
=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
cob-olpare there any people/team that works with DRM issues and concepts?10:59
smartboyhwat least not I know of10:59
cob-olpdoes this mean that noone thinks about that at this stage?11:00
cob-olpis it clear what kind of tv ubuntu tv will supply?11:03
smartboyhwA TV. A screen embedde with software like Google TV I think11:04
cob-olpbut Google TV is an extension to existing pay TV offer11:05
cob-olpit is on top of something11:05
cob-olpgives some OTT (rather not high quality content) addition to existing TV which is secured separetely11:06
cob-olpand in fact gives the core TV11:06
cob-olpI am not sure but maybe google will introduce DRM11:08
cob-olpmaybe even with some hardware keys support which is needed for HD content?11:09
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
smartboyhwo/ bobweaver14:16
smartboyhwI can't get the code going for 12.10 of your ppa14:17
bobweaver \o14:17
bobweaverIDK ?14:17
bobweaverthe only reason why I push that is so if something goes wrong.14:17
bobweaverand for arts sake14:17
bobweaverlike mimic the old one for 3d14:17
bobweaverbzr branch lp:~josephjamesmills/ubuntutv/quantal_push  old-ubuntu-tv14:19
bobweaverthat dont work ? is that what you are saying ?14:19
bobweaverbut yeah that is the only reason why I make push for 12.10 with qt stuff is because , well I was using it for templeate and figured that other might like to do that.  What are the error's that you are getting ?14:21
bobweaversmartboyhw,  ^^14:21
smartboyhwbobweaver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177926/14:23
bobweaverwhats the full error14:24
bobweaverthat wrror is only half of it14:25
bobweaverand you are running cmake from the terminal ?  did you run sudo apt-get build-dep unity-2d14:25
smartboyhwIt redirects to unity14:26
smartboyhwbobweaver: Look at the paste14:33
bobweaverJC smartboyhw  I have people over at my house  plz wit a second14:33
bobweaverok back14:50
bobweaversorry about that looking now14:50
bobweaver package 'libqtgconf' not found14:51
bobweaverneed to install that14:51
bobweaverdconf-qt  << need to install that14:51
bobweaverneed to install that14:51
bobweaver--   package 'libqtgconf' not found14:51
bobweaver--   package 'libqtdee' not found14:51
bobweaver--   package 'dbusmenu-qt' not found14:51
bobweaver--   package 'unity-core-6.0' not found14:52
smartboyhwHow to install?14:52
bobweaver--   package 'libqtbamf' not found14:52
bobweaversudo apt-get install14:52
bobweaveror open synaptic and put the name of the program in th search bar14:52
smartboyhwUnable to locate package14:52
bobweaveruse synaptic14:52
bobweaverwait smartboyhw  did you add staging ppa ?14:54
bobweaversudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-team/staging    ; sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get -y upgrade ; sudo apt-get build-dep unity-2d14:56
smartboyhwAnyway I did it bobweaver, still that error15:10
bobweavergo though the list and install the dependencys15:11
smartboyhwBye now sorry15:11
tgm4883jhodapp, ping19:16

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