
MtBikercan't wait to go home and have a beer!00:56
nathwillMtBiker: beat you to it ;)01:19
MtBikerdamn you! I'm still stuck at work01:19
MtBikerwhat are you having? maybe I can live through you01:19
nathwilloatmeal stout :)01:30
nathwillit's gooood01:30
MtBikerooohhh not a big ninkasi fan... never had their oatmeal stout though01:31
nathwillit just might change your mind01:32
MtBikermaybe!  Instead of going straight home I have decided to go straight to the bar... even though I'll be backing 2 laptops on my bike01:32
nathwillgood bars in bend?01:33
MtBikertons, amazing breweries too!01:33
MtBikerif you ever come down, hit up boneyard for sure01:33
nathwilldeschutes is there, right?01:33
MtBikeralso, swing by Deschutes, I'll get you half off anything you want01:33
MtBikerit is01:33
MtBikerThats who I work for01:33
nathwilldeschutes is my favorite01:34
nathwillblack butte is kick ass01:34
nathwilland i just got super jealous01:34
MtBikeryes, Black butte porter is my fav... thanks for being a customer!01:34
MtBikeryeah, $1.25 for any beer at the pub for us01:34
nathwilloh man, i need to change careers01:34
MtBiker12 pk a week for free, 1 case a month for free and 1 keg a month for $30 bucks01:35
nathwilly'all need any sysadmins? ;)01:35
MtBikerlol NO! you will take my job :)01:35
nathwilldon't want to do that01:35
nathwillwill definitely holler if i am in the bend area though :)01:36
nathwillhaven't been to bachelor in a few years01:36
MtBikeryeah please do, we can grab some cheap beers and I'll get you half off on some deschutes swag01:36
MtBikeryou ever come down to Bend much?01:37
nathwillnot really01:37
nathwillbeen to mt bachelor 3x?01:37
nathwillyeah. enjoyed it. sunriver's cool01:38
MtBikerbachelor 3x?01:38
MtBikero, you have been there 3 times, got it01:39
nathwillyes. sorry. i made 3 trips to go snowboarding, but it's been probably 8 yrs?01:39
nathwillyou ski/board?01:40
MtBikerused to board, got sick of the lines and cost of it all so I bought 2 snowmobiles and have never looked back01:46
MtBikerbeer time! have a good night man! till tomorrow!01:58
nathwillditto :)02:11
bkerensablkperl:   "Juju is seductively simple." Duncan Johnston-Watt, LinuxCon panel16:37
c_smithlol at that description of Juju.17:08
c_smithtrue as a it may be.17:08
MtBikerstill not time for a beer? ugh17:27
MtBikerShort Fridays are tough, I plan to get out of here around 3 and be at the lake with a beer in hand by 517:30
c_smithwhich lake? Oswego? Crater Lake?17:31
MtBikertoo far, we have a camping spot next to cultis and craine17:32
MtBikerlet the puppy out and possibly find us some grouse17:32
* bkerensa is so epic tired17:33
* c_smith tosses bkerensa a pillow17:33
MtBikerwhere are you at c_smith?17:33
MtBikero sweet, I have family up there... you go to Detroit Lake much?17:34
c_smithbut I gotta be in Bend Wednesday.17:35
MtBikero yeah? for what?17:41
c_smithan appointment with the surgeon who will be working on my jaw in Portland, his main office is in Bend.17:43
MtBikerwhats wrong with your jaw?18:25
c_smithMtBiker, you should actually ask what birth defect did I have?18:38
c_smithand to answer that, Cleft lip and palette.18:38
c_smiththe jaw surgery is the last of the 22 operations I've had to repair that.18:39
bkerensaFirst pull request in webOS!18:59
c_smithawesome. :)19:13
blkperlbkerensa: <> . <>19:42
MtBiker22? damn thats a lot20:01
MtBikerwell good luck with the last one20:01
MtBikero reddit... you make the fridays much more fun20:42
c_smithyaaaay.... new laptop comes, it eats the first disc I put in and won't eject it. Lenovo was called, they said there MAY be other charges aside from what is covered by the warranty, costs which I have nothing to pay with.21:07
MtBikerThats crazy21:07
MtBikerthats really shitty support21:08
c_smithit is, and I just got the thing around 45 minutes ago.21:10
bkerensac_smith: you have a disc drive?21:17
MtBikerit may be more worth it to just buy a new disk drive21:17
MtBikerload ubuntu on it from flash21:17
bkerensac_smith: does it have a SSD?21:21
c_smithbut the optical drive is what I'm talking about.21:22
c_smiththing came with a faulty one.21:22
c_smiththe thing has a 500 GB traditional hard disk21:23
blkperlMtBiker: nerf guns make fridays more fun too21:45
MtBikerthat does sound fun!21:50
MtBikernot being at work sounds really fun21:50
* blkperl likes his work21:51
blkperlplaying with servers all day21:51
MtBikerI like mine too... but not as much at 3 on a friday... then I kinda want to be out doing something else21:51
tgm4883I keep forgetting it's friday21:52
MtBikerI'm out! night all!22:08

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