
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Nullvoidhi all, how can I set nautilus to be the default file manager? The prefered applications menu isn't working.01:54
drcI wouldn't recomend it, but http://askubuntu.com/questions/74534/set-nautilus-as-default-file-manager-in-xubuntu01:58
Nullvoiddrc: i'd be happy to stick with Thunar but it cant share files or folders02:00
drcNullvoid: Can you say "gigolo" ?02:01
Unit193To help, that's a program name in the menu.02:02
Nullvoiddrc: that cant share either, its just a fancy front end for connecting to other shares by the looks of it02:02
NullvoidUnit193: ha yeah thx, i got that02:02
Unit193http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1670223 just for an idea.02:05
NullvoidUnit193: i've already got nautilus installed and used to to setup the shares and make sure everything is working, i've set it to default in the pref apps under system settings, but the desktop launcher wont respect the default settings and still launches Thunar. There is no way I've found to change the desktop shortcut to point to nautilus manually.02:09
NullvoidUnit193: so I'm looking for a way to edit the default applications associations by hand02:10
Unit193Right, you logged out and back in again?  Xfdesktop may not like that as much, and there may be more to set in update-alternatives.02:10
Nullvoidyeah even rebooted, no change.02:13
neowengHello, everyone04:13
neowengmy laptop has installed Xubuntu12.04, and there's no sound from the speaker but I can hear the sound from the headset, does anyone hit the same problem?04:27
isackinghi , neoweng, I think you should ask this question in #ubuntu channel04:29
Unit193Why?  This is the Xubuntu support channel.04:32
Unit193neoweng: You unplug the headset?04:32
neowengUnit, I can't hear the sound when unpluging the headset04:34
Unit193Alright, this is two different output jacks?04:46
Unit193Speakers are turned on?04:46
neowengYes, When I loged in the Windows system on the same laptop, the built-in speaker works normally, but there's no sound from it when on the xubuntu system04:49
Unit193I would check the pulseaudio control program, and in alsamixer for the correct levels.04:50
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting This as well.04:51
pinkfrostHi, I have Xubuntu 12.04 and my desktop wallpaper keeps resetting to the default every time I log out, just wondering if anybody might know why04:55
Unit193Check permissions on your home folder items, more so of ~/.config  and I'd recommend deleteing ~/.cache  and making sure it's not set to save on logout.04:57
Unit193(Or you could set it to save on one logout, actually)04:57
pinkfrostthanks, checked the ownership on those but I'll try deleting the cache04:58
pinkfrostI turned on automatic session saving on logout but to no avil04:58
isackingMy system is Xubuntu 12.04 x64. After updated to newest kernel, I found my login dialog windows can not aligned to center. Dose anyone know what happened?04:59
isackinghi pinkfrost, I have meet the same problem like you.05:19
pinkfrostchromium asks me every time I log in if I should make it the default browser too05:20
pinkfrostupon starting it that is05:20
isackingpinkfrost: In fact, that picture is the background of login dialog.05:20
isackingpinkfrost: Your can find the default picture, delete it and create a link file linking to the the picture you want.05:22
pinkfrostgood idea05:22
pinkfrostI wonder what causes it to occur initially05:22
isackingpinkfrost: The default picture is in /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops05:24
=== fxstar is now known as fxstarWork
hermanlfhow can I change the font size of window title bars?06:15
isackingask +106:16
Unit193isacking: Ask +1?06:18
Unit193hermanlf: Menu > Settings > Settings Manager > Window Manager06:18
hermanlfUnit193, : Window manager shows me no settings.  Do I have to install anything or is it because I am running compiz?06:20
isackingUnit193: I mean I have the same problem.06:21
Sysifor changing compiz settings you need compizconfig-settings-manager06:21
Unit193hermanlf: No settings at all?  That sounds a bit odd, I haven't used compiz, but I could give you a shot of what I do have.06:21
hermanlfyup, no settings in the window. Very odd indeed.06:22
xubuntu814Hello :)06:22
isackingxubuntu814: hello06:23
xubuntu814isacking: i'm rather inexperienced with linux other than ubuntu 11.04.06:24
Sysior in window titlebar case it depends about what you use for decoration, you need to use emerald settings or gconf-editor06:24
xubuntu814that's ok for full desktops and computers.06:24
hermanlfI am using greybird06:25
xubuntu814my question is can i install/run xubuntu 12+ on an '01 compaq armada m300?06:25
xubuntu814p3m-600, 320mb ram, 40gb hdd, originally a dual-boot win nt4/win2k pro system.06:26
isackingUnit193: It works. I don't use compiz, either.06:26
hermanlfgonna disable compiz and see if those settings become available to me.06:28
isackingxubuntu814: Yes, you can.06:29
hermanlfdidn't have to disable compiz.  Just changed settings using gconf-editor06:31
isackingxubuntu814: Thought, the CPU seems a bit slow.06:32
xubuntu814isacking:  cool :) any special considerations? i don't have the expansion unit, so i'll need to use unetbootin..06:32
xubuntu814idk if the m300 supports a faster p3m cpu. say a 700mhz+.06:34
xubuntu814i could probably use xubuntu 8+.06:36
isackingxubuntu814: My advice to your would be to try the newest xubuntu or vectorlinux.06:37
xubuntu814would wifi work, or will i need to tweak/configure a bit?06:39
xubuntu814i have a dlink pc card network adapter.06:41
isackingxubuntu814: It works without manually configuration if your device is general enough.06:41
xubuntu814it's a dlink air plus 54g.06:42
xubuntu814also have a netgear n150 usb network adapter if the dlink doesn't work.06:44
hermanlfI am unable to click on anything in the xubuntu workspace 2.  Only things I can click on are the menubar items at the top.09:03
francesco_what's up?09:33
TheSheep!hi | francesco_09:37
ubottufrancesco_: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:37
frowlis there someone who could maybe help me ?11:19
knome!someone | frowl11:24
ubottufrowl: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:24
=== Guest32680 is now known as dbdii407
xubuntu1Hi, anyone here that uses abiword and could help me find the equation editor? ...or is it gone in 12.04? :(15:46
unheedingI love xubuntu!17:52
bluesabreunheeding: Yeah!  +117:55
FounderOf420 i installed openbox and fluxbox, launched a session of each just to test the water, now i am getting a 'broken pipe' error when i launch xfce18:25
hermanlfI have compiz enabled and so the default workspace switcher for xubuntu doesn't work.  What else can I use to show me the workspaces in the panel?19:32
holsteini used the one in compiz19:32
hermanlfyou can install it in the panel?19:33
holsteini think i set up the cube and the slider one that i forget what its called19:33
holsteinhermanlf: i dont remmber about the panel19:33
hermanlfI can switch panels just fine.  I would just like something that can show me the workspaces in the panel as well.19:33
hermanlferr switch workspaces that is.19:34
holsteini might have been using something in avant? i forget..19:34
holsteini remember giving up on XFCE and compiz and it didnt have anything to do with that indicator... whats the default one do? did you add others from the default selection?19:36
TheSheepcompiz has one large workspace19:36
TheSheepit just scrolls it19:37
holsteinmaybe i just deleted it... and didnt have one19:37
boromir_Hi. I'm having problems with Bluetooth on Xubuntu 12.04.  I can't send .mp3 files to my phone,or any music files.20:48
BelseruskWhat is the difference between flags and switches in a terminal command? Are they the same things?21:43
GridCubei would bet they are yes21:43
BelseruskGridCube, examples?21:44
GridCubesay you do df, you can use df -H to get it to show the output in a different way, thats what i understand a switch21:45
GridCubebut maybe you will recieve a more useful and comprehensive answer from the people at #bash Belserusk, they should know21:46
BelseruskThank you GridCube.21:47
slartyis it advisable to update to 12.04 or stay with 11.10 for now?22:58
holsteinif you want to update, you can.. no reason not to22:58
slartythanks holstein, i had some small problems 11.04 to 11.10, namely sound is more difficult to manage (pulse audio control)23:00
holsteini *never* upgrade.. i usually test the upgrade proceedure to make sure it works on some machine, but i get a live CD, and test funcitonality, and fresh install 90% of the time23:01
slartythat was the first time I've upgraded - went OK but suspect there will be 'garbage' left behind... will do fresh install next time23:02
holsteinfor me, its an issue of time... best case, i get an upgrade done in 6 hours.... i can install in like 10 minutes, assuming i have my data backed up, its a breeze23:05
slartygood advice, thanks (was primarily just showing my son the benefits of IRC:)23:06
holsteinalso, if 11.10 is working, i say "if it aint broke".. really depends on what you are doing23:07
holsteinif you want to stay with the LTS releases like i do, then you want 12.04 and sooner the better23:07
holsteinif you want the latest version all the time, you might just want to wait a few months and install 12.1023:07
slartyI generally stick with LTS so will do fresh install soon.23:09
xubuntu865ho bisogno di un consiglio23:56
xubuntu865ho 512mb di ram23:56
xubuntu865xubuntu gira veloce o meglio lububtu?23:56
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:57
holsteineither one should be fine.. i would try them both live, or install one and add the other desktop to it23:58
xubuntu865cant chat on !it room, it says "== Cannot send to channel: #ubuntu-it"23:59

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