
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterbenji I just annoucned the call in the canonical channel :-)12:10
benjiyeah, X crashed on me there12:11
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico
bacgary_poster: i'd like to move the wiki page to done-done.  it's as done as a wiki page ever is, right?13:55
bacor do they go directly from done-done to obsolete?13:56
bacfrankban: here is the tarmac branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yellow/lp-tarmac-configs/tarmac-puppet13:57
bacnote this branch has credentials in it, so it must be kept private13:58
bacfrankban: ping me when you'd like to hang out13:58
benjigmb: this is apprently not a good place for WiFi; i'l be right back14:00
frankbanbac: ready when you are, yellow?14:00
gary_posterbac, I will move card after I send email announcement, which I am working on when not on calls14:04
bacgary_poster: ok.  i'll put it back14:04
frankbanbac: hangout crash?14:08
gary_posterbenji, gmb, I'd like to dig in at the end just a bit more on the senior/not senior aspect of the position vs his experience14:38
gmbgary_poster: I agree wholeheartedly.14:38
frankbanbac: still there?14:54
bacfrankban: https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/ISD/Docs/SSO/2ndFactorFAQs15:09
frankbanbac: https://login.ubuntu.com/device-list15:10
benjibac: I am going to prepare and then join you.  Are you in the yellow hangout?15:20
bacbenji: in a bit.  i'm fighting a battle with two-factor auth trying to get onto staging so i can create test data for lp2kanban15:21
bacbut we are in the hangout15:21
benjibac: k15:21
bachi benji, i am working on the kanban stuff again18:35
benjibac: cool; in the yellow hangout?18:36
bacbenji:  en route18:36
benjibac: I'm back18:45
bacbenji: i could just call you...18:50
benjibac: I'll go do something else18:50
benjiwe could... I'd hate for you to do a multi-hour long-distance call just for pairing though18:50
bacno long distance18:51
bacbut, let me try skype over 4G18:51
bacbenji: i'll call you18:51

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