
holsteinsmartboyhw: if you would, correct me in this channel please02:10
holsteinespecially on stupid little picky grammatical errors where your correcting me is just adding lines to the screen02:10
micahggrr...publishing and photography will have to wait until after beta 1...srry04:54
micahgat least it should build again04:57
micahgFWIW, the tasks should still be installed on the live media, but won't be in the archive, if it causes issues with the ISO, we can still try to get them in for beta 1, but I think I need help05:02
micahgor rather, see if cjwatson can do it maybe as I think I've failed here05:02
smartboyhwholstein: ping05:34
smartboyhwholstein: PING05:38
scott-worksmartboyhw: i looked at the build fail email and it looks like is an indicator package that is the problem11:54
smartboyhwYes it is11:54
smartboyhwStrangely Xubuntu has the same problem I think11:54
scott-worksmartboyhw: i spoke with mic.ah about this, because i had seen him mention the indicator already, and he was working on getting something to the repos soon11:54
scott-worknot strangely really, we are using the same indicator system as them actually11:55
holsteinsmartboyhw: poing12:23
smartboyhwholstein: pong12:24
smartboyhwHi holstein:)12:24
smartboyhwThe build failures are still on, Xubuntu indicator problems:(12:25
holsteinwait til ours start to pile up12:30
holsteinOH... and theres a meeting in the main dev channel about just remving JACK or one of our big main packages ;)12:30
smartboyhwWhat? I'll go there immediately12:30
holsteinnah.. you dont go there12:31
holsteinand you certainly dont go there and complain12:31
smartboyhwI won't complain, only listen12:31
holsteinim just saying.. there are a lot of fires to put out12:31
holsteinno need to be concerned yet12:31
scott-workholstein: do you know which package?14:31
scott-workif this is only being removed from the main repo, this might not be a problem really14:31
holsteinscott-work: im just saying.. like last cycle14:31
holsteinwhen the s nearly hit the f ;)14:31
holsteinthats when i get worried14:31
scott-workthis is all i've seen so far:14:33
scott-work<Laney> knome: hey, looks like pidgin-libnotify is broken for now due to the indicator-messages transition, causing xubuntu to fail to build [07:26] <knome> Laney, can you drop that until we fix the indicators? thanks [07:26] <Laney> it'll need a pidgin upload to drop it [07:26] <Laney> can you test an upload just dropping the recommends? [07:27] <knome> i'm not a technical person, and i'm busy with real work now [07:14:33
holsteinyeah.. its not a big deal yet i dont think14:33
holsteinwe dont use those anyways, right?14:33
scott-worki think pigdin is shipped on the image but not installed14:34
smartboyhwThat's the build errors14:34
micahgsmartboyhw: scott-work: yeah, pidgin-libnotify shouldn't cause a build failure for US14:38
micahgthe rest of the packages were accepted14:38
holsteinsmartboyhw: also, its a good idea to keep an eye on things in case its something xubntu can benefit from out help on14:41
holsteinour help*14:41
smartboyhwWhat things?:)14:41
holsteinsmartboyhw: whatever you choose14:41
holsteinyou can get the xubuntu emails14:41
smartboyhwWell, I am subscribed to it14:42
holsteinyou can just look at the ones like that in our list and know that its not going to effect us14:42
smartboyhwThe dev list at least14:42
smartboyhwHelped do some documentation work too:)14:42
scott-workaccidentally found this:  http://archive.org/details/ubuntu_Studio_spot19:57

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