
Kilosgood morning all04:23
SquirmKilos: you're up very early, it's not a competition you know04:46
Kiloslol hi there Squirm 04:46
Kilosused to be who could do fp remember04:47
Kilosive had the fp's of the year 2 years running04:47
Squirmunless you go to bed after 12, I've been here man times before you :P04:47
Kilosim normally awake by now, open gates for sis and swaar to go to work04:48
Kiloswinter is too cold to come near the pc04:49
SquirmI mean, you only got in at 2pm yesterday :P04:51
Kilosyes had bird to catch first and worked on a drive thats giving probs , i dont leave good drives connected while playing with a dicy one04:52
KilosSquirm, do you know what wireless cards cost?04:53
Kilosi wanna try see if there is a wireless connection in the area but dunno what all i would need04:54
Kiloshi jrgns 04:58
jrgnshow's the bird doing?04:59
Kilosbally thing kicked the bucket inna night04:59
Kilosall that hard work for nothing04:59
Kilosdunno if it got sick while being out for however long it was or if it was the stress of being caught and put inna cage05:00
jrgnsany idea why i'll get this in ubuntu /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found05:04
jrgnshappens when i run ssh-copy-id05:04
SquirmKilos: we have them for about R18505:05
Kilosmust be empty05:05
Squirmit's an estimate cost price05:05
jrgnsthe id file is there, and not empty05:05
Kilosty Squirm does one then need to get an aerial as well05:05
jrgnspermissions, perhaps?05:06
Kilostry with sudo jrgns 05:06
SquirmKilos: a normal wireless card? surely that's a bit much to see what wireless connections are around05:06
Squirmand they usually come with a small one - suitable for indoor use05:06
jrgnsKilos: same thing05:07
Kiloshow else do you find if there is wireless in the area Squirm 05:07
Squirmjrgns: ls ~/.ssh05:07
jrgnsid_rsa id_rsa.jrgns config known_hosts05:08
jrgnsthe public key is missing05:08
Squirmthat could be it05:08
jrgnsnope, i have to private keys05:08
Squirmelse specifiy -i05:08
Squirm$ ssh-copy-id -h05:08
SquirmUsage: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id [-i [identity_file]] [user@]machine05:08
jrgnsja, i used the -i option05:09
jrgnsbut since the public key was missing, that didn't help05:09
Kilosjrgns, can you not create one05:14
Kilosnuvolari, told me how to do mine05:15
jrgnsi have the public key somewhere, copied it into .ssh05:15
jrgnsbut it's still bombing05:15
Kilosoh my05:15
Squirmsee if it works with a new one?05:15
jrgnsmmm, it might be because of the ssh-agent05:17
jrgnslet me try making a new one first05:17
jrgnseven with a new one05:18
jrgnsso it's probably the agent?05:18
Squirmwhat it telling you?05:19
jrgnsyup. ssh-agent -L05:19
jrgnssays no identities05:19
jrgnsadds the new identity, and I can do ssh-copy-id05:19
jrgnsstrange, all the docs say the -i options should bypass the agent05:20
Squirmi would use ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub machine_here05:20
jrgnsthat's what i did, yes05:21
Squirmwell it worked on my debian machine05:22
Squirmand my fedora machine05:22
Squirmand my RH machine05:22
jrgnsit working on your machine doesn't solve my problem... :P05:24
Squirmjust saying the command works :P05:24
Squirmoh damn, I'm pretty late now05:24
* Squirm sighs05:24
Squirmbe back in 10/1505:24
Kilosbbnn wanna change keyboard05:26
jrgnsSquirm, when you're back, pls do ssh-add -l05:26
jrgnssee if you have any identities registered?05:26
Squirmwill do05:50
Squirmjrgns: yes there is05:50
Kiloshi Tonberry 06:06
Kiloshi superfly 06:08
jrgnsSquirm: it would be interesting if the ssh-copy-id cmd still works if there were no identities?06:09
jrgnsinitially mine was empty06:09
superflyHi Kilos, jrgns06:13
jrgnshey superfly06:13
superflyAnd Squirm06:14
superflyKilos: despite the rain, our train is working fine, albeit a little late.06:15
Kilosyay superfly 06:16
Kilosweather doesnt look too good there at the moment 06:16
Kiloshi Kerbero 06:21
Kerberoit's rainging here06:21
Kerberohi Kilos 06:21
Kerberohaleluja, it's raining here~06:22
Kilosi still think the cape is for penguins and great whites06:22
Kerberountil it becomes 40 in summer06:22
Kerberothen everthing will die06:22
Kiloseven then you cant go into the water06:23
Kerberoeish ja06:23
Kiloswent and rode footup trials there many years ago in stellies and went to gordons bay after for a swim, nearly froze my nuts off06:24
Squirmhello superfly 06:36
Squirmyou have a train?06:36
DigiGrama course on automatic debugging: http://blog.udacity.com/2012/08/automate-boring-tasks-in-andreas.html06:46
DigiGram*a free course06:46
superflySquirm: no, I use public transport06:48
Kiloshi DigiGram 06:49
DigiGramgood morning oom Kilos 06:50
DigiGrammmm I wonder how long a package from Taiwan to Potchefstroom would take06:51
DigiGramIt was sent yesterday, so my guess is it is in South Africa already, but will only arrive at my door in  about 4 weeks...06:51
inetprogood mornings everyone06:52
Kiloslo inetpro 06:52
superflyDigiGram: lately parcels from my wife's folks in the USA have taken 3-4 weeks06:52
superflyhi inetpro 06:52
DigiGrammorning inetpro 06:53
DigiGramwell, I'm not paying for the contents of the package, so I guess I'll be happy even if it takes 2 months06:53
Kilosjust get the tracking number and keep track of it06:54
DigiGramThey ship from Taiwan to the South African wharehouse, and from there they distrobute, so I do not yet know which service they will use in SA06:56
DigiGrambut the packet contents is like 50grams, if it wasn't electronics they could use normal postage for all that I care06:57
Kiloswhat is it?06:58
DigiGram6 microcontrollers07:00
DigiGramwith it I'm planning to take over the world buwhahaha07:00
DigiGramor well, at least create a working model of my aquarium automationconcept07:01
DigiGramand two spinn-off products namely a colour-meter for the colour-blind (or lazy or gizmo junky), and a accelerometer based digital tapemeasure07:02
DigiGramaround R50 per microcontroller, but if you request samples, they send you up to 6 for a R62 processing fee, straight from the manufacturer, so its not a scam lol07:03
Squirmsuperfly: where abouts is such a thing they call this 'public transport'?07:09
superflySquirm: the mother city07:23
Squirmmakes sense07:30
Squirmsomewhere I'd like to go07:30
=== psynotatw is now known as psyatw
SymmetriaI hate stupid empowerment rules09:18
magespawngood day y'all09:32
charlvngood morning09:33
charlvnMaaz: coffee on09:33
* Maaz washes some mugs09:33
magespawnDigiGram where could I get the details of those microcontrollers?09:34
magespawnhey charlvn09:34
magespawnMaaz coffee please09:34
Maazmagespawn: Righto09:34
DigiGramit's PIC18F4550 and PIC18F250009:34
DigiGramnot 250009:35
DigiGramyou can get details from microchip.com or on za.rs-online.com09:35
DigiGramMaaz, coffee please09:35
MaazDigiGram: Okay09:35
DigiGramwith some sinu-flu09:35
magespawnty DigiGram09:35
DigiGramand once I get it I'll start throwing code on my blog for them09:36
DigiGramfirst project will be to build a DIY PICKIT2 to program the chips. Got the schematics and code from a couple of sites, so hope it works09:37
MaazCoffee's ready for charlvn, magespawn and DigiGram!09:37
DigiGramMaaz, tx09:38
MaazDigiGram: Sorry...09:38
DigiGramMaaz, ty09:38
MaazYou are welcome DigiGram09:38
magespawnMaaz botsnack09:38
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well09:38
DigiGramlol didn't know that command09:38
magespawnwhere is your blog DigiGram?09:39
DigiGramstill almost nothing on there09:39
charlvnMaaz: dankeschon09:39
Maazcharlvn: What?09:39
charlvnMaaz: 09:40
Maazcharlvn: What?09:40
charlvnMaaz: dankeschön09:40
Maazcharlvn: dankeschön is Bitteschön09:40
charlvnMaaz: danke schön09:40
Maazcharlvn: Sorry...09:40
charlvnMaaz: dummkopf09:40
Maazcharlvn: *blink*09:40
magespawnhah language lesson from a bot09:40
magespawnMaaz Bitteschön09:40
Maazmagespawn: What?09:40
charlvnMaaz: du bist ein sehr geile bot09:40
Maazcharlvn: What?09:40
magespawnbut it is funny09:41
magespawnDigiGram: I will be following that project with interest09:42
DigiGramwhich part :)09:42
magespawnalll of it09:43
magespawnall even09:43
magespawni studied nature conservation out of school09:43
magespawni am now looking to extend my knowledge into other areas09:44
DigiGramokay, here is part of the project, a concept I pitched to Tropical Aquariums South Africa's forum: http://www.tropicalaquarium.co.za/showthread.php?12892-Any-Colourblind-or-Lazy-people-out-there-Follow-this&highlight=colourblind09:45
magespawncould you use an arduino or raspberry pi?09:45
DigiGramyes you could, but why use R300's worth of processing power for something that a R50 PIC can do?09:46
DigiGramand I heard a little birdy singing that the price will seriously drop on the controller I'm working with09:47
DigiGrambut my code should be compattible with Arduino in the end, you will just need to port it yourself as I do not have one09:49
magespawnif you but the controller it is R713 for the PIC18F4550 from http://za.rs-online.com09:49
DigiGramI've won a MSP430 Launchpad with my project idea though, so I might port code for that as well...09:50
DigiGramWhat?? it was R53 or R43 the other day09:50
DigiGramthe R713 one is a complete development board09:51
DigiGramhere is some random links for USB IO devices and programmers etc for the PIC18F2(4)550 -- http://pastebin.com/ivVsRxFx09:52
magespawnahh right09:52
magespawnnot sure i would be up to putting the board together yet09:54
DigiGramwell, this will be my first time getting into microcontrollers, so I'll make all of the mistakes and post them to my blog as well lol09:55
magespawni would like to get some of those goodies10:01
magespawnput them on the christmas list10:01
DigiGramI have ordered 3 PIC18F2550 and 3 PIC18F4550 as samples from Microchip and only paid R62 ($7.5)10:01
DigiGramwill have to see how long it takes to get here and if I have to pay any import fee's10:02
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=== DigiGram is now known as DigiGram_away
zerefVarsity holidays!!!11:16
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tonberryE352where do the undergrads get the time to go on holiday?11:38
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=== Guest70151 is now known as smile4
jrgnshello Squirm13:04
Squirmhello jrgns 13:15
Squirmjrgns: sort your ssh id out?13:15
jrgnsyup. ssh-agent was interfering13:15
jrgnsi added my identity using ssh-add13:15
jrgnsand it worked13:15
jrgnswould you mind doing ssh-add -l13:16
jrgnslol, soz, saw you did13:16
SquirmI've never used or heard of ssh-add and ssh-agent before today13:27
jrgnsyup, me neither13:32
magespawnhey guys13:43
superflyyo magespawn13:43
magespawnwhat are ssh ing to?13:43
magespawnhey superfly13:43
magespawnSquirm jrgns 13:43
magespawnwhat are you ssh-ing to?13:44
magespawnDigiGram_away: when you get back, on that development board what are those black circles that look like buttons, there are four in a square pattern.13:45
magespawnwhats up superfly?13:46
superflymagespawn: nothing much, having a fairly productive day at work13:47
superflybeen working on making that blue button functional ;-)13:48
magespawnwell that always a good thing does tend to keep one employed13:48
magespawnthats a good thing.13:48
magespawnmore products to sell, will make THE product more attractive13:49
superflymagespawn: yep13:59
superflymagespawn: of course you'll be informed by official channels when that becomes available14:01
magespawncool ty14:01
magespawni need to make some progress with them but things have been going a bit mad lately14:01
magespawnthis might be a bit of a sensitive question14:02
magespawnso maybe i should pm it instead14:02
superflymagespawn: yeah, business questions are best PMed :-)14:10
=== smile4 is now known as smile
Squirmwow, the tiredness16:47
* smile hugs magespawn & Squirm16:48
Squirmevening smile 16:52
smileevening :)16:53
charlhi smile 16:59
charlhow's it going16:59
smilecharl: well I feel like a monkey :P need to take a shower ^^16:59
smileand you, charl ;)16:59
smileI'm fine btw xD16:59
charli know the feeling, i have been painting my new appartment, i quickly take a shower afterwards :P17:01
smilecharl: I don't want to take a shower, but I want to feel fresh17:01
smileAnd I fear it's the only way17:01
charlcan't go to my "white collar" work when i smell like a "blue collar" worker17:01
charlok time for dinner bbl17:02
Squirmsmile: splashing ones face and cleaning ones hands will help for a short amount of time17:04
smileSquirm: yea :p17:04
smilecharl: have a good dinner17:05
magespawnevening guys hi smile17:07
magespawnwell the weekends off to a bang, just caught a puff adder outside the back door17:08
smilemagespawn: evening :D17:08
Kiloshi magespawn smile charl 17:17
smilehi Kilos :)17:18
Kiloshope you were all good todåy17:18
smileyes today was fine17:18
Kilossmile, you feel like a monkey17:18
smileyes :p17:19
Kiloseveryone does17:19
Kiloswith their hands17:19
charlhumans are two-footed monkeys right?17:19
charlmonkeys that walk upright17:20
charlthey say humans are the most similar to pigs in terms of physiology17:20
charlthat makes perfect sense to me17:20
Kilosyeah some havent even evolved yet17:20
Kilosstill beha and smell like pigs17:21
smilecharl: ;)17:21
magespawnhey Kilos17:21
magespawnlook up bonobo, I think I spelt that right.17:23
magespawntype of monkey, walk upright, the genetic difference between us and them is something like 8%17:24
superflymagespawn: the genetic difference between humans and bananas is 2%, so you might just be part banana ;-)17:41
* nuvolari checks in to confirm being alive17:55
magespawnhah superfly17:56
magespawnhey nuvolari17:56
nuvolarihowdy oom Kilos, superfly, magespawn, smile, zeref 17:56
Kiloshiya nuvolari 17:56
superflyhi nuvolari17:57
smilenuvolari: :)17:57
* Kilos still chuckling at nanaspawn17:58
nuvolariKilos: what did I miss with nanaspawn?17:58
Kilosmagespawn, said we only 8% different genetically from monkeys17:59
Kilosand superfly said we only 2% different from bananas17:59
=== Cantide is now known as CanShower
smilebye everyone :)18:31
Kilosnight smile 18:32
smileyou too18:32
smileand charl : good night18:32
=== charl is now known as cvn
=== cvn is now known as charlvanniekerk
charlvanniekerkciao smile 18:33
smilegood night :D18:33
charlvanniekerkgood evening all18:34
=== CanShower is now known as CanRead
Kiloshi charly18:51
charlvanniekerkhi Kilos 18:58
Kilosnight everyone. sleep tight18:58
charlvanniekerkhow's it going18:58
charlvanniekerkhave a good night18:58
Kilostoo much nick there charlvanniekerk 18:59
Kilosty you too18:59
Kiloshead thumpin so sleep calls18:59
Kilossee yous tomorrow18:59
magespawnlater all the bed is calling loudly19:37
nuvolario/ night everyone20:09
Symmetriamorrisette has a new album out20:40
Symmetriawonder if its any good20:40
Symmetriaheh didnt even know staind had released an album last year either20:40
16WAA1TWWoh dear20:55
=== 16WAA1TWW is now known as zeref
Squirmit's after 1? oops23:11
Squirmguess it's fp for that one23:15

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