card04:24
loneTigermy USB mobile broadband keeps disconnecting on my desktop. works fine on my laptop....any idea whats the problem. on my desktop other usb devices work ok.....except this usb (both systems have ubuntu 12.04 installed04:25
lickalottthrow some specs at us ebs512_04:25
ace2lickallot, ace@BitEncrypt-laptop:~$ cd /usr/local/src/xchat-2.8.804:25
ace2ace@BitEncrypt-laptop:/usr/local/src/xchat-2.8.8$ cat log.txt | grep -i error04:25
ace2cat: log.txt: No such file or directory04:25
luftikussebs512_: As you can see this is a lively IRC channel. In order to diminish confusion, please prepend your messages with the addressee of your messages.04:25
ebs512_the laptop is an hp 2124nr 640gb hdd 6gb memory i5 processor intel hd 4000 graphics card04:25
ace2lickalott, see above04:26
lickalottdid you run the make and redirect output to the log.txt file?04:26
lickalottprob not the gpu ebs512_04:27
lickalotti've installed against a 6 y/o laptop video card before04:27
ebs512_I thought I was reading something about an issue with intel?04:27
loneTigerlufticuss: yea i got another 3 systems to install into and was getting tired just thinking of installing then updationg then adding the packages ......groan!!!   in the view of carbon finger print. internet access speed and time saving.....i need to think about it right.....04:27
ace2lickalott, idk how04:28
lickalottace2  make  all-recursive > log.txt04:28
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lickalottbasically you're taking the stdout (standard output) that would go to the screen, surpressing it and making it the stdin (standard input) to the log.txt file04:28
zeptis>running dist-update just to play tf2 on a frankenubuntu build04:30
ebs512_I think I need to get the driver for it04:30
luftikussloneTiger: Please note that my nick includes a letter "k". --  To have to install another 3 systems does not justify to make a Ubuntu distribution. You might consider making a CD containing almost all the files you need foryour 3 installations. This is much less work load than making an Ubuntu distribution.04:30
neowengmy laptop has installed Xubuntu12.04, and there's no sound from the speaker but I can hear the sound from the headset, does anyone hit the same problem?04:31
ace2lickalott, i get a perm. denied with sudo04:31
zeptisnoweng: no, but which laptop are you using?04:31
ebs512_found my answer intel isnt supported have to manually add it04:31
neowenglenovo F4004:31
luftikussPrettyGood Privacy (pgp) knows primary keys and secondary keys. How can I derive a secondary key from a primary key?04:32
zeptisneoweng: have you attempted to 'sudo alsa force-reload'?04:32
loneTigersorry bout the nick luftikuss04:32
lickalottace2 su04:32
ace2lickalott, su make?04:33
neowengzeptis, I have reinstalled the alsa driver and reboot many times04:33
ace2if i use su i am switching users04:33
apgGreetings from Medan, Indonesia.04:33
ace2apg, hi04:33
lickalottsu to root then run everything04:34
luftikussapg: Greetings to you from Berlin, Germany.04:34
senybyou should be able to make as user: make then sudo make install04:34
PRabyteshe gave up lol04:35
zeptisneoweng: that does sound serious. Does your device show up in 'cat /proc/devices | grep snd'04:35
ace2lickalott, i get this "No rule to make target `all-recursive'.  Stop."04:36
PRabytequick question, if some does an upgrade then stops it, they are pretty much toast... or, suggestions?04:36
senybneoweng: what kind of headset, how is it connected ? headphone jack or usb04:36
ace2lickalott, this is what i typed.. make all-recursive > log.txt04:36
luftikussPRabyte: Pretty much yes. But not neessarily so. Please do now first the command '~$ sudo apt-get update'.04:38
PRabytedid all the basics already04:38
PRabytestill toast04:38
PRabytewhats after autoremove04:38
lickalottshoot me your paste link again pls04:38
zeptissenyb: that's a good question; is it your built-in speaker, or an external, neoweng?04:38
PRabytei tried to have her get to grub at boot, with hold shift04:38
PRabytedont know if she succeeded lol04:38
PRabytei would think it will still be jacked up as the upgrade has messed with gnome and libs at this point04:39
ace2lickalott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175148/04:39
neowengzeptis, senyb, there's no sound from the built-in speaker, any kind of headset is OK04:39
senybyour headset, it's connected via the headphone jack ?04:39
lickalotti meant the orig04:40
pr0toni'm on 10.0404:40
pr0tondoes upgrading to 12.04 cause issues?04:40
pr0toni'm a bit scared of doing it right now04:40
lickalottnah pr0ton04:40
senybneoweng: pop open alsamixer or kmix and check that none of your channels are muted or have the volume down04:41
lickalottsome libraries get updated, but nothing extreme.  I had to rebuild my znc again when I made that jump04:41
lickalottbut that's the worst thing that happened.04:41
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lickalotti would clone your drive just in case.04:41
ace2lickalott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175152/04:42
somsippr0ton: I did that and had some hiccups to 11.10 from memory, but got there in the end04:42
vrooomHi! I have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure and at Step 17, when I use aplay to play a sound through a specific sound card (in my case nVidia HDMI audio), it will play, however, I cannot get ubuntu to use this card as default and this seems the only time I can EVER get audio to play through my Television. I have tried setting the default to this card via04:42
neowengsenyb: I have checked the channals to make sure they aren't muted and turn on the volume04:42
vrooom/etc/asound.conf as well without any luck.. any help available?04:42
pr0tonsomsip, hmm i guess i'll probably avoid it04:43
pr0ton10.04 -> 12.04 seems like a big jump to begin with04:43
senybneoweng ?what's cat /proc/asound/cards give you?04:43
neowengsenyb: it returns HDA - Intel  -   HDA Intel04:44
luftikuss! nick > luftikuss04:46
ubottuluftikuss, please see my private message04:46
isackingMy system is Xubuntu 12.04 x64. After updated to newest kernel, I found my login dialog windows can not aligned to center. Dose anyone know what happened?04:46
ace2lickalott, i didnt see GTK+ part04:46
CamerPrideHi to all04:46
lickalotti'm looking over the whole thing now.04:47
CamerPridePlz, I can't connect to my system after installing weblogic, even from tty04:49
luftikussCamerPride: Please boot a Ubuntu Live CD and analyze the eroor messages in /var/log/syslog (and may be in /var/log/dmesg.0).04:50
lickalottace2 error while opening "t-be.gmo" for writing: Permission denied <--- seems to be an issue.  pretty much hoses up the "make" after the GTK fail message04:51
CamerPridethanks luftikiss, I'm gonig to try it right now04:51
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senybneoweng: do you have a discrete Headphone control in oyur mixer?04:53
williamherryhi, I am try to change my email from aaa.bbb@gmail.com to aaabbb@gmail.com on login.ubuntu.com04:54
williamherryis it possible?04:54
ebs512_still confused sorry :/04:56
williamherryCrypticSquared: without dot looks more nice04:56
lidarebs512_, confused about what ?04:56
ebs512_the same usb boot for 12.04 ubuntu worked on my pc but with my laptop I can get into temporary ubuntu but after I select to install on the side of windows 7 it reboots04:57
protoCall7Hi all, I recently set up cobbler on a 12.04 Server VM to support provisioning on my network, and my logs are being filled with errors (pasting)04:57
mysteriousdarrenI just got this error message I can't open the package manager because of it04:57
mysteriousdarren'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/download.opensuse.org_repositories_isv:ownCloud:ownCloud2012_xUbuntu%5f12.04_en, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'04:58
protoCall7there should be NO machines on the network requesting DHCP, we only use it to pass pxelinux.0 to servers during provisioning, then they get set static04:59
protoCall7is there a simple way to figure out which machines are making these thousands of DHCP requests?  I checked in ARP, and pulled a tcpdump, but I have had no luck tracking them down04:59
neowengsenyb: yes, it's not muted04:59
senybwhen you play audio through your speakers does it stop when you jack in your headphones?05:00
priteshGetting black screen on reboot my system05:01
lidarprotoCall7, how many boxes on the network?05:01
protoCall7including VM's ~45005:01
protoCall7physical machines, ~30005:02
lidarprotoCall7, too many to go looking for that mac addy then05:02
protoCall7definitely :(  I was hoping there was some way of doing a 'ping' at the hardware layer, but I've come across nothing.  Tried gripping for it in the arp table of the router, but no luck there either05:03
centoooshi all, i just upgrade to ubuntu 12.04 from cd, i have some problem now, my installed application are removed :( , when i wanna dl and install from software center it say me check internet connection but i am connect now :(... what should i do?? please05:03
ace2lickalott, look at this one it is correct one, i scrolled to far back on the other one.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175168/05:03
lidarprotoCall7, its been a while since i played but i think wireshark can filter by mac05:03
protoCall7lidar:  it can, however since they are DHCP requests, the source addr and dest addr are
protoCall7I get the funny feeling that they are probably coming from machines with dual port NIC's, where we have one nic configured, and the other one isn't05:04
Jordan_Ucentooos: It sounds like you did a re-install (installing a newer version) rather than what would normally be called an "upgrade".05:05
Jordan_Ucentooos: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update".05:05
ebs512_anyone else with an intel video card having issues installing 12.04 on a laptop?05:06
protoCall7lidar:  the only clue i got out of wireshark was that the mac belongs to a super micro machine, but that covers 3/4 of the network05:06
lickalottace2 what happened after you apt-get install xhcat?  did you try and run it?05:06
senybprotoCall7 you could use p0f to fingerprint the OS05:06
luftikussebs512_: I did not have issues.05:06
lidarprotoCall7, would it be feasable to temporarily setup a dhpcd so that it recieves a ip .. do you run ssh vnc ect. so after you assighned it a ip you could connect and sort out which one it is ?05:06
ebs512_thats really weird luftikuss05:07
ebs512_this laptop is brand new, it just arrived in the mail today05:07
ace2lickalott, yeah it does work but their are some bugs i would like to get rid of05:07
protoCall7senyb, I can already tell you its a Debian box.  Everything is squeeze except for about 3 machines that are the beginning of a migration to ubuntu across the farm, and the mac's don't belong to any of those three05:07
ace2and 2.8.8 should take care of them05:07
protoCall7lidar:  that might not be a bad idea, I think i'll give dhcpd a pool of 254 addresses in an unused segment of the network and see what grabs them…  Thanks for the help!05:08
ace2lickalott, nvr was very good @ ./config make stuff05:08
luftikuss!elaborate | ebs512_05:08
ubottuebs512_: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:08
senybprotocall: you would need to setup a dummy dhcp server to isolate it any further  all that you can know now is the mac/ and its on the same broadcast domain (your net) there isnt really anything else that you could probe on the client side untill that thing pulls an ip05:09
priteshunable to start the GUI by default on ubuntu 11.04. and one can tell me how to solve this05:09
lickalotti wasn't either.  A lot of the sucess of building like that depends on the libraries that it is looking for05:09
ace2lickalott, i am in /# fyi05:10
ebs512_my laptop is an hp g7 2124-nr it has 640gb hdd 6gb memory intel hd 4000 graphics card and i5-3210M intel processor05:10
ebs512_I can boot into temporary ubuntu but as soon as I click next on installing on the side of windows 7 it goes to a black screen with some code real fast and reboots05:11
lidarpritesh, if you press alt control F2 do you get a login prompt ?05:11
luftikusspritesh: Please have a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors (EE) and report them here.05:11
luftikuss!dualboot | ebs512_05:12
ubottuebs512_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:12
protoCall7lidar:  wow, i have no idea what these machines are lol05:13
priteshlidar yes i m getting ti05:13
ebs512_will the desktop version of ubuntu work on the laptop?05:14
lidarprotoCall7, heheh might be the neighbors!05:15
avocadoi thought skype was part of bitlbee in 12.04? how come i can't connect to it :(05:15
lidarprotoCall7, do you have a mixture of operating sytems that os detection with nmap would narrow the search the down ?05:15
isackingMy system is Xubuntu 12.04 x64. After updated to newest kernel, I found my login dialog windows can not aligned to center. Is it a bug? I want to know how to fix it.05:15
senybprotocall7: do you have it in your arp now? can you ping / traceroute ... whats the latency how many hops05:16
lidarpritesh, look at what luftikuss typed cat /var/log/Xorg----  | less05:16
lidarpritesh, that will let you view the error05:17
lidarprotoCall7, or even easier maybe your leases will contain a host name05:18
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ace2how do i make it so the dependency is installed http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175190/05:23
wbwbwbwbwbI installed Virtualbox from the Ubuntu Software Center and it says " Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: Machine Interface: IMachine {5eaa9319-62fc-4b0a-843c-0cb1940f8a91}"05:23
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wbwbwbwbwbsudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkmssudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox didn't work05:24
wbwbwbwbwb*didn't fix anything05:24
lickalottace2 sudo apt-get install libbonobo2-dev05:25
wbwbwbwbwb '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'05:25
lickalottwbwbwbwbwb http://www.liberiangeek.net/2012/05/install-virtualbox-4-1-14-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin/05:25
lickalottdid I offend? ace205:26
wbwbwbwbwbalright i'll try this tutorial :P05:26
centooos1Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/EjmqFrmz  sory for late, u remember my question?05:27
lidarace2, try apt-get update abd apt-get dist-upgrade05:27
ace2lidar, nope05:27
ace2lickalott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175194/05:27
lickalottvicious cycle05:28
lickalottbeen there.....05:28
wbwbwbwbwblickalott: Why doesn't the VirtualBox in the Ubuntu Software Repository work?05:28
wbwbwbwbwblickalott: I'm installing this one now. Thanks.05:28
lidarace2, if you try installing that popt package what happens ?05:29
d8bhattahello guys, how can I make afolder writable by all user05:29
prathamhello im using xubuntu 12.04 and windows 7 dual boot i want to restore dell factory reset.. will it delete my ubuntu partition or mess up my grub bootloader??05:29
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:29
penguinmanignore * dcc05:29
lickalottd8bhatta google "user permissions ubuntu"05:29
lidarpratham, the boot loader yes the ubuntu install now05:30
lickalottor what lidar said05:30
isackingd8bhatta, chmod 777 /your/folder05:30
* Pradyumna 05:30
lickalottlidar, are those your bots?05:30
prathamshould i uninstall grub before doing windows recovery ??05:30
lidarlickalott, no they are the official ubuntu ones05:30
lickalottwondering if anyone has seen this issue before:  I have 3 drives mounted through fstab and shared out via NFS through exports.  Im also sharing one of the drive out via apache.  After the apache installation and configuration, I can't "map network drive"(nfs) the one drive that is shared out on apache05:30
d8bhatta isacking: I already did this, what about ownership?05:30
lidar!chown > d8bhatta05:31
ubottud8bhatta, please see my private message05:31
senyblickalott probably a file locking issue05:31
lickalott!<searchterm>, as in it's tied to the ubuntu. or are there limitations?05:31
lickalottwith apache you mean? senyb05:32
lidard8bhatta, the best way would be to make the fil(s) owned by a group .. then add whom needed access to that group05:32
centooos1Jordan_U, did u get it? :( plzz05:32
prathamshould i restore the windows bootloader before using dell factory reset ??05:32
Jordan_Ucentooos1: Do you use some type of proxy?05:32
prathamwill it delete my ubuntu partion too??05:32
Jordan_Upratham: lidar: Yes, it's very likely that a factory reset will wipe your entire drive and all data on it.05:32
centooos1Jordan_U, i used autoproxy before, but now it does not work at all.05:32
senyblickalott yeah if you have any open file locks the nfs bind mount would probably fail05:33
Jordan_Ucentooos1: How did you install autoproxy?05:33
lickalottwell...thats ghey05:33
senybtry nfsing first then see if you can get apache to mount whatever stores it needs via nfs to localhost05:33
Jordan_Ulickalott: Please don't use "gay" as an epithet.05:33
prathamwhat about the bootloader?? i have grub should i restore windows bootloader before doing a factory reset??05:33
lidarJordan_U, my factory reset doesnt it just formats windows and wipes out the boot loader .. use a usb stick to fix grub and im good to go05:33
Robr3rdDoes anybody have suggestions on (free) programs that can recover data from hard disks?05:33
centooos1Jordan_U, i installed it before, its an add-ones on my firefox05:33
centooos1Jordan_U, its off now05:34
isackingd8bhatta: chmod 777 can let any users write your folder. If that is what you need, you need not to do anything about ownership05:34
DaDaDOSPromptare there any good applications that would permit me to draw together with someone else over a network?05:34
Jordan_Ulidar: Different factory resets work different ways. There are some that simply re-image the drive.05:34
prathamim using dell factory reset05:34
lidarRobr3rd, usually you can just mount the windows drive and copy files off .. windows may not run but the data is still there f05:34
Jordan_Ucentooos1: How did you install autoproxy?05:34
senyblickalott: it's not locks make sure your files don't get trashed05:35
Robr3rdlidar: Problem is, it's the only HDD in the system.05:35
lidarpratham, just be careful about what partittions/sizes your wiping out05:35
lidarRobr3rd, use a live cd / usb stick05:35
centooos1Jordan_U, i cant remember, its for some month ago, maybe terminal or maye from mozila site :(05:35
Robr3rdlidar: I tried running an Ubuntu LiveCD and checked "sudo fdisk -l" / gParted, and the HDD is not even detected. In fact, the BIOS doesn't even notice that there's anything there.05:36
senybRobr3rd what FS are you trying to recover ? FAT NTFS EXT2/3/4 ?05:36
Jordan_Ucentooos1: Clearly you have some type of proxy setup outside of just Firefox. Do you know anything about this?05:36
prathamim wiping the windows partition c:\ but my question is "  should i uninstall grub and restore windows bootloader beforing wiping??"05:37
Robr3rdsenyb: Any. :) Preferably my NTFS partition, although I would also like to grab a few things from ext3 (or whatever the Ubuntu 12.04 default is) if at all possible.05:37
centooos1Jordan_U, i change my proxy setting at synoptic and network proxy, but after upgrade to 12.04 it does not work again. it can use tor proxy, and some others in its list05:37
senybRob3rd wait ... your hdd not detected ... even in bios ... that's a check cables or else send it to drivesavers situation05:37
Jordan_URobr3rd: Please pastebin the output of "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/" "sudo parted -l" and "dmesg".05:38
lickalottgonna add that particular drive to smb and see if i get the same issue.  if not, problem solved, if so.....may trash apache05:38
lidarpratham, the windows reinstall will replace grub .. so there is no benifit to replacing it twice05:38
Robr3rdsenyb: Cables are all connected. I also tried switching it from Drive0 to Drive1 and it still was not connected. It just sits there and clicks at me.05:38
isackingDoes anyone how to boot WinPE iso image file by GRUB2?05:38
Robr3rdJordan_U: From a LiveCD, I assume, yes?05:39
prathamoh ok05:39
Jordan_Uisacking: Windows iso files aren't loop bootable. No bootloader can boot an iso which isn't designed to be loop booted.05:39
senybRobr3rd yea sounds bad , there are some gimmicky things you could try like freezing it or banging it against a solid surface ...05:39
senybsacking : you need to chainload05:40
Jordan_URobr3rd: If you're getting a grub rescue shell, and you really only have one HD in the computer at the time, then clearly the BIOS is "seeing" (and successfully reading from) the hard drive.05:40
Robr3rdsenyb: Yeah, I've read of such things, but while banging apparently works for some, I'd rather go through everything else, BEFORE I risk completely wrecking it by bumping it too hard/in the wrong way05:40
Jordan_Usenyb: Chainloading won't help in any way.05:40
Robr3rdJordan_U: It is no longer booting to grub rescue shell. For some unexplainable reason, it went from grub rescue (which was good news) to being completely oblivious05:41
Jordan_URobr3rd: Sounds like the drive has simply failed then. Hopefully you have good backups.05:41
senybRobr3rd I wouldn't boot from that bad drive, you don't want to make any more writes ... if you can get a live cd there are somethings to try05:42
Robr3rdJordan_U: I mean, honestly, I have good *enough* backups between Ubuntu One, Google Drive, and periodic manual backups kept in my safe, but obviously full access would be preferable. :)05:43
lidarRobr3rd, its well worth trying the freezer/strange drops ect. ect. those things do help recover data sometimes ..05:43
Robr3rdsenyb: Yeah, the LiveCd is almost done booting05:43
senybok, once you get it up do a sudo  fdisk -l05:44
isackingJordan_U: I find grub4dos can load window PE iso05:44
Jordan_URobr3rd: If you can figure out how to get the drive to show up at all, GNU ddrescue (*not* dd_rescue) is a good tool for recovering all the data from it (by creating a full disk image, if you have the room for that).05:44
Jordan_Uisacking: You've actually booted it successfully, with Windows booting completely?05:45
centooos1Jordan_U, i just change proxy setting to non proxy and my download problem is solved,05:46
Newtoubuntuis virus protection necessary in ubuntu?05:47
Jordan_U!virus | Newtoubuntu05:47
ubottuNewtoubuntu: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus05:47
kanupatarhow can I mount a data cd in linux ? is that like this ?  mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom ?05:48
Newtoubuntuthis is excellent. i installed an amazing mac theme. so happy05:48
senybkanupatar its something like mount -t loop -o iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom05:49
Jordan_Ukanupatar: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom05:49
Jordan_Usenyb: You don't want -o loop except when loop mounting a file.05:49
* senyb ducks05:49
lickalotthave you tried to just cd /media/cdrom; ls?05:49
Jordan_Ukanupatar: And as lickalott is aluding to, CD's should mount automatically.05:50
lickalottJordan_U you scared him off05:50
kanupatarbut data cd is 9660 format ?05:51
lickalotthave you tried to just cd /media/cdrom; ls?05:51
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zIzNewtoubuntu: that is an over simplification, malware is significantly less common under unix like systems but it does exist. A vast majority of people run linux without AV but that doesn't mean there is never any benefit to it. You should decide based on how you will be using the machine.05:55
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NewtoubuntuzIz: thanks for the tip05:56
lidarNewtoubuntu, "most" people that run antivirus on linux are people scanning mail servers/file servers for viruses that affect windows computers in a mixed netowrk enviroment05:57
opalepatrickWhat is a good tool to monitor outgoing traffic - 12.04? got a problem with google blocking access to some tools saying that there is automated traffic being sent. I am sure this is rubbish, but need to be positive.05:57
MonkeyDust!av > Newtoubuntu05:57
ubottuNewtoubuntu, please see my private message05:57
lidaropalepatrick, snort ?05:58
Newtoubuntunice! :)05:58
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Robr3rdJordan_U: ""sudo parted -l" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175211 ||| "dmesg" -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/117521205:59
opalepatricknot seen that before lidar, thanks. That OK for detecting outgoing? Saw that it was intrusion protector. Will read more :-) Oh and just one desktop?06:00
Robr3rdJordan_U: This is from LiveUSB Ubuntu 12.04 -- Only devices hooked up to the system are wireless keyboard/mouse, VGA monitor, and Ethernet. (and of course USB for LiveCD)06:00
lidarRobr3rd, what size is your drive that is showing only 4gig06:01
Robr3rdlidar: That 4GB would be the LiveUSB stick. The HDD is something around 150GB06:02
NewtoubuntuI am REALLY learning to love this OS. Thanks again to all who helped me!06:03
=== fxstar is now known as fxstarWork
lidarRobr3rd, your on a desktop that you can open gparted ?06:04
Jordan_Uisacking: If the WinPXE iso file can really be booted by GRUB4DOS (successfully, with Windows actually working) you can achieve the same with Syslinux's memdisk (used through grub2): http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php/MEMDISK#GRUB2 .06:04
Newtoubuntuso if i made a partiton for ubuntu is that where my data saves on06:05
Newtoubuntujust the normal install i mean06:06
PedrolitoFirefox just got updated to version 15, but it turns out that one addon I use is incompatible.  Is there a way for me to reverse to version 14.0.1 until the addon is fixed?06:08
MonkeyDustNewtoubuntu  you can even make a separate /home partition for your personal files and settings06:08
acerNewtoubuntu,  can you go to system setting>sound and see if on t'06:08
wilee-nileePedrolito, there is a app called nightly tester tools in the addons, you might see if it frees the addon06:09
acerif on the last tab or so you have firefox with alsa plugin ?06:09
ebs512_I have a question why does it only say install ubuntu inside windows 7 instead of alongside it?06:09
andrewacltvirtual box06:10
NewtoubuntuMonkeyDust,  the gb is chose for the install, was that for the boot only or do my files save on that partition by default06:10
lauratikaim up to get an all in one hp or lenovo or compaq. how good they work with ubuntu???06:10
Pedrolitowilee-nilee, it doesn't work, the addon is really broken by firefox 15.  The authors are working on it06:10
Newtoubuntuthe GB i chose**06:10
MonkeyDustNewtoubuntu  what's the GB, if not gigabyte?06:10
wilee-nileePedrolito, Ah, I have synaptic installed so I would just remove 15 and install 14.0.1, and then lock it.06:11
Pedrolitowilee-nilee, 14.0.1 will be available as an option?  Cause it's not available to me in synaptic at the moment06:12
NewtoubuntuMonkeyDust, yeah gigabyte06:12
Newtoubuntuthis OS is just getting better and better. i am nearly blown away06:12
LiDaRNewtoubuntu: is this your first go with linux ?06:13
NewtoubuntuLiDaR, yes due to hell and back with the intel graphics issue. i finally got it up and running (still cant solve my backlight problem) and have been on it for a few days now.06:14
wilee-nileePedrolito, mine neither, my mistake thought it would be there.06:14
LiDaRNewtoubuntu: screen brightness ?06:14
Pedrolitowilee-nilee, darn, yeah, the only option there is is to downgrade to 1106:15
NewtoubuntuLiDaR, yeah. i suppose so many on here havnt heard of these issues cause tehy simply arnt having them. the brightness meter shows up but the actual light does not alter.06:15
shiftingcontrol_I created liveusb using dd for crunchbang in ubuntu, I have 7.5 GB for free space, but unable to create new partition using gparted in 7.5 GB space06:15
MonkeyDustPedrolito would you downgrade a complete OS because of 1 module in 1 app?06:16
LiDaRNewtoubuntu: i had that before on a acer laptop06:16
NewtoubuntuLiDaR, ive tried a few workarounds with no luck06:16
Robr3rdLiDaR: Yes. Shows the same info seen on sudo fdisk -l -- At this point, I'm throwing in the towel. Once I get another HDD I'm goign to try the banging and freezing techniques, but until then it doesn't make any sense to try them because I won't have anywhere to put the data. For future reference, though, what are the guidelines for banging it and freezing it? As in, bang it on startup or before startup, etc. And how long to wait while06:16
Robr3rdit's frozen before booting. (or is there not a very well-established criteria for these pseudo-solutions?)06:16
LiDaRRobr3rd: you said you changed it be master 2 which would make the big drive /dev/sdb right ?06:17
PedrolitoMonkeyDust, what do you mean?  I'm saying the only option is to downgrade firefox to version 11.0.106:17
Pedrolito*the only option offered*06:18
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: If Crunchbang's iso file didn't contain a partition table, which sounds like the case, then you can't create any partitions and thus can't add any other filesystems on the drive (until you get rid of Crunchbang).06:18
wifioregonDoes CTRL + ALT + T open the terminal in almost all versions of Ubuntu?06:18
LiDaRNewtoubuntu: i remebr i had to echo a value into some strange udev folder if i remebr correctly06:18
Newtoubuntuso is there a way to run windows programs on ubuntu?06:18
MonkeyDustNewtoubuntu  it's called wine06:19
LiDaRNewtoubuntu: seamless rdp with virtualbox is the best if your computer can handle it06:19
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, oh, I am unable wipe the entire disk06:19
Pedrolitowell actually, I just found archive packages of firefox 14 on launchpad, hopefully that will work06:19
Newtoubuntuif it required nuts, my laptop dont have it xD06:19
LiDaRNewtoubuntu: read up about it nice how to on ubuntu forum06:20
NewtoubuntuMonkeyDust, awesome. ive use wine with mac. ubuntus will be 3 times better :)06:20
AndrewX192Is it possible to collect a list of files that were modified or created outside of APT?06:21
Pedrolitoha, pretty cool, the archive .deb files from launchpad worked!06:22
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: What do you mean by "unable"?06:23
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, When I right click on usb in nautilus I dont get the option to format06:23
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: That's normal. Create a partition table on the drive using GParted.06:24
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: For future reference, "format" is a very ambiguous term which can refer to many different operations.06:25
NewtoubuntuSo there are different "launchers", if you will, like android on here?06:25
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, When I create a new partion using device -> create a new partition , I get unable to create partition, what is the exact term between ?06:26
PyrrhicAnyone know how to move an existing partition to the front or end of the hard drive?06:26
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: What is the exact error message? (give a screenshot if needed).06:26
shadowfiosdoes anyone know of an irc channel that would know about the 'components' of06:26
shadowfiosa computer06:26
Jordan_U!screenshot | shiftingcontrol_06:26
ubottushiftingcontrol_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.06:26
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: ##hardware06:26
Pyrrhicshadowfios: What do you need?06:26
shadowfiosadvice on a special case mod06:27
Pyrrhicshadowfios: what case mod?06:27
shadowfioshooking 6v from the psu to an external device06:29
PyrrhicFor LEDs?06:29
shadowfiosa transmitter06:29
PyrrhicI don't see you running into any issues with that.06:29
priteshhow to enable auto login on ubuntu 11.0406:30
Pedrolitopritesh, system settings > user accounts > automatic login06:31
srunner123hello world06:31
srunner123ahh, it works!06:32
tuoalagf amazing06:32
srunner123anyone know of the fix to get Pidgen to work with Yahoo, I've tried what I've read in the forums, but to no avail connecting06:33
tuoalai know06:33
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, thanks, I created a new partition table and created a new partition , but Now I am unable to see the old partition which had crunchbang06:34
priteshPedrolito through command line because i am using Xfce406:34
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, Now the partition is read only06:34
nate__is this the channel for tech support?06:35
auronandacenate__: yes06:36
nate__sweet, so I know next to nothing about linux and I received a laptop running ubuntu as a gift.  So i ham having issues starting up after accidentally letting the power drain all the way06:37
nate__its saying things like error mounting file system and I don't know what to do?06:38
MonkeyDustnate__  first, connect the laptop to the light net06:38
nate__sorry, total noob here whats that?06:38
nate__I mean like it wont do anything06:38
Pedrolitooh, I wouldn't know then pritesh06:38
auronandacenate__: what is the output of: lsb_release06:39
Pedrolitopritesh, can't you log in to a unity session just to enable this, and then log back in to xfce?06:39
nate__it says no LSB nodules availabe06:39
MonkeyDustnate__  make that lsb_release -sd06:39
priteshPedrolito i dont have any other than xfce.06:40
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nate__it said Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS06:40
MonkeyDustnate__  ok, that's good06:40
Pedrolitopritesh, can you run users-admin from the command line?06:40
nate__yay, hyperventilating here so good news is nice06:40
MonkeyDustnate__  now type sudo apt-get update06:40
Pedrolitopritesh, I'm sorry, that's not the right program06:41
nate__no its saying /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 version 'GLIBC_2.14' not found06:42
Pedrolitopritesh, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin06:42
nate__also monkeydust how do I respond to you directly in the IRC?06:43
MonkeyDust!tab > nate__06:43
ubottunate__, please see my private message06:43
nate__im sorry how can I do that?06:43
Pedrolitopritesh, or maybe http://askubuntu.com/questions/44107/disable-auto-login-from-the-cli06:43
MonkeyDustnate__  type mon [tab]06:44
nate__not to monkeydust sorry06:44
nate__someone sent me  PM?06:44
Hayatenate_ that was just a bot06:45
LiDaR!bot > nate__06:45
ubottunate__, please see my private message06:45
nate__ah got it, it was a bot06:46
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)06:47
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: Creating a new partition table effectively wipes the drive (which GParted warns you before allowing you to do it). That's why you can't see crunchbang any more. What do you mean by "the partition is read only"? In the future please describe the symptoms like "when I try to create a new file by doing X I see error message Y".06:47
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, well after creating a new partition and tried to create a folder, I get a error message saying filesystem is read only and gparted didn't ask read/write file system permission06:48
nate__tried to install it via the command given and it says unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system06:49
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: What fileystem does the partition contain?06:49
vectorshelve_I am not able to update -> $ sudo apt-get update [sudo] password for murthy:  0% [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers] [Waiting for headers]06:49
vectorshelve_it just keeps hanging like that06:49
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, File system is fat32, do I need to manage flags ?06:50
timfrostvectorshelve_: do you need to configure a proxy to get to the internet?06:51
jalexandruHi I need help with Package manager, I'm using ubuntu 12.04 I tried to uninstall firefox (don't remember why :P ) fallowed an tutorial got stuck closed the tutorial (I can't find it again) and end up with error in package manager, now I'm unable to do updates or new installs and I need them! I run apt-get install -f and received the error: Errors where encountered when processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_15.0+build1-0ubuntu0.12.04.1_i386.deb06:52
vectorshelve_timfrost: it is configured... and it suddenly started behaving like this06:52
shiftingcontrol_ubottu, screenshoot06:52
timfrostvectorshelve_: is it correct in file /etc/apt/apt.conf?06:52
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: I have no idea what you mean by "manage flags". Please pastebin the output of "mount" and "dmesg".06:53
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, http://imagebin.org/22640706:53
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: That isn't GParted. That's Palimpsest.06:55
vectorshelve_timfrost: /etc/apt/apt.conf is a directory06:55
jalexandrualso I have another error msg : error: BrokenCount>006:56
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, https://gist.github.com/352352206:56
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, Palimpset ?06:56
nate__can anyone help?06:56
PyrrhicAnyone available to help me fix a corrupted NTFS partition? Non-bootable06:57
Pyrrhicnate_ : whatcha need?06:57
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: Palimpsest is the actual name of the utility you gave a screenshot of (in the menus it's called "Disk Utility").06:57
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  it's nate__ 's first ubuntu experience06:58
timfrostvectorshelve_: there should be a directory /etc/apt/apt.conf.d to  put configuration files into.  /etc/apt/apt.conf (if it exists) should be a file. Can you pastebin the output of 'ls -lR /etc/apt' ?06:58
vectorshelve_timfrost: one sec06:58
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: sda5 is the partition you just created?06:59
PyrrhicMonkeyDust: Oh ok. Would you happen to know how to fix a corrupt partition?06:59
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  corrupt partition?06:59
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, nope sdb106:59
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, http://imagebin.org/226409 is screen shoot06:59
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: sdb1 doesn't appear to be mounted at all.06:59
vectorshelve_timfrost: http://pastie.org/461490407:00
PyrrhicMonkeyDust: Yes. Corrupt partition. NTFS.07:00
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  what happened?07:00
PyrrhicMonkeyDust: Resizing errored in GParted and corrupted it. :/07:00
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  how so 'corrupted'?07:01
MonkeyDustin what way?07:01
vectorshelve_timfrost: any idea ?07:01
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, When I mount usb, under devices I can see the name but when I click the device name, it isn't getting mounted07:01
PyrrhicI can't mount it in Ubuntu or access any files, corrupted.07:02
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  what happens when you try? error messages?07:03
timfrostvectorshelve_: OK.  The directory is called /etc/apt/apt.conf.d  .  Check the files in  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ for proxy settings (the file 01proxy is most likely) and check that the proxy setting is correct07:04
_mis_tere_any chanl for Backtrack users?07:04
chasedawg11My recently installed ubuntu isn't showing unity 3d, it's only in 2d. Any Ideas?07:04
PyrrhicMonkeyDust: Well. Before I tried resizing, I could see it listed when opening my home folder. Now it's gone. In gParted it has an exclamation point next to it.07:04
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, Need to leave now, catch yu later if possible, thanks07:04
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: Please pastebin the output of "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/"07:04
Jordan_Ushiftingcontrol_: You're welcome. Good luck.07:04
coolstar!backtrack | _mis_tere_07:04
ubottu_mis_tere_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition07:04
vectorshelve_timfrost: Acquire::http::Proxy "http://proxy.web2labs.com:3142";07:05
vectorshelve_timfrost: it seems correct07:05
shiftingcontrol_Jordan_U, mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /mnt/ busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /mnt07:05
chasedawg11My recently installed ubuntu isn't showing unity 3d, it's only in 2d. Any Ideas?07:05
shiftingcontrol_but ls /mnt is null07:06
MonkeyDustnate__  keep it in the channel please07:06
PyrrhicMonkeyDust: Well. Before I tried resizing, I could see it listed when opening my home folder. Now it's gone. In gParted it has an exclamation point next to it.07:07
nate__Oh duh of course07:07
nate__will do07:07
PyrrhicJust in case you missed my message monkey.07:07
hanslandahello there, i wanna make the compiz fusion effects work on my ubuntu 12.04 ..but i cant...should i downgrade gnome?07:08
timfrostvectorshelve_: I see a smiley in that line as posted. is the actual text 'http' then two ':' characters  then 'proxy' ?07:08
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  sounds odd07:08
auronandace!gnome2 | hanslanda07:08
ubottuhanslanda: The GNOME Foundation has ceased support for GNOME 2, and as such it is not in Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). See !notunity for an alternative desktop experience.07:08
timfrostvectorshelve_: another thought: can you correctly resolve the host name?07:08
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic07:09
chasedawg11I get an error that says, "Your ubuntu is running in 2d mode" how can I change that?07:09
PyrrhicMonkeyDust: :/ Guess I'm screwed then?07:10
impihello, yesterday i was in here complaining of my gpu that was hot, and my fan going off 100% pretty much all the time07:10
MonkeyDustPyrrhic  i'm sure someone else has other or better advice07:10
impii think I nailed it. i looked at my compiz settings,07:10
impiand under opengl i scaled down my settings there07:11
impiso far so good07:11
PyrrhicSeeking help to fix a corrupt data NTFS partion. (Non-bootable)07:11
chasedawg11 I get an error that says, "Your ubuntu is running in 2d mode" how can I change that?07:13
MonkeyDustchasedawg11  logout, select ubuntu, login07:13
chasedawg11MonkeyDust I tried that, but I still get the same error07:14
MonkeyDustchasedawg11  what options do you get in the loggin menu?07:15
Wizardchasedawg11: I bet it's because your hardware doesn't support 3D, which is required to run Unity.07:15
WizardAs a consequence, it loads Unity 3D.07:16
chasedawg11MonkeyDust Ubuntu and Ubuntu 2d.07:16
MonkeyDustchasedawg11  see what Wizard says07:16
chasedawg11MonkeyDust what's wizard?07:17
MonkeyDustchasedawg11  the guy who just said something07:17
* Wizard smacks chasedawg11 :/07:17
chasedawg11Wizard I burned the .iso image to a cd and when I boot off the cd, the 3d works great, but when it's installed its only in 2d07:18
chasedawg11MonkeyDust thanks07:19
Wizardchasedawg11: Seems strange.07:19
vivek-tomar__msg hi07:20
chasedawg11Wizard any suggestions?07:21
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gauravgrt1hey i was updating my ubuntu and it failed to installed....i am using ubuntu 12.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175300/...can someone help me ....thanks already07:23
WizardRead what people say, chasedawg11.07:23
Wizardgauravgrt1: Problems with PPAs should be solved by PPAs maintainers :(07:24
vivek-tomar__hi. path variables set in /etc/environment are not working. can anyone help ?07:24
gauravgrt1Wizard: ok then how do i get rid of the popups....07:25
razaccourHow come Ubuntu doesn't utilize my full monitor? there's part of it chopped off on all 4 sides07:25
razaccourthe screen doesn't take up the entire monitor like it should and does in windows 707:25
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razaccourI'm gonna try booting into gnome-shell and see if that helps brb07:26
MonkeyDustrazaccour  check out arandr, a tool in the repos07:26
roobarb1vivek-tomar__: I would set paths in .bashrc07:27
vivek-tomar__thanks for rply07:27
PyrrhicCan anyone help me repair a corrupt ntfs partition?07:27
vivek-tomar__but in ubuntu forums i read many of the time that global variables should be set in /etc/environment07:28
wilee-nileePyrrhic, how is it corrupted?07:28
vivek-tomar__previously every thing was working properly after installing and upgrading "ppa:ikarosdev/unity-revamped" i think that's not working07:30
PyrrhicI tried to resize a media ntfs partition. While it was resizing i had a power surge and it's corrupt07:30
Pyrrhicso basically the resize got canceled.07:30
ikoniaPyrrhic: the best way to fix any NTFS issues is using the Windows tools from within Windows OS07:30
PyrrhicI don't have a Windows CD :/07:30
ikoniaPyrrhic: then why do you have a NTFS disk ?07:30
vivek-tomar__msg roobarb1in ubuntu forums i read many of the time that global variables should be set in /etc/environment07:30
rsvpwhy does Precise get suddenly very SLUGGISH ?? odd behavior compared to Lucid.07:30
PyrrhicI had a Windows partition. Used a friends.07:31
Pyrrhicgot rid of it for ubuntu07:31
ikoniaPyrrhic: then get the friends disk again07:31
Pyrrhicit has media on it.07:31
Pyrrhicthey don't live anywhere close to me anymore. I had windows 7 for a few years.07:31
Pyrrhicthey moved out west, anyway..07:31
ikoniaPyrrhic: if you write to microsoft giving them a legitimate product activation code, they will send you a CD07:32
Pyrrhicthere are no unix tools to fix it?07:32
ikoniaPyrrhic: not really no,07:32
ikoniaNTFS is a reversed engineered filesystem, so while functionality for it is surprisingly good, the right tools to use are the microoft ones07:33
wilee-nileePyrrhic, you can buy a bootable windows recovery disc 10$ and get to the command line for a chkdsk07:33
wilee-nileemay need mote than that though07:33
roobarb1vivek-tomar__: what stopped working on your machine?07:35
vivek-tomar__i set path to bash script folder and now i can't execute those script from terminal\07:35
Ben64ikonia: offtopic i know, but what if you write to MS with an OEM code?07:35
vivek-tomar__roobarb1:i set path to bash script folder and now i can't execute those script from terminal07:36
ikoniaBen64: honestly no certain idea, however I believe the OEM provider not microsoft are obliged to give you media (but they may charge you)07:36
vivek-tomar__can anyone please help me out global variables set in /etc/environment file are not working07:38
XmikelHi to all07:38
roobarb1vivek-tomar__: Could it be that your script doesn't have the execute permissions?07:39
roobarb1vivek-tomar__: you can check your path on the terminal07:39
vivek-tomar__roobarb1:all is set i crossed checked that07:39
_PanzerSajtHy! I would like to usbboot  pandaboard like board. http://jcrigby.blogspot.hu/2012/07/usb-booting-panda-board.html This usbboot utility wasn't working for me I used this instead: https://github.com/dmitry-pervushin/usbboot-omap4 With this one I could load u-boot into memory but it won't start up. (I think the problem is that is tries to relocate itself.)07:39
roobarb1vivek-tomar__: did you log-out/log-in?07:40
vivek-tomar__roobarb1: i can07:40
vivek-tomar__roobarb1: even if i make that file empty i can login and logout07:41
XmikelI have a problem. I can't log in my ubuntu even from virtual terminal, and I have the message "The system is running in low-graphics mode". Does anyone can help ?07:41
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ikoniaXmikel: your video card isn't running in 3d mode, that's the reason, why, either it's not configurd with the correct xorg modules, or the card doesn't support 3d acceleration on Linux07:43
vivek-tomar__ikonia:hi can you please help me out my global path variables in /etc/environment file are not working from terminal07:44
ikoniavivek-tomar__: no idea.07:45
ikoniaI don't know what you mean not working from the terminal07:45
ikonia/etc/environments is just a text file07:45
luftikussXmikel: You could try Alt+Print+k and then reisub. If this does not help, I only can advixe reboot. If this does not give a clue then start a Ubuntu live CD and analyze the logfiles.07:45
ikoniaso it shouldn't "do anytthing" from the terminal07:45
vivek-tomar__ikonia: i set path to bash script dir and i can't execute those script from terminal07:45
Xmikelikonia: thanks for you suggestion, but I'm using this compter for very long time now and the problem occur only after the installation of oracle weblogic07:46
ikoniavivek-tomar__: why are you setting it in /etc/variables rather than in the .bashrc ?07:46
ikoniaXmikel: very doubtful weblogic is the issue as it's just a java middleware server, and won't effect your x configuration07:46
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vivek-tomar__ikonia: coz /etc/environment variables are global can be shared bw users07:47
ikoniavivek-tomar__: it's more likely /etc/environment is getting parsed and then the varibles are overwritten by other config files such as the bashrc07:48
nbubuntuHi , anyone know which program which able to move file with GUI interface ? reason using command line mv works but doesn't show % of complete. Maybe a GUI Move file program able to show it ?07:48
ikoniavivek-tomar__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables quite a good explination of it and how to use it07:49
ikonianbubuntu: the file manager, nautilus ?07:49
luftikussnbubuntu: Nautilus can do the job.07:49
Xmikelluftikuss: thanks, I going to try that07:49
vivek-tomar__ikonia:ok so last question i can see those variable in printevn PATH variables07:49
ikoniavivek-tomar__: can you show me the output of echo $PATH please.07:50
nbubuntuikonia luftikuss : nautilus file manager doesn't have move option07:51
Xmikelikonia: thanks, I'll will look the problem elsewehere as luftikuss suggested07:51
ikonianbubuntu: it does07:51
nbubuntuikonia : I mean in gui which show % of complete07:51
ikonianbubuntu: it does07:52
nbubuntuikonia : huh ? where ?07:52
ikonianbubuntu: when you move a file.....it shows you a progress bar if it's big enough to take longer than a nano second07:52
vivek-tomar__ikonia:please have a look at it07:52
ikoniavivek-tomar__: right, so $MYHOME is not a valid path07:53
ikoniavivek-tomar__: I'm assuming the things that are not working is in $MYHOME07:53
nbubuntuikonia : that one is Cut and paste file.Not move file.07:53
vivek-tomar__ikonia:and MYHOME="$HOME/my/your"07:53
ikoniavivek-tomar__: yes, but %MYHOME is not valid in $PATH07:53
vivek-tomar__it's valid dirs are there and bash script with name "hello" is there07:54
ikonianbubuntu: 1.) cut and paste IS move 2.) if you drag and drop with shift, it's move.07:54
ikonianbubuntu: there is also set "move" paths07:54
ikoniavivek-tomar__: no, it's not07:54
ikoniavivek-tomar__: $PATH cannot contain $MYHOME07:54
ikoniavivek-tomar__: that is showing you the machine doesn't know what $MYHOME is07:54
vivek-tomar__ikonia: if i use source /etc/environmet command every thing starts working properly07:54
ikoniavivek-tomar__: if it new what $MYHOME was it would set the path to usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/your/home/path07:55
ikoniavivek-tomar__: that has nothing to do with what I've just said07:55
XmikelPlease one thing before trying your suggestion. I can log in, but it cames back to the login immediately07:55
vivek-tomar__ikonia: so can how to fix it plz07:55
ikoniavivek-tomar__: 1.) I've given you a link showing you how to use /etc/enviornment 2.) I've explained why it's not working from /etc/environment (something overwriting your variables .bashrc) 3.) I've explained why $MYHOME is not valid in your $PATH07:56
ikoniavivek-tomar__: address those issues and you'll be fine07:56
Xmikelikonia: luftikuss: Please one thing before trying your suggestion. I can log in, but it cames back to the login immediately07:56
ikoniaXmikel: normally because it can't write to your home dir - possible permissions or disk full issues07:57
vivek-tomar__ikonia: oh man your typing speed is so great my god07:57
LCN1980i made my Wiimote compatible in xbmc using the eventclient but it only works as a remote and not a gamepad using the Zsnes emulator anyone know what i shall do to get it working07:57
luftikussXmikel: Go to a Linux terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) log in there and analyze /var/log/syslog for an error on login.07:58
hanslandaanyone can help me? i have made a mess with my ubuntu...i installed gnome on my ubuntu and now i have duplicate applications icons on my menus07:59
AESI am learning about the Firewall in Ubuntu server 12.04.1 LTS. Does anyone know where to find the file that has the confi information about UFW?07:59
LCN1980or someone know how i can install wiican on the 12.04 kernel 64bit08:00
nbubuntuikonia : drap and drop = copy , cut and paste is move ?08:00
hanslandaanyone can help me? i have made a mess with my ubuntu...i installed gnome on my ubuntu and now i have duplicate applications icons on my menus (for example i have 2 Xchat icons on the menu08:00
ikonianbubuntu: please re-read what I sid08:01
Xmikelluftikuss: I've try that already but I immediately log off after giving login and password. And I have sufficient space on my hard disk08:01
BebopStevehanslada: What release?08:01
nbubuntuikonia : why when I cut a folder to another partition my folder modified date get change while command line mv doesn't ?08:01
AESI am learning about the Firewall in Ubuntu server 12.04.1 LTS. Does anyone know where to find the file that has the confi information about UFW?08:01
hanslandaBebopSteve, how can i know? im very new on it08:01
ikonianbubuntu: no idea, how the file manager processes it ?08:02
luftikussXmikel: Do you speak about your login on a Linux console?08:02
ikonianbubuntu: again if you drag while holding shift it will move08:02
Xmikelluftikuss: yes08:02
BebopStevehanslanda: Do you have unity?  That sidebar to the left08:03
luftikussXmikel: In this case only helps to start an Ubuntu Live CD and analyze logs. First choice is /var/log/dmesg.0.08:03
ecthienderhanslanda, type lsb_release -a08:03
nbubuntuikonia : ok , thanks , I guess cut and shift is the different.Thanks for telling :D08:03
hanslandaecthiender, BebopSteve Description:Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS   Codename:precise08:04
Xmikelluftikuss: Thanks.08:04
BebopStevehanslanda: I'm not fully familiar with unity yet, as of 11.04 and beyond as I understand it;  Hopefully someone else can pick it up for you :)08:06
hanslandaBebopSteve, thanks...i will wait for somebody to help me so08:06
hanslandaany idea ecthiender ?08:07
AESI am learning about the Firewall in Ubuntu server 12.04.1 LTS. Does anyone know where to find the file that has the config information about UFW?08:08
ebs512_I tried to resize my c drive to make an unallocated drive for ubuntu but the option for installing ubuntu alongside windows 7 still isnt showing up08:08
BebopSteveebs512_: have you tried installing by booting from a cd?08:09
hanslandaProblem: made a mess with desktop desktop environments...installed gnome-desktop-environment on 12.04 LTS Precise and removed some stuff...and now i have duplicate applications  icons..anyone?08:10
ebs512_unfortunately, no I have not, I dont have any blank cds, this usb boot worked on the desktop just fine but I am assuming its because hp uses all 4 partitions08:10
BebopSteveebs512_, afaik that shouldn't matter, the installer should come with a partition manager08:11
Linpassionhi...how can i change plymouth theme on ubuntu 12.02 lts08:12
StavaMy computer shuts down (crashes) when I boot Windows XP or Windows 7 in VirtualBox. These virtual machines were created on another computer. How do I debug, or even fix, this issue?08:12
nbubuntuikonia : nope , it doesn't reserve the modified time08:12
ebs512_correct, but the only option I have is to install inside of windows, not alongside windows08:12
MonkeyDustStava  better ask in #virtualbox08:12
hanslandaProblem: made a mess with desktop desktop environments...installed gnome-desktop-environment on 12.04 LTS Precise and removed some stuff(installed and removed compiz and compiz fusion puglins)...and now i have duplicate applications  icons..anyone? (Can i remove all desktops and install just one)?08:12
gordonjcphanslanda: you can just remove the icons you don't want08:13
DebolazLinpassion: sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth08:14
DebolazAnd possibly text.plymouth, if my memory isn't failing me.08:14
starfoxHi all, (i must say that i don't speak english), who know, how to make dvd (or cd) from my (already installed) system (with all my programm) ?08:14
BebopSteveebs512_ hmm, I have never had to do that nor tried so I don't know the problems that may crop up with that sort of thing.  Alternatively you could create a persistent boot on your thumbdrive and follow a tutorial to make it have more than 4GB, and if more space is needed, put your home folder somewhere on your windows partition08:15
hanslandagordonjcp, i think its not just like that...dont know if only the icons are duplicated, im afraid that the apps are too08:16
AESIf I have enabled encryption for my drive making my have to type in a password everytime I start the server, is there any way to disable that again so I can restart the server and gain access to it without acually having to be physically at it?08:16
ebs512_the problem is, I need at least, 100gb for ubuntu because I am building source08:16
ebs512_and I dont want to get rid of windows 708:16
BebopSteveebs512_ External HDD?08:16
MonkeyDuststarfox  http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/remastersys.html08:16
LinpassionDebolaz than i must select  automatic? 0 options or amnual?08:16
ebs512_I actually just got this laptop yesterday in the mai08:16
gordonjcphanslanda: it's unlikely08:17
MonkeyDuststarfox  that's an old link, but remastersys is what you need08:17
DebolazLinpassion: By default, only a single theme is installed. You may need to install more. You can find some at packages.ubuntu.com by searching for plymouth08:17
gordonjcphanslanda: they would all be installed to the same place if they were08:17
ebs512_its an hp g7 2124nr 640 gb hdd 6gb memory intel hd 4000 graphics card i5 processor08:17
starfox<MonkeyDust> Thank, but remastersys (i don't know why) does not work on Linux Mint : (08:18
hanslandagordonjcp, ok...but can i remove all my desktops environments and install just gnome?08:18
MonkeyDust!mint > starfox08:19
ubottustarfox, please see my private message08:19
BebopSteveebs512_  There could potentially be a lot of things keeping you from installing inside the windows partition, honestly08:19
BebopSteveebs512_ Especially considering how new it is (and grats, sounds nice)08:19
alexturnerHey all, I'm lost on a problem here. Just bought a gaming mouse which Ubuntu (Linux Mint) sees as a keyboard (evdev), without building an xorg.conf file is there a way I can force the mouse to load mouse drivers?08:20
ebs512_well thats a bummer :( I was really looking forward to dual booting this but I need it to be installed alongside win 708:21
brahmanaHi all08:21
brahmanaI am running Ubuntu as a guest in VMWare on a Win 7 Host08:21
AESWhere do I find the acual config fire for ufw?08:22
brahmanaI have been using 10.04.1 and yesterday I upgraded it to 12.04.108:22
brahmanaAnd now on every login I see a huge error message about improper screen resolution or something related to that08:22
BebopSteveebs512_ Well, download drivers for it on the manuf. website, slap those on your thumbdrive, and call them and demand your OS install media, or get the appropriate one yourself with uh, means from some legal gray area08:22
brahmanaand the fonts are not anti-aliased..08:22
BebopSteveebs512_ And take care of the problem that way, it's your HDD space, free it08:23
brahmanaHow do I make my desktop fonts pretty again and also get rid of this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175389/08:24
hanslandaGuys, can i remove ubuntu 2d desktop and gnome classic from 12.04 LTS Precise? Want to use only Gnome08:24
Linpassion_Debolaz i try, but slapsh i see the splash screen at hte log-ou only, not during linux loader08:25
ebs512_I tried to free some but it made an unallocated partition08:25
DebolazLinpassion_: That's because it's the plymouth text theme thats used during bootup.08:25
brahmanaAlso how do I find out if I am running Unity or Unity 2D?08:26
hanslandaAnyone can help me please?!!!?!?!08:26
BebopSteveebs512_ At that point, you direct the installer to use the unallocated/unformatted space?08:26
brahmanaI do not see the option to decrase the icon size of the launch bar..so I am guessing I am running Unity 2D08:26
brahmanaHow do I confirm that?08:26
Linpassion_how can able plymouth graphics?08:26
ebs512_it said unused08:27
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ebs512_and I tried to select it but all it would do is give me information08:27
brahmanaAnd if I am indeed running 2D what all do I need to install to reduce the launchbar size?08:27
ebs512_I used EaseUS Partition Master08:27
BebopSteveebs512_ tbh you don't need to use anything like that, are you sure you booted the installer off usb?08:29
ebs512_yes because I cant install ubuntu08:29
DebolazLinpassion_: That I haven't figured out yet. :-)08:29
ebs512_I'm assuming because HP took up all the partitions08:29
ebs512_there's 1 with tools, 1 with recovery, and 2 with hdd related to windows08:30
BebopSteveebs512_ Ok but you just created unallocated space with EaseUS Partition master, that means you opened space for a -new- partition so you can format that unallocated space in ext2,3, or 4/whatever for ubuntu08:30
luftikuss!enter | ebs512_08:31
ubottuebs512_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:31
ebs512_my bad luftikuss08:31
stozekjest ktos z polski?08:33
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.08:34
stozeka jak wejsc na kanal;?08:34
BebopSteveHey, anyone know of a beginner-oriented tutorial/reference for how x and gnome and compiz all interact and troubleshooting methods?08:38
MonkeyDustBebopSteve  doesnt sound 'beginner' to me08:40
BebopStevemonkeydust haha, you know what I mean, beginner as in new to the subject08:41
MonkeyDustBebopSteve  keep it in the channel08:42
BebopSteveI'll ask later on08:44
tacirusHello. I use the EasyStroke for inputting texts into form fields. Does anybody know how to make the EasyStroke to take a text from a curtain file on a curtain line?08:49
gui_lostThe Ubuntu' kernel can be relegated to which version?at least08:51
AdvoWorkanyone know if you can use dd, ie: dd if=/dev/TEST_VG_01/test-disk | ssh root@ "gzip > /opt/DR/mnt/TEST-disk_30082012.gz is there a way I can limit the transfer speed? and if it's causing too many network problems, can I pause/continue afterwards?08:52
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bipulhi i have installed ns-2 from repositories but i need to know whear is the location of packages of ns-209:16
zorgborgmorning(or evening?) all, anyone know why startup disk creator just plain refuses to work when i click 'make startup disk'?09:19
Knight-Rakhi all , i try connect to a VPS winServer 2003 with Remmina Remote Desktop in UBUNTU 12.04 but after connect to VPS and log in Automatic after a few seconds remmina window closed without any Error , have any idea ?09:19
DreadtowerVirtual Box though :)  http://i.imgur.com/hDVv4.png09:22
gui_lostwhy i can't speak in #git09:24
k1lgui_lost: maybe you need to register and login to freenode first?09:25
gui_lostk1l:thank you , i will try09:26
death0kingException in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException09:27
death0king   at java.awt.Container.addImpl(libgcj.so.12)09:27
death0king   at java.awt.Container.add(libgcj.so.12)09:27
death0king   at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoadingScreen.showWindow(LoadingScreen.java:90)09:27
death0king   at org.spoutcraft.launcher.gui.LoadingScreen.<init>(LoadingScreen.java:25)09:27
FloodBot1death0king: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
death0king   at org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:112)09:27
k1l!ask > death0king09:27
ubottudeath0king, please see my private message09:27
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gui_lostwhen i speak in #git,return #git :Cannot send to channel09:28
bonahi every one! is there a safe way for installing GIMP 2.8 in ubuntu .... I think what explained in this article http://www.unixmen.com/gimp-2-8-is-out-ppa-ubuntu/ is "bizzare"09:29
protoCall7gui_lost: channel is moderated and you don't have voice09:29
death0kinghow to fix that http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175488/09:29
k1lgui_lost: see the topic09:30
joshwinesbona - i'm using that ppa and works great for me. just run the 2 commands listed at the bottom of the post :)09:30
bonathanks <joshwines>09:31
joshwinesno problems09:32
biggi_matdeath0king, where do you get that?09:34
biggi_matgui_lost, are you authorized by nickserv? If not, do it and you'll be able to talk09:34
biggi_matAnd no gui_lost, you're not autorized. Do it.09:35
=== fxstar is now known as fxstarWork
biggi_matWell uh...hellbye09:35
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gui_lostbiggi_mat:thank you09:36
gui_lostproblem go09:36
=== Snowdrift is now known as freez
death0kingbiggi_mat technic luncher www.technicpack.net09:37
gccsterguys i have ubuntu 12.04 i'm doing modprobe usbserial vendor=0x3eb product=0x6124 it displays no message after run and i search in /dev/ttyUSB0 but theres no such device whats wrong?09:38
biggi_matIf modprobe doesn't return anything you've got your module successfuly enabled09:38
gccsterbut theres no /dev/ttyUSB009:39
biggi_matYou can check the status looking at dmesg09:39
biggi_matAaaaand doing lsmod |grep usb09:39
biggi_matI am not that much familiar with usbserial....why should there be the tty there?09:39
gordonjcpgccster: why are you specifying the VID and PID, and do you need to?09:40
gordonjcpgccster: and furthermore are you sure they are correct?09:41
gccsterbiggi_mat, lsmod | grep usb gives: usbserial 47077 009:41
tacirusHello. I use the EasyStroke for inputting texts into form fields. Does anybody know how to make the EasyStroke to take a text from a curtain file on a certain line? If I learn how to use bash scripts, will it help me to solve the task?09:41
biggi_matgccster, means the module actually is loaded correctly. So back to my question - why do you think there should be a ttyUSB?09:41
gccstergordonjcp, i found them on a tutorial on how to run Sam_I_Am to program SAM7-p256 ARM board09:42
gccsterbiggi_mat, loaded correctly but whats the usbtoserial device file for ubuntu 12.0409:42
gccstershouldnt it be /dev/ttyUSB0?09:44
gordonjcpgccster: okay, well if you do "lsusb" it'll tell you the VID and PID of all connected USB devices09:45
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gccstergordonjcp, i get Bus 002 Device 004: ID 15ba:0004 Olimex Ltd. OpenOCD JTAG TINY can you please tell me whats the correct modprobe command (like sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x3eb product=0x6124) and what would be the device file (like /dev/ttyUSB0) ?09:48
gccsterfor ubuntu 12.0409:49
nibbler_just a usbserial? i use plenty of those and all are just plug+play09:50
opakavicGuys, is anybody with hp pavilion g4 machine, ub 12.04 is not supported09:51
gccsteryea but whats the device file for ubuntu 12.04 ? i dont have /dev/ttyUSB0 wich the tutorial mentions09:51
opakavici'm missing totally, its not at all booting09:51
cfhowlettopakavic: ub?  usb?09:51
nibbler_gccster, what does dmesg say when plugging, do oyu have any other ttyUSB* ?09:52
biggi_matgccster, I'd really like to know what you're trying to achieve09:52
opakavicThe same cd is booting in my old p4 machine09:52
opakavicub is ubuntu, cfhowlett09:52
biggi_matAs in, maybe smacking  out the URL to the tutorial?09:52
nibbler_gccster, please also mind that i just joined and might miss a lot of context here ;-)09:52
opakavici'm having 12.04 in cd09:52
cfhowlettopakavic: could the cd driver have failed09:52
biggi_matnibbler_, you haven't missed anything valid really...09:52
biggi_matI'm not sure gccster knows what he's trying to do09:52
cfhowlettopakavic: consider making a boot usb09:52
opakaviccfhowlett: then, is the other way ?09:52
nibbler_biggi_mat, hehe, okays - i see09:53
cfhowlettopakavic: ubuntu startup disk creator09:53
gccsterbiggi_mat, i want to use a program called Sam_I_Am which needs to know the device file for usbtoserial of a device plugged in right now called OpenOCD JTAG09:53
opakaviccfhowlett: okay nice option, hmm.. well how about i5 core support09:53
nibbler_opakavic, please be more verbose. is the boot menu of the cd showing, is the install running but sys does not boot later, is the install starting to boot but then hanging, can you enter boot options at any time?09:54
Xmikelliftikuss: Please I'm coming again. I checked the logs. In dmesg.0 I'm not seing a problem unless I'm misjudging. in lightdm.log there are some weird errors09:54
nibbler_opakavic, i5 does not need support, its x86 so supported via this09:54
biggi_matAnd you're following this thing, gccster : http://claymore.engineer.gvsu.edu/~steriana/Software/Sam_I_Am/index.html#Installation ?09:54
opakavicnibbler_: its not booting at all09:55
opakavicnibbler_: not even the boot screen i see09:55
gccsterbiggi_mat, im following this http://www.doctort.org/adam/nerd-notes/getting-started-with-the-olimex-sam7-p256.html09:55
gccsterbiggi_mat, the step 309:56
nibbler_opakavic, if you dont see anything, then your laptop is broken.09:56
opakavicnibbler_: well i can able to boot OSX and windows in the same laptop09:56
nibbler_gccster, what about dmesg output when plugging the usb converter? and other ttyUSB* devices?09:56
gccsterbiggi_mat, but theres no /dev/ttyUSB009:57
biggi_matgccster, and lsusb tells you what?09:57
opakavicnibbler_: i have no idea about this..09:57
nibbler_opakavic, then it is booting. what **exactly** happens when you insert the install-cd?09:57
gccsterbiggi_mat nibbler_ im rebooting for a moment and give the exact outputs09:57
opakavicnibbler_: it shows me a screen with menus, then i select first option.. to install in my machine09:58
opakavichere comes the problem09:58
nibbler_... replugging would have done it ;-)09:58
amr_how to activate hibernate in shutdown menu in ubuntu 12 ?09:58
opakavicmy screen goes blank and laptop getting more heat09:58
nibbler_opakavic, so the bootloader shows, good. try to add these boot options: noapic nolapic acpi=off acpi=no   (sort of redundant, as i dont know the exact ones)09:59
nibbler_opakavic, and remove anything that says "quiet" or "splash"09:59
nibbler_opakavic, and add "nospash" just in case (sorry for multiline response)09:59
opakavicnibbler_: okay.. thanks let me try and get back09:59
pistolashi! anybody tryied to install NIMBITS server in ubuntu?10:04
sharketmy SAS's hard drives are not detected by my server, at the instalation, any idea ¿?10:05
RubykubyOkay, guys, I have a solution to a problem that I wasn't able to find on the internet. I think others might be interested in finding the solution. Where do I, say, publish it?10:05
KvaksRubykuby: Ubuntuforums?10:06
nibbler_sharket, i'd say your controlelr drivers are not loaded.....10:06
RubykubyOh, quite obvious. Any particular sub-forum? I hardly go there.10:06
KvaksThe one most relevant to the problem/solution, I guess.10:07
gccsterbiggi_mat, [  513.760828] usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 310:07
gccster[  522.582717] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 410:07
KvaksI think I did that once, just posted some solution to a problem I solved myself.10:07
RubykubyAh well. I'll just post it somewhere I think appropriate and a mod can move it if it's posted in the wrong section10:08
marcappuccinoHi everyone, occasionally, when I shutdown, I go to the plymouth loading screen (with the dots) and the ubuntu image and the dots are static - the dots remain white. Pressing Esc does not bring up the log as usual, so I am forced to hold down the power button in these circumstances.10:08
gccsterbiggi_mat, this is what i get and the lsusb right now is Bus 002 Device 004: ID 15ba:0004 Olimex Ltd. OpenOCD JTAG TINY10:08
KvaksRubykuby: A post on ubuntuforums should be highly ranked on Google too, so more easily discovered than a post on a blog, perhaps.10:09
marcappuccinoCan anyone give me a solution sorry my question was not clear?10:09
sharkethow can i know  which scsi card im using?10:09
gccsterbiggi_mat, should i use the command sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x3eb product=0x6124 or what is the apropriate for my case10:09
sharketi got this server yesterday and i donnt know10:09
marcappuccinoCan anyone help I am worried this is damaging my motherboard...10:13
worricwhat is?10:13
[twisti]hi, my LTS 10 is saying: "New release 'precise' available. Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.". can someone explain to me what that means/what happens if i do that ?10:14
nibbler_marcappuccino: damaging the hardware my any software is practically impossible - it might already be damaged for other reasons...10:14
sharketnone to help me to let the instalation recognize the SAS hard drives ?10:14
tnmhellow! Any suggestions how to install Ubuntu on a PC that has a combination of SSD and HDD10:15
marcappuccino007nibbler_ why may it be damaged?10:15
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nibbler_gccster, well, you want to connect something via serial, right? i wonder why its talking all about jtag in the lsusb....10:15
sharkettnm i will suggest you use the /home for the HDD, and SSD for the rest10:15
nibbler_marcappuccino: age, production, alien abduction10:15
gccsternibbler_, ok i fixed it it was wrong vendor10:15
gccsterlsusb -v helped me10:15
kamilnadeemI am having a problem with the netsetter on a friends laptop10:16
nibbler_tnm, i would not suggest /home on hdd, i want to migrate away from that. use hdd for a specific data partition, but make sure home is on sdd!10:16
kamilnadeemI connect the netsetter/internet usb dongle10:16
kamilnadeemthen Network connection>Mobile Broadband>Add>continue>India>Vodafone>Vodafone Live>continue>Save.10:16
kamilnadeemNow it doesn't show up in the network sectio10:16
marcappuccino007nibbler_ but anyway it must be producing some damage to my system especially my hard disk10:16
nibbler_gccster, good te hear ;-)10:16
tnmnibbler_, why?10:16
bonamarcappuccino : it's damaged because that's not normal to shut down like this10:16
nibbler_marcappuccino. no.10:16
Marzatais there some way to make Google Earth ubuntu like?10:16
kamilnadeemany help is highly welcomed10:17
nibbler_tnm, all the .* configs and directorys... your system boots in no time, but logging in, starting thunderbird, firefox, anything you wait for your hdd.... totally negates your ssd win10:17
bonamarcappuccino: try to sudo apt-get dist-upgrade...10:17
tnmnibbler_, i agree..10:17
marcappuccino007bona Of course its not normal but thats what i have to so sometimes when the shutdown hangs10:18
nibbler_tnm, i ahve this setup on both, laptop and desktop now. its not nice, that i can tell you (rules about language in this channel hinder me from expressing my real feelings here).10:18
bonamarcappuccino:it resolves sometimes my hardware problems10:18
tnmSo, the best thing to do is having the whole Ubuntu on SSD, and also .vdi files (Virual Boxes files)10:19
marcappuccino007bona what hardware problems?10:19
tnmnibbler_, can we talk private?10:19
bonawifi, ..10:19
marcappuccino007bona doing what?10:19
nibbler_tnm, well, if you want fast VMs, you want them on your ssd - sure. how big is your ssd? mine are 120GB, and that should do for 2x20GB VMs and all my system/home, just my videos on magnetic.... if you use your VMs only occasionally you can change them to hdd10:20
bonamarcappuccino : doing sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:20
gordonjcpgccster: unplug it, plug it in, and see what dmesg says10:21
marcappuccino007bona the only upgrades i am getting is openssl10:21
marcappuccino007but can anyone tell me what may be causing my problem?10:22
[twisti]what problem ?10:22
_ravenstandby-problem with 12.04 - sometimes my notebook immediately boots up again after attempt to go to standby-mode10:23
_ravenany ideas?10:23
marcappuccino007occasionally, when I shutdown, I go to the plymouth loading screen (with the dots) and the ubuntu image and the dots are static - the dots remain white. Pressing Esc does not bring up the log as usual, so I am forced to hold down the power button in these circumstances.10:23
ebs512_thanks for the help guys I got ubuntu successfully dual booted with windows 7 by manually partitioning10:24
bonaebs512_ : it has efi ?10:25
sari11how do i tell if my java is 64 or 32 bit? Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_06-b24)10:25
nibbler_ebs512_, sorry to hear that :( should have been possible to get rid of the cancer in the same step, but well.... ;-)10:25
bipulCan any one please help me v10:25
ikoniabipul: qthere is no such file as validate10:26
ikoniathere is a gzipped file called validate.gz10:26
marcappuccino007occasionally, when I shutdown, I go to the plymouth loading screen (with the dots) and the ubuntu image and the dots are static - the dots remain white. Pressing Esc does not bring up the log as usual, so I am forced to hold down the power button in these circumstances.10:26
marcappuccino007what may be causing my problem10:26
bipulikonia,  so how can procced10:26
ebs512_well hp comes preloaded with 4 primary partitions and you have to delete one in order to make unallocated space a partition10:26
ikoniauncompress validate.gz see if it contains validate10:26
T_H_Xbipul: gunzip validate.gz10:26
nibbler_marcappuccino: try to get rid of this splash nonsense. nosplash as boot parameter or such10:27
nibbler_marcappuccino: not to resolve the issue, but to see the cause10:27
marcappuccino007nibbler_ how is it in grub.conf10:27
=== sari11 is now known as sari1
MonkeyDustebs512_  what's on the 4 partitions?10:27
SurViVALAttaCKcd Downloads10:27
SurViVALAttaCKunzip ei_u12.zip10:27
marcappuccino007nibbler_ where do I add the perameter10:27
SurViVALAttaCKcd ei_u1210:28
SurViVALAttaCKmake --10:28
ebs512_one was system the other was sata for the windows 7 another one for hp recovery and the other one was for hp tools10:28
nibbler_marcappuccino: in the kernel command line in grub (either at runtime, while booting pressing e, editing etc, or in some grub configs)10:28
bipulpermission denied http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175568/10:28
ikoniabipul: now set execute permissons on it10:28
marcappuccino007nibbler_ I do not get a grub loader at boot so should I hold shift?10:28
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: sudo chmod 777 <file>10:28
MonkeyDustebs512_  type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here10:28
nibbler_marcappuccino: maybe.... if that works10:29
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: Do you have a root password?10:29
marcappuccino007what is the exact perameeters I sould add?10:29
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: Type in "su".10:29
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: Login.10:30
bipulSurViVALAttaCK,  but i shud have authority to execute as root account10:30
bipulbut stile with root i can't able to execute it10:30
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: It's fine, just logout afterwards.10:30
[twisti]has anyone done an LTS10 to LTS12 upgrade and can give me an estimate of how long that took ?10:31
bipulI am looking for help regading NS-2 In ubuntu10:31
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: Then, when you're logged in as root do "chown <your username> <file>" then "chmod 777 <file>". Then, type Ctrl D to logout of root and execute what you needed to do.10:31
opakavicNS-2 ?10:31
bipulopakavic, Yes Network simulator10:31
MonkeyDustebs512_  so linux is on /dev/sda5 -- what was your question?10:32
bipulSurViVALAttaCK,  Thank's alot10:32
ebs512_oh no it is10:32
ebs512_it was supposed to be on sda410:33
SurViVALAttaCKbipul: Sorry, I meant to say press Ctrl + D to logout of root.10:33
The_JoshI am trying to install this program on ubuntu, But I don't have super user/admin permissions10:33
bipulyes  i know it works10:33
ebs512_because that was the one I used the unallocated space from the c drive of windows10:33
The_Joshhttps://github.com/Eelis/geordi <== well I downloaded zip10:33
The_Joshand unzipped it10:33
T_H_Xuser: it works10:33
The_Josh./configure dosn't work10:33
The_Joshany idea how to do it :P10:33
elkyuser, we can see you. do you have a question?10:33
MonkeyDustebs512_  what was you quetion? can you boot into ubuntu?10:34
ebs512_yes Im in ubuntu now10:34
bipulSurViVALAttaCK,  i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175581/10:34
ebs512_and I got the grub menu to work10:34
MonkeyDustebs512_  but...10:34
ebs512_I feel like my drives might be messed up or using too much memory10:34
catmandohey all10:34
ebs512_I remember getting this error when booting into ubuntu Disk /dev/mapper/cryptswap110:35
catmandoi keep getting strange behaviour with gnuscreen. specifically sessions regularly time out and then my screen gets marked as dead10:35
Seiji22Can someone tell me what I can do if after fresh install of Ubuntu 12.10, the system updater does a Partial Upgrade and after the reboot there is no Desktop, only console login.Same thing happened on Lubuntu and Xubuntu, fresh install, partial upgrade, no X aftr reboot. Can I wait a month without updating and then try to update hoping that the updates will change and not crash X, or even after a month the same updates will be applie10:35
catmandoany ideas on why this is happening and how to avoid it?10:36
Konigsberg7is there a way to hide the new sidebar in the newest ubuntu, i cant find a thread for the newest version10:36
Konigsberg7maybe i should just use xubuntu or kubuntu10:36
MonkeyDustSeiji22  better ask in #ubuntu+110:37
The_JoshWell, can anybody help me to install this -> https://github.com/Eelis/geordi10:37
The_Joshthe only way I know to compile any program through terminal is ./configure -> make -> make install10:38
The_Josh It dosn't seems to work with geordi :P10:38
ebs512_is the cryptswap1 a common error when booting into ubuntu MonkeyDust10:38
amr_how to enable hibernate in ubutnu 1210:38
marcappuccino007ok i have removed the quietsplash10:38
bonaebs512_ : your computer  has efi ?10:38
Seiji22MonkeyDust: I've been asking there for two days and not a soul would tell me a thing :( I'm here because no one there would even point me to any direction, I can't find this bug on Launchpad so i can follow it also ...10:38
ebs512_Im not sure what that is bona, I just got the laptop in the mail yesterday10:38
MonkeyDustebs512_  i'm not familiar with encryption, encrypting swap sounds odd to me, tho10:39
ebs512_oh I know what it is10:39
geirhaThe_Josh: Did you read the README file?10:39
ebs512_because I setup to have my home file encrypted10:39
MonkeyDustSeiji22  12.10 not not yet stable, it is not supported here10:39
bonaebs512_ : your computer has a normal BIOS?10:39
The_Joshgeirha, :P thanks ~10:39
ebs512_as far as I know lol10:40
Seiji22MonkeyDust: ok thanks10:40
ebs512_let me give you the model number hp pavillion g7-2124-nr notebook10:40
bipulhow can i check , which version of ns2 is used by ubuntu12.0410:41
bipulas i have installed from apt10:41
ebs512_17.3" led+ brightview, i5 processor w/ turboboost (dual core threaded to quad core), 640gb hdd, 6gb memory, intel hd 4000 graphics10:41
sari1do i have 64 or 32 bit linux 3.0.0-16-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 14 12:49:42 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux10:44
bonacause i got some problems installing ubuntu on a desktop with the uefi menu like this(http://askubuntu.com/questions/130392/). i gave up !10:44
sari1crizis^: thanks10:45
nibbler_sari1, 3210:45
crizis^sari1,  ^ i386 being the magic key there. 64bit would show x86_64, like: Linux porkypad 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:45
nibbler_oh... sorry... saw it10:45
MonkeyDustsari1  64bit shpws    x86_64 x86_64 x86_6410:45
sari1nibbler_: why does it say i686?10:45
ebs512_desktop was easy install for me just a PITA on this laptop because hp ships with all the drives partitioned for their software10:46
Phiscribei686 is P6 microarchitecture10:46
crizis^sari1, refers to 6th generation intels, aka pentium 2 or later. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P6_%28microarchitecture%2910:46
Phiscribe686 stuff has optimisations based on processor, earlier x86 chips might not work with it10:48
Phiscribebut later should10:48
Night-hacksis it possible to upgrade to 12.04.1 from update-manager ?10:48
MonkeyDustsari1  penta means 5, hence, 586 = pentium, 586+1 is 68610:48
sari1thansk all10:48
sari1THATS why 64 bit java wouldnt work lol10:49
crizis^Night-hacks, if you have installed all the available updates, you're already running "12.04.1"10:49
crizis^Night-hacks, cat /etc/issue10:50
Night-hackscrizis^: yes it's 12.04.110:50
crizis^Night-hacks, these point releases only package updated packages to install media so new installations don't have to dl 3-6 months of extra security updates10:51
crizis^Night-hacks, and these new .isos are made every 3 months if i remember right10:52
Night-hackscrizis^: thanks10:52
ebs512_any news on when 12.10 will become official?10:52
crizis^@ october? ;)10:53
ebs512_I can wait :D10:53
ebs512_nice thank you criziz10:54
ebs512_I mostly use ubuntu for building source10:54
MeanEYEHi everyone. A quick question. Does anyone have any Ducky keyboard? I ran into a forum post saying that this keyboard doesn't work on Linux which might make sense if connected to USB, but not PS/2... so do you have it, which model and does it work?10:58
gordonjcpMeanEYE: that doesn't make a lot of se nse10:59
gordonjcpMeanEYE: unless it has some weird extra functions that require a Windows-specific driver10:59
gordonjcpin which case, don't touch it with someone else's stolen ten-foot pole10:59
MeanEYEgordonjcp: My thoughts exactly, but those are not cheap keyboards, so better safe than sorry.10:59
=== Guest69365 is now known as Freeaqingme
MeanEYEWell, they do support NKRO over USB, which other keyboard manufacturers don't.11:00
Phiscribedont have a ducky, was looking at one to buy, those trying it in linux THINK that something in the keyboard is waiting on a sigle from windows device enumeration that they ducky waits on as a trigger  that configuration is complete and teh os is ready to recieve data, doesnt seem to happen in linux, though firmware my have fixed it by now11:02
MeanEYEEven if connected to PS/2?11:02
dr_willisnever heard of them ;-)   i must be old.. or they are specillized11:02
Phiscribedoesnt matter how connected11:03
MeanEYESo I do need a driver for them?11:03
Phiscribethey are a gaming board dr_willis11:03
MeanEYEWell, blue switches are not really for gaming :)11:03
MeanEYEMechanical keyboards... really handy to use.11:03
amr_please help, I did this >>http://www.howtogeek.com/113923/how-to-re-enable-hibernate-in-ubuntu-12.04/          but didn't have hibernate in my11:03
dr_willisi still stink in fps wuth fancy keybords.  B-)11:05
MeanEYEI don't play games. I need this for work. :)11:06
MeanEYEAs my keyboards tend to die a lot.11:06
amr_please help, I did this >>http://www.howtogeek.com/113923/how-to-re-enable-hibernate-in-ubuntu-12.04/          but didn't have hibernate in my menu , please advice?11:06
dr_willisto many dorito cr11:06
Phiscribewell if you can type, you can type faster on  a mech board, they spring back faster.  they are more durable, and i like the click they make11:07
dr_willisnever killed a keybord that i can remember11:07
Phiscribeseem more accurate too11:07
MeanEYEWell, I kill them quite fast. At the moment I have Logitech Illuminated, which cost arm and a leg, and few letters are already freaking out. Mere 3 years of use.11:08
MeanEYEPhiscribe: so, you don't think Ducky keyboards would work on Linux?11:08
Phiscribea bout 3 months ago when i was looking at em i concluded no, but it might be diffrent now, they fail on macs too apperantley.  they may have better firmware now11:09
BlackrhinoI'm running win7 and i want to install ubuntu 10.10 , i had previously installed linux mint and it wasnt uninstalled properly , the boot entry is still there and when i install ubuntu i don't encounter any problems during install but after i reboot and boot from ubuntu it goes to grub command line , what should i do ?11:10
WarOfTheNerdBlackrhino, how about not using Wubi and instead installing a proper dual boot? :D11:10
WarOfTheNerdBlackrhino, also Ubuntu 10.10 is outdated and unsupported11:11
MeanEYEDamn :/11:11
amr_Blackrhino, there is a program called boot repaire which is so great and can see windows too11:11
xNbtxJe suis tou nouveau sur linux ubuntu et j'aurai besoin d'un peit peu d'aide si quelqu'un peu m'aider :)11:14
pnglHi, I changed my ATI graphical settings to enable dual-screen and I cannot start in normal graphical mode anymore -- the computer just keeps rebooting.11:15
[twisti]ich trinker gerne wasser und tee, du bloeder oxe11:15
xNbtxWho speek french and who speeks english ?11:15
pnglThe ATI control center won't start in reduced graphical mode. Is there a way to at least come back to the original settings?11:15
k1l!fr | xNbtx11:15
ubottuxNbtx: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:15
xNbtxSomeone can help me please ?11:15
[twisti]you speak french, everyone else here speaks english11:16
xNbtxSorry I'm new on Linux11:16
xNbtxI'm trying to install AdobeAir11:16
xNbtxBUt it's not working11:16
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
pnglHere is my xorg.conf https://gist.github.com/352654811:18
=== g_byers[Away] is now known as g_byers
=== Newbie is now known as Guest48462
kannanhow can i make a directory public,i.e. accessble for all the users in the system?11:23
Samkannhow can i make a directory public,i.e. accessible for all the users in the system?11:26
Samkannhow can i make a directory public,i.e. accessible for all the users in the system?11:26
=== g_byers is now known as g_byers[Away]
Samkannhow can i make a directory public,i.e. accessible for all the users in the system?11:27
crizis^chmod 77711:28
KihokkiChmod 66611:28
Guest1100101hi, I have messed up xserver-xorg packages with xorg-edgers PPA - how do I revert back to default server-xorg packages (ppa-purge does not work) ?11:35
thierry__Hi everyone11:37
FloodBot1patsuyash: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:40
MonkeyDustGuest1100101  delete the ppa from the software sources11:40
thierry__i'm working on a ubuntu-server image on my pandaboard, i just found out that usb keys are not mounted automatically, and fstab is not updated since the distro is minimal , i was wondering if there is a package that allows solving this problem?11:41
thierry__i found out that there is a program : pmount who allows users to mount disks in /media , but not automatically and fstab is not even updated with the new entry11:43
zykotick9thierry__: anything updating fstab would seem like a bad idea to me11:44
Guest1100101MonkeyDust: done, but I think some of the packages from the ppa still remain around - I need the original ones11:44
MonkeyDustthierry__  try asking in #ubuntu-server11:44
thierry__zykotick9:  in a complete ubuntu distro that's how it is done11:44
zykotick9thierry__: no it isn't...11:45
MonkeyDustGuest1100101  try sudo apt-get autoremove11:45
zykotick9thierry__: in a regular ubuntu, it uses fuse to automount stuff...11:45
BluesKajHi all11:46
Sidewinder1Mornin' BluesKaj11:47
thierry__zykotick9:  sorry , i mean mtab , not fstab , in fact, my program running on this distro will need the mounting points that i retrieve from this file in my "normal" ubuntu 12.0411:47
BluesKaj'morning Sidewinder111:47
priteshi want to open pdf files inside the firefox. how can i ?11:49
marvineqjoin #becka11:52
priteshhow can i open "www.opensourcewebbook.com/about/ch05.pdf" in firefox without downloading it11:52
Sidewinder1marvineq, Preface with /11:52
Phiscribepritesh if you open in firefox, you just downloaded it.  you might whant to ask in a browser channel, not an os channel.  but to answer you get a plug in (pdf viewer aka pdf.js comes to mind)11:54
Guest1100101MonkeyDust: thnx for help, I manually forced versions through synaptic, and it seems to work now11:55
priteshthnx Phiscribe but i have problem with mozplugger which i installed form apt-get install11:56
Sidewinder1pritesh, I was under the impression that Document Viewer was installed by default; that's what opens the .pdfs found on web pages; you don't have to save them..11:57
aethelrickgreetings ubuntu people, I'm thinking of building an "under the TV" box that will serve as media PC and basic web and email server. This will replace my existing (aging) server in the garage. I'm already happy with ubuntu as my OS and don't want to change that, however, what would you recommend as a good HDMI graphics card (with audio) to run with 12.04 LTS. Must be silent (if possible) and 1080p capable.11:58
priteshSidewinder1 not working for me11:58
aethelrickI'm thinking Nvidia Geforce GT620 at them moment, anyone had experience with it?11:58
zoktarmy secoond screen is smaller than my main screen, is it possible to change the color of the area where there is no screen when using workspace switcher in unity/compiz ?, its blue by default id like it black or transparent11:59
DasEiaethelrick: shall work well (though not using here), you can look at the harwarecompatiblylist for certain vendors/models12:00
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:00
Sidewinder1pritesh, Perhaps there's something wrong with it. Have you "completely removed" it then "reinstalled" it in either Software Center or Synaptic Package Manager?12:00
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DasEiaethelrick: there are few places to look at, ubuntu has an updated one, and also there are other places12:00
DasEiaethelrick: if just for watching good video, you won't need a high budget card, if it's just DVD and such, any older Nvidia with hdmi will probably do the trick (no gaming, rendering..)12:02
arunkumar413hi, i have a zte3570-z  3g modem. I want to know if there is any utility to tweak it12:04
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aethelrickDasEi, thanks for the response. I'm just looking to hook into my TV from time to time for a bit of video and music. No recording, just playback. Also this will be the screen I use to setup the system. I guess the 620 will be good enough for these purposes and it's passive cooling so nice and quiet to :)12:07
soman>>> Hi. I tried install codelite but it always tells me that I haven't got libwxgtk2.8-0. I already built and installed 2.9.4 so what's the problem? Should I manually rebuilt codelite and all wx software to install it correctly now?12:09
somanUbuntu 12.04 32bit12:10
gendyhey can i get help12:10
DasEiaethelrick: wrong place for hardwaresupport here (#hardware), ; if ~ 50 bucks aren't to heavy.. else get a used one, clock it down, cool passive12:10
arunkumar413how to mount a 3g modem as a cdrom drive12:10
saedelaereI try to build a package for precise, but linthian shows this error:12:11
saedelaerebad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file precise12:11
DasEi!ask | gendy12:11
ubottugendy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:11
saedelaerei try to build the package on ubuntu 10.04.4 if this helps12:12
zykotick9!info usb-modeswitch | arunkumar413 this might help?12:12
ubottuarunkumar413 this might help?: usb-modeswitch (source: usb-modeswitch): mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices. In component main, is extra. Version 1.2.3+repack0-1ubuntu2 (precise), package size 49 kB, installed size 176 kB12:12
DasEisaedelaere: I'm not in devolping, but sure can say that libs will differ, use a precise vm for doing packages to pangolin ??!12:14
DasEisaedelaere: may I pm you ?12:15
saedelaereDasEi, sure why not?12:18
[twisti]has anyone done an LTS10 to LTS12 upgrade and can give me an estimate of how long that took ?12:20
MonkeyDust[twisti]  about 1 hour12:20
k1l[twisti]: depends12:20
k1l[twisti]: but instead of asking every hour again, you could easily have done it :)12:21
MonkeyDust[twisti]  no, i did an upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04, it may be different12:21
[twisti]k1l: i dont just want to take down our production server for an indeterminate amount of time12:22
MonkeyDust[twisti]  but as k1l says, instead of asking, just do it12:22
gogeta[twisti]: down for upgrades?12:22
[twisti]well i assume the update process isnt done during normal runtime12:23
dr_willisisent this why you upgrade on weekends. ;)12:23
[twisti]weekends are prime time12:23
jalexandruany visual programing language for ubuntu?12:23
[twisti]programming language for a specific distro ?12:24
gogeta[twisti]: so post a notic that it will be down for matence said time date12:24
dr_willisjalexandru:  clarify what you mean by visual12:24
[twisti]alright. "server is going down for an indeterminate amount of time. might be five minutes, might be all day". thatll go over well.12:24
MonkeyDustjalexandru  try quickly, it uses glade to write python12:24
[twisti]i dont really see what your issue is with me trying to get an idea of how long itll take12:24
dr_willispython - is handy to learn12:24
dr_willis[twisti]: you are also assuming the upgrade will go well12:25
Daghdhahas any recent updates in ubunty (last 10 day-ish) affected power saving for nic's or otherpossible problems with loosing network connections?12:25
gogeta[twisti]: depends on internet speed speed of pc etc it should only take 30 45 minuts but if something goes wrong12:25
[twisti]well, if it doesnt go well, i cant do much about that12:25
MonkeyDustjalexandru  start here http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/12:25
dr_willisrestore from backups. ;)12:25
jalexandruI was interested in something similar to visual basic or visual delphi12:25
dr_willis!info qtdesigner12:26
ubottuPackage qtdesigner does not exist in precise12:26
dr_willishmm. what is that app.. qt-designer?12:26
wan26!info ubuntu12:27
ubottuPackage ubuntu does not exist in precise12:27
dr_willisor was it qt-creator12:27
[twisti]anyways, thats really pretty much the answer i needed - "around an hour" means ill schedule a downtime of 3 hours for backup and update, and that should be fine and probably be back up sooner since we have a decent server with decent internet connection12:27
gogeta[twisti]: if you have another server why not send the load to it12:27
zykotick9!info qtcreator12:27
ubottuqtcreator (source: qtcreator): lightweight integrated development environment (IDE) for Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.1-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 10836 kB, installed size 45254 kB12:27
Krambiorixhi guys, i installed a game (wolfenstein enemy territory and when i'm running it, there's no sound. I start it from the command line and i see: /dev/dsp: No such file or directory      Could not open /dev/dsp12:27
[twisti]so thanks either way ;)12:28
Krambiorixwhat can i do?12:28
dr_willisKrambiorix: that old a game needs some tweaks to work with the newer sound systems.12:28
gogeta[twisti]: make a backup first hehe being ts a server12:28
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/12:28
gogetadr_willis: games woot12:29
Krambiorixdr_jesus, you know how to do it?12:29
[twisti]we run plenty of backups ;)12:29
hualethello, everyone, how can i make the permission window show in ubuntu?12:29
MonkeyDustKrambiorix  http://www.wolfenstein.com/ :-))12:29
dr_willisKrambiorix: id have to google. or check out the sites above.....12:29
Krambiorixi checked all concerning pages on google but couldn't find anything :s12:30
=== ecthiender_ is now known as ecthiender
dr_willishualet:  theres a tweak/setting to show 'advanced paemission settings in nautilus'  somewhere.. may have been in ubuntu-tweak or myunity12:30
dr_willisKrambiorix: theres askubuntu.com also12:31
arulmozhii have written the following code and program was succesfully compiled and executed but i cannot find a file named data.dat in my home folder why? #include<stdio.h>12:31
arulmozhi 12:31
arulmozhi 12:31
arulmozhiint main()12:31
FloodBot1arulmozhi: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
arulmozhi 12:31
arulmozhi  FILE* fd = fopen("~/data.dat","w");12:31
hualethello, dr_willis, i mean the window shows before we install some apps12:31
zykotick9Krambiorix: to start off, try "pasuspender /path/to/et"12:32
dr_willishualet:  not sure what you mean then..12:32
hualetI'm developing an app for ubuntu12:32
Krambiorixzykotick9, pasuspender /usr/local/games/enemy-territory12:33
Krambiorixexecvp(): Permission denied12:33
Krambiorix  (as root)12:33
hualetdr_willis, urr...my english is not very good, so ...12:33
zykotick9Krambiorix: why as root?12:33
Krambiorixzykotick9, as a normal user: execvp(): Permission denied12:34
hualetdr_willis, The window shows before we install apps to get permission12:34
arulmozhi i have written the following code and program was12:34
arulmozhi                  succesfully compiled and executed but i cannot12:34
arulmozhi                  find a file named data.dat in my home folder why?12:34
zykotick9Krambiorix: hummm, sorry i don't have any other suggestions.  good luck.12:34
MonkeyDustarulmozhi  is that C ?12:34
dr_willisarulmozhi:  perhaps ask in #programing or #C or #c++12:35
Daghdhaarulmozhi: Runs as you?12:35
Krambiorixzykotick9, ok thx!12:35
Krambiorixoff to windows then12:35
dr_williswine et.exe ;)12:35
dr_willisgiven how old that game is.. its amazeing it works at all12:36
DaghdhaE.T. the extra testicle?12:36
MonkeyDustDaghdha  not here please12:37
KrambiorixDaghdha, yeah that's for at home12:37
Krambiorixback in the days it took me 2 hours to download the game, now 2 minutes12:38
arulmozhiDaghdha: yes12:39
DaghdhaYouc an DL entire games for ALL games ever for old systems within 2 mins.12:39
arulmozhiDaghdha: with sudo permission12:39
wan26the only game i have is armagetron, are there any others you can recommend12:40
DaghdhaTry findinng data.dat on your dics. see where it ended up.12:40
Daghdhawan26: For linux?12:40
wan26yes, i know there are few for linux, but yeah12:41
DaghdhaI always played XmrIs (It's a perfect mr do clone)12:41
arulmozhiDaghdha: dics???12:41
wan26cool i will have  a look!12:41
Daghdhait's an early 1980's arcade game12:41
MonkeyDustwan26  start here http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html12:41
Krambiorixdon't know XmrIs12:42
Krambiorixi'm born in '8112:42
wan26Thank you :]12:42
wan26Woah, Conquest: Command & Conquer is there12:43
dr_willis!info settlers12:43
ubottuPackage settlers does not exist in precise12:43
WeThePeoplesome one say hi to wethepeople pls12:43
dr_willistheres a settlers of catan game in the repos.12:43
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
MonkeyDustdr_willis  it's called unknown-horizons, i guess12:45
k1lWeThePeople: stop this offtopic12:46
WeThePeoplek1l, is ubuntu 12.04 64bit work ok12:48
gyre007what package are the man pages in ??12:48
zykotick9gyre007: each package usually includes a man page, they aren't all in one package12:49
gyre007I have no "man" command...so IM guessing Im missing a man pages reader12:49
zykotick9gyre007: try installing man-db perhaps?12:50
wan26did you type man then the package name?12:50
gyre007wan26, yes12:50
gyre007no man and program nam like...man ls12:51
jribgyre007: how did you install ubuntu?12:51
vibhavgyre007: what do you get when you type "man" inside the terminal?12:51
zykotick9gyre007: "man man" ;)12:51
gyre007zykotick9, yeah looks like thatts the one12:51
gyre007all sorted12:51
jribgyre007: if you're missing man.  Something went wrong during install most likely12:52
gyre007jrib, no, it's a cloud package running on KVM hypervisor...12:52
gyre007not package12:52
pyrrhicHow can I fix a corrupt NTFS partition in ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64?12:52
jribgyre007: speak with your provider12:52
gyre007jrib, ITS SORTED12:52
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
jribgyre007: this issue is sorted.  You don't know what else is broken.  My suggestion is to ask them exactly what's on the image. Do as you like12:53
nUboon2Agedr_willis: MonkeyDust: another is Pioneers.  Love me Settlers!12:53
pyrrhicHow can I fix a corrupt NTFS partition??12:53
gyre007:_))) Im running my own hypervisor...on my server...I downloaded Ubuntu cloud image which im rnning on one of the guests...so ok Ill ask Marky Mark Shuttleworth next time I see him :)12:54
BluesKajpyrrhic, how do you know it's corrupt , fisst of all12:54
pyrrhicBluesKaj, Trying to mount the volume in Ubuntu.12:54
compdocpyrrhic, you sure the drive isnt failing?12:55
pyrrhicCompdoc, I'm using the drive right now.12:55
compdocthat doesnt mean much12:55
pyrrhic... Sigh12:55
dr_willispyrrhic:  best to let windows scan and try to fix the ntfs12:55
pyrrhicThe drive is fine12:55
compdocwindows is the best way12:55
pyrrhicDr_Willis, I can get a windows 7 cd but don't know what commands to enter etc.12:56
compdocand check the drive's SMART info to see if its failing12:56
lotuspsychjehow to fix a corrupt square mouse pointer every cold bot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed?12:56
dr_willispyrrhic:  ask in #windows perhaps. if the system has no windows on it.. then why keep it ntfs12:56
pyrrhicI was trying to resize a partition and it got corrupted.12:57
pyrrhicIt was a media drive.12:57
pyrrhicMusic, Videos etc.12:57
dr_willismy media drive is ext4 ;)12:57
dr_willismy media drives...  i ggot like 4 of them12:58
pyrrhic I had windows 7, media partition was ntfs. Decided to go with ubuntu so I didn't change it because it wasn't backed up.12:58
pyrrhicSo it's NTFS.12:58
dr_willisubuntu can set the flag saying its 'ok' i recall but thats not checking it..12:58
Sidewinder1pyrrhic, I bet you did NOT defragment the NTFS partition, prior to resizing..12:58
pyrrhicSidewinder1, I lost power while it was resizing. So it got raped.12:59
dr_willisscan,defrag,resize,scan,defrag again. ;)12:59
pyrrhicSidewinder1, Car accident down the road, car got airborne and knocked out the power.12:59
Sidewinder1pyrrhic, Oh, that'll do it too. :-(12:59
pyrrhicSidewinder1, Yep. No bueno.12:59
Sidewinder1Sucks to be your NTFS partition.13:00
dr_willis'backup - in casr a car gets airborn and takes out your power' = good marketing image there.. ;)13:00
pyrrhicRight before I did it...13:00
pyrrhicWell there's no storms or any of the alike.. I'm good to go!13:00
ubottuGuest3809: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:01
pyrrhicYeah, that sure worked out.13:01
dr_williswhy is it all the !list  spammers say ciao first.. ;)13:01
valnourI'm trying to get a DisplayLink monitor setup as a second monitor in 12.04. Anyone have experience with that?13:01
jribPolite Pirates from Pisa13:01
dr_willishello mom, !list13:02
Sidewinder1At least they leave after the first try.13:02
dr_williswithoug saying goodbye. ;P13:02
Sidewinder1There is that..13:03
dr_williswell i will be back laterz.13:03
Sidewinder1Least they could do is say thanx.13:03
jnoob22any idea why Linux fonts look so great even within Fusion on a MacBook?13:03
MonkeyDustjnoob22  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic13:04
jnoob22thanks man13:04
=== Guest47944 is now known as uw
wens-wqhi, i have problem, i go to youtube or facebook by proxy,  with it , i can go to the website, but when i sign in by my account,  it connection reset; how i should edit the rule? so i can login in13:05
k1lGuest3809: no warez here!13:06
Guest3809non capisco niente13:06
k1l!it | Guest380913:06
ubottuGuest3809: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:06
RudeboyIf I want to download something like this: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/GuitarModeMaker-15302.shtml, how do I install it?13:12
MonkeyDustRudeboy  it's RPM, Ubuntu uses APT13:13
RudeboyOh. So is it only possible to install from the repository?13:14
MonkeyDustRudeboy  no, also from websites, but not RPM13:15
DasEi!compile | Rudeboy13:15
ubottuRudeboy: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall13:15
DasEi Rudeboy : or (try in vm first!) use such as alien, if no tarball available13:15
DasEi!info alien13:16
ubottualien (source: alien): convert and install rpm and other packages. In component main, is optional. Version 8.86 (precise), package size 57 kB, installed size 208 kB13:16
RudeboyAh, beyond my league ha ha13:16
DasEiRudeboy: but keep in mind such can wreck a system sometimes13:16
RudeboyI'll rather give it a skip :)13:16
DasEiRudeboy: nah, what shall that app do ?13:17
=== vjn__ is now known as vjn
RudeboyDasEi: It's just for guitar scales :)13:17
* DasEi .. looking at link , second13:17
* wan26 hide13:18
MonkeyDust!find guitar13:19
ubottuFound: guitarix, tuxguitar, tuxguitar-alsa, tuxguitar-fluidsynth, tuxguitar-jack13:19
DasEi!info gtkguitun13:19
ubottuPackage gtkguitun does not exist in precise13:19
DasEi!info gtkguitune13:19
ubottugtkguitune (source: gtkguitune): Guitar and other instruments tuner. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8-6ubuntu1 (precise), package size 53 kB, installed size 196 kB13:19
DasEiRudeboy:there are several apps (none of them I tested..) you also may like ubuntu-studio or apps like rosegarden13:20
DasEiRudeboy: it's quite an easy task to set up an vm and try compiling aor 'alianate things without harm to your host system13:21
RudeboyDasEi: Thanks:) Those are music production programs though, more just looking for the scales program13:21
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: I'd recommend you to download the .rpm file and try to convert it with "alien"13:21
DasEiRudeboy: easy search : apt-cache search guitar, specified on package.name : apt-cache show package.name13:22
RudeboyDasEi: Wow, that's a cool tip :)13:23
DasEiRudeboy: tell to fish, let work to others ;)13:24
K9_uppsalanybody got a male dog or horse in uppsala? :)13:24
RudeboyDasEi: I'm gonna get Tuxguitar and then use that for scale tabs :)13:24
DasEiRudeboy: good effort, and maybe can help out next time13:24
pyrrhicHeroes of Newerth (Linux Version) doesn't register ALT in-game. I'm curious why.13:24
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: I just converted mode maker with alien. If you wish, I can send you the .deb file13:25
RudeboyDasEi: Thank you:)13:25
Rudeboymarco_mesquita_: Really?? :D13:25
Rudeboymarco_mesquita_: YES please!!13:26
fishcommhow can i find what gpu iam having?13:26
k1l_fishcomm: "lspci"13:26
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: sent13:26
zykotick9fishcomm: "lspci | grep -i vga" might be a shorter list13:27
Rudeboymarco_mesquita_: Where did you send it to...?13:27
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marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: xchat dcc13:27
fishcommk1l_:how can i unistall the gpu driver and install it again cause iam not sure what my gpy is13:28
Rudeboymarco_mesquita_: What's that?13:28
k1l_fishcomm: depends on what you installed on which way?13:28
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: a feture to send files between irc clients13:28
DasEiRudeboy: in earlier times, I here and then managed to bork my apt, rather by alien, but by compiling things or using incopatible packets, your choice13:28
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: I can send you via e-mail, it is a very small file13:28
k1l_!paste | fishcomm13:28
ubottufishcomm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:28
fishcommk1l_i ve done this...13:29
k1l_fishcomm: put the lspci in there. and describe which ubuntu you use and what you installed13:29
fishcommk1l_ : http://mindfulloftrash.blogspot.gr/2012/04/tutorial-installing-nvidia-drivers-in.html13:29
Rudeboymarco_mesquita_: That IRC thing seems really useful though. How do I access it?13:29
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: I think you cant access it since you're using webchat13:30
k1l_fishcomm: m(  you do the users always follow smeary howtos and stuff 3rd-party stuff into their systems?13:30
Rudeboymarco_mesquita_: oh. I'll send you my email quick then :)13:30
marco_mesquita_Rudeboy: just waiting...13:30
DasEiRudeboy: also some concerns about risk there, either go pm and have it emailed  or use ubuntuone or such, scp over scp would be my choice13:31
RudeboyDasEi: I pmed :)13:31
L0tt037I am getting an error saying I need to update Flash plugin for browser for  while. Near as I can tell I have the latest. Also, it does not matter which browser I use, same error. My default browser is Firefox, but have Chrome and Empathy as well.13:31
fishcommk1L_ :probably..13:32
DasEiL0tt037: sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y        doesn't fix it ?  repos enabled ?13:32
L0tt037lol, I am using Ubuntu so I don't have to use command line :-) is there an easier way?13:33
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:34
gordonjcpL0tt037: the easiest way is to use the command line13:34
sharketdoes ubuntu recognize the SAS hard drives in the instalation ?13:34
DasEiL0tt037: sure you got a terminal, and you'll love it once you are used to it13:34
gordonjcpL0tt037: you can sit and fiddle about with clicking on little pictures for a long time, before you achieve the same effect that you get by just asking for what you want13:34
gordonjcpsharket: should do, if your controller is supported13:35
sharketaha, good13:35
sharketI hope so13:35
sharketDebian doesnt13:35
L0tt037in terminal...when I go to the site to get the update for Ubuntu, I choose the Ubuntu update and click download, but nothing happens13:35
sharketI donnt what controller i need or anything :/13:35
alkisgUnity-2d and gnome-fallback are is going away, mate uses gnome2, cinnamon requires 3d... So, really soon, anyone that doesn't have a 3D capable card won't be able to run gnome3, right? Or am I missing some option?13:36
DasEiL0tt037: terminal open (just no gui, cmd-line ) ?13:36
e11bitsIs it, that ubuntu can't play well if the users home is on a network drive?13:36
L0tt037hold on13:36
DasEi!classic | alkisg:13:36
ubottualkisg:: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity13:36
alkisg(apart from the llvmpipe software renderer which doesn't work for old clients, over the network etc)13:36
alkisgDasEi: yeah, that's gnome-fallback, which is being deprecated and will be removed upstream soon13:37
DasEi alkisg: no need for 3d, and there are other surfaces compatible, too, also might look for lubuntu13:37
alkisgDasEi: indeed it doesn't need 3d, but it won't be available in the future. Lubuntu doesn't use gnome 3, it uses lxde.13:38
uskhi! i'm having troubles with do-release-upgrade... i was running it in a remote console and that machine is very slow, so the screen session of the upgrade locked and asks for root password (which isn't set of course). i still have access via ssh, so i tried sudo passwd root, but screen still won't unlock. any ideas how i could fix this?13:38
MonkeyDustalkisg  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/unity-2d-removed-from-ubuntu-12-1013:38
alkisgYup :(13:38
alkisgThat's why I'm looking for alternatives, but I don't see any...13:39
alkisg(alternatives for gnome3)13:39
jasonzJust installed the latest fglrx 12.6 from amd and in the fglrx gear test my frame rate went from 298 to over 1550 much better13:39
DasEiicewm..., alksig, there are many configurable alternatives13:40
DasEiicewm..., alkisg, there are many configurable alternatives13:40
L0tt037Reading state information... Done 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.  Same results13:40
DasEiL0tt037: please put nick when answering, maybe have a look at your repos ?13:40
gyre007anyone ever used vmbuilder to build KVM VMs ?13:40
alkisgDasEi: thanks, I know there are many alternative DEs, I was just looking for something gnome-based, like unity-2d, gnome-fallback, mate... which all won't work in the future13:40
L0tt037if I upgrade to 12.04 will this issue follow me?13:41
DasEiL0tt037: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list13:41
mosfetalkisg : xfce13:41
alkisgmosfet: xfce uses gtk, but isn't really a gnome DE13:41
alkisgThanks :)13:41
ToxmiHi, I've installed KDE (as kubuntu) beside my Unity but under separated user(it is also administrator account) but under the new user I'm not able to apt-get update13:41
Toxmibecause of gpg error13:42
DasEialkisg: you can alter alternatives to your liking, this is what makes *nix superior to other OS'es13:42
DasEiToxmi: exact error message from apt ?13:42
BluesKajToxmi, if you have any ppas , then the error will persist til either get the key or remove the ppa13:43
L0tt037DasEi I ran that last command you gave me, what do I do now?13:43
DasEiToxmi: you will certainly have a key number thrown, so try : sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv HereYourKeyNumber13:44
alkisgDasEi: well, if gnome-fallback was maintained, that would be good enough for me, but I lack the hundreds of programming hours required to become its sole maintainer... ok, the reason I was asking is to make sure that gnome-fallback is indeed our only gnome-based choice for 2d, and give enough feedback for its devs to understand it's still valuable + widely used.13:44
DasEiL0tt037: give resulting url from terminal here13:44
DasEiToxmi: fixed it ?13:46
ToxmiDasEi, I'm currently in Unity but Yeah it seems right I'll try that in a moment13:46
ToxmiThanks Dude13:46
DasEiL0tt037: lsb_release -a, I assume it reveals oneiric ?13:47
ToxmiBTW, another problem is with the new KDE install I've lost my previous login screen :(13:47
ToxmiI tried apt-reconfigure kdm but it doesnt work13:47
ToxmiI changed it to LightDM13:47
DasEiL0tt037: I just wanted to make sure which distro you are running, lsb_release -a tells you13:48
L0tt03711.10 oneirc13:48
MonkeyDustL0tt037  try lsb_release -sd13:48
jalexandruhi, I have a .vdi virtual machine and for some reason virtualbox is not oppening it any reason why? it supports only ovf?13:49
MonkeyDustjalexandru  better ask in #virtualbox13:49
DasEiL0tt037: gksu gedit  /etc/apt/sources.list13:49
DasEiL0tt037: see lines 45,46 in http://paste.ubuntu.com/1175886/ ?  scroll down your local file, and alter to deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner         btw...13:51
DasEideb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner13:51
DasEiL0tt037: then save gedit, re-run update/grade13:52
L0tt037holy crap13:52
DasEiL0tt037: so you remove the '#'  in front that two lines and put oneiric for maverick13:52
L0tt037so, easy way... will the problem follow me if I upgrade to 12.04?13:53
oldeagleI have set up LAMP on my Ubuntu 12.04. I am trying to use vsftpd to be able to FTP into /var/www. How can I use vsftpd to access /var/www only, and so that all files sent there via FTP is owned by www-data?13:53
DasEiL0tt037: first get one thing done ..13:53
L0tt037so the problem will follow13:53
DasEiL0tt037: there are some issues on distro-uprgrades, mostly if not lts to lts, but that's another question, and procedures are- if so at all- similar13:54
L0tt037the thing is, how did this problem get started, hard to believe I am the only one13:55
DasEiL0tt037: you mostly get in trouble by third paty repos or ppas, not ubuntu's default, and your partner wasn't enabled at all13:56
{wf}shadowspawngnome x-chat defaults here, how are y'all13:56
L0tt037thank you13:56
Sidewinder1DasEi, Quick question. Is there a difference between gksu and gksudo? If so, do you have a link handy?13:56
DasEi{wf}shadowspawn: fine, though technical support here13:56
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:56
{wf}shadowspawnah. can you recommend a good irc client that supports a proxy?13:57
{wf}shadowspawni thought xchat had proxy settings in it13:57
{wf}shadowspawnbut i cannot find them13:57
{wf}shadowspawnlove this install of lubuntu btw13:57
{wf}shadowspawntried xp, win7, etc. on an older laptop13:57
DasEiSidewinder1: not that I new, but to sudo see above, either gksudo or gksu on most (..distros I used) occasions will do13:57
{wf}shadowspawnthis is the only one that works13:57
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{wf}shadowspawnwow i just noticed 1654 users13:58
{wf}shadowspawnok i'll hunt around13:58
DasEi{wf}shadowspawn: try gnome-xchat, there you can set proxy13:58
Icehawk78Is there a way to determine what my USB mouse is doing when it goes idle? I've modified some of the lomoco code I found, but if I lock my computer for any extended period of time, it seems as though the device either disconnects or sends some other "restart" code.13:58
{wf}shadowspawnthat's what i'm using, yet i can't find the proxy settings, unless i'm being a dork13:58
Sidewinder1DasEi, Yes, I have read the psychocats site in it's entirety as well as the updates. Have been well aware of sudo vs gksudo, was curious about gksu vs gksudo..13:59
DasEiIcehawk78: dmesg | tail (especially when re-plugging) , /var/log/syslog or messages, same dir13:59
DasEiSidewinder1: rather a distro-secific thing, both still work on 'buntu as far as I know14:00
DasEiL0tt037: update now working ?14:00
* jbdf is installing Lubuntu14:00
Sidewinder1DasEi, NM, not that important and, I see you're busy 'heppin'', thank you anyeay. :)14:00
gyre007Im formatting a disk....with fdisk...how do I tell it that I want to use ALL remaining space when it prompts me for Last sector ??14:01
gyre007Im a bit lost :)14:01
Sidewinder1anyway, even.14:01
{wf}shadowspawni'm looking on the faq, is this old? https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33160714:01
ubottuGnome bug 331607 in general "Add proxy support" [Enhancement,New]14:01
epinkygyre007: accept the default14:01
{wf}shadowspawnwow ubottu is cool14:01
{wf}shadowspawnand quick14:01
gyre007epinky, nope14:01
gyre007the default is offering me the beginning of the new partition14:02
gyre007see the numbers14:02
gyre007well ALMOSt the beginning of it14:02
DasEigyre007: rather use gparted, as for partitioning and formatting there are different commands14:03
gyre007that's why im lost :)14:03
epinkygyre007: is it a multiboot machine? what do you have in partitions 1 and 2?14:03
gyre007epinky, its not a multiboot...partiton1 is a rootfs part2 is swap14:04
gyre007its a cloud image14:04
dr_willisfdisk partitions.. not formats14:04
gyre007im trying to expand it14:04
gyre007DasEi, i only have command line...no GUI14:04
epinkygyre007: what/how are you trying to expand?14:05
skizobassgyre007: good luck with that :)14:05
dr_willisgyre007: keeping the da14:05
gyre007shouldnt be hard...the only thing I need to get sorted is the formating of the newly added disk14:05
gyre007fdisk is showing that the disk space is added...i just can figure out how to partition it14:05
dr_willisyiou format after y14:06
epinkygyre007: are you in charge of KWM administration?14:06
gyre007dr_willis, ??14:06
gyre007epinky, yep14:06
dr_willisfdisk does not have res14:06
epinkygyre007: you'd want to remove partition 1 and 2?14:07
gyre007heres the whole pic http://pastebin.com/p7cAfc3L14:08
gyre007epinky, WHY ??14:08
gyre007I just want to add a new partition...14:08
epinkygyre007: so, what's the problem? just add it14:08
gyre007epinky, the problem is that I dont know what should I pass as end sector when fdisk prompts me for it14:09
gyre007that was my initial question14:09
gyre007it defaults to the beginning of the new partition...its in that pastebing14:10
epinkygyre007: hit {enter} up to the end to use the remaining space, then hit p and w to commit your changes14:10
gyre007epinky, did you actually see that pastebin ??14:11
epinkygyre007: yes14:11
gyre007First sector (7998047-31457279, default 7998047):14:11
gyre007Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (7998047-7999487, default 7999487):14:11
dr_willisthats the start...14:11
epinkygyre007: it's ok, what's wrong? hit enter and move on14:11
gyre007see how many sectors are there ?14:11
dr_willisend is 799948714:12
gyre007thats definitely not 10G im adding :)14:12
zoktaris there any tool to switch boot screen/login screen, comming from  xubuntu, and moving to unity/ubuntu?14:12
Jimmyjoin #australia14:12
chombatgyre007, you need to do p in fdisk and paste that14:12
dr_willisyou are adding a partitin to space between 2 patioins  perhaps14:12
chombatgyre007, or...fidsk -l...that could not be the correct output you pasted14:12
gyre007combat I did...it is in that pastebin14:12
chombatthe fuck14:13
chombatfdisk knows nothing about /run/shm14:13
chombatgyre007, that is no fdisk output i have ever seen, that looks like df -h14:13
chombatthere you go14:14
gyre007chombat, no that was example that my disk is full and thats why im adding new partition14:14
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chombatok so start at 9998336 and do +10G14:14
chombator whatever14:14
gyre007lol...whatever :)14:15
gyre007after accepting the defaults: http://pastebin.com/yw642wEJ14:15
gyre007I have like 720 blocks :D14:15
gyre007as I expected14:15
gyre007thats why I was asking how do I tell him to accept ALL available space14:15
chombatjust hit enter in that case...14:16
dr_willis.the partition you are adding is betwen sda1 and sda214:16
gyre007haha I DID14:16
gyre007that's the retulst14:16
chombatdr_willis, is right14:16
gyre007dr_willis, so what should I do to add it at the end ?14:16
dr_willisnot at the end of the druve14:16
gyre007remove the swap14:16
gyre007add new partition and swap /14:16
chombatif you have space at the end, then choose 7999488 as start14:17
dr_willistry adding another....14:17
chombatyeah or swapoff /dev/sda2; delete sda2; etc etc14:17
gyre007another ?14:17
dr_willisand see if it goes to the end14:17
hjbehlingso on my 10.04 server 'date' returns the right time zone, syslog has the right timestamps but my cups logs are using the wrong time zone. Any ideas?14:17
gyre007mm that looks better so far...14:18
gyre007but why is fdisk prompting me...to add partition between 1 and 2 ????14:18
chombathjbehling, http://www.cups.org/documentation.php/man-notifier.html14:19
gyre007mm this looks VERY promising...14:19
Icehawk78Will dmesg show usb events other than pure connects/disconnects, such as if a device goes "idle" somehow without fully disconnecting?14:19
gyre007that has worked excellent!14:20
cesdoHello everybody14:20
gyre007but why was fdisk prompting me to add partition between 1 and 2 ??14:20
chombatgyre007, you may want to stop and clean up14:20
gyre007chombat,  hm ?14:20
chombatgyre007, cuz therew as space there14:20
hjbehlingchombat: thanks! do I set this variable in /etc/default/cups ?14:20
chombatswapoff /dev/sda2; delete partitions 2 3 and 4, then recreate14:21
chombatthen mkswap /dev/sda2; swapon -a14:21
gyre007chombat, mm I see14:21
chombatyou just want 3, i assume14:21
gyre007chombat, yeah14:21
gyre007ok ill do that now..14:21
gyre007should be fun :)14:22
dr_willisbetween 1 and 2 was the next unallocated space14:22
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gyre007dr_willis, how do I skip that ?14:22
gyre007to the next unallocated space ?14:22
dr_willisid add a 4th.. and see if it goes to the end14:22
gyre007dr_willis, it did14:23
dr_willisor type in the cyl# directly14:23
gyre007all good...was just curuios how do i skip that small partition step14:23
guicps89Hello ... I would like to know what the dot (.) means on terminal ... for example: find . -size +10M14:23
hjbehlingchombat: got it! thanks so much!14:23
dr_willisnormally in the past you would not have gaps between partitions. these days partitions get aligned to  2mb or 1 mb boundries14:24
chombathjbehling, nice14:24
nicksda_guicps89: current directory14:24
hex__hi to all14:24
dr_willisguicps89:  . =  'source' command14:24
guicps89thanks nicksda_14:24
dr_willisguicps89:  or current directory14:24
guicps89thanks dr_willis :)14:24
dr_willis. foo.sh      runs the script14:24
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nicksda_guicps89: at the beginning of the command line it would be the "source" command14:24
dr_willis ./ = current directory in paths normally14:25
dr_willisodd that command uses . and not ./14:25
black_13i have seem some articles that show its possible to use an iso image to install ubuntu is also possible to use a preconfiguration file with an iso to install ubuntu predtermined partion?14:26
frisi keep getting user.cc:(.text+0x1243): undefined reference to `crypt when i compile this package, and i chewcked the makefile it has -lcrypt not sure if im missing some libs?14:26
nicksda_dr_willis: trailing slashes of directory names can be omitted14:26
guicps89ok thanks for the help, now a last question ... when I run this command to find large files, i usually have to delete them, and usually are more than 100 files ... is there a way to create a list with file names and run a script or something to delete them instead of deleting one-by-one using the RM command?14:27
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dr_willisguicps89:  find has that feature14:27
guicps89hmm I didn't know that ... what is the command tho delete the search result?14:27
hex__hi can anyone help me14:27
dr_willisor pipe output to a file and make a script from it, or use xrags14:28
hex__in ubuntu 12.0414:28
dr_willis!ufw > hex__14:28
ubottuhex__, please see my private message14:28
dr_willisxargs    not xrags ;)14:28
guicps89hmm ... i don't know this command (im little new using linux), but i will google for it, thanks man :)14:28
rangergorderI installed Ubuntu LTS on a 30GB drive...I think by default it took 6GB for the / partition, and has a 21GB "extended partition" which is not being used at all. Now I'm almost out of space on the / partition. I can't resize it in gparted. How can I make it use the 21GB somehow?  In Gparted the partitions are shown as "RootPartition---Swap/OtherPartitions---Extended partition" (which is probably14:29
rangergorderwhy I can't resize /)14:29
dr_willisrangergorder:  its in use14:29
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rangergorderdr_willis: so why am I getting tons of warnings about me being out of disk space?14:29
dr_willisuse a gparted live cd14:29
LogiI can alt-drag windows around my workspace, but isn't there supposed to be a similar way to re-size windows?14:29
rangergorderOK, Gparted live CD will let me resize the / partition?14:30
gyre007brilliant! chombat thanks for help14:30
dr_willisin use does not mean empty14:30
gyre007and too all others like dr_willis too!14:30
dr_willisit wont be14:30
dr_willis / then. ;)14:30
rangergorderit will be dev/sda114:30
dr_willisyou got it14:30
gyre007now I need to figure out how do I mount it to /var...while not disrupting any other files...basically at the beginning i had only 1 partition...everything on it...now I want to expand /var14:32
gyre007should I just mount a new partition under mount and all will be ok ??14:32
gyre007probably no :)14:32
chombatyou can put the partition under /mnt/, move the files, and symlink14:32
chombator you can move the files and mount at /var/14:32
chombatdoesnt matter14:32
sharketubuntu is asking me to Log into iSCSI targets14:33
sharkethow can i know where is it or what can i do ?14:33
sharketis one menu to configure iSCSI volumes14:33
gyre007chombat, but some of the files are being used....so I can't just move them there ;)14:33
chombatthen you have to use a livecd14:33
Migi32hi. Which files does the Gnome Monitor Preferences tool change?14:33
Migi32I changed my resolution once, but then I couldn't change it back and the theme was all messed up. Rebooting didn't help, and now gnome-settings-daemon won't start14:33
chombator init1 or wahtever14:34
saviohow do i get subversion 1.7 ?14:36
savioon ubuntu 12.0414:37
black_13gyre007:  i think we may have similar goals14:38
MonkeyDustsavio  the latest stable in the repos is 1.614:38
gyre007black_13, haha14:38
gyre007do you know how to approach it ? :) im a bit lost and not sure if its doable14:38
savioMonkeyDust, i know but i need 1.714:38
black_13gyre007: what are you trying to do ... trying to to use an iso image14:39
t0ch1kHi everybody! Can somebody help me with usb redirection from ubuntu to windows server 2008 r2?14:39
MonkeyDustsavio  1.7 is not supported here, maybe there's a PPA14:39
gyre007black_13, im thinking about following this: http://serverfault.com/questions/361240/how-can-i-change-a-partition-mount-to-var-and-still-boot-up14:40
BluesKajhttp://subversion.apache.org/ . savio14:40
savioThanks all14:40
EDVEwhy ubuntu14:40
black_13ideally i would like to take the contents of one of the live cds then just copy the thing to a partition14:41
black_13no we are not doing the same thing14:41
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t0ch1khey, guys. Does anybody know smth about redirection usb via rdp?14:43
EDVEjoin ubunu-unity14:43
seb__@find divx14:46
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek last day starting in 13 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom14:47
abokamelhello, is there any documentation/course for Network in ubuntu, like the N+ in windows?14:48
rangergorderdr_willis: thanks, gparted worked great with a LiveCD...was worried I'd get stuck in grub hell or something after deleting some partitions, but it worked14:50
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syntaxxHi i believe its possible to change theme of the encryption part (upon login)?14:53
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gyre007im trying to figure out how the hell can I stop runit service ...anyone ide a?14:55
gyre007it keeps respawning14:55
brontosaurusrexhow would i wget part of the site that has "abcdefg" in the url (ignore others) ?14:56
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: wget is dumb, but it does have exlcude options14:58
brontosaurusrexikonia, iam trying --accept=*abcdefg*14:58
brontosaurusrexbut no juice14:58
gyre007im trying to stop the service controled by runit but ive no idea how :) i didnt set it up14:58
bobweaverbrontosaurusrex,  echo {a..g}14:58
ikonia--accept isn't going to work as an exlcude14:58
=== Guest32680 is now known as dbdii407
vericcan anyone help me with vid issue : at the moment vids play only on youtube15:02
Sokelveric: That's not very descriptive. What else is not playing.15:02
fidelveric: that means what?15:02
bobweaververic,  can you give us some more details ?15:02
fidel!details veric15:02
fidel!details > veric15:03
ubottuveric, please see my private message15:03
jgcampbell300does anyone here know of a tool that will make a usb stick bootable ... i have a 64G lexar usb stick that i cant seem to make bootable15:03
seb__bonjour a tous15:04
dr_willisinstall grub, or lilo or syslinux to make it boot..   how are you doing it now jgcampbell30015:04
bobweaver!fr | seb__15:04
bobweaverlol the bot hates me15:04
ubottuseb__: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:05
Slartjgcampbell300: have you tried the ubuntu usb boot creator thingy?15:05
jgcampbell300dr_willis: i have been using multisystem to load isos15:05
Sokeljgcampbell300: Make it easy on yourself. If everything is in place, use fdisk to put a bootable flag on it. PRetty easy.15:05
fidelbobweaver: not really ;)15:05
verici have installes ubuntu 12.04, then installed restricted packs then installed java only youtube vids will play no other web vids will play anythere any site15:05
jgcampbell300Sokel: k ... i havent tryed to boot this one in a while ... but im about ot clean it off and try again ... i need some tools to install os's and some tools to clean my family's computers ... they refuse to move to linux15:06
vericflash was installed with restricted packs15:06
jgcampbell300thanks for the tips15:06
bobweaververic,  can you paste bin the output of  apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras15:06
dr_willisright click on a youtube video and see what player its using..15:07
veric  Installed: 5715:08
veric  Candidate: 5715:08
veric  Version table:15:08
veric *** 57 015:08
FloodBot1veric: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:08
bobweaververic,  sorry my bad I should have put PASTEBIN in caps like that15:09
bobweaverbut do what dr_willis  said also15:09
bobweaververic, ^^15:09
EaxHey there - Some time ago, I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on my machine, after that I've moved and this machine might have been shaken. In any case, it refuses to boot. I've removed the "quiet" part from the grub line, and the last thing i see before halt is: "Booting Node 0, Processors #1 Ok."  After that it grinds to a halt. Can someone help please? :)15:09
bobweaverEax,  boot live cd and re-install grub ?15:10
diogobaederHi guys! I'd like to ask for help on something: my mouse pointer started to freeze, today; If I move something in my screen, like scrolling a window, or tab-change windows, it comes back to life, but, if I stand still, and after a while try to move the cursor, it gets frozen. So it looks like any keyboard action releases the cursor again, but it's still weird.15:10
jgcampbell300ok so let me ask you this ... are all usb sticks capable of being bootable15:10
dr_willisor see if a live cd has sim iler errors. ;)15:10
rifterthis is going to sound dumb... I'm on 12.04 64 bit.  I did a pulseaudio --kill && pulseaudio --start, and then even though pulseaudio restarted I had no sound.  I rebooted and pulseaudio is running and all, but I still have no sound15:10
Eaxbobweaver: I don't think it's GRUB actually, as it gets past grub fine, it stops after that15:11
dr_willisjgcampbell300: ive had some pc/bios not like some sticks.. that did work in other pcs15:11
bobweaverdr_willis,  +115:11
rifterit was working fine before.. I was just testing to see if I could stop it stuttering in wine15:11
jgcampbell300dr_willis: ok ... thanks15:11
vericyoutubes  are html 5  so flash is not working at all15:12
bobweaverEax,  and if you hold the up button durring plymoth boot splash what does it say ?15:12
EnrgySmthI was wondering if anyone could give me a hint what I am doing wrong?  I built freerdp from source (successfully) but I can only run it as root or sudo. If I run it from another account it gives a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"  error.15:12
SokelEax: You still should boot a live cd and see if it boots.15:12
dr_willisjgcampbell300:  a dd of the ubuntu iso straight to flash is a good test perhaps15:12
Eaxbobweaver, what's plymoth boot?15:12
jgcampbell300dr_willis: ok ill try that next15:12
rifterdiogobaeder, you might check top to see if you are getting spikes in cpu or swap usage that would freeze things up, and look at installing a driver for your graphics if you have not already15:12
EaxSokel: Valid point. Thanks!15:12
EnrgySmthbut it works fine from root or sudo... I am thinking it is just permissions but do not know how to narrow it down?15:12
bobweaverEax,  it is the think that says Ubuntu when booting15:12
hakongramhey guys. Linux noob here. I've just formatted one of my hdds to ext4 using gparted. But I can't write to it...no write access...how do I fix it ?15:13
bobweaverwith the dots that change color Eax  butlike everyone said try live cd to make sure it is not hardware15:13
jasonzcould some one tell me how to turn off the password request when the screen goes idle, just would like to press a button and go. unbuntu 12.04 thanks15:13
subz3r0hakongram, mount the disk...15:13
dr_willishakongram:  set the permissions/ownership on the folders on the drive.  or the mountpoint after its mounted15:14
diogobaederrifter, thanks, I'll keep my htop running and check it15:14
dr_willishakongram:  same as you would a folder15:14
hakongramit's mounted15:14
SokelEax: If anything, it might be a peripheral device you're using. Anything from a mouse, to a keyboard. Or anything in between. There are some people who suffer that issue you have and it turns out to be just that. Your mileage will vary15:14
rifterhakongram, check the permissions on it by doing ls -la partitionname if it is mounted.. you may need to make sure you have a directory there that your user has permission to write to15:14
hakongramat /media/Downloads15:14
Eaxbobweaver, ah :) It never gets to that stage15:14
dr_willishakongram:  so see who owns that mountpoint. chown it as needeed15:15
EaxSokel: I will try disconnecting everything, if that doesn't work, then live cd15:15
rifterhakongram, okay so do ls -la /media/Downloads15:15
jsmI have a question for folks who have created ubuntu repositories with reprepro , how do you handle packages that have the same filename but are intended for different releases ?15:15
hakongramroot is owner of everything15:15
rifterhakongram, okay then you need to either write as root or make a directory as root owned by your user that  you can write to15:16
dr_willishakongram: and you want what? a sing e uset full access to the root of the drive?15:16
diogobaederrifter, mouse cursor just froze, but CPU and RAM load were pretty low15:16
hakongramfull access to root of the drive, yes15:16
dr_willishakongram:  set the permissions/ownership on the folders on the drive.  or the mountpoint after its mounted15:16
diogobaederrifter, I noticed this started to happen after I installed juju and ubuntu-orchestra-client-juju, do you think it might be related to them?15:17
rifterdiogobaeder, could be an issue with the video drivers then15:17
hakongramwell, it should be mounted if it has the eject sign next to it in file explorer, right?15:17
dr_willisuse mount command to see hakongram15:17
jasonzcould some one tell me how to turn off the password request when the screen goes idle, just would like to press a button and go. unbuntu 12.04 thanks15:17
rifterdiogobaeder, who knows.  I have no idea what those are but I have seen weird packages cause weird results.  I tore my hair out for weeks on a problem only to find it was due to installing pango15:18
diogobaederrifter, doesn't seem to make sense to me, the screen is showing me the interface changes (like htop itself measuring CPU load, for instance), only the cursor doesn't move if I move my mouse15:18
diogobaederrifter, hmmm... interesting... I'll try uninstalling ubuntu-orchestra-client-juju, and see if it works15:18
hakongramI get /dev/sda1 on /media/Downloads type ext4 (rw, nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)15:18
rifterdiogobaeder, well the thing is that the mouse driver is pretty standardized as I recall15:18
dr_willishakongram:  So yes.. its mounted. chown that downloads directory to be owned by your user15:19
EaxSokel: You were right :) It was a keyboard that was the issue15:19
diogobaederrifter, ack. Well, I just removed ubuntu-orchestra-client-juju, I'll report back if this worked ;-)15:19
RalliasUhm... Something's starting guake outside of my regular .config/openbox/autostart script... where should I look?15:19
dr_willishakongram: and you may want to make a fstab entry for it - to mount it at boot time15:19
SokelEax: Figured so. There it is, find another keyboard sir15:19
rifterhakongram, chown -R yourusername /media/Downloads15:19
EaxSokel: Already done thanks!15:20
rifterhakongram, actually sudo chown -R yourusername /media/Downloads15:20
hakongramok, I'll try it15:20
rifterso anyone have any ideas on my pulseaudio problem?15:20
rifterit's weird15:20
hakongramok, so now I'm owner of . and lost+found...but not ".." ...not a problem?15:21
rifterrestarting the daemon should not kill my sound, especially after a reboot15:21
rifterhakongram, .. is /media so that is fine15:21
rifterhakongram, that should stay owned by root15:21
hakongramI'll try and copy a file to it15:21
dr_willis'touch testfile' in the dir to check if it works  hakongram  ;)15:22
hakongramI get the destination is read only15:22
diogobaederrifter, seems to have worked, I uninstalled that package and autoremoved these: cloud-init etckeeper libopts25 ntp powernap powernap-common python-cheetah ubuntu-orchestra-client ubuntu-orchestra-common15:22
BluesKajrifter, are you restarting pulseaudio daemon , if so why ?15:23
hakongramI got the testfile though...when running 'touch testfile' in terminal15:23
dr_willishakongram:  close your file manager - or refresh it15:23
dr_willisits confused and dident see the change perhaps15:23
RobikHello. I'm new to Ubuntu15:23
hakongramnope, same thing15:24
RobikI need to run explorer as root, but don't know how is it called15:24
DJoneshakongram: If you change a folder/partions properties by terminal, the change doesn't take effect until the desktop/nautilus is restarted (from memory anyway)15:24
dr_willishakongram:  you were IN /media/Downloads when you did the touch test?15:24
AdvoWorkim trying to install ubuntu 6.06(dont ask - i know its old) but its scrolling loads of errrors I cannot see, and a message about xorg or similar that I cant read, any suggestions?15:24
dr_williscd /media/Downloads     then  touch woopiee-it-worked15:24
hakongramok, so I have to restart DJones  ?15:25
hakongramwhat about the entry in f-something ?15:25
Newtoubuntuwhy all of a sudden does my grub screen show debian on the bottom right and is no longer purple?15:25
dr_willishakongram:  close your file manager window..open a new one.. perhaps15:26
sharketi will try to ask again15:30
sharketdoes anyone knows how to install SCSI devices in ubuntu ?15:31
rifterBluesKaj, hmm where should I check? aplay and paplay do not complain of missing alsa but I don't see it in lsmod or ps -ef15:41
rifterBluesKaj, alsamixer seemed to work okay too15:41
AdvoWorksubz3r0, and how can i get to that if it wont boot?15:41
=== perry_ is now known as Perry-dk
tdelamI am trying to do tar -cvf dir/ dir.tar but how do I log the output into a log file?15:41
rifterBluesKaj, I even heard a pop in my headphones when I unmuted the beep in alsamixer.  but paplay and aplay on wav files I heard nothing15:42
BluesKajrifter, perhaps the alsa driver itself isn't loading15:42
subz3r0AdvoWork, livecd mount the disk...15:42
riftertdelam, tar -cvf dir/ dir.tar 2>&1 | tee mylogfile.log15:42
tdelamrifter: thanks15:42
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AdvoWorksubz3r0, what will that help me do though?15:43
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=== DefectiveUser is now known as Guest23989
rifterBluesKaj, I would expect to get an error saying I could not find the alsa device if that was true.. but I am not.. but how can I check for the alsa driver. where would it show up? I would have thought it was in the modules15:43
=== troy_ is now known as Troy^
hakongramcan I just use pysdm instead of editing fstab?15:45
rax-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2046544 updated post at the bottom, any help would be appreciated15:45
silverarrowdoes anyone know where Flash Video Replacer have gone?15:45
rifterBluesKaj, here's my lsmod: http://pastebin.com/rTNRdh5F15:45
vericCan anyone help with a vid problem for 2 days i have red every forum possible i have  ubuntu 12.04,  restricted packs  java plugin  and shockwave flash installed only youtube html 5 vids will play no other web vids will play anythere any site  Tools/Add-ons Check to see if addons are up to date comes back good15:46
BluesKajrifter, "driver" is a misnomer , but i don't know what else to call it since it links to your audio module15:46
sharketdoes anyone know how to make the SAS harddrives been detected by the ubuntu instalation ?15:46
rifterBluesKaj, yeah but where do I look to see if it is loaded? I thought it was a module ...15:47
rifterBluesKaj, do you have any idea what directories pulseaudio might have stored someting that could be corrupted?  I'm gonna try another user and see how that works15:48
BluesKajrifter, I don't fool much with PA config files , since the setup i have is fairly straightforward , which the spdif digital out to an audio amplifier15:49
BluesKajwhich is15:50
rifterBluesKaj, I'm not talking about changing config files.  I'm talking about moving stuff under the home directory so it gets recreated from defaults15:50
GunArmdoes it do any good to do a mdadm --resync at periodic intervals?15:51
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GunArmor after --grow and resize2fs?15:51
rifterBluesKaj, I should not need to change config since that is not what started this problem.  again all I did was restart pulseaudio. since that seems to have broken it (it shouldn't) I would think that it might be corrupted files since rebooting should have had pulseaudio start and work just as it did before15:52
rifterBluesKaj, If I create a new user and it works, that would mean something under my home directory got horked15:52
gchristensenare there any debian packages for firefox versions between 3.6.3 and version 15 for Lucid?15:53
BluesKajrifter, perhaps purge PA and reinstall it will work15:53
RalliasIs there an absolute reason update-apt-xapian-index should run, or is it safe to turn off?15:54
rifterBluesKaj, if I do that I may as well reinstall the whole system because purging pulseaudio will remove the desktop and every sound dependant applicatioin15:56
rifterBluesKaj, I'll be back I guess.  gonna try the other user15:56
silverarrowgchristensen: not sure lucid is kept up? maybe15:58
ubottumaria: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:00
HAMKootLucid 10.04 LTS is supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)16:02
hakongramwhen I do a fdisk -l...I get a "the util fdisk doesn't support gpt"...is that something to worry about ?16:03
hakongramit's an empty ext4 formated hdd16:03
deppaWhy is it that when I have multiple users logged in and I try to shut down it just goes to the welcome screen?16:03
rifterBluesKaj, okay this is weird. sound works fine in t he login screen but when I log in either as my user or another user there is no sound. and I noticed now that the sound preferences shows "dummy output." so that makes me think pulseaudio is not looking at the right device.  so, again, how do I check for the driver and make sure pulseaudio looks at the right sound card?16:03
rifterBluesKaj, I thought I knew but I guess I don't16:04
HAMKoothakongram, what size hdd ? >2TB ?16:05
BluesKajrifter, in phonon device preferences , not sure what that is on unity or gnome , but it's part of phonon16:05
=== monkeyjuice is now known as rudybotdog
starZhi there, do you know if it's possible to fetchmail a google app account?16:06
rifterBluesKaj, okay I will check it because it is obvious now that the driver is getting unloaded somehow.. otherwise it would know where the sound card was instead of using dummy16:06
silverarrowgchristensen: yes I found one for Lucid https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox16:08
silverarrowshould down load and install from package manager16:08
BluesKajrifter, do an aplay -l , then we can see which audio driver module , needs to be "Card 0" default16:08
rifterBluesKaj, aplay -l shows my card as card016:09
=== rudybotdog is now known as monkeyjuice
BluesKajyes , but which driver is loaded16:10
deppaCan  anyone help me?16:10
silverarrowdeppa in distress !!16:10
deppaYES! haha16:10
silverarrowvirgin too?16:10
silverarrow;- )16:11
bazhang!behelpful | silverarrow16:11
ubottusilverarrow: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.16:11
^GeCk0^hey there, is there any ubuntu netbook remix for 12.04?16:11
rifterBluesKaj, it is just weird. pulseaudio does not see the card whereas it is in aplay16:11
silverarrowchance is very good someone can help16:11
silverarrowsorry, I shall behave bazhang16:11
bazhang^GeCk0^, not any longer16:11
bazhang!une | ^GeCk0^16:11
ubottu^GeCk0^: Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.16:11
deppasilverarrow: When I shut down or restart, it just goes to the welcome screen and if I try to shut down or restart from there, it won't work. I have to manually turn of the pc.16:12
^GeCk0^bazhang, so witch version of ubuntu/witch desktop should i use now ?16:12
^GeCk0^or can i use the old version and update it?16:12
bazhang^GeCk0^, 12.04 choose yourself16:12
bazhang!notunity | ^GeCk0^16:12
ubottu^GeCk0^: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:12
rifterBluesKaj, is there a way to tell it to go look again for cards?16:13
silverarrowdeppa, so some sort of error in the boot menu funtions16:13
^GeCk0^hm ok thanks16:13
hakongramok, got fstab working fine....youtube is my friend ;-)16:13
rifterBluesKaj, what I don't get is the login screen is using pulseaudio and it works fine16:14
BluesKajrifter, what chip is listed in alsamixer?16:14
silverarrowdeppa, you mean you have to hold in the on/off button to shut down?16:14
rifterBluesKaj, HDA NVidia  which is what shows in aplay -l16:14
deppasilverarrow: yes16:14
silverarrowdeppa I see, that must be sorted out16:15
rifterBluesKaj, gonna try rebooting again.. and see what is up16:15
deppasilverarrow: yes16:15
user82what is the correct syntax for "screen strings * | grep any" when i want the whoel command in the screen incl grep16:16
deppasilverarrow: Also, it only happens when I have multiple users logged on. If it is just me that is logged on, I can shut down/restart with no problem.16:17
silverarrowdeppa: I see, that complicates it a bit16:18
BluesKajrifter, what does lsmod | grep snd output , pastebin pls16:19
silverarrowdeppa, do you log out before shutdown or go straight for shutdown?16:19
amr_hello, every time I open my ubuntu 12 system, I need to go to disks and activate my swap partition, to enable the hibernate function, any advice to let it be automatically set?16:19
deppasilverarrow: I go straight to shut down.16:20
silverarrowdeppa: which should work fine really16:20
silverarrowbut it is not16:20
trijntjeamr_: how do you activate your swap partition? What command?16:20
silverarrowdeppa, and from logged out mode?16:20
amr_I open disks program then click on the external disk which have my 5G swap partition then click on 'activate swap space' button16:21
rifterBluesKaj, well it's the same. sound works in the login screen but once I log in as myself or the new user I created to test this I have no sound, and the sound settings show "dummy output."  I don't have anything phonon installed as far as I can tell.  Do you know how I can tell pulseaudio to look at the cards again?16:21
deppasilverarrow: Well, it goes into logged out mode after I click shut down and from there, it won't let me shut down no matter how many times I click the button.16:22
amr_trijntje:  I open disks program then click on the external disk which have my 5G swap partition then click on 'activate swap space' button16:22
rifterBluesKaj, then again it's really strange since the login screen would use pulseaudio also16:22
milo_I just ran in to a kernel panic... I can't press the power button for 5 seconds to turn off my computer. What can I do?16:22
trijntjeamr_: which program?16:22
amr_Disks, it's default in the system16:22
Newtoubuntui am using cairo dock, i had my windows music folders and such working fine, on a reboot they show as empty or unreadable through the dock. why is this and how can i fix that16:23
milo_on a laptop16:23
silverarrowdeppa, I think you have to be logged out on all accounts to be allowed to shutdown or reboot?16:23
trijntjemilo_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key16:23
amr_trijntje: disks16:23
silverarrowdeppa, did you double check for all logged out on all accounts16:23
silverarrowdeppa, I am just trouble shooting all options16:24
BluesKajrifter, maybe the login just uses alsa and not pulse16:24
milo_trijntje, thanks... I was just about to force remove the laptop's battery. :s16:24
hongzhimingHi, Could anyone can help me confirm if Nautilus in Ubuntu 12.04 has file tagging support?16:24
trijntjeamr_: you can add an extra line to /etc/fstab for your swap file16:24
rifterBluesKaj, possible...16:24
syntaxxanyone here who can help me on how can i change the "ubuntu 12.04" text on full encryption?16:25
deppasilverarrow: No. I just shut down. I know for a fact that my mom has been logged in when I try to shut down and that's when it happens. Is it impossible for anyone to shut down if other users are logged in?16:25
amr_trijntje, how?16:25
trijntjeamr_: if your swap is on /dev/sdX, put in:16:25
trijntje/dev/sdX none swap sw 0 016:25
silverarrowdeppa, admin user should be able to shutdown directly16:25
silverarrownot the others16:25
deppasilverarrow: and I am adimin so that's weird.16:25
trijntjeamr_: first find out where your swap partition is, and then edit /etc/fstab with alt+f2 -> gksu gedit /etc/fstab16:25
saviowho is using rvm16:26
savioanybody using rvm16:26
savioi had problem installing gem16:27
amr_trijntje: i found this line in fstab file >>>>>> # swap was on /dev/sdb5 during installation16:27
amr_UUID=5463df7e-58f8-423d-b37b-3de5e0ed5265 none            swap    sw              0       016:27
silverarrowdeppa,  I found thread on the Ubuntu forum on this, and there seem to have been a bug affecting several, but it was in Mai16:27
silverarrowdeppa, and for 12.0416:27
trijntje!ask | savio16:27
ubottusavio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:27
silverarrowshould have been sorted out by now16:27
gyre007anyone knows how do I find the processes which start on boot automatically...something like update-rc.d stuff im missing ??16:28
deppasilverarrow: Well I just installed Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity the other day.16:28
silverarrowyou have done all updates ?16:28
silverarrowdeppa, updates should really have taken care of this if the bug is fixed16:29
amr_trijntje, do i have to comment this line and write what you tell me?16:29
syntaxxno one?16:29
deppasilverarrow: This is quite a quandary.16:29
trijntjeamr_: that looks like your swap partition. What happens when you run the following in a terminal (ctrl + alt + t): sudo swapoff -a && sudo swapon -a16:30
trijntjedo you still have a swap afterwards?16:30
user82asking again: what is the correct syntax for "screen strings * | grep any" when i want the whoel command in the screen incl grep16:30
silverarrowyes, and I am afraid you need someone who knows the boot-functions better than I do, but hang around, there are people who know here16:31
amr_trijntje: here is the result >> swapon: cannot find the device for UUID=5463df7e-58f8-423d-b37b-3de5e0ed526516:31
silverarrowdeppa,sorry that was intended for you16:31
deppasilverarrow: I saw it. Thank you so much, though!16:31
trijntjeuser82: I dont understand the question16:31
trijntjeamr_: looks like you changed or moved your swap partition, and that is why it's not activated automatically16:32
silverarrowdeppa, you can try with double checking for logged out for all users at least16:32
rifterBluesKaj, found the answer. looks like I had installed randomsound which is a program that gets entropy from the sound card16:32
trijntjedo you know which partition you swap is on?16:32
kstampo what are the files that are related to groups management16:32
kstampoother than etc/group16:32
FloodBot1kstampo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
silverarrowdeppa, until you get real solution16:32
rifterBluesKaj, removing that is what fixed it16:32
deppasilverarrow: can I log others out using the terminal?16:32
user82trijntje if i do "screen strings * | grep any" i get "strings *" in the screen and the | grep any uses the stdout of screen16:32
amr_I commented the uuid by # in the first of the line and will put this line instead >> /dev/sdb5 none swap sw 0 016:32
user82that is not what i wanted..i wanted the whole thing packed into screen16:33
silverarrowdeppa, not sure, but I think so16:33
amr_trijntje: I commented the uuid by # in the first of the line and will put this line instead >> /dev/sdb5 none swap sw 0 0          is this a good idea?16:33
trijntjeamr_: if /dev/sdb5 is your swap partition: yes16:33
silverarrowwell, everything can be done from terminal if you just know how deppa, but I am learning this too16:33
amr_trijntje, yes it should be , thank you i will restart and see16:34
silverarrowdeppa, let me check16:34
kstampohelp please ?16:34
deppasilverarrow: ok thanks!16:34
Newtoubuntuhow do  i correctly integrate my windows folders on cardio dock?16:34
silverarrowdeppa, have you tried "sudo shutdown" in terminal?16:34
silverarrowor "sudo reboot" deppa?16:35
Newtoubuntua drag n drop worked but on reboot wasnt able to access the files again through the dock shortcuts16:35
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deppasilverarrow: I can try.16:35
trijntjeuser82: still not getting it. Can you explain what you want to do in words?16:35
Guest21699anyone know if the ubuntu purchase store is down and for how long?16:35
Newtoubuntudr_willis, maybe you could help me16:36
kstampo what are the files that are related to groups management ?16:36
silverarrowdeppa, I found this guide, you have to shroll down to 11.10 version which is the same as for 12.0416:36
user82trijntje i want to run "string * | grep any" which prints the strings in all files in the dir and then searches for the term any so only results with any is what i get. and this whole thing i want to get into a screen so i can detach it16:36
silverarrowdeppa http://askubuntu.com/questions/15795/how-can-you-log-out-via-the-terminal16:36
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J0nathan-toI would like to "not use standard gateway" on a vpn connection, so I could use my own internet as well as resources on vpn network. Help?16:36
user82trijntje  but if i put screen in front of it the | goes wrong16:37
milindI want to upload a base 64 image16:37
silverarrowdeppa, in general it seems to be "gnome-session quit"16:37
user82so i thought maybe i need screen 'string * | grep any' or so on16:37
milindin django forms, does the usual filefield in django model work?16:37
user82to get the | grep to sue the stdout of string not for screen16:38
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silverarrowdeppa, this is rather new to me to, I don`t have multiple users on my computer16:38
deppa_silverarrow: I tried using the terminal. The command was sudo shutdown -r now to restart16:38
silverarrowdeppa_: I think I have used simple "sudo reboot" from terminal and it has worke, but then again I don`t have multiple users16:41
Sokeldeppa_: sudo init 616:41
deppa_Sokel: Can you help with this problem?16:42
Sokeldeppa_: What's the problem exactly16:43
amr_trijntje, thank you all work fine now16:44
silverarrowdeppa_   Sokel , if it is still a bug with boot manger or user-account manager it should be reported?16:44
deppa_Sokel: When I try to reboot/shut down with multiple users logged in,  it will take me to the welcome screen and will not shut down/restart even when I press the button from there. I have to hold the power button to shut down.16:44
Sokeldeppa_: Why can't you just type sudo init 6 at the terminal16:44
deppa_Sokel: Well I could but my mom also uses this computer and I don't think she would know how to use the terminal (she's older haha).16:45
Sokeldeppa_: Ever thought about logging out when you're done?16:46
silverarrowdeppa_: I think it`s more practis than age really16:46
deppa_Sokel: Yeah but I just think it would be so much easier just to use the shut down button.16:46
dontknowwith intel hd4000 graphics can you watch mkv videos with hardware acceleration?16:47
silverarrowdeppa_: tru it should be fixed16:47
Sokeldeppa_: So what you're saying is... you'd rather stay logged in when you're done using the computer? If you're done using it and others use it, just log off. If a single user is logged in, then it should shut down normally.16:47
silverarrowtypos galore today16:47
dontknowit is intel core i5 ivy bridge graphics16:48
deppa_Sokel: But I would rather fix the problem than try to find my way around it.16:48
silverarrowdeppa_: the simplest really is to check for users logged in, even if admin-user should be able to shut-down directly16:49
Sokeldeppa_: Lookup policy kit. And then you can fix that issue.16:49
Sokeldeppa_: It's a policy in place that says if others are logged in, no system shut down.16:49
deppa_silverarrow Sokel: Thanks to you both!16:50
saviotrijntje, i had problem with installing gem i install ruby with rvm16:50
J0nathan-toI would like to "not use standard gateway" on a vpn connection, so I could use my own internet as well as resources on vpn network. Help?16:50
silverarrowdeppa_:  :- )16:51
dontknowcan you watch mkv videos hardware accelerated with intel hd 4000 gpu integrated in core i5? hardware accelerated means gpu making decoding not cpu16:54
subz3r0!vdpau | dontknow16:56
DinMammaHi yall. Im having a DBserver running mongodb which is backed by a raid0(512+256 SSD) running on a ESXi host. When I query my machine really hard it sometimes locks up.16:57
dontknowsubz3r0, yes nvidia uses it. i am asking if it works with intel hd 400016:57
savioi have problem installing gem with rvm16:57
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DinMammaLoad goes up to 40 and I cant stop the mongoprocess or restart the machine, I have to "hard restart" it. I guess this is related to a faulty disk, but smart-ctl doesnt seem to work in ESXi guests.16:58
DinMammaIs that a common pattern amongs disk-failures? Mega-load and unable to kill processes and restart the machine(init 6)16:58
sharketWhy ubuntu installer is not loading my SAS drives16:58
DinMammaIts very irregular how the machine locks up, sometime it takes a couple of hours, sometimes ~30 min. As long as I dont query the DB hard everything is groovy.16:59
kcinhi, I'm looking for ebook management app but not calibre, are there any other application?17:04
faLUCEhi. I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04. However, in /etc/apt/sources.list I still see "oneiric" in the lines of repos17:05
syntaxxanyone know how can i change the encrypted plymouth logo/text?17:06
Kiihi there17:06
KiiI need support :p17:06
Kiidoes anyone has 5min ?17:06
KiiI want to mount an internal DD, but once I try to mount it, it is said that it's not a block17:07
sloopyI wish i had 5min... would be very useful to me...17:07
Kiisloopy: isn't 24H a day enough ?17:07
sloopyKii, how is it failing to mount?17:07
KiiI think i try to mount something already mounted17:08
SolarisBoyKii: a DD? like a dd image?17:08
sloopyKii, i am up 18-20 hours/day... and still behind...17:08
Kiiho, sory, DD is french for harddrive17:08
Kiidisque dur ...17:08
Kiimeans "harsh"17:09
SolarisBoyahh cool17:09
sloopyit is (uncommonly) used in the US, but HD/HDD is most common..17:09
Studiousis it bad when smoke is coming out of my laptop?17:09
KiiStudious: it seems so17:09
SolarisBoyStudious: most likely17:09
SolarisBoyStudious: at which point one would assume something is burning17:10
sloopyStudious, this has been known to cause problems...17:10
Kiiso, my HDD is mounted in /media/DATA, but I don't think it's mounted automaticly17:10
SolarisBoyremove laptop from lap immediately or face severe burning17:10
Studiouslast time it caught fire and I had to do a whole lot of spitting to put it out17:10
Studiousgood thing I spit dollar bills17:11
sloopyKii, is it listed in fstab?17:11
Kiido i have to mount from /dev ?17:11
SolarisBoywell as logical at that seems fire nor water are healthy for a computer17:11
Kiii dont have fstab :/17:11
dr_willisyes you do ;)17:11
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:11
SolarisBoyfstabs always there =)17:11
sloopydr_willis, greetings, been a while...17:12
SolarisBoyits like michael meyers (@bad fstab jokes)17:12
Kii"command not found" I'll dl it17:12
SolarisBoyKii: its a file17:12
dr_willisKii:  fstab is not a command.....17:12
Kiisorry xD17:12
SolarisBoyKii: view /etc/fstab take a loow17:12
sloopyKii, um, read the bot preachings again...17:12
dr_willisyes. a read of the bot url pages.. would be handy17:13
Kiiallright, i opened it, what should i see ?17:13
SolarisBoythe layout of your drives and how they are mounted17:13
sloopya list of partitions to be mounted...17:13
SolarisBoyalong with what options they are mounted with and which drivers17:13
Kiidoes this "ext4    errors=remount-ro" is significant ?17:14
SolarisBoyKii: which line do you see that on? thats not a complete line17:14
sloopyKii, yeah, it means that partition is formated with ext4, and if there are errors on it, it is to be mounted read-only17:14
SolarisBoyKii: is it on the line of the disk/partition you are having problems with?17:14
Kiibut i wanted to find where it was in /dev17:15
Kiii found it17:15
shinigamithere anyone hacker !!17:15
SolarisBoyKii: is there a file system on the device?17:15
Kiinow i think i can mount it17:15
ActionParsnipshinigami: try ##network17:15
shinigamiok thx17:15
SolarisBoylol @ that ActionParsnip17:15
shinigamijoin /#network17:16
dr_willisor #lumberjacks17:16
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SolarisBoybut you wont like it in there..17:16
ActionParsnipshinigami: try:  /join #networks17:16
tavlabout make/makefiles... suppose that "foo.out" depends on "foo.c" and "bar.a"... is there a way to avoid rebuilding "bar.a", even if "bar.c" is newer (or even absent)?17:16
SolarisBoyKii: becareful17:17
ActionParsniptavl: i'd ask in #programming17:17
ActionParsniptavl: i believe you can touch the file, then rebuild (maybe)17:17
Newtoubuntuis there a way i can keep my windows partition mounted permanently?17:17
SolarisBoysure Newtoubuntu17:18
SolarisBoyput it in fstab and use the relevant driver most likely ntfs-3g17:18
dr_willisNewtoubuntu: put an entry in the fstab file for it17:18
ActionParsnipNewtoubuntu: add an entry for it in /etc/fstab17:18
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:18
dr_willis!fstab > Newtoubuntu17:18
ubottuNewtoubuntu, please see my private message17:18
* SolarisBoy eats a donut17:18
Kiii mounted the wrong partition17:19
tavlActionParsnip, ty17:19
SolarisBoyKii: be careful17:19
Newtoubuntuthanks all. lemme try this now :)17:19
Kiiyep yep17:19
Kiii'm busy right now17:19
SolarisBoyKii: be happy you were just mounting and not formatting =)17:19
Kiihum, i should come to you late17:19
Kiiyeah yeah I know17:19
arosenHi, I'm trying to use the system wide proxy in ubuntu but when i do that it breaks the tunnel connection that i've already setup. Any iddeas?17:19
SolarisBoylol ok17:19
SolarisBoysounds like something that needs some sox17:20
JoseeAntonioRHello, acer17:22
acerim getting these messages17:22
acerW:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found17:22
acer, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found17:22
acer, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found17:22
acer, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:22
FloodBot1acer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
aceron update manager17:22
theadminacer: Remove all third-party repositories.17:23
ActionParsnipacer: a quick visit to http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/   will show it doesn't support precise17:23
sloopythose bots are vicious :')17:23
aceri get that error17:23
ActionParsnipacer: try not spamming and do some research, helps a lot17:23
acerhow do i stop from getting those messages then17:24
ActionParsnipacer: hammering paste doesn't make anyone want to help you any more and gets you kicked17:24
aceron update manager17:24
ActionParsnipacer: remove the PPA, clearly17:24
aceron top left of ubuntu 12.04 theres this red "danger!" marker because of this17:24
acerhow do i do that :s17:24
ActionParsnipacer: yes, because the PPA you added doesn't support Precise, which you are using17:25
acerhow do i remove it17:25
ActionParsnipacer: you can use software centre, or delete the relevant files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d17:25
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ActionParsnipacer: have some patience, I'm not that fast17:25
tagrapeHi, Question :: I've mounted a drive. Now I want to mount the folders in the external drive to folders on my local server drive. Is this something I can just do in fstab ?17:25
ActionParsnipacer: give people time to think, and to type17:25
aceri understand :) its ok17:25
zoktarehm, so i found out i need to reinstall ubuntu, just so that i can get raid on my other 2 disks. Is it possible to make like a clone of my install and reinsert it later?.17:25
acerthank you, i will do what you told me17:26
ActionParsnipacer: are you always this impatient, its particularly annoying17:26
javierf_Hi. I'm trying to combine two icon themes. When I go to icons on root nautilus, if I make a copy of the folder I want to use to start modifying it, if I choose that folder as icon theme, it's nothing like its copy (and, since it's its copy, should look the same). What am I missing? Thanks for help!17:26
Pierrebanyone know how to setup hdmi sound for nvidia gt 240 in xbmc with pulseaudio? default/non high quality sound stuff works but others dont :-/17:26
ActionParsnipPierreb: is the hdmi set as the output device in sound settings?17:26
ActionParsnipPierreb: is it set in alsamixer too?17:27
kubancHellow! I've installed ISO image of Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit on USB key with unetbootin and i get BOOTMGR is missing17:27
kubancand ideas?17:27
ActionParsnipPierreb: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc17:27
uberamdkubanc: did you install grub?17:27
ActionParsnipkubanc: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?17:27
jgcampbell300i have ubuntu 12.04 maas juju installed ... eth0 for lan and eth1 for internet ... and i am trying to figgure out why i only have nameserver .. i am trying to figgure out how i can use dns on web for eth1 and local dns for eth0 and wondering why there is no search defaultdomain in resolv.conf eather17:27
PierrebActionParsnip: presise17:27
acerActionParsnip, i'm not impatient as not allowing you to type, but in as not bothering waiting for a message board reply, sometimes people skip the text after, dont worry, no need to feel im beeing impatient at all17:28
PierrebActionParsnip: yes it is i can play in vlc too and get sound17:28
ActionParsnipPierreb: then you have a corrpted OS, it's spelt incorrectly17:28
PierrebActionParsnip: you think?17:28
kubancActionParsnip, NO17:28
chris__Hi, looking for a spot of help17:28
uberamdjgcampbell300: are you configured via dhcp?17:28
ActionParsnipacer: well when you reply so quickly to prompt for responce within only a few seconds, you come across as such17:28
PierrebActionParsnip: i would guess i was spelling wrong but sure be a smartass17:28
uberamdchris__: just ask17:28
ActionParsnipkubanc: then how did you know the ISO was complete and consistent?17:29
chris__installed 12.04 and everything was running smooth, then i wanted to remove and fresh install, with a swap drive inc. etc... what do people recomend for a partition list?17:29
ActionParsnipPierreb: all you had to do was copy and paste it,17:29
kubancActionParsnip, I'm hoping everytinh is OK17:29
uberamdkubanc: i've seen installs where grub either iddn't install or it went to the wrong partition17:29
ActionParsnipkubanc: thats not suficient17:29
jgcampbell300uberamd: i have read throu most of the config and templets and i am not sure where to make changes safely17:29
kubancActionParsnip, I agree17:29
uberamdjgcampbell300: but is eth0 and eth1 configured via dhcp?17:29
kubancActionParsnip, does it matter if i have fat32 or ntfs usb key?17:29
PierrebActionParsnip: precise, happy? :)17:30
jgcampbell300uberamd: oh .. no ... interfaces17:30
uberamdkubanc: if it installed then no...17:30
ActionParsnipkubanc: use FAT32 but you need to check the ISO is good17:30
ActionParsnipPierreb: sounds like an XBMC setting17:30
chris__when installing ubuntu, is it worth having a boot drive, storage area and a swap drive?17:30
chris__or all in one?17:30
uberamdchris__: if you're a beginner then all in 1 is fine17:31
PierrebActionParsnip: i would guess so too17:31
uberamdchris__: I usually give myself a 200MB boot and 2xRAM swap17:31
ActionParsnipPierreb: try in #xbmc too:)17:31
chris__in ext2,3 or 4?17:31
uberamdchris__: I personally do ext3 for boot, ext4 for /17:31
ActionParsnipuberamd: why a seperate partition for boot?17:32
chris__i was thinking about a 4gb swap, 20gb for boot and remaining 250ish for storage space17:32
uberamdchris__: swap doesn't need to be > 200MB17:32
kubancActionParsnip, lol, the the md5 showed different :D17:32
uberamdchris__: er... boot lol17:32
uberamdchris__: boot is used by grub, 200MB is more than enough17:32
ActionParsnipkubanc: always ALWAYS check the MD5sum of the ISO yo download. Its there for a reason17:32
ActionParsnipkubanc: its the first thing I always ask and everyone replies 'no'17:33
uberamdActionParsnip: kubanc he is right. However, and this is just anecdotal, but I've never MD5summed an ISO in 15 years and haven't ever had a problem.17:33
chris__ok, so make an ext3 space of 200mb for boot and 4gb swap with 270gb in ext4 for files etc...17:33
chris__ive checked the MD5sum and all is fine17:33
uberamdchris__: yes. If you plan to do a lot of development then maybe up swap17:33
ActionParsnipuberamd: must've got lucky, or used torrent17:34
=== ^GeCk0^ is now known as DjGeCk0
chris__like 10gb swap?17:34
jgcampbell300uberamd: do i need to configure eth0 and eth1 in dnsmasq.conf17:34
ActionParsnipuberamd: swap needs to be a little bigger than RAM if you need suspend etc17:34
uberamdchris__: it wouldn't hurt. Some projects I've done require 8GB swap or more17:34
uberamdActionParsnip: I have a rule, swap = 2xRAM17:34
chris__i'll go 10gb swap then, and just have one large 290GB space in ext3 for the installation and files?17:35
ActionParsnipuberamd: only if you have less than 2Gb RAM17:35
uberamdchris__: I'd do ext4 for /17:35
tagrapechris__, I also use a setup where my /home dirs are on a different partition as well.17:36
chris__is it worth me making a boot?17:36
uberamdchris__: i would, set it as ext3, and 200MB. fairly easy.17:36
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chris__just adding a partition to the list. doing it on custom install option when installing17:37
uberamdchris__: advanced users do what tagrape said and put /home on a diff partition. However then you really need to know how bit you want / compared to /home17:37
loganrunI am getting some emacs23-x that apparently crashes at login17:37
loganrunand always wants to send a bug report17:37
chris__do i need to make the 200mb boot the primary?17:38
uberamdchris__: You can make them all primary if you want17:38
chris__200mb boot for ubuntu12.04, that just seems really small17:38
uberamdchris__: Boot only contains grub files, it doesn't contain the Ubuntu ISO or anything. You'll likely have < 100 MB used after install17:39
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uberamdchris__: i wont stop you from making it 50TB if you want, but that's a waste of space.17:39
chris__uberamd: you recommend i make a seperate /home aswel or just have the remaining space as /17:40
chris__uberamd: lol17:40
dspohn_hi all17:40
uberamdchris__: no, I don't do seperate /home. Why? because do you know how big you want /home? All your downloads will go there. Music, etc. So you need to make /home huge but leave enough space for / which is hard to know17:41
chris__uberamd: ok, i'll just run with / in ext4 for the remaining17:41
uberamdchris__: perfect17:41
uberamdchris__: some info at: http://superuser.com/questions/66015/installing-ubuntu-do-i-really-need-a-boot-parition17:42
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J0nathan-toI would like to "not use standard gateway" on a vpn connection, so I could use my own internet as well as resources on vpn network. Help?17:43
chris__uberamd: thanks, one last question, is it better to have primary or logical?17:43
uberamdchris__: I do primary for everything until I can't make anymore then I use logical. There are differences, but generally end users should just go primary unless the installer says they cant17:43
uberamdchris__: a hard drive can have (iirc) 6 primary partitions17:43
gaurav__Hii all I am gaurav from india.17:44
loganrunis lircd still used for getting the input from the IR sensor on my tuner card?17:44
gaurav__I have an issue. I am working in an academic institution and recently procured 2 IBM servers.  Server: IBM x3400 m3 model and ncomputing solution.17:45
chris__uberamd: thats cool. just setting up the new partitions, completely wiped the prev ubuntu install, and adding 200mb ext3 /boot, 10gb swap and 309GB /17:46
Studiousgaurav_: IBM... there is the problem.17:46
uberamdchris__: looks good!17:46
uberamdchris__: i was wrong, not that it matters. A drive can have 4 primary partitions, the rest need to be logical/extended. However it really makes no difference to the OS whether its pri/logi17:47
loganrunis there any easy way to get IR set up. it used to work on my pchdtv card, but I no longer have room for that card on my system. now I need to get it working on my pchdtv card17:47
gaurav__I wasn't able to install 10.04 server on the server. The hardware didn't had any issue if i installed the ubuntu 10.04 but it didn't boot at all.17:47
loganrunpcHDTV HD5000 HDTV I think17:47
uberamdgaurav__: did you install grub?17:47
uberamdgaurav__: or did the install cd not boot?17:48
tagrapegaurav__, Use the live CD to look at the install and make sure all the confs needed like grub were installed17:48
chris__uberamd: does it matter if the new partitions go at the beginning or at the end?17:48
gaurav__Studious: Yes. I did17:48
tagrapegaurav__, that's where i'd start.17:48
uberamdchris__: I start at the beginning and work my way to the end. /boot will be at 0-200MB, swap will be from 201-XXXXMB, etc17:49
gaurav__Studious: I installed the system, but when i restarted the system it didn't boot at all.17:49
uberamdgaurav__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:49
Studiousgaurav_: go into the bios, and check to make sure the disk that the os is installed is 1st in boot order17:50
gaurav__Studious: I did that and it was in first boot order. Since when i installed windows server 2008 it booted correctly17:51
gaurav__Studious: but ubuntu didn't17:51
Studiousgaurav_: when you installed the os, did you format the disk or partition it?17:51
Shadow``MBR can be somewhere else then where the OS is installed tho17:52
Studiousgaurav_: if you are dual booting with server 2008, then the bootloader grub must be on mbr17:52
chris__uberamd: do you guys bother encrypting the home folder?17:52
Studiousgaurav_: so you can choose between server 2008 and ubuntu17:52
uberamdchris__: nada. It lets me access it from other accounts if needed17:52
gaurav__Studious:i also tried boot-repair utility it also didn;t hempled me17:53
Shadow``its more for shared systems or when u have really important data someone might want to steal17:53
gaurav__Studious:i want to use ubuntu anyhow. because ubuntu is faster and more responsive than windows.17:54
Studiousgaurav_: what happens when you turn the server on? just hangs with black screen or does it show/say anything17:54
gaurav__Studious:i am dual booting with windows 2008. Server boots into windows17:55
Studiousgaurav_: so then you need to edit boot.ini in windows to include the ubuntu partition in the menuentry bootorder17:56
Studiousgaurav_: this way you can select ubuntu on server bootup17:56
gaurav__Studious: one more information i want give at this moment. The server has EFI in it.17:57
Studiousgaurav_: Oh does it? so then now do this... you need to go open your fridge, take a egg, bring a screwdriver, open the server, and cook me an ommlette.17:58
theannihilatorwhen is ubuntu going to rolling release?17:58
Picitheannihilator: never.17:59
Shadow``but if u install ubuntu after windows, grub should have windows added in its boot menu :/17:59
Shadow``run debian sid17:59
Shadow``thats a rolling release17:59
uberamdtheannihilator: Ubuntu should never be a rolling release, much like Fedora17:59
acerhow do i run this command on ubuntu 12.04: setenv CPP_FLAGS -I/usr/local/include/  , because setenv doesnt exist17:59
chris__uberamd: all looks to be working, thanks for you help bud17:59
uberamdchris__: no prob, enjoy :)17:59
theannihilatori always have to reinstall ubuntu cause i get update failures...18:00
gaurav__Studious: I am sorry if i offended you.18:00
Shadow``if u get a linux distro working, dont touch it =p18:00
uberamdShadow`: ain't that the truth18:00
theannihilatorso ubuntu is not for me lol18:00
theannihilatori like bleeding edge18:00
uberamdShadow`: to expand, don't reboot it either18:00
Shadow``theannihilator then get Debian Sid18:01
uberamdDebian Sid or Mint LMDE18:01
Shadow``that one is always upto date for the latest and the greatest18:01
dr_willisi reinstall every relese to clean out the crud i hear= about and install from being in here. ;)18:01
Shadow``uberamd: i rather not reboot any working production system :p18:01
Shadow``2 weeks ago i had a successfull upgrade from 8.04 to 12.04 tho18:01
uberamdShadow`: We rarely do and a VMware outage yesterday caused a bunch of servers to come back up with read-only file systems18:01
ImprintMy unity 3d isn't working, but while booting up with the iso cd, unity 3d works, any suggestions?18:02
uberamdShadow`: it only impacted ones with > 200 days of uptime. FIgure that one out.18:02
Shadow``uberamd not windows 98?18:02
uberamdShadow`: Debian :P18:02
uberamdShadow`: Yeah, it was odd. Every 200 day uptime server resumed on the vmware cluster with 1000 load and read-only fs18:03
Shadow``uberamd: very weird :/ but yea i bet its a b to figure that one out18:03
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
rax-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2046544 updated post at the bottom, any help would be appreciated18:03
uberamdShadow`: yea: http://i.imgur.com/422bo.png lolol18:04
Shadow``never had uptime issues with debian tho, at least as server... its a horrid client distro18:04
javierf_can't figure out why if I duplicate an icon theme, the second one, which is supposed (and it is) to be a copy of the first one, looks totally different when applied18:04
Shadow``uberamd: highest load i've seen =p18:05
ImprintI installed Ubuntu and My unity 3d isn't working, but while booting up with the iso CD unity 3d works, any suggestions?18:05
Shadow``install drivers18:06
kubanci'm trying to install ubuntu over USb key, and i cannot get any picture on my LCD. Any idea?18:06
ImprintImprint I installed drivers, but nothing is working so far18:06
Shadow``check your xorg.conf, usually GPU acceleration isnt setup properly18:07
=== Shaun_ is now known as Shaun
ImprintShadow Ok how do I set up GPU accelerations correctly?18:07
Shadow``depends on your GPU18:08
gaurav__Please can someone explain me why ubuntu doesn't boot after install on EFI partition on the server.18:08
Shadow``did ur win2k8 boot gaurav__?18:08
gaurav__Shadow``:  Yes18:08
Shadow``and u installed ubuntu after win2k8?18:09
jklowdenHi, I just installed LTS server on virtualbox, and can't install X.  sudo apt-get install xorg (or anything else) fails with "Unable to locate package".  sources.list includes "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise multiverse".  What to do?18:09
Shadow``jklowden: open your sources.list18:09
Shadow``remove ur CD line18:09
Shadow``or comment it out rather18:10
gaurav__Shadow` `  :  Yes. I tried both the methods.18:10
jklowdenThanks.  It prefers CD because it's first?18:10
Shadow``it wont go to others18:10
Shadow``gaurav__: try to make a bootable USB with grub, configure it to boot Win2k8 and Ubuntu from the disks?18:10
amr_drivers app didn't open on my ubuntu 12 ,any advice?18:10
NoCodeWill the alt. image work for USB key as well as the desktop version?18:11
NoCodefor installing.18:11
Shadow``all bootable ISO's can be set for USB installs18:11
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NoCodeSo is the alternate image a bootable image?18:12
gaurav__Shadow``  :  We have two servers. So then i always have to use the same methods for both?18:12
Shadow``no but it is a way to figure out if you can make it bootable from grub18:12
Shadow``then use grub as bootloader18:12
jklowdenNope, no cd line.  "grep '^deb[^-]' /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -i cd" returns nothing.18:13
Shadow``just cat it :P18:13
NoCodei have no idea who you're talking to18:13
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:13
NoCodeso i'll just use the desktop image18:13
gaurav__Shadow`` : Thanks for the help extended. I will try and then post the results here again. Thank you very much for your time.18:13
Shadow``just take the desktop image indeed NoCode18:14
Shadow``no prob gaurav__, good luck :)18:14
NoCodeOkay, thanks.18:14
jklowdenShadow, you want to see the whole thing here?18:14
NoCodeis 64bit just as good as 32bit? Is there much difference between both?18:14
Shadow``theres only repos in your sources.list?18:15
Shadow``NoCode if you got a 64bit chipset, get the 64bit18:15
jklowdenShadow, everything starting with "deb" is http.18:15
hamdyHi, I've  a laptop with nvidia graphics card , and I've removed the propriatery driver from my system and installed the binary driver from nvidia .... Now suspend causing system to crash and more over I can't re-install the propriatery driver any suggestions?18:16
Shadow``try apt-cache search xorg18:16
Shadow``or possibly, apt-cache update before18:16
NoCode!install > NoCode18:16
ubottuNoCode, please see my private message18:16
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baxter001Does anyone know why I can't find dnotifiy in 12.04? Is there an alternative?18:18
NoCodeShould I install Ubuntu first then install Windows?18:18
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:18
black_13how do a post-installation change to see the name of my ubuntu system to belong to certain domain and to not use the dhcp to change the hostname?18:18
Shadow``windows first, then ubuntu NoCode18:18
Shadow``easier, no effort in setting your boot manager ;) ubuntu/grub will take care of booting windows for you (usually)18:18
jklowdenShadow that yields 6 answers, including libx11-6, which seems close.  I just want the client side libraries so I can use an exported display.  I'm not running an X server on the vm.18:20
ImprintShadow so with the xorg.config how do you change that to get the 3d to work?18:20
Shadow``Imprint what GPU you got?18:21
ImprintShadow how to you find that?18:21
Shadow``lshw | grep GPU?18:21
=== diddledan is now known as zz_diddledan
NoCodeHow much space should I give Ubuntu18:22
Shadow``depends, i'd give it several dozen tho18:22
anshulNoCode : 50 GB should be fine... the more the better18:22
NoCodeI am going for 50gb Windows, 4gb SWAP, 46gb Ubuntu?18:22
Shadow``windows 7 on 50gb?18:23
ImprintShadow my gpu is a NVidia GeForce GT 525M18:23
Shadow``if thats going to be your main OS, you'll run into space problems after a while tho :P18:23
anshulhow much space do you have ?18:23
NoCodeShadow`, That's my current installation and I've had it for a few years.18:23
Shadow``Imprint: download the nvidia drivers?18:23
Shadow``heh, lucky man with tiny winsxs folder =p18:23
jklowdenShadow, apt-cache search xorg yields these installed (?) packages: libxdmcp6 libxmuu1 libxext6 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6.18:24
ImprintShadow'': Ya I did that, but didn't work18:24
NoCodeI've using 35gb up on my windows partition18:24
Shadow``it does depend on how you use it NoCode18:24
Shadow``if it works so far, keep on doing so18:24
Shadow``jklowden: ye X11 is usually already installed :/18:25
anshulhow to open .msg files  ?18:25
NoCodeYah, so i'll just make a 5gb partition since I only use 35.5gb on my windows partition. 50gb for my Ubuntu, 4gb Swap, and the rest DATA18:25
anshulgedit shows hes stuff18:25
mcdanhi. how to add alias properly ? I typed  one under other alias (in .bashrc) to test and it worked but is there any else way to have the same thing ?18:25
NoCodeer  50gb!18:26
amr_can any one help me install latest gnome on my ubutnu 12?18:26
NoCodeWill it matter where I place my SWAP file?18:26
Shadow``NoCode: go for it, ubuntu should work fine on 30-40gb18:26
jribmcdan: that's how you do it...18:26
Shadow``NoCode: same disk, no, if you can on the outside ring of your drive18:27
NoCodeAs an example, will it be faster to put the SWAP file first then the rest of the partitions?18:27
Shadow``NoCode first is usually outside rings of your disk18:27
Shadow``outside is the fastest part18:27
NoCodeokay sweet.18:27
NoCodeThanks bud.18:27
mcdanjrib : I discover linux and wanted to change prompt colors. I found these alias so I wonder what if I add others, that's all ;)18:28
Shadow``mcdan you can add as many aliasses as you want18:28
=== Cantide is now known as CanRead
anshulvi not working for .msg files... anything else ?/18:29
v2zzhi!, i've got latest ubunutu. once after number of successfull logins to default (3d desktop) i've got task panel missing immediately after login and settings\logout\time\etc ui  missing as well. anybody knows what is that and what to do?18:29
dr_willisif you are worrying about the position of swap to gain speed... ti me to get moar ram ;)18:29
mcdanShadow`` : yea but what's the best way ?18:29
HammerFallI have problems with uploading music to my ipod using rhythmbox/banshee. It is connected, I can move files to it and it says "syncronizing", but after disconnecting the ipod music is not there. any hints?18:29
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v2zzi still have 2d desktop working fine18:29
Shadow``mcdan same as you added the first alias, in your .bashrc18:29
Shadow``dr_willis not everyone has that option tho, just put it on outside of disk for best performance, heh18:30
abyss42Hi guys, I am getting a  407  Proxy Authentication Required whenever i try to download anything from apt-get. How do i fix it?18:30
NoCodeHope I can get this HP dm3 working well with Ubuntu18:30
Shadow``good luck NoCode =p18:30
dr_willisShadow``:  spread it across sewveral disk even better. ;)18:30
NoCodeShadow``, That didn't feel enticing. lol18:30
mcdanShadow`` : really? I thought it wouldn't be so easy. thanks18:31
Shadow``mcdan :P18:31
Shadow``dr_willis true, preferably other disk from ur OS, but seems he only has one, heh18:31
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dr_willisput swap on a nfs ;P18:31
TimothyAanyone here happens to know by chance on how to convert a software (mdadm) RAID1 setup to RAID0?18:32
* jrib is curious how much ram he is18:32
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TimothyAor knows of a resource or tutorial I can read to do such a thing?18:32
NoCodewhat's that liveusb program that i can use to partition a disc?18:32
Shadow``NoCode: gparted?18:32
NoCodeI once was a Linux user for 6 straight years then I tried a non-lts and it twouldn't work on this laptop. so I was left with windows18:34
dr_willisthe gparted live cd is a handy cd to have around18:34
NoCodenow i need to get my hands dirty again18:34
Shadow``heh true dr_willis :P got a whole usb harddrive laying around with various usb boot tools18:34
Shadow``cant go without hiren!18:35
Shadow``still sucks i cant just boot the linux iso's and install from like with windows -.-18:35
Shadow``stupid disk checks in the initial setup fail18:35
NoCodeso in other words, i forget most of what i learned.18:35
Shadow``been there NoCode :P18:36
Shadow``havent used linux much recent years untill a few months ago18:36
NoCodeI do know that, moon-buggy is one of the greatest, high graphic games out there.18:36
kubancwhat's the best for SSD? ext4 or ext3?18:37
xNbtxch irc please ?18:37
xNbtxI'm looking for the french IRC please18:37
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:37
fidel!fr > xNbtx18:37
ubottuxNbtx, please see my private message18:37
abyss42Hi guys, I am getting a  407  Proxy Authentication Required whenever i try to download anything from apt-get. How do i fix it?18:38
NoCodeoui oui18:38
=== c_melder is now known as melder
Shadow``abyss42: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88976/407-proxy-authentication-required18:39
NoCodeI won't have any problems making partitions(especially ntfs windows 7 partition) with gparted, correct?18:41
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:42
mcdanShadow``: I added d='sudo apt-get update' and g='sudo apt-get upgrade' but when I mix the 2 commands (d & g), I have something like : "[3]+  Stopped                                   sudo apt-get update" . What is it ?18:42
NoCodesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:43
baizonmcdan: paste it on http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:43
SlartNoCode: I haven't had any problems doing that18:44
TimothyAanyone here knows how I can change an RAID1 setup into an RAID0 one?18:45
SlartNoCode: well.. besides the old "no way to fix the file system if you run into problems with it"-problem.. but I'm guessing you have a windows system where you can do that18:45
SomelauwIn the menu, system, user and groups, advanced settings, user privileges. Can someone tell me which items are enabled in that menu?18:45
SomelauwBy default?18:45
NoCodeSlart, I am on Windows, yea. But currently downloading Ubuntu as we speak.18:45
SlartNoCode: you know you can't install regular ubuntu on a ntfs partition right?18:46
NoCodeSlart, Yeah I know.18:47
NoCode!info ntfs3g18:47
ubottuPackage ntfs3g does not exist in precise18:47
NoCode!info ntfs-3g18:47
ubottuntfs-3g (source: ntfs-3g): read/write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component main, is standard. Version 1:2012.1.15AR.1-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 609 kB, installed size 1497 kB18:47
mcdanbaizon : sure. Here it is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176446/18:53
TimothyApeople, not even page 20 of the google results are helping me; I'm desperate!18:54
dr_willistheres always askubuntu.com18:54
dr_willisbut i never saw the original question...18:55
TimothyAdr_willis: the question has gone unanswered for quite some time18:55
Newtoubuntuare there any mass recommended codec packs?18:55
TimothyAdr_willis: basically the host provider tossed me a server with a RAID1 consuming 1TB of valuable harddiskspace... which I want to reclaim.18:55
zykotick9Newtoubuntu: ubuntu-restricted-extras then w32codecs (or w64codecs) from medibuntu if you need more.18:55
dr_willisNewtoubuntu:  thats windows thinking.. install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras'  and vlc and thats about all you need18:55
TimothyApreferably I would want to convert this to RAID0, or 2 partitions (Although doing it in a single partition would be preferred)18:56
dr_willisi rarely even need w32codecs package these days18:56
zykotick9TimothyA: backup the data.  delete the old RAID, create the new one, restore the data.18:56
Newtoubuntuyeah i have vlc and the restricted extras already. thanks guys18:56
wan26you can optionally decline ms core fonts ha18:56
TimothyAzykotick9: problem is that the hosting provider installed the OS on the RAID..18:56
silverarrowdr_willis, gecko and mplayer is still dendent on w32?18:57
Newtoubuntudr_willis, i ran across it on a site specifically recommended for my ubuntu version18:57
dr_willissilverarrow:  not used those in ages18:57
silverarrowdr_willis, only totem?18:57
dr_willissilverarrow:  vlc, and xbmc here18:57
silverarrowI see18:57
silverarrowI can`t make vlc work that well18:58
Newtoubuntuxbmc is solid gold18:58
Newtoubuntuvlc as well18:58
dr_willisif you like xbmc check out 'plex' sometime.18:58
Newtoubuntuwill do18:58
dr_willisand the openelec media player distro18:58
silverarrowdr_willis, I still have two old laptops I keep alive, one ppc, so I have to get inventive18:58
histoNewtoubuntu: ubuntu-restricted-extras should pull all the codecs you could need18:58
silverarrowNewtoubuntu, I have trouble using VLC in browser18:59
Newtoubuntusilverarrow, firefox browser im assuming?18:59
silverarrowgnome mplayer -gecko is flawless on regular pc almost any specs18:59
silverarrowNewtoubuntu, yes18:59
dr_willisi use a flash-replacer extension so even flash videos play in vlc here19:00
SomelauwIn the menu, system, user and groups, advanced settings, user privileges. Can someone tell me which items are enabled there?19:00
silverarrowdr_willis, I lost flash video replacer in FF today19:00
vericVid help still it seems that i am in stalling flash plugin with no problem but i am missing the flash player im on 12.04 with firefox19:00
Newtoubuntudr_willis, i didnt even have to change anything and i have flv playing fine19:00
silverarrowdr_willis, I have VLC but have trouble with the browser embedded stuff19:01
TimothyAzykotick9: it's a fresh install, btw19:01
dr_willissilverarrow:  the author took it off the ff extension page. no idea why. not really tried it in a few weeks19:01
Newtoubuntusilverarrow, maybe reboot?19:01
dr_willisi rsrely want to play it embeded19:01
silverarrowNewtoubuntu, oh, I have rebooted19:01
Newtoubuntui am loving cairo dock on here. ive used rocketdock for windows before. this one is more polished and animated19:02
silverarrowdr_willis, flash video replacer streams very nicely though, hope it is kept alive19:02
silverarrowa savior for ppc19:02
halakarhey guise....i can't login to my account on ubuntu 12.04lts.  after i put the password in, the screen goes blank and i'm returned to the login screen.  halp19:02
Newtoubuntuoh boy another intel user xD19:03
vericis flash plugin and flash player 2 different packages?19:03
dr_willishalakar:  use the console. login , try renameing y6our .Xauthority file. then try logging into with lightdm again19:03
SomelauwCan someone pastebin the output of cat /etc/groups?19:03
ikoniaSomelauw: why /19:03
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...19:04
halakarwhere's the .Xauthoritey file at?  ~ ?19:04
ikoniahalakar: normally your home drive19:04
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ikoniaM4rc3l: is that a script ?19:04
halakarok i'll try19:04
ikoniahalakar: home directory sorry19:04
Somelauwikonia: I think I am missing some permissions. I'm looking for a reasonable default.19:04
ikoniaSomelauw: why do you think you're missing permissions ? just explain the problem19:05
kanlioti run this command and it returns "killed"  why?  find / -name "Star\ Trek\ DS9\ -"*19:05
ikoniaM4rc3l: is that a script ? (the response to ping)19:05
ikoniakanliot: why have you got a * at the end ?19:06
kanliotikonia, because i want to find files by name, multiple files19:06
ikoniakanliot: ok, that's the wrong syntax19:06
kubancis there any program to auto mount partition in ubuntu 12.04?19:07
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...19:07
ikoniait's 'deep space 9 *' not "deep space 9"*19:07
devishikonia: probaly set for you19:07
ikoniadevish: what ?19:07
dr_williskubanc:  make a fstabbb entry for them19:08
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:08
kanliotikonia, i fixed it, and it still says "killed" when i run it as root19:08
ikoniakanliot: how are you running as root ? there is no root account ?19:08
vericanyone avaliable to help me with getting flash running right?19:08
kanliotsudo su19:08
ikonia!flash | veric19:08
ubottuveric: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:08
ikoniakanliot: why ?19:09
kanliotikonia sudo su19:09
ikoniakanliot: you shouldn't be doing that19:09
zykotick9kanliot: "sudo su" is always a bad idea19:09
ikoniathat's what sudo is there for19:09
SolarisBoyhaha "its a bad idea"19:09
dr_willisand thats being nice about it19:09
ikoniakanliot: please show me the exact command you are using ?19:09
kanliot find  -name "Star\ Trek\ DS9\ -*"19:10
Treaver"Sudo su" allows you to access super user without entering a password. This will be active for as long as the terminal is open. Any program you open with Sudo Su will have super user privileges and could mess your Ubuntu Operating System up.19:10
ikoniakanliot: no19:10
kanliot find  / -name "Star\ Trek\ DS9\ -*"19:10
SolarisBoyits always depending on the environment19:10
SolarisBoybut yea - w/e19:10
ikoniakanliot: a.) you're using quotes b.) you're exapcing a quoted setup19:10
zykotick9kanliot: if i where you i'd use "find / -iname ..." so case isn't an issue19:10
ikoniakanliot: I gave you an example19:10
ikoniakanliot: why have you not used it19:10
dr_willis'sudo su' is bad form. you should use sudo -i  or sudo -s for a root shell19:10
kanliotikonia, i removed the backslashes, same error19:11
dingbatfooanyone having problems with git prompt after recent git update?19:11
ikoniakanliot: and the quotes19:11
kubanchow do i sop X server so i can install Nvidia drivers?19:11
ikoniakanliot: single quotes19:11
ikoniakanliot: use the package manager, it does it all for you19:12
* Tigger__` is away: Gotta go, Dinners ready, take care & be well, I will bbs! TTFN!! Hoo hoo hoo hoo :D19:12
ikoniakanliot: sorry that was for dingbatfoo19:12
dr_williskubanc:  you have tried the nvidia drivers from the repos?19:12
kanliotikonia same error19:12
SolarisBoythis is about environments? dr_willis ?19:12
ikoniaTigger__`: please disable that ascript19:12
dr_willisSolarisBoy:  you got it.19:12
ikoniakanliot: please show me the exact command you are using19:12
SolarisBoysudo su hasn't bitten me yet but i feel ya19:12
Tigger__`ikonia: ok will do ;-)19:13
ikoniaTigger__`: thanks19:13
SolarisBoytheres always that extra dash you can add or leave off of su19:13
kanliotfind / -name 'Star Trek DS9 -*'19:13
kanliotafter sudo su19:13
dingbatfooikonia, what? how does the package manager help with "__git_ps1: command not found" after the recent Pangolin git version upgrade?19:13
oleksiypwhen i was trying to install nvidia drivers from nvidia site i had to disable gdm. read manual about how to do it.19:13
ikoniakanliot: so even after being told not to use sudo su, you're still dong it19:13
dr_williskanliot:  why are you even doinf this as root?19:13
kubancdr_willis, do i find them in ubuntu Software center?19:13
SolarisBoynow for running find there is no need to switch to root19:14
SolarisBoyjust run it under sudo19:14
dr_williskubanc:  yes..... dont use the ones from nvidia.com unnless you have to...19:14
stan_man_canHow do i make sudo crontab -e open in vim not nano?19:14
kanliotikonia, even after loggin out of su it still says killed19:14
dr_williskubanc:  run 'gksudo jockey-gtk' or the 'addational drivers' tool from the menus19:14
ikoniastan_man_can: set EDITOR19:14
ikoniakanliot: works fine here19:15
stan_man_canikonia: I've tried export EDITOR=vim but it's still not working. Do I need to set it for the sudo in a different location?19:15
ikoniakanliot: got knows what you've done to your machine.19:15
* Tigger__` is back (gone 00:03:24)19:15
kubancdr_willis, which one do i install. xt4 on an SSD WITHOUT19:15
SolarisBoystan_man_can: those variables are for users19:15
SolarisBoyso if you need to make it global you should19:15
ikoniaTigger__`: Please remove that script, I won't ask again19:15
=== LordDeath_ is now known as LordDeath
ikoniastan_man_can: sudo visudo should do it19:16
dr_williskubanc:  hard drive type dosent matter.. no idea what an xt4 is...19:16
kubancdr_willis, i have this options snag.gy/mAJYi.jpg19:16
TheLordOfTimehow do i add an ntfs partition to fstab so that it is mounted so anyone on the system can use the files (not just root)19:16
Tigger__`ikonia: I have just removed it ;-)19:16
stan_man_canSolarisBoy: How do I make it global?19:16
SolarisBoyTheLordOfTime: use uid/gid options in mount19:16
SolarisBoystan_man_can: /etc/profile19:16
dr_williskubanc:  i just install whats reccomended19:16
rethusi have 12.04, but this package is not in repository: http://support.no-ip.com/customer/portal/articles/363247-installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client-on-ubuntu19:16
ikoniarethus: ok ? and ?19:17
rethusikonia: and i need to know why? have i to add some repositories for it?19:17
dr_willisTheLordOfTime:  the ntfs-config tool csan auto mate it. the ntfs-3g homepage has docs and examples.. and the ubuntu wiki pages19:17
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:17
rethuswhy thes describe it, if it not be19:17
SolarisBoyor just do that...19:17
ikoniarethus: it's not an ubuntu package, you're using a 3rd party guide,19:18
ikonia!info noip219:18
ubottuPackage noip2 does not exist in precise19:18
rethusThe DUC package is already included in the source tree for most distributions of Ubuntu Linux;19:18
ikonia!info no-ip19:18
ubottuPackage no-ip does not exist in precise19:18
rethusthis on the page of the developer19:18
ikoniarethus: well, it's not in ubuntu19:18
rethuswonder why he write this19:19
stan_man_canSolarisBoy: I added EDITOR=vim in the /etc/profile and still opening in nano19:19
ikoniaask him19:19
SolarisBoystan_man_can: did you export it in profile?19:19
stan_man_canSolarisBoy: so in the profile I add the line export EDITOR=vim, not just EDITOR=vim ?19:20
SolarisBoyAFAIK when you first set a cron job ubuntu opens a menu list and asks which editor you want to use by number selection, eg nano vim.tiny etc19:20
SolarisBoystan_man_can: yes19:20
SolarisBoyso that EDITOR=vim for everyone19:20
stan_man_canSolarisBoy: Well I may have chosen nano a long time ago but I'd like to change it to vim now19:20
TheLordOfTimedr_willis:  the ntfs-config tool is triggering segfaults19:20
SolarisBoyjust use fstab19:21
stan_man_canSolarisBoy: export EDITOR=vim didn't help either19:21
ikoniastan_man_can: set it to vi19:21
SolarisBoyu prolly dont have vim installed19:21
dr_willisTheLordOfTime:  time to read the guides then..19:21
SolarisBoybut you do have vi installed19:21
ikoniadoesn't ubuntu do something with the build option of vim to set the binary name to vi, rather than vim and symlink like the other distros19:22
SolarisBoyi dont think so ikonia19:22
antimonupdate-alternatives --config editor might help19:22
kubanchow do i cnahe default remote port in ubuntu 12.04?19:22
SolarisBoyit just installs vi19:22
SolarisBoyantimon: also correct19:22
ikoniaSolarisBoy: if you look at vi - it's actually vim19:22
SolarisBoynot for me it wasn't19:22
ikoniaSolarisBoy: so you have vim on your machine ?19:22
roxstan_man_can: try this: update-alternatives --config editor19:22
dr_willisvim tiny  by default i  thought19:23
roxstan_man_can: then choose vim19:23
SolarisBoyikonia: yes19:23
SolarisBoyikonia: because i installed it after19:23
ikoniaSolarisBoy: so you actually have the vim binary ?19:23
SolarisBoyi compile it yes19:23
SolarisBoy*compiled it19:23
roxstan_man_can: sudo apt-get install vim, if you don't have vim isntalled19:23
stan_man_canrox: that WAS set to /bin/nano before, now i've changed it to /usr/bin/vim.basic but it's still opening in nano19:23
ikoniaSolarisBoy: right - you compiled it so of course you've go tit19:23
stan_man_canrox: i do have vim i use it all the time19:23
SolarisBoyikonia: thats what im saying dude...19:23
ikoniaSolarisBoy: re-read what I said the ubuntu package build vim with the vi vinary19:23
SolarisBoyits NOT installed vi is19:23
SolarisBoyand setting it to vim is a fail if so19:24
SolarisBoythats all19:24
roxSolarisBoy: why didn't you just install it from the package repository?19:24
ikoniaSolarisBoy: the vi binary is vim19:24
SolarisBoyi like patches and updates19:24
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SolarisBoyand when i did it i was using a version repos didn't have19:24
ikoniawhat ?19:24
stan_man_canThat is set to vim now but it's still using nano… do i need to run anything to update it or what19:24
zerefhi guys, so I'm having some trouble with compiz, its keeps on segfaulting when I'm working on different program, anybody these kind of errors from compiz?19:24
roxstan_man_can: what is nano?19:24
SolarisBoyanothe editor19:24
stan_man_canrox: a terrible editor19:25
roxstan_man_can: i know what nano is, i ment to ask, in what situations does nano get run instead of vim?19:25
stan_man_canrox: sudo crontab -e19:25
roxstan_man_can: update-alternatives should have sorted the situation out for you19:25
PatrikOlssonHello. I need help with fixing the partitions for my computer. I have two disks. One 24 GB SSD and one 500 GB normal hard drive. I figured I would put ubuntu on the SSD disk, but I'm unsure on how to fix with all partitions (swap, bios, root and such). Can anyone help me with this?19:26
SolarisBoywhat ? what? is it alarming that vim is out of date on ubuntu?19:26
ikoniaPatrikOlsson: what do you mean, fix it ?19:26
SolarisBoyshouldn't be19:26
ikoniahow is it broke ?19:26
ikoniaSolarisBoy: what are you on about ?19:26
SolarisBoyand vi is whats generally installed on most systems - if ubuntu compiled vim as vi - great19:27
SolarisBoywont make the EDITOR=vim command work though19:27
ikoniavi is not installed on most systems19:27
ikoniait's symlink to vim normally19:27
SolarisBoynot until vim exists19:27
dr_willisPatrikOlsson: w19:27
ikoniano it's not19:27
ikoniathere is no vi package19:27
PatrikOlssonikonia: I'm unsure which partition to set "Device for boot loader installation". Or if I should select a partition or only the disc. etc.etc.19:27
roxstan_man_can: try this: update-alternatives --get-selections19:27
roxstan_man_can: and see, what is set to nano19:28
ikoniaPatrikOlsson: is there a reason you've not gone with the ubuntu suggested partitions ?19:28
dr_willisboot the ssd.. put grub on the ssd...19:28
shade34321if I wanted to add something to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH that affects all users, what is the best way to do this?19:28
ikoniashade34321: you shouldn't need to do that19:28
roxstan_man_can: maybe one of vi, vim or similar setings is set to nano19:28
PatrikOlssonikonia: I did not know there were suggested partitions. When I bought the computer windows had ~5 partitions for backup programs and suchö.19:29
roxstan_man_can: will you be able to figure out, how to set those settings to vim?19:29
stan_man_canrox: nope all the in's are set to vim.basic19:29
stan_man_canrox: the only thing set to nano is pico19:29
ikoniaPatrikOlsson: when you boot the installer it says "use free space" or "use whole disk"19:29
ikoniaPatrikOlsson: those are suggeted layouts19:29
roxstan_man_can: hmm, what if you run vim.basic?19:29
roxstan_man_can: could that be a symlink to nano?19:29
shade34321ikonia: I installed something from source in /opt, should it do it on it's own?19:29
stan_man_canroxL: opens up vim19:29
ikoniashade34321: it shouldn't need to use ldlibrary path as it will have been linked at compile time19:30
amr_please help ,can't install gnome 3+ on ubuntu 12+ :( ?19:30
shade34321ikonia: oh ok...is there a way to check this just to be sure?19:30
roxstan_man_can: ok, then try this trick: sudo apt-get install vim-gtk19:30
ikoniashade34321: you don't need to check, run the binary, if it runs, it's fine19:30
ubuntu-studiohello anyone here?19:30
PatrikOlssonikonia: I must have missed those :/19:31
PatrikOlssonikonia: I'll check it out.19:31
roxstan_man_can: vim-gtk package gives you vim.gtk, but it should also override your default editor19:31
ubuntu-studiohello, everyone i have a problem, please help me.19:31
stan_man_canrox: i'm running a server so there is no gui19:31
roxstan_man_can: vim.gtk runs in a gui, if you run it from X, but it runs like regular vim, if you run it from colsole19:31
fidel!ask | ubuntu-studio19:32
ubottuubuntu-studio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:32
roxstan_man_can: just installing vim-gtk will not harm your server installation19:32
ubuntu-studioi have decided to drop  windows for good, i am using ubuntu studio live because i cannot install it. it says " no root system"19:33
histoubuntu-studio: do you have free space on your drive?19:34
roxubuntu-studio: that was a good decision, welcome to our world19:35
ubuntu-studio"no root file system defined" i am stuck. using usb sandisk but  i deleted all portions on the 650 disk.19:35
roxubuntu-studio: in a few months, you won't be able to believe, how windows and apple people cope with so much crap19:35
histoubuntu-studio: how are you trying to install?19:36
ubuntu-studio...using gparted19:36
SolarisBoywindows just doesn't work properly19:36
airlynxThis is a shot in the dark for help, but I'm trying to set up my Android tablet to act as a second monitor for my Ubuntu system, I can VNC from the tablet into my Ubuntu system, but it just clones my display.  Anybody have any ideas?19:36
SolarisBoyairlynx: dont think so19:36
SolarisBoyi wanted to do that also - main problem is it's detected at most as a storage device no?19:36
dr_willisairlynx:  a second monitor meaning an extended monitor? or a seperate desktop?19:37
BluesKajubuntu-studio, you have to format the drive to ext4 file system in order to be seen by the live OS19:37
SolarisBoyBluesKaj: really?19:37
ubuntu-studiook i do it now19:37
airlynxdr_willis, either or would work, just so I can set a window up to display on the tablet just so I can keep an eye on it while I do other things19:37
dr_willisairlynx:  use the actual 'vncserver' not x11vnc or gnomes vino. then you can have a dozen+ seperate hidden desktops you connect to19:38
histoubuntu-studio: use the installer and it will walk you through partitioning and formating the drive the proper way.19:39
dr_willisshareiing the 'current' desktop is a specilized case of vnc ussage..one that windows is limited to.. linux can do moar19:39
BluesKajSolarisBoy, well , it helps ..no format my act differently on  USB live OS thamn a live cd , but if you have any suggestions for ubuntu-studio , then you're welcome to help :)_19:39
SolarisBoyyes i would say format the drive as you did19:40
dr_willis!info tightvnc19:40
ubottuPackage tightvnc does not exist in precise19:40
dr_willis!find vncserver19:40
ubottuFound: libvncserver-dev, libvncserver0, libvncserver0-dbg, tightvncserver19:40
dr_willis!info tightvncserver19:40
ubottutightvncserver (source: tightvnc): virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.9-6.2ubuntu2 (precise), package size 762 kB, installed size 1630 kB19:40
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...19:41
airlynxdr_willis, the Android app I'm using currently doesn't have much for configuration options, I can set up in my VNC settings to send a specific desktop from Ubuntu, correct?19:41
savioi'm making symbolic link into /usr/local/bin/ but i can't access the command in terminal19:43
ikoniasavio: you'll need to explain clearer than that19:43
maheanuuI am having a problem downloading torrent videos as VLC opens it's playlist instead of Transmission coming up, I am not seeing the reason for this and I have never tried to open any stream with VLC???19:44
dr_willisairlynx: you run 'vncserver' get the ip and port #. and put them in the client.19:44
dr_willisairlynx:  you can set tightvnc to run openbox+xterm only  if you wanted to.19:44
dr_willisyou can then run vncserver 3+ times and have 3+ different 'vnc' desktops going19:45
dr_willisthr port # will change for each one19:45
savioikonia, i was extracted package and to execute the exectuable file i made a link of that file into /usr/local/bin so i can access that executable without goinig into that directory and issuing ./***19:45
ikoniasavio: ok, so it's not in your $PATH19:46
creftos_ignore that, lol19:46
dr_willisfile not found19:46
saviobut it not working i can't access the name directly in terminal19:46
savioikonia, yup19:46
ikoniasavio: so put it in your $PATH19:46
=== CanRead is now known as Cantide
savioikonia, it already there19:46
dr_williswe need a good path factoid19:46
ikoniasavio: please show me ls -la on the binary19:46
dr_willissavio:  where is it exactly19:47
ikoniasavio: please show me ls -la on the binary19:47
dr_willisthats not in the default $Path last i looked19:47
dr_willisecho $PATH    to see your current path19:48
=== creftos_ is now known as creftos
saviohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1176532/ ikonia19:48
ikoniasavio: and none of those commands are working in htere ?19:49
ikoniathere ?19:49
savioi was using ln -sf /opt/framewor*/msf3/msf* /usr/local/bin19:50
savioto access the msf command directly19:50
ikoniasavio: you can't do that, you'll need a link to every binary19:50
saviobut not happening19:50
ikoniasavio: show me ls -la on two of the links in /usr/local/bin19:50
savioikonia, i removed them19:51
ikoniasavio: ok, so then you need to create a symlink for every binary in /opt to an individual link in /usr/local/bin19:51
Mike9863I'm trying to redirect all traffic from one IP to another so that if any program tries to connect to a certain IP, the IP will be modified to a different one of my choosing before it sends any data. How can I do this?19:51
roxsavio: what if you just add /opt/framework/ to yout $PATH?19:51
verty_hi, anyone here have experience with Netgear WMA1000m?  Does it work for you?19:51
ikoniasavio: you also need to confirm /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH19:51
Ion330HTHi everyone, I have an issue trying to update/install nvidia drivers and some of the "online tutorials" aint working or looks like rocket science so  I could use some helps & pointers19:51
[snake]does anyone know about ddclient?19:51
bakaratcan alt+tab be fixed in unity (ubuntu 12.04)? i have to use windows on the job and making the contextual switch at home is simply not possible19:51
savioit is ikonia19:51
ikoniahowever rox's advice of just putting opt in your $PATH is better19:51
fidelanyone working with maid ( https://github.com/benjaminoakes/maid ) here? getting error (unsupported system command) while running the test of a simple rule. Feel free to point my to somewhere else if you know a related channel - while i havent found one.19:52
roxikonia: /usr/local should never be used19:52
ikoniarox: what ? /usr/local is fine to you19:52
saviorox, i don't wnat that19:52
ikoniasavio: then create each symlink manually19:52
black_13how do you configure ubuntu to not use dhcp to name the computer?19:52
savioikonia, rox i will try recreating the link19:52
devanshuhi all19:52
roxdevanshu: hi19:53
dr_willisIon330HT:  running the addational-drivers tool (gksudo jockey-gtk) dosent work for you?19:53
Slartblack_13: dhcp to name the computer? what "name" are you talking about?19:53
bakaratblack_13, hmm?19:53
bakaratblack_13, you mean the hostname configured in /etc/hostname?19:53
roxsavio: what is the problem, why wouldn't you want to add the location of the binaries to $PATH?19:53
Jordan_Usavio: Just to confirm, when you think you have everything correctly setup, please pastebin the output of "ls -l /usr/local/; echo $PATH".19:53
savioikonia, just for record i try this day ago it was working19:53
Ion330HTdr_willis: I'm sitting with a clean install at the moment as I managed to screw up my last install (first time running linux and ubuntu)19:54
Ion330HTdr_willis: I haven't tried that approach. do I just start by writing that stuff in the terminal?19:54
roxIon330HT: i wish you have better luck this time19:54
black_13Slart: i guess the analogue of this is with suse has an installation setting to not base the hostname on dhcp19:54
devanshuis there anything that needs to be done in order to let other OS connect to an ad-hoc thats created in ubuntu??19:54
roxIon330HT: and we'll be there to give you a hand, if anything goes wrong19:54
Ion330HTrox: thanx19:54
dr_willisIon330HT:  and your exact video  card is? is this a laptop?  the addational drivers tool is in the menus somewhere...19:54
Ion330HTWell I am running the nettop Asrock Ion330 HT19:55
Slartblack_13: I'm not entirely sure but I think I setup the hostname when I installed ubuntu.. not sure if it suggested anything else19:55
savioikonia, Jordan_U saviola@Saviola-PC:~$ ls -la /usr/local/bin/ |grep msf19:55
saviolrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   31 Aug 31 01:24 msfconsole -> /opt/framework3/msf3/msfconsole19:55
black_13Slart: i would like to have the hostname and domain name be fixed19:55
Ion330HTso it's not a laptop, as for the exact nvidia card thats in it the only ionfo I keep getting is that its an nvidia ion one.19:55
dr_willisso the chipset is an 'ion'   ive no experience with those. ive seen some distros come customeized for ions19:56
Ion330HTI tried to install the recommended drivers but that did didley squat for me and my computer wasn't recognised by my HD TV19:56
dr_willisi would say check askubuntu.com  about the ion things in ubuntu[.19:56
abdullahhelp please - i am unsing asterisk on ubuntu 12.0419:57
abdullahsetup overhead paging in asterisk19:57
saviothaks for help ikonia rox19:57
Slartblack_13: hmm.. I'm not sure what to suggest.. guess I'll have to play around in a vm and see what happens during install19:57
roxabdullah: what seems to be your problem?19:57
Ion330HTI see, I managed to download a nvidia driver that seems to be the right one. When I try to install it I get an error saying that it cannot be installed because the "X" Server is still on. Any atempts to shut it off has failed19:57
abdullahand getting /dev/dsp error19:57
roxsavio: glad to help19:57
black_13Slart: thats what i am doing19:57
abdullahis there any solution to fix it /dev/dsp19:58
saviobut i tried same before restart it was ot working then19:58
saviowhy so?19:58
dr_willisIon330HT:  'sudo service lightdm stop19:58
abdullahor can i know my sound device logical name19:58
roxabdullah: you have to specify your setup and the error exactly19:58
devanshuad-hoc connection problem???19:58
ubuntu-studiohello, i have formatted my harddrive to ext4 so the live ubuntu can be installed but in the installation menu it say /dev/sdh and there is a message saying "no root file system defined". i would live to drop windows and use linux for ever please help.19:58
dr_willis' to stop x19:58
dr_willisIon330HT:  'sudo service lightdm stop'19:58
abdullahthanks rox19:59
dr_willisIon330HT:  the x-swat ppa may have better drivers also19:59
abdullahasteriks use console/dsp  to use soundcard output19:59
abdullahwhich is linked to /dev/dsp19:59
Ion330HTOk so that generated some interesting results. I am looking at a black screen with some text and it seems that it's stuck on "stopping system v runlevel compatability" there is the marker just blinking19:59
abdullahand /dev/dsp is no more in ubunut19:59
roxubuntu-studio: hmm, i don't think i understand what is wrong there19:59
dr_willisubuntu-studio:  you are using the installer program? let it partition the drive as needed. no need to preformat20:00
dr_willisIon330HT:  try alt-ctrl-f1 through f720:00
ubuntu-studiorox, im stuck at installation with a "no root file.." message.20:00
dr_willisubuntu-studio:  it wants to know what partition to Assign to /20:01
devanshusame was the problem with me during ubuntu installation as ubuntu-studio.20:01
dr_willisis the whole hard disk empty?20:01
devanshuand i'm still wondering why the problem arrived??20:02
abdullahexten => 111,1,Dial(CONSOLE/dsp)20:02
Ion330HTdr_willis: that does nothing. It appears that the process has stopped and I don't have prompt yet20:02
roxabdullah: try this: sudo apt-get install oss-compat20:02
* jklowden still confused about how to install xorg on LTS with apt-get. 20:02
roxabdullah: and restart asterisk afterwards20:02
abdullahtried thsi oss-compat but nothing worked20:02
dr_willisIon330HT:  could be some weirdness with ion and the consoles. you should see a login: prompt20:02
devanshuthers win7 host os and i'm trying to install ubuntu on to the 3rd drive20:03
roxabdullah: can you Dial /dev/dsp?20:03
sharketwhat i have to do for let ubuntu detect my RAID, in the installation ?20:03
Ion330HTis there a simple way that I can boot directly to prompt?20:03
dr_willisIon330HT:  you could boot to recovery, or text mode and run that installer20:03
dr_willis!text | Ion330HT20:03
ubottuIon330HT: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:03
abdullaheven /dev/dsp is miising20:03
roxabdullah: it seems, that you are trying to dial through your sound device20:03
dr_willis /dev/dsp i thought has been gone for years20:03
roxabdullah: i don't think that can be done20:04
[snake]where does ufw save logs after you enable them?20:04
dr_willisdsp = the sound card   ages ago20:04
roxabdullah: what are you trying to achieve?20:04
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abdullahi wnat that i call  from my sip extention and it should announce on my sound card20:04
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abdullahthis is called overhead paging20:04
roxabdullah: you should be dialing calling Dial(SIP/number@provider), not Dial(dsp)20:05
roxabdullah: and, why don't you just use the alsa device?20:05
roxabdullah: if you want to hear the announcement on your speaker, then just have asterisk use you alsa devices20:06
roxabdullah: LMGTFY20:06
savio>> what this operator used for20:06
roxsavio: it appends to file20:06
TimothyAis there a way to dismantle the RAID system on a live system?20:07
roxsavio: for example $ echo foo >> file.txt will append the string "foo" to the end of the content of file file.txt20:07
abdullahi have spent 7 days and nights without any result20:07
saviorox can you provide me a useful link to all operator20:07
abdullahthen i decided to join irc20:07
abdullahplease guide how to use alsa on ubuntu 12.0420:07
abdullahone more thing /dev/dsp is available on ubunut 8.04 and earlier versions20:08
zykotick9abdullah: if you have sound, you are usning alsa20:08
abdullahprobelm is in newer releases20:08
macer1what network monitor can you recommend?20:08
ubuntu-studiodr_willis,  how do i assign a partition to / in u-studio if the i do not see any options in the menu but i have a 640gb hard drive onboard?20:08
macer1I am being ddosed so...20:08
abdullahi can play mpg12320:08
abdullahbut not console/dsp20:08
Ion330HTdr_willis: I just accessed grub command line. however writing text doesn't do anything20:08
dr_willisabdullah:  /dev/dsp has been obsoleted years ago i belive.. any guide using it.. would be 3+ yrs old20:09
dr_willisIon330HT:  you want the console.. not grub20:09
abdullahi do not mind if /dev/dsp is obsolete20:09
abdullahbut asterisk paging works on /dev/dsp20:09
dr_willisabdullah: you do mine if its no longer works20:09
Ion330HTdr_willis: Can I start the console from grub? If so how?20:09
abdullahmay be we can change our device20:09
abdullahbut how20:09
dr_willisIon330HT:  you append the 'text' option to your boot options20:10
dr_willisIon330HT:  check the url   lets see20:10
abdullahrox how can i use alsa only20:10
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:10
sdahi all, according to POWERTOP_2.1 this source "Audio codec hwC0D3: Intel" Is gettig 5.6W of my total 18.5W 30% of total power used by my laptop! Everything without using any sound! How that's possible? how can I fix this?20:10
roxabdullah: well, from what i understand, you are trying to do two things20:10
roxabdullah: 1. dial some SIP address20:10
Ion330HTaaah I see where I went wrong20:10
PatrikOlsson2Hey guys, I just installed ubuntu on an asus ux32vd, and I'm having trouble with right click. Does anyone have an idea how i can fix it? Right click doesnt work at all20:11
roxabdullah: 2. announce, that the the dialing is happening on your local speaker20:11
roxabdullah: is that right?20:11
dr_willisIon330HT:  the grub menu item for recovery  should work also20:11
abdullahsame setup works on older releases of ubuntu20:12
abdullahand other distros20:12
Ion330HTdr_willis: You mean I should try the "Ubuntu, with linux ....... (recovery mode)?20:12
dr_willisIon330HT:  that gets to a recovery console..20:12
dr_willisexplore it ;)20:13
maslenI'm using ubuntu 12.04 with gnome-classic-fallback, and alt-tab doesn't work, and unless I click on the taskbar icon, (even if I select the window), it does not appear to bring the window to foreground/switch focus properly.20:13
maslenalt-tab doesn't work == doesn't appear to do anything.20:13
Ion330HTdr_willis: I want to "Drop to root shell prompt" right?20:14
dr_willisIon330HT:  yep20:14
dr_willisIon330HT:  make the disk writeable also..20:15
dr_willisi rarely need the recovery mode. so i dont know its menus20:15
roxabdullah: do two things: in your asterisk dconfiguration remove chan_oss and load chan_alsa20:15
roxabdullah: that should fix your problem20:15
abdullaheven tried this20:16
Jncoahow the f did i set a password20:16
abdullahlet me do once again20:17
abdullahthen tell you20:17
Ion330HTdr_willis: the recovery menu options are: Resume (resume normal boot), clean (try to make free space), dpkg (repair broken packages), failsafeX (run in failsafe graphic mode), fsck (check all file systems), grub (update grub bootloader), network (enable network), root (drop to root shell prompt), system-summary (system summary)     I'm standing at root now20:17
ubuntu-studiohey guys can i drag and drop screenshots here?20:18
guntbert!screenshot | ubuntu-studio20:18
ubottuubuntu-studio: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:18
xNbtxadobeair installer est en .bin20:18
xNbtxtu avais raison20:18
mateuszmaybe someone can help, I just installed Inkscape, there are missing two libraries: libgtkmm-2.4.so.1, libgdkmm-2.4.so.1 but I found /usr/lib/libgtkmm-3.0.so.1 & /usr/lib/libgdkmm-3.0.so.1 installed, should I wait for new Inkscape version or can I do something?20:18
achandrahello...im looking for Dave Russell from Canonical20:18
roxabdullah: also configure alsa in /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf20:19
achandraanyone know how i can reach him?20:19
achandraor email?20:19
abdullahExecuting [199@longdistance:1] Dial("SIP/120-00000001", "console/dsp,20,A(beep)") in new stack20:19
abdullahchan_oss.c:489 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory20:19
roxabdullah: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+config+alsa.conf20:20
Ion330HTdr_willis: Ok so I tried to ls to see where I am at but that didn't do anything20:20
guntbertachandra: this channel is for ubuntu support, not really affiliated with canonical20:20
roxabdullah: that's because you are still trying to use OSS20:20
zykotick9!info oss-compat | abdullah tried this?20:20
dr_willisIon330HT:  you are in roots home /root/ i imagine20:20
ubottuabdullah tried this?: oss-compat (source: oss-compat): Open Sound System (OSS) compatibility package. In component universe, is extra. Version 1 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 53 kB20:20
roxabdullah: you have alsa drivers installed, just tell asterisk to use alsa20:20
dr_willisIon330HT:  'pwd' command will show you. or the promot20:20
fidelachandra: maybe worth a try as starting point: https://launchpad.net/~drussell20:20
roxabdullah: load the chan_alsa module and configure alsa in /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf20:20
abdullahnow I have   ;noload => chan_alsa.so    and   noload => chan_oss.so20:21
abdullahin modules.conf20:21
roxabdullah: that should be right, but still, you need to set your /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf properly20:21
=== ceradon-away is now known as euphoria
roxabdullah: http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+config+alsa.conf20:21
abdullahi can see alsa.conf there20:21
abdullahbut what to enable here20:21
Ion330HTI can see /root but how do I access it? Normal cd doesn't seem to be working20:22
ubuntu-studiohttp://imagebin.org/226483  im stuck!20:22
dr_willisIon330HT:  cd /path/to/cd/to20:22
jklowdenLet me ask the question a different way.  I see "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise universe" in sources.list.  I also find on that server an x11 directory: us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/x11-apps/.  Is that what apt-get is looking for?  Do I need to adjust my sources.list for that location?20:22
dr_willisjklowden:  if you just install a window manager it should pull in all needed xorg dependecnies20:23
roxabdullah: and instead of commenting out ;noload chan_alsa.so, you should specify load chan_alsa.so20:23
BilgeAnyone know some good JPEG introspection software?20:23
BilgeLike TweakPNG for JPEGs20:23
abdullahoh ok20:24
abdullahlet me change it20:24
jklowdenThanks, dr_willis.  What's a little one these days?  Fluxbox?20:24
abdullahrox noload_alse comment means we are loading it20:25
rinzlerdoes anyone know of a project or application that enables you to use your keyboard and mice as bluetooth HID devices?20:25
abdullahand noload_oss means we are stoping it20:25
Ion330HTdr_Willis: Ok so I have arrived at the file but it tells me permission denied, could possibly because I have cmod +x the file before trying to install it because it said so in one of the tutorials I tried to follow20:25
DragonflyHi there guys, Can anybody advise ? Ubuntu shows my wireless connection as 'eth1' I want to make it 'wlan0'20:25
rinzlerDragonfly: any specific reason, or just for looks?20:26
ubuntu-studioguntbertubootu: http://imagebin.org/226485 can you see20:26
fjdsarewiois there an ubuntu root password?20:26
uberamdfjdsarewio: no20:27
guntbertubuntu-studio: yes, we can see that20:27
testerooTry sudo su -20:27
fjdsarewiohow am i supposed to install gentoo20:27
krababbelDragonfly: look in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules20:27
testerooThen set it yourself.20:27
fidelfjdsarewio: wrong channel for gentoo questions20:27
zykotick9testeroo: don't suggest things that are wrong....20:27
Dr4gHey guys, I setup a cron entry from cron.hourly, but it's not activating - what command should I run to have it activate my change? Thanks20:27
abdullahROX anyway, i have now load_alsa20:27
guntbert!root | fjdsarewio20:27
ubottufjdsarewio: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:27
delinquentmehow can I use the command line to get to the trash?20:27
abdullahand in alsa.conf it is now output_device=hw:0,020:28
ubottuYour GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.20:28
abdullahand now message is chan_alsa.c:481 alsa_read: Read error: Resource temporarily unavailable20:28
rinzlerdoes anyone know of a project or application that enables you to use your keyboard and mice as bluetooth HID devices?20:28
lickalottguntbert why not "sudo passwd root"20:28
testerooBecause the moderator thinks he's god.20:29
jklowdenAh, the problem is apt-get can't install anything.  "sudo apt-get install emacs23" fails with "Unable to locate package emacs23" but ftp works.20:29
guntbertlickalott: setting a root password is not supported here (neither is having one set)20:29
PiciAnd doesn't have anything to do with installing gentoo.20:29
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Dragonflykrabbel: the file is configured correctly, it is set to prefix the wireless connection with 'wlan' but still ifconfig shows it as eth120:30
roxabdullah: hmmm, now what you need to do is to give the user, under which asterisk is running, permission to write the device20:30
guntbert!noroot | lickalott20:30
ubottulickalott: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.20:30
abdullahplease guide20:30
krababbelDragonfly: so did you change the name there? you would need to reboot I think.20:30
abdullahor write command for permission thing20:30
roxubottu: why is that so? i'm not trying to start a holy war here, i'm just asking20:30
abdullahwhich file need permission20:30
Picirox: its stated here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:31
roxabdullah: hmm, i don't know how your asterisk is running20:31
Ion330HTdr_Willis: Ok so I have arrived at the file but it tells me permission denied, could possibly because I have cmod +x the file before trying to install it because it said so in one of the tutorials I tried to follow20:31
delinquentmePici, So im on a VM instance of 12.04 ... and there seems to be no ~/.local file20:31
Dragonflykrababbel: I didnt change anything in there, file is configured correctly and I've rebooted many times trying different things for it.20:31
abdullahasterisk is running for user asterisk and group is also asterisk20:31
uberamdrox: guntbert Sounds like they just want to protect users from themselves20:31
krababbelDragonfly: maybe paste the line about this connection in the file here20:32
roxabdullah: and the device is probably root:root20:32
Dr4gHey guys, I setup a cron entry from cron.hourly, but it's not activating - what command should I run to have it activate my change? Thanks20:32
abdullahrox are you talking about /dev/dsp20:33
uberamdDr4g: what do you mean you "setup a cron entry from"20:33
roxabdullah: how about this: chown root:asterisk /dev/YOUR-DEVICE20:33
Dragonflykrababbel: here it is SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="b4:74:9f:7b:75:ee", ATTR{dev_id}=="0x0", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"20:33
krababbelDragonfly: other than that, i don't know, sorry20:33
roxabdullah: and they chmod 770 /dev/YOUR-DEVICE20:33
rinzlerdoes anyone know of a project or application that enables you to use your keyboard and mouse as bluetooth HID devices?20:33
Dr4guberamd: i added my command to the cron.hourly file, but it's not executing it20:33
jklowdenIs http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ a valid repository location?  What do you use?20:33
roxabdullah: no, we have already established, that /dev/dsp does not exist on your machine20:33
Dragonflykrababbel: No problem, I'll seek someone else' help20:34
abdullahso which device i should look now20:34
krababbelDragonfly: Is this an integrated wifi ?20:34
roxabdullah: the one you have configured in /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf20:34
uberamdDr4g: you could try doing a sudo touch /etc/cron.d/20:34
abdullahi can change permissions but for which device20:34
Dr4guberamd: thanks.20:34
roxabdullah: the one configured under the item OUTPUT_DEVICE20:34
Dr4guberamd: i'll try.20:35
abdullah; To set which ALSA device to use, change this parameter ;input_device=hw:0,0 output_device=hw:0,020:35
Dragonflykrababbel: yes it is a broadcom wireless card integrated into motherboard.20:35
roxuberamd: you need to restart cron20:35
ubuntu-studiohttp://imagebin.org/226485 i am stuck ! T_T20:35
Dr4guberamd: isn't touch for files, you gave me a DIR path.20:35
abdullahwhat is output_device=hw0,020:35
Dr4grox: how to I restart the cron20:35
roxabdullah: i don't know how these devices translate to device files, google it20:35
roxDr4g:  service cron restart20:36
abdullahi am failed at google since it is 7th day now20:36
Dr4grox: thanks, i'll see how this goes20:36
Dr4gand thanks uberamd for the help too.20:37
roxDr4g: for cron you also have the option of editing your personal crontab, using command crontab -e20:37
abdullah lshw -c sound       ----     physical id: 14.5        bus info: pci@0000:00:14.520:37
guntbert!details | ubuntu-studio20:37
ubottuubuntu-studio: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:37
roxDr4g: if you use the crontab command, you don't have to restart cron20:37
uberamdDr4g: it changes the timestamp on the directory and tells cron to update20:38
Dr4guberamd: good to know20:38
krababbelDragonfly: does the same happen in termnial with 'ip link'? Where is wlan0 called eth1?20:39
mosx1what permissions will a user's new file have after they upload it via ftp ? how can i determine this from the commandline ? thx20:39
abdullahrox this is what I've found  ---  physical id: 14.5        bus info: pci@0000:00:14.520:40
Dragonflykrababbel: when I view 'ifconfig' it shows me 3 connections "eth0" for ethernet "eth1" for wireless card and "lo" for loopback. loopback and ethernet are all good I just need to rename the eth1 to wlan0 because I used to write wlan0 when referring to my wireless connection and it is causing a lot of confusions now20:41
abdullahand this one also   aplay -l **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices **** card 0: IXP [ATI IXP], device 0: ATI IXP AC97 [ATI IXP AC97]   Subdevices: 0/1   Subdevice #0: subdevice #020:41
tango4449I want to thank the folks who helped me this week while I was figuring out how to install xubuntu on my HP Mini 1000 that had a MAC OS, using a PC-created USB flash drive. It worked the first time! Thank you!20:43
abdullahROX can you tell me the location of /dev/Device to change permission20:43
Ion330HTHow do I mout a drive in recovery mode prompt?20:43
pelle_hi i'm about to install ubuntu on a macbook 5.1 with no working cd-drive i'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick when looking here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook it states that i should use natty/ ubuntu11.04 - is this right and will it not be possible to install version 12.... ?20:45
david__does anyone here run cinnamon in ubuntu20:47
delinquentmeOk So im unable to install this " trash-cli "20:47
auronandacedavid__: not supported20:47
david__what do you mean>?20:47
delinquentmeit seems that Im unable to find it in the repos .. even after updating and upgrading apt-get20:47
david__not supported in this channel?20:48
auronandacedavid__: we can't support cinnamon here20:48
abdullahrox  i have found few devices under /dev/snd20:49
delinquentmeso what happened to the storage location of the trash in 12.04??20:50
abdullahdevices under /dev/snd   are controlC0  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p  pcmC0D1p   and all of them are   chown root;audio20:50
delinquentmeis there a channel specifically for 12.04?20:50
zykotick9!trash | delinquentme20:50
ubottudelinquentme: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.20:50
delinquentmeim running a VM which is ubuntu 12.04 ... and the trash it not located at ~/.local/share/Trash ... and also im unable to install "trash-cli "20:51
delinquentmezykotick9, ^20:51
auronandacezykotick9: is that factoid restricted to nautilus? or do other file managers also use those directories for trash?20:52
zykotick9delinquentme: i don't have a ~/.local/share/Trash either... best of luck.20:52
zykotick9auronandace: i'd think.... not 100% though20:52
auronandacezykotick9: so part of the xdg standard20:53
snagglepussdavid__:   log onto the linuxmint-help channel on the    irc.spotchat.org     irc server for help with cinnamon20:53
tkinghow do i stop files from being saved with a tilda20:53
zykotick9auronandace: i don't have nautilus installed on my system, and no Trash folder.  sorry, I don't know the details.20:53
zykotick9tking: are you using vi?20:54
tkinglike textfile~20:54
auronandacezykotick9: no worries, just curious, never seen that factoid before20:54
rechengehirnHi. How can i set errormessages in shell temporarily to engish20:54
tkingzykotick9, am using gedit20:54
ubuntu-studioi have a formatted 640 gb hard drive but ubuntu-studio will not install from the live usb drive. there is an "root file system not defined" message. how do i fix it. im new but excited about linux. please help link added!20:55
zykotick9tking: hummm.  didn't know gedit did that.20:55
tkingzykotick9, actually textEdit20:55
TimothyAam I supposed to assign a filesystem to the disks before or after setting up the raid?20:56
DrDamnitUpgrading a server to 12.04 LTS. Need to buy a motherboard. What is a better choice, Intel Chipsets or nVidia Chipsets? I need to have a smooth upgrade since it is a production system.20:56
auronandaceubuntu-studio: you need to tell it which partition to use as / (root) for your install20:57
ubuntu-studioauronandace: how to do that20:57
auronandaceubuntu-studio: look at the partitions that are shown and select one to be used, put the mountpoint as /20:58
Troy^if i install openssh-server will it auto start on boot?20:59
roxauronandace: during the install procedure, at the partitioning phase, you either select default, wehich does it for you, or you partition yourself20:59
DrDamnitTroy: yes.20:59
zykotick9Troy^: yes (it should anyways)20:59
ubuntu-studioauronandance: installation menu does not show any partition options.20:59
Troy^ok thank you DrDamnit and zykotick921:00
roxubuntu-studio: partitioning will come up later during the procedure21:00
delinquentmeif I've got a VM running ... and I want to boot into the GUI... what would the command be?21:00
roxauronandace: i'm sorry, the previous message was ment for ubuntu-studio21:00
delinquentmeubuntu 12.0421:00
auronandacerox: i've always done my partitioning manually21:00
auronandacerox: no worries21:00
roxauronandace: so have i21:00
roxlidar: hello21:00
Troy^i just had the opportunity to setup a raid 1 setup and first time setting up partions manually on my server21:01
ubuntu-studiorox: so i should restart the computer and select default?21:01
BluesKajDrDamnit, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/21:01
ratcheerTroy^: Cool. How many drives?21:01
abdullahdid you get my messages21:02
Troy^ratcheer: just 2 drives. 2 80gb IDE drives. older box. if i had 3 it would have been raid 5 i believe21:02
ratcheerTroy^: RAID-5 will work on three drives, but not very well. So, with your two drives, did you stripe or mirror?21:03
DrDamnitBlueKaj: Great link. Thanks. Need Mobo recommendations, however, because it is a custom Asterisk PBX I am building, and don't want to fool with riser cards to install T1's, etc...21:03
Troy^ratcheer: there mirrored as RAID 1 is mirroring21:04
maheanuuFor some strange reason VLC has taken over my torrent download default and Transmission isn't being allowed to download any files, how do I remedy this problem?21:04
ratcheerTroy^: Sorry, I see you already said RAID-1.21:05
Troy^ratcheer: honestly I really don't even need RAID 1 for what i need. but since i had the opportunity i thought it would be cool and I can use it to back up other PCs in the house i guess21:05
MonkeyDustmaheanuu  right click on a torrent, open with, select other default21:05
Troy^is there a way to get ubuntu to spit back a cpu temp?21:05
maheanuuMonkeyDust,  there is no other and when I go to find Transmission it doesn't show21:06
TimothyAis RAID0 supposed to be slower than RAID1?21:06
ratcheerTroy^: lm-sensors21:06
zykotick9Troy^: "sensors" from terminal21:06
Troy^thanks, need to setup static ip. and start installing some packages for the server21:07
BluesKajDrDamnit, well Isuppose you could take a look at the mobos on the recommended boxes21:08
Troy^is that my cpu temp?21:08
ratcheerTroy^: Probably.21:09
abdullahrox should i leave the channel now21:09
abdullahor you have any solution21:10
ratcheerTroy^: Here's what mine looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176662/21:10
mosx1what's up with this???     sudo chmod 644 /home/user/public_html/*.php -R21:10
maheanuuMonkeyDust,  should I remove and reinstall transmission, Yesterday I removed VLC because it opened everytime I tried to download, and then things returned to normal, but after reinstalling VLC I am back in the same corner, with the same problem21:11
MonkeyDustmaheanuu  you could, yes21:11
mosx1I wan't to recursively set permissions on all php files below a given directory to 64421:12
maheanuuI really like vlc as my video audio player, but if I am going to have this problem where it wants to stream and as my DSL service is slow, I download and save all in my downloads directory, but now I am stuck with VLC21:13
uberamdmosx1: find . -type f -name "*.php" | xargs chmod 64421:14
Troy^alright ratcheer so i guess it is good. I only have one core and it also supports hyperthreading21:15
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:15
Troy^so my cpu temp is at 32C and my HardDrives 37 and 38C21:16
=== romain_ is now known as romb
JRT83hello everyone. I am a novice ubuntu user with what I think is a complicated DNS/IP problem... so if anyone can walk me through how to troubleshoot and fix this I'd really appreciate it.  I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on a vmware player running on Windows vista, and I have been adding and changing some things, and something in that process messed up the internet connection. I was setting up a LAMP stack following a few different walkth21:18
roxJRT83: so, what was it that got messed up?21:19
JRT83and I think one of the steps in there had me edit a configuration file of some sort to set a static IP for the server, and now I don't know what the files are that I need to fix, but I can't ping anything outside the computer from the virtual machine21:19
JRT83it has no internet21:19
JRT83I saw a few posts about things to look at but I really don't know how to interpret the output21:19
JRT83like the command: route -n21:19
MonkeyDustJRT83  /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf21:19
delinquentmeAre only SPECIFIC files capable of being SHA1 summed?21:19
JRT83yeah, /etc/resolv.conf is blank21:19
JRT83except for the comment lines telling you not to edit it21:20
=== Orbitey is now known as wrongtarget
delinquentmeim looking at a .ova ( virtual machine ) file and im not able to get a sha1sum on it?21:20
roxJRT83: you are probably talking about the files in /etc/network21:20
roxJRT83: you will find your file there21:20
JRT83hmm, I think I set the IPs to the localhost numbers I found somewhere else on my computer21:20
MonkeyDustJRT83  put your router's IP address in /etc/resolv.conf    nameserver or so21:21
zykotick9MonkeyDust: i believe resolv.conf is deprecated in 12.0421:21
roxJRT83: would you please paste the output of the command "ifconfig -a" to a pastebin?21:21
MonkeyDustzykotick9  is it replaced by something?21:22
BluesKajJRT83, you probly have to add the dns nameservers to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head , because it writes to /etc/resolv.conf , ignore the warning in head21:22
mosx1can anybody explain to me why sudo chmod 644 /home/user/public_html/*.php -R doesn't seem to work as I expect...i.e. recursively from /home/user/public_html/ ???21:22
MonkeyDustzykotick9  BluesKaj just answered :)21:22
guyneedshelpI need help!21:22
roxbecause for recursive you need to use the -R flag21:23
roxmosx1: read the manpage, use -R for recursive chmod21:23
mosx1I thought I just did21:23
mosx1-R is right there21:23
BluesKajJRT83, you probly need to add the namesevers to /etc/nework/interfaces as well, I'm not real sure about that , tho21:23
guyneedshelpI am trying to install unetbootin. I downloaded the file and I need to execute it. But how do I choose the application to open it with?21:23
roxmosx1: oh, those aren't directories, those are files21:23
mosx1rox: you mean the php files ?21:24
JRT83ok, cuz I read several places that the new ubuntu handles DNS differently, and so you can't directly edit the resolv.conf files21:24
roxmosx1: just chmod 644 /home/user/public_html/*php should do the trick21:24
roxmosx1: yes21:24
guyneedshelpcan someone please help me :(21:25
mosx1rox: why no -R ?21:25
=== Jilly is now known as Guest96367
lickalottguyneedshelp where did you download it from?21:25
guyneedshelpfrom a trusted link21:25
roxguyneedshelp: why don't you install unetbootin from repository?21:25
guyneedshelpfrom there21:25
roxguyneedshelp: sudo apt-get install unetbootin21:26
mosx1rox: how come no -R option in your command ?21:26
BluesKajJRT83, yes you have to add them in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head21:26
guyneedshelpI need to install the older version, not the newer one21:26
plagman_Does anyone know whether 12.10 is supposed to have full multi-arch support?21:26
lickalottso sourceforge?21:26
=== Guest96367 is now known as JillyB
roxmosx1: because the wildcard in the command already expands the arguments to files21:26
guyneedshelpbecause the newer version wont recognize ntfs format21:26
zykotick9plagman_: multiarch is a work in progress at this point21:26
mosx1ah, ok and it looks in subdirectories too ?21:27
roxmosx1: i'll give you an example, let's say you have files file1.php, file2.php and file3.php in your directory21:27
plagman_zykotick9: I realize that; I was asking whether there was a tentative target for full support, and if that target happened to be the next release21:27
roxmosx1: when you say chmod 644 /home/uset/public_html/*php21:27
JRT83BluesKaj do I just add the one nameserver line to the head file?21:27
gccsterguys i have the domain test.example.com and i want to only redirect(rewrite)  to page test.example.com/?search when the request_uri is / (root) how can this be done with htaccess? i already asked in #apache21:27
mrgtSo I can eject the cdrom using the "eject" command. Is there a simllar command or a way to retract the drive?21:27
roxmosx1: the shell expands the wildcard, and the command gets run as if you had listed all the files on the command line21:27
lickalottguyneedshelp it's an .iso21:28
roxmosx1: so the command gets run, as if you had typed21:28
roxchmod 644 /home/user/public_html/file1.php /home/user/public_html/file2.php /home/user/public_html/file3.php21:28
lickalotti mean did you get the .sio21:28
mosx1rox: and does it change permission for file4.php that is in a subdirectory ?21:29
lickalottwish i could type today21:29
roxmosx1: no21:29
ForSparePartsHave any of you been able to connect to freenode using the bundled Empathy client and do authentication?21:29
mrgtnever mind I got it :)21:29
mosx1well that's what I asked for21:29
guyneedshelpI have the iso21:29
mosx1for subdirectories too21:29
lickalottthe app should be a .exe.  judt double click and point it to the .iso and all is well.  if you don't have an extension on the unetbootin file, add it21:29
roxmosx1: the reason it did not do that is because you did not list your directory in your command21:29
BluesKajJRT83, like this , http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176709/21:29
zykotick9plagman_: i'd guess it would need to be finished upstream (debian) first.  perhaps asking there would shed more light?21:30
roxmosx1: you only listed the .php files21:30
guyneedshelpI am having trouble getting unetbootin first21:30
guyneedshelpI need to get the old version installed. i downloaded an exec file but I have no clue how to open it21:30
lickalottyou're on windows right?21:30
roxmosx1: the wildcard /home/user/public_html/*.php expands to all files in that directory ending with .php21:30
delinquentmeif something passes a SHA1 comparison .. the file is said to be _________21:30
roxmosx1: not subdirectories21:30
guyneedshelpno im on ubuntu21:30
delinquentmepure ... non-messed up ...21:30
roxmosx1: so you need to chmod all php files to 644?21:30
delinquentmeits not " secure "21:30
roxmosx1: let's craft up a command for that21:31
mosx1i thought the -R took care of the subdirectories21:31
guyneedshelphow do I open this download? how do i get to the application to open this download21:31
mosx1yes rox, all below the /home/user/public_html/21:31
JRT83What are those last 2 nameserver IPs?21:32
lickalottguyneedshelp go back to the page that you sent me and look at 2.21:32
lickalottunder installation and screenshots21:32
Alchemyhey all if I add a executable into /etc/rc.local will it be run after all system core services are brought online21:33
Alchemynot sure where to add it21:33
Alchemyit only needs to survive 1 reboot21:33
AlchemyI am doing an automated setup script and it needs to run after the reboot succeeded on the first part21:33
guyneedshelpoh man I am embarassed!21:33
guyneedshelpthank you so much for your help!!!!21:33
roxmosx1: ok, try this21:34
nilopeshi, i'm getting a problem with my ubuntu 12.04, it freeze in logo screen with five dots, and i can't do anything, please help21:34
roxmosx1: find /home/user/public_html -name "*php" -exec chmod 644 {} \;21:34
auronandace!nomodeset | nilopes21:35
ubottunilopes: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:35
roxmosx1: that should do what you needed to do21:36
roxmosx1: in the future, it would be a good idea to learn, how the shell wildcards work21:36
roxmosx1: and use find with -exec when wildcards don't cut it21:37
roxmosx1: did it do the job?21:37
mosx1seems to have yes, thankyou.21:37
Troy^hmm i want to update my ehternet interface settings via ssh i dont want to do sudo ifdown eth0 then it won't come back up :S21:37
roxmosx1: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/wildcards.html21:37
roxTroy^: that is most certainly not a good idea21:38
makezanhey guys i need a bit of help21:38
Troy^is there a way to get it to restart the interface with my static settings21:38
Troy^or best bet a reboot?21:38
makezandon't have too much time to trouble shoot right now. but anyone with nfs4 experience here?21:38
makezanover the weekend I setup my server21:39
roxTroy^: if you are going to do that, then you should do the following first: make a script, that will detect, if your network is still up, and if it detects that it is not, it should revert to your current settings21:39
maslenI'm using ubuntu 12.04 with gnome-classic-fallback, and alt-tab doesn't appear to trigger anything, and unless I click on the taskbar icon, (even if I select the window), it does not appear to bring the window to foreground/switch focus properly.21:39
makezanand I can't mount the filesystem on the client anymore21:39
Troy^rox: sounds ideal lol.. makezan just set mine up21:39
makezanit tells me, mount.nfs4: mount(2): Permission denied21:39
roxTroy^: no, you can't just set it to revert to revious settings, you need to script it up21:39
Troy^no i know rox21:39
pyrrhicHow to fix a corrupted NTFS partition with a Windows 7 disc?!?21:40
Troy^my bash scripting skills are pretty minimal21:40
neil__I want to run a simple python script in the background but a icon is appearing in the launcher :-( .... how do I stop that?21:40
mosx1any idea how can i upgrade apache from 2.22 to 2.4 from command ?21:40
roxpyrrhic: ask people in #windows21:40
pyrrhicrox: They aren't replying21:40
makezan<Troy^> lol, for real i'm running mad and don't know what to do.21:40
Troy^sudo ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 will that do both commands?21:41
makezanthere are only 3 config files on the server to check and only 1 config on the client?21:41
Troy^i know the static settings will work21:41
roxTroy^: no, if the first one fails, it won't run the second one21:41
roxTroy^: the && operator in the shell does that21:41
Troy^why wouldn't the interface go down though21:41
roxTroy^: for many reasons21:42
Troy^i'm going to try it lol. crosses fingers21:42
roxTroy^: wait21:42
pyrrhicHow would I go about fixing a corrupt NTFS partition? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64.21:42
roxTroy^: let's do this right21:42
lidarpyrrhic, corrupt in what way ?21:43
roxTroy^: do this: cp /etc/network/interfaces ~/interfaces.bak21:44
=== Relapr is now known as parmount
Troy^yea i made a back of the oringal already /etc/network/interfaces.back21:44
pyrrhiclidar: how many different ways can it be corrupt?21:45
roxTroy^: so, you are changing your primary interface, right?21:45
pyrrhiclidar: I cant access it and I used to be able to.21:45
Troy^yea eth021:46
lidarpyrrhic, does manually mounting it work ?21:46
roxTroy^: so, let's make a script21:46
mosx1hmm, my server seems hung....anything I can do?21:46
roxTroy^: wait a minute, i'll give it to you in a pastebin21:46
mosx1it's stuck at *Starting web server apache221:47
pyrrhiclidar: I don't know the command to do so.21:47
lidarmosx1, apachectl stop ?21:47
mosx1I don't have a prompt21:47
lidarpyrrhic, mkdir junk-windows && mount /dev/sda1 junk-windows edit sda1 to proper drive/partition21:47
emesif I have an ~/.xinitrc file, should there be an option to load a "custom" session on log in?21:47
pyrrhiclidar: It isn't sda1, so just replace it with the correct number, yes?21:48
lidarmosx1, your config is probably screwed up21:48
lidarpyrrhic, correct21:48
pyrrhicThe directory was made. But it has a lock symbol on it.21:49
lidarpyrrhic, did you do it as root  ?21:50
lidarpyrrhic, gksudo nautilus .. should be able to  access it then21:50
pyrrhicthere it is21:50
pyrrhicspecial device /dev/sd3 does not exist21:50
lidarpyrrhic, office depot charge like 100 dollars to do that ill accept 50 to my paypal :P21:51
lidarpyrrhic, /dev/sda3 should be what you mounted type mount to view all mounted partititons21:52
roxTroy^: http://pastebin.com/s7pi5U4X21:53
Troy^wow your pretty quick. that would have taken me an hour to write21:53
pyrrhiclidar: /dev/sda3 (my media ntfs partition) doesnt show after entering that command.21:53
roxTroy^: edit the script, so that the paths are correct21:54
roxTroy^: i don't know where you stored the backup file21:54
emeswhat's the name of the login manager in 12.04?21:54
roxTroy^: so please edit the path to the interfaces.back file, so that it is correct21:54
ratcheeremes: It depends on what desktop21:54
Troy^ /etc/network/interfaces.back21:54
lidarpyrrhic, sudo mount /dev/sda3 junk-windows/ gives an error ?21:55
emesratcheer: default install21:55
ratcheeremes: Unity? Then, lightdm.21:55
roxTroy^: and the pastebin messed up the other path too, please change it ti /etc/network/interfaces21:55
Troy^cp -f --remove-destination /etc/network/interfaces.back /etc/network/interfaces;21:56
roxTroy^: right, that should do it21:56
epifaniohi All, i'm having troubles with apt-get and cron ... i tried to upgrade a system .. but both aptitude or apt-get are stuck on the "cron" package, have you any clue on how can i try to fix/debug this problem ?21:56
emesratcheer: what service do I need to stop in order to kill x11?21:56
pyrrhiclidar: need to specify a file type, dont know where to put ntfs.21:56
roxTroy^: the whole point is, that ping fails, if your network is down21:56
lidarpyrrhic, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda3 junk-windows/ gives an error ?21:57
ratcheeremes: lightdm21:57
roxTroy^: if ping fails, the value if $? will be something other then 021:57
lidarpyrrhic, add the -t ntfs21:57
roxTroy^: so in that case, we need to revert21:57
pyrrhiclidar: yes. large line of errors21:57
Troy^yup makes sense now, just wouldn't of known how to properly code it. thanks21:57
roxTroy^: glad to help, good luck21:58
pyrrhiclidar: want a pastebin?21:59
lidarpyrrhic, yes21:59
epifaniothis is what i have http://paste.debian.net/186740/22:01
lidarepifanio, cron wont update because cron is executing apt-get right ?22:01
epifaniolidar: i pasted all the log i had in my shell, i'm connected via ssh to that machine22:01
epifaniolidar: i tried both apt-get and aptitude, both fails on cron22:02
OliverUv_Does anyone know how to change the wubi location to another NTFS partition (ubuntu 12.04, win7)?22:02
lidarepifanio, i think the solution is block cron from updating .. then make a script to update it seperatly22:03
vericanyone that is good with getting flash to work on firefox  that can help me?22:03
epifaniolidar how can i block the cron update ?22:03
WeThePeopleanybody here know how to get Ubucompilator to work with a tar.bz2?22:04
WeThePeopleto make a .deb22:04
avocadois there a bitlbee package that includes skype? the 12.04 one does not.22:04
nilopesubuntu 12.04 freeze on logo screen, i've tried the "nomodset" option in Grub, but it steel the same, pls help me22:04
epifanioif you have same direction i'll follow them, i'm clueless22:04
lidarepifanio, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77768522:04
* epifanio google on how .. .. oh! thanks!22:04
robertzaccourUbuntu doesn't recognize my gamepad. Any suggestions?22:04
pyrrhicLidar: http://pastebin.com/wu7fhCB322:05
HAMKootrobertzaccour, more details please, what type gamepad ?22:06
lidarpyrrhic, that error is saying fix the drive from windows ... reboot at grub pick windows and hold f822:06
pyrrhiclidar: my windows partition is nonexistant currently.22:06
pyrrhicI have a windows 7 cd though22:06
pyrrhicI got rid of windows 7, and this was my media drive while I had it.22:07
robertzaccourHAMKoot: xbox 360 wired22:07
lidarpyrrhic is it a desktop ?22:07
pyrrhiclidar: yep22:08
tuxkalle_does anyone know What is the difference between flags and switches in a terminal command? is it the same ting?22:08
lidarpyrrhic, if you have another windows desktop you could just swap it over so that windows can fix it ..22:09
pyrrhiclidar: negative.22:09
pyrrhiclidar: would recovery console work?22:09
lidarpyrrhic, yeah thats how you get to chkdsk22:09
pyrrhiclidar: just get to recov console and chkdsk /f ?22:10
=== azend_ is now known as azend
lidarpyrrhic, maybe there is a linux tool .. i never tried22:10
HAMKootrobertzaccour, found an answer > http://askubuntu.com/a/142613 but the game must support this controller.22:10
lidar!bash > tuxkalle_22:10
ubottutuxkalle_, please see my private message22:10
Troy^rox: my internet face isnt coming up22:11
lidarpyrrhic, yep exactly22:11
roxTroy^: sooo, both your reconfiguration and my script failed22:11
epifaniolidar: it is now stuck on :  http://paste.debian.net/186741/  should i put udev in the blacklist too ?22:11
roxTroy^: bad luck22:11
pyrrhiclidar: thanks bub22:11
lidarpyrrhic, http://www.geekstogo.com/forum/topic/231709-how-to-run-chkdsk-on-ntfs-drive-when-i-cannot-boot-windows/22:12
roxTroy^: if it really doesn't come up, then you will need to access the box physically22:12
robertzaccourHAMKoot: the controller works fine in windows22:12
roxTroy^: no other way to do it22:12
Troy^it saying when i do ifdown or ifup unable to access /etc/network/interfaces:1 ifup couldn't read interfaces file22:13
roxTroy^: well, check the file22:13
Troy^i'm looking at it22:13
robertzaccouroh so controllers typically don't work in games with wine?22:13
Troy^it looks fine setup for dhcp22:13
robertzaccourthis is odd22:13
roxTroy^: ls -l /etc/network/interfaces22:13
lidarepifanio, for the sake of testing try it but if package after package fail .. then someting else is the problem22:13
HAMKootrobertzaccour, depends on the game.22:14
robertzaccourhow does wine make a difference on if controllers work or not?22:14
lidarepifanio, are you using apt-get upgrade ? or soemthing else ?22:14
Troy^well i was nano editing it rox i was looking at it22:14
TheLordOfTimerobertzaccour:  because Linux has to see the device and process it?22:14
epifanioyes this time i used apt-get22:14
robertzaccourHAMKoot: OnLive cloud gaming22:14
roxTroy^: are you sure, that the file name is exactly right?22:14
Troy^ /etc/network/interfaces22:14
roxTroy^: also, IIRC in interfaces, tabs matter22:15
WeThePeopledoes libtoolize come with ubuntu or in the tar.bz2?22:15
robertzaccourTheLordOfTime: so controllers simply don't work in wine?22:15
HAMKootrobertzaccour, so did you try that anser ?22:15
TheLordOfTimerobertzaccour:  not what i said22:15
roxTroy^: can you show me the file?22:15
roxTroy^: pastebin22:15
Troy^its not on network lol22:15
Troy^if wont come up22:15
robertzaccourHAMKoot: yes in that link someone says controllers don't work in wine22:15
roxTroy^: then how can you edit it?22:15
Troy^i walk to the box22:16
roxTroy^: you have physical access to the file?22:16
roxTroy^: ah, ok, at least you don't have to travel22:16
qualiaHi! How can I mount ubuntu filesystem from my freebsd ?22:16
lidarepifanio, if you ssh in get root and run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade does it work ?22:16
Troy^auto eth022:16
Troy^iface eth0 inet dhcp22:16
Troy^and before that is loop22:17
lidar!mount > qualia22:17
ubottuqualia, please see my private message22:17
roxTroy^: that's just your standard vanilla dhcp setup22:17
epifaniolidar that's what i did after i added cron in the blacklist, now i'm going to do the same after putting also udev in the blacklist22:17
Troy^yes i put it back to that rox22:17
Troy^i intially was trying static22:17
roxTroy^: the only reason for the interface not to come up would be, if the dhcp server isn't functioning, or  if the wire is unplugged22:17
Troy^and i had it coming up but wouldnt ping any internal or external ips\22:17
roxTroy^: did you ping IPs or hostnames?22:18
roxTroy^: what does ifconfig say?22:19
roxTroy^: if you just run ifconfig with no arguments?22:20
Troy^it shows eth0 configure for the static ip address i had entered22:20
Troy^and the loopback22:20
Troy^the netmask and gateway are correct as well22:20
roxTroy^: there, it's not reading your DHCP configuration22:20
Troy^why though22:20
roxTroy^: but if it+'s showing eth0, then the interface didn't go down22:21
Troy^its say ifup/ifdown doesnt have access to /etc/network/interfaces22:21
WeThePeopleanybody who knows ./config, make, make install, pls see for help. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176779/22:21
WeThePeopleis this correct22:21
jribWeThePeople: you know xchat is in the repositories?22:21
Jordan_Uqualia: Unfortunately I don't think that freebsd fully supports ext4. Try asking in ##freebsd.22:21
lidarWeThePeople, yes22:22
roxTroy^: try to do it manually22:22
roxTroy^: sudo ifconfig eth0 down22:22
WeThePeoplejrib, only ver 2.6.8 this is 2.8.822:22
jrib!info xchat22:22
WeThePeople2.6.8 has bugs22:22
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu12 (precise), package size 345 kB, installed size 869 kB22:22
dr_willisamuseing description.. makes me wonder who else has actually used AmIRC22:22
dr_willis!info amirc22:22
WeThePeoplejrib, i use Lucid22:22
ubottuPackage amirc does not exist in precise22:22
jribWeThePeople: upgrade is free :x22:23
jribdr_willis: not many people, judging by that22:23
histoWeThePeople: Is there a reason you need 2.8.8  over 2.6.8?22:24
dr_willisAmIRC was the first VaporWare application to be shown to the Amiga world. Its author, Oliver Wagner, has worked too many late nights on the program to count, and continues to update it to this day.   (i googled)22:24
SachUnable to play a VCD on ubuntu 11.04 with moveplayer or VLC.  Help please?22:24
lidarWeThePeople, you can usually just grab the .deb and install it xchat is pretty simple without too many dependencies22:24
WeThePeoplejrib, how there is no upgrade option in --help22:24
roxTroy^: when you get it down, then try to get it up manually22:24
WeThePeoplehisto, bugs in 2.6.822:24
jribdr_willis: heh22:24
roxTroy^: say22:24
roxTroy^: dhclient eth022:24
dr_willisjrib:  makes me wonder how many in here actually rember the Amiga22:25
jribWeThePeople: you can upgrade from Lucid to Precise22:25
jrib!upgrade | WeThePeople22:25
ubottuWeThePeople: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:25
dr_willisNow i feel old.22:25
histoWeThePeople: you can upgrade to 12.04.1 right now if you'd like22:25
jribdr_willis: I only know about amiga because old people always talk about -_-22:25
k1l_WeThePeople: dont jump on the windows : newer is better train22:25
histodr_willis: Ido22:25
roxTroy^: when you get the box back online, you can put the interfaces file into a pastebin22:25
WeThePeoplehisto, i like lucid layout better22:26
dr_willisSome days i wish the ubuntu devs would go spend a week or 3 on an amiga and 'borrow' some of the neater ideas.22:26
Troy^rox: i cant22:26
roxdr_willis: hahaha, ah, the nostalgia22:26
roxTroy^: elaborate22:26
roxTroy^: what does ifconfig eth0 down say?22:27
SpaceBasshey folks22:27
Troy^i set it to auto dhcp bring up port with sudo ifconfig eth0 up it comes up but never resolves22:27
Troy^i do a sudo ifup eth0 it sais unable to access /etc/network/interfaces:122:27
SpaceBassI've tried every variant of JRE in the 12.04 repos, but both Chromium and Firefox still complain there is no JRE plugin ? any tips ?22:27
lidarWeThePeople, life is far to short to waste time with old versions! always update22:28
roxTroy^: what does ls -l /etc/network/interfaces say?22:28
daemonhey all I am scripting the installation of a few packagers and one of them prompts me with an interactive menu, I normally select manual but how can I do this from a script22:28
SpaceBasslidar, good mantra22:28
mcnelliswhat happens if I cat file1 and file1 is written to while it's in the middle of running the cat command22:28
Troy^i couldn't read interfaces file. Rox hold on for the last command running up and downstairs :S22:28
roxTroy^: ok, if you are running up and down, then we should do batches22:29
mcnellisIs cat guaranteed to give me the file at the end of *some* file write i.e. that the file will end with a newline or is it possible that cat will give me the last line in the middle of its writing i.e. the last line is only half written22:29
roxTroy^: first you get it down with ifconfig eth0 down22:29
Troy^rox: 269 root root /etc/network/interfaces in green22:29
Sk_hi guys, I have problem. For while i started getting input/output error, so i did as some forum said, reboot pc o.o. Now my pc froze and after reboot it tells me to put in proper boot device i had dual boot Win8 +ubuntu 11.10.  error was on ubuntu22:29
roxTroy^: they you run dhcp manually,22:29
roxsudo dhclient eth022:29
dr_willisSk_:  could be the Hard drive died..22:29
dr_willisSk_:  id boot with a live cd and see if you can access the drive.22:30
roxTroy^: i was actually interested in permissions22:30
lidarSk_, i vote with dr_willis22:30
Jordan_Umcnellis: cat gives you no guarantees.22:30
roxTroy^: that -rwxr--r-- thing22:30
Sk_yes i'm afraid of that. but is there some way to check it?  i'm now on live in cd at this pc. but i cant see my partitions as i always could doing so :(22:30
Troy^rox well earlier when it said ifup didnt have permission i chmod 777 /etc/network/interfaces22:30
dr_willisSk_:  check dmesg command, try to mount the drive22:30
roxTroy^: hmm, weird22:30
Jordan_Umcnellis: Are you asking out of curiosity, or do you actually have a problem where this matters?22:30
mcnellisOk, so if I'm dealing with a file that's being constantly written to, I should use cp first and then gzip the cp'd file  instead of using cat file | gzip22:31
Troy^rox: well the interface is down now rox22:31
roxTroy^: how about runnind dhclient manually?22:31
dr_willismcnellis:  you should use fifo/pipes i belive....22:31
roxso you got it down with ifconfig22:31
roxTroy^: run this: sudo dhclient eth022:31
Troy^yes ifconfig i can up and down but ifup/ifdown is a no go22:31
Sk_dr_willis: could u elaborate? i'm new in linus, should i open terminal from cd i'm on now and run it?22:31
dr_willis!mount | Sk_22:31
ubottuSk_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:31
Jordan_Umcnellis: What is your actual use case?22:32
dr_willisSk_:  start with looking at 'sudo fdisk -l' output, and look for error messages in 'dmesg'22:32
Troy^rox: eth0 is now up and obtained a dhcp address22:32
mcnellisI should state my problem simply and then ask for yoru guys' advice. I have a file that's being written to ~100 times a second. I want to backup the file (to AWS S3) every hour.22:32
lidarmcnellis, sounds like something for logrotate!22:32
Troy^rox: i am now ssh'd in22:32
roxTroy^: now you can copy/paste the command outputs22:32
Troy^rox: yes lol22:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
mcnellislidar, I don't want to rotate the file every hour, just every day. But I want to upload the file every hour22:33
dr_willis!info logrotate22:33
ubottulogrotate (source: logrotate): Log rotation utility. In component main, is important. Version 3.7.8-6ubuntu5 (precise), package size 34 kB, installed size 180 kB22:33
daemonhey all I am scripting the installation of a few packages and one of them prompts me with an interactive menu, I normally select 'manual' but how can I do this from a script22:33
epifaniolidar .. nothing "udev" is not a package ... still stuck on it22:33
dr_willislogrotate archives the log to a file. you then can cp when you want.22:33
mcnellisI don't want to rotate the file every hour22:34
roxTroy^: now you can show me your static configuration and the file that was unreadable22:34
dr_willisif its constantly getting written to.. how are you expecting 'cp' to  be reliable..22:34
roxTroy^: did you by any chance edit it in windows?22:34
lidarmcnellis, logroatate is configurable ... then use a cron job once aday to upload the .gz versions logrotate has created22:34
epifaniothat's the log : http://paste.debian.net/186748/22:34
Troy^rox: fizz@server:~$ ls -l /etc/network/interfaces22:34
Troy^-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 269 Aug 30 19:07 /etc/network/interfaces22:34
Sk_mr_willis: i got this - Disk /dev/sdb: 3999 MB, 3999268864 bytes 82 heads, 18 sectors/track, 5292 cylinders, total 7811072 sectors Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disk identifier: 0xc3072e18     Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System /dev/sdb1   *        8064     7811071     3901504    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA) ubunt22:34
roxTroy^: use pastebin22:34
SachUnable to play a VCD on ubuntu 11.04 with moveplayer or VLC.  Help please?22:34
jribdaemon: look into debconf preseeding22:35
ace1does this mean greater than.. libdbus-glib-1-2 (>= 0.88) its a dependency issue22:35
Jordan_U!pastebin | Sk_22:35
ubottuSk_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:35
Sk_mr_willis: i dont see errors but i have no idea what it says anyway :(22:35
dr_willisSach:  run vlc from terminal, tryu to play it.. look for error messages22:35
Sk_ah ok sorry22:35
lidarepifanio, do apt-get update and let me see it in pastebin .. and then do apt-get upgrade and let me see it in pastebin  the whole thing22:35
daemonthank you jrib22:35
Troy^rox: http://pastebin.com/ZEGRLFHG22:35
jribdaemon: apparently you can also change the DEBCONF_FRONTEND to noninteractive22:36
Troy^rox: both commands are there22:36
histoSk_: dmesg22:36
=== W4sp_ is now known as W4sp
daemonjrib, yeah in this case that does not seem to work I think its a critical question that needs to be answered22:36
roxTroy^: ahh, there we go22:36
histoTroy^: paste the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file22:36
Sachdr_willis: I dont see any errors.22:36
mcnellisWell, it's a PHP script that is writing to the file, and the connections are only open for a few milliseconds so the file isn't constantly open, so I figured cp wouldn't cp a line while it's in the middle of writing22:36
=== ivan_ is now known as Guest81647
Troy^rox and histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176795/22:37
roxTroy^: what ifup said does not mean, that it can not access the file, but that it does not understand it22:37
dr_willisSach:  mount the drive then and look again22:37
Troy^omg im an idiot22:37
roxTroy^: something is wrong with the file content22:37
Troy^rox: my screen cut off the first character on my linux server22:37
Troy^so i didnt see the random character22:37
Guest81647hi everyone!!!, I want to convert a pack of pictures into pdf. How could i do this on ubuntu 10.04???22:37
roxthat was bothering it all along22:37
mcnellisand the PHP script that writes to the file gets an exclusive lock on the file22:38
roxTroy^: so, remove the character, and everything should be in order22:38
histoTroy^: yeah line 122:38
Sk_http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176797/    here what i got22:38
Troy^now i'm going to edit it for static22:38
Guest81647I search for every google but all solutions doesn't work!!!22:38
roxTroy^: when you drop the interface, drop it with ifconfig22:38
Troy^ok rox22:38
Sachdr_willis: [0x9d11eac] main input error: open of `vcd:///media/cdrom0' failed: (null)22:38
asanchez1987_Hi. I'm trying to install linux on this partition (http://imgur.com/kr7Eb) but I get this error: "could not allocate requested partitions"22:39
roxTroy^: ifconfig eth0 dhcp release22:39
dr_willisSach:  is the disk mounted to /media/cdrom ?22:39
dr_willisSach:  is the disk mounted to /media/cdrom0 ?22:39
Sachdr_willis: yes22:39
roxTroy^: when it is down, you can then raise it back up with ifup22:39
roxTroy^: ifup and ifdown commands are wrappers for ifconfig22:39
Troy^yea i realized that now :P22:40
dr_willisSach:  use the vlc menus to open the files in /media/cdrom0 then perhaps.22:40
epifaniolidar: http://paste.debian.net/186751/  this is the update .. note i had to force quit it because was stuck on udev, now i see that udisks was asking for udev .. maybe i sghould put it in the blacklist insead of udev22:40
roxTroy^: this should do22:40
mz|`asanchez1987_: when you install ubuntu, you have only the logical partition, or ubuntu proposes you to cut the space into many partitions ?22:40
Sk_histo_: hi could u tell me what this means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176797/ <-- i will be reading it but i'm not surre i will understand and find errors :(22:40
jgcampbell300how do i enable a network card that says network disabled when i use lshw -c network22:40
epifaniolidarr .. this before to try run again  the the upgrade22:40
mz|`as you already have 4 physical +1 logical partitions, you won't be able to add more partitions to your disk22:40
Troy^ifconfig eth0 dhcp release this does not work22:41
roxTroy^: try not to scatter any loose } or ~ characters anywhere :-P22:41
Troy^doh :P22:41
dr_willis4 'primary' partitions.. i think is the better term.22:41
roxTroy^: then just get it down22:41
roxTroy^: ifconfig eth0 down22:41
Sachdr_willis: what format should the files be in?22:41
histoSk_: can you pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l    I think you did before but it was cut off short.22:41
dr_willisSach:  no idea. ive never used a VCD22:41
Sk_histo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176794/22:41
asanchez1987_mz|`: i'm trying to install centos (asking here because on #centos registered nick is required). During install process, i try to use the free space to automatically create partitions but got that error22:42
mz|`create partitionS or ONE partition ? ;)22:42
dr_williscentos is not related to ubuntu very much, you would be better off asking in #linux22:42
Sk_histo_: ah ok i see its copied wrongly, 1s i make new22:42
histoSk_: also from dmesg around 900 line you are getting io errors on sda  which is your primary hard disk22:42
roxdr_willis: fedora and redhat are closely related to centos22:43
asanchez1987_mz|`: well if i try to create for example just the /boot partition same error appears22:43
dr_willisrox:  and that has to do with Ubuntu How? ;)22:43
roxdr_willis: while ubuntu isn't22:43
mz|`dr_willis: better terms if you want, but logical is opposed to physical if I may.22:43
lidarepifanio, why dop you have 32bit and 64bit in sources.list ?22:43
Sk_histo_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176807/ this is that fdisk -l22:43
histoSk_: Yeah that's the one that's cut off. You're missing the output of /dev/sda on that fdisk -l22:43
mz|`dr_willis: not the first time.22:43
Troy^i bring it down rox then bring it up with sudo ifup eth0 and brings back up seems to be dhcp because the same addresss is used22:43
histoSk_: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda22:43
Jordan_Uasanchez1987_: This channel is only for Ubuntu support unfortunately. Try ##linux or register your nick.22:44
roxTroy^: seems to be dhcp?22:44
Troy^well it is not the ip i put in as static22:44
epifanioi didn't touched the apt-get, mabe other user did it .. can be this a problem ? i can try to coment the offending lines in the source.list22:44
roxTroy^: hmm, is your dhclient running?22:44
roxTroy^: kill dhclient22:44
mz|`asanchez1987_: you'll need to install the entire system in one partition (the one you selected in your picture) with no swap.22:44
Sk_histo_: i get nothing after that command, just jumps back to waiting for next command22:44
roxTroy^: killall dhclient22:44
lidarepifanio, if your amd64 take the 32bit ones out22:45
dr_willisSk_:  and thats a problem...22:45
dr_willis 22:45
Sk_histo_: also could u tell me what that 900 line error means? ;/22:45
histoSk_: yeah drive is dying22:45
lidarepifanio, or viceversa22:45
roxTroy^: if dhclient is running, then it keeps overriding your static settings22:45
histoSk_: in the dmesg  you can see all the buffer io errors on that page. corresponding to disk /dev/sda around line 90022:45
asanchez1987_mz|`: can't I create /boot, swap, / and /home ?22:45
mz|`no, you have not enough free partitions22:46
* rox yawns22:46
lidarepifanio, then apt-get update again .. and then try apt-get upgrade22:46
roxTroy^: i'm going to bed, i hope you won't have any more problems22:46
dr_willisasanchez1987_:   you can partion your drive however you want.. and tell the installers what partions to mount where.... if  your hd setup allows all those partiions.22:46
histomz|`: sure he does with extended22:46
Sk_histo_: yes i can see them but i dont know what they mean other then i have problem with drive22:47
mz|`with windows partitions present already on the disk ?22:47
con-manhey in 12.04 I noticed that all my browser flashed based videos like youtube or xhamster are playing really fast like at 16x speed... anyone know why that is? the audio/video is also out of sync. I've tried toggling hardware acceleration to no avail.22:47
histoSk_: please stop putting a _ after my name so I can see your responses.22:47
Sk_histo: ok :)22:47
dr_willisSk_:  means its time to look for your backups. and perhaps learn touse 'ddrescue' or 'dd_rescue' to try to save the data to another drive.22:47
mz|`I learn something really new.22:47
epifaniolidar: i can't see a 32 bit reference in my source.list .. i'm reading them right now22:47
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:47
histoSk_: the drive is dying or already dead22:47
lidarepifanio, the i38622:48
histodr_willis: recomend gddrescue to people so you know much better than the old dd_rescue22:48
Sk_dr_willis: i dont care for data actualy i have it backed up :).22:48
histoSk_: Then i'd look for a new disk and wouldn't trust this one with holding anything22:48
Troy^rox: it's not giving me my static ip im requesting maybe my router but i have other comps set for static and i never had to do anything on router22:48
asanchez1987_well that's the default partiton configuration with the laptop in "initial state". I've reduced the NTFS big partition to free 100GB for linux, but I see a 200MB for windows boot, 500GB NTFS for system, 30GB for lenovo restore points and 14GB for OEM? partition? what's this OEM shit?22:48
epifaniolidar: here i found more than one .;ost file .. so im figuring out which one has i386 inside22:48
josh_Hi ! How do use the command " rename 's/\.part$//' *.part" for a series of folders and all their sub-folders ?22:48
histo!language | asanchez1987_22:48
ubottuasanchez1987_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:48
dr_willis Sk_  id reformat it, replace it with a new hd.. and put it in a USB encosure with a big 'warning flakey drive'  IF  you can even get it working,.,.22:48
histoSk_: you could also try looking at it with smartmontools22:49
dr_willisasanchez1987_:  system restore partitions i imagine.22:49
asanchez1987_so if /boot requires a primary partition22:49
asanchez1987_is it impossible to install linux22:49
dr_willis /boot/ does not need to be a primary partition22:49
histoasanchez1987_: no22:49
dr_willisand /boot/ dosent really need to be on its own partition these days22:50
asanchez1987_so I should partition the free space as extended partition22:50
asanchez1987_or I can't22:50
histoasanchez1987_: yes and install grub to the mb422:50
josh_asanchez1987_, It's a "System partition" from where your laptop can be restored to it's factory state, I believe.22:50
histoasanchez1987_: s/mb4/mbr22:50
ivan___ah ja!!! I used imagemagick to convert all images to pdf :P22:51
mz|`with what you told before, why can't he partition the free space to 100's of Extended partitions ? :)22:51
ivan___it was awesome!!!22:51
* mz|` waiting for the answer22:51
Sk_histo: ok its on laptop/notebook, i have spare drive for it if needed. but, its asus, i gave it for waranty in march cuz of mainboard. waranty should have ended in march also. was it extended ? if u guys know such things. cuz if was i need to take it to service :/22:51
histomz|`: extended containers take up space on the primary partition table.22:51
mz|`ma gad22:51
histomz|`: so he can create one extended container and then create four more inside there and so on22:52
mz|`but did you look to the screenshot ?22:52
histomz|`: the extended container has another partition table so to say also22:52
asanchez1987_in the screenshot there are 3 primary, 1 logical and 1 free22:52
josh_Hello ! Can some one help me use the command " rename 's/\.part$//' *.part" for a directory and all directories under it (recursively) ?22:52
sharewarning: Qt/PyQt 4 initialization failed22:53
histoasanchez1987_: linkage?22:53
mz|`and he wants to install in the ... partition ?22:53
sharewhat do I need to install?22:53
asanchez1987_histo: http://i.imgur.com/kr7Eb.png22:53
mz|`replace ... if you may22:53
mz|`tip : green border22:53
histoasanchez1987_: I can't tell from that what's primary and what's extended22:54
asanchez1987_the 2 first and the last are primary22:54
asanchez1987_the 4th is logical22:54
asanchez1987_and the 3rd is free space22:54
Sk_well thanks guys for help i gona turn it off and see if there seals.    Cand they hide seals inside so i cant see and brake them?22:54
asanchez1987_or at least that is what w7 says22:55
histoasanchez1987_: you could extend the logical container to take up the free space and create more parttitions in there. I recomend using gparted of the live cd and getting out of windows thouhg.22:55
dr_willisbe sure you got a restore-dvd set for your windows box.. and trash the restore/recovery windows partions. :) is what i tend to do.22:55
mz|`Win (OS) limitations are 4 primary + 1 logical22:55
histomz|`: no22:56
zykotick9mz|`: actually BIOS limitation is 4 partitions22:56
histozykotick9: also no22:56
mz|`show me how to have 100' partition on one disk22:56
mz|`in windows 722:56
histomz|`: easily with extended partitions22:56
mz|`dear lord. show me.22:56
zykotick9histo: 3 parimary and one extended - as many logical as you want22:56
histozykotick9: no22:56
mz|`instead of no, show us :)22:57
josh_mz|`, Maybe use GPT with Win 7 64 Bit ? Your PC should support EFI boot though...22:57
histozykotick9: mz|` the reason for the limitation can be seen if you look at a disk and actually view the amount of space in the parition table.  You can only have 4 partitions in there.22:57
zykotick9histo: are you going to correct me then?22:57
dr_willisExtended partition22:57
dr_willisA hard disk may contain only one extended partition; the extended partition can be subdivided into multiple logical partitions. In DOS/Windows systems, each logical partition may then be assigned an additional drive letter.22:57
ubottuarea97: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:58
gordonjcpgosh, another !list from an italian IP address22:58
asanchez1987_so what should I do is to format the free 100GB as extended partition and then create logical partitions inside?22:58
asanchez1987_or i can't do this either22:59
mz|`dr_willis: histo: please show me22:59
mz|`i wanna learn22:59
mz|`i only use zfs22:59
histozykotick9: I'm trying to find a link that will explain paritioning better for you it's off topic and way to lengthy to explain in here.22:59
zykotick9native file systems are typically better...22:59
Troy^rox: got it23:00
xckpd7question: I have a box and I can't wget somethings... any ideas?23:00
mz|`xckpd7: without error code or network test ? no idea23:00
xckpd7for some reason certain things I can download on my own computer, I can't download / access on my Ubuntu 12.0.4 box23:01
mz|`dr_willis: histo: available when you need in PM to show me what i would learn from you23:01
xckpd7mz|`: well... it just says it can't resolve... something like that.. but yeah I partially want to know what I should do...23:01
xckpd7in regards to even going about it in a way that if I do get errors, I have a good way of showing23:01
josh_Hi ! I need help to use the command " rename 's/\.part$//' *.part" for a directory and all directories under it (recursively), how do i do this without manually entering each sub-directory ?23:02
mz|`you wget a URL with an IP ? with a CNAME?23:02
mz|`josh_: man rename ? ;)23:02
xckpd7mz|`: sudo wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mediainfo/MediaInfo_CLI_0.7.56_GNU_FromSource.tar.bz223:02
mz|`josh_: you may need to script a bit23:02
xckpd7it's not just that file.....23:02
zykotick9xckpd7: why sudo?23:03
xckpd7mz|`: it's not just that file, but it's a good example.. I think I have problems just connecting to certain things in general (and not others)23:03
mz|`cat /etc/resolv.conf ?23:03
xckpd7Zethrok: um dunno.. I think there were certain permissions on the folder it was going into23:03
mz|`you will have to test your local DNS resolver23:03
[snake]Can someone answer a security related question for me? in a private message23:03
xckpd7Zethrok: but what do I know23:03
krazyk_workI'm setting up a ubuntu live distro on a USB and am having trouble setting up persistent properly.  Anyone able to help?23:03
josh_mz|`, I read that, I got the expression to rename all files in a folder, but I need it to work on all sub folders. I guess it involves scripting and I'm new here, could you point me to some resources ?23:03
zykotick9krazyk_work: if you don't want to install from the liveusb - why not do a proper install onto the USB?23:04
mz|`"find . -xtype d" to search all directories from your current pwd23:04
mz|`then apply the rename cmd23:04
krazyk_workzykotick9: hw would I go about doing that and still having it be bootable?23:05
josh_mz|`, How do I join it together ? I didn't follow you.23:05
zykotick9krazyk_work: just install to the usb - that's it.23:05
l3dI would like to disable the guest account how would \I get this done23:05
xckpd7mz|`: result of cat/etc/resolv.conf: http://pastie.org/461923123:05
krazyk_workzykotick9: care if i PM?23:05
gargonhi, I have an edubuntu installation and recently I am unable to update the system to a lot of "Hash Sum mismatch" and "Encountered a section with no package: header". Why?23:06
zykotick9krazyk_work: i'd prefer if you didn't actually.23:06
zykotick9krazyk_work: happy to answer questions here ;)23:06
Troy^question openssh only seems to run on a linux box reboot when i log in to a user. how do i get the box to auto login?23:06
mz|`xckpd7: remove localhost from your /etc/resolv/conf file23:06
mz|`autossh ?23:07
mz|`Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels23:07
krazyk_workzykotick9: well I've tried to install from a live usb to another USB and I'm unsure of the partitioning I should be using.  All I know is, in the end.. when I insert USB with installed distro it boots normally instead of booting from USB23:07
mz|`gargon: the repository is corrupted and needs to be repaired23:07
zykotick9krazyk_work: you need to setup your BIOS to boot from USB first, and/or use the boot selection option in your BIOS23:08
josh_mz|`, Thanks for your help. :)23:08
gargonmzI: What can I do?23:08
krababbelkrazyk_work: did you test md5 sum of the iso file too?23:08
mz|`use another mirror23:08
krazyk_workkrababbel: yes23:08
mz|`josh_: yw, search indexes are your friends23:09
mz|`duckduckgo or google or ..23:09
krazyk_workzykotick9: i can run from a USB.  That's how I'm running the distro now, right?23:09
gargonmzI': which is the one I should put confidence in?23:09
mz|`ubuntu official mirrors23:09
zykotick9krazyk_work: then i can't understand why you can't boot the other install then???23:09
xckpd7mz|`: I removed the localhost from the resolv.conf file, and I tried the download again. no go.23:09
mz|`the nearest is the best for the speed generally23:09
histomz|`: you can have up to 26 drives or partitions assigned letters in windows. After that you can start mounting drives to folders with disk manager rather than assigning them a letter.23:09
josh_mz|`, Yes, thanks for the pointers... ;)23:10
mz|`histo: show me your 26 partitions23:10
krazyk_workzykotick9: nor can I.  I have menu.lst to have 2 options.. 1 with persistent and 1 w/o.  The 1 without boots fine, the 1 without does not23:10
zykotick9krazyk_work: lol menu.lst - grub1 really?23:11
krazyk_workzykotick9: the 1 WITH does not**23:11
krazyk_workzykotick9: yessir :-\ *winces*23:11
mz|`histo: then tell me how to install any linux system in a logical partition, to split into more partitions23:11
mz|`wanna learn23:11
xckpd7mz|`: it's just network unreachable errors... but what's weird, is that it will connect to a lot of stuff still.23:11
zykotick9krazyk_work: good luck - i don't remember anything about grub-legacy.23:11
subz3r0atm im configuring fail2ban. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban) why do i need to "cp jail.conf jail.local" wouldnt it fit too, if i just edit the "jail.conf"? where is the difference?23:11
histomz|`: I don't ahve windows and also it's easy to install linux on whatever partition you want.23:11
mz|`xckpd7: the ovh resolver is not working well23:11
xckpd7mz|`: like I picked another random file off the internet, wget <file>, it immediately work.23:11
histomz|`: as long as grub is installed on the mbr23:11
mz|`xckpd7: or you have a routing issue23:11
xckpd7mz|`: ok so I should talk to ovh and tell them their resolver is off?23:12
mz|`with all networks configurations iincluded to the message report xckpd723:12
xckpd7or routing issue... yeah that's fine, as long as I can get a general direction to go research in.23:12
krazyk_workzykotick9: but you agree that after I install directly to a USB, that USB shold be bootable without any other alterations23:13
mz|`route -4 -ne ; route -6 -ne ; cat /etc/resolv.conf ; ip a ; iptables -L -nv ; ip6tables -L -nv ; arp -a23:13
histomz|`: http://ask-leo.com/26_drives_is_there_a_way_around_the_26_drive_limit_in_windows.html23:13
[snake]Is it safe to store passwords of any sort in a plain text file?23:13
mz|`should do the trick xckpd723:13
histomz|`: there ya go give that a read if you don't believe me23:13
zykotick9krazyk_work: so long as grub is installed onto that USB - yes.23:13
mz|`it is not our subject23:13
mz|`how to install a linux system in a logical partition, and split the partition into the install to more partitions23:13
Troy^http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176839/ is that the proper way to modify the port i connect at by removing the "#" and changing the port number?23:13
Troy^sorry the link is of /etc/ssh/ssh_config23:14
[snake]should I make the said file only readable by root?23:14
histomz|`: huh?23:14
[snake]is it fine the way it is?23:14
krazyk_workzykotick9: any suggestions for tools to reinstall grub to USB after the distro is installed?  I think during install it is wiping and repartitioning23:14
mz|`so re-read the guy screenshot and question23:14
histomz|`: I told him to grow the extended parition and add more logical parittions in side of there and install there23:14
zykotick9krazyk_work: for grub-legacy, no idea.23:14
histomz|`: you just told me you wanted to see more than 26 drive/partition in windows and there's your link.23:15
mz|`that's a solution indeed.. but you did not answer to this question even if you was sure.23:15
krazyk_workzykotick9: i dont need grub legacy.. i can use any23:15
xckpd7mz|`: thanks23:15
histomz|`: that's exactly what I told him23:15
zykotick9krazyk_work: for grub2 just chroot into the USB and re-install grub...23:15
pieroHi! Once my computer doesnt control any nuclear weapon, is it reasonable to jump to the alpha 12.10 instead of installing 12.04 right now and upgrade after a month? Is there a good reason to don't do that in a production (but not critical) desktop? Something like the environment crashing a lot?23:15
krazyk_workzykotick9: ugh.. ok ok thank you23:16
subz3r0atm im configuring fail2ban. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban) why do i need to "cp jail.conf jail.local" wouldnt it fit too, if i just edit the "jail.conf"? where is the difference?23:16
lidarpiero, unstable is the best way to roll with a desktop!23:16
histopiero: if you like finding bugs go right ahead but don't come here for support go to #ubuntu+123:16
subz3r0does fail2ban directly knows that it must use the jail.local instead of jail.conf? I dont get it23:16
mz|`fail2ban = memory exhaustion23:17
[snake]I can't imagine how a file like this could be read, but I'm not sure- that's why I'm asking.23:17
[snake]that is, read remotely.23:17
pierowell.. all my life I used a rolling release OS, I dont know how to deal if two upgrades a year..23:17
histosubz3r0: what is your question?23:17
daemonhow can I silence apt-get install23:17
subz3r0histo: atm im configuring fail2ban. (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fail2ban) why do i need to "cp jail.conf jail.local" wouldnt it fit too, if i just edit the "jail.conf"? where is the difference?23:18
histopiero: just like when you updated your rolling release distro previously23:18
daemonI dont need all the install output23:18
wilee-nileepiero, just run 12.04 it is LTS for 5 years23:18
histosubz3r0: let  me read and see23:18
[snake]daemon man apt-get maybe?23:18
daemongot it -qq23:18
xckpd7mz|`: I think I found the issue thanks to your help. Again I'm not that technically inclined so bear with me23:19
SpaceBassI've tried every variant of JRE in the 12.04 repos, but both Chromium and Firefox still complain there is no JRE plugin ? any tips ?23:19
histosubz3r0: probably monitors all files in the /etc/fail2ban directory as configs but you can easily tell23:19
mz|`xckpd7: it was ? :)23:19
pierohisto, wilee-nilee, lidar: my real doubt is: what make more trash: install a totally different "old" release and upgrade it or go ahead and install the new unstable OS and update it every day23:19
stan_man_canis there any way to change the cursor from a block to a line in ubuntu server?23:19
xckpd7mz|`: apparently I'm supposed to add to that resolv.conf file and I'm expected to resolve?23:19
histopiero: please go to #ubuntu+123:19
xckpd7mz|`: theirs is only for their stuff... that was the explanation I got from google23:20
stan_man_canin Vim23:20
wilee-nileepiero, Do what ever floats your boat. ;)23:20
mz|`xckpd7: you add DNS resolvers to the /etc/resolv.conf file to be able to know an IP address (or else DNS record) from a CNAME23:20
subz3r0mz|`, well, so any advice whats "better"? knockd? denyhosts? or what?23:20
subz3r0histo, thx23:20
xckpd7mz|`: so what I found out... does that sound like that would be the issue / fix?23:21
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histosubz3r0: it's quite possible there is an error on the community pages. I would try maiking changes and seeing if they are effective or not.23:21
subz3r0histo, thats why ive asked for that. because on any other site i dont have to copy the file over23:22
histosubz3r0: Oh I see what you are saying. Yeah you can just modify the jail.conf file if you want.23:22
Troy^in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file do i need to uncomment "#" the line with port 22 if i want to change it to Port 2277 for example?23:23
subz3r0mz|`, well... so where is the advice? just saying any program is crap in coze of memory exhaustion is like .... blah?23:23
histoTroy^: yes23:24
ubotturano: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:24
lidarpiero, i dont think there is much diffrence .. apt just nbeeds cleaned out sometimes23:24
mz|`subz3r0: just told you what I discovered for using it in production since years23:26
mz|`the bug is still opened btw23:26
Troy^histo: also when i try to restart sshd server both ways by service ssh restart and /etc/init.d/ssh restart. it appears to stop and restart it but it is simply not23:26
subz3r0mz|`, so whats better to get rid of brute force attacks against a ssh server?23:27
subz3r0knockd? denyhost?23:27
histoTroy^: it is simply not what?23:27
histoTroy^: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart23:28
Troy^because i'm still connected and cant connect on the port setting i changed23:28
Troy^i did that histo23:28
histoTroy^: is this all on your local network or over the internet?23:28
subz3r0mz|`, i just do not appreciate any unfunded statements like this. maybe some more explanation would be nice23:28
Troy^local net histo23:28
mz|`subz3r0: you can also see their bug tracker23:29
mz|`the place to be23:29
Troy^fizz@server:/$ sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart23:29
Troy^sudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found23:29
histoTroy^: netstat -tan   and see if it's listening on the new port.23:29
histoTroy^: they probably call it ssh in ubuntu23:29
Troy^it is still port 2223:29
Troy^and i have used ssh23:29
Troy^never changed anything23:30
subz3r0mz|`, you put that into the chan, so im asking you.23:30
histoTroy^: yeah sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart23:30
pepperjacksubz3r0: if an ssh server why dont you just set the number of failed attempts and forget about it?  it would take eons to brute force an ssh server with a resonable limit on attempts and normal passwords23:30
mz|`subz3r0: port knocking is nice as an alternative23:30
histoTroy^: you mean your current connection doesn't close?23:30
c0deMasterwhen Ubuntu will use Wayland?23:30
Troy^histo: correct as i'm doing this over ssh the command ran. i also did a netstat -tan and still not listening on the new port23:30
lidarc0deMaster, what is wayland ?23:31
subz3r0pepperjack, that isnt the point. i do not allow logins with a pass as well. im just curious, like i said, i dont like unfunded statements.23:31
c0deMasterlidar: the replacement of Xorg may be I miss spelled it23:31
Troy^histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176856/23:31
histosubz3r0: I run fail2ban on all my servers the default config in ubuntu bans after 3 attempts23:31
mz|`subz3r0: some explanations here to start : http://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Fail2ban_talk:Community_Portal#Memory_Usage_.28160MB_for_fail2ban-server.2923:31
histosubz3r0: also i've never noticed the bug mz is talking about23:32
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mz|`histo: nobody attacked you23:32
mz|`that's all23:32
histosubz3r0: sudo restart ssh23:32
histoTroy^: sudo restart ssh23:32
mz|`if you have public servers really loaded and sec-targeted you'll notice23:32
histomz|`: I get attacked all the time23:32
lidarc0deMaster, reading the website i would assume they are not focusing on replacing xorg23:33
mz|`good for you23:33
subz3r0isnt it "sudo service ssh reload/start/stop" under 12.04?23:33
histomz|`: I'm not effected by that bug23:33
subz3r0thanks histo23:33
subz3r0mz|`, i'll check that. i dont want to start any fight in here. Just wanted you to point me in the right direction. I will check that when running it. thx so far23:34
Troy^subz3r0 and histo that didn't do anything either23:34
acerhey i am doing aptitude search libftdi1 but it doesnt find it althought i see it over here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libftdi1/download23:34
histoTroy^: did you save the changes to the configuration file?23:35
mz|`no worries, i'mm relax ;)23:35
Troy^yes histo23:35
histoTroy^: can you pastebin the config file and the output of netstat -tan23:35
subz3r0Troy^, sorry, i did not read your question. just said you have to restart the server on a different way as it was before23:35
Troy^argg i was editing /etc/ssh/ssh_config23:36
histoTroy^: yes you need to edit sshd_config23:36
Troy^I feel like a knob23:37
lidarwell said!23:37
subz3r0Troy^, where is the problem? you cant restart the server?23:38
Troy^ok it is now listening port 227723:38
subz3r0and yes you have to uncomment the line with the port... Port 1234523:39
emeswhat's a good tool for resizing a windows partition?23:39
subz3r0emes, gparted23:39
lidaremes, gparted23:39
subz3r0!gparted | emes23:39
ubottuemes: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php23:39
wilee-nileeemes, is it a W7 OS?23:40
subz3r0Troy^, it is listeing now on the port. but where is the problem? :>23:40
emeswilee-nilee: yes23:40
Troy^subz3r0: still has port 22 open23:40
wilee-nileeemes, then use its partitioner, it runs live.23:40
emesoh, cool23:41
subz3r0Troy^, kill the process "sudo kill -9 pid" check the pid before with "ps x"23:41
wilee-nileeemes, gparted is okay, but the W7 is recommended for it.23:41
subz3r0Troy^, then start it again with "sudo service ssh start"23:42
histoTroy^: idd you change it to 2277 ?23:43
histoTroy^: it kept it open cuz you're still connected on 2223:43
mz|`'sudo pkill -9 ssh' and don't bother with ps23:43
histoTroy^: if you exit your session it should no longer be listening23:44
Troy^it is still listening for some reason23:44
Troy^on port 22 and 227723:44
Troy^tcp        0    224      ESTABLISHED23:44
Troy^tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED23:44
mz|`Troy^: netstat -tunlp23:45
histoTroy^: disconnect from 22 then connect on 2277 and restart ssh23:45
Troy^there is only 227723:45
SachUnable to play a VCD on ubuntu 11.04 with moveplayer or VLC.  Help please?23:45
zykotick9Sach: "mplayer vcd://1" perhaps23:46
Sachzykotick9: what must I do with that?23:47
=== mike is now known as Guest37183
zykotick9Sach: mplayer is "the" gnu/linux media player - i have you the command to play a VCD with.23:47
wilee-nileeSach, have you installed the restricted extras as well?23:48
Sachwilee-nilee: no, I havent.  how do i do that?23:49
Sachzykotick9: the command didnt work.23:50
subz3r0Sach, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs23:50
wilee-nileeSach, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted extras if you are running ubuntu, is that your install?23:50
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:50
Sachwilee-nilee: yes, ubuntu 11.0423:50
wilee-nileeSach, then run this sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted extras to start with23:51
Sachwilee-nilee: I get E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted23:51
zykotick9!info ubuntu-restricted-extras23:51
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB23:51
mz|`histo and I are now friends again23:52
Sachsubz3r0: thanks, but this link seems to only refer to dvds, not vcds.23:52
histomz|`: I was never your enemy23:52
=== Guest37183 is now known as micromike
subz3r0mz|`,  cheers :>23:52
histopeople get missunderstood all the time23:52
mz|`FUX MY WIFE ?!23:52
wilee-nileeSach, did you run it with the -extras as well?23:52
wilee-nilee!op | mzl23:53
ubottumzl: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!23:53
histowilee-nilee: what's wrong?23:54
Sachwilee-nilee: yes I get this:   E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-restricted [and] E: Unable to locate package extras23:54
histoSach: are you looking for ubuntu-restricted-extras  ??23:54
Jordan_Umz|`: Please watch your language and topic in this channel.23:54
Sachhisto: yes, wilee0nilee suggested that.23:55
zykotick9Sach: ubuntu-restricted-extras23:55
histoSach: well it's all one word you are typing two23:55
wilee-nileehisto, 16:5223:55
=== Guest396 is now known as romeoh
histo!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | Sach23:55
ubottuSach: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 57 (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 30 kB23:55
wilee-nileeSach, Rather strange they are in the repos under the the name did you just copy and paste the command?23:56
histoSach: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:56
histowilee-nilee: he put a space after ubuntu-restricted extras <----23:56
daemonhey all how do I create a system user on ubuntu I want it to have the userid 'dns' and the group 'dns' and nologin as its home23:56
histowilee-nilee: that's why there were two errors one for ubuntu-restricted and one for extras23:57
Sachwilee-nilee, histo: yes, thanks. that worked! so what do i do now?23:57
clervisHaving a problem with webcam video in Skype on Ubuntu 12.04. I've looked/tried other options/ forum suggestions extensively. No luck yet23:57
wilee-nileehisto, Ah, Doh23:57
clervisWebcam works in Cheese, works in Skype -> Options -> Video.23:57
clervisLED comes on and it shows great in that Options dialog.23:58
clervis(HP Pavilion dv4, Ubuntu 12.04/Windows 7 dual_23:58
histodaemon: sudo useradd -g dns -d /dev/null -s /dev/null dns23:58
clervisCalls connect. I can see the other person's video.23:58
clervisThey can hear my audio, but no video is sent.23:58
histodaemon: or you can set their shell to /bin/false or /bin/noshell23:58
clervisLED does NOT come on during video session.23:59
daemonthank you histo userad is what I wanted ;)23:59
clervisPushing the "Turn Video On" button does not work either.23:59
protoCall7Hi all, I am working with cobbler to automate provisioning of servers, and my installation keep failing out on me with the error mdadm:  failed to write metadata for /dev/sda.  Does anyone have any pointers on where to begin with troubleshooting this?23:59
histodaemon: then you can sudo passwd dns   to set their passwd23:59

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