
daemonhisto, hmm I get 'group dns does not exist' anyway to force it to create it with useradd00:00
protoCall7and I'm installing Ubuntu 12.04.1 Server, btw00:00
Jef91how do I configure a user to auto-login to lightdm using the CLI?00:00
Troy^another question when my ubuntu box starts up and asks for login? sshd server does not start untill i actually login to a user. How do i get it to auto login or start sshd before that?00:01
pfalguien en español00:01
Sachwilee-nilee:  have you left?  that worked! so what do i do now?00:01
daemonah got it nm ;)00:01
Sachhisto: yes, thanks. that worked! so what do i do now?00:01
ratbert90Can the kernel support wifi and bluetooth off of the same sdio connection at the same time?00:01
pfalguien me puede ayudar en español00:01
Jordan_U!es | pf00:01
ubottupf: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.00:02
Jordan_UTroy^: My guess is that sshd is in fact starting before you log in, it's just the network connection isn't connection. Do you use wireless on this machine?00:02
Troy^no i do not Jordan_U00:02
histodaemon: groupadd dns then do it00:02
daemonhisto, I really wanted: `useradd -M -d /dev/null -s /dev/null`;00:02
Jordan_UTroy^: Standard ethernet connection using dhcp?00:02
daemon`useradd -M -d /dev/null -s /dev/null dns`;00:03
Troy^Jordan_U: static ethernet00:03
daemonthe group dns will be auto created for it00:03
ratbert90Can the kernel support wifi and bluetooth off of the same sdio connection at the same time?00:03
pepperjackprotoCall7: sonds like there is some issue with your raid setup but i don't often mess with raid so I probably wouldnt be best resourcee00:03
histodaemon: -s /dev/null will make it so their default shell is /dev/null so you know as well00:03
rsvpdaemon, are u a bot?00:03
daemonhisto, thats perfect its for pdnsd00:03
historsvp: mp00:03
daemonrsvp, use .help to get a command list00:04
protoCall7Hmm, thx pepperjack.  I'm not having much luck with the googles on this one today :)00:04
Jordan_UTroy^: OK, did you configure the static connection via network-manager?00:04
protoCall7If anyone does know RAID though, I'd be happy to sanitize the password hashes out of my pressed and paste bin it00:04
pepperjackprotoCall7: i imagine a sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda would fail as well.00:04
Troy^Jordan_U: it is actually a server version so no gui00:04
protoCall7pepperjack:  let me see if I can get a term and try it00:04
histoTroy^: How do you have the network configured?00:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Jordan_UTroy^: So how did you configure the connection, /etc/network/interfaces?00:05
protoCall7pepperjack:  no, that lists out just fine.  Looks like theres already a raid config on there from a previous installation.  I'm going to try to wipe the partition table and try again.00:05
histoTroy^: can you ping the box prior to logging in?00:06
rsvpQ: when a GUEST ACCOUNT is used by a guest -- what records are created, and are they transitory after logging out?  They have no home directory, so where is the user trace kept ????00:06
Troy^histo: that I do not know and we have to take the server down and find out.00:06
histoTroy^: is it possible that you just tried to quickly and the network just wasn't up all the way at the time?00:07
Jordan_Ursvp: A home directory is created for them in /tmp/, and deleted when they log out.00:07
cyrano_running 12.04 and I've recently noticed when my laptop isn't connected to a wired network when booting plymouth gives me errors about connecting to network and will take 60 seconds before it just finishes booting00:07
Troy^histo: perhaps. as you guys say sshd service should start without even logging in when booting the server00:07
histoTroy^: yes00:07
rsvpJordon_U, do you know the name of that guest directory in /tmp ??? Thanks for your response.00:08
histocyrano_: can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file00:08
Sachhisto: u still there?00:08
histoSach: yes00:09
Sachhisto: so ubuntu-restricted-extras installed successfully, but my vcd still doesnt play.00:10
Troy^omg really a vcd?00:10
rsvpthought it was vlc misspelled00:11
SachTroy^: yes, really.00:11
Troy^vcd is ancient00:11
protoCall7hmm, after wiping the partition tables and trying again, i get mdadm: Can not open /dev/sda:  Device or resource busy.00:11
SachTroy^: maybe it's ancient where you come from  :)00:12
Troy^Sach: canada lol.00:12
Troy^Sach: does this vcd work on anything else?00:12
cyrano_histo: http://pastebin.com/9UgUbvL700:12
SachTroy^: lol .  yes, it works in a dvd player, but not in ubuntu.00:12
histoSach: what are you trying to play it with?00:12
Troy^sach: you have also tried VLC?00:13
SachTroy^: mplayer and vlc00:13
histo!dvd | Sach00:13
ubottuSach: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:13
histocyrano_: do you use wireless?00:13
Troy^Sach: from a url . The better and simpler solution is to install gxine through synaptic. And believe it or not, it works! Once you open gxine, then there will be an option for DVD/VCD etc… choose VCD and you have a player that plays VCDs. The Screenshot below is of the gxine menu.00:13
Sachhisto: what do I do with that?00:13
clervisSkype 4.0 for Ubuntu video calls not working. I can receive video, webcam tests fine, but does not activate during a call. Audio send/receive is fine.00:14
zykotick9VCD is MPEG1 - not a restricted format ;)00:14
cyrano_histo: I do when my laptop is not docked00:14
histoSach: are you sure it's a vcd and not a dvd00:14
Sachhisto: positive.00:14
Troy^sach: try gxine00:14
histoSach: i'm pretty sure vlc should handle that let me check00:14
histocyrano_: commend the auto eth0 line in your /etc/network/interfaces file00:15
rsvpPersonally I find Skype unstable -- seems to work fine after a reboot, but all bets are off after using other media.00:15
histoSach: http://wiki.videolan.org/VCD00:15
krumpliHi, I have an one year old edubuntu installation using ubuntu 11.04 and I am unable now to update the repositories, it is always talks about "Hash Sum mismatches" and "Encountered a section with no Package: header". I am using the official repository...00:15
krumpliow to proceed?00:16
rsvpSkype loves segmentation faults like no other.00:16
clervisI've tried many things suggested on other sites/forums. No luck yet. Any ideas at all?00:16
histoclervis: try a different version of skype maybe?  did you install it from teh partner repo?00:17
setuidCan someone help me with this? (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module-specific error, 0)00:17
setuidI have all of the nvidia-common/current/etc. pacakges installed00:17
histosetuid: how'd you install your nvidia drivers?00:17
Jordan_Ukrumpli: Please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update".00:17
histosetuid: do you ahve an nvidia card?00:18
setuidapt-get --reinstall install  nvidia-current nvidia-current-dev nvclock-gtk  nvidia-settings00:18
setuidhisto, Yes00:18
rsvpclervis, a friend suggested migrating to Google Hangouts.00:18
setuidPreparing to replace nvidia-current 195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04.3 (using .../nvidia-current_195.36.24-0ubuntu1~10.04.3_amd64.deb) ...00:18
setuidRemoving all DKMS Modules00:18
histosetuid: do you have a card that is supported by nvidia-current?00:18
setuidhisto, Yes00:18
Troy^krumpli: sudo apt-get install pastebinit then sudo apt-get update | pastebinit00:18
SachTroy^: I installed gxine. but now how do I open it? it'not listed under Sound and Video.00:18
setuidKernel 2.6.38 works and loads this driver, but not 2.6.32-42-preempt00:19
clervisI've tried reinstalling from a number of sources.00:19
Troy^Sach: go to term vlc vcd:///dev/dvd00:19
Troy^Sach: whatever your dvd dev is00:19
setuid/lib/modules/2.6.32-42-preempt# find . -iname '*nvid*'00:19
FloodBot1setuid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:19
clervisI haven't tried older versions but that seems like a step backwards. Perhaps not?00:20
krumplitroy^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176918/00:20
SachTroy^: sorry, but what do you mean by my dvd dev?00:20
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histosetuid: you need the kernel module for 2.6.32  kernel then00:21
Troy^well its mounted as a device. most likely it is /dev/dvd/00:21
setuidhisto, Correct, and that's what the above packages build and provide for me00:21
setuidUnless the packages incorrectly remove the Xorg nvidia driver00:21
rsvpclervis, pre-Microsoft Skype versions might work, depending on whether they were manually installed previously.00:21
SachTroy^: it's mounted at /media/cdrom000:22
Troy^ok vlc vcd:///media/cdrom000:22
setuidRestarting X, back in a sec00:22
cyrano_histo: do you mean comment out that line?00:22
rsvpclervis, there's a certain XML file which needs to removed for that to work.00:23
krumpliTroy^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176918/00:23
SachTroy^: [0x9c668d4] main input error: open of `vcd:///media/cdrom0' failed: (null)00:23
cyrano_histo: as in make "auto eth0" "#auto eth0"00:24
Troy^ok vlc vcd:///dev/dvd00:24
Troy^one of those has to work00:24
Troy^krumpli i see it hold on00:24
clervisOK. Which XML would that be?00:24
SachTroy^: vlc opens, but nly shoows me the orange cone.00:25
krumpliTroy^: what does that mean?00:25
rsvpclervis, file named "shared.xml"00:25
histocyrano_: yes00:26
rypervencheclervis: What version are you using? run "skype -version"00:26
CueOkay so I have a rather interesting one here, apologies now if there's an Ubuntu Server channel that I missed on the way in00:26
CueI have a RAID1 setup, software based using mdadm, on 12.0400:26
SachTroy^: if i'm to try a command with /dev/cdrom, what would it be?00:27
CueEvery few minutes, the I/O spikes to 99% and even vim lags to write a file to disk00:27
Troy^Sach: i have also read that smplayer may work00:27
Launch_Directorcould anyone help me at "grub rescue" please? just intalled ubuntu and that pops up :(00:27
Troy^not sure Sach that is what i'm reading now00:27
Launch_Directorif i do ls the partitions show up00:27
Launch_Directorbut no idea how to boot/mount00:28
Troy^krumpli: sudo apt-get install -f | pastebinit00:28
rsvpCue, More generally on the SLOWNESS of the UNITY DESKTOP:00:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803943 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz consuming a lot of cpu" [Medium,Confirmed]00:28
cyrano_histo: thanks, that did the trick00:29
Cuersvp: Ubuntu Server00:29
histocyrano_: yeah it was trying to pull the interface up on boot and waiting for an ip that was the delay00:29
Troy^sach type gxine in term and then close it. then rick click your cd rom drive which usually appears on desktop or wherever and you should see a VCD option.00:29
CueThe RAID1 array is what takes up 99% CPU, as a note00:29
CueCPU? I/O00:30
cyrano_histo: some people suggesting comment out everything in the file. which I tried and it happened even when it was connected to the wired network. this makes complete sense now though. thanks again00:30
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SachTroy^: when trying t open gxine from terminal:  /usr/bin/gxine.real: error while loading shared libraries: libmozjs.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:31
rsvpCue, it could be the daemon called "whoopsie" capable of eating 80% of available core routinely.00:31
historsvp: whoopsie handles bug and crash reporting i believe00:31
rsvpwhoopsie is present even on server editions.00:31
Launch_Directorcan anyone please help with grub?00:31
wormLaunch_Director: What's up?00:32
Cuersvp: Well when I see it, it's always "md5" under the command column in iotop00:32
rsvphisto, but ironically its CPU consumption is buggy (no pun intended).00:32
krazyk_workIf i installed an ubuntu live based distro to a USB, it should boot from multiple computers, right?00:32
Launch_Directorworm: installed latest ubuntu, grub rescue pops up00:32
Launch_Directorworm: other than "ls" no idea what to do00:32
histokrazyk_work: yes00:33
Troy^i'm clueless sach it runs fine for me00:33
krumpliTroy^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176941/00:33
histo!usb | krazyk_work00:33
ubottukrazyk_work: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:33
SachTroy^: but thanks for your help, eh :)00:34
krazyk_workhisto: I've looked through.. it is working on 1 computer.. then when I try to run same from a new computer it can't get past the grub00:34
histodaemon: user useradd -r -s /bin/false would be more proper I guess00:34
histokrazyk_work: maybe an issue witht he type of video card on the other computer00:34
krazyk_workhisto: I've tried in various orders.  It will only work on whichever computer I boot the fresh install on 1st00:35
krazyk_workand I cannot figure out why00:35
wormLaunch_Director: Did you just install it or upgrade to the latest?00:35
Launch_Directorworm: just intalled it00:35
histokrazyk_work: how did you create the usb stick?00:36
wormLaunch_Director: installed GRUB before?00:36
Launch_Directorworm: but used the partition manager to format and pick out a partition00:36
Launch_Directorworm: never, as in, no idea how to configure it00:36
krazyk_workfrom another live usb with same distro...00:36
Launch_Directorworm: man and help don't work so i'm pretty clueless00:37
histokrazyk_work: did you just do an install to the thumb drive or did you actaully use startup disk creator?00:38
krazyk_workhisto: I'm not sure I understand the difference00:38
wormDo you still remember the partition's name where you had got your ubuntu in? like sda2 or sdb3 etc.00:38
Launch_Directorworm: sure i can ls00:38
histokrazyk_work: one makes the thumb drive like the iso the other actrually installs a full system to the usb00:39
Launch_Directorworm: it was sdb2,,00:39
krumpliTroy^ : it is surely wrong, I can't get package as simple as mysql-server or joe00:39
krazyk_workhisto: I had an iso burned to a USB.  this install brought up grub and I could either run live (without persistence) or install.. i installed to a new USB drive00:39
krazyk_workhisto: I did the full system to the usb00:39
wormThen try "root (hd1,1)"00:39
mutanteany users of the "planet-venus" package here? (they dont have their own channel and the mailing list did not reply to my questions ... yet)00:40
histokrazyk_work: you can just burn the iso to usb you need to use startup disk creator00:40
Launch_Directorworm: unknown command root00:40
krazyk_workhisto: now when I boot on a new computer, i get "error no such partition" over and over and afew other errors00:40
histokrazyk_work: I would check the /etc/fstab on the thumb drive and make sure it's using uuid's00:41
djabbourHi all. I've got a LVM volume (called vg0 / public) that is built on top of two md raid arrays. I'm currently in the process of adding a third array, and pvmoving one of the (old and degraded) arrays out. md0, md1 are old, and md2 is new. md0, however, booted with one failed disk. Now, md is reporting two failed drives, and device-mapper is reporting "raid1: Unable to read primary mirror during recovery". I'm in the process of pvmovi00:41
djabbourng away from this broken array. The vol group appears to be still operational, despite md0 showing two failed drives now in mdstat. (1) How is this possible? I thought once two drives fail inraid5, the volume shouldn't be readable? and (2) pvmove is running VERY slow. Looks like it's going to take another 3-4 days at this rate. Is there anything I can do to speed up this process or prevent futher data loss?00:41
krazyk_workhisto: AH HAH.. it's not00:41
graingertdjabbour: yes, slow down time00:42
krazyk_workhisto: pardon my newbishness, but what's the best way to go about setting up the uuid properly in fstab00:42
histokrazyk_work: so if it's pulling /dev/sda blah blah it needs to be by uuid00:42
graingertdjabbour: (I think this channel is too noobish for your requirements - you seem fairly expert) perhaps ask in the dm raid irc?00:42
histokrazyk_work: you can sudo blkid   to list them and put those in in place of /dev/xxx00:42
wormLaunch_Director: Seems you are using Grub2 now. try "set root=(hd1,1)00:44
krazyk_workhisto: I lied.. looks like it is using UUID= blah blah00:45
Launch_Directorworm: done now what?00:45
krazyk_workit's commented out "was on /dev/sdb1 during instalation"00:45
Cue 4097 be/4 root        0.00 B/s    0.00 B/s  0.00 % 63.60 % [md5_raid1] joy00:45
wormLaunch_Director: linux /boot/vmlinuz<Press Tab>00:45
histokrazyk_work: have you tried to boot on more than one other machien?00:46
Launch_Directorworm: tab doesn't autocomplete to anyhting00:46
krazyk_workyes.  'm back and forth between 3.. and I've tried in various orders00:46
Launch_Directorworm: and linux is unknown command to :(00:46
histokrazyk_work: I would reacreate the usb and use startup disk creator this time00:47
histo!usb | krazyk_work00:47
djabbour_graingert, got kicked off.. . network issues I suppose. dm raid? What channel is that. Yeah I'm pretty experienced with linux stuffs. :)00:48
histodjabbour_: that's odd the raid should not be functioning with 2 disks being down.00:49
clervisSkype 4.0 for Ubuntu video calls not working. I can receive video, webcam tests fine, but does not activate during a call. Audio send/receive is fine.00:49
mutantewhen does Skype ever work:p00:49
wormLaunch_Director: Linux is also unknown command? Did you complete the installation?00:50
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Launch_Directorworm: yes, it asked me to restart00:50
Launch_Directorworm: it even updated grub from the web00:50
mutanteclervis: if you really need the video part, you be better of using Google Hangouts00:51
djabbour_histo, md0 : active raid5 sdn1[8](F) sdm1[2] sdl1[4] sdk[7] sdj[0] sdi[1] sdh1[5] 3417955968 blocks level 5, 128k chunk, algorithm 2 [8/6] [UUU_UU_U]00:52
djabbour_histo, it specifically says "active". sdn1 is Faulty (F)00:52
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djabbour_histo, sdn1 is present but faulty... so maybe it's still working somehow?00:52
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:53
djabbour_histo, I thought maybe to attach another USB disk and add it to the failed array just as a stop-gap so it can rebuild the faulty array before I continue... but I'm not sure what's best at this point.00:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:55
wormLaunch_Director: That is strange. Try this: kernel /boot/grub/core.img00:55
Launch_Directorworm: ....unknown command kernel00:55
Launch_Directorcrazy stuff00:56
wormTry insmod normal00:56
SpaceBassI've tried every variant of JRE in the 12.04 repos, but both Chromium and Firefox still complain there is no JRE plugin ? any tips ?00:56
szalwhat the what are you trying there?00:56
szal!java | SpaceBass00:56
ubottuSpaceBass: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.00:56
Launch_Directorworm: error: unknown filesystem00:56
histodjabbour_: It shouldn't be able to rebuild either with only 1 disk00:57
bkc_SpaceBass: did you select the new JRE-implementation after you installed it?00:57
SpaceBassthanks szal , i understand what's required, and I've installed the JDK from the repo and Firefox and Chrome still don't recognize it00:57
SpaceBassbkc_, might need to try that00:57
bkc_dpkg-reconfigre *00:57
SpaceBassbkc_, I used the Oracle package, and set the default enviroment00:57
wormLaunch_Director: Are your filesystem working well?00:58
SpaceBassbkc_, so it wasn't installed from package?. although I can remove it, install openjdk again and try that with dpkg00:58
Launch_Directorworm: i used ext300:58
Launch_Directorso i guess so00:58
wormLaunch_Director: then "set prefix=(hd0,8)/boot/grub"00:58
Launch_Directorworm: the rest are NTSF from my windows partition00:58
wormAs if you can list all of the files in Grub rescue, your filesystem should be OK.00:59
wormLaunch_Director: after set prefix, try insmod normal again01:00
=== troy_ is now known as Troy^
Launch_Directorworm: error,no such partition01:00
wormLaunch_Director: Sorry, it is "set prefix=(hd1,1)/boot/grub"01:01
wormI forgot to change it to yours...01:01
Launch_Directorworm: now it says unknown filesystem01:02
Jrad100Sup guys? Got any remote servers up?01:02
WeThePeopleis the a good reliable with no bugs irc client, xchat is gettin old01:02
Launch_Directorworm: it's possible i might have been wrong about the sdXX01:02
Jrad100no one chats on here.01:02
dr_williscant say ive noticed any bugs in xchat.01:02
dr_willisI use weechat 90% of the time these days01:02
Launch_Directorworm: altough i do remember seing sdb1 or 201:03
dr_willisthats its name.. dont wear it out...01:03
WeThePeopleweechat is a terminal based irc cli01:03
dr_willisYes it is.. correct.01:03
wormLaunch_Director: how about ls's result?01:03
Jrad100Is their a hotline client?01:03
WeThePeoplethat means no mouse01:03
dr_willisNever heard of HotLine.01:03
dr_willisWeThePeople:  cant say that ive needed a mouse in weechat...01:03
Jrad100Hotline from Bigred H01:03
Jrad100The only way to get it now is torrent though ;D01:04
dr_willisi ssh in from my phone to my homepc.. and run weechat01:04
wormIf you can see boot home lib root tmp usr var etc. you are now in correct partition.01:04
Launch_Directorworm: ls shows me only (hdX,msdosX)01:04
Launch_Directorwhere X is a number from 1 to 501:05
jeeves_mossI just upgraded my server and now Dovecot won't start.  What is the trouble shooting process to find out why?  I've looked in the logs, and there is nothing other than Postfix01:05
wormYou may try to use your installation CD and choose "Try without change" or something like that to start up your computer, then you can find out which one is your Ubuntu root.01:06
Jrad100Hey, I can't see Weechat on her?01:06
dr_willisJrad100:  what do you mean...01:06
Jrad100I'm looking to get weechat.01:06
krumpliTroy^: I can't either apt-get install vim....01:07
dr_willisapt-cache search patternname01:07
dr_willissudo apt-get install wee<tab>     ;)01:07
Launch_Directorworm: and i should get something like (hdX) ?01:07
wormLaunch_Director: and also want to make sure if you are on "grub rescue>_" or "rescue grub>_"01:07
dr_willisweechat - Fast, light and extensible chat client01:07
=== zz_megabitdragon is now known as megabitdragon
Launch_Directorworm: i'm on grub rescue>01:08
wormLaunch_Director: Just count. sda=hd0 sdb=hd1 etc. so sda1=hd0,0 sda2=hd0,101:08
Launch_Directorworm: cool thanks, ill do some trial and error01:09
wormLaunch_Director: when you can see "rescue grub", try normal to get back to normal grub01:09
qualiaWhat's the URxvt.buffered resource used for ?01:09
dr_willisactually with grub2 dosent one of those start with 1 now...01:09
setuidOk, that didn't work01:11
setuidLooks like Nvidia drivers don't work at all on Ubuntru01:11
wormLaunch_Director: Sorry for my fault. it should be like this: (hd0) = sda; (hd0,1)=sda1; (hd1,3)=sdb301:11
setuidI've tried all of those in the repo, and th eones upstream in the NVIDIA website01:11
shade34321if I do grep -r some_phrase in a folder it should check every file in that folder for some_phrase right?01:11
Launch_Directorworm: looks like it got insmod normal for hd1,201:11
Launch_Directorworm: what do i type in now01:12
wormLaunch_Director: That's my fault... I got used to grub1 ... and grub 2 made some small change.01:12
Launch_Directorbtw nothing happened after i did insmod normal01:12
wormLaunch_Director: try normal01:12
Launch_Directorshowed up01:12
wormThe original grub?01:13
Launch_Directorworm: the normal :)01:13
szalsetuid: what card, what driver(s) did you try?01:13
Launch_Directorbut it can't find the partition01:13
setuidszal, Every single NVIDIA driver in the repo, from 96 through 173 and up to current with nvidia-current01:13
setuidNone of them permit a working X server using the nvidia driver01:14
Launch_Directorworm: when i select ubuntum it says no such partition01:14
szalsetuid: for what card?01:14
setuidOddly, this has been working on my laptop for the last year, without a problem. I upgraded to the current packages for my distro, and now it's dead. Including all previous verisons.01:14
wormLaunch_Director: Then press e to edit the ubuntu's location01:14
setuidszal, Quadro NVS 4200M01:15
Launch_Directorworm: yep i see now,01:15
Launch_Directorinmod gzio01:15
wormLaunch_Director: As if you can understand what we've done in "grub rescue", you should be able to understand the lines.01:15
szalhmm, no idea about Quadro.. iirc, that's mostly a case for the 'old-legacy' 96 driver01:15
Launch_Directorworm: ye, there are several lines, one says "insmod ext2" ,should it change this to ext3?01:16
setuidszal, tried that, but let me try -again- and see if it works where it didn't 10 minutes ago01:16
wormLaunch_Director: Change everything to make it suits your computer.01:17
szalsetuid: you might want to double-check what driver to use by visiting nvidia.com and selecting your gfx card model (you don't have to download the driver from there)01:18
Launch_Directorworm: i should prob put in the ubuntu install disk to check for sure what partition01:18
Launch_Directorworm: atm it won't even boot into windows :(,, lots of stuff to fix01:20
Launch_Directorworm: i'll try with hirene01:20
wormLaunch_Director: if you don't want to do that, you can do this: press Esc to back to the OS menu, then try these commands: (hold on a second. I am going to pastebin it.)01:20
wormPress c to enter command line, and then...01:21
setuidThis is insane01:21
setuidDoes Ubuntu really go from working to non-working without obvious warning?01:21
setuidthis is insane01:21
wormLaunch_Director: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1176986/01:22
wormIf it works correctly, you should be able to re-build your grub configure automatically.01:23
Launch_Directorworm: cool, but i need to know the values of x, and y, atm they all show up as (X,msdosY)01:23
Launch_Directoror i just write the commands exactly?01:24
wormThat (hdx,y)is where your ubuntu there.01:24
setuidun-fscking believale01:24
wormLaunch_Director:  it should be (hd1,2)01:24
krazyk_workhisto: wow, that tool startup disk creator looks like it worked well (and fast) bout to try it on all 3 computers.. thank you01:24
wormLaunch_Director: as I tried to make it suits every condition01:25
jean_bratHi. i am using linux mint 13 from few months and is great. i have windows 7 in my C drive which is infected with some virus, and i want to format my C drive and reinstall 7 without have any impact on MBR so that after the installation my mint 7 should still boot. is there any way to do that?01:26
wormLaunch_Director: Wish your problem can be all solved... I even have not got a computer with grub2 now...01:26
setuidjean_brat, which part of your question has to do with Ubuntu?01:27
krababbeljean_brat: probably not, but you should ask in #windows01:27
joint2ki think you have to do it from scratch.. delete grub and everything else01:28
jean_bratsorry. setuid . its just a query i think any of you might have experienced the same issue01:28
daemonhey all if I update /etc/networking/interface to make it static (which works fine) is there anyway I can make it come into place without rebooting01:28
joint2kthen reinstall windows, and go from there01:28
Launch_Directorworm: yeh i'll check in hirene or something, i can't find the partition, i keep getting "No such partition" when i try to run "linux /vmlinuz"01:28
wormLaunch_Director: have you seen anything when you typed "(hd1,2)"01:29
Launch_Directorworm: atm nothing other than above01:30
daemonjean_brat, before doing ANYTHING make a backup01:31
wormYou may try hd1,1 again...I am getting confused...01:31
daemona full one01:31
krazyk_workhisto: it looks like it works.. but every time I run it, it look like I need to click "Try Ubuntu" from the ubuntu install GUI instead of grub.  Does this seem right to you??01:31
Launch_Directorworm: i'll try with hirene if that doesn't work ill try with ubuntu cd, and report back :)01:31
=== Guest76518 is now known as uw
daemonI keep getting './networking restart' is deprecated as a warning when I restart /etc/init.d/networking01:32
daemonwhat is the alternative01:32
wormLaunch_Director: sorry for that. you might need to ask others for help at that time. I am going to have a English lesson now, as I am still a student.01:33
Launch_Directorworm: thank you very much tough, i'm a student to01:34
zykotick9daemon: using /etc/init.d is sysv - use upstart instead "sudo service networking restart" you'll still probably get "deprecated" message though01:35
daemonzykotick9, ah01:35
FloodBot1ace1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:36
daemonzykotick9, stop: unknown instance:01:38
daemonnetworking stop/waiting01:38
ace1does anybody run pidgin as their irc client?01:39
zykotick9daemon: try tab completion on "sudo service network<TAB-KEY>" perhaps?01:39
daemonzykotick9, no results01:40
zykotick9daemon: i gots nothing then.  good luck.01:40
daemonanyone else have any ideas? :)01:40
dr_willis sudo service networking  status01:40
daemonnetworking stop/waiting01:40
zykotick9daemon: lol "sudo service networking start"01:41
dr_willisthere ya go..01:41
helpme22HEIL !01:41
helpme22is there a utility or a program that will test my firewall? to see if ports are open ?01:41
skpl^can someone hlp me? my launcher and panel wont appear after i login01:41
daemondr_willis, zykotick9 maybe this is going about it the wrong way, I edited /etc/network/interface and changed my wired adpater to a static ip and config, I want the changes to be made immediatly not next reboot01:41
dr_willishelpme22:  you set some firewall rules?01:41
skpl^i can get to a terminal though., by pressing alt ctrl t01:41
helpme22yeah willis01:41
helpme22i closed all ports except 44301:42
dr_willisdaemon:  I just use the network manager gui tool to set static ip info01:42
amr_Hello, I try a lot to have gnome 3 on ubuntu 12 but it didn't work correctly any one can trouble shoot this issue with me please ?01:42
matts45acpcan someone tell me if a 32 bit ubuntu will support 4gb of ram01:42
daemondr_willis, server automatic configuration script ;)01:42
dr_willishelpme22:  do you have any actual services running?01:42
bazhang!pae | matts45acp01:42
ubottumatts45acp: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:42
bazhangamr_, it's all gnome 3 on 12.0401:42
amr_bazhang, I mean 3.4 then01:43
bazhangamr_, 3.4 from where01:43
ubuntuwhois nick01:44
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amr_bazhang, this one >> http://www.gnome.org/news/2012/03/gnome-3-4-released/01:45
bazhangamr_, why do you need it01:45
joint2kamr_ this will install gnome 3.4.2   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3     audo apt-get update    sudo apt-get install gnome-shell01:45
amr_I like this interface so much ,I see it's really worth to move from windows to ubutnu01:46
joint2kubuntu currently uses gnome 3.4.1 in its own repositories01:46
skpl^would running low on disk space prevent my launcher and panel from coming up after i log01:46
matts45acpgnome or unity? what you guess think?01:46
helpme22what do you mean do you have an acutal service running ?01:46
helpme22i want to test my LAN to see which ports are open01:46
bazhangmatts45acp, unity is a shell for gnome01:46
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helpme22from ubuntu to a windows PC for e.g01:46
helpme22because the firewall rules is outgoing and ingoing01:47
joint2ki use gnome 3 on ubuntu01:47
amr_joint2k, I try this but didn't work with me :(01:48
Anom01yman, is it me or is it impossible to work with SD cards and micro SD cards with Ubuntu ?01:48
Anom01ythey are always read only01:48
doslovemy computer keeps crashing but win7 not01:48
Anom01yI try formatting the sd card to Fat16,01:49
rihenhow do i increase my ubuntu booting spped01:49
Anom01ythat works, but, when I try dumping files onto the SD card, or creating a directory, it says cannot write01:49
joint2kwhat doesnt work01:50
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Anom01yOK NM I was using Nautilus in XFCE which was giving me the Read only errors,01:50
Anom01yI just switched to Thunar, and everything is working fine01:50
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skpl^can someone tell me wy i get this error when i try to start unity from the command line?01:54
dr_willisAnom01y:  thats weird.. wouldent think the 2 would be mounting them differntly01:55
dr_willishelpme22:  you could nmap your machines.. but if its on a home lan. why does it matter between 2 pcs you own.01:56
setuidCan someone tell me why e1000e works fine and recognizes my NIC under 2.6.38-12, but not under 2.6.32-xx at all, any version?01:56
setuidThe driver itself hasn't changed in a long, long time01:56
helpme22because i want to test if the firewall doing it's job01:56
setuid[ 1530.454219] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 1.0.2-k201:57
setuidLoads fine, no errors, just never binds to the NIC, nor exposes it to userland so I can use it01:57
dr_willishelpme22:  go play with nmap if you want.. but if theres no services listening on any given port.. then its basically closed anyway.01:57
setuidIs there a way to update -just- that one net module in this kernel?01:58
Anom01ydr_willis, yeah its strange but true02:00
Anom01ynautilus doesn't like sd cards02:00
Anom01ythunar does02:00
dr_willisif you are running xfce. it could be the automounting service thats confused.02:00
Anom01yah right,02:01
Anom01yI closed nautilus, remounted the sd card, opened thunar, and everything worked02:01
Anom01ymaybe its because 2 programs are trying to mount the device at the same time02:01
Anom01ynautilus, and the other is xfce's auto-mounting02:01
dr_willisI thought both used .gvfs   but its been a long time sice ive used xfce02:02
Anom01yI am going to shut off xfce's auto-mount and retry with nautilus02:04
Anom01ybecuase Nautilus is by far more superior to thunar02:04
Anom01ythunar is so basic its pointless02:04
dr_willisrox filer. ;)02:04
Anom01yrox filer huh02:04
dr_willisbeen around for ages. :) sort of neat in some ways.  but it depends on your needs.02:05
dr_willisused rox + jwm for ages.02:05
* setuid still uses and prefers sawfish02:06
setuidruns circles around anything else out there today02:06
julio33Hello, I'm using ubuntu 12.04 and I wanted to buy a graphic card, but I'm really afraid of that card not working, I was thinking on a GT440.02:06
julio33Any suggestion?02:06
GracenotesIs there some way to access installed/last-updated time for a given package?02:07
Gracenotesi.e. is it stored02:07
GracenotesOr... I don't suppose /var/log/apt/ is my only choice02:08
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CheBuzzCrap, my game is blacked out on WatchESPN!!02:11
CheBuzzAnybody with a Time Warner or FiOS account willing to help me out??02:12
lidarhello !!02:12
lidarCheBuzz, PPPOE isue ?02:12
CheBuzzNo, stupid network area limitation issues02:12
tkingmy laptop has webcam, but how do i turn it on without going to skype? like if i need to take a picture?02:13
lidartking, try out cheese02:14
WeThePeople1tking, search for a program in the software center02:14
lidarWeThePeople1, is WeThePeople your spy?02:15
tkinglidar is it compulsory, i think there is an inbuilt one.. bcos during installation it gave the option for me to take a picture which i did... so i am wondering if there is something out of the box02:15
WeThePeoplelidar, not yet02:15
lidartking, that was part of the installer only i "think" cheese is just a little program for taking webcam pics of yourself02:16
tkinglidar ok thanks done02:17
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tkingdoes anyone expereince same problem, when i am in dashboard i type "t" it doesnt display  any character rather than "space" or "tab"02:18
tkinglike when am trying to search something from lence02:18
tkingi cant type "ate" rather i get "a   t"02:19
tkingsorry i cant type "ate" rather i get "a   e"02:19
lidartking, i never noticed and i cant check right now im tied to an inferior OS to run my company aircard02:22
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histolidar: what kind of aircard is it?02:29
histotking: not here02:29
lidarhisto, usb551L from verizon02:29
daemonhey all is there a telmplate init.d file I can nick from anywhere02:30
daemonneed it for a perl daemon02:30
histolidar: have you just tried using network manager and configure the device?02:30
lidarhisto, yeah it sees it as a wired network card02:31
histolidar: okay vzaccessmanager is needed to trigger the link with that modem I guess. If check out vzam.net they have it there in the enterprise section. VZW techsupport should be able to give you credentials to get to the download.02:32
lidarhisto, it just disconnects every 5 seconds or so tried all the settings i could find ect. ect. there is a new driver out for win7 however ndiswrapper wont work with it02:32
lidarhisto, i never called i guess it may be worthwhile02:33
histolidar: yeah I would always try but you may have to go through several people to get someone that knows what linux actually is02:33
lidarhisto, i would still have to dual boot due to some specialized software i need for work however if the aircard worked i could use linux 90% of the time instead like 20% i am now02:34
histolidar: also found this http://johnmeister.com/old-cs/LINUX/v620-SUSE/VZAccessManagerLinuxInstallationGuide.pdf02:34
histolidar: that device on verizons page shows support for linux so i'm not sure why VZW is blocking everyone but corpo users from the info.02:35
lidarhisto, yeah its out there somewhere!02:35
histolidar: the other option is a cell modem router that you plug that device into and share it's connection.02:36
lidarhisto, yeah i was gonna stop at vz store and see if there is one that would use my sim card02:37
Mult1tabSЭто русскоязычный сервер ирки ?)02:37
lidarhisto, they are about 250 to buy them out right then i could connect laptop ipod ect. ect. would be nice02:38
lidarMult1tabS, can you type english ?02:38
Mult1tabSRussia language ))02:40
Mult1tabSno speak english(02:40
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bkc_!ru | multipass02:42
ubottumultipass: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.02:42
bkc_ooh sorry02:43
multipasso lol02:44
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xckpd7can I get some help? I can't ping on my remote Ubuntu box02:45
xckpd7but I can ping google.com02:46
histoxckpd7: how are you connected to the remote ubuntu box?02:46
xckpd7histo: ssh02:46
histoxckpd7: can you ping other ips like
xckpd7yeah... basically some stuff isn't responding, some stuff is02:47
xckpd7I'm not getting a response for
pepperjackyou dont live in china do you ;)02:47
histoxckpd7: sounds like a internet issue location wise not necessarily something wrong02:47
histoxckpd7: yeah do you live in china?02:47
xckpd7pepperjack: the box is in uk... but it's just some dedicated02:48
histoxckpd7: or should say is the remote box in china or a country that filters internet02:48
xckpd7and I don't see why google.com would work but woudln't02:48
histoxckpd7: you could route the remote boxes web traffic through your box with ssh if it's an issue right now. but most likely something is wrong in that region for the time being.02:48
xckpd7histo: sure? because I just got the box... figured it was user error02:49
xckpd7histo: thought it might be because of resolve.conf02:49
xckpd7or maybe something I did when I configured it. but that makes a little sense I guess02:49
krazyk_workanyone know how to rename an ext4 partition from windows?02:49
con-manfor reals people, why does flash act all weird and stuff? since installing 12.04 my videos are out of sync with audio or they play at 16x speed... on sites like youtube or xhamster or others... any ideas?  it was fine 11.0402:49
histoxckpd7: you could try tracepath  and you can see where it's failing along the ine02:49
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histoxckpd7: or install traceroute and use that.02:50
histocon-man: how did you install flash?  I don't experience these issues.02:50
con-manI didn't. I installed chrome from the repos but flash was not installed by me02:51
joint2kxhamster.... interesting. whats that?02:51
con-manit's part of Chrome I believe02:51
daemonhey all is it possible to untar directly from a http server02:52
daemonwithout downloading it first02:52
xckpd7histo: the traceroute: http://pastie.org/462151002:52
con-manhisto, I have other issues playing videos, every couple minutes the audio stutters for a second or so and the entire OS locks up for that duration, these are videos played either from my HDD or streamed.02:53
pepperjackdaemon: you could do wget http://host/file.tar | tar xfv -   or something02:53
lidarhisto, im on hold while the guy trys to figure out what linux is02:53
daemonah cool thank you pepperjack02:53
razaccourwould it be a good idea to install FGLRX graphics drivers or a bad idea? running 12.0402:54
razaccourI've had issues with them in the past so not really quite sure02:54
razaccourlast time I installed FGLRX drivers it chopped off the outer edges of my monitor02:55
cogdoghow do I in cmd line (I am using xfce) do thi See that root owns comm, and user group dialout has read/write access to the comm02:56
razaccourDid I show up during the sleepy time of the channel? haha02:56
cogdognormally it would be something like    -a -G comm cogdog02:57
cogdogor something02:57
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cogdogbut the group that my user should be in does not exist yet.02:58
histolidar: lol02:58
cogdogfor real? 1523 users here and nobody knows what I am talking about?02:59
robertzaccourhey yall03:00
robertzaccourWould it be a good or bad idea to install the FGLRX graphics drivers?03:00
cogdogare they blob drivers?03:01
robertzaccourcogdog: no, they're FGLRX03:01
cogdogThen I would say why not.03:01
krazyk_workI have to put casper-rw in a folder instead of root, and it is it's own partition (persistent >4 gb) how can I label it "folder/casper-rw" so that when it is mounted it stays that way, and not get's mounted as "folder_casper-rw"03:01
robertzaccourcan anyone recommend a good native shooter game? multi-player online preferred?03:02
joint2kquake live03:02
robertzaccourcogdog: thanks bro. wasn't sure, just had bad experiences with those in the past03:02
Seven_Six_Twokrazyk_work, don't use labels for that. create the "folder" folder, and then modify the entry in your fstab to mount to a subfolder03:03
ruffyencan anyone point me in the direction of a site that shows how to arrange icons that are on the systray>03:05
ruffyeni know how to 'enable' them03:05
ruffyeni have some things up there but id like to move them around03:05
krazyk_workSeven_Six_Two: in order for this setup I'm using grub 1.  So I have a line "kernel /folder/vmlinuz  boot=casper live-media-path=/folder persistent persistent-path=/folder03:05
krazyk_workSeven_Six_Two: this is a usb live distro03:05
=== DjGeCk0 is now known as ^GeCk0^
lidarhisto, im on 3rd person03:07
sexycan anyone help me?03:07
sexyim on secondlife and im getting media gstreamer thing as failed03:07
sexyi got all the gstreamer stuff installed03:07
sexyand flash of couse03:07
sexyso im wondering if im missing something or so03:08
sexyno one here to help?03:09
tbruff13Can I have some help I have an old Lubuntu 11.04 system here, and I know the password to it. I used it to login, and whenever I updated the system, and restarted I could no longer login with the password I had used03:09
kendfingerOdd. Submit bug03:10
sexyi cant even play music03:10
sexyam i missing something from ubuntu?03:10
tbruff13sexy, what is wrong03:10
sexyto get gstreamer working03:10
histolidar: Like I said good luck getting someone that understands. Those tech support people just read from books and give canned responses. It takes awhile to get a person that knows what they are doing.03:10
tbruff13try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras03:10
sexyim getting the media_gstreamer failed03:10
sexyit is installed03:10
krazyk_workSeven_Six_Two: any ideas?03:10
sexysame issue03:11
joint2kThere is good news for all GNOME users. It's official and GNOME Shell edition of Ubuntu is coming this October. GNOMEbuntu Will Be Available This October03:11
lidarhisto, we are to the point now they cant allow mer to download because its paasworded behind enterprise login03:11
sexyso anyone have any idea why its doing it03:12
zykotick9joint2k: too little, too late...03:12
pyrrhicCan anyone help me with setting up VirtualBox?03:12
lidarhi pyrrhic wb03:13
sexywow no one knows how to solve this in ubuntu03:14
sexythats a shock03:15
lowtaxhello sexy03:15
lowtaxjenny as my girlfriend03:15
zykotick9joint2k: i'm guessing ubuntu falling to #3 on distro watch had something to do with that decision...03:15
lowtaxsexy, what can i do you for?03:15
pepperjacksexy: whatever app you are running launch it from your terminal and then try to play whatever.  you see any errors in terminal?03:16
joint2kwho knows.03:16
joint2kmint is not really a threat to ubuntu03:17
Newtoubuntuive changed my default video player in the details menu yet vlc still isnt the default program when i open my video files. how can i fix this03:18
zykotick9joint2k: but mint/mageia are a big threat to canonical...03:18
joint2khow is mint a threat to canonical?03:19
ashi__do u want any help03:19
joint2kmint uses the same repos as ubuntu03:19
zykotick9joint2k: ubuntu is dieing... it's always been used by noobs, but now the noobs are looking elsewhere03:20
ashi__yes its a derivative of ubuntu03:20
sexyhere is the error03:20
joint2kwell if ubuntu dies.. then so does mint03:20
sexywhere can i post it?03:20
lidarhisto, made it to a supervisor .. they can only allow access authorized corporate account people ie the ones that can login lol03:20
sexyso i dont get booted03:20
joint2kubuntu has the most support of any distro out there03:20
pepperjack!pastebin | sexy03:21
ubottusexy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:21
gogeta1joint2k: lol acully i think mint overtook ubuntu03:21
gogeta1joint2k: but many users do hang hear for support03:21
joint2kmint is ubuntu...03:21
gogeta1joint2k: based on ubuntu03:21
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org03:21
joint2kubuntu releases a version.. a month later mint releases03:21
ashi__thats right03:22
gogeta1joint2k: but it is not ubuntu no unity there own repos03:22
sexynot sure if this is my system or not but03:23
sexyhere it is03:23
sexyif thats a secondlife issue or something im missing03:23
joint2klol. it is ubuntu and unity is in ubuntus repos, which mint uses03:23
Loopb4ckhi everyone. how can I tell if I have sata 2 or 3 on my laptop?03:23
zykotick9joint2k: with your logic, ubuntu is debian.  it's not.03:23
uhgreenjoint2k: Mint isn't Ubuntu unless Ubuntu is Debian.03:23
gogeta1joint2k: wow you better go recheck your facts03:23
joint2kubuntu and debian are different then ubuntu and mint03:24
gogeta1joint2k: and find me a iso of mint with unity03:24
xanguaot | joint2k gogeta103:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:24
zykotick9xangua: me too ;)03:24
pyrrhiclidar: thanks. chkdsk cant repair it :/03:24
pepperjacksexy: what app is that you are using and what are you trying to play?03:25
joint2kgogeta unity is just a shell03:25
sexyand videos03:25
sexyand music03:25
Loopb4ckhow can I tell if I have sata 2 or 3 on my laptop? is there a command?03:25
sexyso is that secondlife them self or my system issue?03:25
zykotick9Loopb4ck: try "lspci | grep -i sata" from terminal03:26
joint2kif i install mate on ubuntu.. does that mean its not ubuntu anymore.. or kde?03:26
kesco Hi ,everyone.I have installed nvidia driver on ubuntu 12.04.And I find the backlight not working.How can I fix that.03:26
Loopb4ckzykotick9: 00:11.0 SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Hudson SATA Controller [AHCI mode]03:26
pepperjacksexy: if you do a command in terminal uname -r does it say x86_64?03:26
ashi__anybody how to get root user permentaly like redhat03:26
zykotick9Loopb4ck: mine shows "Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88SE6121 SATA II Controller" clearly SATA203:27
zykotick9!noroot | ashi__03:27
ubottuashi__: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.03:27
Loopb4ckzykotick9: any idea how i can find out?03:27
Loopb4ckabout sata version03:27
ashi__i want root user when i login into the pc03:27
sexyis what uname -r said03:27
zykotick9Loopb4ck: are you sure you don't have SATA1?  check the specs of the machine i guess.03:28
zykotick9ashi__: don't use ubuntu, or "it's not supported" - your choice.03:28
Loopb4ckit's a pretty new laptop03:28
zykotick9joint2k: see ashi__'s comment above... lol03:29
sartanSigh... Whatever ubuntu is doing to low leven networking needs to stop. I'm not able to manage any network interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces and udev.d rules are never triggering for my custom ethernet renaming rules. What's going on?03:30
palefrenier1234where  do igo  for   help on os  detection ^03:31
sartanI've removed network-manager (shudder) and i'm at least able to ifup an interface, but since ubuntu completely ignores udev.d there's no persistent ethernet naming between reboots. i've got 10 ethernet adapters on here and it's pretty darned random03:31
sartaneven when i put my own rules there they are completely ignored03:31
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pyrrhicAnyone experienced with virtual box?03:33
lidarpyrrhic, its simple !what do you have problems with ?03:34
zilla__hello friends03:35
bkc_pyrrhic: yes03:35
zilla__i have locked myself out of unity03:35
zilla__and startx no longer works03:35
zilla__what is the new command03:35
pyrrhici just havent used it before,  trying to repair my media NTFS partition03:35
sexyany idea pepper?03:35
zilla__you guys suck tonight03:36
gozondo i suppose to install something to get me clock update over the internet?03:40
Seven_Six_Twogozon, ntp03:45
thomedyokay quick question... im looking for a ubuntu animation software for 2d03:45
thomedyi am using blender for 3d03:45
thomedysomething solid03:46
thomedyas far as i know i cant run flash on linux to create and devel03:46
gozonSeven_Six_Two,  ntp from an outside source?03:46
Seven_Six_Twogozon, yes, there is ntp client that checks and keeps in sync03:46
Seven_Six_Twothomedy, gimp can do some animation stuff with GAP03:47
Seven_Six_Twogozon, synchronize03:47
thomedyrealylyy hmmm. let me google sync03:49
thomedyi mean gap03:49
Seven_Six_Twogozon, do you need the command to install? sudo apt-get install ntp03:49
crankharderusing 10.04 and ntp seems to have stopped working, says there are no servers that can respond to it03:49
crankhardercan that be fixed?03:49
Seven_Six_Twocrankharder, have you tried changing the server that it polls?03:50
gozonSeven_Six_Two, thanks03:50
crankharderSeven_Six_Two: i wouldn't know what to change it to and.. how come apt-get didn't do that for me?03:50
crankhardergist here: https://gist.github.com/354887803:51
Seven_Six_Twocrankharder, it may have been set based on your location. you can find lists of ntp servers here:http://www.pool.ntp.org/zone/north-america03:52
Seven_Six_Twocrankharder, are you on a desktop?03:53
crankharderwell, this is in ntp.conf:  16 server ntp.ubuntu.com03:54
palefrenier1234anyone can help me with os fingerprint   i got it but just dont to  throws it on the way03:54
crankharderdoesn't really like thos servers here: https://gist.github.com/354891403:56
crankharderoh, i bet it's iptables :/03:57
Seven_Six_Twoyou have custom rules?03:57
con-manwhere can I go for LTS support for 12.04?03:58
Seven_Six_Twohmm...as far as I know, it's still in here03:58
Seven_Six_Twopalefrenier1234, using nmap?04:00
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lidarpyrrhic, sup04:19
sartansugh =( s04:19
sartantupid ubuntu.04:19
pyrrhiclidar, mind giving me a hand with virtualbox?04:20
qualiaWhat's the fastest way to review the RGB color list of X in RXvt ?04:20
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qualiaWhat's the fastest way to review the RGB color list of X in RXvt ?04:21
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lidarpyrrhic, ah pm but ill asnwer im doing a lil data processing04:21
qualiasorry for accidental repetition04:21
lidarpyrrhic, answer slow04:21
dgroganin gnome2, if you try to drag one window next to another one, there is a pause when their edges meet so that you can align them perfectly.  What is that behavior called?  Can I get it in unity?04:23
Gary_inNYCI see that 12.04.1 is out and available from upgrade.  I have a non PAE laptop (Thinkpad T40).  If I install this upgrade, will it kill my laptop?04:24
Gary_inNYCAny thoughts what will happen if I install this latest point release on an old laptop that is non PAE?04:29
naildecaGary_inNYC I used the update manager to upgrade to 12.04 on my laptop with a celeron M  It upgraded to a non-pae kernal and it works04:31
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Gary_inNYCwill it upgrade to non pae kernel automatically?04:32
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Gary_inNYCok ty naildeca04:33
JokesOnYou77Hi all, I swapped a hard drive with Ubuntu 11.10 into a different machine and the LAN prt isn't working.  Can anyone tell me how to load and install the drivers i need?  Maybe from the CD?04:34
thomedyi am a web dev... and im digging in even further than i was before i have heard of floss aps to do flash dev on ubuntu04:34
thomedyhow can i get these floss thingys04:35
JokesOnYou77thomedy: do you know how to install software in Ubuntu? I'm not a flash dev (I like HTML5) but if it's out there there's a good chance it's in the software center04:37
lcchi. I'm getting an error when running alsamixer on xmonad launched from startx: cannot open mixer: No such file or directory. any ideas of how I can resolve this?04:37
JokesOnYou77lcc: maybe try and run it from terminal with -v and see if it gives you anything else?04:38
lccthe -v flag doesn't exist.04:39
kanupatarhi guys, where can I find the mount command implementation in linux04:41
JokesOnYou77kanupatar: man mount04:43
kanupatarJokesOnYou77: nope..i want to see the log04:43
JokesOnYou77kanupatar: ahhh...that I don't know :P04:44
JokesOnYou77lcc: you are indeed correct. This is a bit of a copout, but what about reinstalling alsamixer?04:45
JokesOnYou77 I swapped a hard drive with Ubuntu 11.10 into a different machine and the LAN prt isn't working.  Can anyone tell me how to load and install the drivers i need?  Maybe from the CD?04:46
c_nickI wanted to securely download a youtube video ? Can i do so from the command line ?04:46
lccJokesOnYou77: no, it works on gnome.04:46
lccjust not i3 or xmonad04:46
dgroganJokesOnYou77:  what does dmesg |grep eth0 say04:47
AssHamsterhi :)04:50
JokesOnYou77dgrogan: b44 ssb0:0: eth0: Broadcom 44xx/47xx 10/100BaseT Ethernet 00:...rest of MAC (new line) udevd[345]: renamed network interface eth0 to eth104:51
dgroganJokesOnYou77: I have no idea what the problem is, but the rename line is weird. Also, what do you mean "doesn't work"? What does ifconfig say?  That might give you hints04:53
kanupatarI am getting this error while mounting , "mount: mounting /dev/cdrom on /mnt/cdrom failed: Invalid argument"  I have given like mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom04:53
JokesOnYou77dgrogan: ifconfig -a lists it properly. but the network is unreachable.  I04:54
JokesOnYou77I'm actually beginning to suspect that I've overlooked something basic in my own router settings :/04:54
utvCan someone tell me how to get a new sdk for my graphics card?05:02
lidarutv, as in your going to code soemthing for it ?05:03
utvwell, my computer is not recognizing it05:04
utvI have two graphics cards, but my computer only recognizes one....and it seems all the drivers and updates are installed05:04
RipresaTecnhehe your operating system isnt recognizing it :P if comp isnt then you got hardware problem hehe05:04
lidarutv is your computer one that has nvidia and intel cards ?05:05
utvit has AMD05:05
utvRadeon cards05:06
utvATI *05:06
lidarutv: a desktop ?05:06
lidarutv: you need to install fglirx05:06
utvlidar = when i tried to, my computer said the instillation failed05:07
cowsquadam I in the ubuntu channel?05:08
lidarutv: you see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:08
cowsquadokay, I am new to ubuntu, and I would love to know what window manager people uses?05:09
cowsquadany thoughts?05:09
RipresaTecnfluxbox here but i dont recommend if your new05:09
cowsquadSo, fluxbox removes replaces unity, right?05:09
lidarfluxbox as well \05:09
RipresaTecnwell ir can replace05:10
lidarcowsquad: you would be happeir with lxde or xfce probably05:10
cowsquadAm i able to use fluxbox with compiz?05:10
RipresaTecnthere both wm can only have one at a time05:10
RipresaTecnyou can have compiz with lxde however05:10
RipresaTecnor xfce05:10
cowsquadlidar, I tried kde but it looks like windows lol. I dont like windows nor do I like apple lol05:11
lotuspsychjelidar: nomodeset wasnt an option for me, cause compiz doesnt work anymore05:11
lotuspsychjelidar:ill learn to live with the square mouse pointer lol05:11
lidarcowsquad: install xfce and try it05:12
lidarlotuspsychje: ah the lil things in life05:12
cowsquadso, to the fluxbox users, what is so cool about it?05:12
RipresaTecnif you didnt know unity also uses compiz so you can have wobbly windows and such05:12
RipresaTecnits lightweight and greatly customizable05:12
RipresaTecnand very stable05:13
lidarcowsquad: i actually kind of like unity .. however its not for weak systems for sure05:13
cowsquadripresaTech, yeah I already have compiz on my ubuntu.05:13
RipresaTecnyah im not much of a fan of eycandy05:13
cowsquadlidar, so what do you consider a weak system?05:14
RipresaTecnid take windowmaker over compiz lol05:14
cowsquadI agree with you ripresatechn, but i like the windows animation lol05:14
lidarcowsquad: less than 2 gigs of ram05:14
cowsquadok lidar,05:15
lidarusing fluxbox i was able to get ubuntu down to 213mb of ram usage05:17
cowsquadlidar, so do you think that compiz eats ram like crazy?05:17
lidarcowsquad: yeah running unity ... my ram usage is 500mb05:18
AnDsOneed a little help on installing snmpd05:18
lidar!ask | AnDsO05:19
ubottuAnDsO: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:19
cowsquadlidar, Do you know but any change how to get to work mtp on ubuntu. Like I want to connect my android galaxy nexus and transfer file, but for some reason, ubuntu does not detect my device05:20
AnDsOi installed snmpd but no port is opend for it any one please help :)05:20
lidarcowsquad: can you change the usb mode on the nexus ?05:20
cowsquadMy bad, it does detect my device, but i wont let me see any files05:20
lidarAnDsO: sudo iptables -F will disable any firewall rules \05:21
cowsquadThat is the issue lidar, galazy nexus doesnt have usb mode anymore, it uses mtp or ptp05:21
AnDsOi disabled firewall by disabling ufw05:22
cowsquadSo the only choices that i have is mtp, which obviously does not work on any linux distro. Ptp works, but it would only access pictures05:23
lidarcowsquad: install mtpfs and mtp-tools05:23
cowsquadthat is why i am trying to search on google. it seems like a mess :)05:24
lidarseems silly05:25
AnDsOi am getting message starting snmpd but ports  are not opening and also i can see any process running :S05:26
lidarwhere is a good place to post screen shots05:26
scriscuse me, is it best to use crontab -e to set up cronjobs or place scripts in the cron.<time> directories?05:28
jalexandruHi, by mistake I erased all my users from ubuntu 12.04, now when I open the computer I get a guest login that comes back to the login screen and a "login" where it asks me for the username and password but non of the ones that worked won't do anything, anybody knows a solution?05:29
scrijobs for root, that is05:29
lidarhere it is my awesome desktop! http://i.imgur.com/1fjlO.png05:29
scrijalexandru: login as root, and make sure the users' directories still exist05:29
smwjalexandru, how did you erase the users?05:29
lidarjalexandru: use a live cd/usb stick and fix it !05:29
smwjalexandru, I would normally boot into single user mode and fix it05:30
RipresaTecnwindows ?05:30
smwlidar, no cd needed05:30
smwjalexandru, when grub boots up, you need to add "single" to the kernel parameters05:30
smwjalexandru, then it will give you the command line as root05:30
smwyou can make modifications such as adding a user or allowing login as root05:31
smwjalexandru, http://askubuntu.com/questions/132965/how-do-i-boot-into-single-user-mode-from-grub05:32
jalexandruthanks guys, will try and report back ...05:32
lidarRipresaTecn: yeah have to use it for gps data porocessing and my aircard right the minute05:32
JokesOnYou77Problem solved!  If there's anyone else here who needs to configure a new NIC on a headless system just add a new entry to /etc/network/interfaces  :-)05:33
lidarim in my inlaws "winter" home the internet is turned off05:33
RipresaTecnjust wondered it looked like ubuntu but the icons and the taskbar made me think it was windows but if thats windows it makes it all the more nicer05:34
RipresaTecnmuch more difficult to customize05:34
loxetyjust installed 12.04 last night, boy has Ubuntu changed since 10.0405:35
RipresaTecnyes it has.. for the better imho05:36
RipresaTecnhey is there a way to hide the login and logout messages05:38
loxetythe only thing I dont care for is the lack of a task bar05:40
tnmHellow! What are the best options for ext4 partition in fstab?05:40
lidarloxety: did you install myunity ?05:41
dwakarlidar: so you can hide taskbar with myunity?05:42
lidarloxety: its better than boys town in mexico ;)05:42
loxetyI also installed Tint205:43
lidardwakar: no but you can tweak abunch of things about unity05:43
loxetythat solved the problem05:43
RipresaTecnshouldnt make diff between ubuntu and arch https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fstab05:43
RipresaTecnbut you just need defaults,noatime05:43
venkatesh_how to upgrade thunderbird in my ubuntu05:44
RipresaTecnvenkatesh_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable05:47
RipresaTecnvenkatesh_: sudo apt-get update05:47
RipresaTecnvenkatesh_: sudo apt-get upgrade05:47
RipresaTecnthat will get you latest prepackaged thunderbird release05:48
lidarsoo how soon will i be able to install ubuntu on my ipod05:52
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glassresistorinstalling ubuntu12.04 server on a machine with a ssd and hdd, im putting / and swap on an encrypted LVM with home,tmp, and data on the hdd05:57
glassresistorim looking at mount options and typical usage on the ssd any advice?05:57
RipresaTecnglassresistor: why do you want root encrypted but home not?05:57
glassresistorand should the ssd be ext2-405:57
glassresistorRipresaTecn: home with be encrypted user by user05:58
RipresaTecnahh gotcha05:58
david_if I installed cinnamon will I get duplicate programs in Ubuntu. Like two gedits for example?05:58
glassresistori want logs, etc. and OS stuff on something that can't be altered without my knownledge, or people being able to read the lgos05:59
glassresistordavid_: whats cinnamon? but probably not if its a desktop or something05:59
RipresaTecnyoull get two gedit like applications i do believe05:59
RipresaTecnas they develed there own05:59
RipresaTecnbut it wont install the same program twice06:00
glassresistorRipresaTecn: but yeah i forgot what mount options options ssds liked06:00
glassresistorand if I should switch typical usage to large so it writes to disk less often06:00
david_and if I dont like it I can use synaptic to completlty remove it and all its apps without messing up my Unity?06:00
RipresaTecnshould david_06:01
david_k thx06:02
glassresistorbig question for old ssd ext2/3/4 w or w/o journal?06:06
priteshhow can i open password protected terminal, means on clicking terminal, first asks for the password06:06
RipresaTecnprobably w/o it would write less saveing some write cycles of the ssd06:07
RipresaTecnenter root password or user password06:07
glassresistorso ext2 then? ext3 and 4 requires06:07
glassresistorand for my data/home is XFS or ext4 more setup for doc-movie sized files?06:08
RipresaTecnnot sure on that question sorry06:09
RipresaTecnwow i just looked it up for my own knowledge and it looks xfs is better for larger files and fragment less06:10
RipresaTecngrrr keep replaceing well with wow need to go to bed06:11
glassresistoryeah i keep going back nad forth06:11
glassresistorgrew up on resiser and never really trusted ext2 and 3/4 becuase of that legacy06:11
glassresistorwhen btfs is ready ill just go to that06:11
glassresistorreally wish zfs had been implemented on linux06:12
lotuspsychjeglassresistor: whats wrong with ext4?06:12
jivoraHi I want to install Dummynet for ubuntu. Pl help me with this. Dummynet was developed only for BSD based oses. Am not finding much info for ubuntu.06:12
glassresistorlotuspsychje: nothing really its just religious ext2 dropped so much data and i always wanted to stay on the rieser path but he had to go to jail and all06:13
glassresistorbut at this point things like zfs and btfs are just so far ahead of the curve as soon as btfs works with fscheck and is repairable im switching over06:14
lotuspsychjejivora: you like iptables?06:17
jivoralotuspsychje.. I do but i need something for controlling traffic.. I mean the download and upload speeds etc. I used tc with netem but looks like Dummynet is a better choice.06:18
lotuspsychjejivora: maybe there are other alternatives, what exaclty dummynet does?06:19
newbyehello all06:19
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lotuspsychjenewbye: ask your question mate06:20
newbyecould you help me with this error pls ? "ssh /bin/bash no such file or directory"06:20
pyrrhicSo dead in here.06:20
jivoralotuspsychje : It simulates web traffic. Allows me to provide latency , packet drops control upload download etc.. i did a bit of search and Dummynet is something tried and tested06:20
lotuspsychjejivora: bandwith monitor or packet inspector?06:21
newbyesorry, when I get the error when I try to connect with ssh06:21
lotuspsychje!ssh | newbye06:21
ubottunewbye: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:21
lotuspsychjejivora: you could use wireshark for packet inspection06:22
newbyethnx ubottu but until yesterday it worked...06:22
lotuspsychjejivora: or snort for security analyzing06:22
newbyesomething is corrupted06:22
jivoralotuspsychje. I need to control my bandwidth. i am not sure if wireshark or snort will allow me to do that.06:23
lotuspsychje!info bmon | jivora06:24
ubottujivora: bmon (source: bmon): portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-3 (precise), package size 42 kB, installed size 180 kB06:24
lotuspsychjejivora: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html06:24
Aman_i am blankon user06:25
lotuspsychje!info trickle | jivora06:25
ubottujivora: trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-9build1 (precise), package size 42 kB, installed size 180 kB06:25
jivoralotuspsyxhje : thanks . let me check these out .06:26
lotuspsychje!info wondershaper | jivora06:27
ubottujivora: wondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-6 (precise), package size 14 kB, installed size 76 kB06:27
pyrrhicAnyone experienced with VirtualBox on 12.04?06:30
somsip1pyrrhic: a little06:30
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.06:31
jalexandruHi, I have ubuntu 12.04, I want to enable mod_rewrite, got error, checked the modules it seems that mod_rewrite is missing from all my modules folders, what can I do?and how?an info/link to tutorial will be appreciated06:31
pyrrhicsomsip: how do i enable vt-x/amd-v06:31
newbyecould you help me with this error pls ? when I try to log in via ssh I get "/bin/bash no such file or directory"06:31
smwjalexandru, sudo a2enmod rewrite06:31
smwpyrrhic, that is done in your computer's BIOS06:32
pyrrhickk ty brb06:32
lotuspsychjenewbye: type the full command how you try to ssh plz06:32
smwpyrrhic, it normally is an option that mentions "virtualization"06:32
pyrrhicgonna go look06:32
jalexandrusmw: that was easy, thank you so much ...06:32
smwjalexandru, :-)06:32
newbyeI use putty till yesterday and it worked... anyway if I try also to "ssh localhost" it ask for password and then the error..06:33
smwnewbye, what error?06:34
lotuspsychjenewbye: are you sure ssh server is up and running?06:34
newbyehow can I verify it ?06:34
newbyeI made no change to my linux box06:35
lotuspsychjesmw: newbye: when I try to log in via ssh I get "/bin/bash no such file or directory"06:35
smwnewbye, nc localhost 2206:35
glassresistorim having this issue, i think it has something to do with sata and two harddrives, just installed ubuntu on an ssd with/ and swap on an encrypted lvm and /home on a uncrypted no lvm on an hdd06:35
smwlotuspsychje, that sounds very very bad06:35
glassresistorinstall went fine on reboot says it can't find the operating sytem06:35
smwlotuspsychje, do you have access to the computer?06:35
smwpyrrhic, success?06:36
newbyeok I try06:36
pyrrhicsmw, yep06:36
glassresistoris there something i don't know about getting the mobo to look at the correct hd on boot?06:36
lotuspsychjesmw: its not my issue mate, its for newbye06:36
pyrrhicsmw, changed virtualization to enabled from disabled. lol06:36
smwpyrrhic, yep06:36
lotuspsychjeglassresistor: did you change bios setting for ssd?06:36
smwnewbye, ls -l /bin/bash06:36
smwnewbye, what happens?06:36
newbyeit is stucked to first command nc06:37
pyrrhicThanks, smw.06:37
AnDsOhow can i set up snmp login when i  try to execute check_snmp_load.pl returns 'put login info'06:37
smwnewbye, did that show anything?06:37
smwnewbye, did it show a line about openssh?'06:37
smwnewbye, it will stay open forever if you let it06:38
newbyeroot@ubuntu:~# nc localhost 22 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.8p1 Debian-7ubuntu1  Protocol mismatch.06:38
newbyeah ok06:38
smwnewbye, sweet, exit that terminal and run ls -l /bin/bash06:38
newbyeso that's normal06:38
smwnewbye, before I did not know the error06:38
smwnewbye, yes, perfectly good06:38
AnDsO how can i set up snmp login when i  try to execute check_snmp_load.pl returns 'put login info'06:39
lotuspsychje!patience | AnDs006:39
ubottuAnDs0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:39
newbyesmw: root@ubuntu:~# ls -l /bin/bash -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 916692 2011-05-18 11:54 /bin/bash06:39
smwnewbye, looks good06:39
smwnewbye, so can you tell me the error again?06:40
lotuspsychje!snmp > lotuspsychje06:40
smwwhat happens when you try to ssh?06:40
newbyesmw: "/bin/bash no such file or directory"06:40
smw!msgthebot > lotuspsychje06:40
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message06:40
AnDsOty dude06:40
smwnewbye, not sure then06:41
smwnewbye, /bin/bash obviously exists, did you modify your sshd?06:41
newbyenot at all06:41
somsipnewbye: what user are you logging in as? Or do you not get that far?06:41
lotuspsychjenewbye: firewall or router changed?06:41
AnDsO how can i set up snmp login when i  try to execute check_snmp_load.pl returns 'put login info'06:42
pyrrhicsmw, think i can repair a corrupt ntfs partition with win7 in vbox?06:42
somsipnewbye: usually not allowed by default in /etc/ssh/config.sshd or whatever it's called. Try logging in as a normal user06:42
smwpyrrhic, the corrupt ntfs partition is actually in vbox?06:42
newbyewell but I log in always as root... so something changed06:43
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | pyrrhic06:43
ubottupyrrhic: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1 (precise), package size 516 kB, installed size 1209 kB06:43
somsipnewbye: erk. Oh well. Worth a try06:43
smwlotuspsychje, that only remakes the partition table, right?06:43
lotuspsychjesmw: testdisk can do few cool tricks fix mbr and stuff too06:44
smwlotuspsychje, it has stuff to fsck ntfs?06:44
lotuspsychjesmw: lemme check06:44
AnDsO how can i set up snmp login when i  try to execute check_snmp_load.pl returns 'put login info'06:44
lotuspsychjeAnDs0:stop repeating your question too often mate06:45
pyrrhicsmw, no06:45
newbyesmw: permit root login is set to yes06:45
pyrrhicsmw, i had windows 7 before ubuntu 12.04 ; got rid of it and had a media partition thats NTFS06:45
pyrrhictrying to repair it.06:45
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smwpyrrhic, wait, so you overwrote your entire disk with linux and want to recover the partition?06:46
newbyesmw: I see this line at the end that sounds strange : "Match User root ChrootDirectory /home/angola/cucm_bkup "06:46
smwnewbye, heh, that is what I was thinking, you have a chroot06:47
lotuspsychjesmw: its got all kinds of interesting repair stuff inside06:47
smwnewbye, but you said you never edited sshd, so I dropped it06:47
smwlotuspsychje, you may want to council pyrrhic on this. I am not well versed with recovery06:48
glassresistorlotuspsychje: thats actually whats confusing me06:48
smwnewbye, remove that line, should work then06:48
pyrrhicsmw, no smw. I had a separate partition for media all on the same drive.06:48
glassresistorlotuspsychje: with sata how do i define the boot disk?06:48
lotuspsychjepyrrhic: you sure can get your data back from ntfs partition with photorec06:48
newbyesorry I wanted to say that months ago when I installed my linuxbox I change sshd config in order to get access by root but not changed anymore after that06:48
smwpyrrhic, is the partition still there?06:48
pyrrhicsmw, yes it's just corrupt06:49
newbyesmw: sorry I wanted to say that months ago when I installed my linuxbox I change sshd config in order to get access by root but not changed anymore after that06:49
pyrrhicsmw, i was resizing it in gparted and the power went out06:49
smwpyrrhic, ok, this is beyond my knowledge06:49
smwpyrrhic, ouch, that is bad luck06:49
pyrrhicsmw, yep. just a surge.\06:49
newbyesmw: which line ? Match User root or ChrootDirectory /home/angola/cucm_bkup ?06:50
smwnewbye, these are separate lines?06:50
Dan39oo im still in #ubuntu :D sweet06:50
newbyeyes two lines06:50
newbyesmw: yes two lines06:50
smwnewbye, can you pastebin the entire file please?06:50
somsippyrrhic: have you tried some any of these solutions: http://nitinpant.hubpages.com/hub/Repair-Partition-Table http://superuser.com/questions/275086/damaged-ntfs-partition-by-gparted06:50
newbyesmw: yes of course, one moment06:51
Dan39ok so i add noatime to my /home partition in fstab and unmount then mount -a, but when i do mount it shows it with relatime...06:51
lidarhmm wasnt noatime deprecated06:52
Dan39im not sure06:52
somsiplidar: assumed in defaults now innit?06:52
pyrrhicsomsip, neither. im installing windows on a VM now though06:52
pyrrhiclidar, sup bro?06:52
Dan39i dont see a need for it on my /home partition tho06:52
somsippyrrhic: ok - worth a try06:52
lidarnada themeing!06:53
glassresistorlets say i have 3 sata harddrives, how do i differentate which is the one to boot from?06:53
Dan39isnt that in the BIOS...06:53
newbyesmw: pasted, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177271/plain/06:53
k1lglassresistor: the first in boot order will bott first06:54
somsippyrrhic: Another linked from a successful solution in 6/2012 http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk06:54
glassresistorDan39: probalby im just dumb its a Gibabyte mother board06:54
smwnewbye, it wants me to login06:54
smwnewbye, how about using fpaste.org? :-)06:54
glassresistork1l: i mean boot order is like hd cdrom etc.06:54
k1lglassresistor: most mainboards boot from sata port1 to sata port X06:54
glassresistori look at the sata page and its like master 1 slave 1 masther 2 slave 206:55
pyrrhicsomsip, test disk doesnt work for me06:55
newbyesmw: sorry I am new06:55
k1lglassresistor: master /slave was ide06:55
smwnewbye, no problem06:55
somsippyrrhic: just bored and looking for solutions. I'll stop now...06:55
glassresistork1l: im just saying what the screen says06:55
smwnewbye, fpaste I don't think is used often here, it is just my favorite ;-)06:55
pyrrhicsomsip, you're fine i appreciate the help06:55
glassresistorits definately sata hthough06:55
lidarpyrrhic: i think you should download new porn and forget about that ntfs drive!06:56
pyrrhiclidar, it's 90% music06:56
pyrrhic10% movies06:56
somsippyrrhic: remind me - you resized a large NTFS into a ext3/4 and NTFS, but didn't defrag first and a flying car took out your power halfway through06:56
glassresistorif i remove the home hdd it boots but fails for reasons due to lack of home and other folder06:56
k1lglassresistor: the bios looks out for a bootloader on the first sata port, then the 2nd sata port etc. get that sorted out06:56
newbyesmw: fpaste told me "You might have reached the 512KiB limit!"06:57
pyrrhicsomsip, resized a smaller ntfs into a large one and while it was going a car went airborne and hit a transformer down the road. yes.06:57
lidarglassresistor: boot single user and create a /home directgory06:57
somsippyrrhic: what other partitions were on the drives - multiple NTFS or a mix of fs?06:58
lidarglassresistor: or from a live cd06:58
smwnewbye, try again06:58
smwnewbye, that happens sometimes XD06:58
glassresistorlidar: i mean the home dir is on a harddrive i removed to get it to boot06:58
glassresistorultimately id like to add this back06:58
newbyesmw: Paste #222843 by newbye06:59
glassresistori've got the shel open updating apt-get ironically06:59
glassresistorall working just no 2nd hard drive06:59
corsairwhich key I've to press to show the GRUB on startup?06:59
hateballcorsair: hold down shift06:59
smwnewbye, url?07:00
corsairhateball, thanks07:00
goddardIs less settings a design philosphy for Ubuntu?07:00
newbyesmw: many thanks, removed that line NOW it works !!!!07:00
smwnewbye, sweet07:00
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newbyeguys you are GREAT07:01
newbyesee u people ^^07:01
pyrrhicI have one hard drive07:01
pyrrhicI have a swap area07:01
pyrrhicthe NTFS media portion and, ubuntu 12.04 LTS07:01
glassresistorseems like if works but only if i have only one operating system on the computer, oh shit ok its failing to load the hdd then finds the ssd07:02
Dan39hmm googling is not showing up anything useful about noatime deprecated07:02
somsipnewbye: pyrrhic you tried <shudder> chkdsk /r /f ?07:04
rajumohquick question, what does autoremove in apt-get do, i did a autoremove some time back and it removed configuration related to my xorg, browsers and a few other things ..07:07
lidarautoremove is like russian roullet in the world of .deb packages .. never know which ones may die!07:08
gordonjcprajumoh: it removes packages marked as unused07:08
rajumohlidar: where were u when they were updating the man pages that one line would have saved me :-D07:08
rajumohgordonjcp: who does this unused marking ?07:09
rethushow can i execute pm-hibernate in 12.0407:10
rethusif i try to run, i get the message to become root to do it07:10
somsiprajumoh: If package ABC is installed and it depends on package DEF, when ABC is uninstalled, DEF is marked to be deleted by autoremove, AIUI07:11
lidarsome linux commands are like sleeping with hookers sounds like a fun idea .. until you realize what actually happened !07:12
rajumohsomsip: that's what i figured and hence i did not see the list of packages that were shown before auto remove configuration, and then it burned.. have fixed most of it though, could anyone tell me which package in kde is responsible making gnome dependent softwares kde(ish)07:13
murlidharhow can i reset an app settings? i am not able to select a disk image in usb startup disk creator in 12.0407:14
somsiprajumoh: yeah - it maybe easy to confuse automremove if packages are installed from sources other than apt-get, but I've always been ok with autoremove. I tend to install stuff, and if I don't like it, I autoremove immediately to I don't have cruft hanging aroudn my syste, . Can't help on 2nd point about KDE07:15
lidarapt-get remove foo.gnome.app .. apt is like ^%$#& lets get rid of all of gnome ! and same with kde :))07:16
lidarnot that i have ever done such a thing of course!07:17
AnDsO how can i set up snmp login when i  try to execute check_snmp_load.pl returns 'put login info'07:17
rajumohsomsip, lidar gordonjcp : thanks all , will be a bit carefull with autoremove hence forth ..07:19
rajumohdown to some googling again :-D07:19
somsipAnDsO: have you followed the Setting Up... part of this http://askubuntu.com/questions/141564/what-is-snmp-used-for ?07:20
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BahamanHi, is there any other good alternative besides Mono for C#?07:21
BahamanOn ubuntu that is.07:22
somsipBahaman: A recent opinion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=204028207:23
Bahamansomsip: Thanks07:25
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ariel__can someone tell me where on earth is the transmission located in the file system07:37
somsipariel__: /usr/bin/transmission-gtk07:37
lidarariel__: transmission is in your car not your computer !07:38
lidar!which | ariel__07:38
lidarooh there is one that needs added to ubottu !07:38
juanito_can someone tell me how to change the welcome sound on Kubuntu 12.04?07:39
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nbubuntuhi , anyhere can tell me what's the command line to show percentage sign % when moving or copying files ? In command line ?07:40
nbubuntulike we sudo apt-get update will show % sign07:40
nbubuntuhow to make mv or cp command to show % when copying/moving files07:41
nbubuntuthank you :_07:41
somsipnbubuntu: nothing in the man. Is this supported?07:41
nbubuntusomsip : nope , nothing at man for cp or even mv07:41
somsipnbubuntu: so why are you asking?07:42
nbubuntusomsip : man doesn't have = totally impossible ?07:42
juanito_Does someone know how to change the welcome sound on Kubuntu 12.04?07:48
vhdirkhi all07:49
juanito_Hi vhdirk07:50
hateballjuanito_: Head over to #kubuntu :)07:50
juanito_ok thanks07:50
juanito_I didnt think about it07:50
kriestofHi guys, I need some stuff to convert mp3 to flv and add jpg. Is there some app to do it?07:51
susundbe1gkriestof: google for "ffmpeg convert mp3 to flv" and see what it brings07:52
susundbe1goh i googled the wrong direction,07:52
LorSamPau_wi'd use youtube07:53
vhdirkhi all07:59
vhdirkanyone here an apt poweruser?07:59
baizonvhdirk: just ask you question07:59
luftikussvhdirk: Yours was no smart question.08:00
vhdirkI'm running precise, and need boost > 1.46 for some project I am working on08:01
somsipvhdirk: http://askubuntu.com/questions/61384/where-do-i-find-an-up-to-date-version-of-boost08:01
somsipvhdirk: PPA linked to in there08:01
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vhdirknow, 1.48 is in the repository, but another dependency (pcl), which has a ppa, has a dependency on libboost-<somelib>-dev (without the version number)08:03
vhdirkis there some way I can tell apt that 1.48 provides the default dev package?08:03
luftikussvhdirk: "apt pinning" can be done using Synaptic.08:04
vhdirksomsip: the comments on that article suggest that using that ppa results in a dependency hell, which is exactly what I want to avoid08:06
goddardIs less settings a design philosphy for Ubuntu?08:06
goddardwhen i say settings I mean gui configuration options08:07
somsipvhdirk: can you pin 1.46 or 1.47 to avoid the problems?08:07
sstagoddard: setting are confusing...you don't need em.  JUst be thankful for the beatiful defaults that you already have! </cynical>08:08
k1lgoddard: im sure more settings follow when the base is set right08:09
vhdirkIt seems I need to resort to compiling boost myself: liboost-random1.48-dev (for example) does not provide libboost-random-dev, so pinning won't help me I guess08:09
nbubuntusomsip : do you know any program that preserve date on modified file ?08:10
somsipnbubuntu: in what context?08:11
nbubuntusomsip : preserve file time line modified08:12
somsipnbubuntu: are you meaning when you cp or mv or something else?08:12
jarcoif I want to run a command when ubuntu start do I add it before or after the exit 0 in /etc/rc.local ?08:13
somsipjarco: before. Exit runs last and does what it says08:14
jribjarco: before (though it's probably better to not use /etc/rc.local depending on what excatly you are doing)08:14
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jarcoI figured before :)08:14
nbubuntusomsip : yep , when I mv file using mv commnd line , the time on modified is preserve but not on cut and paste using gui.But in command line I cant see the % complete08:14
jarcojrib, I just want to start concky when my system starts08:14
jribjarco: well /etc/rc.local will run it as root...08:15
jrib!startup | jarco08:15
ubottujarco: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:15
nbubuntusomsip : any program which can do the same as this  , window does have this program? http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/window-on-windows/how-do-i-use-richcopy-for-high-powered-file-copy-and-transfers/121008:15
ActionParsnipnbubuntu: sounds like a ripoff of rsync08:16
jribnbubuntu: what feature do you want exactly?08:16
jarcojrib, that explanation seems to be for gnome 3. I am running unity08:16
somsipnbubuntu: I only use mv for things like that so i can't help08:16
ActionParsnipnbubuntu: there is grsync as a GUI for it08:16
ActionParsnipjarco: Unity is a shell for Gnome308:17
ActionParsnipjarco: Unity doesn't replace Gnome, it is a shell for it08:17
jribjarco: you can run gnome-session-manager in a shell if you want08:17
jribjarco: sorry, I meant: gnome-session-properties08:17
jarcowill try08:17
jarcojrib,  seems to have worked thanks08:18
jarcoActionParsnip, Thanks. I knew that. I was just looking for the option. But I found it now thanks to jrib. Thanks for the info08:19
rax-Is this some kinda bug in apt? I run the following commands in a script but before apt-get dist-upgrade finishes the grep line kicks in and reboots the server (when the kernel is being updated)... Annoyingly it only seems to happen sometimes..08:19
rax-sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade >> /home/autopatch/patch_notes && echo "Patching complete - Checking for Kernel update.." >> /home/autopatch/patch_notes08:19
rax-# cat /home/autopatch/patch_notes |mail -s "Patch details for `date`" host@email.com08:19
rax-if grep -i -q linux-image /home/autopatch/patch_notes08:19
FloodBot1rax-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:19
ActionParsniprax-: you do know that updates are already logged..?08:20
rax-I like logging them myself though08:20
rax-http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2046544 for more info08:21
ActionParsniprax-: /var/log/dpkg.log08:21
ActionParsniprax-: why reinvent the wheel?08:21
rax-the logging issue doesn't matter really, I just need it to stop moving onto the next line before apt-get has completed08:21
ActionParsniprax-: have you asked in #bash  too?08:23
jribrax-: I would start by reading /home/autopatch/patch-notes, but yes please use the existing packages for this if you really want it to work.  If you want to just play, it's fine I guess08:23
rax-yea they tell me to ask in ubuntu support08:23
ActionParsniprax-: nice08:23
rax-jrib: Existing package? You mean the automatically apply security updates one?08:24
jribrax-: yes08:24
rax-Hmm, I don't know if it's configurable in the way I want08:24
BahamanHi, i've searched a bit and couldnt find anything. Does anyone know if i can run C# from the terminal08:25
Bahamana simpel hello world08:25
ActionParsniprax-: i just ran the 'Patching complete - Checking for Kernel update.'   looks ok to me08:25
somsipBahaman: after you compile it, yes08:25
BahamanI tried with csc /t:exe hello.cs but couldnt make it work08:25
ActionParsniprax-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/117737108:25
rax-ActionParsnip: Yea, I run the whole script (available @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2046544) and it worked on one system and not on another08:25
Bahamansomsip: im fairly new, may I ask how i would compile it? :o08:25
somsipBahaman: gcc? I have no idea really.08:26
rax-see the bottom post08:26
Bahamanwhat would gcc be?08:26
somsip!info gcc08:26
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.112ubuntu5)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 41 kB08:26
ActionParsniprax-: the OS makes a file if it needs rebooting, why not just check for the file existing?08:26
somsipBahaman: maybe something else for c++. I'm not the right person to ask08:27
gordonjcpBahaman: What exactly are you trying to do?08:27
rax-I'm pretty new at this, so if you could point me in the right direction I'll check that out08:27
ActionParsniprax-: /var/run/reboot-required08:27
ActionParsniprax-: why not just reboot after every update, then it covers all bases....08:27
rax-I was going to try another way of doing it but I don't know if it would make a difference: basically run dist-upgrade with -s then grep for kernel update, if it's there then run dist-upgrade && reboot08:28
ActionParsniprax-: good old KISS mentality08:28
Bahamangordonjcp: I simply made a C#  hello world in gedit and saved it. now im trying to 'run' it in the terminal08:28
Bahamanso I can see the output08:28
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gordonjcpBahaman: ah, I don't know much about c#08:28
somsipBahaman: oh C#? Sorry - I was being vague and thinking of C++. Ooops08:28
BahamanOh well08:29
gordonjcpBahaman: I think you need to look at mono for that08:29
helpme22HELP ME !!08:29
BahamanI was just thinking it would be possible to output simple stuff like that but then again, it's C#.....08:29
somsiphelpme22: just ask your question08:29
* Wizard throws rope at helpme22.08:29
helpme22i have natty & i don't want to relpace it08:30
helpme22it works beautifully08:30
helpme22but metacity leaks memory and it grows from 13MB to over 190MB08:30
rax-ActionParsnip: I'll check out using that file to initiate a reboot but I'm still concerned it'll check before dist-upgrade has completed, so it'll either check before the file is created and miss the reboot or the file is created early and it'll reboot anyway08:30
ThinkT510helpme22: you'll need to replace it come october08:30
helpme22mine is 1:2.30.308:30
helpme22and there is 1:2.3508:30
helpme22this is the latest version i think with the bug fix08:31
helpme22how to install it ?08:31
ActionParsniprax-: in the script, as it isn't suffixed with an ampersand, the script will be held up til the apt-get command completes08:31
helpme22this is the one comes with natty. - 1:2.30.3-0ubuntu808:31
ActionParsniphelpme22: try hitting ENTER less08:31
ActionParsniphelpme22: natty is also EOL in October, you may want to upgrade soon08:32
helpme22actionparsnip thank you for your contribution. if you know tell me08:32
gordonjcphelpme22: upgrade to 12.04 LTS08:32
helpme22again. thank you! keep your opinion for your self because i'm not going to unity08:32
ActionParsniphelpme22: is there a PPA for the newer version08:32
ActionParsniphelpme22: you don't have to use Unity08:32
ActionParsniphelpme22: a recommendation is not an opinion, lose the attitude08:32
helpme22i did alot of work on natty and i don't to upgrade. natty is 201108:32
helpme22i still use windows XP which was released in 200108:33
gordonjcpBahaman: are you getting anywhere with mono?08:33
rax-ActionParsnip: You would think so, but it's not working that way. :\08:33
helpme22so 2 yrs old and you want me to upgrade08:33
ActionParsniphelpme22: how is the support of XP anything here?08:33
ActionParsniphelpme22: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases clearly states 'October 2012'08:33
helpme22action you are asking me to upgrade each year for eacdh release. that's what you are telling me08:34
helpme22i want to use natty for at least 6+ yrs08:34
ActionParsniphelpme22: its the support of Ubuntu, Natty is dead soon08:34
ActionParsniphelpme22: it will run, you will just getzero support and zero updates08:34
helpme22i don't care!! it works and it works too well for me to upgrade08:34
helpme22how to update the metacity and stop wasting my time08:34
ikoniahelpme22: you shouldn't upgrade individual components08:34
ActionParsnip(09:32:31) ActionParsnip: helpme22: is there a PPA for the newer versio08:34
ThinkT510helpme22: drop the attitude08:35
helpme22i don't know if there is a PPA for it thats' why i'm asking08:35
ActionParsniphelpme22: did you even read my recommendation (I pasted it for you in case008:35
ActionParsniphelpme22: think you should maybe look then?08:35
ikoniahelpme22: keeping the whole OS in sync (especially around X11) is the correct way to manage any upgrade08:35
helpme22yeah my fault action08:35
helpme22thank you08:35
* ActionParsnip shrugs08:35
helpme22i think talking to a search engine will give me a better result08:35
gordonjcphelpme22: improving your attitude would give you a better result too08:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge08:36
gordonjcphelpme22: "stop wasting my time" isn't going to encourage people to help you08:36
ikoniahelpme22: just to be clear, I'm strongly advising you not to upgrade individual componets of the OS beyond the version shipped with th eOS08:36
ActionParsniphelpme22: the link there is where you should search08:36
helpme22naa.. people telling me what to do and what's right of me is the wrong attitude08:36
ikoniahelpme22: well, you came in here asking for help - so people will tell you what to do as part of the advice, if you can't handle that, you should not ask for help08:37
ActionParsniphelpme22: when it is EOL, nobody will help you with anything and you will get no security updates and such. Your call08:37
helpme22like a guy paying mortgage for 30 yrs and he couldnt handle the increase interest rates and he lost the house in a week to the bank08:37
ikoniayou are free to ignore the advice and carry on08:37
ActionParsniphelpme22: thats not similar in any way08:37
helpme22better for him to life a dignifying life paying rent and saving the rest of his money for later08:37
ikoniahelpme22: stop08:37
ThinkT510helpme22: there is a clear support timeline, if you wish to ignore that then you are on your own08:37
ikoniahelpme22: do you need any more help from this channel yes/no ?08:37
helpme22so what's good for me people !08:37
gordonjcphelpme22: upgrade to the latest LTS08:38
ikoniahelpme22: you've been told what is good options for you and you got upset08:38
ikoniahedo you need any other help/advice08:38
gordonjcpoh well08:38
MonkeyDusthelpme22  does not want help, s/he just wants attention08:38
ikoniaand it's done / over, lets move on08:38
gordonjcpanyone seen Airplane? "Chump don't want the help, chump don't get the help"08:39
BebopSteveHas anyone here replaced the boring lock screen in 12.04 with lightdm?  From what I understand it was removed because of bugs with nvidia cards and the LTS tag, but I have a "nothing special" intel onboard and would like the functionality.  I'm trying to find how to do it08:41
kriestofGuys I need some gui for avconv or ffmpeg. I'm not able to handle with ccommand line. :)08:42
BebopSteveI was browsing gnomelook to emulate the sexiness with something similar but I have had no luck08:43
Bahamangordonjcp: Yes got mono going.08:43
BahamanThe cmd was simply a bit different, that's all.08:43
somsipkriestof: a few links recent on omgubuntu eg: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/format-junkie-convert-your-media-files-to-all-the-popular-formats.html08:44
gordonjcpBahaman: cool, is it working?[3~08:44
vishalmy ubuntu software center not installing any software08:44
gordonjcpBahaman: I've not played with C# at all but I know it does work ;-)08:44
ThinkT510Bahaman: any reason you are using C# to write a hello world? there are better cross-platform languages to work with08:45
gordonjcpThinkT510: it may not be a "hello world" program08:45
Bahamangordonjcp: Yes it's working.08:45
ThinkT510gordonjcp: thats what he said earlier08:45
vishalwhy my ubuntu software center not working correctly08:45
BahamanThinkT510: I simply exploring C#, so to say :-)08:46
BebopStevevishal: try "sudo apt-get install package-name-here"  in your terminal to see if it's an issue with your system or just the software manager08:47
vishalBebopSteve: i am trying08:47
kriestofsomsip: Thats program is fine, but I need to synhronize mp3 and image in flv.08:48
vishalBebopSteve: its working fine08:48
WizardJAVA FTW!08:49
FloodBot1Wizard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:49
somsipkriestof: I guess you need some form of movie maker, then something else to convert the output to flv08:49
FlowRiserkriestof: try ffmpeg08:49
vishalBebopSteve: its working fine it installs software but not from Ubuntu Software Center08:50
kriestofFlowRiser: Yeah, but I've tried for half and hour to merge image and mp3 and I failed.08:50
kriestofIt would be easier to use some gui.08:50
FlowRiserkriestof: how many images you ahve ?08:50
kriestofonly one08:50
ThinkT510kriestof: making a vid? try openshot08:51
FlowRiserkriestof: how are you encoding the video ?08:51
kriestofI don't know. :P I've just writen something like ffmpeg -i source -i image output08:52
FlowRiserkriestof: does it give you an error08:52
FlowRiserkriestof: paste it on pastebin please08:52
BebopStevevishal:  Try reinstalling it, sudo apt-get remove software-center, sudo apt-get install software-center08:53
kriestofIt's short, I need a while and it was avconv, but I suppose it's just a newer version. I think, ffmpeg gave me similiar one.08:53
vishalBebopSteve: ok i am trying08:53
vega-_ubuntu 12.04 LTS, nvidia hardware, opensource driver, laptop with external monitor connected: use display settings to enable external monitor -> both go blank, now what?08:53
FlowRiserBebopSteve: "sudo apt-get reinstall package-name" doesn't work ? :D08:53
vega-_only option is power button after that08:54
chmacI want to create a second virtual monitor, same desktop, which I can access by VNC. How do I set that up? :-)08:54
szalvega-_: tried the proprietary driver?08:54
BebopSteveflowriser: don't mind me I'm mostly new, just have a troubleshooting mindset lol08:54
kriestofFlowRiser: incomplete frametime=846.68 bitrate= 196.9kbits/s     Error while decoding stream #0:008:54
vishalBebopSteve: Its installing that software center08:54
vega-_szal: yes, it works. but so did this one, not anymore though (after i used it without the external for some time)08:55
FlowRiserkriestof: wait a second, i'm gonna give you what worked for me using ffmpeg08:55
vishalBebopSteve: plz help me out i am newbie at ubuntu and i don't want to swith to windows 7 again just because of software center08:55
ActionParsnipvega-_: are there any shortcut buttons to switch the outputs?08:55
ActionParsnipvishal: install synaptic then......08:56
BebopStevevishal: You can also install the lubuntu package manager if reinstalling didn't work, it isn't as fancy but gets the job done08:56
vega-_ActionParsnip: on the actual laptop? yes i suppose there are08:56
ActionParsnipvega-_: tried that?08:56
chmacSeems like maybe xdmx is one approach, but it may require a little tweaking to set up...08:56
vega-_ActionParsnip: nope, didn't think of it... will now08:56
rollitupi have been using 12.04 since last 4 months and sinc the past two weeks i keep getting alot of Ubuntu 12.04 has ocurred an erro and system error etc08:57
rollitupis there a fix for this08:57
vega-_ActionParsnip: ok now the external woke up, but in clone mode and horrible resolution08:57
somsiprollitup: details of the errors?08:57
ActionParsnipvega-_: then tweat the settings08:57
somsip!pastebin | rollitup08:57
ubotturollitup: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:57
BebopStevevishal: Tell it to show more details while installing something (the ubuntu software center) it might give clues as to what is broken08:57
BebopSteveHas anyone here replaced the boring lock screen in 12.04 with lightdm?  From what I understand it was removed because of bugs with nvidia cards and the LTS tag, but I have a "nothing special" intel onboard and would like the functionality.  I'm trying to find how to do it08:58
ActionParsnipvega-_: tweak08:58
rollitupwhere could i find the errors, the error messages are like this system error ocurred and then it gives me a choice to report but when i click on it it gives me a message that says Ubuntu 12.04 has ocurred an error08:58
vega-_ActionParsnip: ... and it worked, thanks!08:58
ActionParsnipvega-_: sweet08:58
ActionParsnipBebopSteve: i don't really pay attention to the look of such trivial things as lock screens, I'm too concerned with unlocking my OS and getting on with stuff08:59
rollitupalso when i do sudo apt-get upgrade some repositories fail to update let me share the output08:59
ActionParsniprollitup: not all PPAs support Precise :)08:59
FlowRiserkriestof: ok, so try this first: ffmpeg -r 20 -i <input> <output>08:59
BebopSteveactionparsnip: I can empathize, but I'm shallow and like things to be pretty :p09:00
FlowRiserkriestof: the main thing is that -r 2009:00
FlowRiserkriestof: when i used ffmpeg i had some decoding problems09:00
FlowRiserkriestof: make sure you have the decoding software up-to-date09:00
kriestofFlowRiser: Porbably I dont. "Option framerate not found. "09:01
rollituphttp://pastebin.com/Q1yXKXA5 could someone tell me if its worth deleting these ppa's ?09:01
BebopSteveI will google onward09:01
ActionParsniprollitup: if you can pastebin the full output of:  sudo apt-get update; lsb_release -a     we can advise09:01
ActionParsniprollitup: that paste doesn't tell us much09:02
FlowRiserkriestof: search on how to get the latest ffmpeg09:02
FlowRiserkriestof: that should probably solve your problems09:02
kriestofok, thanks09:02
FlowRiserkriestof: but i warn you, it may involve downloading source code; it may not be the fastest way09:03
FlowRiserkriestof: make sure you have available space on your hdd09:03
BebopSteveI found this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/878836  But if someone would be so kind and PM me to help me understand what information all those rows are conveying I would be very appreciative09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878836 in Light Display Manager "Unity Greeter - Use Unity Greeter to fulfil lock screen as well as login functions" [High,In progress]09:03
kriestofI have09:04
rollituphere the pastie with full output http://pastie.org/462817609:04
FlowRiserI've just downloaded a library (using sudo apt-get install liblightdm) how can i see what's in it ?09:06
nbubuntuActionParsnip jrib : Really sorry for the late reply , was away just now .The feature I wanted is just to preserve the modified time when transfering files.If I use mv in command line , the modified time for a folder is preserve.But when I use cut and paste fora folder , the modified time get updated.Only happen on Folder moving ntfs partition09:06
ActionParsniprollitup: http://ppa.launchpad.net/cscarney/unity-web-place/ubuntu/dists/    for example doesn't support Precise09:06
rollitupso should i remove it ?09:06
ActionParsniprollitup: http://ppa.launchpad.net/cscarney/unity-web-place/ubuntu/dists09:06
ActionParsniprollitup: yes, its no use to you09:06
ActionParsniprollitup: jsevi83 one doesn't even exist now09:07
ActionParsniprollitup: http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubun-tor/ppa/ubuntu/dists/    no Precise there...09:07
Perry_hi everyone!09:07
Perry_hi guys! i need some help09:10
MonkeyDustPerry_  start with a question09:10
Perry_Init.d script works when run manually, but not on reboot with ubuntu 12.04 server09:11
ActionParsniprollitup: can you see how I checked with the links from your pastebin?09:11
Perry_same scripts..same configuration…on ubuntu 9 server works09:11
MonkeyDustPerry_  there's also a channel #ubuntu-server09:11
Perry_ok..thank u09:11
rollitupyes ActionParsnip09:11
rollitupi am removing it09:12
mshadlecan someone help? i'm getting this "configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables." when trying to compile PHP. i have a compiler and probably all the other possible libraries ever, i've installed everything that's on another machine and it still is being stubborn. i compiled another package just fine. but this one isn't working09:12
ActionParsniprollitup: you can now check yourown in future :)09:12
gluesimonhas anyone already tried http://pecl.php.net/package/trader ?09:13
FlowRisermshadle, what compiler are you using ?09:13
[twisti]hi, when logging in, i get this:09:13
[twisti]*** /dev/md2 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***09:13
[twisti]*** /dev/md1 will be checked for errors at next reboot ***09:13
[twisti]but i rebooted a few times already09:14
[twisti]will those now be checked for error every reboot ? why ?09:14
andycc[twisti]: that doesn't seem to affect anything though, does it?09:14
rollitupActionParsnip: thanks i have removed those unwanted ppa and i have got the same error which i described first the Ubuntu Internal error, and the cause is showing as09:14
[twisti]andycc: i dont know. im pretty sure i shouldnt just ignore something like that09:15
cesdost Compiz and Dash crash after launch directx library! What shoul i do?09:15
ActionParsniprollitup: did you run:  sudo apt-get update09:15
andycc[twisti]: you could try to check them manually, if you _really_ want to do something about it.09:16
[twisti]how would i do that ?09:16
cesdostCan Anybody help me?09:16
ActionParsnipcesdost: how are you launching the library?09:16
rollitupexecutable path /usr/lib/1386-linux-gnu/colord/colord  Package: colord 0.1.16-2 Problem type: crash Title: colord crashed with SIGSEGV in dbus_connection_dispatch()09:17
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cesdostActionParsnip: I use wine))09:17
cesdostwinetricks directx09:17
ActionParsnipcesdost: Are you trying to install DirectX in wine?09:18
andycc[twisti]: to be fair, if you don't know how to run a check, you should leave the disk maintenance to Ubuntu and just ignore those messages.09:18
brontosaurusrexwhats the command to set users home dir?09:18
ikoniausermod -d $directory $user09:18
cesdostActionParsnip: yes09:19
ActionParsnipcesdost: Wine is an abstraction FOR DirectX, you already have it......09:19
[twisti]andycc: the fact that reboots dont make it go away seems to indicate that the check isnt run09:19
geekgirlhello can  i ask for some help in here about installing wireless09:19
andycc[twisti]: you'll typically need to use a live CD and maybe set up the (what I assume are) RAID arrays, so it's not a trivial thing.09:19
[twisti]thats not possible09:19
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: as long as its under ubuntu, yes09:19
[twisti]its a server09:19
MonkeyDustcesdost  did you read this? http://wiki.winehq.org/DirectX-ToDo09:19
ActionParsnipbrontosaurusrex: man usermod    shows all the other ways you can manage existing users too ;)09:20
andycc[twisti]: can you unmount those 2 devices?09:20
geekgirlcool when i have this wireless wrapper ndisgtk and i can't seem to get it to work09:20
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: what wifi chip are you using?09:20
geekgirli am on a windows 7 platform i installed unbuntu on top of it09:21
[twisti]andycc: again, i have no idea how. i dont even know what that is09:21
brontosaurusrexikonia, its giving me "user xy is currently logged in"09:21
MonkeyDustgeekgirl  wubi?09:21
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: still doesn't tell us the wifi chip09:21
geekgirlwubi i haven't tried yet09:21
cesdostMonkeyDust: no, thanks)09:21
geekgirli know but i don;t know and i;d have to reboot to tell you09:21
andyccgeekgirl: use Windows' Device Manager.09:21
rollitupActionParsnip: hope you read my earlier message with the details of the internal error09:21
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: right, so he's logged in you can't change it09:21
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: then why are you reaching for ndisgtk, there may be a native driver!09:22
geekgirlcan;t i just load the *.inf from unbuntu09:22
ActionParsniprollitup: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo apt-get update     please09:22
geekgirlokay if someone knows a simple option or app i can grab from the unbuntu software center i can try that instead09:22
andyccgeekgirl: using ndiswrapper isn't really recommended if there's a native driver already, which is why we're asking what chip you have.09:22
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: why would you want or need to if there is a Linux driver for it for Linux. Why would you need to bother09:22
geekgirlahhh i c09:22
brontosaurusrexits not logged in ...09:22
geekgirlcos when i looked up the info today thats what was recommended09:23
brontosaurusrexwho < should show the guy right?09:23
andycc[twisti]: look into mount, umount and fsck.09:23
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network      you should see what wifi chip it is09:23
geekgirlokay can i grab someone to go through a step by step process please09:23
geekgirlahh cool h509:23
andyccgeekgirl: you can do that from Windows too.09:24
geekgirli did that earlierAP it said unclaimed09:24
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: yes, but what is the product line09:24
geekgirli'll do it again to find out the chip though09:24
geekgirli get it i'll brb09:24
rollitupok but ActionParsnip the error message that I typed earlier i copied it from the Sorry Ubuntu 12.04 has occured an internal error then when i view error i get a big list the sudo apt-get update seems to be updating sucessfully now09:24
ActionParsniprollitup: exactly the same?09:24
rollitupshould i take a screen-shot and upload it somewhere so you can see ?09:25
rollitupcoz this error is not in the terminal09:25
rollitupit keeps poppingup now and then09:25
ActionParsniprollitup: all I need is the output of:  sudo apt-get update09:25
rollitupok one sec  i give it to you again09:25
geekgirlAP where is the info09:25
ActionParsniprollitup: if updates are running then let them finish09:26
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: press CTRL+ALT+T and run:  sudo lshw -C network09:26
geekgirlI did if you mean product:Realtek Semiconductor09:26
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: ok and run:  lspci    one line will identify the device09:27
* ActionParsnip prays its not a 812209:27
Ptrakktry this line:   lspci | grep -i realtek09:27
geekgirlwhat part of that do you want AP?09:28
rollituphere's the output ActionParsnip http://pastie.org/462869709:28
rollitupthere is only one error regarding the GPG key for bitdefender anti-virus09:28
geekgirlit's not really telling me anything Ptrakk its a bit of info abot the controller09:30
andyccgeekgirl: well, yeah, that bit of info is what we need.09:30
geekgirlok so RTL8111/8168B09:31
geekgirlcan i just sudo get-apt ndisgtk09:31
andyccgeekgirl: that's an wired card, I thought you said you needed to set up a wireless adaptor?09:32
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geekgirli am having to be connected via wire cos if i didnt i could be here09:32
geekgirlmaybe it's just easier if i go into the software center and choose another option:)09:33
andyccgeekgirl: we'll need the info for the wireless card, that's what you need help with09:33
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: try:   sudo modprobe r81609:33
geekgirlnot found AP09:33
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: wait, that's an ethernet controller, not wireless09:33
geekgirli know i am telling you guys i have to connect via the ethernet to get here in the first place :)09:34
geekgirlorry and gurls09:34
blackthund3rHi, is #ubuntu-arm where I go to ask about porting ubuntu to a certain ARM-based device?09:34
andyccgeekgirl: run lspci -nn again, give us the info for the Network Controller, not the Ethernet Controller.09:34
ActionParsniprollitup: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com A373FB480EC4FE0509:34
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: yes but the wifi is having the issue...09:35
FlowRiserblackthund3r, should be, yes09:35
blackthund3rFlowRiser: Thanks! Also joined the Tegra channels. Hope there's people around!09:35
crimsonmanegeekgirl: type lspci -n09:35
crimsonmaneoh they got you on it09:35
geekgirlhow about i do this. i have an icon installed called window wireless drivers09:36
ThinkT510geekgirl: to help you with wifi, they need to know exactly what wifi you have09:36
andycccrimsonmane: -nn, -n just gives a cryptic list of numbers09:36
MonkeyDustblackthund3r  some 140 people in the arm channel09:36
crimsonmaneit's the four digit set you need09:36
rollitupi did that ActionParsnip and it imported one key so do u think i will not get the Ubuntu 12.04 Internal error now ?09:36
crimsonmanelike this: Our NIC has the ID 1260:3873.09:36
ActionParsniprollitup: should be smoother09:36
blackthund3rMonkeyDust: and everyone seems idle :P Oh well, I'll sit tight for a bit!09:36
andycccrimsonmane: yeah, but you need to know which ID the NIC is, and you can't really do that from the output of lspci -n09:36
geekgirlwhy can't i just install a driver through there09:37
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: can you run:  lspci -n; lsb_release -a; uname -a     and go to http://pastie.org  and put all the text there09:37
rollitupok thanks ActionParsnip for your prompt help09:37
rollituphope you have a nice day there09:37
geekgirlok AP09:37
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: we don't know the wifi chip, so it may not be needed09:37
crimsonmanegeekgirl: you're looking for a bit that looks like this: 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)09:37
ActionParsnip!rootirc > Ptrakk09:37
ubottuPtrakk, please see my private message09:37
crimsonmaneguys can't she do "lspci -nn | grep wireless" ??09:38
andyccgeekgirl: using ndiswrapper is like using gaffer tape when you can use bolts, unreliable and pointless.09:38
crimsonmane"lspci -nn | grep Wireless" actually09:38
Ptrakkhow do i create a user on a rooted linux via command line? is it passwd?09:39
ActionParsnipcrimsonmane: could use:  grep -i WiReLeSS if you wanted ;)09:39
crimsonmanePtrakk: "man useradd"09:39
crimsonmaneActionParsnip: on mine, lowercase W turned up diddly09:39
andycccrimsonmane: my wireless card shows up as Network controller, not Wireless.09:39
ActionParsnipcrimsonmane: -i  makes grep case (i)nsensitive09:39
crimsonmanethen have her do that. it's way faster and easier09:39
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geekgirlhehehe soz pastie won;t work09:40
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: once you hit paste, copy the new address in the address bar and paste the URL here09:41
geekgirlAP are you on skype?09:41
* crimsonmane notes that the button is SUBMIT, not paste09:42
d1rkp1ttHi all, anyone here used Fabric for deployments that can give advise?09:42
geekgirlokay i ran the command line you suggested now how do i paste that info into pastie09:42
andyccgeekgirl: select it, right click, copy, switch to your browser, paste.09:43
geekgirlhooray - http://pastie.org/462905209:43
geekgirlphew got it. thanks for being patient, first day on ubuntu ever today!09:44
andycc...I think that _should_ have been lspci -nn.09:45
ajnrHi , can any one help me out how to enable or work the finger print reader of HP Probook 4430s in ubuntu 1205, its a Device ID  138a:003c Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS471 Fingerprint Reader09:45
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 1205 could not be found09:45
geekgirli'll try again then :)09:45
rollitupincase i wish to have a dual boot system between Ubuntu 12.04 and Windows xP would it be recommended to first install windows xp like i had read in the past or is it that I can now install windows xp after i have installed ubuntu ?09:46
andyccajnr: looks like it doesn't work. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfprint/+bug/79018309:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 790183 in libfprint (Ubuntu) "[138a:0011] Fingerprint reader Validity Sensors not recognized" [Wishlist,Triaged]09:46
crimsonmanerollitup: do it after, so that both OS are in the boot options09:46
rollitupso windows xp first ? crimsonmane09:47
ActionParsniprollitup: install xp first, the instaler is lazy. leave unpartitioned space09:47
ActionParsnipajnr: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/182607-finger-print-reader.html09:47
ActionParsnipajnr: http://askubuntu.com/questions/121693/finger-reader-for-hp-probook6560b-not-recogized09:47
rollitupok i hate to have xp but can't help coz i still don't find LMMS powerful and lacks vst support09:47
geekgirlhows this http://pastie.org/462914709:47
crimsonmanerollitup: no09:47
crimsonmanerollitup: xp second09:47
rollitupso crimsonmane i have to first backup the grub right ?09:48
crimsonmaneyou tell it how big the partition should be. but from experience, linux won't add windows to your boot options.09:48
crimsonmanerollitup: no comment.09:48
crimsonmaneive never done that09:48
BebopSteveweird, is it normal for ubuntuforums.org to have no theme?  it's all text in firefox09:49
geekgirlwas that anymore informative?09:49
andyccgeekgirl: http://askubuntu.com/questions/139632/wireless-card-realtek-rtl8723ae-bt-is-not-recognized09:49
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: http://askubuntu.com/questions/139632/wireless-card-realtek-rtl8723ae-bt-is-not-recognized09:49
geekgirlare you telling me to go there andycc? >O09:49
ThinkT510great minds think alike09:49
andyccgeekgirl: yes. There's a solution.09:50
ajnrActionParsnip, ya tried it , but not worked !09:50
geekgirlalso i really installed ubuntu for arduino do you happen to know where i can d/l the arduino editor from :)09:50
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/20581809:50
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: don't you think you should get something a bit more fundamental setup, like your wireless connectivity....09:51
geekgirlyes i am doing that AP, i am reading ab0ut the fix now09:52
ActionParsnip!info arduino09:52
ubottuarduino (source: arduino): AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0+dfsg-9 (precise), package size 668 kB, installed size 882 kB09:52
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: while you read, run:  sudo apt-get install arduino09:52
d1rkp1ttcan anyone advise on how to find a location in a file and write to it from console?09:53
geekgirlokay arduino on its way09:53
d1rkp1tt.. terminal09:53
geekgirldo i need the full package AP just to run the editor?09:53
ThinkT510!tab | geekgirl09:53
ubottugeekgirl: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:53
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geekgirlit's all good i actually got here via a command line , believe it or not :)09:54
andyccd1rkp1tt: sorry, I don't follow. What do you mean by "location in a file"?09:54
geekgirlis it rude to abbreviate ThinkT510 wasn't 20 years ago :)09:55
d1rkp1ttI want to seek out a location in a file.. in this case pg_hba.conf and add an entry.. I am using fabric, but want to know the appropriate command in ubuntu/linux09:55
geekgirlokay arduino is happening going to get the fix sorted too09:55
ThinkT510geekgirl: not rude, but not using the full nick doesn't highlight the person, so they could miss your message09:55
d1rkp1ttecho to write, but that will go to end of file rather than a position, right?09:55
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: could use the locate command after running:  sudo updatedb'09:56
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: minus the apostrophe09:56
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: yes09:56
andyccd1rkp1tt: so you're trying to seek to a position in a file and write something there?09:56
d1rkp1ttandycc: yes09:57
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: sudo updatedb; locate pg_hba.conf09:57
d1rkp1ttI am writing deployment in fabric09:57
geekgirlfair enuff ThinkT51009:57
andyccd1rkp1tt: I know you can do that from Python, but I don't think there's a UNIX command for it.09:57
d1rkp1ttfind with grep...09:57
d1rkp1ttthen echo.. but cant target the line I found09:58
andyccd1rkp1tt: exactly.09:58
d1rkp1ttotherwise file io with python eh09:58
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: echo "text to add" | tee -a `sudo updatedb; locate pg_hba.conf`09:58
nbubuntuactually grsync is a (copy file or move file) program ?09:58
d1rkp1ttActionParsnip: your losing me with the updatedb part, not sure what that means09:58
MonkeyDustd1rkp1tt  better ask in #bash, i'm sure people can help you better, there09:58
andyccActionParsnip: he's not trying to find a file.09:59
d1rkp1ttMonkeyDust: THanks09:59
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: it updates a database of every file in the filesystem09:59
ActionParsnipandycc: ahh, i see09:59
d1rkp1ttVery helpful anyway, thanks09:59
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: updatedb makes finding files fast09:59
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: the downside to it is that chages are not recorded so you need to run updatedb for searches to be accurate10:00
d1rkp1ttActionParsnip: Thanks I didnt know about that10:00
ptrakkEnlightenment (e16) Rocks!!10:00
d1rkp1ttActionParsnip: What was the tee ?10:01
Hayatetthat was old10:01
ActionParsnipd1rkp1tt: its to add to the file. I thought you wanted to find the filename and add some text to it10:02
leftMSmy media players (smplayer, kmplayer etc, all) gets paused at idle-screen screen lock, this happens while audio playback only. how can I prevent this?10:02
ActionParsnipleftMS: vlc locks the screensaver off, there is an app called caffeine too which can disable the screensaver if certain apps are  running10:03
geekgirlwicked arduino installed. ActionParsnip here's your hug! :)10:03
ActionParsnipleftMS: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets    shows it at work10:04
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: all ok now?10:04
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: wifi all working?10:04
geekgirlarduino okay working on wireless now10:04
geekgirldumb arse quesion how do i change the order of the icons on the LHS?10:05
andyccgeekgirl: congrats, managing to install that driver is something for a newbie!10:05
nischayHi :)10:05
geekgirli haven;t done the driver yet andy hehehe10:05
leftMSActionParsnip : I do not have screensaver or vlc installed. I am running ubuntu 1204 gnome-classic10:05
geekgirlah found the solution to moving things around10:05
ActionParsnipleftMS: the session is irrelevant10:05
andyccgeekgirl: oh! You meant you were working on getting the wireless working.10:06
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ActionParsnipleftMS: caffeine will stop the sleeping :)10:06
geekgirli yes andy wireless next instructions a bit vague. i have downloaded the driver but i have to install the packages first yeah10:06
MonkeyDust<3 coffee10:06
ix_hello, how can I block the Chrome ad from the google front page? every time I open Firefox it appears because I've set it up to delete everything on closing10:08
geekgirlhow do you copy and paste into a command line?10:08
andyccgeekgirl: right click menu.10:08
ix_geekgirl: middle click10:09
ActionParsnipCTRL+SHIFT+ V is the shortcut, mouse is probably easier10:09
ix_geekgirl: in terminator it's very easy, right click and paste10:09
ptrakkwhat do you mean google ad?10:09
andyccgeekgirl: middle click is actually, IIRC, a different clipboard. The right click menu is the friendliest way to do it.10:09
MonkeyDustix_  there's the adblock plugin10:09
ix_MonkeyDust: I know, I'm using it10:10
leftMSActionParsnip : nice page of omgubuntu, ubuntu is not sleeping during audio, it locks the screen, which i do want (sw off the monitor after, say, 5min)10:10
ActionParsnipix_: which google frontpage10:10
ix_ActionParsnip: google.com10:10
ptrakkshift + insert is another version of paste10:10
ActionParsnipix_: ok i'm there, which ad?10:10
andyccleftMS: that doesn't really make sense, have you tried other players too?10:10
ptrakkim not seeing an ad10:11
ActionParsnipptrakk: me neither10:11
ix_ActionParsnip: this ad: http://i.imgur.com/D5EmC.jpg10:11
andyccActionParsnip: I think it only shows up if you're not on Chrome and don't have an ad blocker, or maybe if you don't have any Google cookies set.10:11
leftMSandycc :all that are there- smplayer, kamlayer, mplayer. tried all settings too.10:11
ActionParsnipix_: where is the ad?10:11
ix_ActionParsnip: discover a faster way to blabla10:12
ActionParsnipix_: not strictly an ad10:12
ptrakktry clicking the wrech>tools>extensions10:12
andyccleftMS: those are all mplayer-based, I think (kmplayer could be xine-based). Try using Amarok, or JuK, or Audacity...10:12
ActionParsnipix_: just close it and off you go, or switch to duckduckgo10:12
ix_ActionParsnip: well, I've set firefox up to delete everything on exit10:12
ActionParsnipsuprised people still use google search10:12
ix_ActionParsnip: including cookies10:13
ptrakki lerv google10:13
ix_ActionParsnip: as far as I know, google is the most popular search engine, why would you be surprised?10:13
leftMSandycc : ya, whn i switched to kmplayer, it worked first time, then started getting paused from second time10:13
pozopI've been trying to change my mac address with       hwaddress in      /etc/network/interfaces. It does nothing. Is it possible the command doesn't work with my hardware (how to check that?)?10:13
pozopActionParsnip: why?10:13
ActionParsnipix_: because its so limited and restricted10:13
ikoniapozop: you don't change your hardware address in a software config file10:14
ActionParsnipix_: you are searching a bubble10:14
ptrakktheres a script called macchanger10:14
bitvilagHi everyone my ubuntu server crashed while i was using dlna and now it does not load ... it get stuck after a successful start dhcp. Can a network card failure cause this?10:14
ActionParsnipikonia: you can10:14
MonkeyDustpozop  donttrack.us <--- here's why10:14
ikoniaActionParsnip: the interfaces file....really ?10:14
ActionParsnipikonia: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/10:14
pozopikonia: I've read you do it taht way10:14
ix_ActionParsnip: so you like duckduckgo?10:14
ActionParsnipikonia: indeed10:14
leftMSandycc : this happened to smplayer and mplayer also, ok i will try ur suggested players10:14
ptrakkposop: macchanger eth1 -m 00:11:22:33:44:5510:14
brontosaurusrexleftMS, smplayer if a gui for mplayer10:15
ActionParsnipix_: yes, I can search a million different sites, sort by date etc. It also doesn't bubble your results and doesn't track you10:15
ikoniaI'll put money that the interfaces file doens't work10:15
SimonMI've got a question on Nautilus, is this the right place to ask it ?10:15
ptrakksorry for mispelling your name10:15
andyccleftMS: my line of thinking is that it's probably mplayer's fault, which is the backend for kmplayer and smplayer too.10:15
ActionParsnipSimonM: as long as its nautilus in ubuntu, yes10:15
MonkeyDust!tab > ptrakk10:15
ubottuptrakk, please see my private message10:15
ikoniatry it, but I'll put a good chunk of money it doesn't change the mac address10:15
pozopMonkeyDust: I dont use cookies and I don't use google search when logged in, but I agree for example gogoduck is a nice alternative10:15
SimonMyay, thanks10:15
leftMSbrontosaurusrex : yes i know it10:15
ActionParsnipix_: http://dontbubble.us/10:15
ActionParsnipix_: here are all the cool features in duckduckgo: https://duckduckgo.com/bang.html10:16
leftMSandycc : wht shall i do to prevent pausing, i can change the player but want to know wht is happening10:16
pozopikonia: do you know how to do it? Or is a shell script the only solution?10:16
ix_ActionParsnip: yeah, thanks, but I already know about it10:16
andyccActionParsnip: !bang is pretty much the only reason I use duckduckgo.10:16
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SimonMIs there anyway of getting the automount feature to mount my cdrom at /media/cdrom instead of /media/#disklabel# ?  I want to use Wine and EAC with 4 drives and the dynamic mount points play havoc with it10:16
ix_andycc: what's !bang?10:16
ActionParsnipandycc: same, it leaves google in the dust10:17
ActionParsnipix_: read the second link I gave10:17
ikoniapozop: most cards have the mac address as part of their hardware, that's why I don't believe you can change it like that10:17
andyccix_: you can, for example, append or prepend !g to a query to search on Google, or !wa to search on Wolfram Alpha, or !w for Wikipedia...10:17
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  you could mount the cd by hand. or make a fstab entry for it.10:17
ActionParsnipSimonM: you could manually mount it10:17
SimonMhow do I direct my message at a person without typing their name in every time ?10:17
ikoniapozop: you'll need a software package that can interface with the card's hardware to cheat it10:17
ikoniabut try the documentated solution, I'm confident it won't work though10:17
SimonMI really wanted to stay away from fstab10:17
Dr_Willis_no idea what 'eac' is. ;)10:17
ActionParsnipSimonM: just type a few letters from the nick and hit TAB10:17
SimonMI tried it, but it didn't work10:18
MonkeyDustSimonM  type 2-3 characters, then [tab] to complete10:18
SimonMActionParsnip, thanks10:18
ActionParsnipSimonM: simple stuff ;)10:18
geekgirlsoz can i just show you this: geekgirl@ubuntu:~/rtl_92ce_92se_92de_8723ae_linux_mac80211_0006.0514.2012$10:18
pozopikonia: ok, thanks10:18
SimonMActionParsnip: this is the fstab line I used.  /dev/sr3        /media/cd4      auto    udf,iso9660,user,unhide,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500   0      010:19
pozophey thanks for the TAB solution with nicknames10:19
geekgirli have followed the steps on here http://askubuntu.com/questions/139632/wireless-card-realtek-rtl8723ae-bt-is-not-recognized til step 510:19
ActionParsnipSimonM: might want to add the exec option too, so you can run the apps10:19
andyccgeekgirl: so... you're done?10:19
geekgirli don;t know andy how can i tell if the driver is installed10:19
andyccgeekgirl: that big cryptic name is just the folder you're in, you still have to run make and sudo make install.10:20
SimonMDr_Willis_, that's for loopbacking iso'ss though isn't it ?10:20
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: the modprobe command will succeed (no output)10:20
Dr_Willis_if the game is using 4 cd disks.. id put all of them on the HD. and avoid swapping them in/out...10:20
geekgirlahh okay i thort i had done that so i need a new clean command line yeah10:20
SimonMI have 4 cd drives and I want to set up eac and just keep changing the disks10:20
geekgirlthe instructions are a bit vague10:20
andyccgeekgirl: okay, what's the last command you ran?10:21
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  whats EAC anyway?10:21
SimonMDr_Willis_, it's not a game, there will be hundreds of CD's by the time I've finished10:21
geekgirlthe last thing i ran was sudo modprobe rtl8723e10:21
Dr_Willis_and i wonder if anyone knows what EAC is then...10:21
SimonMDr_Willis_, it's for ripping music CD's to FLAC/M4A10:21
geekgirldoes the system find the .inf by itself?10:21
Dr_Willis_err.. You dont Mount Music cds......10:22
SimonMDr_Willis_, it's probably the defacto standard for ripping cd's afaik10:22
Dr_Willis_so now im totally confused...10:22
geekgirli wasn't sure about the order of #4 as it looked like it was on separate lines10:22
MonkeyDustSimonM  FYI: jack -Q -R rips music CDs to .ogg format10:22
leftMSActionParsnip : i installed10:22
geekgirlit says test the drive by loading it10:23
geekgirlhmmm how do i load it>10:23
ptrakknot the command promp10:23
andyccgeekgirl: you loaded it using modprobe (unless you got an error)10:23
andyccgeekgirl: so... try connecting now.10:23
SimonMDr_Willis_, Nautilus automounts the CD's with the CD's name in the /media directory with a random/label format. I want the cd mounted as /media/cdrom110:23
geekgirlahh then i should unplug the modem reboot and test or should i already be visible in the wireless connections options10:23
ActionParsnipgeekgirl: you don't need the .inf10:24
geekgirlahhh i c10:24
SimonMMonkeyDust, thanks, but I want to use EAC as it's error correction/validation is pretty much defacto10:24
geekgirlcan i swear10:24
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  if its a Music Audio cd. then as far as i know You dont mount them. they get directely accessed as /dev/cdrom#    Ive never seen Nautilus mount Music cds. Ive seen some Plugins for KDE to do sort of a 'fake' mount of Music cd's to let you drag/drop music files from them10:24
geekgirlyou guys are farkin awwesome10:24
geekgirlc'mon andycc, ActionParsnip hugs10:25
leftMSActionParsnip & andycc : whn I use Twinkle voip softphone, it gives choppy voice both the side, any suggestion/10:25
SimonMActionParsnip, the fstab entry screws up automount, it doesn't appear in nautilus, it's not there in the /media directory either10:25
Dr_Willis_someone could check this with a music cd? i dont have any handy.10:25
geekgirlGG dances around smooches for all - you're the best dudes and dudettes10:25
SimonMDr_Willis_, I'm pretty darned well sure you're wrong10:25
gordonjcpDr_Willis_: check what?[3~10:26
TheM4ch1n3geekgirl: thanks =D10:26
geekgirli'll drop back in occassionally to say high. i am building a robot ,,,that;s my new and next challenge10:26
SimonMDr_Willis_, sorry to argue.10:26
geekgirlno thankyou@@@10:26
SimonMDr_Willis_, /dev/sr3 on /media/atomic type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks)10:26
Dr_Willis_gordonjcp:  got a music cd handy? pop it in and see if it 'mounts' of does gnome use some special method to just make it appear as a data disk10:26
geekgirlmwah mwah mwah10:26
geekgirlbai bai10:26
SimonMeverything is mounted apart from low level utilities10:26
GuestTimmyHi guys!10:26
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jasonzcan anyone tell me how to turn off screen idle password? thanks10:26
leftMSActionParsnip & andycc : i also used Zoiper, it was working fine, but since few days, this also is muted, no audio at all on both side10:27
Dr_Willis_ive seen special dual-format music cds that have data and music on them also get mounted.10:27
ptrakkis there a faster way beside 'echo $user' to find what user i am10:27
SimonMyou'd mount the cd as iso9660 and then it would read the data from there10:27
andyccptrakk: whoami.10:27
ptrakkandycc: thanks10:27
GuestTimmy@jasonz: settings => screensaver & lock10:27
SimonMdual session will be mounted differently10:27
TheM4ch1n3ptrakk: yes: export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '10:27
gordonjcpDr_Willis_: give me a sec10:27
SimonMyou'll get a data mount and a music mount10:28
ActionParsnipleftMS: try:  killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*10:28
gordonjcpSimonM: music CDs won't mount as ISO966010:28
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gordonjcpSimonM: they *might* be hybrid CDs with a data track and audio tracks10:28
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: do you even mount audio CDs?10:28
gordonjcpActionParsnip: no10:28
leftMSActionParsnip : ok i will chk10:28
gordonjcpthere's no filesystem to mount10:28
GuestTimmyGeneral question: has the smb mountpoint been changed in 12.04.1?10:28
Dr_Willis_gordonjcp:  whats funny is i had to go looking for my old box of cds10:30
ActionParsnipGuestTimmy: mount a samba share then run:  mount10:30
andyccGuestTimmy: wasn't SMB handled by gvfs? The mount point should be under ~/.gvfs/, just like in older releases.10:30
andycc(but don't quote me on that)10:30
ActionParsnipptrakk: whoami    will tell you the current user10:30
Dr_Willis_the cd poped up here via nautilus as -->  cdda://sr0/    so the cdda:// is a special feature to let you see the audio cd as what appears as a 'filesystem'10:31
SimonMdr_willis, thanks, I need to investigate a bit more10:31
ActionParsnipGuestTimmy: seems to be in $HOME/.gvfs   here on Quantal...10:31
SimonMhere is an easier question then10:32
SimonMhow do I play an audio cd in wine ?10:32
GuestTimmyI  mounted the filesystem in Nautilus and it is not in .gvfs (where it used to be) and not in .cache/gvfs10:32
ActionParsnipGuestTimmy: did you run mount?10:32
andyccSimonM: sorry, but why would you want to do that?10:32
andyccGuestTimmy: mount, by itself, will give you a list of mount points.10:32
SimonMandycc, ;-) why not is the more important question ?10:32
andyccSimonM: because you can do that natively.10:33
FlowRisergeek food, it's epic :D -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlL_zqM7LH8&feature=g-all-lik10:33
Dr_Willis_I definatly do NOT have any entry in /media/ for my music cd.10:33
GuestTimmyActionParsnip: thx, in this list it seems to be .gvfs10:33
SimonMsay for the sake of argument I love foobar2000 and loathe amarok (which I do) ;-)10:33
Dr_Willis_you can use the wine config tools to assign a drive letter to the optical drive.10:34
andyccSimonM: "Shake a tree, and a Linux music player will fall out of it."10:34
Dr_Willis_I dont see how ubuntu mounting a cd/dvd/whatever would be affecting the wine drive letter.10:34
SimonMDr_Willis_, sorry, you were right, I was wrong.  Happend to be looking at the single disc in my collection that had a data session on it too.  My bad10:34
Dr_Willis_I need to re-rip all my old cds ... someday. I got a large box of them i ripped years back when it would take an hr+ to rip/encode one.....10:35
Dr_Willis_now a days.. it can rip/encode in the time it takes me to pop them in the drive..10:35
GuestTimmyActionParsnip: Can't open the .gvfs directory: message: cannot access .gvfs: Transport endpoint is not connected10:35
SimonMDr_Willis_, I can't assign a drive letter to the optical drive unless it has a mount point ?10:35
ActionParsnipGuestTimmy: try in terminal10:36
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  as far as i know wine will auto mount them as needed for data disks.10:36
ActionParsnipSimonM: have you tried using winetricks?10:36
GuestTimmyActionParsnip: That was the message in the terminal10:36
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  you may want to ask in #winehq10:36
Transhumanistpretty religiously, Ubuntu, the first time I log in for the day, will crash to the logout screen shortly after I've logged in and opened things. Most commonly (perhaps always?) the crash to login occurs as I press enter after typing into a textbox on a website in Firefox10:37
Transhumanistany ideas?10:37
SimonMWinehq will just say it's a nautilus/udev/udisks issue ?10:37
SimonMand say use fstab ;-)10:37
Dr_Willis_even my car has a Hard drive built in these days to hold my Muzak. :)10:37
Dr_Willis_SimonM:   wine has its own config to define whjere the optical disks are at.. nothing to do with nautilus.10:37
SimonMActionParsnip, winetricks does not help, the program installed, it's just the way that removable drives are given dynamic names10:37
leftMSActionParsnip : killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* is not working, still zoiper silent and twinkle is choppy on PC and other end voice is fine10:37
ActionParsnipleftMS: bah10:38
andyccTranshumanist: that sounds like a pretty major bug. What DM and DE are you using? Also, try asking in AskUbuntu and searching for bug reports.10:38
SimonMDr_Willis_, yes, I know.  but the way it refers to them is by mount point.  and the mount point doesn't exist for a music cd ?10:38
GuestTimmygoing offline for reboot10:38
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  if 'eac' is some how doing error correcting.. then its not accessing the audio cd by mountpoint..10:39
Dr_Willis_its accessing the /dev/sr0 directly10:39
ptrakkapt-get remove pulseaudio && apt-get install --reinstall alsabase alsa && alsa force-reload10:40
GuestTimmyShould have tried to reboot first, problem solved!10:40
leftMSActionParsnip : ?10:41
andyccGuestTimmy: funny how the Windows approach to solving problems works on Ubuntu.10:41
MonkeyDustandycc  idd, reboot = 'the windows trick' :)10:41
Dr_Willis_ls -l /home/willis/.wine/dosdevices/10:41
ActionParsnipandycc: works on most electrical things :)10:41
Dr_Willis_shows h: as my /dev/sr0 device for wine here.10:41
SimonMDr_Willis_, I accept that.  I agree.  I don't understand it.  What I do understand is that I have 4 drives and only one appears and it's the same on ehtat has the data session on it10:42
GuestTimmyandycc: :D10:42
ActionParsnipSimonM: are you working with CDs/10:42
ActionParsnipSimonM: or are they ISOs?10:42
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  try a audio cd that dosent have a data track.10:42
Dr_Willis_I cant even get eac.exe to work with wine here. it crashes10:42
SimonMActionParsnip, they're Compact discs, not ISO's10:43
GuestTimmyThanks for your help guys! Bye!10:43
SimonMDr_Willis_, try it from the command line10:43
Dr_Willis_SimonM:  i am.. it still crashes with some unhandled exceptop10:43
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ptrakkwhen i set: chromium-browser %s in my xchat url handler it does nothing.10:43
SimonMDr_Willis_, mine didn't work until ..oh yeah10:43
SimonMDr_Willis_, you need to register some dll's in the EAC directory10:44
ActionParsnipptrakk: try using the absolute path10:44
SimonMDr_Willis_, regsvr32 sql*10:44
=== Guest2243 is now known as vega-
SimonMDr_Willis_, fix link is http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=25340#c410:44
ubottubugs.winehq.org bug 25340 in -unknown "Multiple apps need support for COM server information from PE manifest a.k.a registration/registry-free COM (Exact Audio Copy (EAC), AliWangWang ...)" [Normal,New]10:44
ActionParsnipptrakk: i hope you aren't running your IRC client as root, like you were before10:44
ActionParsnipptrakk: good :D10:45
SimonMActionParsnip, how did you know he was running as root ?10:45
ptrakkabosolute path worked thanks10:45
ptrakkyeah how did you know10:45
SimonMubottu, is that for me ?10:45
ubottuSimonM: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
SimonMheh, ubottu is cool10:46
=== ecthiender_ is now known as ecthiender
Dr_Willis_ymm.. eac.exe seems to be using lame.exe    ;) at least it seems to be working now..10:46
SimonMDr_Willis_, I'd do FLAC or ffmpeg/M4a, but that's personal choice10:47
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis_, eac is just a ripper, it can use whatever in encoding step10:47
Dr_Willis_brontosaurusrex:  yea. so i dont really see whats so great about EAC compared to other tools.10:47
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis_, its should be the most secure ripper, but i totally hate it10:48
SimonMDr_Willis_, it's just a defacto standard, I dunno why, it's just really trusted10:48
Dr_Willis_'secure' ?10:48
Dr_Willis_seems it has a lot of error checking features.. but i doubt if it will really matter much for most people out there.10:48
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis_, secure as several rereads, md5 rip online database and so on...10:48
Dr_Willis_'redundant features to insure data integerity' ;)10:49
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis_, basically if someone has allready ripped the same cd and got the same md5 as you it makes eac very happy10:49
SimonMDr_Willis_, I'm ripping my collection, and it will make sure that it has integrity and tell me if the tracks are scratched etc as well as checksumming and stuff.  It's ugly, but respected10:49
MonkeyDustSimonM  repeat: try jack -Q -R10:50
SimonMDr_Willis_, this banter is moving my problem forward beautifully ;-)10:50
SimonMMonkeyDust, I like that.  no argument, just statement of fact repeated :-)10:51
SimonMThis is Jack, vesrion 3.1.1 no less10:51
SimonMversion even10:51
Dr_Willis_i think you are looking at teh wrong places for the issue.10:53
SimonMthis looks like it may help10:55
BluesKajhowdy all10:55
nbubuntuwhy cp -p have preserve date option while mv doesn't have ?10:56
SimonMMonkeyDust, does it work with multiple drives ?10:56
MonkeyDustSimonM  havent tried10:56
SimonMnbubuntu, http://superuser.com/questions/220202/how-to-mv-a-folder-in-linux-retaining-its-mtime10:58
nbubuntuSimonM : so there's no way mv to preserve timestamp ? but now using copy , I need to check every of the folder file md5sum because i can't make sure whether it had correctly copy out compare to move.11:03
SimonMnbubuntu, indeed.you could do iirc an rsync and delete (I think it exists).  dunno if that preserves timestamp11:04
walhi guys... using wget... connection timing out have set export HTTP_PROXY and checked the wgetrc file.... use_proxy commented out.... but can;t edit read only file.... any ideas? Thanks.11:04
nbubuntuSimonM : rsync does preserve timestamp because it use cp rather than mv.But how do I make sure it's fully copy correctly ? I need to do a md5sum for everyfile if using cp while mv for sure doesn't need to check.11:06
Kevelcan someone please help me with setting up php and apache?11:07
Keveli ran this11:07
SimonMnbubuntu, return/exit code and script it ?11:07
Kevelsudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc mysql-server php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql phpmyadmin11:07
nbubuntuSimonM : guess the only option .... :(11:07
Kevelif i use a .php and load it via the browser, it tries to download it11:08
Keveland not run it11:08
SimonMnbubuntu, iir md5sum isn't cpu intensive, reading the file is11:08
nbubuntuSimonM : i was hoping too , but it takes time11:09
SimonMnbubuntu, the main time consumer is disk I/O, I'd say take a step on the wild side and get rsnc to do it.  do a few unit tests, jobs a goodun11:10
SimonMnbubuntu,  bit of --remove-source-files and lovely jubbly11:11
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SimonMnbubuntu, prolly need this too as you'll be left with empty directories (find $SOURCE -type d -empty -prune -exec rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty -p \{\} \;)11:13
nbubuntuSimonM : as mention , mv file/folder = faster , doesn't need to do md5sum check compare to copy but it doesn't keep timestamp.Cp file/folder preserve timestamp but need to check for md5 to confirm file are copy without error11:14
gabrignhow i can reactivate the "low disk space" message ?11:14
gabrigni had 12.0411:14
nbubuntuSimonM : thanks :) i'll try later since i'm copying file right now11:14
SimonMnbubuntu, you could save the timestamp in a variable and touch the file post move11:14
nbubuntuSimonM : yeh , there's once I need to touch -t every folder and sub folder, takes me 1 hour :S11:15
SimonMnbubuntu, now I think about it, the timestamp won't affect the md5 anyway since it's a property of the file system, not the datafile ?11:15
nbubuntuSimonM : maybe , haven't done that yet though11:16
SimonMnbubuntu, just researching, I could be talking balls11:16
nbubuntuSimonM : yeh , thanks anyway , i'll do more search .Guess only way for it is either copy or as you mention , mv and save the timestamp into a tmp and rewrite it.11:18
SimonMnbubuntu, I'd do rsync personally.  The whole touch etc would be much more time/scripting expensive than rync11:19
nbubuntuSimonM : yeh , i did that once .Anyhow gtg , thanks a lot for the help ;-)11:20
SimonMnbubuntu, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/288418/calculating-md5-of-a-file-to-guarantee-integrity11:20
SimonMthey back up what I say (I think) it's the contents of the file, not the timestamp that is comupted with an MD511:20
SimonMnbubuntu, bye11:20
rax-Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/krb5/krb5-locales_1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3_all.deb Hash Sum mismatch11:23
rax-getting loads of this11:23
IdleOnerax-: running 12.10?11:24
SAngeliHi, I have a spare Server with x64 CPU, 5Gb of RAM, 2 1.5TB HD and 1 Gbit NIC. I need a NAS and a webserver for running Joomla (for my internal development). I was thinking of choosing Ubuntu server 12.04.1 rather than FreeNas, use Software Raid software for my 2 hd, use iSCSI as protocol being much faster than Samba for making this a NAS server for storing backups. Is this a good choice or would it be easier and bett11:24
SAngelier choosing FreeNas, considering that I do not have a lot of experience with Linux?11:24
ActionParsnip!info krb5-locales11:25
ubottukrb5-locales (source: krb5): Internationalization support for MIT Kerberos. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10+dfsg~beta1-2ubuntu0.3 (precise), package size 8 kB, installed size 1516 kB11:25
IdleOneActionParsnip: apparently not, thanks :)11:26
=== andredieb_ is now known as andredieb
ActionParsnip!info krb5-locales quantal11:26
ubottukrb5-locales (source: krb5): Internationalization support for MIT Kerberos. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.1+dfsg-2 (quantal), package size 9 kB, installed size 1524 kB11:26
ActionParsniprax-: try:  sudo apt-get update     then retry11:26
rax-Hmm, I run update first but I think it was maybe a dumb error11:27
rax-I was doing11:27
rax-apt-get update11:27
rax-apt-get dist-upgrade11:27
rax-apt-get update11:27
rax-apt-get dist-upgrade11:27
FloodBot1rax-: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:27
ActionParsniprax-: try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177631/11:27
rax-hoping to bypass the failure but I think they both just run together11:28
rax-i.e. 2x dist-upgrade11:28
SAngelialso for running Joomla, do I have to install LAMP or something better?11:28
mdiHello, I'm using keepass2 and chromium on ubuntu. From keepass2 it is possible to add a password to the copy-paste memory. When I now try to paste the password in chromium in a password field, this is not possible. I can however paste into the urlbar, then select and mouse-click-paste into the password field11:29
OrangerSAngeli: What is for you Joomla ?11:29
mdiis this an keepass2 problem, or chromium?11:30
mdiand where should I report it.11:30
SAngelifor testing at home before uploading the work. So,  no production11:30
SAngeliOranger, for testing at home before uploading the work. So,  no production11:30
OrangerSAngeli: So yes you need a web server like Apache for example :)11:30
SAngeliOranger, is LAMP (I assum ready to install from Ubuntu server install) what I can choose or not?11:31
SAngelior do I have to install individual components?11:31
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:32
zykotick9SAngeli: it's even a choice during install on server.11:32
OrangerSAngeli: No just install LAMP, it will install for you all the components you need11:32
OrangerThank you Dr_Willis_ :)11:32
SAngelican someone please try to answer to my initial question?11:32
juancabritodon't know if this is the right place, but if you can help me installing ruby gems in ubuntu i'll be thankful11:33
OrangerSAngeli: "install LAMP" is not a good answer ? ><11:33
Orangerjuancabrito: Don't ask to ask, just ask11:33
SAngelino, I do not refer to this question. My first post is related to NAS.11:33
Dr_Willis_!info lamp11:34
ubottuPackage lamp does not exist in precise11:34
SAngelishould I post it again or can you find it? Oranger11:34
zykotick9Dr_Willis_: lamp is a task, not a package11:34
OrangerSAngeli: Sorry, i don't have any experience in NAS :/11:34
SAngeliok. thank you11:35
SAngelianyone else?11:35
brontosaurusrexSAngeli, joomla question?11:36
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit11:36
juancabritocan you help me installing ruby gems in ubuntu11:36
SAngelino it is not a joomla question11:36
adie__Can I not use su in ubuntu these days?11:37
adie__my password fails for su11:37
zykotick9adie__: never could...11:37
Dr_Willis_use sudo as needed11:38
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo11:38
Dr_Willis_su to switch to non root users if needed11:38
Sri19does system76 have a ppa for their driver?11:38
ActionParsnipadie__: use:  sudo -i   instead11:38
Peace-hi is there a way to play at urban terrror with X rotated ?11:38
ActionParsnipadie__: su without a username will default to root,there is no root password11:39
Dr_Willis_x rotated means ?11:39
ActionParsnipPeace-: is there anything in the game settings11:39
Peace-Dr_Willis_: actually i use X rotated of 189 degree11:40
Peace-ActionParsnip: nope there is not11:40
Dr_Willis_reverse the axiis you mean?11:40
ActionParsnipPeace-: could try the uban terror IRC channel too11:40
MonkeyDustPeace-  what is X in this context?11:40
Dr_Willis_invert x axis11:40
Peace-Dr_Willis_: nope11:41
Peace-Dr_Willis_: my screen is rotated of 180 degree11:41
ActionParsnipPeace-: http://www.urbanterror.info/support/71-/   its based on the quake engine, so things for that will apply to urban terror11:41
Peace-so i need to rotate X to read properly11:41
SimonMyay fixed it11:41
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
Dr_Willis_that would make a tall skinny screen here11:41
MonkeyDust180 degrees is upside down, no?11:42
Peace-MonkeyDust: yes11:42
Dr_Willis_or you mean its upside ddown?11:42
SimonMScsi interface needed to be ASPI rather than native in EAC.  I guess wine doesn't support native Win32 interface for XP/Vista/Win 7 and is happier with ASPI11:42
juancabritocan anyone help installing ruby gems?11:43
Dr_Willis_juancabrito: you could try #ruby11:43
cordovali am trying to create mount ramdisk but get this error ~ mount /mnt/ramdisk11:44
cordovalmount: according to mtab, tmpfs is mounted on /run11:44
cordovalmount failed11:44
cordovalanyone can tell me why or how to modify tmpfs?11:44
cordovalis there only one tempfs? how to learn more on this11:45
cordovalplease help11:45
bazhangcordoval, please dont use the enter key as punctuation11:45
Dr_Willis_whats the whole fstab line cordoval11:45
cordovaltmpfs           /mnt/ramdisk tmpfs      defaults,size=8192M 0 011:45
cordovalDr_Willis ^^11:46
_nix_Hey everybody, anybody got supervisor installed on their system and if you have can you paste your /etc/supervisord.conf file on pastebin?11:46
Peace-Dr_Willis_: it's this one http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-100-007911:48
SimonMcordoval, does the mount point exist, did you chgrp/chown it ?11:49
SimonMcordoval, I've never seen an error message in that format, what happens when you run mount /mnt/ramdisk ?11:50
Dr_Willis_http://askubuntu.com/questions/11976/how-to-create-ram-drive   perhaps11:50
theGrgzIs it possible to skip bootloader installation when installing Ubuntu?11:51
gabrignhow i can reactivate the "low disk warning" ?11:51
bkc_theGrgz: sure, but then you won't be able to just boot ubuntu :/11:52
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed?11:52
theGrgzbkc_: I already have another distro that uses a boot partition so I can just update grub from that distro11:52
theGrgzbkc_: but how do I skip it?11:52
bkc_humm... I havn't installed ubuntu in a while (read 2 years) so not sure, know it was possible back at 10.04/10 in expert-mode11:53
tacirusDoes anybody know a channel for Open Office?11:54
bazhang#openoffice.org tacirus11:54
vampirnataHello! Does anyone have decent experience with VPN/racoon setups?11:54
tacirusthank you11:54
lotuspsychje!vpn | vampirnata11:55
ubottuvampirnata: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN11:55
ix_yay, I managed to block that annoying "install chrome" ad11:58
LorSamPau_wby installing chrome?11:58
ix_LOL, no11:59
ix_I blocked that script with adblock11:59
cordovalthe problem is that ubuntu creates a mount tmpfs run which holds pids and stuff that is currently running as processes12:00
Calinoutacirus, Ooo is dead12:00
cordovalwhen i create a new entry tmpfs into fstab it tells me it is already doing that on run12:00
Calinouconsider using libreoffice12:00
Calinouix_, protip: chromium :p12:00
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed?12:00
cordovalhow to then create that tmp/ramdisk12:00
cordovalor how to modify ubuntu to create another folder for another usage12:00
ix_Calinou: I prefer Firefox12:01
Calinouslow, memory leaks12:01
gabrignanyone ?12:02
go8765hello. In what way I can download all this in me pc using wget? http://www.winkde.org/pub/kde/ports/win32/releases/stable/4.8.0/12:02
ix_Calinou: if you want fast, use something like midori or whatever, but a terminal browser would be faster12:02
Calinouterminal browsers suck12:03
Calinoufor today's internet12:03
ix_Calinou: yeah, obviously12:03
Calinoumidori is too simple and lacks many features, too many features12:03
susundbe1ggabrign: don't know but you cah use 'df -h' to see what disk is low and 'du -shc *' on directory disk space usage12:03
neotericgo8765: i think option -r will recursively download12:03
ix_Calinou: whatever floats your boat12:03
gabrignok , thanks susundbe1g12:03
lotuspsychjegabrign: in disk usage package, you can watch dirs for low space12:04
go8765neoteric: thk)12:04
tacirusCalinou: why is it?12:06
neotericlotuspsychje: you using an ATI card?  I had similar mouse pointer issues, seem to have gone away since I tinkered with compiz settings12:07
Obsidian1723anyone know a good iptables blacklist setup? I'm looking to automatically update it, block ipv4 and 6 as well as the country TLDs.12:07
lotuspsychjeneoteric:can you remember what you disabled on compiz?12:07
lotuspsychjeneoteric: yes i got it on 2 systems with older ati cards12:07
lotuspsychje!firewall | Obsidian172312:08
ubottuObsidian1723: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.12:08
testiiiiihi can somebody help me?12:08
lotuspsychjeneoteric: i have compiz running with wobly windows12:08
lotuspsychje!ask | testiiiii12:09
ubottutestiiiii: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:09
bazhangtestiiiii, ask a real question12:09
testiiiiiif i have a GPG keyring... the keyring is already present in my linux system12:09
neotericlotuspsychje: not sure which fixed it, but Iin Composite I turned off 'Detect Refresh Rate' at set to 60fps.  In OpenGL I turned off SyncToVB and got Texture Filter at 'Fast'.   Don't think I changed much else.12:09
MonkeyDustObsidian1723  there are plenty tutorials, here's one: http://aplawrence.com/Words2005/2005_05_01.html12:09
testiiiiiand i want to dpkg-buildpackage a deb package , does it include my keyring12:09
lotuspsychjeneoteric: did you also have the mouse pointer every cold boot once? or every boot?12:10
cordovalany takers?12:10
neotericlotuspsycheje: you asking just remnided me of the issue, not crashed for quite a long while.   mine was random, it used to turn into a block when i moved to top of my dual monitor and would then crash after a minute or so12:10
lotuspsychjeneoteric:lemme try those settings tnx12:11
testiiiii if i have a GPG keyring... the keyring is already present in my linux system and i want to dpkg-buildpackage a deb package , does it include my keyring12:11
bazhangtestiiiii, what version of ubuntu12:12
lotuspsychjeneoteric: so you got rid of it for good now?12:13
neotericlotuspsychje: performance was noticably improved anyhow after I changed the settings, wobbly windows worked really smooth :)12:13
neotericlotuspsychje: yeah, not happened in last month or two12:13
lotuspsychjeneoteric: cool! the problem is i cant test it right now cause for me it only hapens 1 time in the morning cold boot12:14
neotericlotuspsychje: good luck :)12:14
lotuspsychjeneoteric: but your idea makes already sense to me tnx alot!12:14
lotuspsychjeneoteric: ill keep you informed if it worked out12:15
lotuspsychjebrb reboot12:15
chmacWhere can I find a howto on setting up a second VNC desktop?12:21
chmacAlso, can I be logged into 2 sessions with 1 username at the same time?12:21
bkc_chmac: yes12:22
chmacbkc_: Presumably programs like firefox won't be happy running simultaneously in both sessions, but I can manage around that.12:22
bkc_actually, it can :/12:22
bkc_sure, some programs won't be happy, but as you said, there are workarounds12:23
chmacbkc_: I've installed vnc4server, started a session, but when I log in there's no dash, only a terminal12:23
ftruzziHi, I am in trouble to get a printer working, the printer is an HP laserjet 1000, it is installed on a windows 2003 server. I am able to send documents, but in the printers queue my documents appears as "Remote downlevel Document", it has size, but no information about what would be printed such as number of pages and things like that, the file stays in the queue until i delete it. I tryed to disable the "Enable bidirectional ...".12:23
chmacYeah, I'm happy to resolve issues individually. It looks like tomboy and zim both pop up on both sessions.12:23
chmacbkc_: It's already a gnome session, just no run command / dash, so no way to start apps except the terminal.12:24
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: did you install the hplip tools?12:24
ftruzzilotuspsychje: is that the drivers? I am using the recommended ones12:24
chmacAlso, I have win-\,z,x,c,v,b mapped to go to desktop 1,2,3,4,5,6, and pressing each of these keys individually in the vnc session immediately jumps to that desktop, without the super key :-(12:24
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: no its a hp printer toolbox to manage your printer, scan and stuff12:25
lotuspsychje!info hplip | ftruzzi12:25
ubottuftruzzi: hplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.12.2-1ubuntu3.1 (precise), package size 84 kB, installed size 419 kB12:25
ftruzzilotuspsychje: I'll read about it and coming back if I can't get it solved. thank you12:26
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: good luck12:26
tristanStrangehey all. anyone know if vgaswitcheroo works with the catalyst drivers installed on 12.04?12:29
bkc_tristanStrange: depends12:29
tristanStrangedo you know upon what bkc_ ?12:30
ftruzzilotuspsychje: the hplip only found one of the printers of my lab, I don't find the option to specify a samba connection there :\12:30
bkc_tristanStrange: whether it has a MUXer or not :)12:30
tristanStrangei don't see the switch file.12:31
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: ah the printer is not attached via usb?12:31
tristanStrangehmmmm. I'm on a Lenova W500.... where do I find out if i have a MUX?12:31
bkc_well, what gfx-card is it?12:31
ftruzzilotuspsychje: it is attached via usb in the windows 2003 server, as I said in the question ^^, I'm on linux, the printer in a  windows server12:32
tristanStrangeit's a  ATI RV635 [Mobility Radeon HD 3650]. Running fine with catalyst driver12:33
neotericftruzzi: have you looked at CUPS ? Should be on http://localhost:631/admin/ if you have it running, can search for the printer.12:33
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: not sure howto send over samba12:33
ftruzzilotuspsychje: I can send the documents it just dont print, it stays forever in the queue with the name of "Remote Downlevel Document"12:33
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tristanStrangei want to allow switching to the onboard/chip Intel12:34
himanshu_linuxhi, i have some documentation like linux-doc . is there any document browser other than debian browser ?12:34
MonkeyDusthimanshu_linux  there's this http://linuxmanpages.com/12:35
lotuspsychjeneoteric:cool url12:35
bkc_tristanStrange: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Switchable_Graphics and http://airlied.livejournal.com/70348.html12:35
cdavisIs there a program that will act like a kvm over ip for a headless 12.04 box? I want to be able to actually see the same thing as the console12:35
himanshu_linuxMonkeyDust : i want a offline one ..12:35
tristanStrangecheers bkc_ ! I'll take a look12:36
bkc_tristanStrange: np12:36
gordonjcpcdavis: I'm not sure if there's some way to do it with vnc12:37
gordonjcpcdavis: why do you need to see the actual console?12:37
=== n1ywb-1 is now known as n1ywb
NepheloHello I've got a question about my Ubuntu Server 10.04 with smb and an mdadm raid512:42
neotericftruzzi: of cause you'd like to find a free solution, but if you get really stuck there is also a great bit of software i used to use called TurboPrint, so if you could try that also if your printer is on the list: http://www.turboprint.info/printers_HP.html12:42
mixedhello  i cant add any input methods, when i enter ibus preferences and go to 'input method' , there , i can only add chinese input methods12:43
ftruzzineoteric: not there haha12:43
NepheloI can access the to smb but after a few minutes the server freezes and doesn't respond any more. Only a reboot helps. Can someone help me?12:44
cdavisgordonjcp: I have a laptop set up to monitor systems, and I want to configure the display. However, I don't want to sit over at the bookshelf to configure it12:45
neotericftruzzi: apparently the printer is suppored by this driver on the following URL, might be worth a read up: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/12:47
lotuspsychjedoes nomodeset always disable compiz?12:47
ftruzzineoteric: Yep, I am compilling it , Idk if the driver is the real problem :\12:48
LorSamPau_w<lotuspsychje> does nomodeset always disable compiz? - no12:48
MonkeyDustLorSamPau_w  use tab to complete nicknames12:49
neotericftruzzi: Yeah, good luck.  I had real problems with a Konika printer here at this office, eventually I installed CUPS and managed to get it to work using a driver that wasn't specifically designed for the exact model.12:49
lotuspsychjeLorSamPau_w: so its possible to have compiz effects running on nomodeset boot option?12:49
lotuspsychjeftruzzi:you could try the printer with usb direct on a laptop to check12:50
LorSamPau_wlotuspsychje, yes, i had the system that didn't load without nomodeset12:50
LorSamPau_wlotuspsychje, and i used compiz12:50
ftruzzilotuspsychje: Ahh the printer work for other computers in the same network, It just doesn't like me12:50
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: lol12:51
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: the other computers have same Os as you trying now?12:52
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox12:53
=== jamestunnicliff_ is now known as jamestunnicliffe
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: or any router/firewall block printer send?12:53
ftruzzilotuspsychje: Windows, Ubuntu and Archlinux mainly, there is some random macs too12:54
ftruzzilotuspsychje: the document arrives at the queue in the server12:54
ftruzziit Just stuck in a Error12:54
ftruzzilotuspsychje: it stuck in an error, the file is called "Remote Downlevel Document" and it stays in the queue until i delete it12:55
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: thats odd, so sending from another pc from the network doesnt que but print directly?12:55
Adiey u no let me unity launch at bottom of screen >:/12:55
* Adie smacks ubuntu12:55
neotericftruzzi: what are you printing?  you tried just plain text?12:55
GreenlineHey guys, I used to be an Operator here, but I lost my account.12:55
GreenlineAnyway, glad to be back.12:55
ftruzzineoteric: im trying to print cups test page12:55
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: i read here something about a bi-directional setting: http://forums.techguy.org/linux-unix/414003-solved-ubuntu-printing.html12:57
ftruzzilotuspsychje: In my question I said I have that disabled :\12:57
ftruzzilotuspsychje: I tryed that already12:57
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: ok my bad12:57
ftruzzilotuspsychje: no problem at all, you are just trying to help =)12:58
neotericftruzzi: any clues in CUPS error_log ?13:00
neotericftruzzi: any what's output of 'lpq' in command line13:01
sunil_hi i am new to ubuntu & i have one ubuntu compatible software .how to install that software ? please help me13:01
baizonsunil_: what software and what file?13:02
Kartagissunil_: does it end in .deb?13:02
ftruzzineoteric: lpq support samba by default?13:02
sunil_let me check sir13:03
fazkkhow do i install a intel vga video driver for my asus x101ch?13:03
neotericftruzzi: heh, not sure by default, just throwing ideas of places to check :)  does lpq list the printer?13:04
sunil_tar.gz..... i guess this is compressed13:04
ftruzzineoteric: lpq: Error - no default destination available., I tryed to use the server/printer but nothing13:05
sunil_.deb also13:05
AdvoWorkhi guys. I need to install Ubuntu 6.06 somehow on a server, I have the iso burned, it won't install though, any tips?13:05
BluesKajAdvoWork, 6.06 ..are you kidding ?13:06
AdvoWorkBluesKaj, not for anything main, we use current versions, but i have a server from ages and ages ago, its been switched off for years, but now im trying to migrate something off it, so need to install 6.06 on an old server13:07
echo501I'm having troubles with SSO to my Ubuntu server from an Active Directory LDAP.   It's prompts me for a password.  Any suggestions on where to look for the issue?  Thanks13:07
BluesKaj!6.06 | AdvoWork13:07
ubottuAdvoWork: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:07
AdvoWorkBlue1, i know this..13:07
sunil_kaffeine-1.2.2.tar.gz  another one is timevault_0.7.5-1_i386.deb13:07
gordonjcpcdavis: I'm not sure what you mean about configuring the display13:08
gordonjcpcdavis: I thought the server was headless?13:08
sunil_how to install them sir?13:08
echo501AdvoWork:  Did you make the ISO cd bootable?13:08
AdvoWorkecho501, it tries to install, but after a while it basically shows loads of errors scrolling on the screen, a a gui error showing xorg.conf problem but i cant read it13:09
BluesKajAdvoWork, in that case , there mus be some sites wthat still have legacy iso's13:09
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest88592
BluesKajAdvoWork, http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/6.06/13:10
neotericftruzzi: hmm... sorry I can't help with a quick fix, I had lots of issues with printer here, once I got it so I could see it with 'lpq' it worked ok, but your scenario could be different, good luck trawling the FAQs unless anyone else has ideas on here?13:11
ftruzzineoteric: thanks13:11
lotuspsychjeneoteric: i read alot of samba stuff on this issue13:11
kubanchellow! i've added command "/usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/disk/681ee625-6fe8-49f9-b4eb-5b42b390bdb7" to the startup application ant the partition doesn't mount automaticly... I have Ubuntu 12.04. Any idea13:12
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: did you check samba logs?13:12
lotuspsychjekubanc: ntfs drive?13:12
kubanclotuspsychje, no, ext413:12
BluesKajAdvoWork, look for the alternate install13:13
BluesKaj!alternate | AdvoWork13:13
ubottuAdvoWork: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:13
lotuspsychjekubanc: maybe interesting to pastebin your etc/fstab in here13:13
ftruzzilotuspsychje: no, but It's not a connection problem, it rather be a driver problem, the document is sent to the server, but it is just some shit13:13
echo501anyone got any SSO expertise?13:13
kubanclotuspsychje, well i can tell you that the partition is not in fstab13:14
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: are you sure you added the printer to samba on all needed machines13:14
kubanclotuspsychje, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177781/13:14
kubanclotuspsychje, i can put partition in fstab but i don't know with what options...13:16
ftruzzilotuspsychje: the printer its open, if you had the right address you could print here :p13:16
RhombixHi. I have a slightly odd question.13:16
RhombixIs it possible to configure a USB controller to activate keyboard shortcuts?13:16
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: not sure there mate, but if you got other ubuntu boxes that can print to the printer it would not be a driver issue?13:17
lotuspsychjekubanc: thats odd ext4 does automount by default right?13:17
ftruzzilotuspsychje: Idk, I'm done, I'll stick to the pendrive method13:18
sunil_how to install software file ending in .deb please tell13:18
AdvoWorkBluesKaj, thanks for that link, i see http://mirror.sov.uk.goscomb.net/ubuntu-releases/6.06/  but it only has server versions, not desktops?13:18
lotuspsychjesunil_:doubleclick and open with software centre13:18
kubanclotuspsychje, as i said, i've putten command /usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/disk/681ee625-6fe8-49f9-b4eb-5b42b390bdb7 to startup applications. So yes, it should automount at startup...13:19
kubanclotuspsychje, but by default it doesn't automount because it a separate disc13:19
lotuspsychjekubanc: can you see the partition with gparted?13:19
kubanclotuspsychje, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177794/13:20
lotuspsychjeftruzzi: this can help maybe? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174972513:20
kubanclotuspsychje, yes, i can se partition with gparted13:20
BluesKajAdvoWork, there are desktops as well13:20
kubancand i can mount disc through nautilus, but i need to automount it because of ropbox13:20
SilvereXhey guys13:21
SilvereXanybody know why I can't remove files from my USB stick?13:21
uberamdSilvereX: What is the filesystem on it?13:21
cdavisI have 12.04 LTS running on a laptop and it suspends the display after idle. Is there a way I can stop this from happening?13:21
lotuspsychjekubanc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169169513:21
BluesKajAdvoWork, the first alternate install cd is a desktop version13:22
SilvereXuberamd: not sure. fat32 most likely13:22
uberamdcdavis: Settings for that should be under power management13:22
uberamdcdavis: iirc, there is an option to not dim display when using battery power13:22
uberamdSilvereX: Is the option to delete simply not there?13:23
SilvereXuberamd: It's there, but I can't click it13:23
SilvereXuberamd: It's greyed out13:23
uberamdSilvereX: Can you go to terminal, cd into the USB drive, and try an rm on the file you're removing13:24
uberamdSilvereX: To see if there is an error13:24
matts45acpcan someone here help me with selecting some memory for my laptop i have a toshiba a505 s698013:25
fidelmatts45acp: where is your problem?13:25
kroonrsSilvereX: If it's NTFS, it may be mounted read-only by default?13:25
SilvereXuberamd: It says permission denied when I try to remove it through the terminal13:26
matts45acpfidel, well ive looked up the installed memory that it has now13:26
RhombixHi. I have a slightly odd question.13:26
RhombixIs it possible to configure a USB controller to activate keyboard shortcuts?13:26
matts45acpfidel, if i get a differnt speed does it matter13:26
sifogoodHi all:)13:26
uberamdmatts45acp: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682014559813:27
SilvereXRhombix: You mean a gamepad? If so, I'm pretty sure there's software out there for that13:27
kroonrsSilvereX: or possibly mounted with a different owner.  Try ls -l <filename> - are you the owner, and what are the permissions?13:27
SilvereXRhombix: I haven't found a fully functional one yet, though13:27
RhombixSilvereX: Ok, great! What do I need to look for?13:27
sifogoodIs ubuntu support android ?13:27
compdocmatts45acp, go to http://www.crucial.com/   and see what kind you need, then you can shop for price13:27
kubanci would like to automount ext4 disc with fstab. Any idea what shoudl i put for [Options] [dump] [fsck order]13:27
matts45acpfidel, i have 1066 now and was looking at 133313:27
fidelmatts45acp: you should check what kind of ram your device is currently using13:27
fidelthen check if there is a max limit regarding the overall ram amount13:27
matts45acpfidel, guess thats my speed13:28
fidelthen check how many slots you have - and you are almost at the target13:28
uberamdfidel: its a laptop, likely 2 :P13:28
matts45acpfidel, 2 slots13:28
fidelmost likely yes - while some vendors do crazy things ;)13:28
uberamdmatts45acp: the link I sent you is for a 4 gig pair13:28
SilvereXRhombix: http://www.minecraftplaza.com/xbox-controller-to-pc/13:28
kroonrssifogood: What exactly do you mean with your question?13:29
RhombixSilvereX: Thanks!13:30
RhombixBye now13:30
SilvereXkroonrs: in properties, in the permissions tab, it says I am not the owner so I cannot change the settings13:30
matts45acpuberamd, i currently have 204 pin thats some 200 pin memory13:30
SilvereXkroonrs: Would that restrict me to read only?13:30
kroonrsSilvereX: if you "cat /etc/fstab" is the mount point a ntfs file system?13:31
kroonrsSilvereX: if you're not the owner, and the owner hasn't given you permission to change the file, you'd have read-only, yeah.  Normally NTFS is mounted as owned by root, and as read-only, as I understand it.13:32
kroonrsSilvereX: but it can be overridden13:32
SilvereXkroonrs: So how exactly would I change it?13:33
SilvereXkroonrs: It says the owner is root.13:34
kroonrsSilvereX: well, first we check if that's the issue13:35
neotericsifogood: are you talking about Ubuntu for Android?  I don't think that's readily available for general Android devices, but it sure will be cool when I can just dock my mobile and use it as a pc :)13:35
kroonrsSilvereX: if so, it may be you don't have ntfs-3g installed?13:35
kroonrsSilvereX: in which case, installing that and rebooting might solve it13:35
SilvereXkroonrs: How would I install it?13:36
kroonrssearch for ntfs-3g in the software centre.  Looks like the "NTFS Configuration Tool" in the software centre may do it as well13:37
kroonrsSilvereX: ^13:37
jluchow can i know what printer driver is currently installed and used by my printer ?13:39
matt12hi, how can i read and send sms in ubuntu using my cdma modem?13:40
SilvereXkroonrs: Already got ntfs-3g. What now?13:41
kroonrsSilvereX: is the partition NTFS?13:44
kroonrsSilvereX: and what's the relevant line in /etc/fstab ?13:44
DragonflyHi there, I have a problem with the Fan on my Toshiba Satellite. this does not detect the Fan at all, it was working fine before a system upgrade.13:44
juancabritoHi, I'm trying to solve a problem and I found a guide but it says: "The solution was to remove the explicit /usr/local/bin path from my .bash_profile file"13:45
juancabritowhere can I find that .bash_profile??13:45
jribjuancabrito: what problem are you solving...?13:45
SilvereXkroonrs: I'm pretty sure it's fat32. I always format to fat32 for usb sticks. /etc/fstab says permission denied13:46
kroonrsjuancabrito: it's a hidden file in your home directory13:46
kroonrsSilvereX: can you "sudo cat /etc/fstab", or don't you have sudo rights?13:47
matt12juancabrito: vi ~/.bash_profile13:47
kroonrsmatt12: Prepare for questions about vi?13:48
zykotick9matt12: .bash_profile really?  i have .bashrc and a .profile - but no .bash_profile, do you?13:48
uberamdI haven't seen bash_profile in ages13:49
kroonrszykotick9: good point, but some of my legacy accounts do have .bash_profile files13:49
neotericjuancabrito: when wanting to find a file you can usually use 'locate <filename>' if its not a completely new file13:49
zykotick9kroonrs: interesting, sorry i've never heard of it...13:50
neotericjuancabrito: also you can do "find . -name '<filename>' -print" to search from current directory for a specific filename on the command line13:50
SilvereXkroonrs: I'm really tired. I really should get some sleep. Thanks for your help, though13:51
BluesKaj /usr/share/doc/adduser/examples/adduser.local.conf.examples/skel/dot.bash_profile  is no longer used ...it directs to ~/.bashrc13:51
kroonrsSilvereX: ok, hope you get it sorted tomorrow13:51
neotericjuancabrito: just thought i'd share that because i use those two commands a lot :)13:52
BluesKajjuancabrito, what ubuntu version are you using ?13:52
juancabritoBluesKaj: 12.0413:53
BluesKajjuancabrito, what exactly are you trying to do ?13:54
zertshi my gnome windows fail in sometimes, the top label of any window its no working plz help13:55
juancabritoBluesKaj: http://blog.mhartl.com/2010/02/19/some-rvm-gotchas/13:55
zertsi dont see the top label of any windows in ubuntu13:59
JMS32Hello! I'm trying to install ubuntu, but installation failes in grub-istall...13:59
JMS32What to do?13:59
jedixI have a really bad problem with openssl/libssl breaking functionality that was around in 0.9.713:59
cfhowlettJMS32: did you hashcheck the iso?14:00
BluesKajjuancabrito, ok , i have no clue about ruby on rails , but the tutorial is obviously not using 12.04 as an example , perhaps you 'll find the profile line in ~/.bashrc14:00
JMS32cfhowlett, nope14:00
jedixand there doesn't seem to be a workaround without rebuilding python against a rebuilt 0.9.814:00
juancabritoBluesKaj: you were right about .bashrc14:00
juancabritonow the question is14:00
juancabritoi have this14:00
juancabritoPATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting14:00
JMS32cfhowlett, but i'm using usb-stick14:00
jedixcfhowlett: interesting nick14:00
cfhowlett!md5sum|JMS32: it's like condoms.  ALWAYS take the minute or 2 to check sum your iso before you attempt install14:00
ubottuJMS32: it's like condoms.  ALWAYS take the minute or 2 to check sum your iso before you attempt install: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows14:00
juancabritoPATH=$PATH: # $HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting14:00
krumplihi, i am using edubuntu and there is a problem with ltsp booting: I get the message pxe32: tftp open timeout. what is wrong?14:01
jedixkrumpli: you're trying to boot over the network14:01
juancabritois it ok if I change to: PATH=$PATH : $HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting14:01
cfhowlettJMS32: in order of trouble shooting, hash check is where I'd start...14:01
SimonMkrumpli, is the tftp server running ?14:01
juancabritoBluesKaj: sorry14:01
jcromartiehow can I tell if VirtualBox Guest Additions are installed in my Ubuntu guest VM14:01
juancabritoBluesKaj: it was the other way14:01
juancabritoBluesKaj: is this: PATH=$PATH : $HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting14:02
Noxxi just installed ubuntu on my PC and it fucked me over and deleted windows but dc ubuntu is awesome :D14:02
juancabritoand change it to this:14:02
juancabritoPATH=$PATH : #$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting14:02
ubottunoxx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:02
SimonMjcromartie, file ->preferences14:02
jedixjuancabrito: "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin"14:03
jedixno spaces.. $ not #$14:03
BluesKajjuancabrito, sorry I don't know , I just use bashrc for aliases in the cli14:03
SimonMjcromartie, then there is an extensions option in the box14:03
jcromartieSimonM: in the Ubuntu guest? I'm running Server. Or do you mean in VirtualBox?14:04
juancabritoBluesKaj: I mean is it the comment right? am I commenting that out correctly?14:04
SimonMjcromartie, I'm looking in Virtualbox manager14:05
juancabritoBluesKaj: or should the # go before de :14:05
jcromartieSimonM: I have the extensions installed for VirtualBox as a whole… I'm having trouble specifically with the Ubuntu guest14:05
jcromartieI know it's not a strict Ubuntu questino14:05
jcromartiebut I'm not sure where things get mounted etc14:05
BluesKajjuancabrito, to comment out use # , yes afaik14:05
SimonMjcromartie, you don't need to install any extensions on the guest14:06
SimonMjcromartie, you install vbox additions on the guest14:06
jcromartieSimonM: to do things like shared folders?14:06
SimonMjcromartie, to do shared folders on the guest you need to install the vbox additions.14:07
krumplijedix: yes, over the network14:07
SimonMjcromartie, so when the guest is running in the menu there is an install guest additions option14:07
krumpliSimonM: yes, the ps ax|grep tftp command gives me: 13445 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/in.tftpd --listen --user tftp --address --secure /var/lib/tftpboot14:07
SimonMjcromartie, but you have to have a virtual cd attached to the machine in order for it to attach the iso to the vm14:08
jack-yesHi there! I just install code::blocks and i have an error. "It seems that this project has not been built yet. Do you want to build it now?"14:08
SimonMkrumpli, the ip looks dodgy14:08
krumpliSimonM: it  should be set in /etc?14:08
SimonMkrumpli, probably should be a private ip like 192.*.*.* or 10. something14:08
SimonMkrumpli, it's probably in /etc/defaults/tftpd or something similar14:09
jcromartieSimonM: yeah when I try to install the Guest Additions, there is nothing in /media/cdrom14:09
SimonMjcromartie, what is the guest os ?14:10
SimonMjcromartie, I'm guessing linux by the /media14:10
jcromartieUbuntu Server!14:10
jcromartiehost is OS X14:10
jcromartieguest is Ubuntu14:10
SimonMjcromartie, if you type 'mount' ?14:11
jcromartieSimonM: nothing to indicate a virtual CD14:11
krumpliSimonM: 13761 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/in.tftpd --listen --user tftp --address --secure /var/lib/tftpboot14:11
jcromartieexcept VirtualBox says the CD is attached14:11
krumpliSimonM: thanks to you, I reset it... testing...14:12
SimonMjcromartie, dmesg ?14:12
arulmozhihow to start gimp with opencl features enabled??14:12
jack-yesplz, what's the name of the french chanel ?14:12
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:13
krumpliSimonM: timeout, again14:13
jcromartieSimonM: not sure exactly what I'm looking for, but I see a VBOX CD-ROM device14:13
jcromartiescsi, src014:13
SimonMkrumpli, can you do a port scan on that machine and make sure the port isn't firewalled ?14:13
krumpliSimonM: how? with nmap?14:13
jack-yesthx shadow14:13
SimonMjcromartie, just getting a host on my install here to compare14:14
SimonMkrumpli, can do, or a windows util, whatever, just need to make sure external clients can see it14:14
jcromartieI mounted it by hand… seems to be there now14:14
jcromartieI thought Ubuntu would auto-mount when the device has a disk in it14:14
jcromartiejust sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom/14:14
jcromartieit would if it were a desktop environment, right?14:15
SimonMjcromartie, that's done by nautilus in the gui14:15
SimonMyou may need to mount it then14:15
SimonMsomething like 'mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom'14:15
arulmozhi how to start gimp with opencl features enabled??14:16
SimonMjcromartie, is it mounted yet ?14:16
jcromartieSimonM: yes, I mounted it by hand14:16
jcromartieI have been away from Linux for a while :)14:17
SimonMso can you see the cd contents in /media/cdrom ?14:17
SimonMjcromartie, s'okay, it's not easy at the best of times14:17
SimonMjcromartie, just remembering how to mount a cifs share is a test in memory retentaion, never mind the command lines that some geeks do ;-)14:18
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jcromartieSimonM: yeah I'm just on to installing the prereqs now14:20
SimonMjcromartie, you progressing ?14:20
SimonMjcromartie, cool14:20
krumpliSimonM: it is accessible, but I cant find tftp in the open ports...14:24
UpgradeRhow come sudo apt-get upgrade leaves 6 packages not upgraded? linux headers, icedtea...14:24
krumpliSimonM: I have tftpd-hpa. Should I have tftp-hpa too as client?14:24
UpgradeRaNYone there?14:25
BluesKajUpgradeR, probly because the dependencies aren't ready14:27
UpgradeRbut they can be updated using the GUI14:27
MonkeyDustUpgradeR  yeah, had that here, too, upgraded with the GUI, done...14:28
UpgradeRbut i don't want to use the gui because i want to update several machines via ssh14:29
SimonMkrumpli, just trying to find the install I did a while back14:31
[twisti]a bunch of my android files dont work in ubuntun lts 12 anymore, they show up in the file system, but when i try to execute them, i get " Cannot run program "/home/twisti/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory.". i understand this is an arch issue, but i cant install i32-libs on lts 12 either. is there anything i can do, or is lts 12 just14:31
[twisti]not ready to be used by someone doing android development ?14:31
roSieversHi, I set up an new accout for my sister and set a password (passwd). However, LightDM allows anyone to log in to her user without a Password. How can i fix that?14:31
netzviehUpgradeR: you can copy the packages and upgrade them with apt-get install14:32
roSieversif I lock the PC it demands her password to unlock14:32
SimonMkrumpli, you did all this ? http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch16_:_Telnet,_TFTP,_and_xinetd#Debian_.2F_Ubuntu_214:33
Lunar_LampI've just install 12.04, and am having big issues with sound stuttering.  I've tried using the pulseaudio ppa, but that doesn't seem to be working, but I can't even see anything being written to logs...14:33
roSieversbut swich user, and then using LightDM bypasses that :-(14:34
cortexmanhow do I get rid of the e-mail icon on the upper-right taskbar in unity.14:34
cortexmanwhy isn't there an option to do so when you right click on it. is this windows?14:34
SimonMkrumpli, how much of the tftp config have you done ?  is this ground up stuff ?14:34
DarkStar1Hello is there a standard firewall running on 12.04 on install14:35
criziswell, there is ufw, but not gui client by default14:36
crizisDarkStar1, search for 'gufw' at software centre for easy ui for it14:37
crizisDarkStar1, it's http://gufw.tuxfamily.org/screenshots/ this one and really easy14:37
DarkStar1I want to know if there's one installed and enabled by defualt so I can disable it14:37
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crizisDarkStar1, it's disabled by default14:38
crizisinstalled by default, though. but not on. you can check the status with 'sudo ufw status'14:38
SimonMDarkStar1, no firewall, no services are enabled unless you select them during install14:38
DarkStar1ok thx14:38
krumpliSimonM: it was a working ltsp server, but it seems something get wrong.14:38
DarkStar1It's an upgrade from 11.10 and I didn't do the upgrade14:38
krumpliSimonM: this thingy was provided by a debian link14:39
SimonMkrumpli, the online guides for tftp are generally good quality14:40
SimonMkrumpli, the most important thing iirc is that the file access permissions must be right14:40
SimonMand you also need to be able to serve the files up, I think when I did it, I ended up using apache to do it14:40
krumpliSimonM: I am trying to get the pxelinux.0 file from the local machine and it seems the file is not found14:42
SimonMkrumpli, you're tftping from the local machine to the local machine ?14:43
SimonMkrumpli, so where is your tftp root ?14:43
SimonMkrumpli, /var/lib/tftpboot ?14:44
krumpliSimonM: in /var/lib/tftboot14:44
SimonMkrumpli, so did you do the whole chown,chgrp and 777 the whole lot ?14:44
krumpliSimonM: with normal get pxelinux.0, there was a file error. with a full path get /ltsp/i386/pxelinux.0 I got a timed out message14:45
krumpliSimonM: it seems yes14:46
krumpliSimonM: it is a ubuntu software that created this way14:46
ivan70my friend of mine gave me an audio CD is protected, how do I burn it? ubuntu 12.1014:46
ThinkT510!12.10 | ivan7014:47
ubottuivan70: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:47
SimonMkrumpli, it may have created it, doesn't mean it configured it :-)14:47
SimonMkrumpli, so you did tftp localhost14:47
krumpliSimonM: yes14:47
krumpliSimonM: and could not get the pxelinux.014:48
SimonMkrumpli, then get ltsp/i386/pxelinux.014:48
bertiei´m bertie14:48
bertiei have a problem, can somebody help? ubuntu just wont boot up..14:49
jcromartiewhere do I install things (like an SDK) for my own user account in Ubuntu14:49
Mikato hi i wanto to get into folder called parallels tools under bash window so i taping cd parallels tools but i get an error so how do i do it couse i dont remember?14:49
bertiei deleted a folder called "/home" and now i get bluescreens all the time when trying to boot up14:49
jcromartiebertie: troll much?14:49
krumpliSimonM: transfer timed out14:50
SimonMkrumpli, ls -la /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i38614:50
jcromartieby default14:50
krumpliSimonM: and there is 509 bytes of pxelinux.0 in my directory14:50
jcromartiethe usual /usr/local doesn't seem to be friendly to user-installed stuff14:50
SimonMMikato, tab completion ?14:51
krumpliSimonM: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1177971/14:51
[twisti]man, fuck ubuntu, seriously. who thought it was a good idea to recommend an update that makes android development impossible ? that didnt struck anyone as a bad idea ?14:51
jcromartie[twisti]: which update is that?14:52
[twisti]lts 12, 'precise'14:52
StavaHow do I install Java? Or rather, which runtime should I get?14:52
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.14:52
Mikatook i found it solution... cd Parallels\ Tools/ :P14:53
jcromartieStava: doing this right now :)14:53
jcromartieStava: I went with openjdk14:53
SimonMMikato, what's wrong with tab completion ?14:54
Stavajcromartie: It seems to be the easiest approach14:54
Mikatoi dont get it14:54
Mikatohow to use it?14:54
Mikatothe tab completion?14:54
paulus68what app can you use in order to connect android phones to ubuntu?14:55
SimonMMikato, start typing the path ie /home/mi then press tab14:56
Mikatook try it14:57
MonkeyDustpaulus68  http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android14:57
SimonMMikato, tab completion means that pressing the tab key will complete the path if there are no other options, you can press the tab key to cycle through mutiple options if there are any14:57
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krumpliSimonM: from an other machine, I only get 31 bytes with get ltsp/i386/pxelinux.014:57
MonkeyDustpaulus68  also: http://android-install.blogspot.be/2011/05/omg-ubuntu-app-for-android.html14:57
Mikatook i got it thank you14:58
roman___anybody knows some terminal tools to check health of resources list?14:58
SimonMkrumpli, I don't understand.  You get an entire file, or part of a file ?14:58
SimonMroman___, 'top' ?14:58
delacany way to get recordmydesktop to use both cores while encoding?15:00
matt__hi, can anyone here help me with a broken GUI login?15:00
bondjim looking for nice apps to rip my audio cds convert them to mp3 and tag them15:00
matt__or would i be better to post in the forums?15:00
krumpliSimonM: the original file is 2667 bytes, it seems I only get chunks15:00
bondjand download covers15:01
MonkeyDust!ask > matt__15:01
ubottumatt__, please see my private message15:01
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ShinobiWhat's the deal with gtk-gnash using loads of cpu? I only have a few webpages open.15:01
krumpliSimonM: 30 bytes remotely and 500 bytes locally15:01
SimonMkrumpli, are you running tftpd-hpa ?15:02
SimonMbondj, Monkeydust recommended jack to me earlier15:04
matt__in ubuntu 12.04 i changed the UID for a user in a new install i did (UID 1000 -> 1027). (I am setting up a network and I heard that the same UIDs on different machines makes things easier). GUI login for that user was then broken. changing it back to 1000 hasn't fixed it. file ownership in /home/[user] doesn't seem to be a problem15:05
SimonMkrumpli, what if you put the file in the root of tftpboot and try again ?15:05
MonkeyDustbondj  jack -Q -R15:05
krumpliSimonM: the same from the remote machine: 31 bytes15:07
=== jack_ is now known as wN
paulus68MonkeyDust: is there also a program that allows you to connect your android phone to ubuntu?15:08
MonkeyDustpaulus68  i don't have android myself, just found those links15:09
krumpliSimonM: the same from local machine, 509 bytes15:09
paulus68MonkeyDust: ok thx15:09
SimonMkrumpli, "In TFTP, any transfer begins with a request to read or write a file, which also serves to request a connection. If the server grants the request, the connection is opened and the file is sent in fixed length blocks of 512 bytes. Each data packet contains one block of data, and must be acknowledged by an acknowledgment packet before the next packet can be sent. A data packet of less than 512 bytes signals termination of a transfer."15:09
SimonMkrumpli, what client software are you using to connect ?15:09
krumpliSimonM: tftp-hpa15:10
SimonMkrumpli, okay I've done some tests15:13
SimonMkrumpli, my config worked using as the ip address15:13
SimonMkrumpli, maybe you need to run the server or tftp client software using strace ?15:15
krumpliSimonM: ok, I am trying it15:15
SimonMkrumpli, the file I transferred was 4MB and it was fine15:15
krumpliSimonM: interesting, the local get always times out15:15
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SimonMkrumpli, Received 32612636 bytes in 1.1 seconds15:16
W4spjoin #iridium15:17
krumpliSimonM: I tried with strace, there is a lot of garbage in it15:18
SimonMkrumpli, that's good15:18
SimonMkrumpli, no errors though ?15:18
krumpliSimonM: the same error: time out15:19
SimonMstrace tftpd-hpa then15:19
SimonMkrumpli, stop the service, run it from the command line and see what the console output is15:19
krumpliSimonM: in the waiting state, there is plenty of ERESTARTSYS15:20
pyrrhicUgh.. corrupt ntfs partitions are such a nightmare.15:20
SimonMkrumpli, I wonder if tftpd-hpa has debug or not15:20
gordonjcpSimonM: not really15:20
pyrrhicHow to repair a corrupt NTFS partition? GParted can't repair it, neither can testdisk!15:21
SimonMgordonjcp, oh well, I could hope15:22
SimonMkrumpli, maybe an apt-get purge and reinstall could help15:22
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HAMKootpyrrhic, ofcourse they can't, use UBcd >> http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/15:22
SimonMkrumpli, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/Troubleshooting/TFTP ?15:23
SimonMkrumpli, tftp localhost -v -m binary -c get /ltsp/i386/pxelinux.015:24
Satisfiedanybody have suggestions for setting up a VPN server on ubuntu?15:25
_makHi there!15:25
SimonMSatisfied, openVPN gets my vote15:25
_makThere is any tool (or method) to integrate visually the logic workflow with the source code? I mean, in the workflow I have a process 'Verify user credentials', there is a tool that links me this process to the source code that execute it?15:25
pyrrhicHAMKoot, After I make a live cd for UBCD. Then what?15:26
SimonMpyrrhic, if windoze can't fix the ntfs partition, you really need to look at third part recovery tools15:26
[twisti]ubuntu fills me with a hate fuelled rage15:26
pyrrhicSimonM I am... any suggestions? I currently have a windows 7 VBox15:26
HAMKootpyrrhic, read the manual at that page, i don't use ntfs because it is slow15:27
SimonMpyrrhic, is it just to get back jpg''s or somehting ?15:27
pyrrhicSimonM, Music and Videos15:27
pyrrhicHAMKoot can you convert a partititon to another file system... like NTFS to ext4?15:27
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HAMKootpyrrhic, no.15:28
SimonMpyrrhic, recuva is well known as is photorec15:29
SimonMpyrrhic, wiki to the rescue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_data_recovery_software15:29
HAMKootSimonM, i believe photorec is part of UBCD? that iso has plenty of tools.15:30
SimonMpyrrhic, testdisk too15:30
HAMKoottestdisk for ntfs ?15:30
SimonMHAMKoot, I'm sure you're right15:30
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Adiey u no let me unity launch at bottom of screen >:/15:34
* Adie smacks ubuntu15:34
krumpliSimonM: thanks for your help15:38
k1l_!ask | sss15:38
ubottusss: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:38
krumpliSimonM: I am coming back soon :)15:38
deadmundI'm trying to open a .xlsx document. the file command calls it, "Composite Document File V2 Document, No summary info"  libre-office cannot figure out the encoding.  What is this thing?15:38
MonkeyDustdeadmund  better ask in #libreoffice15:39
k1l_deadmund: its a microsoft excel file but saved in the newest format. easiest way is to ask the author to save it as excel 97-200 compatible format15:40
deadmundk1l_: I can't open it using openoffice?15:41
k1l_deadmund: it should open, but often the theme is missarranged.15:41
deadmundk1l_: It does not open at all!  Perhaps I need a newer version of libre-office.  I have only 3.515:42
k1l_but depends on the things inside the excel15:42
deadmundI put google docs can open it15:42
siavoshkcthe things that should not be15:43
deadmundUrrrggh.  Google docs can't open it.  This is ridiculous.15:45
MonkeyDustdeadmund  the format may be too new for anything other than excell15:46
deadmundhow I loathe Microsoft right now.15:46
* deadmund goes to find a windows computer...15:46
Guest1100101Hi, I am trying to install Adobe Reader, but it is missing the nspluginwrapper, but when selecting the nspluginwrapper package, it wants to remove ia32-libs, which is needed for wine, teamviewer and others - how to solve this ? (using lucid)15:49
savidI've been having this issue on my laptop where chrome will begin to take up so much memory that everything on my computer starts screeching to a halt.  My mouse slows down, and if I don't close chrome quickly, the computer locks up.  Is there anything I can use that will prevent chrome from taking my computer hostage?15:54
savid(or any application for that matter)15:54
icerootGuest1100101: you are trying to install "acroread" from the partners-repo?15:55
Guest1100101iceroot: I think yes15:56
icerootGuest1100101: sudo apt-get install acroread15:57
neotericsavid: this link may be useful: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187804/automatically-kill-process-that-consume-too-much-memory-or-stall-on-linux15:57
icerootGuest1100101: make sure the partner repo is enabled15:57
iceroot!partner | Guest110010115:58
ubottuGuest1100101: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »15:58
ANubMy mic has stopped working on ubuntu 12.04 ..... Any ideas...?15:58
savidneoteric, cool, thanks!15:58
icerootGuest1100101: but is there a special reason you need the acrobat reader? are the free pdf readers not ok?15:58
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neotericsavid: np, good luck15:59
ANubMy mic has stopped working on ubuntu 12.04 ..... Any ideas...?16:00
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alciUSC does not accept my payments... ssl handshake error on https://ingdf.wlp-acs.com/acs-pa. Is the service down ?16:00
neotericAnub: start here: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/music-microphone.html16:01
MB_wrkHello. On a server OS, is there anyway to apply kernel patches without restarting? I know there is ksplice, but that only is for Ubuntu Desktop, correct?16:06
sprezzaturais it possible to update BIOS using a script without requiring a restart/reboot?16:07
ikoniasprezzatura: no16:08
Guest1100101iceroot, ubottu: the partner repo is enabled, but still it conflicts...16:08
sprezzaturaikonia: just a plain no?16:08
MB_wrksprezzatura, yep. Just no.16:08
tagrapegaurav__, Use the live CD to look at the install and make sure all the confs needed like grub were installed16:08
ikoniasprezzatura: updating hte bios from linux is unlikely to work for most vendors 2.) updating a component that requires a reboot to re-load without rebooting = "no"16:08
thor__guys I need to create a booteable usb with win xp to install it on a netbook, how can i do this from ubuntu 12.04?16:08
sprezzaturaikonia: MB_wrk: so nothing like PowerShell(which exists for Windows), exists for Linux16:09
ikoniasprezzatura: you can't update the bios without rebooting on Windows16:09
ikoniasprezzatura: power shell is "the shell" on linux, however the bios updating programs are designed for windows so few work in linux16:09
tagrapeQuestion : I have a USB external that I mounted by UUID. How would I mount the folders inside the external to the server local dirs. Is that fstab as well?16:09
ikoniasprezzatura: and nothing will change the fact that that bios needs a reboot to reload16:09
sprezzaturaikonia: ok.16:09
Fyodorovnasprezzatura, your lucky in that many bios can be updated with a gui in windows.16:09
ikoniatagrape: you don't mount folders16:10
Fyodorovnawhich reboots16:10
MB_wrkFyodorovna, um this is an ubuntu channel. why would you bring up windows?16:10
sprezzaturaFyodorovna: i dont need it for windows. just wanted to know whether anything works in linux. and if yes, HOW it works :)16:10
tagrapeikonia, ok that's what I figured. How can I accomplish what I'm looking to do? Is there a way?16:10
ikoniatagrape: what are you actually looking to do ?16:10
ubottusss: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:10
ikoniatagrape: (can you give me an example to help make it clear)16:10
MB_wrksprezzatura, any system which allows for live BIOS updates would be cutting edge research only.16:11
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tagrapeikonia, I'd like to mount or 'point' the directories on the external to folders on the local drive. That that way I can share the local directory out instead of the dirs on the external.16:11
ikoniatagrape: can you give me an example /16:12
FyodorovnaMB_wrk, read the channel.16:12
DocHI'm going to attempt to build a computer for the first time and I'm doing some research before buying any parts to try to buy components as "linux friendly" as possible.  Is there an "official" list that could help guide me when i'm trying to make a decision on a motherboard (chipset support) or video drivers, etc.?16:13
MB_wrkFyodorovna, what? Official Ubuntu Support Channel ?16:13
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ikonia!hcl | DocH16:13
ubottuDocH: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:13
MonkeyDustsprezzatura  is this link useful? http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html16:14
tagrapeikonia, dir on external drive called 'videos'. I'd like to point a local dir on the server to this directory. (dev/sdb1 /media/video = xvideos on /media/tagrape/vids on server)16:14
DocHthank you very much ikonia! :)16:14
sprezzaturaMonkeyDust: lemme read.16:14
RubyRedGirlbasic sys admin question: I know I can connect to my local server at http://localhost:4000.  Say I want to access this URL faster, by just typing in "4".  How would I go about doing this?  I don't think it's in /etc/hosts-whatever?16:14
ubottusss: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:15
sprezzaturaMonkeyDust: too tedious!16:15
ikoniatagrape: you'd probably need to symlink, but why don't you just point at /meda/tagrape/vids instead of /media/vids - what's the benifit16:15
sprezzaturai guess , i will pass16:15
tagrapeikonia, I don't want to move the data that's on the external on /dev/sdb1. That's why I want to point directories on the local drive to the external drive dirs.16:16
ikoniatagrape: you don't have to move the data - just point at /media/tagrape/vids - why do you want to link /media/tagrape/vids to /media/vids ? what benifit is that giving you ?16:16
MonkeyDustsprezzatura  there's also this http://www.coreboot.org/Welcome_to_coreboot16:17
tagrapeikonia, ok I guess my next question is what do you mean 'link' ?16:17
wilee-nileeMB_wrk, The user wanted a bios update, without rebooting as suggested by a MOD, this was not possible and not done with success with linux in general, I suggested using the windows guis available in many bios to do it. That is not a windows recommendation per say, and why do you care anyway.16:17
ikoniatagrape: why do you want to do this ? what is the benifit16:17
ikoniatagrape: why do you want to point applications at /media/video instead of /media/tagrape/video ? what is the benifit ?16:18
sprezzaturaMonkeyDust: thanks16:18
tagrapeikonia, I don't understand what link is?16:18
gordonjcpthe bios is irrelevant once Linux has actually booted anyway16:18
ikoniatagrape: forget link - why do you want to point applications at /media/video instead of /media/tagrape/video ?16:18
ikoniatagrape: what benifit will you get ?16:18
sprezzaturaMonkeyDust: another one - ipmitool16:19
tagrapeikonia, I don't want to point applications. I have videos in 1 directory on my external drive. I've mounted this drive in fstab and want to leave the videos on the directory.16:20
ikoniatagrape: they will stay in that directory as long as the external drive is plugged in16:20
wrapidsI'm using a wm and I'm not too sure how to change the sound device. I've got a usb headset I'm trying to use, but I'm not sure how to activate it.16:20
WarOfTheNerdgordonjcp, I thought that until I upgraded to 12.04 LTS, where a BIOS bug broke wireless until I reset everything16:21
Adiewrapids, is it listed in your sound settings output list?16:21
MB_wrkwilee-nilee, A) That assumes said user has windows available. B) What MOD? There is no indication of user OPs at all (by design and I understand the reasoning). C) It's not possible period (not just in linux). D) Why do you care? I was asking Fy16:21
WarOfTheNerdMB_wrk, mini Windows CDs and/or DOS floppies are provided for that reason16:22
WarOfTheNerdAlso I've flashed the BIOS without rebooting before in Windows16:23
MB_wrkWarOfTheNerd, provided by Ubuntu? Provided by whom? And that depends on the specific hardware. Again with the assumptions.16:23
Guest1100101iceroot, ubottu: found the problem: xorg-edgers ppa messed up packages during ubuntu upgrade, reverting ia32-libs to default lucid version solved the problem - thanx16:24
Kartagis!find nslookup16:24
ubottuFound: libnet-nslookup-perl16:24
WarOfTheNerdMB_wrk, provided by the vendor.  Find me a BIOS and/or mobo vendor which doesn't provide bootable MinWin or DOS-based flashing tools.16:24
MB_wrkSorry, I was assuming you meant distributed with the actual component.16:25
AdieWarOfTheNerd, lots of vendors have the only option as an in-windows flashing utility16:25
ikoniaguys can we dump the bios talk16:25
ikoniait's nothing to do with ubuntu16:25
alcianyone has an idea whether Ubuntu software center payment system is up ? Was going to buy sacred-gold, but USC cannot connect ?...16:25
WarOfTheNerdalci, keep refreshing16:25
WarOfTheNerdalci, I have had SSL fail a few times before getting a success16:26
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MB_wrkikonia, yep!16:27
alci@WarOfTheNerd: server under heavy load ? (seems promising for Canonical then :-)16:27
WarOfTheNerdalci, in my experience it has been recently because of the Humble Indie Bundle16:28
MB_wrkIs there a ksplice or ksplice alternative for Ubuntu Server?16:28
wrapidsI'm trying to use my logitech g930 with ubuntu 12.04. The keys (volume control and such) are registering with the machine, and I've found a lot of success stories about pepole getting it to work. I'm simply not getting any sound though.16:29
alci@WarOfTheNerd: ok, I'll keep trying, but giving my CC number again and again with an obscure technical failure makes me quit nervous...16:29
WarOfTheNerdalci, check the subscriptions on your account after16:29
wrapidsaplay -l lists the headset, ubuntu sound manager picks up the headset and model as well.16:30
daniel_ccan naybody help me, I just installed ubuntu an my laptop heats too much16:30
user82what did i install here.....? http://screencloud.net/v/bRut16:31
user82it just changed...16:31
sp4rcguys, ubuntu 12.04.1 lts with all update keeps bugging me with: udevd[426]: timeout: killing '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00008086d0000A001sv000015D9sd0000060Abc03sc00i00'16:32
WarOfTheNerdalci, https://software-center.ubuntu.com/subscriptions/ <-- see if it appears there before putting in CC number again =]16:32
sp4rcany input on this?16:32
daniel_cno one?16:33
MB_wrkdaniel_c, I don't know. Have you tried googling ubuntu + laptop + heat?16:34
daniel_cgood idea16:34
alci@WarOfTheNerd: not in my subscriptions, fine.But I did hit "try again" button a hundred time, and it fails consistantly. I guess I'll try again another day.16:34
KrenairCan someone please help me find a Wine 1.5.9 package for Ubuntu 12.04?16:34
HAMKoot!lmsensors > daniel_c16:34
ubottudaniel_c, please see my private message16:34
user82Krenair specifically this version?16:34
KrenairYes, specifically 1.5.9 instead of 1.5.1116:34
wrapids<- its because I'm a tard.16:35
KrenairI have the source of it from Git but unfortunately cannot compile it16:35
HAMKootKrenair, build wine 1.5.9 yourself, it is not available yet >> http://www.winehq.org/news/201207170116:37
vnis eSATA hot plug on Ubuntu live CD?16:37
Krenair<Krenair> I have the source of it from Git but unfortunately cannot compile it16:37
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daniel_c64 and 65 degrees Celsius16:39
mysterioushi, does anybody know where to get jaunty armel repositories?16:39
daniel_cthat is my current temperature16:39
HAMKootmysterious, they are out of date, and mostely removed. see "old-releases" part >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:40
HAMKootdaniel_c, sounds not bad.16:41
daniel_cyes but the fan is making a lot of noise16:42
MB_wrkdaniel_c, yeah. better the fan makes lots of noise at that temp than no noise16:42
daniel_cdo you know any solutions to slow down my cpu I have an AMD16:43
mysteriousHAM_Koot, isn't there any archive? I am not sure if i can upgrade a phone using this old version16:44
HAMKootmysterious, jaunty is EOL, end of life.16:44
mysterioussigh, perhaps someone is having a private repo :/16:45
HAMKootmysterious, if you can fix the repo's with "old-releases" maybe you can update, little chance.16:45
daniel_cI will try to install all my drivers than will come with an answer here16:46
mysteriousHAM_Koot, ok thanks i'll try16:46
user82so anybody seen this before.....? http://screencloud.net/v/bRut16:46
daniel_calso I found this useful information http://askubuntu.com/questions/61911/ubuntu-noisier-than-windows-716:46
MB_wrksp4rc, don't say anyone. just ask again. though don't ask too often, once an hour is fine.16:48
hoetblackhi there16:48
daniel_c<sp4rc> did you try googling it?16:48
sp4rcdaniel_c: thx for replying, yes i did without luck...16:49
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dazeis there a known fix for when following a Nvidia driver update the screen does not come back after sleep? I can switch to console with ctr+alt+f1,f2, etc., but f7 does not work. Pressing cltr+alt+backspace restarts the f7 console and it comes up again.16:51
dazeI assume it has something to do with X1116:51
Filipeksp4rc, does that machine work on other operating systems?16:52
Filipekit seems that some of your PCI cards have problems...16:52
Filipekwhat do you have in PCI slots?16:52
sp4rcFilipek: hm there is only one additional card ==> "01:00.1 Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 HDMI Audio Controller (rev a1)"16:53
paulus68is there a program available to connect android phones with usb to ubuntu pc16:55
Filipeksp4rc, if possible - please try to remove it first and boot up your machine ... if that is removable ...16:57
Filipekthis device seems like to be part of board, or is it really PCI?16:57
benhemhi all...I am having a mysterious issue in Lucid 10.04 -- my shutdown/logout panel button is greyed out on boot, but works if I remove it and replace it.  More bothersome, after boot, which is fast, my desktop and desktop items appear but I can't do anything for two minutes or so.  After those two minutes, my top and bottom panels appear, and after 30 more seconds, it's receiving usb mouse/keyboard information, and after another minute or so, I can get16:57
benhemthen it seems to run at normal speed16:57
Filipekpaulus68, why do you need program for that?16:57
FilipekI use Google Nexus and Android 4.1.1 without problems on that...16:58
sp4rcFilipek: ok, i'll give that a try16:58
paulus68Filipek: well want to synchronise my android with ubuntu applications for that16:58
paulus68at the moment not reconized by ubuntu16:58
Mini_EvoQuestion: which desktop environment is faster, MATE or XFCE ???16:58
Filipekpaulus68, hmm... weird - could you go into Dev. options in your Android and check the "USB debugging"?16:59
MonkeyDustMini_Evo  answer: try both and decide16:59
paulus68Filipek: and on top of that I am searching to get it upgraded to 2.3 but for my phone model it's gonna be a nightly build :( already on17:00
Kenpachi7996paulus68, when connected the android device shows the usb icon in the bar correct?17:00
lotuspsychjeis it possible to colortail -f multiple logs in realtime?17:01
paulus68Kenpachi7996: correct17:01
Filipekpaulus68, hmm it is very weird...17:01
Kenpachi7996paulus68, if you drag the bar down and hit the usb notification what mode it it in?17:01
luftikuss[gnome-power-statistics] I'd like and need to change the value  Laptop battery > Details > 'Energy when discharged' from '0,0 Wh' to '1,5 Wh'. In what file do I need to change that?17:02
Filipekpaulus68, I would suggest then to try android app called "Airdroid" - very nice app to administer and cooperate with android and you can use that from web browser...17:02
paulus68Kenpachi7996: at the moment it's on USB debugging17:02
Filipekpaulus68, you only have to be on the same subnet with that phone ... just check that out - maybe that helps17:03
paulus68Filipek: is it in the repositories?17:03
paulus68Filipek: or in the market17:03
lotuspsychjeis there a log for compiz boot settings somewhere?17:03
Filipekpaulus68, no, it is android app... it is on Google Play and is free of charge...17:04
Filipekpaulus68, yes, on the market if you will17:04
paulus68Filipek: ok do you know a way to install 2.3 on a acer liquid e ferrari special edition?17:05
Filipekpaulus68, Android 2.3 on laptop? why?17:06
paulus68Filipek: no on my phone17:06
Kenpachi7996Filipek, that is an awesome recommend! I have not seen that app yet.  However, I have never seen the usb mode show as usb debugging, i have only seen that i the settings menus17:07
Filipekpaulus68, "acer liquid e ferrari" - that is phone? :-) I probably just answered whether I know :-)17:07
Kenpachi7996I was thinking that paulus may have had her usb mode set to charge only preventing it from seeing it as a device17:08
FilipekKenpachi7996, usually when you want to connect your android mass storage mode to Ubuntu (at least for me) I had to enable the "Development mode) and "USB debugging" in it17:08
paulus68Filipek: it's a phone17:08
Filipekpaulus68, hang on a minute - will take a look at it ...17:09
mark06urgent help please, I update manager was downloading hundreds of MB of updates when I renamed local connection which made internet to reboot, that confused update system completely. I deleted some locks indicated by apt and ran install of dpkg. That made apt-get update run at least. However update manager now says my system is up-to-date! How to fix it?17:10
mark06s/please, I/please ,17:10
Filipekpaulus68, this is probably not what you wanted to see but there is always a chance with android: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=72188517:12
Filipekpaulus68, I personally put custom ROM on every of my devices (android) one since it is always more fluid and smoother17:12
mark06I also run dpkg --configure -a as it told me to, fwiw17:12
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paulus68Filipek: understood but how do I achieve this would love to have 2.3 or higher on my phone17:13
Kenpachi7996Second on Filipek, I run CM9 on mine way better than SBF17:13
benhemdon't want to spam or repost, but can anyone point me toward answers re: boot hang and greyed out shutdown button?17:13
wilee-nileemark06, yoour description is missing some details but try this. sudo apt-get -f install17:14
paulus68Filipek: and how do you install the custom roms through ubuntu pc?17:15
Filipekpaulus68, I had Samsung Galaxy S and Samsung Galaxy Nexus - for the first, there is one SW called Heimdall and for the latter there is GNEx root kit for Linux and Mac OS17:16
marcappuccinobenhem you might want to deactivate the splash screen for startup and shutdown: - switch to console with Ctrl-Alt-F1 - log in- run 'sudo -s' to get a root shell- confirm that 'grep splash /proc/cmdline' doesn't return anything (i.e., you are currently booted without splash)17:16
marcappuccino- run 'service lightdm stop' (and confirm that this command succeeds... if it doesn't, then something else is wrong)- run 'plymouthd --mode=shutdown'- run 'plymouth show-splash'- confirm that you do NOT get a graphical splash screen, but instead get a switch to a different text console- hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 again to switch back to your root login- run 'plymouth quit' to stop plymouth- run 'service lightdm start' to r17:16
marcappuccinoestart X17:16
FloodBot1marcappuccino: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
marcappuccinosorry large comment17:16
diego-chhey guys, I'm having an issue here.17:16
diego-chmy laptop is turning itself off when I leave it untouched for more than 20 minutes.17:16
diego-chany ideas on what could cause this?17:16
Filipekpaulus68, unfortunately Acer Liquid does not seem to be that popular so there is not a lot for that out there17:16
diego-chI'm running ubuntu 12.04 x8617:16
benhemmarcappuccino: ok, I'll try it.  but the appearance of desktop icons suggests it's not the splash that's hanging, right?17:17
mark06wilee-nilee: things are getting worse, changed server location from my country to  main servers and now it shows 5MB of updates I don't know are from the previous operation or after that17:17
paulus68Filipek: that's the problem that I'm experiencing right now17:17
marcappuccinobenhem isnot the problem tha your shutdown is hanging?17:17
marcappuccinoAfter you turn of the splash then you can see the real cause17:17
benhemno, start up hangs -- it shows desktop+icons17:17
inf3kt3ddiego-ch: is the laptop hot to the touch?17:17
benhemthe other issue is that my shutdown/logout button is greyed out in the panel17:18
benhemmarcappuccino: I would like to use your method to show what's actually happening behind the scenes during startup, if possible17:18
paulus68Filipek: I have an image however I don't know how to install it17:18
marcappuccinobenhem hang on I will put it in a pastebin for you17:19
diego-chinf3kt3d: no, and it was running just firefox and empathy... nothing more than that17:19
marcappuccinobenhem http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178224/17:19
diego-chinf3kt3d: this is the third time (or maybe more) that I notice this17:20
marcappuccinoBTW,, does anybody know anything about 'Watchdog'? I saw it in my shutdown logs and it was telling me my kernel had an overflow and my cpu0 had locked up...17:21
inf3kt3ddiego-ch: maybe you have sleep/shut-down set for 20 minutes?17:21
marcappuccinowhere is ubottu?17:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:21
wNthank god he's gone17:21
wNugh he's back17:21
Filipekpaulus68, the forum I have sent link it is the only source of information I may recommend - try to take a look there17:21
Filipekpaulus68, maybe there will some hint what to do with this type of device17:22
mark06does something look wrong here? http://pastie.org/pastes/4640641/text17:22
diego-chinf3kt3d: I already checked the power settings, it's set to "Don't suspend".17:22
benhemmarcappuccino: about to try this, just want to confirm that you know I'm in Lucid17:22
Filipekpaulus68, better look for Android 4+ rather... 2.3 is history... but you know better what is possible and what is not17:22
paulus68Filipek: where is that link please17:22
benhemhopefully a non-issue.  down the hatch!17:23
inf3kt3ddiego-ch: OS? laptop brand?17:23
=== michaelb_ is now known as michaelb
paulus68Filipek: first trying to get android 2.3 installed and then see if it's able to handle the 4.017:23
diego-chinf3kt3d: macbook 2,1. ubuntu 12.04 x86 running in efi mode17:24
SimonManyone know what the status of the mvsas drivers are in Kernel dev ?17:24
paulus68Filipek: I don't know if my processor is strong enough I have a 768 MHZ processor on it17:24
lullabudtrying to install ubuntu 12 on an hp pavilion dm4 and right after selecting any option from the boot menu the screen goes blank (turns off).  is there a boot string i can use to alter the graphics settings during install?17:24
SimonManyone know much about hybridgraphics ?17:25
wilee-nilee!nomodeset > lullabud17:25
ubottulullabud, please see my private message17:25
SimonMmy scren blanks at boot unless I use acpi=off :-(17:26
HAMKootSimonM, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics for info17:26
BluesKajSimonM, do you mean the optimus17:26
diego-chinf3kt3d: cpu temperature is around 60C, but I dont think that its overheating. I always had this temps here.17:26
lullabudwilee-nilee: hey, that looks like it's working.  i was trying to grok that setting and must have gotten it wrong.  thanks.17:27
SimonMHAMKoot, I did look at it, but it didn't mention anything about changing boot time acpi settings17:27
SimonMBluesKaj, Yeah, Vostro 375017:27
inf3kt3ddiego-ch: no thats def not overheating17:27
HAMKootSimonM, then you would want bimblebee, on that same page17:27
wilee-nileelullabud, It works on a reboot from the install as well, when you install be plugged to the net and and tick the updates box in the install gui.17:27
SimonMHAMKoot, I did install Bumblebee, still no joy on the booting though unless I do acpi=off17:28
HAMKootSimonM, there is a #bumblebee channel here on freenode too, those guys are up2date17:28
SimonMHAMKoot, cool, I'll check out that channel17:28
BluesKajSimonM, as HAMKoot says , take alook at bumblebee17:28
SimonMI have bumblebee installed17:28
benhemmarcappuccino: fixed!  thank you so much!17:28
SimonMI have no idea why it would cause a blank screen at bootup though17:29
acionamei have a problem.i have nvidia gpu driver installed i can boot to the os for the first time but if i reboot again it wont let me to execute the startx command ..17:29
benhemmarcappuccino: didn't think it would work since command lightdm wasn't found, and that grep line DID show something...and it all hung completely requiring manual restart when I did show-splash17:29
benhemmarcappuccino: but it is now all fixed17:29
CharlieSuAnyone familiar w/ using a Preseed file?  I'm doing this at the end of my preseed file and Chef gets installed correctly, but I'm not getting the 'integrity.serial' file saving.  Any ideas why?  https://gist.github.com/8b93792b59a62814ebd517:29
SimonM#bumblebee is one dead channel by the looks of it17:30
acionamei have a problem.i have nvidia gpu driver installed i can boot to the os for the first time but if i reboot again it wont let me to execute the startx command .. it gives me this output:using config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf failed to load module nvidia17:32
paulus68Filipek: can you sent me over the link please17:33
trismCharlieSu: only a guess, maybe you don't have a shell for the in-target commands, maybe try cp instead?17:33
wilee-nileeacioname, Is this driver from the repos or nividia?17:34
wilee-nileeacioname, there is your answer never install those use the repos.17:34
luftikuss[gnome-power-statistics] I'd like and need to change the value  Laptop battery > Details > 'Energy when discharged' from '0,0 Wh' to '1,5 Wh'. In what file do I need to change that?17:35
CharlieSutrism: good idea..  so you think it is the pipe?17:35
BluesKajacioname, before startx , do sudo nvidia-xconfig17:35
acionamewille-nille:i noticed that if i install a program from terminal with apt-get command it brings me something for nvidia-module failed17:35
k1l_BluesKaj: no starty17:35
acionamewille-nille:then if i reboot then i cant go into the os17:35
k1l_BluesKaj: sudo start lightdm17:36
wilee-nileeacioname, I can't really help beyond this. I have never had to load a nividia driver, I only know to stay away from there downloads is all.17:36
acionameBluesKaj:the nvidia ask me if i want to do nvidia-xconfig automatically17:36
BluesKajlightdm may not start k1l_ ..I had that problem17:36
HAMKootluftikuss, i am not sure, but ithink  /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf  >>>  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/laptop-mode.conf.8.html17:37
BluesKajacioname, yhes17:37
k1l_BluesKaj: acioname startx doesnt load the whole enviroment under ubuntu. the ubuntu way is to start the *dm, like lightdm17:37
tdnSuddenly, the sound stopped working in XBMC. I use 2:11.0~git20120423 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  Sound has been working just fine for months. I have tested that the sound DOES work on this machine by quitting xbmc and playing something with vlc instead. I have pastebin the debug log on http://p.adora.dk/P2499.html17:37
tdnHow do I fix this?17:37
acionametdn:type alsamixer in terminal17:38
acionamek1l_:wait what?17:38
BluesKajodd k1l_ kde uses lightdm as well , no need to start it first , startx does it all17:39
trismCharlieSu: yeah I think so, I notice the same issue here too: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104135/preseed-late-command-not-running though answerer seems to be able to do the redirect from ubiquity/success_command17:39
CharlieSutrism: cool.. i'll try a 'cp' instead17:41
ubottufrenck: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:41
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:41
acionameBlueKaj:before startx type  sudo nvidia-xconfig?17:42
acionameBlueKaj:only that?17:42
ubottufrenck: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:43
BluesKajacioname, yes, you'll only need to do it once17:43
SimonMwould anyone know why my dual nic motherboard will not get internet access until I disable one of the NIC's ?17:43
acionameBlueKaj:i should unistall and install the nvidia driver again?17:43
BluesKajacioname, no17:44
acionameBlueKaj:ok thanks ill reboot17:44
BluesKajSimonM, do ifconfig and see what the ethernet connections are17:47
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somanHi all. I want to use linux without internet and I need a virtual machine to test Ubuntu and soft that a already downloaded. What good VM software is good for use? I,m on Ubuntu 12.04 now17:49
MonkeyDustsoman  virtualbox17:50
Kenpachi7996+1 Virtualbox17:50
somanMonkeyDust: thanks17:51
piotr_kunaHello there17:53
somanpiotr_kuna: Hi17:55
piotr_kunai have a problem with booting with Grub17:55
tdnacioname, then what?17:55
jluchow can i get the IP adress of my network printer ? arp -a only says "HSIB.home ( à 00:1e:74:3e:da:d1 [ether] sur eth2"17:55
tdnacioname, why would it suddenly stop when it has been working just fine for months?17:56
jlucthe printer is behind a linksys sd208 switch on the LAN17:56
acionametdn:you cant increase the volume?17:56
piotr_kuna11.10, grub 1.99 have a raid array, it will boot only from the first disc, it won't boot from the second, seems to hang before grub, any idea?17:56
tdnacioname, both Mater and PCM is 100%17:56
acionametdn:can you select sound card?17:57
tdnacioname, how?17:57
acionametdn:F6 i think17:57
tdnacioname, oh, yeah. There is two. Nvidia and Intel.17:57
tdnIntel is selected.17:58
tdnAnd is on 100 %.17:58
tdnWhen I select nvidia there is no volume sliders.17:58
acionametdn:all bars are on 100%?17:58
tdnacioname, no, not mic. Obviously.17:58
tdnMic, Mic boost and SPDIFs are not turned up.17:58
tdnI do not use those.17:59
acionametdn: type aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav'18:00
acionametdn: in temrinal18:00
acionametdn: terminal ..18:00
acionamewithout the quite18:00
tdnacioname, yeah, and?18:00
acionameaplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav18:01
tdnDid that18:01
piotr_kunaanyone here would help me with grub?18:01
acionametdn: you cant hear anything?18:01
jlucare "111/tcp open  rpcbind" and "631/tcp open  ipp" ports ok for a printer ?18:01
jlucis the descripbed IP a printer's IP ?18:01
* jluc is looking for its LAN printer IP18:01
tdnacioname, nope, what should it sound like?18:02
acionametdn: front center18:02
jlucother described IP features "80/tcp open  http"18:02
acionametdn: sudo aplay -l18:02
tdnacioname, if I log in in X (on ssh now) as a non xbmc session and start vlc, sound does work.18:02
tdnacioname, http://paste.adora.dk/P2508.html18:03
jlucand other features "23/tcp   open  telnet    80/tcp   open  http     443/tcp  open  https     992/tcp  open  telnets    8443/tcp open  https-alt    "18:03
BluesKajacioname,isn't there a phonon soundcard test option on ubuntu?18:03
acionameBlueKaj:there is18:04
acionameBlueKaj:also i did the xconfig for nvidia but i think that the problem is when i iam trying to install a program from terminal with apt-get command somwhow it delete the module version for nvidiac ard18:05
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acionametdn: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd and tell me if you can see a large list ..18:07
* jluc is looking for its LAN printer's IP18:07
tdnacioname, find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd  | wc -l   ==> 22018:08
acionameBlueKaj: here is the output http://pastebin.com/jAX5Bbgn18:08
acionametdn : find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd18:08
acionametdn: type this..18:09
yshavitHello, I'm upgrading from 10.10 to 12.04, via 11.04 and 11.10. The 11.04 -> 11.10 upgrade failed with about 5 minutes left, I think because of odbc-postgresql. Now (on my mostly-installed 11.10), odbc-postgresql fails when I do anything with it: reinstall, uninstall, complete uninstall. Any ideas how I can try to recover?18:10
tdnacioname, this is what I did?18:10
tdnacioname, and it returned 220 lines. As I wrote above.18:10
goddardIs less settings a design philosphy for Ubuntu?18:10
goddardwhen i say settings I mean gui configuration options18:10
tdnacioname, wc -l counts lines.18:10
yshavithere's the failure I'm getting: http://pastebin.com/96XTx3Uf (this is for an attempt to reinstall)18:10
tdnacioname, so the list returned is large, if 220 lines is large.18:10
acionametdn : ok18:11
tdnacioname, if you want the complete list it is here: http://paste.adora.dk/P2509.html18:11
BluesKaj!tab |acioname,18:11
ubottuacioname,: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:11
aciodroptdn : lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"18:11
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JoeyJoeJoHow can I tell what files a package provides?18:11
trismJoeyJoeJo: dpkg -L package_name;18:12
islandmonkeyHmm, anyone know why Chrome dramatically slows Unity performance?18:12
tdnacioname, http://paste.adora.dk/P2510.html18:12
islandmonkeywould dramatically slow*18:13
user82asking once again, where does this come from. has anyone seen it before? http://screencloud.net/v/bRut18:14
BluesKajacioname, try the jockey alt+f2 . for the recommended nvidia driver , that driver is very old18:14
BluesKajyour driver is old I mean18:14
acionameBlueKaJ:very old? i download it from nvidia website like 2 days ago18:14
BluesKajacioname, well, that's not the one to use18:14
acionameBlueKaJ:and i tried jockey18:14
acionameBlueKaj:the output was like failed archives if i remember well18:15
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xanguauser82: seems like the edubuntu logo18:15
BluesKaj, check my post above , and my nick is BluesKaj , not what you're typing , us rthe tab key like Imentioned above18:15
user82xangua that might be the missing hint. thank you18:15
user82edubuntu-artwork..in deed xangua that package is installed18:16
Bitzhi everyone18:16
Bitzcan dlna (serviio) kill my ubuntu so bad that it would stuck during startup?18:17
BluesKajacioname, then you need to enable the canonival partners repository in the package manager to receive the proper drivers etc for your OS18:17
acionametdb:give me the output of lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"18:17
acionametdn: lspci -v | grep -A7 -i "audio"18:17
hp_hello world.....xoxox18:18
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Bitzso can anyone help me with dlna?18:19
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BluesKajtdn, open a terminal , sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel18:20
acionameBlueKaj:the repos are enabled and i did the jockey-gtk and nothing18:20
soman>>> Can I enter URL in OpenFIle dir to easily upload file to some resource from other resource as in WIndows?18:20
theophorhello. testing. i'm brand new18:20
tdnacioname, http://paste.adora.dk/P2511.html18:20
acionameBlueKaJ; i ll say that if i knew the name of the driver..18:20
islandmonkeyHmm, anyone know why Chrome would dramatically slow Unity performance? Intel Core i7 quad core 8GB RAM NVIDIA GT540M18:20
BluesKajacin take a look at my nick18:21
tdnBluesKaj, did that. However, lsmod said that is was already loaded: snd_hda_intel          33773  718:21
BluesKajtdn, then you need to setup phonon and probly pulseaudio18:21
tdnBluesKaj, ok, how to do that? And why do I *suddenly* need to do that when it has been working just fine for several months? And it still works in vlc?18:22
BluesKajtdn ok , where is not working ?18:23
acionametdn BluesKaj : sorry i must leave i have work :(18:24
tdnBluesKaj, I use this machine primarily as an HTPC. So I have one user that logs into an XBMC session. It has worked fine for months. But now the sound in XBMC does not work.18:24
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tdnBluesKaj, BUT if I log out of XBMC and log in as a regular user into a normal X session, sound works fine if I play the SAME media file using vlc.18:25
BluesKajtdn, oh , xbmc, ok I used it for a while but vlc fits my needs for my HTC just fine18:26
BluesKajperhaps an xbmc update is in order, tdn18:27
tdnBluesKaj, ok, I prefer xbmc. Do you still think phonon/pulse is what I need to do? And how to I go ahead from here?18:27
tdnBluesKaj, I have run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. All packages up to date.18:27
luftikussHAMKoot: I do not think that your proposal is the proper tool. This package is not installed on my computer. /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info states "design capacity low=200mWh" but gnome-power-statistics states differently.18:28
BluesKajtdn i would install pavucontrol ,,it can direct your audio IO options and can setup DD and DTS audio options as well18:28
islandmonkeyHmm, anyone know why Chrome would dramatically slow Unity performance? Intel Core i7 quad core 8GB RAM NVIDIA GT540M18:28
HAMKootluftikuss, oke, i wasn't sure, and this was all i remembered about powersettings18:29
BluesKaj!pavucontrol | tdn18:30
dhillhello, i am trying to netboot ubuntu install, but I cannot get serial redirection/output to work.  I have added "SERIAL 0 9600 0" to default, and console=/dev/ttyS0,9600 to append...  any ideas?18:30
BluesKajtdn, pavucontrol is basically a gui for pulseaudio18:30
luftikussHAMKoot: I've done quite a bit researching about ACPI but I am not up-to-date about the new developments. I will do some nore snooping now. --  Thank you for commenting.18:30
piotr_kunais anyone good in grub & booting? I have problems here with booting 11.1018:31
tdnBluesKaj, but what to do with it? I have installed it now.18:33
tdnWhen I start type pavucontrol as root, I get: "Fatal Error: Unable to connect to PulseAudio: OK"18:34
MB_wrkIs there a ksplice or equivalent for ubuntu server?18:35
BluesKajset your soundcard input uoutputs etc and codecs , tdn18:35
UbuntuDudeWhy doesn't UBUNTU 12.04 LTS remember my network connection state on RESUME?18:36
BluesKajjust type it in the run command , alt+f2 , tdn18:36
UbuntuDudeI don't want it enabling my wireless or networking if I had it turned off. That is an unrequested operation.18:36
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lullabudi just loaded ubuntu 12.04 on a Pavilion DM4.  the display is being recognized as 1024x768, but it's actually a higher resolution display.  how can i fix this?18:37
lullabudi have to boot with nomodeset or the display just goes black, so perhaps that's part of it.18:38
CharlieSutrism: 'cp' worked great in that preseed.. thanks bud!18:38
tdnBluesKaj, I do not have a keyboard on the thing, so I am on via ssh.18:38
tdnBluesKaj, why would I need to change my soundcard input/outputs? I have not changed those. It just stopped working the other day.18:39
BluesKajlullabud, install the recommende/restricteed drivers in jockey18:39
BluesKajtdn, I didn't say to change them , pavucontrol makes them stick after updates and upgardes18:40
UbuntuDudeHello? ANybody? Need to disable all networking on acpi lid action resume!!! It seems 12.04 is responsible enough to respect my settings on suspend.18:40
UbuntuDudeis ^ not responsible...18:40
tdnBluesKaj, you set that I should "set" them. Isnt that the same?18:40
Daghdhais there anyway to use a share on a windows machine in ubuntu without mounting it? Like an UNC path?18:40
WaltherDaghdha: you might see it in smb://18:41
DaghdhaWalther" In midnight commander?18:41
WaltherDaghdha: in a file browser18:41
Daghdhaok i open that then thanks18:41
DaghdhaHomefolder can't do split screen i take it? MC style18:42
BluesKajtdn set them as they are set in phonon audio hardware18:42
mzuverinksince switching to 12.04 my wireless connection acts up very regularly.  Chrome and all other web browsers recently report that it cannot resolve dns.  Windows machines, indeed the same machine running Windows runs fine and the issue never happens.  Anyone point me in the area of a fix. Much appreciated.18:43
UbuntuDudeCan anyone help me disable wireless power on acpi lid action resume? The Ubuntu is not respecting my settings~!18:43
UbuntuDudeHello critical battery power issue here!18:43
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:43
wilee-nilee!patience > UbuntuDude18:44
ubottuUbuntuDude, please see my private message18:44
wilee-nileeoops hehe18:44
lullabudBluesKaj: from what i can see, i have the additional drivers installed, but jockey says there are no proprietary drivers being used and gives me no options to enable.18:45
tdnBluesKaj, I dont really know what phonon is and how I see what is set in it?18:45
BluesKaj!phonon | tdn18:46
BluesKajwhere's all,the factoids18:47
tdnBluesKaj, I do not receive anything, and I did not receive anything before when you used '!'18:47
BluesKajtdn strange , it's installed in multimedia by default18:48
hp_every one please help me , how to setup camfrog on terminal ubuntu 12.0418:49
HAMKoot!info camfrog18:50
ubottuPackage camfrog does not exist in precise18:50
hp_yeah , ok thanks...xoxox18:51
HAMKoot!info phonon18:53
ubottuphonon (source: phonon): multimedia framework from KDE - metapackage. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0really4.6.0-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 7 kB, installed size 53 kB18:53
PowergiantHey guys. Im installing ubuntu, and my new laptop, but for some reason, the installer dosnt read the partitions already on here. I just suggest i use the entire disc. Anybody have any ideas ? http://i.imgur.com/UX0sp.png18:53
* BluesKaj wonders who's populating the the factoids ..needs some editing18:54
HAMKootPowergiant, make sure your hdd in the bios is set to AHCI not IDE mode18:54
PiciBluesKaj: What?18:55
PowergiantHAMKoot: Well I can honestly say I haven't checked that. I will try and look. Thanks ! :)18:55
islandmonkeyHmm, anyone know why Chrome would dramatically slow Unity performance? Intel Core i7 quad core 8GB RAM NVIDIA GT540M18:55
HAMKootBluesKaj, a lot of known names on http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi ( right side)18:55
HAMKootislandmonkey, what does "top" say in terminal ? mem/cpu usage or Zombie's?18:57
UbuntuDudei bet it says chrome is google logware crap ;)18:58
wilee-nileeislandmonkey, install htop and look at what is running, you can shutstuff down there if needed.18:58
klausenderHello, i have been trying to install ubuntu for some hours now  but i only get a black screen...search on the internet has resulted in errors of the graphics but i am not even sure if this is correct since i am a total newbie...can anybody help me please?18:58
HAMKootindeed, htop is more advanced18:58
HAMKootklausender, if you have nvidia, see nomodeset18:59
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:59
klausenderits a radeon18:59
klausendernomodeset did work a little bit longer indeed but it still fails19:00
HAMKootklausender, oke, what GPU ?  lspci | grep VGA19:00
islandmonkeyHmm, appears that the GPU process for chrome is always at top19:00
islandmonkeyLet's see if I can kill that19:01
klausenderwhere do i type this19:01
HAMKootopen terminal from menu of ctrl + alt + T19:01
islandmonkey*notices that Unity is in fact working fine now from first asking this question on here 50 minutes ago19:02
sandy_bridge_helhello, can someone help me with the sandy bridge Nvidia optimus?19:04
sandy_bridge_heli installed Pinguy OS19:04
sandy_bridge_heli tried to install bumblebee by adding it to the PPA list19:04
wilee-nileesandy_bridge_hel, this is ubuntu support only19:04
sandy_bridge_heland updating19:04
netraamehtCan sombody help me with Bash scripts?19:04
piotr_kunahi, any expert for grub and boot here?19:04
netraamehthttp://pastebin.com/RCamPBWC gives a syntax error19:04
sandy_bridge_helPinguy OS = ubuntu 12.0419:04
sandy_bridge_helis ironhide better than bumblebee?19:04
wilee-nileepiotr_kuna, sander still not supported sorry.19:04
wilee-nileesandy_bridge_hel,  still not supported sorry.19:05
wilee-nileepiotr_kuna, sorry whats the problem?19:05
DJonessandy_bridge_hel: No its not, its been modified from the original files, so its not supported, from memory, their website says which IRC channel they use for their support19:05
yoofdo you think tim cook has that anderson cooper look?19:05
islandmonkeyyoof: Lolwut?19:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:06
netraamehtCan somebody help me?19:06
DJonesyoof: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?19:06
islandmonkey!ask | netraameht19:06
ubottunetraameht: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:06
netraamehtI did XD19:06
piotr_kunawilee-nilee, my system is not booting from the second hdd, it only boots from the first drive. the first drive is failing. raid 1.19:06
netraamehthttp://pastebin.com/RCamPBWC gives a syntax error19:06
netraamehtAnd I have no idea how to fix it19:07
wilee-nileepiotr_kuna, I know nothing about raid sorry19:07
piotr_kunawilee-nilee, it hangs before showing anything about grub19:07
W4sppiotr_kuna: You are required to have GRUB2 on each of the HDDs any RAID array has.19:07
lccok. I have xmonad running via startx, and alsamixer gives cannot open mixer: No such file or directory. it works with unity.19:07
piotr_kunai think is shoud show at least the grub rescue mode or some error19:07
piotr_kunaW4sp grub1.99 is Grub2?19:08
lccI would like to have sound when running xmonad via startx.19:08
klausenderHAMKoot VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices AMD nee ATI Juniper Radeon HD 5700 Series19:08
netraamehtIs there a bash expert around?19:08
W4sppiotr_kuna: Yes.19:08
piotr_kunaW4sp: so i have GRUB2, i have reinstalled it on all drives19:09
UbuntuDudeOk, still not able to keep current ethernet state on suspend --> resume; Will settle for solution to disable all networking on resume. !!!19:09
piotr_kunaW4sp: with grub-install /dev/sda and so on19:09
netraamehtNo bash experts?19:09
joa_hi, i have installed bumblebee and now my intel gma is no longer supporting opengl as it seems19:09
ActionParsnipnetraameht: i'm ok, not great19:09
UbuntuDudebash what?19:09
lccnetraameht: just ask your question.19:09
=== Sazpaimon_ is now known as Sazpaimon
piotr_kunaW4sp: no errors reported but it hangs on a try to boot19:09
joa_how do i restore the original drivers and revert to an earlier state?19:09
ActionParsnipnetraameht: try just asking your question, far easier and quicker19:09
netraamehtlcc, ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/RCamPBWC gives me a syntax error19:10
piotr_kunaW4sp: except on the first drive, it shows the grub menu19:10
piotr_kunaW4sp: but the drive is faling, i need to replace it qucikly19:10
UbuntuDudeI can't find what you wrote in the script.19:10
UbuntuDudeTry rephrasing the question.19:10
ActionParsnipnetraameht: doesn't esac have a semicolon afer it usually?19:10
UbuntuDudeit doesn't19:11
UbuntuDudeit can19:11
UbuntuDudecase foo in; this) echo this;; esac;19:11
ActionParsnipnetraameht: did you ask in #bash as well19:12
coellobrancoi work with 2 monitors, i use nvidia graphics... i start openarena and i want use only principal monitor... but open arena use 2 monitors... help¿?19:12
ActionParsnipnetraameht: its more specific to your issue19:12
netraamehtSo i can go to #bash?19:12
GracenotesI'm a bit confused. I suppose the presence of a package here - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+package/libbind9-60 - doesn't necessarily mean it can be installed via apt-get?19:12
ActionParsnipnetraameht: yes, type:  /join #bash19:12
UbuntuDudenetraaheht you forgot to close19:12
oldwzdcoellobranco: nvidia or nouveau driver?19:13
UbuntuDude*) echo "Server not installed!" && exit19:13
UbuntuDudeshould be19:13
UbuntuDude*) echo "Server not installed!" && exit;;19:13
GracenotesIn my case, an apt-cache search doesn't yield anything19:13
UbuntuDudenetraameht see my answer?19:13
coellobrancooldwzd -> i use nvidia driver...19:13
netraamehtUbuntuDude, yes19:13
oldwzdcoellobranco: yah i read, sec checking my db for possible link to solution19:14
netraamehtUbuntuDude, at the *) part?19:14
ona_mattAnyone know why the installer is not adding the dns domain to resolv.conf that is provided by DHCP  (this is in 12.04)19:14
W4sppiotr_kuna: Your RAID is already on error...?19:14
UbuntuDudeyeah the end is missing two semi-colons19:14
UbuntuDudeonly syntax error i've noticed spot on19:14
coellobrancook, thanks oldwzf19:14
coellobrancook, thanks oldwzd19:14
piotr_kunaW4sp yes, i have removed one drive from the array19:14
netraamehtUbuntuDude, sorry, but what do you mean with semicolims, Im a badass in english XD19:15
UbuntuDude->> ;;19:15
UbuntuDudenetraameht I've reffered to it as a tail a time or two.19:16
UbuntuDudeit closes the case instance statement.19:16
W4sppiotr_kuna: If you want to have the good one mounted you would require a CD to mount the partition. You may be able to install GRUB onto the HDD that doesn't come up at the moment.19:16
WizardYo. Is it possible to setup Ubuntu to automount devices *without* showing the mountpoint in Nautilus?19:16
netraamehtUbuntuDude: http://pastebin.com/fAEujK3519:16
ha1dfoHi all. I've just tried to install Ubuntu 12.04.1 amd64 to my EliteBook 8540w, and just right after the dark-purple screen goes off, the graphics get scrambled or black, and the whole system hangs (no ctrl-alt-F#, not even ctrl-alt-del). Have anyone of you seen such thing?19:16
netraamehtLine 183 is the part I pasted in pastebin19:17
UbuntuDudeYou should try to be more structured and group your commands with {} braces19:17
piotr_kunaW4sp: i can boot the system connecting the failed drive, grub shows up and it boots then (rescue mode, have to accept degraded raid),19:18
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Wizardha1dfo: Seems like a gfx issue. Which gfx card has this laptop onboard?19:18
piotr_kunaW4sp: then i have reinstalled grub several times on all drives - it does not help19:18
ha1dfoWizard, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT215 [Quadro FX 1800M] (rev a2)19:18
UbuntuDudeWow you need to see a bash manual!19:19
UbuntuDudenetraameht http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_07_02.html19:19
ha1dfoWizard, I was thinking of trying the text-based install, then somehow getting nvidia propriatery drivers from console on my first boot. I just don't know how to. I only saw the 3rdparty driver installer in graphic mode19:19
ozpyHello. I run 12.04 and I can't update my system anymore because "broken packages". Synaptic does not work and  software manager does not remove packages anymore19:19
Wizardha1dfo: Text UI is still shipped, I think, it's called jockey.19:20
UbuntuDudenetraameht I usually use [[ condition ]] && { true statements; } || { false statements; }19:20
Wizardha1dfo: Jockey-text, even :)19:20
WizardUnfortunately I'm not graphics card wizard :P19:20
ha1dfoalright, i'll try using that. Thank you!19:20
ha1dfoi guess i'll be one for some level in a couple of days trying. :)19:21
Wizardha1dfo: You're welcome.19:21
UbuntuDudenetraameht you can also see my bash scripting reference with questions or curiosity: https://faceboo.com/alt.bash19:21
FounderOf42Owhat touchpad settings app does ubuntu use? i want the advanced synaptic settings on lubuntu19:21
Wizardha1dfo: I constantly idle here.19:21
UbuntuDudenetraameht wrong link above. -->> https://facebook.com/alt.bash19:22
W4sppiotr_kuna: Oh, i didn't know you get that far. Here's a howto guide that may assist you further. http://askubuntu.com/questions/83577/how-to-repair-a-degraded-raid19:23
netraamehtUbuntuDude so I can do like if []; then {true} else {false}19:23
dhillhello, i am trying to netboot ubuntu install, but I cannot get serial redirection/output to work.  I have added "SERIAL 0 9600 0" to default, and console=/dev/ttyS0,9600 to append...  any ideas?19:23
UbuntuDudeyes but you need the tail at the end of the last command in a single line group closing statement19:23
UbuntuDude{ true; false; } <-- ok19:24
netraamehtUbuntuDude, you mean like fi and esac?19:24
piotr_kunaW4sp: i know how to repair the raid, but to do that i need to attach a new drive, i can not do this when my system does not boot from the second drive19:24
UbuntuDude{ true; false } <-- syntax error19:24
netraamehtah k19:24
netraamehtUbuntuDude, I think I found the error with a single look19:25
UbuntuDudeif [ condition ] && echo true || echo false;19:25
netraamehtI forgot then19:25
UbuntuDude&& and || continue a statment on condition where ; just ends them19:25
JoeyJoeJoI just installed ubuntu alternate and when I try to install something via apt-get it asks me to insert my installation cdrom. How can I tell it to get packages from repos on the internet?19:26
UbuntuDudeso && is equal to then and || is equal to else19:26
icerootUbuntuDude: #bash19:26
UbuntuDude-- sorry.19:27
aidanjtJoeyJoeJo: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the hash symbols (#) against the "deb http://..." lines19:27
xanguaJoeyJoeJo: open Software Center, go to edit-sources and disable the cd19:27
Rewt`am stuck in Nvidia Quadro NVC 290 hell19:27
ActionParsnipRewt`: details please19:28
netraamehtUbuntuDude, new error XD19:28
W4spUbuntuDude: PMFJI. Almost, && means it continues the part to the right if the part to the left is true.19:28
Rewt`ActionParsnip: it only sees 1 monitor, when I try to run nvidia-settings, I'm told to run nvidia-xconfig, which i do, then restart X.. still told same thing19:28
ActionParsnipRewt`: can you please pastebin the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep nvidia19:29
Rewt`ActionParsnip: it's got one of those split dvi cables19:29
w30What's the best way to install Cinnamon on Ubuntu?  Install default Unity and then add Cinnimon? Remove Unity and install Cinnimon?  None of the above/19:29
ActionParsnipw30: there is a PPA you can add, Cinammon is not supoprted here bt we can get it installed19:30
ActionParsnipw30: I'd install ubuntu minimal then add the ppa and install cinamon for a nice minimalist desktop19:31
ActionParsnipw30: if you like the gnome2 smell, why not just install Xubuntu and use XFCE, it's quite similar19:31
Rewt`ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.ca/219980819:31
FounderOf42Oenable more sources. i think theres an app in system settings called sources or source manager19:32
FounderOf42Ooops sorry19:32
SS01w30: if you like gnome2 try MATE19:32
baizoncinamon isnt good19:32
baizonuse xfce19:32
baizonits the better choice19:32
w30ActionParsnip, Install Ubuntu with the standard Unity and then add the Cinnimon Ppa? I can get that done I think19:32
SS01cinnamon gave me endless freezeups on mint19:32
Newtoubuntuadobe flash settings hang on firefox. any suggested fixes?19:33
ActionParsnipRewt`: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-173    will help, you have 2 drivers installed19:33
baizonNewtoubuntu: dont use flash19:33
Rewt`ActionParsnip: giving it a shot, thanks19:33
wNthat was a terrible recommendation.19:33
TaJMoXbaizon I have problems with Flash, but it's necessary for me to use it for work purposes19:33
ActionParsnipw30: i'd go minimal installer, then cinammon will be the only session and you won't have any Unity installed19:33
Newtoubuntubaizon, the site i want is flash based19:34
ActionParsnipRewt`: I'd personally uninstall all the nvidia packages shown (except nvidia-common) then install nvidia-current again19:34
baizonwhat version?19:34
TaJMoXbaizon There is not really any alternative so "don't use flash" is never a good option19:34
Newtoubuntuso now what19:34
baizonTaJMoX: it was just a joke :)19:34
TaJMoXAnyways I have a question19:34
user__hello people19:34
TaJMoXIs there any linux alternative to this program http://www.actionoutline.com/ It's a notes/list organizer19:35
user__what's your question ?19:35
Newtoubuntuill try chromium19:35
w30ActionParsnip, actually I don't like gnome2 or Unity but my vote for the old gnome must have been a hanging chad19:35
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ActionParsnipw30: then try one of the other desktops if you dislike gnome...you don't have to use it19:35
TaJMoXLeft side of the window is a tree where you can select different text notes, and the right side is the formatable text. Any program that can do this well for Linux?19:35
Rewt`ActionParsnip: same results. Run nvidia-xconfig, I do, restart x, try the settings, tells me I need to run the config.19:36
ActionParsnipRewt`: tried:  sudo nvidia-xconfig19:36
Rewt`ActionParsnip: yes19:36
user__people why ubuntu 12.04 freeze always ?19:36
user__i can notice other distribution really better ?19:37
baizonuser__: what do you mean by freezes?19:37
baizonwhen does it happen19:37
gordonjcpTaJMoX: I do something similar using just an editor and Markdown syntax19:37
ActionParsnipuser__: have you tested your RAM?19:37
gordonjcpTaJMoX: I appreciate this doesn't answer your question19:37
user__when just i click on force quit icon19:37
W4spUbuntu doesn't 'freeze always.'19:37
th0rTaJMoX: you might check out Treepad19:37
user__just like that and everything then froze19:37
user__i can't move mous i can do anything19:37
UbuntuDudeI haven't used an if statement in over a year. Most of my logic paths are chosen on the status of [[ condition ]] or command.19:38
user__this happens alot of time19:38
baizonuser__: check your ram19:38
TaJMoXth0r PERFECT! You win!19:38
baizonit might be broken19:38
baizonthats why you have that problem19:38
gordonjcptreepad looks interesting19:38
user__nope my ram absolutely ddr 2 i think !19:38
user__but it's my laptop really fast19:38
baizonuser__: run a memtest19:38
user__cos i use win 7 on it19:38
W4spUbuntuDude: So, what do you need to know?19:38
ActionParsnipuser__: doesn't matter what it is, or even how much. It needs testing19:38
gordonjcpuser__: yes, run memtest86 from the install disk19:39
ActionParsnipuser__: using another OS is not a memory test19:39
coellobrancooldwzd -> very hard solution?19:39
w30ActionParsnip, I have xubuntu with xfce4 or fvwm4 what ever it is. I didn't get allconfigure  applications that I had with Gnome 1. I miss those. I found some of them but not all.19:39
user__well ill try to do that19:39
ActionParsnipuser__: its an option in Grub19:39
Bitzhelp me19:39
UbuntuDudeALL: How to get my system to remember the networking state on suspend --> resume ??? :D19:39
ActionParsnipuser__: if you installed with Wubi then defrag your NTFS partition, may help. Also chkdsk it19:39
Bitzwith my ubuntu server19:39
FounderOf42ODoes anyone know what touchpad settings app ubuntu uses? i want the advanced synaptic settings on lubuntu19:40
user__yea that's great19:40
gordonjcp!help | Bitz19:40
ubottuBitz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:40
W4sp!ask | Bitz19:40
SS01w30: if you /need/ to I suppose you could use the still-supported 10.04, which uses gnome 2 natively, but I dont recommend it19:40
th0rFounderOf42O: synclient might work19:40
gordonjcpFounderOf42O: yes, synclient19:40
W4spBitz: There's also #ubuntu-server.19:40
user__but how about changing main menu icon ?19:40
user__i tried19:40
elvanoI have installed gnome + gnome-panel on my ubuntu, can I remove unity?19:40
user__ubuntu tweak19:41
user__and alot of tricks19:41
xanguaelvano: better not19:41
FloodBot1user__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:41
baizonelvano: it will break your system19:41
gordonjcpFounderOf42O: be careful with synclient, you can set things so they are really horrible to use ;-)19:41
FounderOf42Osynclient, thank you19:41
baizontry gone classic19:41
gordonjcpFounderOf42O: on a macbook it is possible to set the touchpad so sensitive that it "clicks" when your finger is half an inch off it19:41
FounderOf42Orealy i just need two finger scrolling and disable taptoclick19:41
user__i just fed up searching19:41
MonkeyDustelvano  no need to remove, logout, choose different, login19:41
user__too many pages but no answer19:41
user__specifically with 12.04 it's so hard19:42
elvanoWell, that was my question.19:42
w30SS01, Yeah but going backwards is a loosing proposition in the long run and would just get worse with every upgrade.19:42
SS01w30: I know, I was just thinking as a last resort19:42
gordonjcpw30: gnome-panel is rather like Gnome 219:42
elvanoIs there another way to make ubuntu run smoother on my low system specs?19:42
gordonjcpelvano: what's the spec?19:43
xanguaelvano: use lubuntu or xubuntu19:43
wodiei'm trying to setup a shoutcast server, and keep getting connection timed out19:43
ActionParsnipelvano: use Xubuntu or Lubuntu19:43
UbuntuDudeSo nobody here knows why Ubuntu 12.04 LTS automatically enables the wifi network device on resume?? oR at least how to configure it????19:43
ActionParsnipelvano: ditch Compiz and use a light WM like openbox or even metacity19:43
gordonjcpUbuntuDude: why wouldn't it do that?19:43
w30SS01, thanks, any advice helps.19:43
gordonjcpelvano: can you add more memory?19:43
UbuntuDudebecause I don't need networking to work on my programs19:43
UbuntuDudeit gets rediculous when I close the lid to go do something19:44
UbuntuDudeopen it up and have to shut it back off19:44
gordonjcpUbuntuDude: I don't understand the problem19:44
wodie2012-08-31 14:42:13Imsg:[MAIN] Logger updating log file to use19:44
wodie2012-08-31 14:42:13Imsg:[MAIN] Loaded config from ./sc_serv_basic.conf19:44
wodie2012-08-31 14:42:13Imsg:[MAIN] Calculated CPU count is 219:44
wodie2012-08-31 14:42:13Imsg:[MAIN] Starting 2 network threads19:44
wodie2012-08-31 14:42:13Emsg:Connection timed out19:44
FloodBot1wodie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
UbuntuDudejust to have enough batterry power to work19:44
wodie2012-08-31 14:42:13Imsg:[MAIN] Runner shutdown19:44
W4spelvano: Most likely the GNOME3 desktop environment is the bottleneck. There are many DEs that you can choose from.19:44
Bitzokay then My question: I have an ubuntu server version and I have some problem with it. I was watching movie on my samsung tv using dlna and suddenly it just snapped and everything went out then i reset and the the load gets stuck at some point but most of the functions work. I am not sure what happened... log files are not very helpful ... I am using DLNA (serviio)... So my question is...can19:44
Bitzanyone give me an idea why does it get stuck during startup...and can dlna cause this?19:44
questhey, does anyone knows how can i get the DVD version of ubuntu server?19:44
gordonjcp!download | quest19:45
ubottuquest: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Precise, and help keeping the servers' load low!19:45
UbuntuDudeBasically I don't require networking so the stupid pc should not be turning it on when I had it shut off in the first place.19:45
UbuntuDudeAnd the stupid pc should be letting me control that action.19:45
questubottu: Thx19:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:45
w30elvano, lubuntu works great on my cheap, low powered HP 8" netbook with a 8 gig ssd drive19:45
gordonjcpthe annoying thing with lubuntu is it *still* says it needs 4.4GB of disk, and it clearly doesn't ;-)19:46
ubottuPrecise can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/desktop/ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/precise/server/ubuntu-12.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696919:46
elvanowhat disadvantages have lubuntu/xubuntu?19:46
yoofis debian related to lesbian?19:46
gordonjcpUbuntuDude: I can't reproduce that behaviour, but I wonder if it's because I'm using suspend from the power button instead of closing the lid19:46
W4sp!rules | yoof19:47
ubottuyoof: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:47
baizonelvano: none, just check if you like it19:47
UbuntuDudeDeborah and Ian does not a lesbian make19:47
Bitzso no idea?19:47
gordonjcpUbuntuDude: unless your network card is actually passing traffic it makes next to no difference to the battery life anyway19:47
UbuntuDudeI've noticed hours of pottential usage drain19:47
Bitzand there is no ubuntu-server19:47
gordonjcpBitz: can you see at what point the server is getting stuck?19:48
wodieany ideas on this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178466/19:48
UbuntuDudeWhen I shut off wireless I get about 3hr our of a battery charge19:48
gordonjcpBitz: also, if you disable serviio, does the problem go away?19:48
w30elvano, just install lubuntu and be satisfied with Chrome etc. instead of Firefox and Libreoffice and other heavy apps.19:48
UbuntuDudeWith it on I'm lucky to get 1:1519:48
klausenderHello i am trying to install ubuntu and after a short while i get a blackscreen...i have enabled nomodeset and i have a ati radeon 5700 what shall i do?19:48
gordonjcpBitz: so you've narrowed it down to serviio19:48
gordonjcpBitz: maybe it's indexing all your media files?19:48
BitzI mean the problem still occurs19:48
W4spBitz: The channel is #ubuntu-server19:48
Bitzlet me check19:49
gordonjcpBitz: oh, even with serviio disabled so it doesn't start on boot?19:49
wjtaylorHow do I get my line in and mic working in alsa mixer? WTF?19:49
gordonjcpwjtaylor: hit F419:49
gordonjcpwjtaylor: look at the record mixer page19:49
elvanoI shall never be satisfied with chrome instead of firefox O_o19:49
Bitzits very strange bevcause it gets stuck after a successdul start of rsync19:49
wjtaylorI don't have mic listed to record from, only playback... which, to me, is messed up.19:49
gordonjcpchrome has a really annoying bug in that it always pops up a "This file may harm your computer" warning when you click on a PDF19:50
wjtaylorand what's the difference between fron-mic and microphone?19:50
UbuntuDudeIt would really help if I had a hardware switch but I only have a soft switch on this Acer AOD25719:50
gordonjcpwjtaylor: your sound card can mix the mic input to the speaker output, *and* it can select it to record to19:50
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klausenderHello i am trying to install ubuntu and after a short while i get a blackscreen...i have enabled nomodeset and i have a ati radeon 5700 what shall i do? the error says 0xfec000f0 address already in use19:51
wjtaylorgordonjcp: understood, but shouldn't I see it under record then?19:51
gordonjcpwjtaylor: yeah, you should19:51
W4spgordonjcp: It is correct that PDF can harm your computer. :-)19:52
gordonjcpwjtaylor: daft question but are you looking at the right card? Many on-board chipsets actually appear as two separate cards19:52
gordonjcpW4sp: rubbish, and in any case you couldn't even pay me to care about that19:52
wjtaylorI just read this and am a bit punch drunk. http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-it-works-linux-audio-explained19:52
gordonjcpwjtaylor: that article is rubbish19:52
gordonjcpwjtaylor: it's written by somebody who fundamentally does not understand sound cards19:53
W4spgordonjcp: I take only skilled personell on board, yes.19:53
wjtaylorI hope so.   Yeah so I have an intel sound card and a USB capture device (easycap) So in alsa, I choose HDA Intel.19:54
gordonjcpwjtaylor: seems reasonable19:54
klausenderHello i am trying to install ubuntu and after a short while i get a blackscreen...i have enabled nomodeset and i have a ati radeon 5700 what shall i do? the error says sp5100tco timer mmio 0xfec000f0 address already in use19:54
gordonjcpwjtaylor: unfortunately "HDA Intel" covers about a million different configurations of soundcard19:54
wjtaylorFrom there I select the recording tab and see Capture, Capture1, Capture2, and Digital19:55
gordonjcpokay, and is there an "Input Source" tab?19:55
ActionParsnipklausender: try the boot option:  radeon.nomodeset=119:55
klausenderwhere do i use that?19:56
gordonjcpwjtaylor: weird, it *should* be there19:56
gordonjcpwjtaylor: not even when you scroll across?19:56
wjtaylorOK, so i'm not crazy.... that's a start19:56
wjtaylorI'm in gnome, let me do it from the command line19:57
klausenderActionParsnip where do i use that command?19:57
gordonjcpwjtaylor: oh yeah, use the ncurses alsamixer19:57
ActionParsnipklausender: as a boot option19:57
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.19:57
wjtaylorWhy doesn't that show in the GUI version???19:58
wjtaylorBartender make it a double!19:58
gordonjcpwjtaylor: working?20:00
ozpyHello. I run 12.04 and I can't update my system anymore because "broken packages". Synaptic does not work and  software manager does not remove packages anymore20:00
hanslandahello there, guys i have a problem with microphone..its not working...and i have made everything on alsamixer to take care of that...but without success..anyone???20:00
gordonjcpozpy: pastebin the error message *verbatim*, please20:01
bkc_hanslanda: pulseaudio20:01
hanslandabkc_, no ...alsa20:01
bkc_hanslanda: !wiki pulseaudio20:01
gordonjcphanslanda: have you selected the correct input in alsamixer's record page?20:01
netraamehtbkc_ do I know u?20:01
ozpygordonjcp, one sec. Ijust did sudo apt-get update20:02
hanslandagoddard, yes ...i think so20:02
klausenderActionParsnip the error remains the same20:02
hanslandagordonjcp, , yes ...i think so20:03
ozpygordonjcp, http://pastebin.com/PQ64eE3t20:04
gordonjcpozpy: well, you appear to have a mixture of Quantal and Precise sources in there20:06
gordonjcpozpy: which isn't especially sane20:06
HAMKootand  hardy20:06
hanslandaanyone can help me please? all guys just say to me that i have to change alsamixer settings...but i've already changed everything there...tried many things there...20:07
UbuntuDudeFound the answer to disable auto resume enables wireless: Airplane mode!20:07
gordonjcpozpy: furthermore looking at the errors it looks like it just can't find the PPAs for clamav, so you could try removing those lines20:07
blakesHaving trouble with printer:  Connecting a Lexmark pro901 via wireless to a CUPS server running 12.04. using ipp, the job appears to print normally, but never actually prints. Same with socket:// connection.20:07
wjtaylorgordonjcp: ok we're close. I found my line but cannot select it for capture.20:07
UbuntuDudeAnyone know a shell command to enable airplane mode? Would like the system to startup in airplane mode.20:07
guntbertgordonjcp: several lines seem to indicate hardy too (47)20:08
ozpygondonjcp, how to do that on terminal?20:08
UbuntuDudeSo If I turn it on and I happen to be on a plane..... lol20:08
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klausenderActionParsnip with the addition: unknown parameter 'nomodeset' 00f0 already in use20:08
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ActionParsnipklausender: do you use hybrid graphics?20:09
ozpygondonjcp, Hope there's a solution20:09
hanslandaAnyone can help me on configuring alsa step by step (new linux user)    ????20:10
klausenderActionParsnip how do i find out20:10
wjtaylorhanslanda: I'm doing the same thing... crazy huh20:10
wjtaylorgoto shell and type alsamixer   and set your volumes, ec20:11
hanslandawjtaylor, already done this....microphone still not working20:11
wjtayloryou're right where I am... lol20:11
wjtaylorDo you know how to select an input for capture? What key?20:12
ActionParsnipklausender: does the system have a make and model?20:12
klausenderActionParsnip there is also graphics onboard...do you mean that?20:12
usr13hanslanda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure20:12
ActionParsnipklausender: have you disabled that (I assume you don't use it)20:13
Aradianhey how do i give permision to a username to do whatever it wants with the contents of a folder, but not with the folder itself. I am trying to get public_html to not be able to be deletedby the username, but he /she could do whatever they please with what the folder has inside . i tried chown -R user /home/user/public_html/* but it wants me to give permission to a folder only, and if i give chown -R user /home/user/public_html the u20:13
Aradianchown -R /home/user/public_folder/. work ?20:13
klausenderActionParsnip i dont think so where can i do that?20:13
ActionParsnipklausender: system BIOS20:13
hanslandausr13, thanks...20:14
wjtaylorI don't understand I see a list of inputs under F4 capture, but only some are labeled as Capture (in red). I need to mark my line as capture. How is this done?20:14
usr13Aradian: Is this for apache?20:14
Aradiani use userdir20:14
guntbertozpy: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # in front of every line, containing "ppa", then edit every file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and do the same, afterwards try sudo apt-get update again20:14
gordonjcpwjtaylor: hit space20:14
usr13Aradian: You should use symlinks and put public_html in the user dir.20:14
ozpyguntbert, thanks20:15
wjtaylorgorndonjcp: tried that. does't work. Is there a limit?20:15
Aradiani do not know what a symlink is20:15
usr13Aradian: That way the user that ftps in will only have access to those files.20:15
Aradianand the public_html is currently in /home/user/public_html20:15
usr13Aradian: That's ok, you can just move it.20:15
Aradianwould u have a link to a tutorial20:15
Aradianthat does that?20:16
usr13Aradian: Just create a user for each site, place the files in a directory in that users home dir and symlink it.  Leave the user with only minimal rights to the system.20:16
UbuntuDudeTo answer my question again: airplane mode from the terminal: sudo rfkill block all20:16
usr13Aradian: Can I PM you?20:17
ozpyguntbert, every file on /etc/apt/sources.list.d will must be edited with a # in front of every line containing PPA?20:17
Aradianyes oufcrouse20:17
guntbertozpy: yes, so you will disable all ppas for now (you seem to have too many :-), then it will be time to see if there is another error20:18
ozpyguntbert, pal i did sudo gedit on that file and did not see any ppa... http://pastebin.com/BUWq04c320:20
UbuntuDudesudo echo 'sudo rfkill block all' >> /etc/rc.local && chmod +x /etc/rc.local20:21
UbuntuDude^ Airplane mode at boot.20:21
ozpyguntbert, or the lines do not state ppa?20:21
guntbertozpy: I thought you need to do it from CLI?20:21
ozpyguntbert, I got confused... to be honest, I don't know what CLI is.20:21
guntbertozpy: use gksudo with gedit, but you don't need to edit the files by hand if you have a GUI20:21
UbuntuDudesudo echo 'rfkill block all' >> /etc/rc.local && chmod +x /etc/rc.local20:21
UbuntuDude^correct command for Airplane mode at boot :/20:22
ActionParsnipUbuntuDude: that will get an acess denied and also will not get executed20:22
guntbertozpy: Command Line Interface - aka terminal/shell20:22
ActionParsnipUbuntuDude: anything below the 'exit 0' line doesn't get ran, so adding to the file will by default, go below the line20:22
ActionParsnipUbuntuDude: also, sudo doesn't traverse the redirection20:22
ActionParsnipUbuntuDude: to add to files not owned by the user, use:  echo "text" | sudo tee /file/to/add/to20:23
ActionParsnipwell,   tee -a20:23
guntbertozpy: the main file seldom contains ppa entries, it was just to make sure - but if you have a GUI there is an easier way20:23
UbuntuDudesudo echo 'sudo rfkill block all' $'\n' $(< /etc/rc.local) >> /etc/rc.local && chmod +x /etc/rc.local20:23
UbuntuDudeoops again..20:23
UbuntuDudeWhat about: sudo echo 'rfkill block all' $'\n' $(< /etc/rc.local)  >> /etc/rc.local && chmod +x /etc/rc.local20:24
ozpyguntbert, Pal, i got confused... I'm not that advanced in this. But if you tell me do this on terminal I can do that20:24
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ActionParsnipUbuntuDude: easier to use:  echo "sudo rfkill block all" | sudo tee /etc/rc.local; echo "exit 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local    assuming nothing else has been added20:24
Gary_inNYCwhat will happen to gnome 2.x if I were to push this upgrade to 12.0.1 button now?20:24
guntbertozpy: wait - do you have a graphical system?20:24
Gary_inNYCI've been running lucid for years, what will happen to gnome 2 if i upgrade to 12.0.1?20:25
Gary_inNYCsry, I meant 12.04.120:25
smw_Gary_inNYC, you will lose gnome220:26
oskar-Gary_inNYC: It will be replaced...20:26
Gary_inNYCdang, with Unity I assume?20:26
ozpyYes.  I  also know how to do simple stuff on terminal as long as it's not too technical. In the past I used to be instructed do sudo gedit on terminal to fix things20:26
ozpygunbert, Yes.  I  also know how to do simple stuff on terminal as long as it's not too technical. In the past I used to be instructed do sudo gedit on terminal to fix things20:26
UbuntuDudesounds like I need to write a script to add lines to a script with the ability to remove them based on sed. And get more people to download it ;)20:27
oskar-Gary_inNYC: yes. you can also install gnome-shell and then have a gnome-2 similar desktop called "gnome classic"20:27
ozpyGuntbert, Synaptic does not work either.20:27
Gary_inNYCthanks oskar-20:27
klausenderActionParsnip I cant find the onboard vga option in the bios20:28
guntbertozpy: for now I'd prefer to get along, so please press the windows-key (to open the dash) and enter   sou   that should display "software sources", press <enter>20:29
ActionParsnipklausender: could try connecting the monitor to the onboard during install20:31
ozpyGuntbert, ready buddy20:31
ozpywhat's next?20:31
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klausenderActionParsnip sorry i dont know much about computers, how do i do that20:32
ActionParsnipklausender: well, the monitor is connected to the ati video card, yes?20:32
ActionParsnipklausender: then unplug iot and connect it to the onboard video chip20:33
guntbertozpy: select the tab "other software" and uncheck ervery line except "canonical partners" and "independent", then close and try sudo apt-get update again20:34
klausenderAcrionParsnip there is no other port where it fits20:35
ozpyguntbert, I get "can't be changed w/o permission". I'm running as administrator. So weird20:36
ActionParsnipklausender: I see, is the system a laptop?20:36
guntbertozpy: "running as administrator" - how?20:36
klausenderActionParsnip no20:37
ActionParsnipklausender: thought not, just checking20:37
ozpyguntbert, I run as main user. Isn't that administrator as well?20:37
JFETWizard, graphics seems to be resolved by installing the alternate image, booting into rescue, and then doing the jockey-text20:38
ozpyguntbert, the system does not allow me to modify the anything you mentioned.20:38
guntbertozpy: not really, but "software sources" should have asked you for your password20:38
guntbertozpy: is this your own system?20:38
JFEThowever, I had a tweak configured a long time ago, that alt-tab doesn't show iconified windows, and I can't remember how to set in unity. Does anyone know this?20:38
nightwalkerkgHi. When i try to boot ubuntu 12.04 from usb flash drive i get ERROR: No configuration file found. No default or ui configuration directive found.20:39
ozpyguntbert, When I initialize "sofware sources" it does not ask for password. It's my system.20:39
jaequeryhi all, ive got a proxy server and im routing all clients http/https traffic to it. but it wont seem to allow https as it needs to be manually signed. this is easily done if i were to use a browser but this is for non-gui environment for *nix, so they can do things like wget https://site.com/file.zip. anyone know how to get around this? i'm using squid 3.1 btw.20:39
ozpyguntbert, I'm running the laptop as "main user"20:40
ozpyGuntbert, maybe I should reboot that whole thing20:40
guntbertozpy: rebooting doesn't normally solve problems in linux20:42
guntbertso no20:42
oskar-jaequery:  are you asking for a way to tell wget to ignore an invalid certificate?20:42
ozpyguntbert, i reopened that 3 times and none of them did20:42
oskar-jaequery:  see manpage, first hit for keyword "certificate"20:43
jaequeryno, this is not it. i can do wget https://bla.com/file.zip fine on normal circumstance. but when it is routed through squid proxy, it doesnt work.20:44
guntbertozpy: ok, back to my earlier proposal: use gksudo gedit   to edit every file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d that is named <something>.list and put # in front of every line that has "ppa" in it20:45
oskar-jaequery:  then i possibly did not understand your question...20:45
ActionParsnipguntbert: could make a flashy sed command ;)20:46
guntbertActionParsnip: feel free :)20:46
jefimenkohow can i downgrade to the previous version of firefox? i just upgraded to 15 and it broke an essential add-on20:46
ActionParsnipguntbert: my bashfu is still yellow belt20:46
jefimenkoi'm on precise 12.0420:46
faLUCEhi. normally, the executables are located in /usr/bin and when I type the name of the executable I don't need to specify the /usr/bin path. Now: I have some other executables in /some/dir.  How can I let them to be executed without specifying the /some/dir path?20:46
auronandacejefimenko: basically you don't20:47
icerootfaLUCE: the PATH Variable is doing the job20:47
guntbertActionParsnip: more like green belt here :) - end of ot20:47
oskar-jefimenko:  if you still have the deb file, e.g. in /var/cache/apt/archives (?), you could install it by dpkg -i xxxxx.deb20:48
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: add the folder to PATH and it will be used20:48
Mysterytrainok I have an odd serial port problem. if I do ls -l /dev/ttyS0 I get crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 64 2012-08-29 20:36 /dev/ttyS0 as expected, but minicome run as root says that it can't find /dev/ttyS0. any idea what the problem is?20:48
faLUCEActionParsnip: how can I make it definitive?20:49
gordonjcpMysterytrain: that does seem odd, but don't run minicom as root20:49
gordonjcpMysterytrain: add yourself to the dialout group20:49
jefimenkooskar-: unfortunately it looks like i only have the version 15 debs in there20:49
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: you can add:  export PATH=$PATH:/some/dir      to ~/.bashrc   and it will be added. You can add it to to PATH in /etc/environment to apply to all users20:49
wjtaylorWhy don't my volume control settings match my settings in alsamixer?20:49
gordonjcpMysterytrain: fwiw you can use screen as a serial terminal, and if you prefer something GUI-ish you can use gtkterm20:49
oskar-jefimenko:  maybe you can find them on the servers20:49
icerootwjtaylor: because alsa and pulse are different sound systems20:50
Mysterytraingordonjcp: I'm using minicom to send textfiles over it.20:50
wjtaylorah! How do I unmute my mic and line-in so that they STAY unmuted?20:50
faLUCEActionParsnip: that's not enough. some of these scripts must be executed as services. I start up all the services with rc.local ... could I use it for /some/dir path too?20:50
wjtayloriceroot: ^^20:50
oskar-jefimenko:  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox/20:51
ozpyguntbert, Pal, http://pastebin.com/4gesDQvt  I did not see any ppa again after doing gksudo gedit20:52
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: if they are used in /etc/rc.local I'd use absolute paths, probably easier20:52
auronandace!12.10 | ozpy20:52
ubottuozpy: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:52
faLUCEActionParsnip: that's what I want to avoid...20:53
faLUCEwhy would you use absolute paths there?20:53
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: I believe if you add it to /etc/environment it should apply before rc.local is ran20:53
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: using absolute paths means you know exactly which binary is ran20:54
faLUCEActionParsnip: /etc/environment runs before rc.local?20:54
guntbertozpy: phew you messed up your system! please put a # in front of all lines containing "quantal", and don't foregt the list files in the directory20:54
auronandaceguntbert: just missed him20:55
guntbertauronandace: he believes he is running 12.0420:55
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: worth a try20:56
Kevin`how can I have ubuntu not open a file window when a disk is mounted20:56
faLUCEthanks ActionParsnip let's try20:57
Kenpachi7996kevin: have you tried running nautilus-file-management-properties?20:58
Kevin`Kenpachi7996: no such file20:58
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Kevin`anyone remember when these options used to be in the gui? :/21:00
Kenpachi7996kevin: yes i remember and i long for those days lol21:01
Kevin`and they change each release, so all the docs on google don't work21:01
faLUCEActionParsnip: it didn't work. rc.local seems to ignore path in /etc/environment21:01
ActionParsnipfaLUCE: not sure then, is it just for one command or are there many?21:02
Lunar_Lander_hi there is there a program that I can like set to 1 am that then pops up and reminds me that it is time to go to bed?21:04
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: you can use the 'at' command21:04
hashHow do I open grubx64.efi?21:04
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: its like a one-shot cron command21:04
Lunar_Lander_ActionParsnip, thanks21:04
Mysterytrainis there a more...elegant way to add users to groups other than usermod -G group,group,group user, which requires you to log in and out again?21:05
Lunar_Lander_and how would I make it show a message?21:05
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guntbertMysterytrain: there are more ways, but all require you to log out/in21:06
BloathiQuick question: Are there any known issues with the HD5450 on the non updated xorg / 12.04 LTS ?21:06
BloathiI recall artifacting on 10-11.xx21:07
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: use notify-send21:07
Lunar_Lander_ok something like at tomorrow 1:00 am notify-send ?21:08
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: well, notify send will need options, but yes21:08
Lunar_Lander_at tomorrow 1:00 am notify-send "Go To Bed!"21:09
netraamehtHow to fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178607/21:09
Lunar_Lander_ah you need libnotify-bin21:09
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: or:    at tomorrow 1:00 am notify-send 'Dude!' 'Go To Bed!'21:10
evilbuttscan you use any port to connect to irc21:10
Lunar_Lander_let me try that out21:10
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ActionParsnipevilbutts: 6667 is standard21:10
evilbuttsfor some reason my router hates it21:10
Lunar_Lander_at runs without sudo?21:10
ActionParsnipevilbutts: if you want to use a different port on your server, that's fine21:10
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: sure, its a nitifcation, users can run that tuff21:10
chuck_I have a usb wireless adapter (Encore N150 Model ENUWI-1XN42 [http://www.encore-usa.com/us/support/ENUWI-1XN42])...installed the drivers on my 10.04 Ubuntu on a Dell Omniplex...the device is showing under lsusb but it wont work. Any ideas?21:10
ActionParsnipchuck_: it showing under lsusb just means the kernel can see it21:11
ActionParsnipchuck_: if you use the 8 character hex ID, you can find guides with websearches21:12
evilbuttsbrb testing21:12
visiquehow do i known what program is requiring root access?21:12
netraamehtActionParsnip, do you know what this error means? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178607/21:12
visiqueis just poping on my screen21:12
Lunar_Lander_ActionParsnip, 25 seconds to test21:13
vmachine1any firewall experts here? i have a generic question regarding firewall setup not vendor specific but concept.21:13
Lunar_Lander_15 seconds21:13
Jordan_Uvisique: What is just poping on your screen? What do you mean by "poping"?21:13
Lunar_Lander_yay it says Test!21:14
BloathiFirewalls are not complicated.21:14
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: cool huh :)21:14
auronandaceLunar_Lander_: what syntax did you use, it doesn't work for me21:14
Bloathianything conceptually different would be handled by other software.21:14
visiqueJordan_U an screen requiring root password21:14
vmachine1my question was regarding dmz21:14
Jordan_Uvisique: Usually such a screen will tell you what program is requestion root privileges.21:15
Lunar_Lander_auronandace, I typed in "at 23:16"21:15
Lunar_Lander_then it went to at>21:15
Lunar_Lander_and then I typed notify-send 'test'21:15
Lunar_Lander_and then Ctrl+D21:15
DeLorean731anyone familiar with ffmpeg?21:16
Jordan_U!anyone | DeLorean73121:16
ubottuDeLorean731: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:16
vmachine1where to put my dmz network in a dual layer setup... external and internal firewall. this link http://etherealmind.com/design-enterprise-dmz-firewall-clusters/ suggests a better option is to leave the dmz on the internal so that traffic will neeed to go through two firewalls.. just wanted an opinion on that from experts in the field as im new to "firewalling"21:16
DeLorean731lol, so anal21:16
auronandaceLunar_Lander_: thanks21:17
Lunar_Lander_you're welcome21:17
guntbertvmachine1: details about generally configuring firewalls is not exactly part of ubuntu support21:18
Lunar_Lander_auronandace, ActionParsnip http://s.gullipics.com/image/j/l/7/5yvr1d-jc3hmt-ymlb/GoToBed.png21:18
visiqueJordan_U i will observe next time... but i think there is no msg telling what app is =/21:18
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: fun. I use it in my fullupdate script21:18
Bloathiubot, that's true, but some of us actually use IRC as a last resort instead of a Google replacement.21:19
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: if you connect to ssh with the -X option, the notifications will appear on the clienmt if you use notify-send21:19
Lunar_Lander_good to know21:19
Lunar_Lander_I don't really use ssh21:19
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178622/21:19
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: I use apt-fast instead of apt-get, but the two are interchangable21:20
Lunar_Lander_could I make a timed shutdown/suspense?21:20
BloathiAre there any ubuntu package builders like Slax is to Slackware?21:20
Bloathierrr, ISO21:20
Bloathithat bundle packages21:20
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: sure but you would need to use:  sudo at 1:00 am     etc21:20
Lunar_Lander_when I had been on windows (yeah I know) I once had a program where I could select Suspense or Sleep mode or Shutdown and a time21:20
Lunar_Lander_so that I could like watch youtube or so from my bed21:20
pyrrhic12.04 LTS x64 hanging after GRUB; ideas?21:21
Lunar_Lander_and when I fall asleep the PC goes into suspense21:21
Lunar_Lander_that's my idea21:21
ActionParsnippyrrhic: what video chip do you use?21:21
BloathiI would use remastersys, but it requires Gnome / GTK dependencies21:21
ActionParsnipBloathi: could use a different tool21:21
pyrrhicActionParsnip: ATI Radeon HD 679021:21
BloathiSuch as?21:21
ActionParsnippyrrhic: tried the boot option: nomodeset21:21
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Can I permanently change that in GRUB, and what does it do?21:22
ActionParsnipBloathi: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/make-your-own-custom-livecddistro-easily-using-novo-builder    source:21:22
Lunar_Lander_ActionParsnip, what would be the command to induce suspense?21:22
ActionParsnipBloathi: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=make+your+own+ubuntu+based+OS   3rd time's a charm21:22
ActionParsnipBloathi: if you search the web a little, you find all kinds of goodness21:22
BloathiI did search21:23
Bloathiand none met the criteria21:23
zykotick9Lunar_Lander_: "sudo pm-suspend" might work21:23
ActionParsnippyrrhic: it is needed for some video chips, once you get booted you can get updated and install the AMD driver and you'll be ok21:23
ActionParsnippyrrhic: you'll only need it once21:23
BloathiEvery offline one had Gnome or GTK dependencies21:23
pyrrhicActionParsnip: It doesn't hang every single time. Generally when it does it. I hard reset it. Power it completely off then reboot and it goes through fine.21:23
DeLorean731I'm trying to convert a video to h.264, and change the aspect ratio and I'm getting "Unknown encoder 'h.264'". Here's the string I'm trying to do: mmpeg -i input.mpg -f avi - aspect "16:9" -vcodec "h.264" output.avi21:24
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Think that's still the issue?21:24
ActionParsnippyrrhic: do you have the AMD driver installed?21:24
DaghdhaHi, i shared a folder on a drive that's no longer in my system. It still lists as a share on my ubuntu machine, how can i delete it?21:24
BloathiActionParsnip: http://www.cyvoc.net/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=155221:24
zykotick9DeLorean731: avi is a terrible container.... just sayin'21:24
BloathiDoesn't work with 12.0421:24
Bloathialso gnome dependencies21:24
Lunar_Lander_zykotick9, thanks21:24
zykotick9Lunar_Lander_: personally, i use pm-hibernate21:25
pyrrhicYes. After installation I got a notification along the top taskbar saying it had drivers to install. Can't remember the term, but I had to clear it manually. There were two, I can't use the BETA one I believe. So I had to take one step down and use the normal. Both were for the video card.21:25
Lunar_Lander_that is the to-disk version?21:25
zykotick9Lunar_Lander_: ya, "more" shutdown ;)21:25
Lunar_Lander_I don't have that option anymore btw21:26
Lunar_Lander_in 11.10 that was available in the menu21:26
jpateany unity launcher experts in the house?21:26
Lunar_Lander_but in 12.04 they took it from the menu21:26
zykotick9Lunar_Lander_: oh sorry, hibernate has been disabled in ubuntu-land.  my bad.21:26
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Direct Rendering is ON. Used the command glxinfo | grep rendering21:26
ActionParsnipBloathi: well pull in the deps, make the OS and then wipe your current OS out and install your own. You could even make a virtualised system to do your work21:26
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DeLorean731zytokick9: Not my choice haha21:27
BloathiThe Ubuntu installer has gnome deps21:27
DeLorean731any idea what I'm doing wrong?21:27
zykotick9!tab > DeLorean73121:27
ubottuDeLorean731, please see my private message21:27
Bloathiat least from any of the graphical methods21:27
max_overdriveanyone know if there is a way to have a different Exec in the .desktop file for initial load vs middle click 'open another window' on launcher?21:27
BloathiThere is Gno way to avoid Gnome, unless I do it online.21:28
BloathiDoes no-one find this troubling?21:28
ActionParsnipBloathi: I use Gnome, so not really21:28
Lunar_Lander_btw I see that qshutdown is an app for that?21:28
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Yes. After installation I got a notification along the top taskbar saying it had drivers to install. Can't remember the term, but I had to clear it manually. There were two, I can't use the BETA one I believe. So I had to take one step down and use the normal. Both were for the video card.----- Direct Rendering is Enabled. Used the command glxinfo | grep rendering21:28
BloathiWell, I use Enlightenment, so this is insane to me.21:29
xevworkIs there a channel dedicated to apt?21:29
BloathiThere isn't even a Qt method21:29
roxxevwork: no, but people here or in #debian will be glad to help21:29
Bloathior commandline only non-gnome21:29
ActionParsnipBloathi: there may be, could ask in #kubuntu21:29
rox!tell xevwork about ask to ask21:30
ubotturox: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:30
rox!ask to ask21:31
ubotturox: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:31
zykotick9rox: ;)  #ubuntu isn't #debian21:31
xevworkrox: I didn't ask to ask a question. I asked if there was a more appropriate place to ask apt-related questions.21:31
Daghdhaanyone? Iset the fodler to sharing with right click menu in ubuntu and now i ca;t unshar eit21:31
guntbert!askthebot > rox21:31
ubotturox, please see my private message21:31
ActionParsnipDaghdha: is the samba package installed?21:31
Daghdhai don't know. the share works fine. I added it in ubuntu using the 'sharing options' option in the file explorer21:32
Lunar_Lander_ActionParsnip, this post looks interesting http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11890267&postcount=5721:32
ActionParsnipDaghdha: apt-cache policy samba    will show you21:32
DaghdhaSi i can't remove it in the gui?21:32
roxxevwork: what i ment to say was - if you have an apt-related question, just ask, and if you don't get an answer here, take a shot in #debian21:32
visiqueJordan_U like this http://s16.postimage.org/gaf5xmnbp/screenshot.png21:33
DaghdhaActionParsnip yes it is installed21:33
Daghdhaandis latest version21:33
ActionParsnipLunar_Lander_: looks good, could make aliases for those :)21:33
Lunar_Lander_like shortcuts?21:34
mooserAny alternative for Ubuntu Software Center client? it slows as a elephant and kills the whole RAM21:34
xevworkI'm having trouble with pbuilder: I have set it up to use a local directory as an apt repository, but 'apt-get update' is ignoring it. http://pastebin.mozilla.org/179466321:34
ActionParsnipDaghdha: and you cannot unshare the folder now, is that right?21:34
=== Guest23677 is now known as romeoh
Jordan_Uvisique: That's not asking for root privileges, that's asking for access to your user's gnome keyring.21:34
visiquewhat is that???21:34
Jordan_Uvisique: Click details to see more.21:34
randomDudemooser: apt-get , apt-cache search21:34
ActionParsnipmooser: synaptic, apt-get, aptitude, apt-fast, lubuntu-software-center21:34
Bloathimooser: sudo aptitude21:34
DaghdhaActionParsnip: Yes. If i go to sharing options i can choose to share it again. It is already shared, i want to unshare it.21:34
ActionParsnipDaghdha: tried sharing it again then unsharing it?21:35
zykotick9!aptitude | mooser Bloathi21:35
ubottumooser Bloathi: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.21:35
BloathiAptitude beats any software center short of synaptic21:35
DaghdhaActionParsnip: NO, i will try that21:35
zykotick9Bloathi: don't use aptitude with 12.04!21:35
BloathiLOL, I have arch filtered21:35
BloathiI'm not a newbie, and it's from a min21:36
ActionParsnipzykotick9: why not?21:36
* Daghdha gives ActionParsnip a little hug.21:36
zykotick9!aptiude | ActionParsnip it doesn't support multiarch!21:36
DaghdhaThanks :)21:36
randomDudeoh ok21:36
ActionParsnipzykotick9: ahh, then it's ok on 32bit ubuntu :)21:36
BloathiIt's ok for 64 bit as well21:36
zykotick9ActionParsnip: is 32bit not multiarch?21:36
pyrrhicAction, Any other advice for me?21:37
mooserconsufed "You may encounter problems on multiarch installs"21:37
mooserwhat is this?21:37
BloathiI just did a pure 64 bit aptitude based install21:37
Bloathiand the day before21:37
ActionParsnipzykotick9: well it'll be only 32bit if the kernel is 32bit21:37
zykotick9Bloathi: wait till something breaks...  have fun.21:37
max_overdriveHey Guys, i'm trying to come up with a good .desktop file for sublime text 2, but middle click isn't opening a 2nd window, and --new-window opens 2 windows to start! is there any way to specify a different command line when you middle click (shift click etc) on the unity launcher???????21:37
ActionParsnipDaghdha: all ok now?21:37
visiqueJordan_U my passphrase!21:37
BloathiNothing will break. I control every package.21:37
=== apa is now known as Guest40079
BloathiI don't use the base install.21:38
Jordan_Uvisique: You're welcome.21:38
DaghdhaYes ActionParsnip21:38
pyrrhicActionParsnip, Am I bothering you, or did you just miss my question?21:38
ActionParsnipDaghdha: yay, nice guess21:38
ActionParsnippyrrhic: missed it, sorry21:39
ActionParsnipDaghdha: I use smb.conf for samba. Its super easy21:39
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Yes. Right after first-startup I got a notification along the top taskbar saying it had drivers to install. Can't remember the term, but I had to clear it manually. There were two, I can't use the BETA one I believe. So I had to take one step down and use the normal. Both were for the video card.----- Direct Rendering is Enabled. Used the command glxinfo | grep rendering21:39
Daghdhasuper easy is right clicking it and turning it on and off, but it just doesn't work as advertized ;)21:39
pyrrhicActionParsnip: So my video card driver is installed and fully functional.21:39
ActionParsnipDaghdha: I manage my fileserver via ssh, so config files are the way, its not a complex file :)21:40
ActionParsnippyrrhic: not sure then dude, sorry. Maybe others can help21:40
BloathiWhat is with Ubuntu and the HD 5450? Bugs all over the place with the OSS drivers21:40
MothraHello I just purchased a 1tb internal hard drive I have three hard drives attaced my main one is sata, another 120gb one that is connected via IDE and the Sata Hard drive I purchased. My problem is that it appears in bios but does not mount in ubuntu21:40
pyrrhicActionParsnip: Np. Love the unix community because everyone seems so willing to help. I'll try the "nomodeset" option and see how it goes. Thanks again!21:41
ActionParsnipMothra: have you partitioned it?21:41
Jordan_UMothra: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".21:41
Mothrano perhaps that is my problem :)21:41
ActionParsnipMothra: likely21:41
DaghdhaActionParsnip: should just work tbh21:41
ActionParsnipMothra: run:  sudo apt-get install gparted; gksudo gparted21:41
ActionParsnipDaghdha: depends21:41
DaghdhaAnywa yhanks :)21:41
chuck_Sorry...for the slow response...yea i have combed the web and even installed the driver with ndswrapper. i just came seem to get the thing to be recognized. what the terminal command to turn on a wireless usb?21:42
Mothra@ActionParsnip on it21:42
roxMothra: you need to have a filesystem on the drive, otherwise you can not mount it. In most cases external drives come preformatted as VFAT, but internal drives usually come unformatted21:43
chuck_*cant seem...21:43
max_overdriveunity launcher remains a mystery to so many ! :(21:43
Mothrahow can I format it on linux, sorry I'm accustom to using macs disk utility21:43
Mothraby format I mean partition it21:44
roxMothra: first, you need to choose a file system you wish to use21:44
Mothraso something like ext321:44
roxMothra: will you be using it just as a regular disk in your box, to store files and such?21:44
jakrhow can i change default boot order with multiple OS installed?21:44
roxMothra: ext3 is a good choice21:44
Mothrayeah just to store photos and other stuff21:45
roxMothra: see the command mke2fs21:45
mooser what is aptitude21:45
roxMothra: in console run the command "man mke2fs"21:45
roxmooser: aptuitude is a package manager21:46
Jrad100Hey, does anyone know about any other good IRCS?21:46
Mothraran it rox21:46
xevworkI'm having trouble with apt - I've added a local directory as a repository and tried to give it a higher priority in /etc/apt/preferences, but 'apt-get update' is ignoring it. http://pastebin.mozilla.org/179466321:46
MothraIf you like Math Or chemistry try #math or #chemistry21:46
roxMothra: well, now read the manual, see how this command is used to create a file system21:46
max_overdrivewhat's wrong with ext421:47
Mothraok on it rox :) if I have any questions I will just ask, yeah that does beg a good explanation Max overdrive21:47
ActionParsnipMothra: ext4 is pretty sweet, its also the default fs for system in ubuntu21:47
mooseri can not find it in my gnome21:47
mooserbut i do see the lubuntu software center21:47
ActionParsnipmooser: its a cli command, as well as an ncurses ui21:47
Erinhow do I manage which internet connection (eth0 or wlan0) is used for the internet I want to keep one as LAN only21:47
gwaroMothra: from the terminal execute "man mkfs21:48
pyrrhicActionParsnip: I'm about to attempt to recover a corrupt TFS media partition and probably make another to back it up to. Would you recommend formatting the new one as ext4?21:48
MothraAlready done gwaro I'm reading :)21:48
mooseris aptuitude and lubuntu software manager same thing?21:48
roxMothra: eventually you will need to run something like "mke2fs -j  -L MYNEWDISK /dev/sdd"21:48
roxMothra: the -j switch is the key to creating an ext3 filesystem21:49
roxMothra: you of course need to replace the device file with whatever device is your new disk21:49
roxMothra: when you ran parted -l , your new disk device was listed, among others21:50
roxmooser: i am not sure, but i doubt it21:50
MothraThanks rox I will try the command you provided once I find out where it is mounted21:51
roxMothra: it is not yet mounted, that's the whole point21:51
Erinwhats the easiest way to keep one internet connection LAN only on a two internet connection system ?21:52
ActionParsnipMothra: just use gparted, its easier21:52
ErinI alrdy blocked off access based on the interface in smbd but I want it totally locked21:52
=== ceradon-away is now known as euphoria
hashSorry, I'm new to using irc. Did I just join the ubuntu server?21:53
Mothraok ActionParsnip21:53
inf3kt3dhash, yes you did. welcome.21:53
ActionParsnipErin: don't set a default gateway on the internal NIC21:53
roxhash: not really, but you are in a support channel for Ubuntu linux21:53
elvanoHey guys (and girls) I think I might have done a dumb thing. By formatting a partition to install Lubuntu I might have accidently removed the grubpartition...21:54
gwarohash: Yeah21:54
mooserwhere can i find applets for gnome-panel like gnome-shell does at extensions.gnome.org ?21:54
Jrad100Does anyone have a remote server up?21:54
KM0201elvano: so install Lubuntu, and it will reinstall grub.21:54
elvanoI'm getting "error: no such partition. " and then a grub resque commanline21:54
dr_williselvano:  you mean the /boot/ partion?  or what exactly21:54
ErinActionParsnip, it is a dhcp connection I don't specify anything21:54
Jrad100Or know of any remote servers up?21:54
teddyp1ckeris anyone alive here?)21:54
inf3kt3dno, all dead21:55
dr_willisteddyp1cker:  several hundred people here.21:55
DanawarHey ubuntu UK i have a core I7 i use htop and it only shows 4 cores yet when i run htop on my other i7 i get 8 cores, the only difference is the one that only shows 4 cores is running ubuntu 6421:55
cinead_allen_a few are alive21:55
KM0201if you're going to install Lubuntu anyway elvano , then just proceed as usual, and Lubuntu will install grub again.21:55
elvanoI did instal Lubuntu21:55
ErinActionParsnip, I am using network manager, If I just manage the connections manually in /etc/network/interfaces and leave the inet part out of one of them will that work ??21:55
MothraThis is weird gparted says my hard drive is 1.02mb21:55
teddyp1ckersorry, i just tried to check me settings)21:55
dr_willisMothra:  seen that happen when hard drives 'die'21:55
anathema_hi guys suddently i cant search in dash for applications21:55
anathema_i can only search files, eg if i type skype it doesnt show the app (or any other app)21:56
MothraIt is a new drive though and it is suppose to have 1gb if it is dead that would be very depressing21:56
dr_willisyou bought a new 1gb drive? ;) how quaint...21:56
elvanoBut, how do I explain this... disk partition has a different name now =/21:56
mooserany idea?21:56
hashSorry guys. I'll figure this irc stuff eventually. Sadly, I find software engineering easy compared to irc xP21:56
dr_williselvano:  name? what sort of name?21:56
MothraI mean 1tb :S lol21:56
Erinhash, you engineer software but can't use irc? I find that hard to believe...21:57
dr_willisengineer your own irc client. ;P21:57
cineadwhat's irc?  ;)21:57
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:57
Mothrahow can I check a drive to see if it is dead?21:57
hashI should haha, it's because irc is very fast moving. Lines are shooting in my face I can21:57
Mothrathis 1.02mb free is unsettling21:57
hashcan't think*21:57
ErinMothra, type "palimpsest" in a terminal weird name I know it can read a drives smart data21:57
dr_willisMothra:  the smart utilities, or just try using it..21:58
elvanoI'll get back to you with it, i'll see what I can find to explain21:58
roxErin: you owuldn't believe how closed-minded microsoft developers can be21:58
dr_willisMothra:  what is it saying excatly  and whats saying it.21:58
MothraNumber  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags21:59
Mothra 2      95.7kB  426GB   426GB   extended                  boot21:59
Mothra 6      96.8kB  45.1GB  45.1GB  logical   linux-swap(v1)21:59
Mothra 5      45.1GB  426GB   380GB   logical   ext321:59
Mothra 1      426GB   500GB   74.5GB  primary   ext221:59
MothraError: /dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label21:59
FloodBot1Mothra: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:59
Erinso does anyone know if you just leave the inet out of an interface line in /etc/network/interfaces does that shut off internet on it and make it lan only??21:59
KobeSyst1mhi i just set up my router21:59
ErinKobeSyst1m, hello. congrats22:00
KobeSyst1mi enabled port 8022:00
dr_willisMothra:  these days its common practice to align partions to  the nearest 1mb boundry I belive.22:00
KobeSyst1mand port 2222:00
KobeSyst1mfor ssh22:00
roxErin: man 5 interfaces22:00
Mothrasudo parted -l gives: http://pastebin.com/1xcKeH3R22:01
KobeSyst1mnow when i use my iphone i can see my server but on my own laptop it wont show up22:01
KobeSyst1mi cant even shh22:01
Mothrathe 120gb drive but there should be a 1tb drive there22:01
dr_willisKobeSyst1m:  you enabled port forwarding on the router to the ip of the PC?22:01
roxErin: inet means TCP/IP22:01
KobeSyst1mof course22:01
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: go to philaneous.com22:02
xevworkI'm having trouble with apt - I've added a local directory as a repository and tried to give it a higher priority in /etc/apt/preferences, but 'apt-get update' is ignoring it. http://pastebin.mozilla.org/179466322:02
Mothradr_willis I ran the command it is showing up :)22:02
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: can u see my server22:02
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: http://imagebin.org/22667122:03
Erinrox, well you obviously know more than me. How do I disable the internet side of a NIC22:03
dr_willis$ ssh philaneous.com    seems to work here.22:03
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: im on wireless on my macbook22:03
MothraI try formating22:03
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: im not sure whats going on but i cant even ssh from my mac22:04
ErinKobeSyst1m, works for me too, whats your P/W lol JK22:04
KobeSyst1mErin: lol22:04
roxErin: i am not sure what you mean by internet side22:04
dr_willisin the screen shots.. shouldent those server be checked to enable them>22:04
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: i cant ssh from my own computer22:04
KobeSyst1mdr_willis: or see the files22:04
Erinrox, I have a NIC (eth0) and wlan pci card (WLAN0) I only want to use the NIC for internet and the WLAN for my local lan22:04
ActionParsnipKobeSyst1m: can you ping the server?22:04
KobeSyst1mActionParsnip: locally?22:05
elvanoAlright Gparted says I have a disc (sda) which is devided into smaller partitions (sda1, sda2, ...). when I formatted a partition sda1 changed to sda5 and when i rebooted the error message was there @dr_willis22:05
ActionParsnipErin: set the internal to static IP and don't set a default gateway22:05
ActionParsnipKobeSyst1m: try frmo everywhere22:05
Erinit's not really an option to set static too many devices coming and going.22:05
Erinbut thanks for the idea!22:05
hashman irssi xP22:05
Lunar_Lander_thanks again acidchild22:05
ActionParsnipErin: but surely the device isgoing to essentially be a router..?22:05
roxErin: well, if your wireless router will take a client without DHCP, then you can do it, but it depends on your WIFI router22:06
Lunar_Lander_and ActionParsnip22:06
Lunar_Lander_good night!22:06
SolarisB1yman touch22:06
SolarisB1yman finger22:06
KobeSyst1mActionParsnip: i just pinged it by my domain name22:06
KobeSyst1mand it works22:06
KobeSyst1mbut why the fuck cant i see it22:06
roxErin: if you want a NIC not to be an interface to internet, then do not give it a gateway setting22:06
MothraUsing sudo palimpsest trying to format a brand new 1tb drive as ext3 and I get an error message; It states that the disk is unrecognized and that: Daemon is inhibited22:06
KobeSyst1mits pissing me off22:06
ErinActionParsnip, my linux box isn't a router it's a smbd server mostly and my music machine.22:06
KobeSyst1meveryone but my computer22:06
KobeSyst1mi just updated the server too22:06
ActionParsnipErin: so why will setting a static IP cause an issue?22:06
Erinrox, but that requires static yes ?22:06
ActionParsnipKobeSyst1m: is the service running on the system?22:07
KobeSyst1mActionParsnip: i have a seperate computer for it22:07
ErinActionParsnip, because then every time someone brings a laptop or a phone or something and wants to get on my wifi they gotta set it up manually it's inconvenient22:07
roxErin: this is simple if you have a statically configured interface, but if your wlan interface is configured through DHCP, then i am not sure how it would play out22:07
KobeSyst1mActionParsnip: so no im on a separate computer22:07
ActionParsnipErin: no, becausethe IP will fall in your DHCP pool22:07
SolarisB1ymaybe if dhcp can a send a no gw option?22:07
=== chuck_ is now known as TheHumanscience
SolarisB1ynot sure if thats possible though22:08
roxErin: i'm afraid you can't make DHCP not give you a gateway setting22:08
ErinActionParsnip, huh ?22:08
BalthaTczarim having some trouble with video, its as if color is missing in mp4 files its mainly blue and gray22:08
BalthaTczarsomeone have a solution for this ?22:08
roxErin: what you could do, though, is delete the route post-festum22:08
ActionParsnipErin: so the computer will appear in the subnet and be contactable, you wouldn't have to configure every device22:08
TheHumanscienceHow do i turn on a wireless usb adapter in ubuntu 10.04?22:08
Mothrawhat is the best partition table for ubuntu22:08
Mothraor storing data rather22:08
ActionParsnipMothra: there is no single best22:08
anathema_hi guys i have the problem that applications are not displayed in dash. anyone to help? thanks in advance22:08
Mothrawhich would you guys recommend22:08
KobeSyst1mActionParsnip: im going to restart22:08
ErinMothra, use mbr22:09
ActionParsnipMothra: just use gparted and make it all one Ext4 partition22:09
KobeSyst1mActionParsnip: my laptop22:09
SolarisB1yMothra: the default partitioning schemes are OK for desktops not sure what you require22:09
ActionParsnipanathema_: how did you install the application?22:09
SolarisB1yits genearlly driven by requirement22:09
xckpd7hello. question: how to copy folders from server to server (recursively) only if they don't already exist?22:09
Mothrait says I have to if I want to format the drive22:09
xckpd7I want a scp that doesn't waste time recopying over folders that already exist22:09
Mothrastates that the drive has no partition table22:09
anathema_ActionParsnip, what application? after some updates, applications are not shown in dash search22:09
ErinActionParsnip, so I can set a static route w/ a dhcp server you are sayng sorry im getting confused I guess ill just setup a static network.22:10
TheHumansciencehelp? anybody?22:10
Jordan_Uxckpd7: rsync22:10
ActionParsnipErin: if you use a network and set the wired connection  to  then any system connecting to your network will also get a address via DHCP and be able to contact the system22:10
SolarisB1yMothra: you can just use the whole disk or you can make a large partition that is the whole disk22:10
=== GunClive is now known as Slayz
ErinTheHumanscience, does it show up in lspci ?? and does it show up in ifconfig ??22:10
roxxckpd7: look into a program called rsync22:10
xckpd7yes but what's the syntax22:10
xckpd7or it automatically ignores existing22:10
ErinTheHumanscience, what device? Does it come w/ linux drivers22:11
TheHumanscienceI have a usb wireless adapter (Encore N150 Model ENUWI-1XN42 [http://www.encore-usa.com/us/support/ENUWI-1XN42])...installed the drivers on my 10.04 Ubuntu on a Dell Omniplex...the device is showing under lsusb but it wont work.22:11
Jordan_U!rsync | xckpd722:11
ubottuxckpd7: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync22:11
SolarisB1yrsync is also my friend22:11
TheHumanscienceits not recognized rather.22:12
xckpd7Jordan_U: that really doesn't answer my question22:12
ErinTheHumanscience, it does not show up in ifconfig at all ?22:12
roxxckpd7: man rsync22:12
Jordan_Uxckpd7: It actually does: "It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination".22:13
ErinActionParsnip, yea I am not a networking expert. I have it setup this way now. dhcp server with mac address remembering so it sets static ip's like my NIC is and the wifi is
TheHumanscienceerin: just eth0 and Lo22:13
ErinTheHumanscience, hrm. sounds like the driver is not working/installed correctly22:14
ErinTheHumanscience, does running jockey-gtk in terminal show any drivers for it that are installable??22:14
ErinTheHumanscience, post your line from lsusb with the relevant info also please.22:15
hp_hello world....xoxox22:16
roxhp_: hello and welcome22:16
TheHumanscienceerin: here is that lsusb: Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0bda:8176 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.22:20
ErinTheHumanscience, yea I went through the readme in the driver install guide you ran the install.sh script ??22:20
ActionParsnipErin: you can use the interfaces file and set static ip22:21
ErinActionParsnip, even on dhcp though or no?22:21
TheHumansciencei tried but must have done it wrong. how do you do that?22:21
=== jason is now known as Guest38052
ErinTheHumanscience, you extract the archive. open a terminal. cd to the dir run "sudo chmod+x install.sh && ./install.sh22:22
ErinTheHumanscience, that will build and probably modprobe the driver module for you.22:22
ActionParsnipErin: just use the .254 IP so it doesn't clash with the DHCP pool22:22
ErinActionParsnip, so set an ip like on the nic I want to not have internet?22:23
ErinActionParsnip, and no gateway22:23
TheHumanscienceerin: trying...thanks22:23
SlayzHi. I am creating my own distribution. What is your most important advice for me? Thanks.22:24
ErinTheHumanscience, yea your computer is seeing the usb device which is the first step. the second step is to run that file to build a driver module third step if it doesnt auto modprobe that module is to do it manually (it probably does it for you though)22:24
wilee-nileeSlayz, Why bother. ;)22:26
TheHumanscienceerin: im getting chmod+x command not found22:26
c_smithHi, I'm trying to boot into an alternate installer on a Lenovo IdeaPad U400, and it boots, but the graphics are all messed up, it's predominately the color chosen for the spin (in Ubuntu's case, purple) with white lines going across it.22:26
c_smithis there something I can do to resolve this?22:26
ErinTheHumanscience, sorry chmod +x22:26
exutuxc_smith: alternate version doesn't have graphic installer22:27
ErinTheHumanscience, space between the chmod +x22:27
c_smithexutux, yes, but the issue I have even affects the alternate installer.22:27
c_smithexutux, I know that, but even when booting into the main installer, I have the same issue.22:28
roxc_smith: is there a non-graphical installer?22:28
c_smithif it helps, my GPU combo is a muxless combo of Intel and ATI.22:28
Slayzwilee-nilee, because it will become one of the greatest distros ever22:28
c_smithrox, , yes.22:28
exutuxc_smith: try to set, before boot "nomodeset" type f622:28
roxc_smith: try help at boot, it might give you instructions about how to start a textual installer22:28
c_smithroc, k22:29
TheHumansciencecan i cd to the cd-rom?22:29
wilee-nileeSlayz, you are on the wrong channel for that anyway this is ubuntu support, inspite of your dreams.22:29
=== alb is now known as Guest93883
GreenlineI am Tyler Goldstein, from RRMDept.22:29
c_smithrox, I would, if it would be visible to me.22:29
GreenlineI would like to speak to you.22:29
ErinTheHumanscience, yea cd /media/cdrom or whatever the dir is. its probably in /media/  you can type ls -l /media to find the dirs22:29
GreenlineAbout the freedom of choise.22:30
ErinGreenline, uhm ok?22:30
roxc_smith: ahh, i get it, you can't even boot into the installer program?22:30
talsamonhow i can change file-associations, i mean globally not "open with"22:30
exutuxc_smith: you don't see anything when you boot cd?22:30
GreenlineIn my studies abroad I spent four years in Jerusalem learning Hebrew from a local rabbi named Avigdora. I awoke every morning before dawn and carried several buckets filled with goat milk up the seventh district hill, and on the way I would shiver under the pressure of the buckets and be forced to stop at least twice.22:30
tech1shut the fuck up22:30
MothraWhy is there still a floppy drive listed in ubuntu floppy drives have been dead forever22:30
Erintech1, wow calm down son.22:30
c_smithexutux, if you mean seeing anything as random lines, then yes, I see that.22:30
mooseris there a free alternative software for Dreamveawer on ubuntu? a website editor?22:31
talsamoni've te22:31
Erinlol k-lined22:31
Mothraalso thanks to everyon for helping me with my previous hard drive problem you people are awesome :)22:31
IdleOnetech1: please be civil and no swearing22:31
wjtaylorHas anyone gotten mic or line in to work in 10.04 or 10.10?22:31
tech1there are probably other wysiwyg website editors, but probably not as good as dreamweaver22:31
wilee-nileeGuest38052, Do you have a support need?22:31
tech1sorry was just trying to get rid of the troll talking religious nonsense22:31
talsamoni have the problem if i klick in the helpmenu of some programms on the link the browser opens on the startsite not on the target-url22:32
c_smithtech1, at least be civil about it, man.22:32
tech1i shall try :)22:32
gordonjcpmooser: try to avoid editors like dreamweaver, they give terrible results22:32
mooserdreamweaver is good one.22:33
tech1yeh hand coding is better22:33
roxc_smith: how about disabling one of your GPUs in bios and trying again?22:33
mooserhand coding is time losing.22:33
gordonjcpmooser: uh, no22:33
roxc_smith: i would leave the intel running, if i were you22:33
c_smithrox, I'll try.22:33
ErinTheHumanscience, you doing ok??22:33
mooseralso a designer (not developer) like me can not use hand coding22:33
gordonjcpmooser: I do quite a bit of webby work; when I come across stuff done in dreamweaver or frontpage I just scrap it and start again from scratch22:33
elvanoAlright, I reinstalled my Luibuntu and it still gives me "There is no such partition." and the grub resque commandline. Please help me out here22:34
roxc_smith: i know this is not the real solution to your problem, but it could be a workaround22:34
gordonjcpelvano: sounds like you haven't set up your partitions properly somehow22:34
wilee-nileeelvano, Where is grub being put as far as mbr's, do you have multiple HD's?22:35
TheHumanscienceerin: it says "install.sh": no such file or directory but im looking right at it22:35
dgrogan_In gnome in lucid, if you try to drag one window next to another one, there is a pause when their edges meet so that you can align them perfectly. What is that behavior called? Can I get it in unity?22:35
moosergordonjcp there is always an issue between developers and designers. they do not have fully control and talent...22:35
ErinTheHumanscience, Alright what directory are you in? and ls -l shows install.sh ?22:36
elvanoYes, I think it's a problem with the partitions, but i don't know how to solve it. @ gordonjcp22:36
MonkeyDustgordonjcp  sticky windows, i guess22:36
TheHumanscienceerin: cd Downloads22:36
TheHumanscienceI downloaded the driver from the official site22:36
c_smithrox, not a solution, as the BIOS doesn't list it.22:37
moniker127Hey anyone willing to help me get Ubuntu working? I've installed it twice now, using two different methods, to dual boot with windows 7- and it keeps just showing me a blank purple screen after I select it in the windows boot loader. Anyone know whats wrong?22:37
elvanoI'm booting the live CD, if can try to figure it out if gparted shows me this info @ wilee-nilee22:37
roxelvano: mmm, first, we might want to try if you can boot at all22:37
Slayzshould i do apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade first? thanks22:37
gordonjcpmooser: I do both design and dev22:37
moosergordonjcp there is always an issue between developers and designers. they do not have fully control and talent of each others job i mean22:37
ErinTheHumanscience, ok so you extracted the RTL--blah-blah-blah folder to ~/Downloads ?22:37
gordonjcpmooser: granted I lean more to the dev side, but all the designers I know hand-code the HTML22:37
elvanoI can boot my USB live CD, does that count @ rox22:37
skpl^type ./install.sh22:38
gordonjcpmooser: but this is -ot ;-)22:38
roxelvano: no, i ment, when you boot and it throws you the grub command line22:38
wilee-nileeelvano, Gparted will show you the amount of HD's which I would think you would know already, it will show nothing about the mbr though.22:38
roxelvano: try booting manually22:38
mooseri can not code. dreamweaver does it all for me22:38
ErinTheHumanscience, then you did cd ~/Downloads/RTL<TAB KEY to auto complete filename>22:38
roxelvano: i'll help you with the commands, if you don't know how to22:38
mooseri can edit it manually but can not code it all22:38
moniker127html is worth learning. your pages come out so much better when you don't use an editor.22:38
elvanoI know I have 2 physical but a few more partitions @ wilee-nilee22:39
TheHumanscienceerin: u said to said to run "sudo chmod+x install.sh && ./install.sh" and i did...22:39
mooseri do know html well22:39
ActionParsnipmooser: try bluefish22:39
elvanoThat'd be much appriciated @ rox22:39
ActionParsnipmooser: i suggest you learn HTML if yu want to do web production profesionally22:39
mooserbut its just not html. its css its js ect..22:39
moniker127I've just never really seen the point of editors. For me its faster to just type it in.22:39
moniker127oh, those are all pretty much the same thing22:40
ErinTheHumanscience, have you cd in to the RTL folder though22:40
moniker127you will want to learn them all, they all go together22:40
ErinTheHumanscience, does your terminal look like this??? x@Media:~/Downloads/RTL8192CU_8188CUS_8188CE-VAU_linux_v3.1.2590.20110922$22:40
TheHumanscienceErin: it recognized the directory but somehow not the intall.sh file22:40
moniker127well, as far as web development goes- you can do pretty much anything with html, javascript, css, and php. those are the ones i suggest.22:41
c_smithBIOS didn't list anything helpful22:41
wilee-nileeelvano, there is a bootscript that can be run that will really tell us what we need to know, down load and run it and post the text in a pastebin. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/22:41
krababbelI am trying to connect to an iscsi target. It has allowed ALL,ALL, but Ubuntu tells me iscsiadm: Cannot perform discovery. Invalid Initiatorname.22:41
mooseri do know html very well22:42
ErinTheHumanscience, well x@Media:~/Downloads/RTL8192CU_8188CUS_8188CE-VAU_linux_v3.1.2590.20110922$ sudo chmod +x install.sh && ./install.sh  works fine for me it asks for root password to create the driver.22:42
ErinTheHumanscience, not really sure what your issue is then22:42
mooserI am jut avoiding creating sites writing code instead of using editors.22:42
TheHumansciencewhy would it recognize the directory and not the file?22:43
roxc_smith: if you have an onboard graphics chip, you can usually swiotch it off in bios, the other option is to pull the graphics card out22:43
ErinTheHumanscience, idk can you take a screen shot of your terminal after you type "ls -l" in that directory ??22:43
c_smithrox, sadly, the optical drive proved faulty, this may be another faulty part.22:43
c_smithI'm booting from a flash drive22:43
roxc_smith: good luck22:44
TheHumansciencesure...it might just take a sec22:44
c_smithrox, I'm gonna try the software that was provided see if that gives an option.22:44
c_smithprobably won't, but it might.22:45
ErinTheHumanscience, so this is mine... http://i.imgur.com/DPLt1.png22:45
elvanoI think I'll take one step at a time, starting with rox ' @ wilee-nilee22:45
Troy^ok I'm trying to mound a ntfs partitioned drive. sudo mount /dev/sdc/ /media/2tbint/ i get mount: you must specify the filesystem type. How do i do this?22:46
roxelvano: when you are in grub command line, tell me22:46
roxelvano: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/legacy/Command_002dline-and-menu-entry-commands.html22:46
ErinTroy^, sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/2tbint22:46
roxelvano: these are grub commands22:46
ErinTroy^, you gotta mount a partition not just a whole disk not the 122:46
roxelvano: hopefully you won't have to issue more then 322:46
Troy^ty Erin, so in my fstab what special parameters do i need to automount the /dev/sdc1/22:47
inx-livehi all of you22:47
ErinTroy^, /dev/sdc1 /mnt/point ntfs22:47
elvanoI'm in grub resque command line, does that count? @rox22:47
Troy^Erin: it is that simple?22:48
roxelvano: i hope so22:48
roxelvano: first, let's try to figure out, what your root partition is22:48
ErinTroy^, yea but i'd use a UUID22:48
ErinTroy^, run sudo blkid /dev/sdc122:48
Troy^uuid sorry?22:48
roxelvano: do you know how to use tab-completion in command line?22:48
ErinTroy^, then ur fstab looks like this UUID=fb653060-f67a-48cc-ac1e-1bf2313dcaca /hd2            ext422:48
elvanosadly my grubknowlegge is near 022:48
ErinTroy^, subtitute your UUID mount point and file system obviously. all on one line.22:49
roxelvano: i ment tab-completion in general, not just grub22:49
ErinTroy^, using UUID helps the computer know 100% what disk it is incase you add/remove disks it won't get confused its like a fingerprint of the partition.22:49
elvanoSuch as in routers and such? @rox22:49
roxelvano: where you type just the first part of a command, and then hit the TAB key, and the command line completes your command22:49
Troy^Erin makes sense. very informative thank you22:49
roxelvano: never mind22:49
ErinTroy^, no prob.22:50
roxelvano: you need to issue 3 or 4 commands22:50
Troy^it didn't spit my out a UUID when i did blkid /dev/sdc1/22:50
roxelvano:  root, kernel, initrd and boot22:50
roxeach with appropriate arguments22:50
roxelvano: the key is to get the root right22:50
roxelvano: the root command will tell grub on which partition to look for kernel and other things22:50
ErinTroy^, is it an extended partition22:51
TheHumanscienceerin: sorry...im at work...it might be a little bit22:51
roxelvano: type: root=(hd0,0)22:52
Troy^Erin: the whole drive is formatted NTFS with all my media on it22:52
lhachmihow are you22:52
ErinTroy^, can you pastebin what "sudo fdisk -l" shows22:52
elvanoazerty -qwerty issue, might take a sec @ rox22:52
roxelvano: try to use tab-completion22:53
roxelvano: type root and then hit tab twice22:53
ErinTroy^, i don't use NTFS on linux but pretty sure it will still spit a blkid22:53
roxelvano: see, if you get any suggestions22:53
ErinTroy^, all my partitions will spit blkids except the extended ones22:53
elvanotabcompletion doesn't seem to work here @ rox22:54
Troy^Erin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178751/22:54
elvanobut atleast it didn't say 'unknown' command this time @ rox22:54
roxelvano: ok22:54
roxelvano: then we have to type it all out22:54
ErinTroy^, sudo blkid /dev/sdd122:55
roxelvano: but no sweat22:55
Troy^Erin: sdd is my ext it is usbmounted22:55
Troy^fizz@server:~$ sudo blkid /dev/sdd122:55
Troy^ /dev/sdd1: LABEL="3TB EXT" UUID="C6B89CABB89C9B8D" TYPE="ntfs"22:56
ErinTroy^, but it doesn't work on /dev/sdc1 ??22:56
Troy^no Erin22:56
inx-liveello troy22:56
ErinTroy^, well I really am not sure why :\22:56
inx-livehello erin22:56
Troy^:( i can see all its files it shows identifer as 0x0000000 lol22:56
inx-liveauestion plw22:56
inx-livequestion plz22:57
elvanoThis is making me sweat. What's the next step? @ rox22:57
roxelvano: so it took the root command?22:57
roxelvano: the next one is kernel22:57
=== Grapefruit is now known as doublen00b
elvanoIt gave no error so i suppose it did @ rox22:57
doublen00bCould someone help me out? :)22:58
gordonjcpTroy^: maybe it hasn't got a uuid set22:58
ErinTroy^, yea I really see no reason why it shouldn't work. can you move data off of the drive and re-partition it?22:58
gordonjcp!help | doublen00b22:58
ubottudoublen00b: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:58
roxelvano: kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-<TAB>22:58
Troy^Erin: it just spit me out a UUID lol22:58
ErinTroy^, now it works?22:58
ErinTroy^, wtf.....22:58
roxelvano: type the vmlinuz- and then hit TAB key22:58
gordonjcpTroy^: you know about /dev/disks/by-uuid/ and so on?22:58
Troy^Erin: /dev/sdc1: LABEL="2TB" UUID="47D840A910F17C54" TYPE="ntfs"22:58
Eringordonjcp, i don't think you set a UUID it calculates one for you based on disk telemetry or some crap.22:58
roxelvano: the rpoblem is, that we don't know, what kernel you have installed, so hopefully tab-completion will find it22:58
gordonjcpErin: no, it is generated and it can be rewritten22:59
doublen00bAha, I see. I've never installed Linux before, and I want it on my Macbook Pro 8,1. (2011 model) However, I already have a Windows partition with everything on it and no way to back it up. What do I do?22:59
gordonjcpErin: it's a bit of Deep Magic though, so try not to do that ;-)22:59
elvanotabcompletion really does,'t work =/ @rox22:59
Cheri703I was trying to get my bluetooth headset connected with a new dongle, and I wasn't getting any audio. I clicked where it said "telephony duplex"or something, and chose "off" now the bluetooth headset doesn't show up under the sound settings, even when connected to the computer. Anyone know how to get it back? or how to undo whatever configuration I changed? (like deleting a file or something?)22:59
Eringordonjcp, awesome I just learned something then. Had no idea it can be re-written22:59
inx-liveplz want to know how to install inx on harddrive22:59
szalwhat is inx?22:59
ErinTroy^, yea now you can use the UUID part in /etc/fstab just remove the "'s from it22:59
gordonjcpErin: well, it seems to be rewriteable, I've rewritten them...22:59
Eringordonjcp, how do you re-write them?23:00
elvanowill this pose a great problem? @rox23:00
Troy^Erin: like this? UUID=47D840A910F17C54 /media/2tbint ntfs23:00
gordonjcpdoublen00b: it's safest to back everything up before getting deep into it, but you should be able to change partition sizes23:00
roxelvano: hmm, then do this23:00
gordonjcpdoublen00b: are you using something like refit?23:00
roxelvano: kernel /vmlinuz23:00
ErinTroy^, indeed23:00
doublen00bI am using refit. Dunno where to go from here, though.23:00
roxelvano: with the slash23:00
roxelvano: next command is23:01
Troy^thank you Erin:23:01
roxelvano: initrd /initrd.img23:01
roxelvano: and them boot23:01
ErinTroy^, then when you have it in /etc/fstab just do sudo mount -a23:01
gordonjcpdoublen00b: I just split down my OSX partition and installed onto the second half of the drive23:01
doublen00bHow did you do that?23:01
gordonjcpdoublen00b: refit needs an occasional poke, if OSX rewrites the bootloader23:01
gordonjcpdoublen00b: with the disk utility in OSX23:02
doublen00bAlso, some sources online say that Ubuntu won't work on 8,1 but they are old sources.23:02
Eringordonjcp, how do you change a UUID buddy ? now I need to know :-P23:02
elvano'unknown command 'kernel' ' @rox23:02
doublen00bWell yeah, but once you had a second partition, what did you do?23:02
Troy^Erin: Thanks no errors. All is good23:02
ErinTroy^, sweet, very weird that it wouldn't give you a UUID for a bit though....23:02
Troy^i know :S23:02
gordonjcpErin: I can't remember now, I'll look into it tomorrow23:03
exutuxErin: sudo tune2fs -U random /dev/sdXX23:03
gordonjcpErin: I was doing a lot of pretty strange things to GPT and EFI at the time23:03
elvanoI messed up bad, didn't I @ rox23:03
exutuxErin: and it set a random UUID23:03
Troy^Erin: this is an older PC and a weird mobo it has the IDE and SATA combo23:03
roxelvano: no23:03
Erinexutusoh thanks.23:03
gordonjcpexutux: sounds about right23:03
exutuxsure :p23:03
Erinexutux, oh awesome. Doubt i'll ever need it23:03
roxelvano: try this: linux /vmlinuz23:03
roxelvano: just those two words: linux /vmlinuz23:04
Erinexutux, what would be the chances of the same UUID. if you had the same exact disk with the same partitions it would still give diffferent UUID right ??23:04
gmachine_24I am using cps to copy folders/files to a remote computer; my question is what permissions will the files/folders have once they are copied to the remote computer?23:04
exutuxErin: for example when you clone some HDD by dd23:04
elvanounknown command 'linux' I'm beginning to wonder if I'm in the right commandline @ rox23:04
roxelvano: so am i23:04
Erinexutux, ahhh!!.23:04
roxelvano: i'm not sure this is grub23:04
pyrrhic_Is there a way to install multiple packages at once in Ubuntu 12.04 ?23:05
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roxelvano: are you sure you didn't by any chance boot into recovery mode or something=23:05
pyrrhic_Without getting this message --> Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:05
doublen00bAll the options in Disk Utility on OSX are greyed out. What can I do?23:05
Cheri703Nevermind, I installed blueman and got it situated.23:05
Erinpyrrhic_, sudo apt-get install package1 package223:05
gordonjcpdoublen00b: not sure what mine is, "Macbook Late 2009" it says23:05
pyrrhic_Erin, Can I somehow disable the lock?23:05
roxelvano: type this: ls23:05
Erinpyrrhic_, do you have synaptic or software center open ??23:05
gmachine_24Erin, if you clone a drive the new drive has the same UUID but you can change it23:05
pyrrhic_software atm23:05
elvanoit says: "Grub rescue>" I haven't been able to do anything. I get on this the moment I power my laptop on23:05
Eringmachine_24, yea exutux said that thanks ;-)23:06
Ironsightokay, so if I purchase something off the software center it downloads *really* slow, is there a way to fix that?23:06
szalpyrrhic_: then close that23:06
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elvanoit says: "Grub rescue>" I haven't been able to do anything. I get on this the moment I power my laptop on @ rox23:06
doublen00bgordonjcp, it's in System Profiler under Model Identifier23:06
roxelvano: hmm, this is one weird grub you have there23:06
pyrrhic_szal, Yes.. but if something is installing and I want to use terminal at the same time. How can I manipulate that?23:06
gmachine_24Erin, first time it happened to me I was confused as well.23:06
gordonjcpdoublen00b: yeah, it's out in the van and I can't be bothered moving ;-)23:06
roxelvano: i'm sorry, if it as regular grub, i'd be able to help you boot, but if i don't know what is there, i really can't help you23:06
roxelvano: i'm sorry, i did my best23:07
IronsightI mean, I don't normally complain about download speed, but bastion is about a gig, and it has been downloading for 2 hours, when I have a 50mbit connection23:07
elvanoI'm kinda afraid I might not have a grub at all anymore... @ rox23:07
szalpyrrhic_: you can't.. let the other thing finish first23:07
Eringmachine_24, oh nothing happened to me. We got to this conversation cause I was helping someone find a UUID of a disk and I had no idea you could actually change one :-)23:07
pyrrhic_szal, sad panda23:07
gordonjcpnn all23:07
gmachine_24elevano, have you tried a grub restore disc?23:07
gjlstc sudo dpkg -i *.deb   ?23:08
Erincan't elvano just do sudo grub-install /dev/device ???23:08
Erinand sudo update-grub23:08
gmachine_24elevano, I use one of the restore disks here: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/23:09
Ironsightdoes the commercial paid apps come from a different repo than my free apps?23:10
elvanoIn what command-line should i do this? @ Arin23:10
Troy^omg im having some serious issues now Erin. might be my python i believe i can even do sudo apt-get update23:10
ErinTroy^, did you uninstall something you shouldn't have?23:11
ActionParsnipIronsight: I believe its just a different section23:11
ErinTroy^, what error you getting?23:11
Troy^Erin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178778/23:11
elvanoI'm just reading a simular problem. Does Lubuntu come with Grub (1) by any chance?23:12
ErinTroy^, the servers might just be down.23:12
ErinTroy^, switch to the US servers for awhile23:12
ErinTroy^, its not resolving the address either network problems on your end or ubuntu's end or servers down for maintenance23:13
Troy^hmm weird23:13
Troy^i think my box is not getting to the internet but i'm connect to it23:13
doublen00bAnyone know where I can get a step-by-step guide on triple booting into Ubuntu on MacBook Pro 8,1?23:13
doublen00bThe ones I've found online have been incomplete or reported not working with my model.23:14
ErinTroy^, you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change to us servers23:14
ErinTroy^, if you can go to website then your DNS is working fine.23:14
elvanoWere those commands both Grub as grub2 compatible? For i have found a similar problem  where grub was installed instead of grub2 @ rox23:14
ubottuIronsight, please see my private message23:14
ErinTroy^, try to load like yahoo.com and google.com and amazon.com23:14
krababbelI can't connect to an iscsi target. Discovery says: iscsiadm: Cannot perform discovery. Invalid Initiatorname.23:14
Troy^Erin hmm.. i cant access anything via lynx23:15
ErinTroy^, and it was working b4 ?23:15
ErinTroy^, static or dhcp ?23:15
ErinTroy^, using /etc/network/interfaces to manage or network manager ?23:16
Troy^dns values?23:16
Erinyea did your dns settings get screwed some how?23:16
Troy^ /etc/network/interfaces there is no window manager installed23:16
Troy^possibly on my router23:16
ErinTroy^, well check it make sure its all correct23:16
ErinTroy^, yea check ur router make sure its pulling dns servers from the ISP23:16
Erinmaybe power cycle it23:16
Erinif it is pulling dns servers make sure you can do an nslookup ip.of.dns.server23:17
Troy^Erin: http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/9527/advancedsetuplanipanddh.png23:17
Troy^Erin fizz@server:/$ nslookup
Troy^;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached23:17
ErinTroy^, you said it was static that is dhcp23:18
ErinTroy^, and why is it setup to not pull dns from the wan connection??23:18
Troy^Erin: my router is router/modem combo23:19
ErinTroy^, yea i am not a networking expert just know some stuff.23:19
Troy^me neither Erin23:19
ErinTroy^, is there a status to that router that shows the actually dns servers its pulling from the isp23:20
Erinis this cable?23:20
ErinTroy^, pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces ?23:20
Troy^Erin: it is fiber here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178788/23:20
Erinyea not ifconfig23:21
Troy^Erin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1178792/23:21
doublen00bMacTel Support wiki doesn't have any info for Ubuntu 12 for my model Mac...23:22
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doublen00bSo, I guess I'm out of luck.23:23
ErinTroy^, you need nameserver ip.of.whatever.it.said.in.router :-)23:23
Troy^so the dns address?23:23
ErinTroy^, yea it might be dns-nameservers not sure which one23:24
ErinI havent used static in awhile23:24
ErinTroy^, it used to be in /etc/resolv.conf23:24
Erinwhich ubuntu are you on?23:24
Troy^this ubuntu server 12.0423:24
Erink its in /etc/network/interfaces then under the eth0 stuff23:24
confusedhow is it that after a complete removal of Firefox, the internet still sees my login and password?  How can I remove it23:25
ActionParsnipelvano: lubuntu uses grub2, just like the 'regular' gnome based ubuntu23:25
ErinTroy^, yea its dns-nameservers23:25
ErinTroy^, then sudo service networking restart23:26
confusedI have also done a root bleachbit and still a fresh install of firefox and the login is still there????23:26
szalconfused: "the internet"?23:26
Troy^hmm dns-nameservers what is the dns though i dont get it? is it the router itself?23:26
ErinTroy^, it was in that pic you posted23:26
ErinTroy^, normally you can use the IP of the router for the dns server23:26
Troy^well that is the physical address of the router23:26
ErinTroy^, so if its you can use
confusedszal yea??  whats up with that?? how can it still be there after bleachbit as root and complete removal of the browser23:27
Erinit passes the dns requests through23:27
Troy^so dns-nameservers
ErinTroy^, likely23:27
Erinassuming thats ip of router23:27
confusedhow is it that after a complete removal of Firefox, the internet still sees my login and password?  Is it being tracked by IP?? if so, how to clear it?23:28
elvanoHey, I'd say it's nice to see you again, but my situation isn't that laughable. I managed to get into my Lubuntu through some grub commands. Can you help me to configure the Grub correctly from here on? @ ActionParsnip23:28
szalconfused: what do you mean by "the internet"? and login and pwd for what?23:28
Erinconfused, your name is perfect :-)23:28
ActionParsnipconfused: the removal doesn't clear the settings in $HOME, so the old settings will be used if you reinstall the app23:28
ActionParsnipconfused: take off the tinfoil hat23:28
Erinconfused, ~/.config/firefox possibly ?23:28
ActionParsnipconfused: if you want default/vanilla settings for the browser simply rename ~/.mozilla/firefox   then rerun the browser23:29
confusedErin  all right then... thanks Ill try it.23:29
Erinno do what he just said23:29
ActionParsnipconfused: uninstalling and reinstalling the browser doesn't default settings23:29
Erini was wrong.23:29
ErinActionParsnip, if he uses purge it does23:30
confusedErin wants to borrow confussed's nick hahah23:30
szalActionParsnip: doesn't what default settings?23:30
Troy^Erin: seems like i'm stil not connected to the internet23:30
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ErinTroy^, nslookup ip.of.router again23:30
ActionParsnipszal: uninstalling and reinstalling apps23:30
ActionParsnipErin: it doesn't remove the configs in $HOME23:30
ErinTroy^, did you restart networking ?23:30
Troy^yes i did Erin23:31
ActionParsnipErin: purge removes the configs from /etc and so forth23:31
ErinActionParsnip, oh really I thought purge was like a nuclear missile.23:31
Troy^grr i hate this router23:31
ActionParsnipErin: someone proposed it a while back but it was rejected23:31
Troy^fizz@server:/$ nslookup ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached23:31
ErinTroy^, maybe action parsnip can help w/ your dns issue he seems to know alot about networking23:31
ErinTroy^, i thought it was
Troy^yea hold on lol23:31
pyrrhic_Gah. Wish there was a way to install multiple apps on 12.0423:31
confusedSO, Purge is like a better bleachbit then?23:32
Erinpyrrhic_, there is!23:32
Troy^Erin: still the same though23:32
pyrrhic_Erin, Without using && commands and such. Like23:32
pyrrhic_The ability to open several installations at once.23:32
Erinpyrrhic_, sudo apt-get install package1 package223:32
ActionParsnippyrrhic_: you can:  sudo apt-get install appname1 appname2 appname323:32
ErinActionParsnip, i've told him this before :-P23:32
pyrrhic_ActionParsnip, Erin, You can't change the locking mechanism on dpkg though?23:32
ActionParsnippyrrhic_: same with removal23:32
ActionParsnippyrrhic_: how do you mean?23:33
Erinpyrrhic_, no you can't install/uninstall multiple things at the same time23:33
HAMKootpyrrhic_, you can add more apps in software centre, so it will cue23:33
pyrrhic_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:33
pyrrhic_^^^ That23:33
Erinthat would be stupid.23:33
mika__has anyone tried counter-stike global offencive ? im having some troubles starting it up, cries about my video card (because the sofware is having ATI problems) though i changed  videopci id's to match nvidia card23:33
ActionParsnippyrrhic_: do you have software centre open?23:33
Erinpyrrhic_, that would cause issues if you did that.23:33
Troy^I don't understand why it is not getting DNS.23:33
pyrrhic_No. Just an active installation in terminal going and I want more lol23:33
ErinTroy^, is the actual router getting DNS ???23:34
ActionParsnipTroy^: if you manually set DNS, does it work ok?23:34
Troy^Erin yes23:34
ErinActionParsnip, I had him do that, and he says no.23:34
Troy^i am talking to you23:34
roxpyrrhic_: you are probably running apt-get or software center or patitude or synaptic somewhere23:34
ActionParsnippyrrhic_: then let it finish, you can use multiple package names in apt-get, you don't have to install one by one23:34
roxpyrrhic_: it's probably stuch on some dialog and it isn't exiting23:34
Troy^ActionParsnip: yes i added dns-nameserver
ActionParsnipTroy^: try;   echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null23:35
ActionParsnipTroy^: do you get web access?23:35
pyrrhic_rox, Yes. I know that. I'm just trying to allow more than one install to go at once.23:35
ErinTroy^, dns-nameservers with an s23:35
Troy^ActionParsnip: now i do wtf23:35
eris0xffis this for general ubuntu talk or question support?23:35
ActionParsnipTroy^: english please23:35
confusedActionParsnip  Oh great, I have an update issue that has been a pain for weeks and it is back again.  In the update window there is a 85kb file that needs to be installed .. When I click install the blue line races across the window and then looks like it is checking again only to see the damn 85kb file is still being reported to beinstalled.. I have looked online and CANNOT find a solution. Can you help23:35
ErinI thought they stopped using /etc/resolv.conf23:36
ActionParsnipconfused: can you give a pastebin of the output of:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:36
Erinarent u supposed to use dns-nameservers now23:36
dr_willis# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)23:36
ActionParsnipErin: resolv.conf will always be used23:36
gmachine_24eris0xff, yes, just ask your question23:36
Troy^ActionParsnip: what did that command really do?23:36
dr_willisits just dynaicly generated at bootup23:36
elvanoAlright I got it fixed. Thanks to you, rox I got a betterunderstanding of the cmdline. the command weren't wrong, we were just on the wrong level (if you say it like that) &&Erin knew to tell me what action had to be taken eventhough I had to get loggedo n first - thanks both@ rox & Erin23:36
ErinTroy^, so now change that to and see if it works23:36
ActionParsnipTroy^: added the text to the file23:36
eris0xffheh thx gmachine. was really going to offer to answer some23:36
ActionParsnipTroy^: now try web access etc, is it k?23:37
Erinelvano, np.23:37
confusedActionParsnip  I wll do another pastebin of it.. I Did the sudo update and upgrade and it was still there23:37
Troy^yea was i suppose to change the ip from
ErinTroy^, yes23:37
gmachine_24eris0xff, then you came to the right place23:37
Troy^Erin: that is weird because now it is working !23:37
rypervencheActionParsnip: Ummm, why are you using tee to /dev/null and not just echo > ?23:37
ErinTroy^, well I thought they stopped using /etc/resolv.conf or I'd have told you to do that 20 minutes ago23:38
Erinso ActionParsnip do you not need dns-nameservers at all ?23:38
eris0xff(actually just pulled my brain out of 10 straight hours of plan9 type architecture work, so it should be refreshing)23:38
ActionParsniprypervenche: because tee echos to the screen as well as the file, its just neater23:38
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rypervencheActionParsnip: It doesn't print to stdout though because of the > /dev/null23:39
Marzatahow to connect Android Samsung Galaxy 3s to Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS?23:39
Marzatavia cable23:39
eris0xffoops, wife unit suggest I need to eat before donating copious free time to users23:40
Troy^so in /etc/network/interfaces do i still dns-nameservers because in my /etc/resolv.conf it is nameserver
Marzatawife unit, :D23:40
Troy^i really don't get the dns thing. but it is working at the moment.23:41
ErinTroy^, not sure, I asked him that already my guess is you don't need it since /etc/resolv.conf is a systemwide dns file.23:41
ErinTroy^, dns is domain name server. it translates google.com into the ip numbers so your pc can connect to it.23:42
ErinTroy^, so if you had typed the correct numbers for a website it still would have worked even w/ no dns. :-)23:42
dr_willisMarzata:  I just plug mine in and use one of the usb-connection modes. I forget what one it is.. theres 2 options.  the 2nd one was what i needed.23:42
confusedActionParsnip    http://pastebin.com/JCuAtXp423:43
dr_willisMarzata:  theres some mtp tools i think you need to install. the webupd8 blog site had some info on it i recall following23:43
dr_willisChanging from MTP to PTP (camera transfer mode) also works with nautilus, at least with the built-in memory.23:43
Marzatadr_willis: thanks, will see.23:44
dr_willisMarzata:  i find it best to just use some sort of wifi-transfers. :) much faster then those usb cables23:45
Erinalso that /etc/resolv.conf file says the changes will be over-written is this true .....23:45
Troy^alright Erin and ActionParsnip thank you for the help23:45
dr_willisErin:  at boot time - i belive. or if the networking services get restarted23:45
Troy^I'm definietly learning alot with a server setup23:45
DdR3GtBuonaseraaa a tuttiiiiiii23:46
ErinTroy^, I wasn't much help. I should have had you try /etc/resolv.conf I did know if it's existance just really thought it had been phased out cause I used /etc/network/interfaces before and it worked.23:46
Erindr_willis, so he will have to edit that file on every bootup for his dns to work ?23:46
Troy^Erin: i thought so too from the articles i read online reading about t23:46
ErinTroy^, server stuff is actually easy on ubuntu23:47
dr_willis!info resolvconf23:47
ubotturesolvconf (source: resolvconf): name server information handler. In component main, is important. Version 1.63ubuntu15 (precise), package size 52 kB, installed size 237 kB23:47
Bertoin chrome, it never asks to directly just OPEN a file. It always wants to save it somewhere first23:47
dr_willisresolovconf handles it i belive23:47
Bertocan i change that setting?23:47
confusedActionParsnip   well, sorry, a lot new to this.. Here is the paste.      http://pastebin.com/kpvXgBKu23:47
Troy^Erin: yes things are easier because it is ubuntu. But for someone who is newer it is defnietly still a learning curve23:47
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Troy^ok also if you may know HDDTEMP app how do i set it to run without being root?23:47
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Marzatadr_willis: how via wifi? I installed sshd on the phone. It works but it is slow.23:48
dr_willisMarzata:  i use the various samba tools/file managers mainly. theres always some new tools out for android.23:49
chan-16112Bot test.23:50
dr_willistest phailed.23:50
ErinTroy^, idk i've always just ran it as root since it required it. why do you need to change it23:51
confused85 kb file still wants to be installed but when clicking install on update window, it is still being reported as there and in need of installing.. over and over.  Did the sudo update  sudo upgrade and here is the pastebin... Why is the updater stillcalling for that damn 85kb file and worst Still... There are NO further updates ever    I am new to this but I cant believe there are no updates othre than this 85kb file that will not inst23:51
confusedall for what ever reason.. http://pastebin.com/kpvXgBKu23:51
confusedIs It a virus???23:52
Erinconfused, not likely on linux...23:52
Erinpossible, but highly unlikely.23:52
Flannelconfused: You need to do an update first, that pulls down new package lists, which potentially contain new versions, THEN the upgrade/dist-upgrade23:53
confusedI know there has to be updates in the last 5 or 6 weeks23:53
confusedFlannel  I did the update first.. still the same results.. the update manager wants to install this 85 kb file that never installes23:54
nibbler_confused, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade <-- tis does not update anything?23:54
nibbler_confused, wich 85kb file?23:54
Flannelconfused: Can you please pastebin the output of `sudo apt-get update`?23:54
roxconfused: the exact name of the file?23:54
roxconfused: when you say file, do you mean package?23:54
Flannelconfused: no, that's apt-get upgrade, not upDATE23:54
confusedrox.. in update manager it doesnt give the name and NO discription23:54
dj_ryanhow do i erase lvm data from a disk using dd?23:54
confusedits HUGE23:55
roxconfused: then i am sure you must be misinterpreting something23:55
nibbler_dj_ryan, i guess if you target the first MB it should be fine?23:55
Flannelconfused: right, that's why I asked you to pastebin it :)23:55
confusedok  h o23:55
dj_ryannibbler_: ok, i an trying an automated reinstall and i keep getting an error, i guess im not erasing enough23:55
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:55
Erindj_ryan, sudo dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/disk23:56
Erindj_ryan, or /dev/zero or /dev/urandom23:56
confusedFlannel http://pastebin.com/yYRiGyfz23:56
nibbler_would dev/null work at all? doubt it...23:56
dj_ryanerin: i dont want to the entire disk23:56
dr_willisnull or zero should work fine. :)23:57
roxdj_ryan: make sure you repartition that disk in linux first, if you partition it in windows, it might not use the whole disk23:57
dj_ryanok here's another question, how do i get netcfg to grab the hostname from dhcp?23:57
szalI remember null not working when I tried something similar a while back23:57
roxdj_ryan: then add to the command bs=1M count=1023:57
nibbler_dr_willis, don't think so, null is 0 byte long...23:58
dj_ryanrox: i did that and that helped23:58
dj_ryanbut more importantly, netcfg wont get the hostname from dhcp23:58
dr_willisnibbler_:  it writes all nulls to the disk.23:58
Flannelconfused: Alright, that all looks normal enough.  Now try an upgrade/dist-upgrade, does it still try to upgrade nothing?23:58
xorgddj_ryan: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/partition bs=1MB23:58
dr_willisa count entry may be needed.23:58
Flannelconfused: Do you realise you have -proposed enabled?23:59
confusedE: Invalid operation upgrade/dist-upgrade23:59
nibbler_dr_willis, nope. see: http://nopaste.info/ca8c42a3b1.html - it is 0 byte long, its a sink, not a source23:59
Flannelconfused: sorry, it was one or the other, go ahead and do just an upgrade.23:59
confusedFlannel  no, i dont know what it  is23:59
Erindj_ryan, yea if you do urandom it will take forever since cpu has to gen random data23:59
nibbler_dr_willis, what you might mean is /dev/zero...23:59

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