
ubottuIn ubottu, smartboyhw said: !ubuntustudio-dev is If you want to contribute to Ubuntu Studio, please visit #ubuntustudio-devel or join the mailing list from https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-Studio-devel06:53
ubottuIn ubottu, smartboyhw said: !ubuntustudio-contribute is If you want to contribute to Ubuntu Studio, please visit #ubuntustudio-devel or join the mailing list from https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-Studio-devel06:53
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1566 users, 2 overflows, 1568 limit))07:58
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1563 users, 2 overflows, 1565 limit))07:58
Myrttiwhat was the nice method of installing oracle's java, again?10:11
bioterrordont you! ;D10:20
bioterrormr. f-secure says you shall not use java!10:20
Myrttiwell there is a new version of it10:24
bioterrorshould I grep from logs how you did it?-)10:26
MyrttiI did it the wrong way I believe10:26
MyrttiI don't remember who it was that mentioned the right way, otherwise I would have found it in the logs already10:27
bioterrorthere you go10:27
bioterrorI used '|grep jre' ;)10:29
Myrttithat's nice, but it seems I've got a tar.gz with lots of junk in it instead of JRE bin :-|10:32
Myrttioh well10:33
bioterrordont you hate the Oracle ;)10:36
bioterrorseems like it's leet o clock10:37
MyrttiI do from the bottom of my heart10:37
Unit193http://java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml Doesn't look *too* bad...10:43
MyrttiI'm sure they could have made it a bit more difficult if they'd tried10:44
jussiI recently (last week) freed myself of that horrible banking institution that requires Sun Java10:52
bioterrorwe still have student loans on danske bank10:52
bioterrormaybe when we get those off from our back and we get to the point of buying own house, then we might consider changing a bank :-)10:53
jussiIve actually been very happy with Osuuspankki so far.10:53
bioterrorI'm quite happy with sampo / danske, as long as I have a working java :D10:54
knomethey all suck.11:46
ccsabathia52ban me11:59
IdleOnethat was painless12:00
bazhangI wonder if that [disconnected by services] is a soft kline/kill12:01
IdleOneI believe so12:01
IdleOneyarrr: Can I help you?21:00
yarrrI be Like can you unbaan me??21:00
IdleOneunban you from where?21:01
yarrrFrom #ubuntu-offtopic21:01
IdleOneyou are in #ubuntu-offtopic21:02
IdleOneis he ban evading?21:02
IdleOnehe is21:03
Jordan_UIdleOne: Ban evading again / still?21:12
=== Unit193 is now known as TheMaster

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