
dholbachgood morning07:04
dholbachdpm, do you still have logs of your sessions yesterday? it seems like irclogs.u.c or its bot was offline for ~15m09:34
dpmdholbach, I should have them, but I'm about to run, will try to upload them later on today or Monday09:38
dpmdholbach, I've just looked and unfortunately, as I did the UDW sessions from another computer, I don't have the logs :(10:08
dpmperhaps someone else who was in #ubuntu-classroom?10:08
dpmJoseeAntonioR, perhaps? ^10:09
dpmanyway, I need to run, see you in a few hours10:09
JoseeAntonioRI have private logs of what happened, made by XChat :)13:56
dholbachJoseeAntonioR, do you think you could paste the relevant lines into the wiki pages? O:-)13:57
JoseeAntonioRyou mean, all the sessions? or just the ones that are missing?13:58
dholbachin dpm's sessions there are ~15 minutes missing13:59
dholbachthe rest I all put up on the wiki already13:59
JoseeAntonioRok, let me check14:00
JoseeAntonioRlog 1 fixed14:05
JoseeAntonioRand, second log fixed too14:13
dholbachthanks a lot JoseeAntonioR14:57
* popey hugs dholbach 14:57
JoseeAntonioRno prob :)14:57
* dholbach hugs popey back :)14:58
dholbachalright, I call it a day - have a great weekend everyone! :)16:10
dpmhave a good one dholbach!16:17
dholbachyou too :)16:18
jbichajcastro: I'm curious how much the WordPress charm costs per month to deploy on Amazon, maybe that could be another blog post16:57
popeyjbicha, yeah, me too, I'm considering moving my blog off a vps to the cloud17:04
popeythen post some wildly contentious stuff about gnomebuntu, fill it with ads, juju deploy more hosts and rake in the google adsense revenue17:05
greg-gbtw, jbicha I wanted to say thanks for your work on gnomebuntu, even though my comment on that bug asking for 12.04 SRU may have come across badly :)17:07
jbichagreg-g: no your comment was fine, the custom keyboard shortcuts problem on 12.04 is unfortunate17:12
jbichawe could have stuck with gnome-shell 3.2 but I think people wanted the new gnome-shell more than an easy way to manipulate keyboard shortcuts17:13
greg-gjbicha: well, I'm nothing without my keyboard shortcuts :) I unfortunately had to switch to Debian to get my work laptop functional17:15
jbichafurthermore, the problem can't be sanely fixed in a PPA either17:15
greg-gseems deeply rooted17:15
jbichaI mean you could build gnome-control-center and gnome-settings-daemon without the gconf reversion patches but then keyboard shortcuts wouldn't be configurable in Unity17:16
greg-gso it is an XOR situation17:17
jbichawe're still cleaning up bugs introduced by the Unity gsettings migration in Quantal17:17
* greg-g nods17:17
greg-gagain, thanks much for your work on this, jbicha17:17
jbichaseb128 is proposing that we default to shipping the GNOME-1 release (ie GNOME 3.4 for 12.10, 3.6 for 13.04) to give more time for Ubuntu integration17:19
jbichaI don't like the idea but we'll see what happens17:19
greg-ghuh, interesting17:19
dakerpleia2, czajkowski mhall119 the most people i have seen posting about there inbox use this :D ttp://thenextweb.com/apps/2012/08/31/for-dont-want-emails-inbox-the-magic-pause-button17:33
mhall119daker: I don't get the purpose17:47
dakermhall119: when the extension is enabled it can put all your coming email under a certain tag, and can notify the sender that the response may delay17:51
greg-gso vacation autoresponder plus auto archiving/tagging17:56
mhall119oh, ok, that makes sense now17:59

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