
cyphermoxhey bryceh01:36
cyphermoxis it safe to upgrade if I have an nvidia card by now?01:36
cyphermox( i mean without falling back to nouveau)01:36
robrucyphermox, osomon wrote in an email to product-strategy list that quantal was safe for nvidia01:50
cyphermoxah, cool, thanks robru01:51
robruhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/1037896 referring to this bug cyphermox ? that is the one that osomon says is fixed in quantal01:52
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1037896 in nvidia-graphics-drivers "Starting Firefox kills xserver immediately when using 2D desktop" [Critical,Fix released]01:52
cyphermoxrobru: ah it's not necessarily that, I don't know01:57
cyphermoxthere was a point where X was upgraded I think and it was breaking nvidia (not nouveau)01:57
cyphermoxit's a little while ago I just haven't updated this system since01:58
cyphermoxmaybe I'll just run the upgrade early tomorrow morning01:58
robrucyphermox, couldn't tell you, I have ati and haven't had problems. I just remembered reading somebody complain about nvidia drivers and then osomon said the fix had landed.02:20
robrusorry ;-)02:20
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brycehcyphermox, yeah we got the new nvidia driver in now05:20
brycehfglrx doesn't appear to have its update yet tho05:22
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyoner07:27
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dpmmorning chrisccoulson07:48
dpmmorning pitti. Eventually the source packages for the full q langpacks were created yesterday. Would you mind testing the German one to confirm it works? If it's ok, then I'll start the upload07:50
pittidpm: bonjour!07:50
dpmbon dia!07:51
pittidpm: d'accord, je vais tester les paquets07:52
dpmmolt bé ;)07:53
pittidpm: binary debdiff looks mostly ok; I'm not sure why banshee help was added to -gnome, it's in universe08:03
pittidpm: oh wait, it dropped a ton of help pages, that can't be intended?08:04
pittior is that due to gnome 3.6 not having translations for those yet?08:04
pittidpm: ah, ignore me; these apparently moved to mallard08:04
pitti/usr/share/gnome/help -> /usr/share/help08:04
dpmpitti, not sure about banshee help, we don't have it as a template in LP08:05
dpmwe still have banshee enabled, though, but it might be because we enabled the "import from universe" feature on that one08:06
pittidpm: banshee debian/control08:06
pittiX-Ubuntu-Use-Langpack: yes08:06
pittiso, this actually _works_ *gosh*08:06
dpmyeah, a translation team member talked to Banshee upstream08:06
dpmcool :)08:06
pittihelp works fine in eog (one of the moved ones)08:07
pittiI can't restart my desktop session just yet, package build going on08:07
pittiI'll give you the final ok in ~ 15 mins, is that ok?08:08
seb128happy friday desktopers!08:08
jasoncwarner_hey seb128 pitti !08:09
seb128jasoncwarner_, howdy, how are you?08:09
pittiavoir un bon vendrendi, mes amis!08:09
seb128pitti, merci !08:09
jasoncwarner_pretty good, seb128 , even went to the doctor during lunch today and he told me I was still alive. That is pretty much a win each and every day08:09
pittinothing like being _certified_ that you feel well :)08:11
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dpmpitti, hm, I got this when trying to upload the language packs: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1177365/08:18
pittidpm: yeah, that's a known issue with using dchroot in the data center08:20
pittiyou can safely ignore this08:20
dpmpitti, oh, I thought it was an error and I executed the command twice. Will this cause the uploads to be done twice?08:21
pittidpm: the building of source packages and uplaoding will take half an hour or so08:21
pittiif it ends immediately, something is wrong; did it?08:22
dpmpitti, the command returned to the prompt immediately with that message on the pastebin ^08:22
pittiok, that's bad08:22
pittibrb, rebooting to test new pack, then I'll take a look08:22
dpmthanks pitti08:23
pittidpm: german langpack LGTM08:26
pittidpm: ah, it's because updated-packages is empty08:27
pittiso there's nothing to upload08:27
pittidpm: did you upload it already?08:27
pittinot in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+queue?queue_state=108:27
dpmpitti, no, didn't upload it yet, that's all I did ^08:28
* pitti restores the updated-packages file08:28
pittils -d ../quantal/sources-*/* > updated-packages08:28
pittidpm: it's running now08:29
pittithe cron jobs are all disabled, no idea what caused it to become empty08:29
dpmpitti, one thing I can think of is that I did not disable the cron jobs for the updates. Could have that cleared the updated-packages file?08:29
pittiit's usually because import gets run again08:29
pittidpm: the cron jobs usually abort immediately if updated-packages exists and is nonempty08:29
pittiand even if a job was already running, it should not be empty08:29
dpmin that case I can't think of anything else08:30
pittiargh argh argh08:38
pittiConnection failed, aborting. Check your network (111, 'Connection refused')08:38
pittiI can't upload anything from macquarie08:39
seb128pitti, post DC move issue, chinstrap was blocked as well, ask on #is08:40
seb128pitti, we had to get them to tweak the firewall on different boxes since, I guess nobody before you tried to use macquari08:41
pittiseb128: merci; asked now08:41
seb128pitti, de rien08:41
davidcalleseb128, salut08:48
davidcalleseb128, about the photos lens, in last resort, the flickr integration can be ditched, this would solve the oauth2 issue. This is by far the nicest integration, but it would not be the end of the world.08:48
seb128davidcalle, salut08:54
seb128davidcalle, I need to discuss that with kenvandine and mterry again today08:54
davidcalleseb128, ok. I'm also open to porting it back to Python2, should be fast.08:58
pittidpm: firewall got fixed, uploading/accepting langpacks now09:02
pittidpm: thanks for preparing!09:02
dpmpitti, thanks to you for picking up the pieces :)09:02
pittihttps://launchpad.net/builders is busy now :)09:03
davidcalledednick, hi09:25
dednickdavidcalle: howdy09:25
davidcalledednick, if you have the time, I'd like your feedback on this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/104380809:26
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1043808 in unity "Preview activation doesn't have instant feedback" [Undecided,New]09:26
dednickdavidcalle: I agree that something should be done, but I need to get some feedback from the deisgn team first.09:31
davidcalledednick, thanks, I'm subscribing design.09:34
dednickdavidcalle: thanks.09:34
mitya57larsu: hi, can I ask you a question about libmessagingmenu?10:02
larsumitya57, sure10:02
mitya57larsu: is there a function like set_menu in the new api (for dynamic shortcuts)?10:03
mitya57previously there was: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61336/dynamic-shortcuts-for-messaging-menu10:03
larsumitya57, no, and that is by design: adding shortcuts that disappear when the application is not running is confusing10:04
larsumitya57, why can't you make it a static shortcut?10:04
mitya57larsu: in my case (unity-mail) it's "Mark all messages as read" action and I need to connect it to a function10:05
mitya57so I'll have to create a source for that...10:06
larsumitya57, to be honest, that's not really an action that should be in the messaging menu. Isn't it enough to have "mark all as read" in your main ui?10:07
larsuoh, unity-mail doesn't have a main ui?10:08
mitya57it has a preferences dialog10:08
mitya57I can move that action to the quicklist, so that's not a problem10:08
larsuyeah. I recommend against having it in the messaging menu, it's just not made for things like this10:09
mitya57larsu: ok, another question: is there any replacement for 'server-display' signal?10:10
mitya57larsu: it was emitted when user clicked the application name in the menu10:11
larsumitya57, no, it always launches what's in the "Exec" field of your .desktop file10:12
larsuthat's not a problem if your application is single-instance10:12
larsuwhich I hope it is ?!10:13
mitya57larsu: yeah, it is, so I can just remove that handler10:14
larsumitya57, yes. out of interest: what do you start when the menu item is clicked? The preferences dialog?10:15
mitya57larsu: I did execute "um-url Home" — the same command that is in .desktop Exec10:15
mitya57(it reads the webmail url from the configuration file and opens it)10:16
larsuthat makes sense10:16
chrisccoulsonthe new wallpapers are nice10:44
seb128chrisccoulson, I like the twitter one :p (I decided to call it twitter ;-)10:50
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's my favourite10:50
davmor2hey guys on quantal I've gone to connect to my server using nautilus/connect to server via ssh and I get a GDBus.Error Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)10:52
seb128does it happen every time?10:53
seb128pitti, is putting that sort of things under test, not sure if he did ssh yet10:53
pittiyes, my gvfs tests test ssh10:54
davmor2seb128: yeap it is here,  this is a fresh install10:54
pittisftp:// connectino to my server (from nautilus "connect to server") works here, hmm10:55
pittidavmor2: can you try "gvfs-mount sftp://yourserver" in a terminal and see what happens?10:56
davmor2pitti: ah hang on there are some updates, for gvfs10:56
pittiit should ask you for a user/password, unless you already have it in your ssh config10:57
pittidavmor2: that's only for updated tests; shouldn't change actual behaviour10:57
davmor2pitti: right no worries10:57
pittion that note, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/AutoPkg%20Test/job/quantal-adt-gvfs/ is green again \o/10:57
pittinow including cdrom and internal hard disk checks10:58
davmor2pitti: paste.ubuntu.com/1177590/  gvfs fails standard ssh connects11:00
pittidavmor2: is this an X.org/unity session, or CLI from a server?11:01
davmor2pitti: fresh quantal 64bit desktop (yesterday mornings iso) install connecting to a precise server11:02
pittiI'm rsyncing the current image now11:03
pittidavmor2: can you reproduce this in the live system, too?11:03
pittiso that we can meet in the middle for reproduction11:03
pittiI don't know how to further debug this with gvfs tools, I'm afraid11:04
pittigvfs sucks at that11:04
pittiso I'll try to reproduce11:04
davmor2pitti: give me 10 minutes just need to do some work and then I'll drop the live cd  in and let you know11:04
pittidavmor2: thanks; I'll need about the same time to rsync and boot the current iso11:05
davmor2pitti: by the way I found zsync was much better for grabbing the images :)11:06
davmor2pitti: confirmed happens on live cd too11:15
pittidavmor2: I can reproduce it; do you know, is there a bug report for it already?11:18
pittimeh, compiz is really crash-land in kvm11:19
pittidavmor2: ah, I see a gvfsd-sftp .crash file there11:19
davmor2pitti: it is on the live cd too,  nope I went to use ubuntu-bug and it said there was a newer version of gvfs11:20
pittidavmor2: ok, it's bug 103327511:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1033275 in gvfs "gvfsd-sftp crashed with SIGSEGV in fast_validate()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103327511:21
* pitti dupes another bug to it11:22
pittiok, that's precisely the thing that tests should cover, as soon as I find out what's the difference in the live system11:24
davmor2pitti: once you have a fix if you want a confirmation feel free to give me a ping, I've subbed myself to the bug also11:32
pittidavmor2: will do11:33
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i love non-reproducible crashes :/11:37
dupondjeaha pitti is fixing my bugs ;)11:37
chrisccoulsonespecially when they occur in the flash plugin11:38
dupondjechrisccoulson: flash rox ... not :)11:38
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/remmina/+bug/980766 => Anyone an idea on this? Tought this was a compiz bug that got fixed? but still some complaints it seems11:39
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 980766 in remmina "Remmina fullscreen jumps between workspaces" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:39
davmor2chrisccoulson: sadtrombone.com11:41
chrisccoulsondavmor2, hah, thanks for that :)11:44
Sweetsharkseb128: so bug 1041354 has been targeted for beta1, beta1 freeze has passed without a fix. Do we need to do something about that, (e.g. tag it as a known bug?)11:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1041354 in libreoffice "unity-panel-service since yesterday uses ~100% CPU when libreoffice-gtk is installed and enabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104135411:48
davmor2chrisccoulson: It's best for putting a smile on your face and giving you fresh vigour to attack things11:48
seb128Sweetshark, you don't plan to land any lo update today then?11:48
Sweetsharkseb128: I will do an updated build with most recent changes today.11:48
seb128Sweetshark, we can probably still get that in beta1 if we upload today11:49
Sweetsharkseb128: Ill forward you the mail by antonio with some comments.11:49
seb128Sweetshark, ok, what's your feeling?11:49
seb128Sweetshark, like what is your opinion on what we should do?11:50
Sweetsharkseb128: hard to guess without a build. I trust Antonio, he is doing awesome work, and it hardly can be worse that the current package (except if the build breaks, which wouldnt bother endusers).11:54
Sweetsharkseb128: and there is the workaround people are using currently -- uninstalling libreoffice-gtk -- which should be a suitable workaround for troubles with the new package too.11:56
seb128Sweetshark, I would like better if things were a bit nicer without workaround, like at least refresh every 10s rather than every 1s to hammer CPU less11:59
afernandezHi Sweetshark12:00
Sweetsharkafernandez: rehi ;)12:01
Sweetshark13:59 < seb128> Sweetshark, I would like better if things were a bit nicer without workaround, like at least refresh every 10s rather than every 1s to hammer CPU less12:01
Sweetsharkafernandez: do you still see the CPU load issue with your latest changes?12:01
afernandezWell, obviously that updating a menu every second has a CPU cost, but issues with the appmenu seem to have gone12:02
afernandezProblem with the old implementation was the massive DBus traffic12:02
chrisccoulsonah, the crash is not my fault. that's a relief12:02
chrisccoulsonso i officially don't care about it now :)12:03
mitya57larsu: hi again12:03
afernandezI have tested this on Quantal and Precise, and performance looks good.12:03
mitya57larsu: for some reason the messaging menu picks all actions from unity-mail desktop file12:03
Sweetsharkafernandez: welcome to the desktop team ( chrisccoulson is the firefox maintainer. I can feel his pain ;) )12:04
mitya57larsu: I think that shouldn't happen given that there're no TargetEnvironment/OnlyShowIn keys there12:04
mitya57larsu: is that a bug?12:04
afernandezSweetshark, thank you :D12:04
afernandezlarsu, sorry for inconvenience hahaha12:04
afernandezWhen integration with Ryan Lortie's modifications is done, performance shouldn't be an issue anymore12:05
larsumitya57, yeah, sounds like a bug. I wonder where that comes from, that part shouldn't have changed12:06
larsumitya57, a quick workaround would be to set "OnlyShowIn: Unity" fields in the desktop file for the items you only want to appear in the quicklist12:07
mitya57larsu: just letting you know12:10
Sweetsharkseb128: so, whats your decision on this? I can also also set the timeout to 10 seconds for this build still, but we might get a lot of false bugs saying: I do this and then the menu doesnt enable although it should or somesuch ...12:10
larsumitya57, noted, thanks12:11
seb128Sweetshark, afernandez: I'm not sure to understand, are performance issues solved or not with the current version and is the current version in a state where it can land?12:11
afernandezseb128, yes, performace issues seem to have gone. Honestly, I think this version is much better than the old one, but as I said before, there is an issue with Unity/Gtk+ that is making menus to be disabled magically...12:13
mvois it just me or is indicator-datetime broken currently in quantal? spins at 100% cpu for me :/12:14
seb128mvo, just you, that code didn't change since precise12:15
mvoseb128: hrm, thats bad12:15
mvofor me12:15
seb128mvo, can you try to gdb it and see what it's doing, maybe e-d-s or geoclue services issues12:15
Sweetsharkmvo: you know time changes *constantly* -- it really is a lot of work to keep up.12:15
seb128afernandez, ok, how often do they disable, and does the current version require the ppa version of gtk with the patch from desrt,12:15
afernandezseb128, after activating an action... and no, current version doesn't depend on desrt patch12:16
afernandezseb128, also note that this version is not working with the HUD, it needs further investigation12:17
afernandezseb128, but menus work well12:17
seb128afernandez, menu disabling after activating an action seems like a blocker issue...12:18
seb128afernandez, is desrt looking at that problem? or who is?12:18
afernandezseb128, desrt is travelling this week I think, so I doubt it12:19
mvoseb128: aha, it seems to be spinning on that it can't find a address provider!12:19
afernandezseb128, I tested my code with Precise and Quantal Alpha 3, and it works well...12:19
afernandezseb128, I don't know if you received an email I sent about an hour ago...12:19
seb128mvo, do you have a geoclue provider installed?12:19
seb128afernandez, let me read emails, sorry I'm just back from lunch ;-)12:20
afernandezseb128, don't worry :) I attached two videos to show this issue12:20
mvoseb128: now I have, it seems to get fixed when installing the geoclue-ubuntu-geoip package, want me to file a bug?12:21
seb128mvo, why wasn't it installed for you?12:22
seb128mvo, indicator-datetime depends on "geoclue-ubuntu-geoip | geoclue-provider"12:22
mvoseb128: I don't know :/12:24
seb128mvo, dpkg -l | grep geoclue12:25
seb128mvo, is that quantal?12:25
mvoseb128: yes, quantal and I have geoclue-geonames and ubuntu-geoip there12:26
seb128mvo, it's a bit like bug #95149612:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 951496 in geoclue "indicator-datetime-session severely leaks memory" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95149612:26
seb128the title is misleading12:26
seb128"geoclue (0.12.0-1ubuntu12) precise-proposed; urgency=low12:26
seb128  * debian/control12:26
seb128    - geoclue-examples shouldn't provide geoclue-provider"12:26
seb128mvo, I guess some provider there is broken...12:26
seb128mvo, you can probably open a bug "spin cpu with geonames"12:27
mvoseb128: sure, will do12:27
seb128mvo, danke12:28
mvoand my shortcuts do no longer worked now for some reason, my window manager settings gone :(12:28
seb128mvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/104116912:29
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1041169 in compiz "custom keyboard shortcuts not migrated after upgrade to compiz 1:0.9.8+bzr3319-0ubuntu2 " [Low,Confirmed]12:29
mvoseb128: heh, you rock!12:30
seb128mvo, ;-)12:31
Sweetsharkseb128, afernandez: Apropos lunch. This nerd almost forgot these nasty things like eating and drinking. Ill be off for ~1 hours now.12:34
seb128Sweetshark, enjoy!12:35
afernandezSweetshark, ok! enjoy!12:37
mvoseb128: priority low? makes my life a missery that bug ;)12:41
seb128mvo, is that only a one time migration thing? like you can set them up again?12:41
mvoseb128: I have no idea, I need to find what the capplet is called nowdays to set it again ;)12:41
seb128afernandez, does it happen in writer, etc as well this bug or only on the start center screen?12:41
seb128mvo, "keyboard" :p12:42
seb128mvo, the second tab12:42
pittimvo: my WM keybindings keep getting reset as well (in #1042041)12:42
mvoseb128: yeah, apparently I can just add the keyringings again12:42
seb128mvo, ok, good12:42
mvopitti: indeed, keybindings and also no focus-follow-mouse anymore12:43
afernandezseb128, in all instances12:43
mvopitti: aha, you have the same setting :)12:43
afernandezseb128, it also happens with older versions of the menu too12:43
mvoand this one has hte right priority :)12:43
seb128afernandez, older, like what is current quantal?12:43
afernandezseb128, yes12:43
afernandezseb128, I installed a daily build of quantal on a virtual machine and it happens too12:44
seb128afernandez, ok, not a regression ... so you would basically recommend landing the current version and consider it a good improvement over current quantal?12:48
dednickfginther: ping12:48
fgintherdednick, pong12:48
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
afernandezseb128, yes, I would recommend it even though it has some issues12:49
dednickfginther: can i get a clarification of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/104399712:49
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1043997 in unity "Music lens preview does not show play/pause status" [Undecided,New]12:49
afernandezseb128, those issues would be fixed in future packages... not a big deal i think12:49
afernandezseb128, performance issues in the package that is currently in quantal are really serious... so I think it is better using this implementation12:50
fgintherdednick, yes, how can I help12:50
mvowoah, ccsm is also not working12:51
dednickfginther: are you playing by the play button at the bottom of preview (ie the actions), or the play icon next to the track which appears when you hover over it?12:51
mvoor well, it works but changing stuff has no effect12:51
dednickfginther: hover over the track number icon i mean.12:51
fgintherdednick, I was using the play button at the bottom of the preview. I was not aware of the 'hover' play12:53
fgintherdednick, the hover play button works (plays and pauses)12:53
fgintherdednick, I'll update the bug report. To request rewording the test.12:54
dednickfginther: ok, thanks.12:55
mvoglatzor: welcome back! any opinion on lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/support-for-whitelisted-repositories and lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/support-change-credentials-on-add-repo ?12:58
glatzormvo, give me some hours :)13:04
glatzormvo, are there any showstoppers or major issue I should address?13:05
mvoglatzor: not at all, it would just be nice to get a opinion13:06
xclaessenew status icon in empathy is an ubuntu or gnome thing?13:06
mvoglatzor: you can have the entire weekend not just some hours :)13:06
xclaessethey looks nice, except for the offline which IMO looks like I can "close" the widget13:07
seb128xclaesse, ubuntu icon theme13:20
seb128larsu, mpt: ^ feedback on the new icons13:20
afernandezseb128, do you need my help in anything else? I would be out for some hours so...13:21
seb128afernandez, no, thanks for the response, I will wait for Sweetshark to be back and we will try land that libreoffice update today13:21
afernandezseb128, I would be available through mail anyway.13:21
seb128afernandez, ok, thanks13:22
afernandezseb128, good luck! ;)13:23
ritzseb128, hi , wrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/1027086 . I need propose this for precise. Do I talk with fedsed ( assuming he is the vino project maintainer ) ?13:44
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1027086 in vino "dconf-editor not edit authentication-metnods in vino server" [Low,Confirmed]13:44
ritzthanks :)13:44
seb128ritz, hey13:47
seb128ritz, for precise just subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug13:48
seb128ritz, is that a dconf-editor bug only?13:51
ritzthis is a bug with vino13:51
ritztrivial fix13:51
ritzposted the patch to upstream13:51
seb128just saw the patch13:51
ritzhow do I know, when to add ubuntu-sponsors and when to ping people such as Sw33tshark ( for libreoffice issue )13:52
ritzseb128, ^^^13:52
seb128ritz, always subscribe ubuntu-sponsors, then you can ping people as well13:53
seb128but sponsors should pick it without need of any ping13:53
ritzthanks :)13:54
sabdflhi folks13:57
sabdflis libreoffice crashy for anybody else today?13:57
sabdflon quantal13:58
seb128sabdfl, hey, like segfault or like being slow? do you have an apport bug or stdout error?13:58
sabdflsome sort of infinite loop, doesn't crash alas13:59
sabdfljust goes unresponsive13:59
pittidupondje, davmor2: aaah! I know when the crash happens -- it is when there is no ~/.ssh/ config14:00
pittithat's why I don't see it in the automatic tests either14:00
xnoxsabdfl: i have been seeing that with "tricky" documents. E.g. embedded ODF objects.14:00
xnoxno good crash signature though =(14:01
davmor2pitti: Yeap that would do it14:02
seb128Sweetshark, there? did you see anything like the sabdfl is describing?14:03
seb128sabdfl, does it do it every time? is that specific to a document?14:03
=== larsu_ is now known as larsu
Sweetsharksabdfl, seb12814:59
Sweetsharksabdfl, seb128: well, there are quite a few crashes for LibreOffice, so I would need a test doc or reproduction scenario for that.15:00
sabdflSweetshark, this is more bizarre than that15:00
sabdflturn it on15:00
sabdflleave it for a while15:00
sabdflcome back and it's gray15:00
seb128I wonder if that's the appmenu stuff, though it should create cpu load for unity, not block libreoffice I think15:01
seb128Sweetshark, ^ right?15:01
Sweetsharksabdfl: do you see unity-panel-service eating a lot of CPU?15:01
Sweetsharkseb128: it might also greyout LibreOffice -- dbus is the bottleneck and it hurts both sides  ...15:02
seb128Sweetshark, so, what's the status of that updated version? can we land it?15:02
Sweetsharkseb128: I will drop a version on chinstrap for quantal-propose in the next half our and do an upload to the ppa.15:03
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:04
Sweetsharksabdfl, seb128: a safe way to find out if it is the appmenu stuff is to uninstall libreoffice-gtk. That gives you a stable but ugly LibreOffice if it is the appmenu stuff.15:04
mvowoah, unity is a test vm is no fun in quantal :/15:18
mvoI guess llvm-pipe is to blame?15:19
popeymvo, using virtualbox?15:19
Sweetsharkmvo: there is a workaround for that (dunno if there is a app for it too)15:19
xnoxmvo: use vmvga graphics card/driver instead of cirrus15:20
popeydoes kvm do video passthrough yet?15:20
mvoxnox: let me try that15:20
mvopopey: i don't know15:20
xnoxpopey: are you trying to make me cry again?! /me develops / tests ubiquity in a VM all day long for the past couple of weeks15:20
Sweetsharkmvo: bug 1021104 might help you15:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1021104 in compiz "Severe damage artefacts and flickering when using LLVMpipe" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102110415:20
xnoxSweetshark: was fixed ~ last weekend?15:21
xnoxas in images15:21
Sweetsharkxnox: well, I didnt notice as the workaround helped for me.15:21
mvoxnox: pardon my ignorance, but -vga vmvga complains15:22
xnoxcomplains about what?15:22
xnoxworks for me here, but I do use virt-manager+kvm instead of kvm command-line15:23
xnoxmvo: -vga vm15:23
mvoxnox: aha, ok. so probably just a different name on the commandline, I try "-vga vmware" now :)15:23
mvoxnox: I guess I should start getting over my old habit of starting it manually and just use virt-manager15:24
xnoxmvo: you can use virsh if you preffer comand line =)15:25
Sweetsharkseb128: uploading to chinstrap ...15:29
seb128desrt, ^15:29
seb128Sweetshark, thanks15:29
Sweetsharkdesrt: huh?15:31
desrt'score'.  it's an expression of happy approval15:31
desrtslightly congratulatory15:32
xnoxin some English dialects 'win' is also a common exclamation with similar meaning15:33
Sweetsharkdesrt: ah, thanks. ;) I was thinking in a more compatitive context along the lines of "who uploads first", in which case "Im uploading libreoffice" would mean: Other people can upload their package 10 times and still finish earlier.15:35
seb128desrt, want another "score"?15:36
Sweetsharkseb128: upload (~550MB) finished.15:36
seb128Sweetshark, excellent, thanks15:36
Sweetsharkdesrt: btw, thank you so much for helping out with the libreoffice unity stuff.15:37
desrtseb128: what score?15:39
seb128desrt, <seb128> slangasek, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, before beta1?15:39
seb128<slangasek> seb128: trying to get the uploads done today15:39
seb128desrt, I've nothing to change in d-conf build time right? it will pick the variable if available,15:40
desrtthe code is actually in glib15:40
Sweetsharkits so much more motivating when desrt announces "score!". Can we wire you on launchpad to announce launchpad karma values? best in a medieval herald dress??15:42
dupondjeHi guys, somebody around that could help me fix an issue in Remmina? When going into fullscreen mode in remmina, the fullscreen opens on my second screen15:45
dupondjeThe code just calls gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(window));15:45
dupondjeThis is something in compiz or ?15:45
seb128likely yes15:45
dupondjeseb128: nothing in remmina itself that could cause the issue?15:46
nessitahello everyone! Would anyone please remind me who's the best person to ping about a unity-3d issue these days?15:46
seb128dupondje, if it's only calling that gtk function probably not15:47
seb128nessita, hey15:47
desrtseb128: so how long until i have a .deb i can install?15:47
seb128nessita, #ubuntu-unity15:47
nessitaseb128: right, I keep forgetting :-) Thanks!!!15:48
seb128Sweetshark, ^ do you have debs for the libreoffice update?15:48
dupondjeseb128: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1178051/ this is the code that it calls :)15:48
sabdflSweetshark, yes, it could be the menu, since that crashed on me earlier15:48
Sweetsharkdesrt, seb128: not yet, still building locally.15:51
Sweetsharksabdfl: then I would assume it to be guilty in this case too -- at least I do not know of another major bug fitting that description currently.15:52
desrtis it not possible to have the menu integration code handled separately?15:54
desrtinstead of doing a massive full libreoffice rebuild/reupload every time?15:54
sabdflthat would be preferable, yes :)15:55
seb128Sweetshark, ^15:57
Sweetsharkdesrt, sabdfl: not in the current form. It changes stuff in at least two libs and the libreoffice build is pretty (both upstream and our packaging) monolithic.15:58
seb128Sweetshark, did you forget to copy libreoffice_3.6.1~rc2-1ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz ?16:00
Sweetsharkupstream will be pretty much migrated to the new build system (gbuild), that one would allow to build libreoffice from multiple source packages, if one cleans up the installation scripting (which isnt trivial - because of other platforms e.g. windows, requiring a lot of mess there)..16:02
Sweetsharkseb128: *cough* *cough* no, please look again16:02
seb128Sweetshark, right, I see it in the corner :p16:03
desrtif i come back in an hour will i be able to install the new thing?16:03
desrtalso: where can i look at their source?16:03
Sweetsharkdesrt: do you want to install from a ppa, or is a simple binary deb good enough?16:04
desrtprefer ppa, i guess?16:04
xnoxSweetshark: does the knew one support parallel build? I know haggai was maintaining parallel building patches for openoffice back in the day...16:04
desrtSweetshark: i have a theory about what the problem may be....16:04
Sweetsharkdesrt: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=core.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/feature/unitymenus <- I am generating a vendor patch in debian/patches from that branch.16:05
desrtwhat is the path?16:05
desrtfound it16:06
Sweetsharkdesrt: debian/patches/unitymenus.diff16:06
Sweetsharkxnox: parallel building? like in using multiple cores?16:07
desrtoh wow....16:08
xnoxSweetshark: yes. DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=1616:08
xnoxusually means $ make -j16, but in OpenOffice it was very special build hackery to enable that.16:08
xnoxSweetshark: I hope the new one supports that.16:08
xnoxSweetshark: or is it all pretty in Libreoffice? (Sun was opposed to those patches)16:09
Sweetsharkxnox: yes, that was one of the reasons for the new build system (of which I was the original author back at Sun/Oracle btw).16:10
xnoxSweetshark: oh =)16:10
xnoxok. well it will be all dandy than it's all fine then =)16:10
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Sweetsharkxnox: the new build system is plain GNU make, and none of this perl/dmake nonsense. and yes, you can do stuff like: make -j 100 -l32, if you have the monster machine for that ..16:13
xnox=))))) \0/16:14
xnoxcool =)16:14
Sweetsharkxnox: the only remaining cruft is this scp2 stuff that makes an installation out of the stuff that is build: it an ugly perl plus m4 ugliness. Once it is gone, one could build libreoffice in multiple small source packages and update them individually.16:17
Sweetsharkhowever, if you touch that you will have to take care to handle all the custom code for packaging msis on windows and dmgs on OSX, which is a whole lot of fun. but since we now have https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/ and good progress is made on getting our armada of tinderboxes http://tinderbox.libreoffice.org/MASTER/status.html to be integrated in it, that should soon be something that can be attacked.16:20
Sweetsharkxnox: see http://ostrovsky.org/how-gerrit-fits-in-libreoffice-ci-infrastructure/16:21
xnoxthe world has changed16:21
Sweetsharkdesrt: wow?16:22
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!16:40
mterrydavidcalle, hey man.  Sorry this photos lens is having problems getting in.  :-/  I'm asking in #ubuntu-release right now, to try to get a sense of which way they'd prefer us to go16:43
davidcallemterry, hey, thank you for taking care of it!16:46
LaneySweetshark: you have a conflict marker in the changelog for LO16:48
Laneyalso, do you think you'd be able to run wrap-and-sort over it?16:48
Laneyit would make the diffs easier to read16:48
Laneyaccepting anyway; would appreciate it if you could fix for next time16:58
Laneyseb128: ^ fyi16:58
seb128Laney, noted, thanks16:59
Laneyhm, timed out17:00
mterrydavidcalle, fyi Laney said option #1 would be fine.  So I'm going to look into the oauthlib stuff17:02
davidcallemterry, ok, I'm looking into what needs to be changed for the switch from oauth2 API to oauthlib.17:16
SweetsharkLaney: already fixed, thanks for the hint. I was in an emergency discussion elsewhere, sorry.17:30
brycehpitti, if you're still about, I've posted a couple proposals to the technical-board mailing list and are awaiting moderation.  If you could approve them it might give the TB a bit extra time to consider them.18:01
seb128Sweetshark, still there?19:32
davmor2hey guys I don't see gwibber, email or ubuntuone in the messaging menu on a fresh install should I?21:06
jbichaI did a clean install Tuesday & confirm I don't see gwibber or email21:08
jbichaI believe ubuntuone should show in indicator-sync but that's not landed by default yet21:10
seb128nothing should show until started21:10
seb128the apps register on first run21:10
seb128the integrated apps atm are gwibber, xchat(-gnome), thunderbird21:11
seb128u1 will be in the sync indicator yes21:11
davmor2seb128: thanks for that I'm assuming it's to help keep the menu cleaner with the introduction of web apps :)21:14
fgintherseb128, Greetings.  Earlier this week I mentioned that I have an update nux and unity for precise which use the new libgeis package (renamed from libutouch-geis). geis is now in precise-proposed.21:38
seb128fginther, hey, great21:39
fgintherseb128, I have MPs for the packaging branches and source branches, what should I do first?21:39
fgintherseb128, if anything...21:39
seb128fginther, wait for a time where everybody is not crazy busy trying to land #ps work for beta1 would be step 1 :p21:41
fgintherthat's what I though :-)21:41
seb128fginther, just put the merge requests up, they should show up on http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ and somebody will pick them when we can21:41
fgintherseb128, thanks!21:42
seb128try pinging didrocks end of next week if nothing moved21:42
fgintherseb128, will do21:42
seb128he will be back from holidays and with beta1 freeze we should have a bit of time for precise21:42
DanawarHey ubuntu desktop i have a core I7 i use htop and it only shows 4 cores yet when i run htop on my other i7 i get 8 cores, the only difference is the one that only shows 4 cores is running ubuntu 6421:56
jbichahmm, trying to figure out why my gnomebuntu live iso is falling back to gnome-classic (which wants compiz which wants unity) instead of gnome-fallback like it's supposed to21:57
* jbicha blames ubiquity22:18
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
Sweetsha1kseb128: pong23:05
seb128Sweetsha1k, hey, your libreoffice upload failed to build23:05
Sweetsha1kseb128: yes, and the fun think is the same thing build in my local quantal pbuilder and on debian.23:06
Sweetsha1kyay for our buildds23:07
Sweetsha1kseb128: do you have a buildd log link?23:07
seb128Sweetsha1k, it built on i386 meanwhile23:07
seb128Sweetsha1k, "cat: debian/libreoffice-l10n-ca-XV.dirs: No such file or directory" ... it's weird23:08
seb128Sweetsha1k, are those debian files dynamically generated?23:08
Sweetsha1kyes, in a way they are (depending on how many locales you build).23:11
seb128Sweetsha1k, we had a langpack update today, could that have broken it?23:11
seb128though it's weird it would have broken it on amd64 and not i38623:12
seb128Sweetsha1k, could it be that it build on arch when the arch all binaries are not built?23:12
seb128Sweetsha1k, I guess your local builds always build those?23:12
Sweetsha1kseb128: I bet this is caused by the binary-arch vs. binary-indep split done by debian. The tricky part is for the prebundled extensions you even need the all the locales even on binary-arch, not binary-indep so things dont mess up.23:15
Sweetsha1kseb128: this even did build in the ppa buildd ffs ...23:16
Sweetsha1kseb128: so our "release builders" have the nasty habit of doing something just a tiny bit different.23:17
seb128Sweetsha1k, do you have any idea what went wrong there?23:17
Sweetsha1kIm getting flashbacks to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/873702 which also _only showed up with the release buildds, but not with local ppas, not on debian and not on local pbuilders.23:18
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 873702 in libreoffice "some function names in Calc appear in english others in local language (mixed up) " [High,Fix committed]23:18
micahgSweetsha1k: do you test without arch all builds on amd64 (debuild -B)?23:20
micahg(technically dpkg-buildpackage -B)23:20
Sweetsha1kmicahg: dont ppas do arch all builds on amd64?23:21
micahgSweetsha1k: no23:21
micahgarch: all are built with i386 on i38623:22
* Sweetsha1k goes to vimdiff the ppa vs. the release builds.23:22
Sweetsha1k(logs that is)23:22
Laneydiffing the sources might be more instructive23:23
LaneyI'm not aware of any differences in arch/indep building23:24
Sweetsha1kmicahg: so yeah, if amd64 does _not_ build arch all in ppa it should be the same as release buildds and run in the same trouble.23:24
Laneyand yeah, perhaps we shouldn't be doing changes like this post-FF23:24
seb128we shouldn't no23:25
Sweetsha1kLaney: there is no diff in the source. There definitively is something different with the release builders. It was the same with bug 873702.23:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 873702 in libreoffice "some function names in Calc appear in english others in local language (mixed up) " [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87370223:25
Sweetsha1kI even did the same upload there to -proposed and ppa and it was fine in the ppa and wrong in the release build.23:26
Sweetsha1kLaney: and yes, I wouldnt have done this, if this wasnt a/ a change merged from debian b/ build and release successfully on debian c/ and fixing a bug.23:28
LaneyI suggest we all go to bed and look at this tomorrow ;-)23:30
Sweetsha1kd/ successfully build in ppa builds (which should not build all archs on amd64, right?)  e/ successfully build on local pbuilders23:30
Sweetsha1kLaney: not an option for me. Im on vacation tommorrow.23:31
Sweetsha1kok, there is one intended difference between the ppa build and the release build: the release build has more l10n than the ppa build as our stupid ppas are too small to handle a full libreoffice build.23:36
micahgSweetsha1k: that's where the issue is, this new merge stopped building l10n on buildds23:38
micahgoh, wait, no23:38
micahgthat change was Debian only23:38
Sweetsha1k*sigh* and that stupid specialcased valencian locale in among those. So the workaround the limitation of our too small ppas shadowed that issue.23:39
micahgmeh, can't do this now, have to go, if no one's solved it, I might take another peek over teh weekend23:40
Sweetsha1kmicahg: I will dump a fix still tonight.23:41
Sweetsha1kI wonder why this works on debian though -- it shouldnt,23:42

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