
h00kah, SIGBART in raise()00:00
* h00k reports bug.00:00
scarrsis there a way to save in other formats in GIMP 2.8?00:07
trismscarrs: yeah but you have to export00:08
h00kso, it's good right now on gnome-shell, I may just use this until the blinky nautilus dealio is fixed.00:27
h00knautilus still draws the desktop, yes? Or is that a unity thing?00:30
h00kI knew once, but forgot.00:30
histoh00k: I believe nautilus handles folders on the desktop in addition to file manager00:30
h00khisto: okay. It's the...whatever is drawing the wallpaper that I'm having issues with.00:32
h00kand handles tooltips and things. Probably compiz/unity.00:32
histoh00k: yeah nautilus does not draw the wallpaper00:35
h00kyeah, whatever is drawing the desktop keeps flickering with a few seconds inbetween each crash/restart. I'm not sure what it is.00:43
scarrssound just broke, help?01:35
cc11rockshttp://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTE2OTk : "...Canonical wants to drop the number of ISOs they produce and ship -- in order to reduce their support/QA burden and also for lightening up the mirror/FTP servers...Features like cryptsetup and LVM (Logical Volume Manager) support are being integrated into the graphical Ubiquity installer for Ubuntu 12.10, but it's not yet at a 100% parity to what's offered by the alternate03:16
cc11rocks CD with the Debian Installer. " Does anyone know of any updates about LVM support in the Ubiquity installer?03:16
trismcc11rocks: it is supposed to be in by beta 1: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-q-ubiquity-lvm-luks (but I don't know the current status, besides what is listed)03:19
cc11rocksYay! Thank you trism03:19
LarsNanyone running VMWare Workstation or Parallels 6 have links to the magic they used to get the software to install properly?03:36
gnomefreakok i really like when you launchand decide something from the launcher and the app folds (twist)04:36
gnomefreakit pnly works when you bring an app into focus (min)but the app has to be running04:38
gnomefreakdamn indicater* apps whants to be removed04:41
gnomefreakdue to upgrade indicator-messages04:41
gnomefreakanyone one have a clue as to add the indicater-weather app on the upper bar05:31
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BluesKajhowdy all10:55
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scarrsanybody else lose sound recently?12:42
vega-does the nvidia prop driver work with the display settings preferences in 12.10 ?13:19
vega-so one does not have to play around with nvidia-settings anymore?13:20
vega-a sentence in the release notes ("The proprietary -nvidia driver now supports the RANDR standard for monitor configuration.") might indicate something like this?13:21
BluesKajvega-,the nvidia-current driver is now working , 304.43 .. no need to DL the proprietary , just instll the current driver in the terminal and reboot13:35
user82!info kdewallpapers14:04
user82does this work?=14:04
ubottukdewallpapers (source: kdeartwork): wallpapers released with KDE Plasma Workspaces. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.9.0-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 111709 kB, installed size 113190 kB14:04
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crfhi, gnome-panel is leaking memory. I'd like to try to make a bug report. Can someone help me with getting a memory profile of the application18:30
crflike it says here https://live.gnome.org/MemoryReduction/Tools/GetValgrindInToughPlaces18:30
trismcrf: unfortunately you can't just deselect gnome-panel from the options with recent gnome-session-properties, however if you open a terminal and: killall gnome-panel; several times in a row the fail whale will get it and it won't restart, then you can run it in valgrind18:34
crfah ... ok18:35
crfthat's handy to know, thanks18:35
edgyHi, I choose a screensaver and locked the screen and the screensaver disappear quickly and I got the kde background, confirm?20:04
hashI have Ubuntu 12.10 alpha 2 installed on my laptop that requires an Efi boot. It has grubx64.efi installed. Is there a difference in alpha 3?20:56
ironhalikIf I uderstand it correctly, messaging menu has been reworked in 12.10?22:08
ironhalikat least the back-end?22:08
=== HelenB_ is now known as HelenaB
=== HelenaB is now known as KittyGirl

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