
derekvyea i shall consider it00:26
derekvi think i'll live with just lastpass and learn a bit more about how it all works (technical/practical) before going further00:26
derekvthe pro version is very cheap ... cheap enough i'd get it if it had one feature i might sometimes find useful00:27
derekvso the no comments at all thing was making me laugh today00:28
derekvbecause this really horrible bug would have been noticed by me faster if a class were not totally named wrong00:28
derekv something-something-cache00:28
derekvbut its not a cache at all00:28
derekvjust a hashmap00:29
derekvthat shit is getting stored in00:29
snap-lgreg-g: Have you heard the promos for OMC on metalinjection.fm?00:29
derekvsession state for the lose00:29
* snap-l needs to come up with more promos00:31
snap-lThere's only three on there right now00:31
snap-l"Music that will rip your face off and give a copy to your friends..."00:32
snap-l"OMC. Because Sharing is caring, and going to jail for sharing music is stupid. OMC.com"00:32
snap-lSome good covers00:46
derekvsnap-l: link to your podcast?00:48
snap-lhttp://openmetalcast.com and http://lococast.net00:48
snap-lOne's music, one's me and rick_h_ talking00:48
derekvoh cool00:49
derekvso , i've been using beyondpod for android00:53
derekvand it has its quirks but overall I like it00:53
derekvwhat i'd really like , is almost the same thing, where I have the option to set it up to download podcasts onto local disk based on some rules00:54
derekvbut some cloud sync that keeps track of podcasts listened to, or even where i am in a podcast00:54
derekvsortof the multi-room-dvr concept but for podcasts and devices00:55
derekvi'd like all that, but i'm too lazy to google for it00:55
snap-lderekv: I haven't found it either00:57
=== lotia is now known as lotia-away
derekvso i guess long random password for appleid doesn't work out02:14
derekvlol i have passwords for facebook logins i dont' even recognize in my old password database02:29
derekvohh i remember what those were for02:35
derekvrepressed memory due to php02:35
derekvipad lastpass is crashy02:38
greg-gsnap-l: I haven't heard them, no. Haven't really listened to mi.fm yet03:45
brouschderekv: Google Listen does what you want10:42
=== lotia-away is now known as lotia
=== mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice
snap-lOK< this is a little disingenuous11:55
snap-lhttp://www.sharms.org/blog/2012/08/apple-os-x-ubuntu-applications/ <- Vector Graphics Application11:55
snap-lI mean, sure, if you're just using OSS for most things, the Mac pales by comparison11:56
snap-lBut it's like saying you use the GIMP and Scribus on the Mac for photo editing and page layout11:57
snap-lNot saying they aren't great tools, but the Mac is blessed with some pretty great tools.11:58
snap-ltools that I wish were available under Linux11:58
brouschsnap-l: Expensive tools11:59
snap-lTrue, they are expensive12:01
snap-lbut if the totality of your usage of the mac is as a platform for running mostly OSS stuff, then the transition is quite easy.12:02
snap-lagain: not a bad thing12:02
brouschUsing Gimp and Inkscape on OSX is annoying12:09
brouschThey don't quite integrate correctly12:09
snap-lbrousch: I remember trying pidgin under OSX. It was terrible.12:09
brouschI couldn't even get it installed12:10
snap-lImagine if you will a completely unthemed GTK application running via X12:10
snap-lwith no font hinting at all12:11
snap-lThat's how much it rocked.12:11
snap-lYeah, it was like getting a hug from Satan12:13
PainBankwow snap-l I didn't know you had such a relationship12:14
snap-lWell, it wouldn't be so bad if he wasn't such a fan of wet willies.12:14
PainBankyou like getting skull fucked by satan, just admit it12:15
snap-lPurely on a platonic level12:15
PainBanksure... is your wife on here now?  or is she reading the screen?12:16
snap-lPainBank: Just curious, who would enjoy being skull fucked?12:18
snap-lI mean, that's pretty hardcore.12:19
PainBankonly the hardcore would I suppose.  haha12:22
PainBankperhaps some crazy host of a crazy show about metal or some such12:23
PainBankanyone tried phone gap?12:29
brouschAbout a year ago, other than the very brief experiment for pyohio12:31
brouschHm, maybe 2 years ago12:31
shakes808Good morning all12:55
brouschPainBank: It's not bad if your application fits its limited features12:57
PainBankbroush: but all it really does for you is give a single consistent device API to code against yes?  In the end, the packaging of the html app to device has to be done in each app environ, correct?13:04
brouschIf you want an iOS app, you have to use OSX13:04
brouschAlso, if you want it to look native on each device, you will end up making different UIs for each platform13:05
brouschWith PhoneGap, you are making a web page, so the entire design is on you13:06
brouschSupposedly Appcelerator Titanium (cross platform, javascript) is better at making things look native13:07
PainBankyes, well at that point, you are coding your UI in javascript entirely as well... although to some degree you will do that with the majority of 'html5' frameworks as well.13:09
snap-lhttp://synthematik.bandcamp.com/album/syntension-beta <- use offer code beta20 to get 20% off13:14
snap-lhttp://synthematik.bandcamp.com/album/syntension-alpha <- offer code alpha50 for 50% off13:17
brouschPainBank: Are you looking at phonegap for cross-platform or for not needing java?13:19
jrwren" Having went through the 15″ Macbook Pro, 13″ Macbook Pro and 13″ Macbook Air, and I really feel that Lenovo actually makes more compelling products. "13:35
jrwrenthis guy is insane. right there is proof.13:35
brouschMaybe the Apple crackcoating doesn't work on him13:36
jrwrenhis Application Equivalents is interesting. sublime on both tells me that he doesn't use gvim on both :)13:36
jrwreni'm also amused that the X1 costs more than MacBookAir13:37
jrwrengreg-g: are you ok?13:42
PainBankbrousch: just as a not using java to code an app up13:52
brouschKivy looks pretty nice13:52
brouschYou can also make an APK with Python for Android13:53
brouschWhere are those damn PyOhio videos?13:53
PainBankbrousch: no worries13:54
PainBankalso to understand how phonegap is used for xplatform dev13:55
brouschEveryone I've talked to that uses PhoneGap says they develop on OSX and test with the iPhone emulator because it's so much faster. Then they test on Android once in a while14:04
brouschEven someone who uses PhoneGap on Windows tests via VNC to OSX running the emulator14:05
PainBankI don't think it is the phone gap part, but the emulator14:10
PainBanksnap-l: one you might like....14:10
PainBankamzing shazam even makes any money14:11
PainBankthank you Pandora for the backstory14:12
snap-lYeah, I need more volbeat in my life.14:13
PainBankthe leader used to run Dominus, which is heavier... haven't listened to them yet though.14:17
PainBankwrif was actually playing that song last night...14:17
PainBankpleasent surprise14:17
brouschrick_h_: I realized I can put multiple commands in one Makefile command. Now my file will be even more awesome than before!14:59
brouschI was calling out to script for multiline commands15:00
shakes808sorry coming in late to the convo. What is this about Pythonn and Andriod?15:09
greg-gjrwren: why you ask?15:22
greg-gw00t, my 8 gigs of ram is out for delivery!15:32
greg-g(the max this laptop can take, contrary to Lenovo's stated max of 4)15:33
jrwrengreg-g: because twitter suggests you watched the RNC on tv. this tells me something may be wrong with you.16:02
_stink_might be a long shot, but has anyone here made/used a solar cooker before?16:15
greg-gjrwren: hah, no, didn't watch, retweeted people though16:18
greg-g_stink_: I once left some milk in my car in the summer, does that count?16:18
_stink_yes!  you made ricotta.16:19
snap-lrick_h_: Cards Against Humanity is back in stock.16:50
waldo323__stink_, have you already checked out instructables?16:56
_stink_waldo323_: naw, i got my plan from http://solarcooking.wikia.com/wiki/Solar_Cookers_World_Network_(Home)16:56
_stink_looking now though, thanks16:56
waldo323_you're welcome16:59
snap-lgreg-g: Pulling out of the loco council17:02
greg-gsnap-l: yeah, no time, that one actually does work, unlike the Membership Review Boards where I just vote on people :)17:05
brouschWhew. Multiline command in makefile was a PITA to figure out17:28
jrwrendjango folk: how do you manage dev v. prod settings?17:40
brouschjrwren: There a couple of ways people do it17:47
brouschSome have a separate settings.py (production) and settings_dev.py17:47
jrwrenyeah, they seem to be well documented https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/SplitSettings17:47
jrwrenbut how do YOU like to do it ?  8D17:47
brouschSome have a settings.py and then settings_prod and settings_dev they import from17:48
brouschSome make a settings module17:48
brouschI use separate settings files17:48
jrwreni'm leaning toward module.17:48
brouschBut that makes for manual changes on the server17:48
jrwrenso I don't duplicate the settings.17:48
brouschRight, module is probably the best way17:49
brouschI think static files and settings handling are the most annoying things in Django17:49
jrwrenstatic files definitely suck17:51
jrwrenthe good thing is since it is in your face you have to solve it instead of doing what most people do and letting their handler serve statics too17:52
brouschI suppose17:52
brouschAlthough I know people who are really lazy and use the sev server in prod17:53
brouschThat hard part about settings is keeping secret info out of repositories but still someplace useful17:54
jrwrenthat is what I mean.17:54
jrwrenstatic files make it difficult to use dev server in prod.17:54
jrwrenah, secret info in repo is not an issue in my case.  but for open source, sure.17:55
suzyq49 ferndale female18:36
jrwrenlol, wtf.18:38
greg-ghuh, uhhhh18:41
lluawat, yarrr.18:49
jrwrenbrousch: how do you profile your django apps? debug-toolbar is great for the sql queries, but for compute, what do you use?18:50
jrwrenyar, like ipython's %prun18:54
jrwrencProfile, profile, pstats18:54
jrwrenrepose profile looks sweet.18:55
jrwrenbut I think this is sweet too: http://backslashn.com/post/505601626/profiling-execution-with-the-django-debug-toolbar18:55
snap-lWorst thing about writing an article for a magazine: wondering what issue it'll come out18:56
snap-lOMC is on metalinjection.fm until 6pm ET19:04
snap-lgreg-g: ^^19:05
snap-l(I promise I'll start laying off the channel reminders. ;) )19:05
greg-ghuh, I thought I was a member of the !cc group, I guess not, snap-l :)19:14
snap-lYeah, I'm not either19:26
greg-gI remember now it being a bit noisy19:26
greg-gnot unlike cc-community mailing list :)19:26
snap-lI got off that list a while back19:26
snap-lthe development discussion reminded me why I hate watching sausage-making19:26
shakes808Language question for the .NET peoples. F# What is it good for?20:16
jrwrenits the greatest .net language.20:27
greg-gsnap-l: what's your referrer for ting?20:29
snap-lgreg-g: https://z6oc11q87.ting.com/20:30
snap-lANd thank you, if you decide to use it. :)20:31
Blazeixshakes808: i think F# is really popular in the data analysis and banking worlds20:35
shakes808what is the advantages for F# over just C#20:41
greg-gsnap-l: dude, that gets me $25 off too!20:49
greg-gI thought I was just being a good friend and giving you a credit20:50
greg-ghuh, it lets me upgrade from 10 business day shipping to 3 for free :)20:52
greg-gsnap-l: alright, I hit buy :)20:59
snap-lgreg-g: Awesome. THank you.21:03
jrwrensnap-l: are you familiar with And One?21:09
jrwrenif you are, this may make you LOl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V1ioVPlWzA21:10
snap-lNot familiar with them21:14
snap-lbut yeah, I love these.21:14
snap-lSImilar to Eisbrecher.21:14

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