
=== jamestunnicliff_ is now known as jamestunnicliffe
cjohnstonsteveedwards: howdy16:41
steveedwardscjohnston: Hey!16:41
cjohnstonI haven't tried it on the big screen yet.. they wouldn't like me playing during the day..heh16:41
steveedwardscjohnston: Ha!16:41
cjohnstonSo.. I'm wondering, I think it may look alot cleaner if time is up and down, then things like Lunch and the Plenaries could be centered across the screen16:42
cjohnstonThat would possibly create a scrolling problem to the right instead of up and down16:43
cjohnstonunless things were in a column under their track16:43
cjohnstonlet me see in a little bit if I can find a piece of paper and draw what my thinking is and see what it looks like16:45
cjohnstonyour almost EOD correct?16:45
steveedwardscjohnston: Okay, cool. Yeah almost EOD.16:45
cjohnstonthere isn't a way I could get it done in the next 15 minutes I don't think16:45
cjohnstonoh well16:45
cjohnstonI guess It'll be there by the time you get to work next week16:46
steveedwardscjohnston: Coolio. We can chat about it after the weekend.16:46
steveedwardscjohnston: The weekend. Woop!16:46
cjohnstonI'm still in San Diego till Monday16:47
steveedwardscjohnston: Nice.16:47
daviDo you mean,  EOD = End Of Discussion   ??16:47
cjohnstonEnd of Day16:47
cjohnstonOr, in this case EOW16:47

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