
Jef91Anyone know how you make lightdm autologin?00:06
holsteini would look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_enable_automatic_logon00:07
gld1982ltdholstein: does that work for you?00:18
holsteingld1982ltd: dont know... dont use auto login00:25
gld1982ltdholstein: i am referring to the power button00:27
holsteingld1982ltd: OH.. i didnt worry about that either.. i just do the shutdown, or sudo halt00:29
holsteinim usually on laptops anyways, and i dont shutdown00:30
holsteini go into LXDE and openbox expecting to trade speed and performance for features00:30
gld1982ltdi hear ya.00:31
straddle_Hi - this is my first time ever using IRC so be gentle! I just installed Lubuntu 12.04 on my old Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop in an effort to make it useful again for simple tasks.05:58
straddle_I want to be able to use it for email and basic web stuff05:59
straddle_unfortunately the wifi is not being detected05:59
straddle_wired lan works fine, and the wifi worked fine in Ubuntu 12.04 but not in Lubuntu 12.0406:01
straddle_Can anyone help me get it working?06:02
JohnDoe_71Russtraddle_: pastebin output lspci from terminal06:28
Perry_hi everyone09:06
alternativeguiapcan anyone recommend me a GRAPHICAL alternative to lxmed that does not require java?10:16
bLadymooI have Lxde desktop installed on my ubuntu unity14:04
bLadymooVEry happy with Lxde14:04
holsteinbLadymoo: you install lxde in ubuntu?14:04
holsteinthats a lot like what lubuntu is14:04
TheLordOfTimebLadymoo:  you mean you installed LXDE on top of default Ubuntu which comes with GNOME and Unity?14:04
holsteinlubuntu is ubuntu with LXDE14:05
bLadymooYEah first I installed Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS wich uses Unity as default. Then I installed LXDE Desktop on it.14:06
holsteincool... enjoy!14:06
TheLordOfTimeholstein:  i think he kept the gnome packages though14:07
TheLordOfTimelike... all of them...14:07
holsteinsure.. you can "keep" whatever you like.. you can login using unity then LXDE.. like dualbooting :)14:07
TheLordOfTimespeaking to someone who keeps each runtime around14:07
bLadymooIt boots with blue "lubuntu" logo anymore. not ubuntu.14:08
TheLordOfTimeon this machine, I have the GNOME/Unity runtime, a KDE runtime, XFCE runtime, and Lxde runtime :P14:08
holsteinonly reason i would bother removing them is if hard drive space were an issue14:08
TheLordOfTimebut i didnt install all the other cruftware that comes with each desktop :P14:08
bLadymooHow do I make sure there is nothing that slows down my boot time with lubuntu?14:09
holsteini just dont reboot that often.. there are startup applications and services14:10
holsteini would probably read some links like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 until the commands make sense14:12
menethorilholstein: It would be incredibly difficult to remove all of that by hand.  Wouldn't it be simpler to just backup your /home and reinstall vanilla Lubuntu if you want to keep it?14:13
TheLordOfTimemenethoril:  if necessary, but...14:13
TheLordOfTimemenethoril:  i think the list of what the desktop packages install is kept around somewhere14:13
holsteinmenethoril: remove all of what?14:14
TheLordOfTimeholstein:  the installed programs that come with [flavor]-desktop ?14:14
holsteini just leave them in place unless im worried about hard drive space14:15
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »14:15
menethorilTheLordOfTime: He could remove each and every program installed with Kubuntu-desktop, Xubuntu-desktop, etc. and just autoremove afterward, but it seems like a way to swiftly bork a config file or something.14:16
bLadymooholstein, thank you. this page you gave would be a good start to read and doo14:20
bLadymoocan I shoot one more question14:20
holsteinbLadymoo: thats what we are here for14:20
bLadymoois there any stable (wont crash my display) themes for this GNOME PAnel i use with LXDE?14:21
holsteinyou are using a gnome panel with lxde?14:21
bLadymooI installed GNOME Panel on my Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS and LXDE14:22
holsteini have not done that.. i would expect any gnome panel theme to work14:22
bLadymooit boots with LXDE right in to Gnome Panel (Gnome Classic)14:22
holsteinthe new gnome panel is one of my biggest gripes with the new gnome personally14:23
bLadymoowhere do i find the new gnome panel14:28
bLadymooThis is what I get as result when I do sudo apt-get update : Reading package lists... Done14:29
bLadymooW: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org precise InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278314:29
bLadymooany idea?14:47
holsteinbLadymoo: yup.. as it says, the sigs cannot be verified14:48
holsteinyou can look into adding the proper public key14:48
bLadymoowhat is public key14:48
holsteinbLadymoo: its the key you are missing that is causing that error14:49
bLadymoohow do i place it back?14:50
holsteinmight be as simple as sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2EBC26B60C5A278314:52
holsteinsudo apt-get update14:52
bLadymooadd the hexadecimal numbers to the command (again, these are my keys from my error. Make sure to use your own):14:54
bLadymoosudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 40976EAF437D05B5 DCF9F87B6DFBCBAE 2EBC26B60C5A2783 A8A515F046D7E7CF 6E871C4A881574DE 28A8205077558DD0 D739676F7613768D 8C851674F96FD737 C0B56813051D8B58 4874D3686E80C6B7 60D11217247D1CFF 5A9A06AEF9CB8DB0 6D975C4791E7EE5E 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5 7FB8BEE0A1F196A814:54
bLadymoo"make sure to use ur own" what does it mean with thast?14:54
holsteinbLadymoo: what command did you run? that giant one?14:55
holsteinwhere did you get that?14:55
bLadymooits in that page u gave14:56
holsteinbLadymoo: sure.. that will be for *that* particular error, not yours14:56
holsteinthe one i gave is what i would expect to fis yours14:56
bLadymoothis was my error: W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org precise InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278314:57
holsteinthats where i got that code i linked you in the command i gave14:57
holstein10:52 < holstein> might be as simple as sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2EBC26B60C5A278314:57
bLadymooso i should type sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2EBC26B60C5A278314:57
holsteinbLadymoo: you should add the key for the repository that is giving you that error14:58
bLadymooholstein, you were right. Its fixed14:59
holsteinbLadymoo: you dont want to just copy and paste commands from posts15:00
holsteinthat can get you into trouble.. you can always paste the command here and ask "does this look right?"15:01
silverarrowshould minitube crash instantly in lubuntu?16:34
holsteinin ppc, i would expect that16:35
silverarrowI have used it before on regular pc,  but some time ago16:37
silverarrowit behaved exactly the same16:37
holsteinyup.. flash is just awful16:37
silverarrowI thought it  might be different now16:37
silverarrowcore2duo still should not be too horrid16:37
silverarrowI have to get a i716:38
silverarrowis quad core a must these days?16:38
silverarrowodd thing is I can get by on celeron cpu still, at least the fastest ones16:39
silverarrowhi leszek16:39
leszeksilverarrow: it depends pretty much on what you do or want to do with your pc16:39
leszekfor surfing, writing mails, watching some movies and listening to music even a single core atom is enough16:40
silverarrowtrue, I am not that demanding I though, but some stuff needs good hardware16:40
leszekyeah that for sure16:40
leszekvideo editing for example :P16:40
holsteincompiling and rendering would benefit certainly16:40
silverarrowlaptop is a must, good HD screen, fast, and I suppose if there is a chance the computer is intact and all fine after three years and still want to use it you need the i716:41
holsteinstill, you can usually do it.. just might be limited or take 10 times longer16:41
silverarrowI do a bit of video editing, but not much16:41
silverarrow17 " screen is nice to watchd, but 15" is more portable16:42
menethorilGet The newer version (1.8?) from a PPA.  Just search for it, I believe it is on webupd8.  It is far more stable.16:48
Unit193Howdy, whatcha need?17:48
bLadymooanayway. is there a software that i can ignore some programs to run on startup?17:49
holsteinbLadymoo: if you are new, i would just "get your feet wet" with the system17:49
holsteinjust use it for a while.. otherwise there are links like the one i linked before about how to speed up boot time17:50
bLadymooholstein,  i tried this sysv-rc-conf17:50
holsteinyou can search for those with "ubuntu" instead of "lubuntu".. might get more results17:50
bLadymooit did help some but it does not shows the mail that stands at top right on task bar which shows Online | Offline | Avilable ect for chat i guess17:51
Unit193There's a program that tells you what services run on startup, if you know you don't use some of those.17:51
holsteinbLadymoo: i think its in the "i guess" that i urge you to look... dont assume things are taking up resources in linux17:52
holsteinif you are new, i suggest taking some time and getting used to the system17:52
holsteinshaving a few seconds off the boot time can take a lot of time editing and testing and breaking and reverting17:52
bLadymooholstein,  alright. I am new and curious, BUT ur right. no need to start a trouble with playing system... i will follow what u say.17:53
bLadymooi better play with icons and themes ect..17:53
holsteinplay with what you like.. just be aware that you can break things... and probably will.. which is a great way to learn17:54
bLadymooHow about giving more space between icons at taskbar that myself placed like chormium icon.. Those icons are stands so close to each other atm.17:54
holsteinwhat task bar? the gnome panel?.. i havent used the new gnome panel17:55
bLadymoobtw. LXDE is increadably clean and light!17:55
bLadymooGnome panel yes... the right top17:55
bLadymoooh i see17:55
silverarrowdoes anyone know how gstreamer relatest to media streams in lubuntu?18:35
holsteinin ppc linux under lubuntu18:36
silverarrowno more in general18:36
silverarrowwell ppc too18:36
silverarrowI checked with a i384 system, and minitube crashes there too18:37
holsteinsilverarrow: you tried the PPA that menethoril suggested?18:37
silverarrowwhat did he suggest?18:38
holsteinppa.. trying the latest18:38
silverarrowyou mean, ppa as in precise pangolin?18:38
holsteinproblem is its a lot of variables18:38
holsteinthe content is not being designed to run in minitube18:39
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:39
silverarrowI have 1.618:40
silverarrowno wonder,18:40
silverarrowprobably a few fixes thre18:40
silverarrowthanks holstein18:40
silverarrowsorry, I was a bit slow there18:40
silverarrowppa, lol18:40
holsteinno worries!18:41
silverarrownot an option for ppc I am afraid18:46
silverarrow...but for the i386 computer it is18:47
holsteinsilverarrow: i thought you were testing both?18:47
silverarrowI am,18:47
holsteini would try the latest on nonPPPC18:48
silverarrowbut hard to test ppc when there is not package18:48
holsteinsure.. but you will know something18:48
silverarrowI will,18:48
holsteinif it works well on non ppc, then you'll know that its possible, and not every version is crap18:48
silverarrowI  have had this trouble with minitube before, and I just gave it up18:48
holsteinyou'll know that you should try and find/build the latest version for pps18:48
holsteinif it still sux, you can just give up18:49
holsteinsilverarrow: i literally read about what minitube was and gave up on it18:49
holsteinyears ago.. too many variables18:49
silverarrowI have discovered an odd thing with minitube18:49
silverarrowthere is an addon in firefox "minitube-integration" where any youtube video starting in browser open in a separate window in minitub too, and do not crash?18:51
silverarrowbest picture quality too18:51
silverarrowfor ppc sound is lost on html5 in Firefox 1518:52
holsteinppc is not actively developed18:54
holsteini mean, if you were near me, id just give you some p4 and you could donate that ppc18:54
silverarrowholstein: so minitube is not that fancy?19:10
holsteinfancy?... its just playing youtube vids19:10
holsteini dont care much about either19:10
ActionParsnipminitube is grea19:12
inkyionhi everyone! somehow over the 11->12 upgrade my sound and mic settings have gone bonkers, i was wondering if anyone's had experience fixing this sort of thing19:15
silverarrowwell, I have opened alsamixer and fuzzed with settings?19:16
silverarrowbonkers, you mean way off or lost at sea?19:16
inkyionwhoa, fuzzed? what do you mean?19:16
silverarrowwell, sometimes settings go off in mixer during updates19:17
silverarrowhave you opened terminal and typed in alsamixer?19:17
ActionParsnipinkyion: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    wait 10 sconds then retry sound19:17
inkyionum, ok. the new skype (4.?) was "automatically" adjusting mic and volume (i assume in alsa) and doing a bad job of it. then today the mic stopped working altogether. naturally the first thing i did was unset the setting to let it autoadjust19:18
inkyioni did open up alsamixer, that was next19:18
silverarrowthe vegetable hero is the clever guy19:18
ActionParsniphaha only sometimes19:18
inkyioni unmuted the mic and cranked up most of the booster but i don't know what all the settings mean19:19
Unit193http://askubuntu.com/questions/96367/how-can-i-get-line-in-microphone-working-with-skype-on-lubuntu-11-10 ?19:19
inkyioni read that you're supposed to kill pulseaudio but i don't understand what it does19:19
silverarrowme neiter really, but I play around with them until I am fairly happy, this laptop has horrid sound anyway19:20
inkyionhere's the thing19:20
ActionParsnipinkyion: it frees up the config files, pulse gets set to automatically rerun, it will then generate default configs19:20
inkyioni try to record sound with audacity and that isn't working either19:20
silverarrowI didn`t think we had pulseaudio in lubuntu?19:20
inkyiontrying the pulseaudio thing19:20
ActionParsnipnot by default, it can be installed (one of my systems needs it for some reason)19:21
inkyionsorry my whole everything just froze19:28
ActionParsnipinkyion: have you tested your RAM?19:30
inkyionno? would that sort of thing just pop up all of a sudden? this computer is relatively new (~2 years old) and pretty reliable. am now trying to record sound after reboot19:32
ActionParsnipinkyion: RAM can be DOA19:34
ActionParsnipinkyion: newness is irrelevant, if you are getting freezing it may be bad RAM19:34
inkyioni think i just had waaaaay too many windows open.19:35
inkyionhow do i test my ram?19:35
ActionParsnipinkyion: reboot, hold SHIFT and select memtest from Grub19:36
silverarrowserious memtest19:37
inkyionwhat's the difference between mic, mic-boost, internal boost, and capture19:37
silverarrowmemory are usually not a problem on newer hard ware19:37
silverarrowin media player?19:38
inkyionin alsa19:38
silverarrownot sure19:39
silverarrowI just try different settings until I am fairly happy with them19:39
silverarrowI don`t use mic often19:39
FounderOf42OIs there a way i can get avdanced touchpad settings on lubuntu? xubuntu and ubuntu have it by default19:40
silverarrowdepends, is it gnome spesific?19:41
silverarrowin lubuntu there are functions listed under preferances19:42
FounderOf42Oi'm not sure what package it is. could be gpointing-device-settings but it has no integration on lxde and the setings dont stick after reboot19:42
silverarrowI think you should be able to find most stuff available, maybe with an extra package install19:43
silverarrowI see19:43
silverarrowmaybe the lxde channel?19:44
FounderOf42Ook thanks19:44
inkyionok, i think i just found out what pulseaudio does :). killing it takes out the little volume control in the dock. re-starting it with pulseaudio -D doesn't seem to restore functionality. playing music no longer makes sounds ok, so pulse does something important. :-D19:46
inkyionas expected19:46
mooserHi. How can I report a wrong spelling on linux?19:55
ActionParsnipmooser: report a bug19:55
ActionParsnipmooser: ubuntu-bug packagename     in terminal will start it19:56
inkyionanother reboot later i am giving up for the time being. the only way i can interpret this is pulse makes my computer functional, so i'm keeping it and troubleshoot skype later. thanks for all your help!19:58
moosersudo -ubuntu-bug weather indicator19:58
mooserthis did not worked19:58
mooserbtw I visited the extensions.gnome.org and it gives me this warning with a red color text: You do not appear to have an up to date version of GNOME3. You won't be able to install extensions from here. See the about page for more information.20:00
mooserI have Gnome Panel installed on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS  with LXDE20:01
ActionParsnipmooser: no need for sudo, i never mentioned sudo...did I20:06
ActionParsnipmooser: so why add it?20:06
ActionParsnipmooser: ubuntu-bug weather-indicator     (assuming that is the package name)20:06
ActionParsnipmooser: if you run smoeting different to what is advised, don't be overly suprised if it doesn't work20:07
mooserActionParsnip,  sorry, I thought its all need sudo to effect20:07
ActionParsnipmooser: no, a lot of things don't need sudo20:07
mooseri see20:09
mooserwell i may check the software center for right package name maybe20:10
ActionParsnipmooser: or run:  dpkg -l | grep weather | awk {'print $2'}20:12
silverarrowI installed Totem, to see if I could get nett Tv to work20:13
silverarrownot any luck though20:15
mooserActionParsnip, Result of the command u gave is: indicator-weather20:15
mooserwe put the weather first.20:16
silverarrowminitube works for powerpc in tiger and leopard OSX20:17
ActionParsnipmooser: then run:  ubuntu-bug indicator-weather20:17
mooserdid. ive got a bug report screen wich is filled with some information but what i wanted is actually some thing i could type and state the issue20:22
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