
=== henrix is now known as henrix_
stgraberskaet: uploaded ltsp with the required fixes00:18
stgraberit's going to be horribly slow though as llvmpipe over network is a nightmare00:18
stgrabertrying in VMs locally (so supposedly pretty fast), I have almost a second latency and all the fading is horribly slow00:18
stgraberbut at least you get a "working" session00:18
micahgLaney: yeah, it's a new meta to drop the indicators and their settings and look packages00:22
cjwatson^- beta-critical bug fix; requires debian-installer upload after its binaries have published00:26
stgrabercan someone review ltsp too, it's beta critical00:29
stgraberI'll take biosdevname00:29
stgraberalso accepted livecd-rootfs. Does that one still need manual deployment on the buildds? can't remember if it auto-updates or not00:36
stgraberslangasek: if you have a minute, can you review LTSP? I believe infinity is at some meeting at the moment so can't poke him to do it ;)00:40
infinitystgraber: It auto-upgrades.00:41
stgraberoh, looks like infinity's back! if you have a sec, can you look at ltsp?00:42
cjwatsonltsp looks fine to me00:47
cjwatsonthough it'd be nice to update the comment along with the X_COLOR_DEPTH setting - but it's temporary so hopefully this won't matter for long00:48
micahgcan someone please review the 3 ubuntu studio packages here ^^^05:06
pitti^ only fixes a dependency, and adds/fixes autopkgtests, so I'd appreciate if it could be accepted07:17
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pittiFYI, dpm prepared quantal langpacks, uploading now and waving throug queue08:30
phillwhiyas good people, a question on the updating of respins09:03
pittihm, why does queuebot say that gvfs and gtkmm have been accepted, while they are still in unapproved?09:10
pittiis it getting confused because of the langpack uploads/accepts?09:11
pittistgraber: ^09:11
pitti^ fixes two beta-milestoned major bugs; review appreciated!09:12
LaneyRiddell: are you guys on top of the kde-telepathy stuff?09:22
Laneylooks like it goes back to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-common-internals/0.5.0-0ubuntu109:22
cjwatsonpitti: gvfs> killall is in psmisc - is that guaranteed to be installed in this context?  (besides, pkill is a better habit to be in IMO, which requires procps)09:43
pitticjwatson: it is installed on our jenkins test boxes, but I'll add it anyway, thanks for spotting (and change to pkill)09:44
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pittioh, silly pkill/pgrep09:54
pittiI was wondering why pgrep gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor utterly fails09:54
pitti(in status)09:55
* pitti adds -f09:55
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pitticjwatson: FYI, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/gvfs/quantal/revision/22409:57
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Laneyknome: hey, looks like pidgin-libnotify is broken for now due to the indicator-messages transition, causing xubuntu to fail to build12:24
knomeLaney, can you drop that until we fix the indicators? thanks12:26
Laneyit'll need a pidgin upload to drop it12:26
Laneycan you test an upload just dropping the recommends?12:26
knomei'm not a technical person, and i'm busy with real work now12:27
knomeif you can, ask micahg or mr_pouit for that12:27
seb128Laney, I plan to port pidgin-libnotify but probably not today12:28
Laneyseb128: fair enough, so since it probably won't make beta i'll disable it for now12:31
seb128yeah, I agree12:32
Laneyskaet: hey! when do you want to disable crontab and start pushing to the b1 milestone on the tracker?12:45
skaetLaney,  current plan is for Monday to disable the crontab12:50
skaetI think we can enable the milestone though today.12:50
skaetWill see if there's any new data that changes that after the meeting later today.12:51
Laneywell, they won't really be candidate builds as long as cron is on12:51
skaetLaney,  we're still missing some bits to land before any images can be considered candidates.12:51
ogra_what has cron to do with the content of the image ?12:52
Laneyit means that the builds will be overwritten12:52
skaetogra_,  more a comment on the contents of candidates12:52
ogra_sure, but people should upload to proposed anyway12:53
skaetwon't have true candidates until then.   However gathering testing data over the weekend is useful to see if there are some "surprises" lurking.12:53
skaets/then/all the missing bits land12:53
* ogra_ still waits for a "compiz surprise" on arm :)12:53
ScottKI know we have an upload that needs to happen for Kubuntu to fix KDE telepathy FTBFS.12:54
ScottKShould be done today though.12:54
Laneyah, good, I pinged Riddell about that earlier12:54
ScottKshadeslayer is going to fix it.12:55
Laney^ is needed for xubuntu, please have a look12:55
skaetLaney,  lets talk about the crontab disable/milestone enable after we get the data from the weekly meeting.12:59
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ScottKskaet: Let's not keep moving stuff earlier.13:04
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skaetScottK, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaProcess  Release minus 6 day tasks13:07
ScottKskaet: Stopping the cronned image builds is release -3, i.e. Monday.13:11
Laneythat's what we are currently saying13:12
LaneyI was just checking and then confused because I thought that images posted to the milestone were supposed to be 'genuine candidates' (at least not /guaranteed/ to not be candidates due to cron still being on)13:12
Laneybut if I'm mistaken then ho hum.13:12
ogra_skaet, FYI, i'll not be around for the meeting today, steve will cover for me13:36
skaetthanks ogra_13:36
* skaet appreciates knowing who to nick highlight ;)13:36
pitti^ this makes autopkgtest actually report failed tests (*blush*), and fixes two race conditions in the tests13:46
pittithis only changes debian/tests/, nothing else, so I'd appreciate if it could be reviewed/accepted13:46
dobeyhey all14:13
dobeyi was wondering if we'll need a freeze exception to fix bug #974637 ? it's technically a regression, so just wondering if we need a UIFE for it, or just to notify i18n/docs teams that a change is coming14:14
ubot2`Launchpad bug 974637 in ubuntu-sso-client "Qt Registration and Log-in dialogs have no way to perform the other action" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97463714:14
jbichadobey: if the strings change, then yes you'll need to notify the -translators list14:16
jbichawe still don't have any docs for Ubuntu One or any of the sign-on part of USC14:16
dobeyright; i know we'll have to notify either way. i just wanted to verify whether we needed the full FFe/UIFe process for it14:18
ScottKdobey: All U/I changes need a U/IFe now, AIUI.14:43
ScottKWould someone please respin Kubuntu i386/amd64 live.  They should build now.14:44
stgraberpitti: hmm, yeah, queuebot or the LP API get confused when all the langpacks land/are accepted14:44
LaneyScottK: I don't see any upload that would have fixed it?14:48
ScottKLaney: It was getting KDE telepathy out of binary new.14:48
LaneyI see, hence the other arches still being broken14:49
ScottKWe'll need another upload for that.14:52
Laneykubuntu-amd64 on kapok.buildd finished at 2012-08-31 14:52:15 (failed)14:52
dobeyScottK: "now" as in "we are past UI freeze" or "now" as in "the rules have changed since last cycle" ?14:52
ScottKdobey: As in we're past UIF.14:53
ScottKLaney: Thanks.  My mail didn't have the log, so let me have a look.14:53
ScottKLaney: I don't see the log: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/quantal/kubuntu/14:56
ScottKCan you point me at it or send it to me?14:56
LaneyScottK: They sync at :015:00
ScottKOK.  Thanks.15:00
ScottKRight, so apparently that wasn't enough.  Investigating.15:05
Laneyi386 seems to be working15:06
* ScottK shakes fist at shadeslayer 15:13
ScottKI don't see it.15:14
ScottKi386 working is progress.15:14
stgraberseb128: bug 1044436 (screenshot attached)15:29
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1044436 in unity "unity on llvmpipe is unusable when in 16bit mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104443615:29
seb128stgraber, thanks15:30
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slangasekballoons: ok15:50
Laneyso we won't be releasing alternates with b1?15:50
slangasekLaney: that's correct15:51
Laneyor everything thereafter, I suppose15:51
balloonsslangasek, just in general, there was anticipation that ubiquity wasn't going to meet needs.. folks claiming they could only get the alt installer to work, etc, etc15:51
slangasekballoons: "anticipation that it won't meet the needs" is not useful technical feedback :)15:51
Laneywe should make sure cron, pad, ... is updated then15:51
skaeturg... forgot to ask that15:51
balloonsslangasek, I know, I was just pointing out people are hesitant to change (not surprising)15:51
slangasekwe genuinely want to know about any concrete problems that prevent the desktop CD from being usable15:51
skaetScottK,  is Kubuntu going forward with alternate or dropping them too?15:51
Davieyballoons: Sounds like panicking.. mini.iso should be able to cover their needs IMO.15:52
slangasekbut yeah, vague concerns that it won't work are not going to change the calculation15:52
ScottKskaet: Not sure the status of that.  Riddell?  We don't have the U/I work done in the installer to support everything, so I'm not sure.15:52
skaetScottK,  ok, we'll leave them in there for you for now.15:52
balloonsslangasek, yes don't misunderstand. I wasn't attempting to change direction. I encouraged those that had issues to voice them on your thread15:53
RiddellScottK, skaet: I don't see us getting the UI work done in the installer this cycle, so presume to keep alternate15:55
skaetRiddell,  ok.15:55
xnoxScottK: I didn't see any code/branches that bring in crypto/lvm support in the Qt frontend. And I'm not doing them (no time, nor post 3.5 Qt knoweledge)15:55
slangasekballoons: yep, sorry, that comment is really addressed to those raising such concerns and I'm using you as a proxy ;)15:55
skaetDaviey,  do we move i386 out of Depreceated?15:56
xnoxah ok =)15:56
slangasekballoons: anyway, I'm confident based on the feedback on list that we're adequately covered with the other images15:56
ScottKxnox: Yes.  Known.15:56
skaetalso, any update on the netboot image?15:56
xnoxScottK: i'm a was out of sync reading backlog =)15:56
balloonsslangasek, :-). no worries. Can you summarize your suggested images for folks who's needs might be better addressed by the mini iso, etc now?15:59
skaetknome,  I'm assuming you'll be keeping Xubuntu alternates this release as well, unless you indicate differently.15:59
skaets/release/beta release/15:59
slangasekballoons: there's a bug open against ubuntu-release-notes that has the current recommendations15:59
slangasekskaet: btw, is there supposed to be a quantal series for the ubuntu-release-notes project?15:59
skaetRiddell,  are we trying for the Kubuntu Active images for beta 1?15:59
slangasekAFAICS it's not there, but maybe I'm doing it wrong15:59
* skaet goes to cross check it16:00
gilirskaet, bug report about indicator-applications-gtk2 is bug 104444216:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1044442 in ubuntu "Re-introduce indicator-applications-gtk2" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104444216:00
slangasekhttp://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release is currently primed for 12.04.1... if we delete the alternate references, we'll need to add them back for 12.04.2, I guess?16:01
slangasekwould it be better to have two separate pads?16:01
skaetslangasek,   rather just recreate it each release16:01
skaetrather than pointing folks to different places16:01
skaetmaybe just copy off for now?16:02
slangasekhmm, ok16:02
skaetand copy back16:02
slangasekI don't want to be in charge of copying it back ;)16:02
skaetit is history saved.16:02
skaetI'll do it.16:02
skaetlet me finish looking at sorting out release notes, and then that will be next16:02
slangasekskaet: thanks, don't let me rush you :)16:03
Riddellskaet: yes I'd like kubuntu active but it needs a bugfix to the session login I've not looked into yet, it'll still be a tech preview at best16:04
skaetslangasek, try again now to target to quantal,  should be sorted now.16:06
skaetfor ubuntu-release-notes16:06
skaetthanks gilir16:07
slangasekskaet: works now, thanks :)16:08
seb128skaet, stgraber, Laney: ^ please ack libreoffice, the changelog doesn't list specific bugs but it's to address some of the appmenu implementation issues with the ff landing (like making unity eat 100% cpu for hours)16:08
seb128well, that's a new rc version (we aim at 3.6.1 for quantal) as well16:08
seb128but it includes the menus improvements and it would be really good to have those in beta116:09
skaetLaney,  can you review?16:13
skaetev, have all updates for WUBI for 12.10 beta 1 been made?16:13
Laneyplease somebody look at pidgin-libnotify so that xubuntu can hopefully get some images16:14
evskaet: I don't think we do anything special for beta16:15
Davieyskaet: yeah16:18
skaetev, ok, thanks16:19
skaetDaviey,  ok I'll move i386  back later.   what about the netboot image?16:21
Davieyskaet: netboot is still important16:21
jibelskaet, slangasek I filed bug 1044452, could someone knowledgeable look at it ?16:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1044452 in ubuntu "Quantal Bootspeed: Regression from Precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104445216:22
tumbleweedLaney: typo in the bug quoted in the pidgin-libnotify changelog. otherwise seems reasonable16:32
Laneyshall I reupload?16:33
tumbleweedmeh, it's easy enough to figure out16:33
ScottKI'll be out for awhile.  If shadeslayer manages to fix kde-telepathy, someone please accept it.16:35
mterryHello!  Could a release team member look at bug 1044447 when possible, to tell me which of the four options you'd prefer?  Or if the whole thing is awful.  :)16:41
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1044447 in unity-lens-photos "[FFe, MIR] unity-lens-photo in quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104444716:41
xnox| please approve this16:47
Laneymterry: #1 sounds fine, as long as you don't expect it for B1 :-)16:50
mterryLaney, no, not at all  :)16:50
mterryLaney, but hopefully shortly after it's out16:51
* mterry investigates oauthlib then16:51
Laneymake sure not to break the other rdeps while you're at it :P16:51
* xnox the arrow worked! \0/ please approve ubiquity fixing critical bug in the ask page & removing alpha warning.16:52
xnoxthe debdiff is tiny16:52
mterryHopefully not yeah  :)16:52
Laneyslangasek: ^ (ubiquity) ?16:52
seb128can I get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-session/+bug/1044464 acked?17:02
ubot2`Ubuntu bug 1044464 in indicator-session "UIFe: add an Online Account menuitem" [Medium,Fix committed]17:03
seb128it's a small UIFe, I would like to land that today still17:03
seb128just adding an entry to indicator-session17:03
slangasekLaney: does that mean you're passing the review to me?17:03
Laneyslangasek: yes, I'm asking if you would do it17:04
Laneyslangasek: also, do you know of a workaround for timeouts when accepting packages?17:04
Laneylibreoffice here17:04
slangasekjibel: will try to look at this, but the amount of time passed means it's going to be harder to trace17:06
slangasekLaney: hum, timeouts when accepting them which way?17:06
slangasekLaney: AIUI the API is the only way for us to do accepts at this time17:06
slangasekLaney: and yes, will review ubiquity17:07
LaneyAPI using "queue"17:07
Laneyqueue -s quantal-proposed -Q unapproved accept libreoffice ← thusly17:07
slangasekLaney: yeah, we can't use the more direct method anymore because we don't have sudo on pepo :/17:07
Laneykeep trying until caches get sufficiently warmed up?17:07
slangasekI guess so?17:08
Laneyok, cheers17:09
slangasekxnox: should these partman string issues be unit-testable?17:09
slangasek(ubiquity accepted)17:09
xnoxslangasek: all of them are, apart from the ones that need dynamic substitution after we detect $OS.17:10
xnoxslangasek: there three that never change (dont' have $OS substitution: custom, lvm, crypto) but pulled the same way as the rest (replace/resize/upgrade/etc)17:10
Laneyah, there we go17:11
Laneyfifth time lucky17:11
xnoxslangasek: so a unit-test can catch this in the future for those three without subs, others are more tricky. Currently they are skipped in the translation unit-test.17:12
slangasekxnox: I guess best practice would be to add said unit test ASAP, so we at least test the parts that are testable17:13
xnoxslangasek: unfortunately partman integration is not unit-tested currently, If you have any thought on how to unit test partman they'd be very welcome.17:13
slangasekxnox: no specific ideas, sorry17:13
xnoxslangasek: i will think about it and implement some unit tests.17:14
seb128Laney, stgraber, skaet: ^ please consider that one, it fixes some bug and it lands a few UI tweaks that would be nicer to get earlier than late17:50
skaetseb128, Daviey,  can you please take a pass at putting the appropriate upgrade information in to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades17:59
skaetslangasek,  do we want to put some special comments there about the alternates?  ie. what to do if you're used to using alternates?  or is there a better place?18:00
seb128skaet, ok18:01
slangasekskaet: I don't think we want to put comments about the alternates, just remove them?  The supported upgrade method is now the network upgrade18:01
shadeslayeruhm, could someone approve that ^18:38
tumbleweedshadeslayer: done18:52
shadeslayerthanks :)18:52
shadeslayerI also have a fixed armhf build for telepathy-qt that's test building atm18:53
shadeslayerbut that'll take some time18:53
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micahgslangasek: when you get a chance, could you please review my gnome-dictionary SRU in precise, it affects lucid -> precise upgrades20:19
cjwatsonLaney: I have a branch in progress that moves bug processing on queue accept to an async job, which will deal with that problem.  In the meantime you can ask webops on #launchpad-ops (internal) to run queue accept as lp_archive@pepo for you, or harass GSA to fix the RT about us not having sudo any more :-)20:51
cjwatsonI think it stalled partly due to my vacation and partly because it took a while for the DB patch to be deployed (largely because fastdowntime was on hold for a bit following the DC move)20:55
slangasekmicahg: gnome-dictionary accepted21:09
seb128is there any way release people could start reviewing the unity stack (bamf, compiz, ...)?21:13
micahgslangasek: thanks21:20
seb128Laney, slangasek, stgraber, skaet: is there anyone to review the unity stack as it gets uploaded? (some components already in the queue, I would like to get comments while I'm still around to reply to eventual concerns)21:22
slangasekseb128: let me have a look21:23
seb128slangasek, thanks, bamf and compiz there so far, nux about to come, unity in a bit21:26
skaetthanks slangasek.21:26
stgraberseb128: busy with plumbers, so if slangasek can do it, that'd be great. Poke me once accepted though so I can make sure it gets built immediately (if there's something else in the buildd queue)21:26
slangasekseb128: bamf accepted; but eh, why spend the effort trying to verify that the public functions weren't used, instead of just bumping the soname?21:37
seb128slangasek, the #ps guys didn't want to "make the transition" harder and they had rolled their testing ppa etc already, I tried to argue a bit but I decided I didn't care enough to fight that battle and moved to the other components in their stack where most of work was laying (compiz, unity especially)21:38
seb128slangasek, thanks for approving it21:39
slangasekmeh, false optimization21:39
slangasekwho should I go lecture about ABIs? :)21:39
seb128mhr3 ;-)21:40
seb128well racarr is the one who broke it, mhr3 argued it was easier to not change the soname ;-)21:40
infinityslangasek: What's with the kexec-tools upload you sponsored to precise without a bug closure in the changelog?21:40
slangasekinfinity: that's an interesting question21:42
slangasekinfinity: I thought I sponsored one /with/ a bug closure in the changelog21:42
infinityslangasek: The changelog disagrees. :P21:43
slangasekinfinity: must be your imagination, I see the ref there plain as day21:44
slangasekqueuebot: shhhhh21:44
infinityslangasek: *smirk*21:44
infinityslangasek / cjwatson: I'm not going to accept that debian-installer until after the current ti-omap4 kernel has made it from the PPA to proposed, since the last one had a nasty regression.21:45
infinity(for precise)21:45
infinityslangasek: Y'know, since it's technically your SRU day and all.21:45
slangasekinfinity: hmm, so what are you doing SRU processing for?  Aren't you supposed to be somewhere throwing peanuts at Lennart?21:46
infinityI'm throwing Stephane at Peter and Matthew.21:46
infinityHe's compact.21:46
stgraberinfinity: what happened to your wifi? shouldn't you be looking at your syslog?21:47
slangasekinfinity: trying to get on the olympic swiss tossing team?21:47
infinityslangasek: I'm actually mostly doing some work in this session to debug my wireless for Seth. :P21:47
* skaet tempted to go downstairs and watch.... 21:47
cjwatsoninfinity: mkay.  I was mostly just throwing it at the archive as the most efficient way to respond to a question from rbasak earlier today without him actually being on IRC to be responded to.21:47
infinitycjwatson: Fair enough.  I had planned to do the same upload a bit later, so less effort for me. :P21:47
cjwatsonWhat I'm actually supposed to be doing right now is writing a best man speech, so this is displacement activity ...21:48
infinitycjwatson: Someone invited you to a public event to say something nice about them?21:48
infinitycjwatson: I suspect a speech questioning their sanity might work.21:49
cjwatsonI think it's revenge for me doing the same in reverse seven years ago.21:49
* slangasek grins21:50
slangasekinfinity: any test case for bug #1034568?21:51
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1034568 in build-essential "build-essential shouldn't be Multi-Arch: foreign" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103456821:51
infinityslangasek: dpkg-deb -I?21:52
slangasekdpkg-deb -I succeeds in both cases. :)21:52
infinity*rolls eyes*21:52
infinitydpkg-deb -I | swiss-toss21:52
infinityslangasek: But thanks for reminding me that I might need to SRU up some of those eglibc bugs.  At least the ones that aren't pretty obvious.21:53
infinityI kinda didn't bother after we delayed it.21:53
* slangasek pauses his terminal where it is :)21:53
ScottKslangasek or infinity: Would you please retry Kubuntu amd64 live?22:12
infinityScottK: Only if you fix the symbols file in telepathy-qt.22:14
ScottKinfinity: shadeslayer is working on that.  Test build on armhf was fine.22:14
ScottKI want to make sure we don't have another problem before we upload to the archive.22:14
infinityScottK: Yay, just glad that someone's fixing.22:15
ScottKSince amd64 doesn't have that problem, it should have been fine.22:15
ScottKSee.  No threats needed.22:15
infinityScottK: (I think slangasek was doing it for you anyway)22:17
seb128slangasek, nux and unity as well quantal-proposed, having them reviewed before I take off would be appreciate22:17
shadeslayerScottK: someone will have to upload tp-qt since it's not in the kubuntu packageset22:19
infinityshadeslayer: Give me a pointer to it.22:20
shadeslayerinfinity: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly/+files/telepathy-qt_0.9.3-0ubuntu2.dsc , but I'm just waiting for it to build on amd64 and i386 to make sure it doesn't break on those22:20
infinityshadeslayer: Erm.  Why only "on armhf"?22:22
infinityshadeslayer: Tell me that this includes the armel and powerpc symbols changes too.22:22
shadeslayerinfinity: haven't tested it on armel and powerpc since I don't hardware to test build on those arch's22:22
infinityshadeslayer: armel is the same hardware as armhf.  But if you were using symbolhelper, why not just feed it all the build logs?22:23
infinityThat's kinda the point of it.22:23
infinity(Or, you can do it by hand from the failed build logs...)22:23
shadeslayerwell, I did use symbol helper, and I believe it worked for armhf, but patches fail to apply for armel and powerpc most likely because some of the symbols were already patched22:24
shadeslayerplus, there are more missing symbols not in the build log that I found out later on22:25
infinityshadeslayer: Perhaps I'll do this, since I can test on all the arches.22:31
infinityshadeslayer: (As for the patch application failure, that's because you were trying to do it incrementally... What you wanted was "pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch armel.log armhf.log powerpc.log" on the same invocation)22:34
infinityshadeslayer: Anyhow, verifying this here now.22:35
shadeslayeryeah, that's what I've did now, lemme test build22:35
infinityshadeslayer: I'm already on it.22:35
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knomehey skaet22:51
slangasekseb128: looking at them now - though I hope you realize I can't do reviews and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR at the same time ;)22:53
seb128slangasek, I do and I wouldn't ping you if I could get anyone else from the release team to review them but seems they are all focussed on plumbers ;-)22:55
seb128slangasek, thanks for the reviews!22:56
slangasekhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1178764/ - heh23:01
slangasekand there's unity accepted23:03
seb128slangasek, their contributors script seems buggy, I will tell them ... thanks ;-)23:06
infinityshadeslayer: My arm and PPC testbuilds may end up interfering with my plans to drink heavily tonight, but I'll make sure this gets uploaded on the weekend if I don't finish tonight.23:25
skaetknome, ?  specific question?  ;)23:39
knomeskaet, no, just re: the alternates, i will inform you before monday on our final decision if that's still ok..23:39
knomehad real work and life mess up today's schedule..23:40
skaetknome,  fair 'nuf.   :)  thanks.23:41
knomeno problem23:41
hertoninfinity, just heads up, ^ ti-omap4 finished building, run the script here for the sync23:47
infinityherton: Accepted.23:49
stgraberseb128: is the unity stack ready to be copied? looks like the build queue is empty23:50
infinityherton: No problem.  Thanks for doing the rebase.23:51
seb128stgraber, build failed on slow archs for unity due to mismatch versions in nux,compiz23:51
seb128stgraber, it needs a retry after the next publisher run on those23:51
seb128stgraber, then they are ok to publish once they built23:51
seb128so ~1h23:52

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