
xnoxev: If I knew, I'd disable the alpha warning in yesterdays upload. There is some bugs reported about my yesterday's upload. So yeah, will need to upload today12:48
evxnox: ah, I'll skip uploading then and just let it sit until you've got those changes in12:49
xnoxev: a bug or a feature? : when I open ubiquity in 12.10 - the desktop file says "Install Ubuntu 12.10", the window title says "Install", the unity top bar says "Install RELEASE".16:07
evxnox: the RELEASE part is supposed to be substituted with the actual version number16:07
evsomewhere that's failing it seems16:08
xnoxev: ok. So it's now one of those "we enable it at RC time"16:09
evit should always look correct16:09
evthis is definitely a bug16:09

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