
AlanBellchoo choo05:05
christelAlan The Amazing Belltrain07:06
diploMorning all07:11
TheOpenSourcerermorning popey07:24
TheOpenSourcererDid you book a campsite?07:25
popeynah, you don't need to book for this one07:25
popeyooh, thunderbird 15 arrived in 12.04, nice07:25
MartijnVdSis it very different?07:25
TheOpenSourcererMrs TheOpenSourcerer is off with the kids today to Chalmouth for the weekend07:25
TheOpenSourcererTB15 has integrated IRC, GChat, Twitter and other messaging protocols07:26
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: ^^07:26
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: *shudder*07:26
popey_tbwell this is interesting07:27
popey_tbdon't like the idea that if my mail client dies it takes out irc with it though07:27
MartijnVdSit lists "Ubuntu One" as a feature07:27
MartijnVdSon the Mozilla page07:27
popey_tb"Do one thing well"07:27
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MartijnVdSUbuntu One is now supported in Filelink - the option to upload large attachments to online storage services.07:27
TheOpenSourcererYeah - I played with it the other day - not sure I like it. The UI is a bit uninspiring too.07:27
popeyyeah, useful when sending large files07:27
TheOpenSourcererIRC is "ok" but twitter is very dull. Hotot is so much nicer and featured (in-line images, etc).07:28
christelgood morning lovelies07:33
MartijnVdShowdy christel07:34
christelhow art thou? :)07:36
MartijnVdSA bit.. runny (eww)07:36
christeli say!07:38
MartijnVdSProbably ate something bad.. or some bug I picked up in Frankfurt took a week to start working07:39
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christeldamn those german bugs07:45
* christel hugs MartijnVdS 07:48
christelget better and stuff!07:48
MartijnVdSthanks :)07:56
christelwhat do you get someone for their 40th birthday?08:11
MartijnVdSa cake with 40 candles08:11
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christeli'd probably eat it though and then there'd just be candles08:12
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mungojerryTheOpenSourcerer, used to use hotot, but i realised that since i rebuilt this pc in january, i've just gone to the twitter website instead.08:29
mungojerrychristel, edible candles?08:34
mungojerrydidn't i read recently that thunderbird wouldn't be gaining new features anymore, just security updates?08:39
brobostigongood morning everyone.08:44
mungojerrymorning. lovelay day it is too08:47
brobostigonmorning mungojerry08:47
KungFuPandamorning guys09:09
mungojerryjust realised i compltetly forgot to eat breakfast ..doh09:09
KungFuPandahi, anyone setup git server on ubuntu ?09:10
KungFuPandaubuntu 12.0409:11
matttKungFuPanda: a git server?09:15
KungFuPandawhile,we want to host our code on our own server,09:15
directhexgit+ssh is easy09:16
directhexstep 1: have a folder09:16
directhexstep 2: there is no step 209:16
KungFuPandaand we want to use git to manage it09:16
KungFuPandaI followed this link, http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-on-the-Server-Setting-Up-the-Server09:16
popeybigcalm setup gitlab on his server, it's like github but your own private one09:17
popeyvery nice09:17
KungFuPandabut I am just confused about the "authorized_keys" part09:17
* bigcalm waddles in upon mention of his name09:19
KungFuPandahere is the process I have done:09:22
KungFuPanda1. on our remote server, create a git user.09:22
KungFuPanda2. mkdir testproject,09:22
KungFuPanda3. git --bare init09:22
KungFuPanda4. on my local create a testproject, git init09:22
KungFuPanda5. on my local: git remote add origin git@gitserver:/home/git/testproject09:22
KungFuPanda6. on my local: git push origin master.09:22
KungFuPanda7 failed09:22
bigcalmKungFuPanda: I followed this to the letter: http://blog.compunet.co.za/gitlab-installation-on-ubuntu-server-12-04/09:23
KungFuPandabigcalm: thank you so much, I will try this, thanks09:24
matttKungFuPanda: what issue are you having with the keys on that git-scm link?09:30
matttcuz like directhex said, this method is by far the most straightforward09:31
diploI expect it's permissions on the .ssh dir mattt, only thing that seems to trip up people at my work09:32
diploFor KungFuPanda answer :)09:32
matttdiplo: :)09:33
KungFuPandaI do not understand about the authorized_keys part, so I do not setup any public keys under .ssh folder.09:34
matttKungFuPanda: it's not a hard requirement09:34
matttbut then everyone has to use that shared password09:34
matttwhich is kinda dirty09:34
KungFuPanda"Next, you need to add some developer SSH public keys to the authorized_keys file for that user. "  --- where I can get the public keys ?09:35
directhexask the developers to give you them09:35
KungFuPandashall I just create by myself ?09:35
directhexi.e. they're in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub09:35
directhexon the developers' own systems09:35
bigcalmAnd it's easy to create new ones which you might assign to specific remote servers09:36
KungFuPandaon my local, ~/.ssh/09:36
KungFuPandaonly know_hosts file09:37
KungFuPanda"know_hosts" file09:37
bigcalmThen create one :)09:37
KungFuPandacan window user create one as well ?09:38
mungojerrywith putty you can, but needs a slight modification09:38
KungFuPandaha, thanks a lot,09:39
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Myrttiwhat was the common recommended method of installing JRE nowadays?09:44
directhexgithub has easy guides on ssh key management, iirc09:44
directhexMyrtti, "use openjdk"09:44
Myrttidirecthex: not an option09:44
directhexhas make-jpkg been resurrected yet?09:44
matttjava 8|09:50
davmor2Morning all10:10
mattthi davmor210:14
davmor2mattt: morning10:17
matttdavmor2: how you?10:18
davmor2mattt: a bit like a headless chicken too much to do too little time :)10:20
davmor2bigcalm: you melted yet?10:22
* davmor2 prods czajkowski for not being here to prod and then prods her cause it's friday :P Then realises how annoyed she'll be that she has had to scroll back for this :D10:23
matttdavmor2: thankful it's friday10:25
matttand that the sun's out :)10:25
davmor2mattt: indeed and I'm at work till 20:00 no sun for me10:26
mungojerryyou need an elbaorate system of mirrors davmor210:29
diplodavmor2: Do you think she bothers anymore, as in here it's only you who prods her :D10:29
mungojerryaah prodogamy10:30
mungojerryor is it monoprodogamy10:30
KungFuPanda:-[, still confused, I had create a local id_rsa.pub for user "tester".10:30
KungFuPandathen create a file "authorized_keys" under remote server .ssh folder10:30
KungFuPandacopy paste "tester" id_rsa.pub to "authorized_keys" file.10:30
KungFuPandagit remote add origin git@gitserver:/home/git/testproject10:30
KungFuPandagit commit10:30
KungFuPandagit push origin master10:30
davmor2mungojerry: haha10:30
davmor2diplo: someone has to annoy her or her life just isn't complete :)10:30
KungFuPandathen I got :10:31
KungFuPandatester@gitserver's password:?10:31
KungFuPandado I need create a tester user on my gitserver ?10:31
diplohah davmor2. Have you two actually ever met yet ?10:33
davmor2diplo: Yeap10:35
bigcalmSurprised how long this radiator is giving out heat long after the boiler was turned off10:39
matttdiplo: dude's in lurrrv10:43
matttbigcalm: you've got heat on today?10:44
bigcalmmattt: yearly gas safety inspection with British Gas10:46
matttbigcalm: that'll do it :)10:48
diploheh mattt :P10:49
bigcalmdiplo: you found some luv? :)10:50
bigcalmI miss all of the interesting gossip10:50
diploI think mattt's on about davmor210:50
bigcalmDon't make me load the screen irssi is on10:51
bigcalmA costa coffee has appeared in town. I should have got me some while I was getting birthday cards this morning :S10:52
davmor2diplo: I missed that till you highlighted my nick :)10:53
davmor2mattt: I am with my wife she rock :)10:53
mungojerryyou are married to a boulder?10:53
matttdavmor2: i'm only joking around10:54
matttdavmor2: but words of wisdom, get rid of your irc logs10:54
diplomattt: Publicly available on the web, busted!10:56
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mungojerryget rid of everybody in the whole world bwahaha11:09
mungojerryor at least the search engines11:09
christeloh i am sure mrs davmor2 would agree that czajkowski is most pokeable, in public11:10
bigcalmI wonder what would happen if I were to poke christel11:11
davmor2mattt: Why? My wife knows what we are like she was at UDS and saw with her own two eyes :)11:11
mungojerryi we talking about prodding or poking11:11
christelbigcalm: depends whether you use something sharp or something blunt11:12
bigcalmchristel: blunt, I'm not going to stab you :P11:12
christeloh good that's alright then11:12
* bigcalm pokes christel11:15
christeler, i .. hi11:15
christeli am out of coffee, this saddens me11:16
* bigcalm dccs some to christel11:17
bigcalmWow, do people still use dcc?11:17
directhexyes, for coffee transmission11:19
* davmor2 prods christel with a lump hammer was that hard enough? :D11:19
davmor2bigcalm: I only touched her with it, I really wouldn't swing one at a person, let alone a person of the female persuasion :)11:23
gordi think i just got some very slow spam that was sent from the 90s... has a bunch of "i want to give you $12.7 million!" then "The next series of Friends will be the last, David Schwimmer announced yesterday. He said: 'It's sad but enough is enough. We have all agreed this will be the final year.'"11:24
davmor2gord: the 90's rang and wants it's mail back11:26
christelbigcalm: apparently you do!11:31
matttdavmor2: i'm just stirring things up, ignore me :)12:07
davmor2mattt: oh is that what you were doing :)12:07
bigcalmLego Batman 2!12:08
davmor2for lunch12:08
davmor2bigcalm: we really need to talk about your diet12:08
bigcalmI either eat or relax :D12:08
bigcalmToodles for now12:08
* mattt just had fish and chips12:09
matttwasn't very nice :(12:09
davmor2mattt: then you got them from the wrong chippy12:11
matttdavmor2: work canteen12:12
davmor2definitely the wrong chippy12:12
christeli once tried fish and chips from the indian up the road... that was odd12:13
mattti refuse to do that12:14
matttif they serve curry or spring rolls on the same menu12:15
matttthen i'll skip :P12:15
matttwhich is exactly what i should have done today12:15
christelthe fish tasted of lemons only and the chips tasted of curry, it was very odd12:17
christelhttp://i.imgur.com/X70yJ.jpg i did have a very tasty COD sandwich the other day mind12:19
KungFuPandafinally got it works,  just I have to input password everytime do push or pull? anyway to avoid that ?12:36
KungFuPandamore details: git user on remote server, I had copy local user "tester" id_rsa.pub to remote server "authorized_keys" file. now every time when "tester" do push or pull, the system will ask for git@remote password, anyway to avoid this ?12:36
christelhttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/08/31/bacon_sarnie/ will we submit jono between a couple of slices of bread?12:36
KungFuPanda"Agent admitted failure to sign using the key" this is the message I got, is it ssh-agent I should look at ?12:38
davmor2christel: surely this is the ultimate in Bacon Sandwiches12:38
christeldavmor2: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/205287_10151101668708760_1715801763_n.jpg rump steak, cumberland, bacon, oyster mushrooms and gruyere on the left, rumpsteak, mushrooms, wholegrain mustard, bacon and stilton on the right!12:40
christeldavmor2: perfect! tell whomever owns that to submit it to the el reg comp! :D12:41
davmor2eewww the mushrooms and stilton would put me off, but I like the fact that it like a bread cornish pasty :D12:43
christeldavmor2: haha12:49
matttchristel: that looks delicious13:46
* davmor2 rereads mattt's comment ah missed the that first time13:49
christeldavmor2: ;)13:50
mungojerry"400,000 apps in the Apple App Store have never been downloaded says report"15:49
popeyare they all fart apps?15:50
mungojerryThe latter even counted the number of flashlight apps and found that Apple iPhone users in need of a quick light have 1,899 choices.15:50
popeyi use my flashlight app quite a bit to annoy people15:51
mungojerrythis is the nature of the app store in general. only the top or promoted ones get noticed15:51
mungojerryi use it to read the gas meter15:51
mungojerrybut i don't need 1900. i choose the best one15:52
popeyit has a thing that will strobe from 1hz to 20hz15:52
popeywhich is fun15:52
mungojerrys/best/most popular/15:52
mungojerrys/annoy/cause seizures15:52
popeyoi aquarius when i click a link to a video hosted on u1, i get a stream of crap in my browser... http://ubuntuone.com/5P2MrQofbiEfFZkLk8bKF515:54
popeyis that a mimetype issue or something?15:54
aquariuspopey, works perfectly for me, having just clicked on it15:54
popeywhich browser?15:54
popeyhmm, chrome15:55
aquariusWhich browser do you have which is doing it wrong? :)15:55
popeyalso, wget15:55
popeyi dont want a file on my filesystem called 5P2MrQofbiEfFZkLk8bKF515:55
aquariusthat's a wget bug15:56
SuperMattpopey: could you get this idea in the hands of the team in charge of installers? http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/z3s57/community_contest_wallpapers_landed_in_ubuntu_1210/c61f3ah15:56
aquariusit ignores content-disposition headers. Not our fault :)15:56
gordwget behaviour for years, annoys me15:56
gordnot just with u115:56
popeySuperMatt, file a bug / patches welcome etc15:56
SuperMattbut it something that's so awesome it should be pushed up to the top of the list!15:57
* SuperMatt goes to file a bug15:57
aquariusgord, indeed. It frustrates us, too :)15:57
SuperMattoh, I can't report a bug against ubiquity16:00
Azelphuranyone here happen to know their way around heimdall?16:00
Azelphuror a good site for getting sim unlock codes :p16:01
popeySuperMatt, why?16:03
SuperMatthang on, let me get it back up16:04
SuperMattpopey: over at launchpad.net/ubiquity, Report a bug is greyed out16:07
popeyyou logged in?16:08
davmor2SuperMatt: ubuntu-bug ubiquity?16:09
SuperMattpopey: I am now and it still doesn't work, gonna give davmor2's idea a try16:10
SuperMattthat seems to be working now16:12
SuperMattaaah, seems I need to raise the bug against the package, not to the team16:12
SuperMatt*shakes fist at launchpad usability*16:13
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Azelphuranyone recommend a good online sim unlocking service?18:16
davmor2night all19:12
christelnn davmorius! <319:27
davmor2Hello from the Samsung s320:04
christelhello on the samsung s3!20:04
christeli am dying from a food overdose20:04
popeyhello from the lounge20:05
christelhello in the lounge!20:05
davmor2Hello popey lounge20:06
davmor2Irc isn't bad on this to be fair20:08
soreauhello from wayland20:10
matttdavmor2: oooh, how you like ?20:12
davmor2There's always one20:12
davmor2mattt not bad at all.20:13
davmor2The screen is amazing20:14
davmor2Oh well I'm off20:21

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