
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
JamesTaitHappy Friday, folks! :-D09:22
ralsinagood morning!10:14
mandelralsina, morning!10:58
mandelralsina, so, what is going one with tarmac? that fsevents branch is bouncing due to mem issues..10:58
ralsinahi mandel!10:58
mandelon linux?10:58
ralsinamandel: yes, u1-client tests are using a lot of memory since a ew days ago10:59
ralsinamandel: so branches may bounce for no reason10:59
ralsinamandel: we got it in the release manually10:59
mandelralsina, ok.. bummer10:59
mandelralsina, got something nice for the next release: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/notification-center-support/+merge/12223710:59
ralsinaBTW: high 5 on the release... o/10:59
mandelralsina, o/11:00
ralsinawe may have some subset of that, the root daemon, the macfsevents code daemonized, share links working and the wizard fixed.11:00
mandelralsina, I'm right now going to take a look on why the root daemon is not working11:00
ralsinamandel: cool11:02
mandelralsina, I need to talk with mmcc about how to add nice icons to the notifications but works :)11:02
ralsinamandel: awesome!11:04
ralsinamandel: I am going on school run and have lots of errands today (banks) so I will not be around a lot11:04
mandelralsina, ok, no problem11:04
ralsinamandel: but as usual, I have logs, so keep talking to me ;-)11:04
alecugood morning, all!11:28
mandelalecu, morning!11:44
mandelralsina, maybe the reason why it looks bad on a retina display is due to the fix for the scrolling..11:44
mandelalecu, new mac os x client feature: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/notification-center-support/+merge/12223711:45
mandelI wanted to get away form the files..11:45
alecumandel: the retina display bit sounds very reasonable.11:50
alecumandel: that seems to be the problem, yes:11:53
alecuand http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.qt.devel/447711:53
mandelalecu, nice11:54
alecumandel: we should ask mmcc to include the relevant Info.plist items11:55
alecumandel: and then ask zac to test it.11:55
mandelalecu, yes, is a problem that we don't have the hd to test it..11:55
mandelhardware.. not hd :P11:55
alecumandel: ask christian to buy one for you!11:55
mandelalecu, I'm close to my 3 years :)11:56
alecumandel: you are closer to two!11:56
mandelalecu, also, heheh11:56
mandelalecu, but I'm close than I was :P11:56
mandelalecu, and feels like longer11:57
thisfredomg, the new chat function in thunderbird is horrible. At least for IRC. Why didn't they concentrate on it eating all available memory, rather than build yet another chat client...12:20
mandellunch time12:22
* mandel lunch12:22
ralsinathisfred: you are actually IRCing from thunderbird? That thing figuratively exploded whenI tried it.12:26
thisfredI was just then, it worked for me, after a fashion, but the UI is crazy12:27
thisfredespecially unusable if you use tb halfimized, which all my windows are12:27
thisfredthe chat window if four characters wide in that case12:27
thisfredgive or take12:28
ralsinathisfred: for the "twitter is too burgueois"crowd.12:28
thisfredralsina, well it does twitter gtalk and facebook chat12:28
ralsinaboy did I misspell that one12:28
thisfredbut then, so does everyone12:28
ralsinaso you can tweet in only 35 lines. neat.12:29
thisfredI'll see if the other accounts work better12:29
thisfredbut definitely  a no for IRC12:29
ralsinawonder how the tweet app key limit hits thunderbird. They are supposed to have 10M users, and the keys are limited to 200K :)12:30
thisfredmaybe that's why they made it look like crap12:31
thisfredoh, gtalk and fbook also totally unusable.12:32
thisfredthat was that then12:32
thisfredalso firefox 15 seems slower, and broke pentadactyl. Since vimperator already didn't work, I think I'm gonna go back to chrome12:34
thisfredmaybe it works great on Mozilla OS.12:34
ralsinanot a happy post-UIF day for thisfred12:34
thisfredralsina, well, if this was on quantal that would be one thing12:34
thisfredthis is my precise machine12:35
ralsinathisfred: hahaha12:35
ralsinathisfred: or rather... erm... bummer dude12:35
* ralsina ctrl-c's his apt-get12:35
thisfredmaybe there's a web browsing and email reading plugin for vim12:36
thisfredbut then I might as well switch back to emacs12:36
dobeyjust change your .xinitrc to "exec /usr/bin/thunderbird" and you'll be set12:37
thisfredoh, oops past 8:30. Stop complaining/hacking on lp:gouda, start work :)12:37
ralsinaalecu: we need to come up with that estimate for joshua13:25
* ralsina starts putting numbers into a hat13:25
ralsinagood morning briancurtin!13:26
alecuralsina: I'm nowhere near close to providing a real estimate, so let me add this stack of old bus tickets in your hat too.13:28
ralsinaoh, a capicúa!13:29
ralsinaalecu: k, let's talk about it in the evening13:29
briancurtinhi ralsina13:32
dobeyalecu: "the journey will take many moons to complete"13:36
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ralsinadobey: http://www.engadget.com/2012/08/30/lgs-ea93-29-inch-display-hands-on/ but I know, too low-res for you :-)13:45
dobeyuh, yes13:48
ralsinahowever, a 29" 21:9 monitor would look great on my desk13:50
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dobeyit doesn't even have a VESA mount13:52
ralsinaif god intended us to use vesa mounts, he wouldn't have created duct tape13:54
dobeyi want this new panasonic ips alpha display13:55
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dobeyralsina: hrmm; we'll need a freeze exception for SSO perhaps as well (although technically it is a regression)14:10
ralsina  dobey: which bug?14:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 974637 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) "Qt Registration and Log-in dialogs have no way to perform the other action" [High,Triaged]14:11
dobeycan't believe i totally forgot about that bug :-/14:12
ralsiname neither14:12
ralsinaok, let's file the exception then14:12
ralsinaI totally dropped the ball on that one14:13
dobeylet me see if we'll need one14:13
mandelmmcc, I found the bug with the root daemon, what are the rights of the unix domain socket?14:14
mandelforget about it, there is another issue..14:16
ralsinahi mmcc14:47
ralsinahigh 5 on release! o/14:47
mmccralsina: \o14:47
mandelmmcc, morning! I'm looking at the root problem, it seems that there is a connection issues and the user is never added to the daemon, therefore the add-watch gets stopped there14:47
mandelmmcc, can I see the change you made for launchd? I'm trying to reproduce what is going on with some testing scripts14:48
mmccmandel: ok, do you need me to push my… yeah, ok14:48
mandelmmcc, also the source of the plist would be nice :)14:48
mandelmmcc, yes :)14:48
mmccmandel, why do you need the source of the plist? I have a hunch you won't like it :)14:49
mmccoh wait, never mind that :)14:50
mandelmmcc, that is the reason hehehe14:50
mmccif you're running your own copy of the daemon, then I bet you're getting an error about absolute paths in the socket name14:51
mmccto see what the plist is in the built daemon, do this:14:51
mmccotool -s __TEXT __launchd_plist com.ubuntu.one.fsevents | grep "^[0-9a-f]\{8,16\}" | xxd -r14:51
mmccthis for the info plist: otool -s __TEXT __info_plist com.ubuntu.one.fsevents | grep "^[0-9a-f]\{8,16\}" | xxd -r14:52
mmccmandel, the catch is we're not allowed to pass arguments on the command line to the launchd daemon14:52
ralsinammcc: we are supposed to have everything needed to build on bzr so the sources for the plist belong there after some cleaning ;-)14:52
mmccso I had to make a change to make the launchd checkin the default action for the daemon14:52
mmccralsina: oh, they will be - this is just handy debug double checking :) they're built into the executable14:53
mandelmmcc, hmm ok, lets take a look at the code, anyways I think there is an error somewhere else14:53
mmccmandel: ok I'll go push it asap14:53
ralsinammcc, mandel, dobey, thisfred, alecu, briancurtin: standup starts in 3' ends in 5'14:57
thisfredaye aye14:57
thisfredso this is *not* a great time to go make coffee, is what you're saying14:59
ralsinathisfred: right14:59
ralsinaunless it's literally instant coffee14:59
ralsinammcc is last, go me!15:00
ralsinaDONE: mac release! a couple of quick branches for last-minute issues there, helped around, reviews, team call, 1-1 with alecu, design chat with lisette, dash call with alecu & neil, other calls,  TODO: banks, errands, doctor visit,  minor mac bugfixes, start on making the share tab work on mac, maybe also make it work better on ubuntu BLOCKED: too many errands NEXT:  mandel15:00
mandelDONE: added support for notification center and growl for the mac client: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/notification-center-support/+merge/122237 Look at the root daemon, my test script does not longer work which is bad news.15:01
mandelTODO: keep working on the root daemon debugging.15:01
mandelBLOCKED: no15:01
mandelbriancurtin, please15:01
briancurtinDONE: reviews, debugging in a twisted path to find where their bytes/str needs to be changed. we're sending bytes, urllib requires bytes, and somewhere in between it's going wrong (rather, multiple places)15:01
briancurtinTODO: hopefully figure this out in a workable way and propose to antoine's t3k branch15:01
briancurtinNEED REVIEWS: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-dev-tools/py3-bytes-formatting/+merge/121711 and https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-dev-tools/py3-dbus-str/+merge/12171215:01
briancurtinNEXT: thisfred15:01
thisfredDONE: basic auth u1db TODO: wrap up <- | move playlists to u1db BLOCKED: no NEXT: alecu15:01
alecuDONE: misc calls, a clean Q vm, started learning about the unity dash and nux codebase, got stuck running unity from trunk15:01
alecuTODO: get up to speed with dash devel15:01
alecuBLOCKED: no15:01
alecuNEXT: dobey15:01
dobeyDONE: team call, ubuntuone-client-gnome fixes/release15:01
dobeyTODO: reviews, icon generating magic, music store work15:01
dobeyBLCK: None.15:01
mmccDONE: release alpha 1, testing, bug filing15:01
mmccTODO: push branches, fix bugs15:01
mmccBLCK: no15:01
ralsinaAWESOME standup team :-)15:01
ralsinafinished in 2 minutes too!15:02
ralsinathisfred: go get coffee, the rest, comments?15:02
alecuhmmm....I need to change my BLOCKED above:15:02
alecuBLOCKED: got stuck running unity from trunk15:02
ralsinaalecu: ok, you know who to ping on that15:02
alecustill on :02!15:02
ralsinaalecu: yes, no shaming!15:02
ralsinaok EOM it is15:04
mmccmandel, is your test script that's failing in the repo or can you paste it somewhere?15:06
mandelmmcc, is in the repo under tests :)15:06
mandeldobey, can I have a review for : https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/notification-center-support/+merge/12223715:06
mmccmandel: good spot for it :)15:06
mandelmmcc, same there ^ and can you  let me know where do I add the new dependencies?15:07
mandelfor the buildout I mean15:07
mandelmmcc, the script you can make it connect to the daemon passing the path with -p and adding a folder with -f15:07
mandelmmcc, is in the README of the project15:07
mmccmandel: what are you trying to do with the buildout? didn't get that15:08
mmcctime for a new irc client here15:08
mmccmaking me stutter15:08
mandelmmcc, I added new deps pync and the growl one, I'll like to add them to the buildout15:08
mmccmandel: how are they packaged? are they eggs that you can get from pypi or something?15:10
mandelmmcc, yes, you can use pip or easy_install with them15:10
mmccok, then you should be able to just put the name of their egg in the list of eggs under the [development] section…15:11
mmccit's ok to have them in there for everyone I guess, we could make a mac only section but it doesn't hurt windows to download a couple eggs that it won't use15:11
mandelmmcc, ok, doing a branch for that15:15
mandeldobey, fixing it right now15:15
alecuhey, all!15:25
alecuJust got an SMS from ralsina, saying his connection got chopped off.15:25
dobeyalright, need to get lunch. bbiab15:32
mandeldobey, branch fixed and images uploaded..15:42
* mandel restarts due to Q upgrade15:42
mmcchey mandel, I just proposed three branches of the daemon project: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/mungeproj/+merge/122314 , https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/contextfix/+merge/122312 , https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/checkin/+merge/12231316:04
mandelmmcc, on them16:05
mandelmmcc, talking with alecu we found the following:16:06
mandel<alecu> mandel: that seems to be the problem, yes:16:06
mandel<alecu> http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/50130-Qt-Creator-on-MacBook-Pro-Retina16:06
mandel<alecu> and http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.qt.devel/447716:06
mmccmandel: the first MP is kind of big, but hard to split up because of the xcodeproj.16:06
mmccmandel: yeah I saw that in the backtrace. our info.plist already has NSPrincipalclass == NSApplication. did you see my comment in the bug I filed for that yesterday? Maybe I didn't send that bug to everyone…16:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1044211 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Graphics and text blurry on Hi-DPI displays like Retina Macbook" [Medium,New]16:08
mmccs/backtrace/irc backlog/16:08
* mandel reads16:08
mandelmmcc, yes, that is what I though, we added it so that the scrolling worked, right?16:09
mmccmandel: yes https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/101891816:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1018918 in Ubuntu One Control Panel trunk "Scrolling shares on darwin does not work" [High,Fix released]16:16
mmccbrb, quick baby watch duty16:17
mandelok, EOD for me!16:27
briancurtinoh, apparently monday is a holiday in the US16:32
dobeywtf is up with tests.syncdaemon.test_action_queue.TestZipQueue.test_zip_acquire_lock on quantal?16:47
dobeymandel: should we wait for the icon for the notifications, or can we specify the icon as None to get no icon?16:54
mandeldobey, with None it works as I have uploaded in the images16:55
mandeldobey, so we can go with it and then I'll talk with mmcc on how to locate the icons correctly16:55
dobeymandel: but i don't see you passing that on to the upstream API at all. it seems that you're just calling the upstream API with no icon arg and those are just the default icons in those situations?16:56
mandeldobey, exactly, those are the default icons16:56
dobeymandel: i don't know the growl/nc APIs, but do they let you pass icon=None to them?16:57
mmccmandel, that merge has the fsevents.IN_ATTRIB change in it16:58
mandeldobey, the default is none already: https://github.com/kfdm/gntp/blob/master/gntp/notifier.py#L13016:58
dobeymandel: but shouldn't your code be passing the icon argument on to the growl or pync API calls? as icon=icon for example?16:59
mandeldobey, for pync it gets the icon from the calling app16:59
mandeldobey, no, because sd is passing an icon that it won't find16:59
mandelmmcc, I must have merged it by accident, but it should have landed in trunk, let me check17:00
dobeyit is?17:00
mandeldobey, what is up with this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix-wrong-fs-action/+merge/12209917:00
dobeymandel: that test doesn't like quantal i guess :(17:02
mmccLove this note from pync homepage: "All the works are available under the MIT license. Except for ‘Terminal.icns’, which is a copy of Apple’s Terminal.app icon and as such is copyright of Apple."17:02
mmcc"but I'm including it anyway because…?"17:02
mandeldobey, bummer..17:03
mandeldobey, sd does not pass the icon and uses the default value.. I can change that if you want17:03
mandelmmcc, and yet he uses it :P17:03
dobeymandel: yes please17:03
dobeywhere are the pync api docs?17:04
dobeyoh, this time it failed because of memory17:04
dobeywhy the heck are the u1client tests using so much memory now?17:06
dobeyi wonder if some recent change in the last couple months introduced some memory leaking17:06
dobeyomg pync is awful17:09
mmccwhy does ubuntuone.status.AbstractNotification exist?17:10
mmccwe never pass a different icon in the calling code, so it'll only ever call pync or growl with the string 'ubuntuone'…17:11
dobeymmcc: it's the base class for implementing the platform-specific notifications on top of17:12
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dobey"License is MIT except for this file that isn't included and doesn't belong to me, but is in the arbitrary zip file that this code will download and install on your system"17:15
mmccdobey, I get that, I just wondered why it was necessary. and why it was in a separate module, ubuntuone.status instead of ubuntuone.platform.notification17:15
dobeymmcc: there didn't used to be ubuntuone.platform.notification; it was all under status17:16
dobeyand really there shouldn't be an ubuntuone.platform in there, but hey17:16
mmcchrm, yes. hey indeed17:17
dobeyone day i will move everything to be under ubuntuone.syncdaemon in there; one day17:18
mmccso is there some reason for using an abstract base class for a class with one method (in a dynamic language to boot)? this is an honest question, not a passive-aggressive style complaint  :)17:18
dobeythisfred: ^^ maybe you can give a better answer to mmcc since you wrote that17:19
thisfredI didn't do it17:19
thisfredmmcc let me think back17:20
mmccthisfred: don't bother if it's going to interrupt something - not super important17:20
thisfredbasically it was sort of an attempt at using interfaces to force the different platforms to conform, I think17:20
thisfredit may have been misguided17:20
mmccoh, to inject a little static checking into python, avoid seeing runtime type errors due to different apis, that kind of thing?17:21
thisfredor it may have been intended to be expanded at some point to become more useful, and never did17:21
thisfredmmcc, basically yes, but I'm not sure I'd defend it with my life now...17:21
mmccheh. well, I'll go look at abc some more out of curiosity. doesn't seem to be doing much here though :)17:22
thisfredmmcc, it may also have been a case of new hammer syndrome17:22
mandelI'm off for the weekend, have a good one o.17:23
mmccbye mandel have a great weekend17:23
thisfredhasta luego tío17:27
dobeymmcc: how familiar are you with the .icns files? i'm looking at the apple hig icon guidelines page, and it has a table with "filename" and "canvas size" but not sure what filename is exactly in this case (ie, key name in a dict or actual file names)17:29
mmcchrm, pync is a python wrapper around terminal-notifier, which is a .app that just calls NSUserNotification … maybe we should just cut to the chase and find a way to call that ourselves17:30
mmccdobey, file name is an actual file name17:30
mmccto generate the .icns file, you put those files in a folder called 'name.iconset' and run 'iconutil -c icns name.iconset'17:31
mmccand if you have exactly the right number of files and they are exactly the pixel size their names say they are, it will work without any awful cryptic error messages, and create name.icns17:31
dobeymmcc: and yeah, calling NSUserNotification would be preferred to pync I think.17:32
mmccso if you're generating icons on a non-mac, the best you can do is generate that .iconset and make the mac build do the last step17:32
dobeymmcc: there's a tool to build the .icns file on ubuntu too17:33
dobeybut haven't tried it yet, as i wasn't 100% clear on the file naming issue17:33
mmccdobey: what's that tool called?17:34
dobeymmcc: package is icnsutils17:34
dobeyand tool is png2icns17:35
ralsinahello again!17:36
mmccdobey: interesting. curious to see how it handles the @2x stuff17:37
mmccso I would think that since pync requires terminal-notifier, which includes an Apple copyrighted icon (wtf), that'd be a problem with using it…17:38
dobeymmcc: i have more of a problem with it downloading a zip file from an arbitrary location and shoving things onto the users machine17:39
mmccdobey: oh yeah, that would break code signing, we can't do that - but it'll only do that if it can't find terminal-notifier, so if we bundled them together we could do it17:40
mmccand I guess we could remove the apple icon from the bundle…17:40
dobeyi'm pretty sure apple doesn't allow redistribution of their icons17:40
dobeyi think at that point though we could just use cnames or whatever and call the API ourselves17:41
mmccit might be time to add PyObjC17:41
dobeyrather than shipping a python wrapper around a ruby script that wraps the API call17:41
mmccthis would be two lines in pyobjc, and then we could get our native file dialogs back and maybe avoid the retina resolution issues all in one fell swoop17:42
mmccwell, scratch that last one, I keep confusing those for some reason17:42
mmccbut we could definitely get the file dialogs back17:43
ralsinammcc: which is a good reason, considering the non-native file dialog looks like ass17:43
ralsinaand not in a good way17:43
dobeymmcc: so even more reason not to use pync then :)17:44
thisfredralsina, are you saying it looks badass?17:46
mmccI'm grabbing pyobjc now. looks like he's still actively updating it, has commits for py3 and 10.817:47
dobeyralsina: btw, who should fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/974637 ?17:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 974637 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) "Qt Registration and Log-in dialogs have no way to perform the other action" [High,Triaged]17:47
ralsinadobey: good question17:47
ralsinadobey: I am guessing I should, since gatox is away17:47
ralsinadobey: I'll put it irst in my queue17:50
ralsinalisettte: ping if you are still around17:50
mmccdid anyone with 10.8 try the alpha release?17:50
ralsinammcc: I am guessing urbanape did17:51
chaselivingstonmmcc: me17:51
mmccchaselivingston: did it complain when double-clicked?17:51
chaselivingstonmmcc: I don't think so, let me check. the sd does crash after a while though17:52
mmccchaselivingston: I'm assuming at some point you saw a warning about an app from an unknown developer17:52
chaselivingstonmmcc: yeah, just had to right click and hit open17:52
mmccif you already started it, it won't show it again17:52
mmccor maybe it will17:52
lisettteralsina: pong not really but still17:52
mmccthanks, I guess i do need that official "Dev ID " cert for releases17:53
ralsinalisettte: ok, homework for monday, can you take a look at bug #974637 and see what to do?17:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 974637 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Quantal) "Qt Registration and Log-in dialogs have no way to perform the other action" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97463717:53
ralsinalisettte: basically we need a path from "login" to "signup" and viceversa17:54
ralsinalisettte: I am guessing just a link-like text somewhere, but I'd rather not guess too much ;-)17:54
lisettteralsina: have put it on the list for Monday17:55
ralsinalisettte: awesome, thanks!17:55
lisettteralsina: but now, i am braindead17:55
lisettteand dying for a beer17:55
lisettteimpossible to afford where you are!17:57
dobeybeer sounds good17:57
jgdxim saving during the week lisettte17:57
lisetttejgdx: i see! :D18:00
jgdxhave a nice weekend! :)18:00
* jgdx eows18:00
* lisettte is outta here18:00
lisettteenjoy your beer too dobey!18:00
dobeyyou too18:02
thisfredmmmm beer!18:10
ralsinaOH A BEAR18:10
ralsinaOh... no, a beer18:11
thisfredThere's an awesome new(ish) brewery in B'more called Stillwater. Highly recommended. It's not the usual super hoppy US IPAs, (which I also love) but more balanced European (mostly Belgian) style ales. Highly recommended if you can find them anywhere.18:12
thisfredralsina, bear hunting is apparently legal too in Maryland.18:12
briancurtinspeaking of super hoppy IPAs, i got a case of 3floyd's Zombie Dust. not sure if you have it out east, but its really good and i hate IPAs18:13
ralsinathisfred: nice!18:13
thisfredralsina, well. I hate h18:13
thisfredunting just for sport18:13
thisfredand nobody eats bear meat18:13
ralsinathisfred: you don't hunt bears for sport, you hunt them because it's fair.18:14
ralsinajust kidding18:14
ralsinaand yes, some people eat bear meat18:14
ralsinabut no, killing bears sucks18:14
thisfredIt's fine with me if you hunt them with a knife ;)18:14
ralsinathisfred: http://dayures.blogspot.com.ar/2007/01/caprice-food-from-bear.html18:15
dobeythisfred: guns for show, knives for a pro18:15
ralsinasure, I give the bear a knife, I hunt the (bear with a knife)18:16
thisfredbro's before pro's18:16
dobeythisfred: bear hunting is legal in certain situations, in all the states along the mountain ranges18:16
dobeybesically the "it's coming right for us!" clause18:16
thisfreddobey, I thought that was humans18:17
dobeyworks for both18:17
* thisfred is lobbying congress for the constitutional right to arm bears18:18
ralsinathisfred: I once read a scifi book called "The right to arm bears"18:19
ralsinathisfred: about a planet of ursine aliens18:19
ralsinathisfred: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Right_to_Arm_Bears18:20
mmccaaaaand… friday!18:20
mmccpyobjc releases so far behind dev, and dev has no install instructions! this is fun…18:21
ralsinammcc: sigh18:21
ralsinammcc: for some reason that or similar things happen to about 50% of our dependencies18:21
mmccthe pyobjc web site says it supports 10.3.918:22
dobeyat least we don't have to use the mac dependencies on lucid18:22
ralsinaas in OSX 10.3.9???18:22
mmccI know he's working on it, but it's one of those deals where he barely has time to do the code, let alone releases, let alone docs, let alone new website since 200918:23
mmccralsina, that's right, last news was from Nov 0918:23
mmccon the site, anyway. mailing list is active enough18:23
thisfredralsina, there is an awesome R.A. Lafferty story about a bear like alien. I forget what it's called though.18:24
ralsinathisfred: haven't read much lafferty this century18:25
thisfrednor have I, but I have a lot, is due for a reread, I think18:26
ralsinathisfred: could be "Thieving Bear Planet"?18:26
thisfredyeah I think it may be18:27
thisfredin which case I have it, let me look18:27
ralsinaI am sure it's not "About a Secret Crocodile" because I remember that one :-)18:27
thisfredralsina, yeah, it's Thieving Bear Planet. In the collection Iron Tears, which I highly recommend. He's one of my favorite authors.18:30
ralsinaI think I may have read that at some point18:30
thisfredHe also wrote an awesome historical fiction book called Okla Hanali, about the trail of tears.18:30
ralsinathisfred: have I already made you read "Year Zero"? I suspect you are sort of the ideal reader.18:33
thisfredralsina, I think I put it on my goodreads to read list after you recommended it there18:37
thisfredor ws that a different book?18:37
ralsinathisfred: I dunno18:37
ralsinathisfred: that may have been A Naked Singularity18:37
thisfredthis is the comic novel about the music industry?18:38
thisfredthat's not the one I got in goodreads no18:38
ralsinayeah, the comic novel18:39
ralsinanot the dramatic comedy novel about lawyers with swords18:39
ralsinabut this one mentions divynils  and mike hucknall so it evens up18:40
ralsinaanyway, I'm procrastinating, and must stop.18:41
* ralsina dives into code18:41
mmccok, pyobjc shelved for now, waiting for help from dev list on how to build the thing18:44
ralsinammcc: I suppose ctypes is not enough for that kind of thing18:49
mmccralsina:  it could be done, and for something really small might be ok, but it'd quickly grow to rewriting pyobjc18:50
mmccbasically everything would be a call to objc_msgsend18:51
mmccwaiting for help on building pyobjc is almost certainly better -- once it's built, it works great! :)18:52
ralsinammcc: ok, trust you there :-)18:53
mmccok, time to head out for lunch… on time today for once19:03
dobeyralsina: lawyers with swords? sort of like the Crimson Permanent Assurance?19:22
ralsinadobey: it's the logical conclusion of what happens earlier in the book19:33
ralsinaI am a total nullity coding today. Anyone has a review that needs doing quickly?19:42
dobeymandel has a few that need doing slowly19:45
dobeythe ~1300 line fsevents daemon ones19:45
mandelis not ~1300, is it?19:46
dobeywell, one is 834, one is 1001, and one is 135119:46
dobeyoh, and one is 71919:46
dobeymmcc: commit message missing on your branch19:48
ralsinaok, I am just too tired. I'll come back later.Ping me for anything you need. If not, have a nice weekend folks!20:23
dobeymmcc: back?20:40
mmcclooking at the commit message now.20:41
mmccfixed, thanks20:42
dobeymmcc: can you test if http://ubuntuone.com/20WronrwBSf1EHhkMpqt7Q is doing the right thing on osx?20:42
dobeyit's not the new icons, but the current ones we have for ubuntu20:42
dobeyshould have a 16, 32, and 256px image in there, though i think the 256px one is probably blank20:43
mmccyes, that's what I see, and the 256 is indeed blank20:43
dobeyschweet :)20:44
dobeynow where's the list of sizes we need for the windows .ico20:49
ralsinadobey: look at the .ico that's on ubuntuone-windows-installer20:51
dobeyralsina: it has 3 sizes; i don't think that's up to par with the MS documentation about what you should have :)20:52
dobeyyay, finally found an msdn page21:04
dobeysweet. now just need to update the big svg file with all the new icons21:06
mmccthe branch that fixed this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/992595 merged in July, what happened that the bug wasn't closed?21:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 992595 in Ubuntu Single Sign On Client "The sso backend on Mac OS X shows an icon in the Mac OS X dock" [Medium,In progress]21:07
briancurtinjust spent a few minutes slaming my head off the desk when "bzr ci" wouldn't work on a twisted hg checkout21:09
briancurtinso, yeah, happy friday21:09
mmccbriancurtin: related: http://r-wos.org/hacks/gti21:10
briancurtinha, i saw that yesterday21:10
briancurtini just emailed myself a copy of my hgrc from another machine just to see if that would do it...nope, you still have to type the right command :)21:11
dobeyit needs more stickers21:11
mmccreally trivial mac packaging review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-windows-installer/bump-version-3.99.90a1/+merge/12236621:19
mmccI guess that's just you dobey?21:19
dobeyand anyone else who can review it21:20
mmccthanks guys21:21
dobeyok, am off. have a good weekend all21:33
mmccbye dobey, see you tuesday. have a good one21:37

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