
roaksoaxbigjools: so i saw that things have been fixed differently01:51
bigjoolsroaksoax: yeah01:55
bigjoolsI left jtv to it01:55
roaksoaxbigjools: alright, so I'm guessing i'm good to roll out a quantal tomorrow to the archives?01:56
bigjoolsI just pushed a packaging change up01:56
roaksoaxbigjools: to the precise branch01:56
roaksoaxbigjools: this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/packaging.precise/+merge/12217701:57
bigjoolsand this https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/packaging/+merge/12218101:57
bigjoolsI uploaded the precise changes to the testing PPA too01:57
roaksoaxbigjools: the 1st one is wrong cause you are proposing changes from the mprecise package to the quantal branch01:57
roaksoaxbigjools: and the latter is not really necessary, as it is commented01:58
roaksoaxbigjools: we should just drop that and make the change upstream01:58
roaksoaxbigjools: do you agree?01:58
bigjoolsroaksoax: I superseded the first MP01:58
bigjoolsgot the target branch wrong01:58
bigjoolswhat change do you mean?01:59
roaksoaxbigjools: we don't need to patch that actually01:59
bigjoolsroaksoax: I think you do, the tftp port needs to change02:00
roaksoaxbigjools: yeah, I mean: -   # root: /var/lib/tftpboot02:00
roaksoax19+   # root: /var/lib/maas/tftp02:00
bigjoolsI had to change it to make the patch apply02:00
roaksoaxbigjools: i'll fix that02:00
bigjoolsotherwise the source build fails02:01
bigjoolshow will you fix it?02:01
bigjoolsthe upstream is correct02:01
roaksoaxbigjools: ahh I see what's happening02:01
roaksoaxbigjools: nevermind :)02:01
bigjoolsok :)02:01
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
bigjoolsroaksoax: I think we need to be a bit kinder with the upgrade and migrate the images to the new locate.  Asking people to run the importer again to download 500+M is a little obnoxious.04:06
=== fjlacoste is now known as flacoste
smoserallenap, around?13:53
smoseri'm assuming i'm missing something. but if i 'bzr blame' some file (which i do all the time and don't understand how other people do not), is there a way to see the merge proposal that brought that code in?13:54
rbasakI know that bzr lp-find-proposal exists but I've never used it: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/launchpad-plugin.html13:57
rbasaksmoser: ^^13:58
allenapsmoser: Hi.14:10
allenapsmoser: I don't know of a way to do that.14:10
allenaprbasak: That's a great find.14:11
smoserit seems useful.14:11
smoserbut it seems crazy that nothing is storing that14:11
smoserit looks like that basically scrapes launchpad to find it.14:11
smoserrather than simply pulling data out of bzr14:12
roaksoaxjtv: ping14:13
allenap"If you like sausages and lp-find-proposal, you should never watch either one being made."14:13
flacostesmoser: there is14:19
flacostesmoser: it's stored in the annotations somehow14:19
flacostesmoser: bzr qannotate allows you to see it14:19
flacostebut i don't know how to get it from the command line14:19
smoserflacoste, but then why would lp-find-proposal have restrictions like14:21
smoser" This works only if the selected branch was the merge proposal target, and if the merged_revno is recorded for the merge proposal."14:21
flacostesmoser: sorry, i was mistaken14:21
flacostei'm looking a qannotate now and can't see to find it14:21
flacostei thought i was going straight from qannotate to the merge proposal14:21
flacostebut now that i think of it14:22
roaksoaxallenap: after enlistment, if I turn on the machine, I see a PXE error:14:22
flacostei think i was looking the merge message matching the revno in my mail archives14:22
smoserflacoste, what is the bot that merges ?14:22
roaksoax"Could not find kernle image: amd64/generic/precise/poweroff/linux"14:22
smoserto maas trunk14:22
flacosteand that email contains the link to the merge proposal14:22
smoserwe could just make that bot record it.14:22
flacostesmoser: PQM, or tarmac14:22
flacostefor maas, it's tarmac14:22
flacosteit could very easily save it14:23
flacostein annotations14:23
flacostesince it operates based on merge proposal14:23
allenaproaksoax: That's from get_boot_purpose(). That means the node hasn't been accepted (well, isn't commissioning or allocated).14:23
roaksoaxallenap: right, but PXE fails and the machine does not power off14:24
roaksoaxallenap: PXE tries to get a linux image under poweroff dir14:24
allenapsmoser: Can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/tftp-permissions/+merge/122288, another go at fixing bug 1042865.14:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 1042865 in MAAS "maas-import-pxe-files sets incorrect permissions for commissioning dir" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104286514:24
roaksoaxallenap: wasn't that supposed to be fixed in https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/bug-104286514:26
allenaproaksoax: Yeah, I know. We don't have a boot image that'll just turn off the machine. Perhaps we ought to put in a reboot there? Ideally we *want* to just shut down the machine, but that's not implemented.14:26
allenaproaksoax: Yeah, but I don't think it works.14:26
roaksoaxallenap: it doens';t just re-opened the bug14:26
roaksoaxallenap: let me test your fix though14:26
smoserallenap, wait.14:31
smoserdidn't https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/bug-1042865/+merge/121990 claim to fix that ?14:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 121990 in gproftpd (Ubuntu) "Just please update to 8.3.2 to got the french translation :'(" [Wishlist,Fix released]14:31
roaksoaxsmoser: it doesn't just tested it14:32
smoserthat is weird.14:32
smoserallenap, can't we just fix this right?14:32
smoserthe right place to fix it is in maas-provision install-pxe-image14:32
smoserthat should take *copy* data, set permissions appropriately, and leave the directory in tact14:33
smoserit is very strange for it to remove the directory you give it.14:33
allenapsmoser: Yeah, I'm inclined to revert the existing fix and land roaksoax's.14:33
smoserwhere is roaksoax ?14:33
smoserand basically you're only fixing one of the potential callers of that code14:33
smoserby fixing maas-import-ephemerals14:33
allenapsmoser: I agree. roaksoax, I can add tests to your proposal, then we can revert jtv's and land that.14:34
smoseryeah, i think that roak's is correct (except for it still has the strange behavior of deleting data that you give it)14:34
allenapsmoser: Yeah, I argued that that was weird at the time it first landed, iirc, but let's leave that behaviour for now.14:35
smoserallenap, yeah, i'll just be careful not to type 'maas-import-pxe /'14:35
roaksoaxallenap: go for it14:36
roaksoaxallenap: hold on i mean on reverting back to my foix14:38
roaksoaxallenap: still downloading the ephemerals14:38
smoserroaksoax, you should run that stuff on canonistack14:39
smoserit takes like 30 seconds tops14:39
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah but i'm gonna test the rest of the stuff to see whether I upload to the archives14:39
roaksoaxit just needs 2 more misn14:39
smoseryou can do that on canonistack too14:39
smoserits really neat. you can request systems via an api, and use them, and then throw them out14:40
roaksoaxsmoser: can you enslist and etc?14:40
smoserthey're calling it "the cloud"14:40
smoserroaksoax, yeah, that pastebin i showed you yesterday i walked through enlistment and commissioning.14:40
roaksoaxsmoser: ahh sorry I didn't ewview it since my internet connect failed misserably14:41
roaksoaxsmoser: can you pastebinit agian please14:41
roaksoaxallenap: yeah it works14:43
allenaproaksoax: I still think I ought to fix it properly, in install-pxe-image.14:43
smoserroaksoax, the basic set of ideas will still work, but we'll have to change some of the implementation for uantal.14:43
roaksoaxallenap: yep, I would argue that's the place where it should be fixed14:43
smoseri was doing that yesterday when i opened the bug on "have to push buttons in the UI"14:44
smoseranyone listening know how to add an admin user without typing in a password for that user ?14:44
smoseri swear at one point we could do that14:44
roaksoaxallenap: could you also check the named.conf.maas permissions are set correctly14:49
roaksoaxallenap: now they get set as 755 by maas14:49
roaksoaxwhen should probably be 64414:49
allenapsmoser: bin/maas createsuperuser --noinput, I think.14:49
roaksoaxthat's just weird14:50
allenaproaksoax: Okay, that's a separate bug.14:50
allenapOne thing at a time.14:50
roaksoaxallenap: yeah sorry I thought the branch addressed DNS permissions too14:52
roaksoaxallenap: this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_set_correct_file_permissions/+merge/121974 took care of them14:56
smoseri'm curious.14:57
smoseris it possible to limit the dhcp server that maas runs to a certain set of interfaces?14:58
smoserit seems like for a dhcp server, this is generally a requirment.14:58
roaksoaxallenap: hold on, so you are working on my proposal which mas rejected by jtv?14:58
allenaproaksoax: Yeah, though only in spirit. I'm starting with tests.15:01
roaksoaxallenap: hehe ok, cause the atomic_write took care of the DNS permissions too15:01
allenapsmoser: Should be possible. We need to do that for the maas-as-router story.15:01
roaksoaxallenap: btw, given the above gets fixed today, we can upload to the archives a quantal version today15:02
allenaproaksoax: We don't need a quantal version yet, so don't put time into that. We're still thinking about SRU right now.15:04
roaksoaxallenap: heh, the Precise packaging is based on the quantal one15:05
roaksoaxallenap: so if it doesn't work in quantal, then it wont work in precise15:05
roaksoaxallenap: so for me releasing to precise means I can SRU15:05
allenapRight, okay.15:05
roaksoaxallenap: cause we cannot SRU if we don't have a quantal version15:05
allenaproaksoax: Does MAAS need to be fully operational on Quantal, or just build?15:06
roaksoaxallenap: for now build and work15:06
roaksoaxallenap: it currentlyu builds and work15:06
roaksoaxallenap: the nly thing yet to be considered is DHCP15:06
roaksoaxallenap: btw.., how is MAAS inserting the hostnames into the DNS server?15:08
roaksoaxallenap: i don't see the files being modified and inserting a deployed system into it15:08
roaksoaxallenap: unless this has to work wiht MAAS DHCP15:08
allenaproaksoax: I can't remember. rvba can talk about that next week.15:12
roaksoaxallenap: alright, so we have a broken MAAS15:12
roaksoaxallenap: cause juju wont work15:12
roaksoaxwithout MAAS DNS15:12
roaksoaxwhich means it won't work with external DNS/DHCP15:13
allenaproaksoax: Juju will work with IP addresses, but it's being given hostnames by the MAAS API. We can change that.15:17
roaksoaxallenap: I just noticed that an enlisted node ended up not having its hostname15:19
roaksoaxallenap: the one provided by the DNS server15:19
roaksoaxi need to re-check this15:19
roaksoaxhold on15:19
smoserallenap, so after '--noinput' how do i set a password without being prompted?15:21
allenapsmoser: Sorry, s/createsuperuser/createadmin/, then bin/maas createadmin --username ... --email ... --password ...15:24
* allenap is not friends with django-admin (which is what `maas` is)15:26
smoserallenap, thanks.15:27
smoserroaksoax, so i installed maas from ppa15:27
smoseri clicked the nice little button so i could run dhcp15:31
smoserbut i dont see any dhcp processes running15:31
smoser(i expected 'ps -axw | grep dh' to show something other than dhclient)15:31
roaksoaxsmoser: tail -f /var/log/maas/celery.log15:34
smoserso what was supposed to happen when i clicked that 'manage dhcp' button?15:34
roaksoaxsmoser: the issue i think would be the fact that dhcpd.conf needs to be rewritten15:34
roaksoaxsmoser: that would rewrite the dhcpd.conf15:34
smoserstack trace15:34
roaksoaxsmoser: most likely due to lack of permissions of doing so15:35
roaksoaxs/of doing so/to do so15:35
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah that's it15:35
smoserso what do i do to work around?15:35
roaksoaxsmoser: TBH I haven't gotten there yet :)15:35
roaksoaxsmoser: chown maas:root dhcpd.conf15:36
smoserwill somethign re-try ?15:36
roaksoaxsmoser: yes15:37
roaksoaxsmoser: or you can restart pserv/celery15:38
roaksoaxmaas-pserv maas-celery15:38
smoserthat will *restart* it?15:38
smosersudo restart maas-pserv ; sudo restart maas-celery15:38
smoserthats probably what i wanted15:38
smoserhm.. still no dhcpd running15:39
roaksoaxsmoser: what does celery say now15:41
roaksoaxno idea then15:42
roaksoaxit might be related to the same i'm seeing with DNS15:42
roaksoaxnot config output written15:42
smoserjust to be forthcoming...15:43
smoseri did install with: sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --assume-yes install maas </dev/null15:43
roaksoaxyeah that should have done anything to do with it15:45
roaksoaxsmoser: btw.. your ephemeral image is not getting the hostname  from the DNS server15:45
roaksoaxand passing it to maas-enlist right?15:45
smoserenlistment just does whatever it is told to do15:46
smoserhold on. looking for what it is told to do15:47
roaksoaxsmoser: right, idk why I think I was enlisting the machine passing the correct hostname15:47
roaksoaxsmoser: but today I see it doesn't15:47
roaksoaxso that's why i was like WTF15:47
roaksoaxsmoser: ok, so how do you think we should detect the hostname from the DNS server?15:48
smosershould we?15:49
roaksoaxsmoser: yes15:50
roaksoaxsmoser: debian installer does it, and that's how we pass the hostname15:50
roaksoaxsmoser: so we need to do the equivalent in the image15:50
roaksoaxsmoser: that is usefull when we have externa; DNS/DHCP15:50
roaksoaxotherwise we are screwed :)15:51
smoserroaksoax you just want the hostname ?15:51
roaksoaxsmoser: yes15:52
roaksoaxsmoser: so my devenv it passes DNS name as "node01" and the image should be able to obtain that DNS name and pass it back to maas15:54
roaksoaxon the enlistment15:54
roaksoaxsmoser: if it is "maas.andres.home" it should also grab that and pass it15:54
roaksoaxsmoser: so I think it would be all of that15:54
allenapsmoser, roaksoax: My latest fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/maas-set-correct-file-permissions/+merge/12231015:54
allenapI'll also revert the previous fix for this bug.15:55
smoserallenap, wel..15:56
smoserits curious that you're doing chmod after you've put the files in place15:56
smosergiven the big worry there about a race condition15:56
smoser(which honestly is not really that large a concern, as this weill be very small window and not a common operation)15:57
smoserbut why wouldn' tyou fix permissions before you move it into place?15:58
smosernote, if this is threaded code we have a read-update-write race condition there also15:59
smoserroaksoax, one thing you could do...although its not perfect is just get the ip address of the right nic and try to reverse lookup of that.16:03
smoserthe data for the lease is actually in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.*16:04
roaksoaxsmoser: uhmmm right, i guess i could do that... which will not work on d-i though16:06
roaksoaxbut we obtain that in a different way16:06
smoserhow do you obtain it in di?16:06
roaksoaxsmoser: from debconf16:07
smoserroaksoax, why do you care about di?16:08
roaksoaxsmoser: CD16:09
smoserok. so16:09
smosera.) that is 2 completely different paths.  in 1, you're giving code to cloud-init to run, and in he other you're running code off the cd.16:10
smoser so these dont have to be the same at all16:10
smoserb.) what we can do is figure out how the installer does it (if that is seen as the "correct" way) and mimic that in the code that we feed to cloud-init.16:10
smoserit is of note, that cloud-init does get messy here.16:11
roaksoaxsmoser: right16:14
roaksoaxsmoser: so I think the best approach would be to mimic what the installer is doing to get the hostname16:16
roaksoaxsmoser: but maybe this comes from DHCP itself16:16
roaksoaxsmoser: we;ll have to ask cjwatson16:16
roaksoaxsmoser: though he's on hollidays16:17
roaksoaxsmoser: and I wanted to upload to qauntal today :(16:17
smoserroaksoax, it *does* come from dhcp16:46
smoserits part of the dhcp response16:46
smoser(see the leases file)16:47
roaksoaxsmoser: yep16:50
allenapsmoser: Good catch, thanks. Can you +1 https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/maas-set-correct-file-permissions/+merge/122310?17:24
smoserallenap, shoot17:28
smoserone mrore thing17:28
smoserplease revert other changes.17:28
allenapsmoser: I've added that now.17:31
allenapLaunchpad seems to be on a go-slow.17:32
allenapsmoser: I have to go, so if you're happy to +1 that mp, please land it too. Thanks! Have a good weekend, roaksoax too!17:34
roaksoaxallenap: you too17:34
smoserallenap, also remove the "All files we create here are public"...17:34
smoserthe umask is just not necessary17:35
smoser(that was also inserted in a untested attempt to fix those perms)17:35
allenapsmoser: Remove that entire hunk?17:35
smoserat very leas the comment is wrong17:35
smoseras that umask has no affect on the permissions of tftp17:36
allenapsmoser: Done.17:37
roaksoaxsmoser: does the pehemeral image knows from what interface its booting obtaining DHCP address in use?17:37
roaksoaxallenap: if still around and can do a quick review for the maas-import-pxe-files17:38
roaksoaxbug i just filed17:38
roaksoaxallenap: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178248/17:38
smoserroaksoax, well, it can get it, yes (in the pxelinux case)17:39
allenaproaksoax: That *looks* fine to me, but without tests it's hard to say for sure. As long as you've given it a run, then cool.17:39
smoserin arm, it can't figure that out.17:39
smoserpxelinux tells linux the interface.17:39
* allenap really goes.17:39
smoserroaksoax, i dont understan why you'd change maas-import-ephemerals there.17:39
roaksoaxsmoser: because maas-import-ephemerals goes : "There's a new image that we need to update. We have updated it, then we are going to install it with maas-provision"17:40
roaksoaxsmoser: but "what if there's no image to update from the remote site, then do nothing"17:41
smoserwell, one could say "well, dont delete data!"17:41
smoserbut i'll buy your argument.17:42
roaksoaxsmoser: we are not deleting, we are re-installing the ephemeral image with maas-provision17:42
smoserallenap, but i wont buy your argument of "no way to know". unit tests passing do not tell you if something is actually functional.17:42
smoserif they did, then we'd have functional maas right now.17:42
smoser*actual* test is sometimes required17:43
smoserallenap, i +1'd your MP17:44
guimalufmy maas node cannot install any apt-get cause is using the maas server as proxy. what should I do to enable proxy on maas server?17:51
smoserguimaluf, it should be running a proxy17:53
smoserbecause it should hvae squid-deb-proxy installed17:53
guimalufsmoser, I can install my maas node, so my squid-deb-proxy it's running and working17:59
guimalufsmoser, but after the installation process my node cannot reach the apt proxy17:59
smoserit should be able to18:02
smosersorry i dont have any more suggestions thatn that.18:02
smoseryou'll just have to debug it from the installed system.18:02
smoserroaksoax, how do i set kernel options in maas for tftp and such18:03
roaksoaxsmoser: i'm wondering the same thing actually :)18:03
roaksoaxsmoser: the commissioning image doesn't have nslookup installed, does it?18:09
smoser /usr/share/pyshared/provisioningserver/pxe18:09
smoserthats where you change18:09
smosersee files there.18:09
smoserbeautifully located in /usr/share18:09
smoserpyshared even18:10
roaksoaxyep, that's the problem, they read them from there18:11
smoserroaksoax, it has 'host' (bind9-host)18:11
roaksoaxsmoser: so, do you think we should do that in maas enlist, and get the dns name from there?18:12
smoserwell, you can. and in many cases it will work.18:13
smoseri think it sprobably good enough18:13
smoseras you dont really care about the hostname18:13
smoseractually, its probably good enough for now.18:14
smoseras the image is only going to bring up 1 interface18:14
smoserbut you aren't guaranteed that the thing would be reverse-lookupable18:14
roaksoaxbut it is just a wild guess18:14
smoser(note, there is a bug in the image, in that it has hard coded 'eth0', but eth0 might not be plugged in. it actually needs to figure out the booted network adatper and use it)18:15
smoserits probably sufficient for wild guess18:15
smoserbut its not specifically identical to what the dhcp server gave it.18:15
allenapsmoser: I agree, about giving it a proper run. However, unit testing can get a long way there. More than anything, it's a guard against regression, and so a way to make changes with more confidence.18:20
smoserallenap, good deal. now lets try to get something functional.18:28
smoserroaksoax, you want a bug for the celery issue i ran into earlier (dhcpd.conf perms) ?18:28
roaksoaxsmoser: please18:28
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
smoserbug 104422818:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1044228 in MAAS "MAAS unable to write production dhcpd.conf" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104422818:29
allenaprbasak: Looks like it's safe to land https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/maas/arm_kernel_parameters/+merge/122241.18:39
rbasakallenap: ok, thanks. I was going to run make lint to see what you meant. I should do that every time really - I was only running make test. Whitespace around []s?18:44
smoserroaksoax, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178373/18:57
smoser$ ls -l /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf18:58
smoser-rw-r--r-- 1 maas root 3602 Jul 10 21:29 /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf18:58
roaksoaxsmoser: that's DNS18:58
smoseryou are correct18:59
roaksoaxmake user maas chown /etc/bind/maas and files under18:59
smoserwhat config is it there?18:59
smoseris there a bug for that?18:59
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah that's fixed19:01
roaksoaxsmoser: haven't yet released19:01
smoserdo you know what bug it was?19:03
roaksoaxsmoser: please review/approve: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_preseed_userdata_hostname/+merge/12234019:03
roaksoaxsmoser: and is bug #104286819:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 1042868 in maas (Ubuntu) "MAAS doesn't have permissions to write in /etc/bind/maas" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104286819:04
smoserroaksoax, that will give the full dns name retuned19:04
smoseris that what you wanted?19:04
smoserif you want short we need host=${host%.*}19:04
roaksoaxsmoser: that's perfect19:04
roaksoaxsmoser: forgot to approve :)19:11
smoserroaksoax, is this known to you?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178402/19:11
roaksoaxsmoser: yes I've seen it before, can't recall whether it was also a permissions issue19:12
roaksoaxor was just upstream issue19:13
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
allenaprbasak: Yeah, the whitespace. I have a branch in progress to check lint during a test run, so soon it won't be possible to land with lint :)19:49
smoserroaksoax, well, heres where i got with trying to test this so far.20:08
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178515/20:08
smoseri can't get dns or dhcp to consitently work.20:08
smoserdhcp doesn't start, so i didn't bother trying to boot an instance on a bridge20:08
roaksoaxsmoser: ok cool20:09
roaksoaxsmoser: we'll hvae to have a seirous talk with rvba :)20:09
smoserroaksoax, how would you recommend i get the dhcp settings from maas?20:10
smoserthat i answered when it questioned me during install20:10
smosergateway, dhcp range ...20:10
smoseri guess i need gateway is the one i really need.20:10
roaksoaxsmoser: yeah, so that supposedly creates the master DHCP dataase20:10
smoserit does not. not that i could convince at least.20:11
smoserfor now i'll read it out of debconf20:11
roaksoaxsmoser: right but it should write the dhcpd.conf20:12
roaksoaxwhich doesn't seem to do20:12
roaksoaxto do it20:12
* roaksoax bbl20:15
smoserroaksoax, i'm thinking we shoudl drop the "zimmer" from vdenv20:51
smoserand rather have it assume you have maas installed on the system20:52
smoserit makes it less realistic to run it on your laptop though i guess.20:52
roaksoaxsmoser: i agree23:57

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