
ariel__no i mean when you installed all the server how do people find your server like in the address00:17
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jeeves_mossI just upgraded my server and now Dovecot won't start.  What is the trouble shooting process to find out why?  I've looked in the logs, and there is nothing other than Postfix00:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1016428 in juju "Juju deployments allow remote SSH access with hard-coded password" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101642805:26
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drag0niusis there some simple web manager tool for Squid?08:57
drag0niusor some tool like "give me squid config and i can edit it in nice way"08:57
drag0niusthen you load it manually08:58
drag0niusi've tried Artica and it's quite too heavy weight ;d08:58
chmacI'd like to run a second monitor "virtually" with vnc. I saw on askubuntu.com about xdmx, might be the solution. Is it possible? Easily achieved? Any howtos? :-)09:01
rbasakchmac: you're better off asking in #ubuntu. This is the server channel. No X here!09:07
chmacrbasak: Yeah, I did ask in there, but I typically find it's mostly beginners questions over there, and there's an awful lot of chatter so much appears to fall through the cracks... :-)09:08
drag0niushow to get webmin into apt?09:11
drag0niusi see theres version for 12.0409:11
drag0niusbut doesnt find package09:11
rbasak!webmin | drag0nius09:11
ubottudrag0nius: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:11
Perry_hi everyone!  Init.d script works when run manually, but not on reboot with ubuntu 12.04 server.09:13
drag0niusit says 1.590 supports ubuntu09:13
Perry_same scripts, configuration, etc works correctly with ubuntu 9 server09:14
Perry_any ides?09:15
drag0niusPerry_ afaik update-rc.d makes init.d scripts run on startup09:17
Perry_drag0nius,  i know the way to run a script on startup. The same script works properly on another machine with an older version of ubuntu server.09:18
Perry_i'm trying to run on startup the TRACD daemon.09:18
Perry_i have no errors in the logs, simply it doesn't start. If i run the same script manually (in the shell) it starts correctly.09:21
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drag0niuswebmin does not find my squid309:39
drag0niusneither can it reinstall it09:39
rbasak!webmin | drag0nius09:40
ubottudrag0nius: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.09:40
koolhead17http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177475/ what am i missing here :(09:49
melmothkoolhead17, hmmm, this file (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt) does not belong to any package, i guess it s made on the fly.10:00
melmothi have no idea wich package install script made it (may be openssl ?)10:00
koolhead17melmoth: whats the way out to get it working10:00
koolhead17u want me to install that pkg10:01
koolhead17b4 trying that command?10:01
melmothgive it a try yep10:01
koolhead17melmoth: no luck :(10:02
maxbThe package is ca-certificates10:03
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jdrabkoolhead17: what ubuntu version gives you that error? just out of curiosity11:09
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koolhead17jdstrand: precise11:46
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roaksoaxDaviey: howdy!12:27
roaksoaxDaviey: this time you haven't filed for a standing FFe for maas right?12:28
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1044351 in asterisk (universe) "upgrade from lucid to precise removes most of my gsm sound files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104435112:31
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Davieyroaksoax: I haven't.. can you.. i will review.13:19
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roaksoaxDaviey: will do13:22
roaksoaxDaviey: bug #104436713:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1044367 in maas "[FFe] Standing feature freeze exception for maas in Quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104436713:25
Davieyroaksoax: I don't really want to ack a 'Standing' exception this moment, but do you have a major disruptive change ready to upload?13:30
Davieyroaksoax: note that B1 comes out next Thursday.13:31
roaksoaxDaviey: the disruptive change is all of what is detailed on the FFe, but the quantal support13:32
Davieyroaksoax: fwiw, i think i'd rather have a less polished Beta 1.. than a totally wrong version one.13:32
roaksoaxDaviey: i';;m currently in the process of testing things to make sure everything is working just right13:32
Davieyroaksoax: right, but a massive disruptive chang, as a one off, doesn't need a standing exception13:32
roaksoaxDaviey: right, the satnding is for upcoming uploads, as I'm sure there will be upstream fixes13:33
roaksoaxDaviey: i can file again i'll change it13:33
Davieyroaksoax: Okay, when do you think the massive change will be ready for Quantal uploaading?13:33
roaksoaxDaviey: hoping that today13:33
ogra_fixes dont need FFes ;)13:34
roaksoaxogra_: i know right :). But in this case, fixes means features hehe13:34
ogra_yeah, that would need one indeed ...13:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044367 in maas (main) "[FFe] Standing feature freeze exception for maas in Quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104436713:36
Davieyroaksoax: If the disruptive change is uploading by your Monday lunchtime, then consider that a one off ack.  For a standing exception, lets dig deeper. deal?13:37
roaksoaxDaviey: deak13:38
Davieyroaksoax: As soon as the upload is built and published, can you ping me.. or someone elese on the release team, and request a respin.  Would like to get images with it on, asap for testing.13:39
roaksoaxDaviey: will do13:40
hallynSpamapS: (and Daviey ) an SRU big-deal-coming-up warning:  bug 997978 suggests I'll want to ask for the full quantal kvm, seabios, and vgabios packages to be SRUd to precise.13:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 997978 in qemu-kvm "KVM images lose connectivity with bridged network" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99797813:40
sorenhallyn: Oh, is that finally fixed?13:42
hallynsoren: it seems to be fixed with backported packages from quantal, yes13:43
sorenhallyn: What was the problem?13:43
hallynsoren: hahahaha13:43
hallyni'll spend an hour or two trying to find relevant-looking commits, but ...13:43
* soren blinks13:43
hallynfull backprot from quantal fixes it.  that's 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 qemu-kvm version difference13:43
hallyniow i have no idea13:44
Davieysoren: You might remember this... around 2007-2010.. can't remember exactly, there was disucssion of doing a major qemu-kvm SRU to bump versions.. I can't remember if it actually happend.. can you?13:46
sorenDaviey: I have no recollection of that.13:53
sorenA complete backport sounds very risky to me.13:55
* soren needs to run13:56
SpamapSSeems like 1.1 users would be quite appreciative if we found those commits and helped make a 1.1.1 with them. :)13:57
kermithow do i light up a drive for identification?14:32
rbasaksmoser: re: bug 1028501 - any thoughts on what we can do for precise ephemeral images using cloud-init? I've just hit this. Do we need an SRU? Can we even do one?15:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1028501 in cloud-init "cloud-init selects wrong mirrors for arm" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102850115:01
rbasakI didn't realise that the ephemeral images needed apt-get to work :-/15:02
rbasakOr can we get MAAS to supply the user data workaround perhaps?15:02
utlemmingrbasak: I think a user data workarond is a hack15:03
rbasakYes, it is15:04
rbasakutlemming: but the alternative is to SRU the arm mirror handling to precise, which I'm not sure is SRU-able. Or is there another way?15:04
smoserrbasak, we can sru the same fix back to the older cloud-init.15:07
rbasaksmoser: ok, thanks15:07
smoseractually, for htis case, rbasak user-data work around is not a hack.15:07
rbasakWhich method would you prefer?15:07
smoseras we also have to suppor the case of an intenral (offline) mirror.15:07
smoserso cloud-init needs to be told what the right mirrors are (and maas needs to know this)15:08
arrrghhhhey all.  i am having issues with the ps3mediaserver application - i can run it manually, but the upstart job fails.  how can i troubleshoot the upstart job failing?15:08
rbasakarrrghhh: lots of help at http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ if you're not aware of that?15:08
arrrghhhrbasak, never have seen that, thanks.  i didn't create this upstart job, just not sure why it's failing - and i don't know how to start troubleshooting the 'why', because the app runs fine manually.15:09
roaksoaxDaviey: ok so I think I have decided not to upload MAAS to Quantal yet becuase MAAS no longer works with an external DNS/DHCP15:14
smoserrbasak, so i'd like to sru the cloud-init fix15:16
Davieyroaksoax: That hasn't been fixed yet?!15:16
smoseras it has another benefit15:16
Davieyroaksoax: That is a reasonable beta 1 release note IMO.. Don't block on that15:16
smoserutlemming, are you able to work on bug 1041384 ?15:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1041384 in cloud-init "userless conf fails assign user[0] as the default user" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104138415:17
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roaksoaxDaviey: yeah it seems to be minimal, but looking more into it atm15:18
rbasaksmoser: ack. Thanks!15:18
arrrghhhrbasak, so I'm stuck here.  "If the pre-start process fails, the goal is changed from start to stop, and the stopping(7) and stopped(7) events are emitted with appropriate variables set denoting the error." - where's the error?15:20
arrrghhh/var/log/upstart/<upstartjob>.log doesn't contain really anything.15:21
utlemmingsmoser: yeah, I can hash that out today, I think15:23
hallynsoren: sigh, the only thing i can find in git log from v1.0..v1.1.0 is some small fd and memory leaks.  Noone has mentioned OOMing when they had net trouble under heavy load...15:25
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zulDaviey:  the tgtadm stuff got merged into cinder, im just backporting the fix for nova-volume now15:46
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1044430 in php5 (main) "Php ftp_* eats memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104443018:22
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donspauldingI upgraded a server from Jaunty -> Karmic -> Lucid using old-releases.ubuntu.com and apt-get upgrade && dist-upgrade today and then tried to go from Lucid -> Precise using do-release-upgrade.  The do-release-upgrade told me the upgrade completed, but with errors, and now I've got circular dependency problems in apt18:42
donspauldingI restarted in between the J -> K and K -> L upgrades, but I haven't restarted since attempting the L -> P upgrade.18:44
* donspaulding is afraid the server might not come back up.18:45
donspauldingcan I safely install the .debs for the unmet dependencies from packages.ubuntu.com?  Manually installing util-linux seems like the sort of thing I shouldn't be doing.18:47
cwillu_at_workdonspaulding, you're already in an undefined state, so...19:14
cwillu_at_workdonspaulding, so long as you've got some way of mounting the system to do recovery, it's hard to screw things up too badly19:15
ona_mattAnyone know why the installer is not adding the dns domain to resolv.conf that is provided by DHCP  (this is in 12.04)19:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044516 in quota "repquota not working correctly with xfs" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104451619:26
Troy^ok so i'm trying to add an external 3tb drive to my linux server. i plugged it in and it seems to have labeled it as /dev/sdc and /dev/sdc119:32
Troy^how is it mounted. how do i get it to auto mount on boot19:32
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Troy^this is a huge learning curve setting up a media server from command line lol. then having it all integrated with sickbeard, couch potato and sabnzbd19:44
questhey, does anyone knows how can i get the DVD version of ubuntu server?19:44
Troy^quest ? like have it sent in mail?19:47
Troy^quest the .iso can be burnt to both cd and dvds19:47
questTroy^: i meant a big ISO file that contains a repository in it19:50
questi found it here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/?C=S;O=A19:50
Troy^never heard of it.. but honestly that is what internet is for19:50
Troy^there all cd versions there19:51
questyeah but i want to be able to work offline too19:51
questdebian has DVD versions19:51
Bitzhello there19:51
Troy^from that list quest there doesn't appear to be dvd version of server19:51
BitzMy question: I have an ubuntu server version and I have some problem with it. I was watching movie on my samsung tv using dlna and suddenly it just snapped and everything went out then i reset and the the load gets stuck at some point but most of the functions work. I am not sure what happened... log files are not very helpful ... I am using DLNA (serviio)... So my question is...can19:52
Bitzanyone give me an idea why does it get stuck during startup...and can dlna cause this?19:52
Troy^Bitz: i have no clue what you are saying19:53
Bitzdo u have a question?19:54
Bitzso the main point is19:54
Troy^just poorly worded i guess?19:54
Bitzi was watching movie through dlna and suddenly lost connection19:55
Bitzand the server stuck19:55
Bitzi reset and then wont load fully however it does load all the essencial programs19:55
Bitzis it clear<19:55
Troy^you mean your ubuntu server gets stuck?19:55
Troy^at boot?19:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #1040033 in qemu-kvm (main) "Fresh VM installs via preseeded oneiric isos sometimes fail with filesystem issues" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104003319:56
Bitzafter successfully starting rsync19:56
Bitzwont reach login section19:57
Troy^that is a little more clear Bitz19:58
hallynjdstrand: still playing, but i'm thinking the bug is in mkisofs (bug 1040033)19:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1040033 in qemu-kvm "Fresh VM installs via preseeded oneiric isos sometimes fail with filesystem issues" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104003319:58
hallynjdstrand: if i manually do virt-install - with either qcow2 or raw - i always get the same error if i use the same preseeded file19:59
jdstrandhallyn: why would downgrading qemu-kvm help me then?20:00
jdstrand(that is certainly interesting)20:00
hallynjdstrand: that's a good point20:00
hallynit woulnd't.  back to the drawing board for me20:00
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Troy^can samba be setup to share more then one path?20:03
patdk-wktroy, only if you *really really* want too20:05
Troy^is that not advised?20:05
Troy^like can i create a specific point and then link all the different folders on different drives i have? etc?20:06
patdk-wkno, you just have to have the *drive* to do it :)20:06
patdk-wkwhat? what does that mean?20:06
patdk-wkcreate a specific point?20:06
Troy^like /srv/samba/share20:06
hallynjdstrand: no wait, maybe i'm having a different local problem20:06
patdk-wkI *guess* you could do that, kind of backwards20:07
Troy^then link all my stuff like ln -s /srv/samba/share /var/run/usbmount/ln -s /home/shared/movies /var/run/usbmount/WDC_WD10_EADS-00L5B1_1/movies/20:07
Troy^well then how is it suppose to be done? that is why i am asking.20:07
patdk-wknormally by editing smb.conf20:07
arrrghhhTroy^, why not bind mount?  or just directly linking to it?20:07
arrrghhhyea, just edit smb.conf and directly link to the folders you want to share20:08
Troy^ok so there will be multiple paths20:08
arrrghhhhehe ;)  you can have as many shares as you desire20:08
Troy^alright that is what i wanted to know thanks20:08
patdk-wkall of those options are possible20:08
sorenhallyn: Oh, does it OOM? I thought it just silently stopped working.20:08
patdk-wkyou just have to pick the *best* for you :)20:08
Troy^what is with your * *20:09
arrrghhhit's like bolding a word20:09
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arrrghhhwithout being able to [b] [/b]20:09
patdk-wkoh? I should use colors instead? :)20:09
Troy^uhh no you just use it in every sentence lol20:09
patdk-wkwell, my * key keeps getting in the way20:10
patdk-wkhmm, no irc color support here20:10
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Troy^good lol20:10
Troy^does a samba server have to be part of a workgroup or should be? never used it before just editing the smb.conf now20:11
cwillu_at_workcan't not be20:12
arrrghhhTroy^, you have to define a workgroup20:13
arrrghhhbut it can be anything20:13
Troy^ok cool thanks. not familiar with how windows network/workgroups work20:13
arrrghhhTroy^, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba20:13
arrrghhhdon't need to be ;)20:13
Troy^smb.conf is huge and the share paths aren't located there20:18
Troy^not even sure what i should touch tbh20:18
arrrghhhshare paths are in smb.conf20:18
arrrghhhTroy^, please read the link i sent20:19
arrrghhhlots of good info there20:19
donspauldingOK, I think I've managed to get my upgrade to work its way back to 12.04.  Is there a tool that can tell me how far off my currently installed packages are from a stock precise install?20:19
Troy^i am reading some of it and some of it is way too much20:19
hallynjdstrand: th eerror i get every time with this preseeded .iso created by uvt is 'The installer encountered an error copying files to the hard disk"20:20
hallynsoren: sorry, what are you referring to?20:20
jdstrandthat's not what I get20:20
jdstrandit's usually somewhere else. I can try again20:21
arrrghhhTroy^, one step at a time20:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1039166 in qemu-kvm (main) "high use of resource" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103916620:21
Jay_LevittI'm using Ubuntu 12.04 cloud images to spin up instances. On a regular EC2 instance, I end up with "hostname --fqdn" showing the ip-*.internal hostname. But on a VPC instance, I get "hostname: Name or service not known". Looks like on the VPC, /etc/resolv.conf expects to find a nameserver at, and there's no such thing.. what would set that config file?20:27
jdstrandhallyn: k, here it failed, but during hardware detection20:28
hallynjdstrand: of the cdrom, by chance?20:28
sorenhallyn: 15:25 < hallyn> soren: sigh, the only thing i can find in git log from v1.0..v1.1.0 is some small fd and memory leaks.  Noone has mentioned OOMing when they had net trouble under heavy load...20:29
sorenhallyn: ...which I completely misunderstood :)20:29
hallynsoren: oh.  right.  ok :)20:29
sorenhallyn: I thought you were saying that none of the commits mentioned OOMing under load.20:29
jdstrandhallyn: no, "Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib/perl/5.12/Hash/Util.pm line 32."20:29
jdstrandet al20:29
jdstrandit tried to run debconf-communicate and died20:30
sorenhallyn: Yikes, btw:20:30
Jay_LevittOh, duh.. instances get their IP address from DHCP, and Amazon offers AmazonProvidedDNS at  But it only resolves public DNS; it doesn't add entries for your VPC hosts.20:30
soren$ git log -p qemu-kvm-1.0..qemu-kvm-1.1-rc4 | grep ^commit | wc -l20:30
hallynsoren: yeah20:30
hallynjdstrand: ISTM the iso is bad, or qemu-kvm's cdrom drive is broken in q?20:30
hallynlemme try with the plain desktop iso again20:31
jdstrandhallyn: I used oneiric desktop amd6420:31
jdstrandhallyn: original iso has md5 of: 62fb5d750c30a27a26d01c5f3d8df45920:31
hallynjdstrand: oh, this was not using uvt?20:32
jdstrandhallyn: but, I don't think it is the iso. if I downgrade qemu-kvm to hardy's, I installed like 30 times with no error20:32
jdstrandhallyn: yes it was20:32
jdstranduvt takes the original iso and creates a new one witht he preseeds20:33
hallynright, so q is why does virt-install using the original iso not do that?  (testing 2 more times to confirm)20:33
jdstrandI was giving you the original iso since our install isos would be different20:33
sorenhallyn: a281ebc11a6917fbc27e1a93bb5772cd14e241fc perhaps?20:34
hallynjdstrand: might be worth trying with 0.11 machine type (or something)20:34
hallynsoren: would that be for virtio block, net, or both?20:34
hallynmight be worth a test20:35
jdstrandI do have pc-1.1, though if your virt-install uses the same one that shouldn't be it20:35
jdstrandhallyn: do I use --machine=pc=1.0?20:36
jdstranderr pc=1.020:36
hallynjdstrand: maybe.20:36
hallyn(mine is also using 1.1)20:36
hallynsoren: i assume you're thinking commit a281ebc11a6917fbc27e1a93bb5772cd14e241fc for fixing the bridge-network bugs?20:37
sorenhallyn: Anything that uses a virtio ring buffer, afaict.20:37
sorenhallyn: Yeah, sorry I'm a little terse. :/20:37
jdstrandhallyn: I doubt it is the cdrom though-- I was having problems with exisitng machines immediately after upgrading to quantal, but it wasn't until later that I could find something reproducible20:37
Troy^here is my minimal smb.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178566/20:37
arrrghhhTroy^, what's wrong?20:39
sorenhallyn: yeah, I think that's a pretty good candidate.20:40
* soren disappears20:42
hallynsoren: thanks20:42
Troy^alright now going to check and see if i can connect to the workgroup20:43
arrrghhhTroy^, restart smbd (sudo service smbd restart) after smb.conf changes.20:44
hallynjdstrand: ok, scratch that.  error with stock oneiric installer too.  i guess i may have to grab another host where i can start bisecting20:46
* jdstrand nods20:46
jdstrandit's an annoying bug. thanks for looking into it :)20:46
jdstrandhallyn: it alsways seems to be me, doesn't it? :P20:46
jdstrandthat's actually not fair-- last cycle I don't think I had any weird problems like this20:48
Troy^arrrghhh: did that can't seem to find the workgroup20:49
Troy^i don't even know where i search for a workgroup in windows 720:49
arrrghhhTroy^, i just do a win+r, \\ip20:50
arrrghhhthen it shows the shares.  if you have dns, you can do \\hostname20:50
hallynjdstrand: on, actually it's not always you - but it's always someone with a thinkpad!  :)20:50
hallynon tuesday i'll bisect with a vostro (needs some setup).  we'll see if it's immune20:51
hallynhave a good holiday :)20:51
jdstrandyou too!20:51
Troy^arrrghhh: tried that it sais connecting to the IP of the linux machine brings up the workgroup thing.. but it shows host as \\HTPC\ and asks for a username now that HTPC host is the actual windows machine itself which is going to retrieve the stuff from samba so it's really weird20:52
Troy^asks for username and pass20:53
arrrghhhyea.  put in the user/pass on the ubuntu box20:53
Troy^didn't work20:53
arrrghhhdoes for me...20:53
Troy^maybe your smb is different?20:53
Troy^it keeps saying connecting to domain \\HTPC20:54
Troy^arg lol20:55
Troy^which isn't right i even did \\\MediaShare and the login dialog comes up but my ubuntu user credentials dont work20:55
arrrghhhTroy^, could be my smb.conf.   what is your 'security' setting?  in smb.conf, should be either security = user or security = share IIRC20:55
Troy^i pasted my smb.conf it is minimal20:55
arrrghhhyea, put the in the [global] section20:55
arrrghhhsecurity = user first20:55
arrrghhhsecurity = share i think if you want no psw20:56
Troy^ok i'll try now20:56
arrrghhhtryin to think what else is required.... try that, restart smbd again.20:57
Troy^ok done i connected showed me my 3 shares can't access any of them sais something wrong with network blah blah20:58
arrrghhhso it shows the shares20:58
arrrghhhbut when you click on 'em you get said error?20:58
arrrghhhi wonder if the workgroup name needs to match the clients20:59
Troy^oh wait20:59
arrrghhhi didn't think that had to20:59
Troy^hold on20:59
Troy^ok should now work21:01
arrrghhhTroy^, you got it?21:01
Troy^yes tyvm arrrghhh21:03
Troy^anyway to get windows to auto mount that?21:03
Troy^streaming 1080p videos via 802.11n perfectly21:03
arrrghhhTroy^, windows help... sorry.  i would guess mapped drive, but not the place :P21:04
Troy^oh and via usb2.0 ext21:05
Troy^i was skeptical21:05
arrrghhhoh, performance-wise.  yea, 1080p isn't so heavy on b/w - so long as you're not transcoding.21:06
Troy^yea ext usb2.0 drive to wired linux server box and then the htpc is wifi 802.11n now everytime when HTPC is not in use it can be put asleep21:07
Troy^as htpc won't be the load processing sabnzbd, sickbeard and couchpotato21:08
arrrghhhthat's cool :)21:10
Troy^now for the final part of this i need to install an internal 2tb sata drive.. NTFS as well get it to auto mount and set it up for samba21:12
arrrghhhwhy NTFS?21:12
arrrghhhif it's in the linux server21:12
Troy^well it has all my stored movies and videos21:12
arrrghhh(you can share any drive to windows)21:12
arrrghhhi have ext4 drives in my linux box shared over samba to windows clients21:12
Troy^wouldn't want to reformat it21:12
arrrghhhoh, as in there's already data on it21:12
Troy^is ntfs a performance issue?21:12
arrrghhhTroy^, yes there is overhead21:16
arrrghhhand other issues (permissions mainly)21:16
arrrghhhi was touchy about overhead, and noticed a lot back when you had to use ntfs-3g21:16
arrrghhhi think it's better now tho21:16
arrrghhhi haven't used fuse/ntfs-3g or whatever it's called now in years.21:16
Troy^yea :S21:17
arrrghhhwell stream something21:17
arrrghhhand get htop or watch it in top whatever21:17
Troy^i am now the ext is ntfs that im streaming from now.. thing is the linux server is going to be doing alot of extracting and that will even probablly take a while on usb2.021:18
Troy^i ‎will have it autosetup to download from newgroups and auto extract21:18
Troy^actually well it can all be done by the internal 2tb then transfered to the ext 3tb21:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044553 in cloud-init (main) "'password' setting broken by usergroup changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104455321:21
Troy^main reason i go the external because the htpc was the one doing all the processing. always on. and it has usb3.0 plus limited drive spaces21:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044559 in maas (main) "apt-get remove maas --purge while maas is running prevents full database purge" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104455921:41
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
ruben23hi guys any one can help me resize my server, coz i have bought a hosted srever 1 terabyte size but somehow, when they setup it just like this--------------->http://pastebin.com/NP9iL3DC, and they told me that i need to resize it on my endwhich i have this---------------->http://pastebin.com/g4a7JNRB---anyone can help me how do i resized this to fit my 1 terabyte storage..please22:27
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
Troy^alright just installed 2tb internal into my linux machine22:33
Troy^i see the drive there now mounting it?22:34
Troy^can someone help me22:42
Troy^i created /media/2tbint/ and chaged its permissions to 77722:43
Troy^actually i figure it out i was trying to mount the wrong drive22:45
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha

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