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blackthund3rHi there09:33
blackthund3rIs anyone around so I can ask a couple of questions about porting to armhf?09:33
blackthund3rI'm trying to get started with porting ubuntu to a tablet09:33
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wookeyask away10:11
wookeyblackthund3r: ^10:11
blackthund3rwookey: o.O hi10:30
blackthund3rBasically I'm working on a tegra port of ubuntu10:30
blackthund3rand was wondering how I really start collating everything10:30
blackthund3rI have downloaded the linux4tegra kit and I've modified rootstock to produce an armhf package but I'm not really sure what the best way of testing all this is10:31
blackthund3ralso how I would add certain patches to the kernel for specific device support10:31
wookeyrootstock makes images not packages. Are you building a package for armhf or trying to build whole images?10:44
blackthund3rwhole images10:45
blackthund3rand eventually a kernel too10:45
blackthund3rI'm attempting to get 12.04 booting on the Acer Iconia A50010:46
marvin24blackthund3r: you can use the ac100 image for starting10:46
marvin24but you will need a working kernel10:46
blackthund3rhmm ok. Is that a better option than starting from scratch?10:46
marvin24depends on your caps10:46
blackthund3rSure. I believe there is a 2.6 chromeos kernel for this device but I'm trying to get as new a source tree compiled as possible10:47
blackthund3rok sure10:47
marvin24ac100 uses a 3.1 kernel (from nvidia)10:47
blackthund3rI'm new to kernel dev and this sort of thing although I'm very experienced with linux10:47
blackthund3rthat makes sense. I've just checked that code out via git10:47
blackthund3rI believe the stuff I need to add in is here: https://github.com/iconia-dev10:48
blackthund3rhow do I add that then tell make to use that config?10:48
marvin24what kernel is this based on?10:50
blackthund3rNot sure. I believe they're patches for stock linux10:50
blackthund3r(in the github link)10:51
blackthund3rI'm working with the 3.1 kernel for nvidia10:51
blackthund3rit is preconfigured (I believe) for the ventana test board. I need to add those patches so it will work on the tablet10:51
blackthund3r(and then work on adding in drivers once I see what is actually supported OOTB)10:52
marvin24sounds like a plan10:52
blackthund3rso how do I add those patches in?10:53
blackthund3rthere is a vendor section with proprietary folder,10:53
marvin24I haven't seen any patches in the repo at all10:54
blackthund3rand a device tree10:54
blackthund3rhttps://github.com/iconia-dev/android_device_acer_a500 and https://github.com/iconia-dev/android_vendor_acer_a50010:54
blackthund3ralso (probably a separate question) where is the section in the kernel source for the initramfs?10:56
marvin24these are scripts for some build system, no kernel patches10:56
blackthund3rThe plan is to install linux into /data/linux from within Android and install the kernel to the spare partition. Then chroot to it10:56
marvin24the kernel seems to be available in binary form10:56
blackthund3rsure does. Should I try booting it to see what will happen?10:57
marvin24I think you can use the android kernel and see how far you come10:57
blackthund3rI need to bridge it to an initramfs or it won't be useful, unless I can open a serial connection with it to view the output?10:57
blackthund3rI hadn't considered that10:57
blackthund3rokay so assuming I used that kernel as it is fairly up to date (one dev has a 3.2.x-based kernel)10:58
blackthund3rhow can I chroot to /data/linux?10:58
blackthund3ris that even possible? Has anybody every tried installing linux to a folder?10:58
blackthund3rI assume it would go fairly early in the init script10:59
blackthund3rif /data was mounted by the initramfs, could you then chroot to /data/linux?10:59
blackthund3rOr would it need to be remounted as /?10:59
marvin24there is no /data on ubuntu11:00
blackthund3rI could call it anything when mounted though right?11:00
blackthund3rokay /mnt/data11:00
marvin24ah, you can try to mount an ubuntu fs in android11:00
marvin24and chroot to it11:00
blackthund3rno I've done that already ;)11:01
blackthund3rI mean use the kernel to do it and boot up from a chroot11:01
blackthund3rthe data partition is mmcblk0p911:01
blackthund3rthe data partition is mmcblk0p811:01
blackthund3rso if mmcblk0p8 was mounted by the ramdisk11:02
blackthund3rthen the linux folder was set as the root11:02
blackthund3rwould this work?11:02
blackthund3rthat would mean Ubuntu could be booted natively whilst keeping that partition11:03
blackthund3rthe data partition is pretty huge11:03
blackthund3rso it makes sense to install linux there11:03
blackthund3rand somehow boot it11:03
marvin24you may create your own initrd (from the chroot)11:05
marvin24and pass it to the kernel11:05
marvin24also the root partition (via root=...) kernel command line11:05
blackthund3rcan you mount a partition beforehand?11:05
blackthund3rWait no that wouldn't work11:05
blackthund3rokay so if root=magicinitrd11:06
marvin24no, the ubuntu initrd will try to mount root11:06
blackthund3rthen somewhere in that initrd it needs to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p811:06
marvin24the initrd is mounted automaticly by the kernel (if it is there)11:06
blackthund3rthen fuse-mount /mnt/mmcblk0p8 as /11:06
blackthund3rso how does linux's initrd then mount the rest of the filesystem?11:07
marvin24/etc/fstab ?11:07
blackthund3rbecause it is almost a union of the initrd and the partition11:07
blackthund3rmakes sense11:07
blackthund3rokay android seems a little different11:08
marvin24yes, userspace is totally different11:08
blackthund3rthe android initrd will use /fstab.t20 to mount all the partition in the own folders11:08
blackthund3ralthough (I assume) ubuntu will mount the RootFS as /?11:08
marvin24it should11:09
marvin24but I'm also not an expert11:09
blackthund3rok sure.11:09
blackthund3rSo in that case I need to understand roughly how that works11:09
blackthund3rin order to mount a partition then set a folder rather than a partition as /11:10
marvin24I still don't understand why you want to do this11:11
blackthund3rin order to boot ubuntu up with it installed in a folder11:11
blackthund3rcurrently there is /data/media, /data/Android etc etc11:12
marvin24in android, the partitions are also mounted on folders11:12
blackthund3rso I want a /data/linux11:12
blackthund3rwhich the linux kernel will use as a rootfs11:12
blackthund3ryes but android doesn't need to mount a new rootfs - the initrd is the complete rootfs as the main system works out of the /system folder11:12
marvin24if fact, the mount point doesn't matter11:12
marvin24why do you want to keep this strange android way of booting?11:13
blackthund3rso is what I want to do possible?11:13
marvin24why not just mount the root partition and you are finished11:13
blackthund3rto not have to wipe out all the userdata in order to install ubuntu11:13
marvin24you can also boot from a sdcard11:13
marvin24I guess the a500 has a slot for it11:14
blackthund3rso install straight to the data partition alongside the rest of the android data?11:14
blackthund3ryes you can but it's only cool if it works from the internal memory ;)11:14
blackthund3rmore storage that way too - there are some 64GB tabs11:14
blackthund3ronce I have a reliable way of doing this, I want to extend it to making an easy way of patching an existing android ROM to boot from, say, /data/sys2 or /data/sys3 so you can dual boot ROM11:16
blackthund3rbut that's a later project. For now I want a working ubuntu install11:16
blackthund3rfor tablets like this it'd be really useful to have a full RootFS in a folder11:17
blackthund3rparticularly as the filesystem is ext4 anyway11:17
blackthund3rit saves repartitioning stuff11:17
marvin24blackthund3r: you can split the "user" partition11:30
marvin24don't know anymore where it was mounted11:30
blackthund3rsplit how?11:30
blackthund3rrepartition it?11:30
blackthund3rthat would cause ROM issues11:30
marvin24it worked fine on the ac10011:30
blackthund3rthis is the anatomy of the a50011:30
blackthund3ractually it might work11:31
blackthund3rbut then you have to dedicate that space11:31
blackthund3r(which is what I was trying to avoid :P)11:31
blackthund3rand the whole tablet would still have to be wiped out to do that as I understand11:32
blackthund3rnvflash isn't the most user-friendly of tools!11:32
blackthund3reventually I want this to be available to the public11:33
blackthund3rbrb :)11:34
blackthund3rthanks for your help marvin24!12:12
blackthund3rgtg :(12:12
* lilstevie thinks he is going about that in the most difficult way he can find12:16
lilsteviepicasso and tf101 are very similar, with a small patch it would boot with the same kernel12:17
ogra_nah, cant be that would break the well estabished arm fragemntation vendors worked on for years !12:18
lilstevieogra_, muromec ported 2.6.38 to both the tf101 and picasso, if you compile it with both boards defined in the config it comes down to a few if(is_machine_picasso()) blocks difference12:19
lilstevieI have no idea why though :p arm fragmentation is common, and expected12:20
ogra_yeah, evil, the vendors should sue him to break it :)12:23
ogra_s/to break/for breaking/12:23
lilstevielol " hey guys there is a rumor about windows 8 coming out for tablets and im so excited for that " <-- got to love forums, that was posted today12:25
ogra_yeah, finally more locked down HW on the market12:26
lilstevieuefi comes to arm, but not to benefit the platform :(12:28
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