
pnarcisowe are entering the bug fix period for now then00:00
SkippersBossWhen does the rewrite need to be done for00:00
pleia2we need to give time to editors to review, and then the docbook folks to convert00:01
pleia2and we have 3 weeks to do it all00:01
pleia2(docs freeze is sept 20)00:02
pnarcisoright now there's the plugin indicators bug and it seems xorg is messing with the themes00:02
SkippersBossso i can spent some time wioth my folks then this weekend00:03
pleia2well docs freeze is when we have to have it all edited and checked into docbook00:03
knomeBook_em_Dano, i'll probably need to be overseeing the docbook stuff this cycle, and pass it on to somebody else later... i think it would be ideal if we could sit down and look how the current docbook stuff works, and how you'd suggest for us to edit the docbook markup00:03
pleia2so we need the actual stuff written well before tha t:)00:03
SkippersBosspleia2, pressure hmm00:04
knomepleia2, if i get my head around the docbook syntax (which i will make sure i will), one week will be enough.00:04
SkippersBossi have xfburn doc to write as well00:04
knomethree weeks is pressure? nah, three hours is00:04
pleia2knome: great \o/00:04
knomepleia2, so two weeks for rewriting, but i'd like to have about a week for final checking out and making sure our "syntax" is the same everywhere00:05
knomei'm already thinking00:05
SkippersBossknome. pleia2 said "well before"00:05
knome"press" versus "click"00:05
knomeand how should we mark menu paths and buttons00:05
SkippersBossEUH ?00:05
knomeSkippersBoss, what i say overrides what pleia2 says ;)00:06
pleia2knome is the boss00:06
SkippersBossAll hail to knome00:06
knomei do agree with her though, but i think one week is good for the docbook conversion00:06
knomeso that's well enough00:06
pleia2knome: were you counting editing time in rewrite time?00:07
SkippersBossLike i said my folks are here till monday. After that I should have plenty time left to....00:07
knomepleia2, yes00:07
pleia2ok, gotcha00:07
knomepleia2, so maybe 1 week for rewriting, then freeze "new stuff", 1 week for editing and overseeing everything is in place, and 1 week for to convert to docbook00:08
pleia2yeah, that's what I'm thinking00:08
knomeSkippersBoss, to give you an idea of "pressure", i started the documentation look redesign 6 hours before the UI freeze ;)00:08
SkippersBossUeberboss lol00:08
knomethat's how it'll look00:09
knomei'd say that's a slight improvement to the 11.10 style ;)00:09
knomeonly a slight, but that's better than nothing00:10
SkippersBossSimple but effective00:11
knomei hope that gives the documentation writers some motivation00:11
knomeSkippersBoss, conscience judging, feel free to add yourself as a contributor in the "credits and license" page00:12
knomepleia2, do you think we've missed somebody else?00:13
jjfrv8knome, can you let use know if you do settle on a standard "syntax" so we can make a final pass through before rewrite ends?00:14
knomepleia2, (asking since you've been watching the commit notifications..)00:14
knomejjfrv8, sure. we should settle on that soonish, and that's what we should do in a week or so :)00:14
knomejjfrv8, i'll create a page on the wiki for the syntax later00:15
knomejjfrv8, if you have recommendations, we could look at that now..00:15
jjfrv8Not really.  I was kicking it around in my head but not enough to come up with a recommendation.00:16
knomejjfrv8, http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/StandardSyntax00:25
jjfrv8knome, Duly noted.00:26
knomejjfrv8, that's just a proposal00:27
knomejjfrv8, i believe that syntax is quite widely used already though00:27
jjfrv8knome, Gotcha. And if I have any suggestions, I'll pass them along.00:28
SkippersBossguys I m going to try a horizontal position00:35
SkippersBosshave a good evening00:35
knomegood night00:38
amerigenathe links, on the offline documentation, the ones that say Create New Page - are those works in progress that someone else is doing, or do they need work?01:50
pleia2amerigena: like what?01:54
pleia2the ones that are crossed off we aren't doing01:55
pleia2I didn't think any of the links were still pointing to "create new page" but if they are they do need to be written01:55
amerigenaI see one called The Desktop - never mind. Crossed out. My bad. Forget I said anything.01:55
pleia2no worries :)01:55
pleia2so the bold ones are "done"01:56
pleia2the rest need attention01:56
pleia2(the rest that aren't crossed out)01:56
amerigenaI'm just trying to find one to work on. I was working on Troubleshooting, but somebody improved it, big time.01:56
pleia2maybe some under "keeping your computer safe"?01:57
amerigenaFair enough. I'll work on some of them.01:58
* pleia2 cleans up wiki spam01:58
amerigenaTried working on one. Get a message that there was an edit conflict.02:11
pleia2doh, that's one smartboyhw was working on02:12
pleia2it should show warnings when there are two editors02:14
knomepleia2, that's why i also proposed etherpad for working :)09:20
knomepleia2, == editing is visible09:20
knomemr_pouit, ochosi: did the new panel config get uploaded?09:21
ochosiknome: i dunno :)09:49
knomei'll chek09:50
knomebut what should i?09:50
knomeif it's uploaded, what should i see?09:50
ochosino trash plugin, but catfish09:51
knomelet's see09:51
knomei'll boot up quantal and delete .config09:51
ochosididn't you read the spec? :>09:51
knomei did, but i'm in middle of three things09:51
knomeyup, it's in09:52
smartboyhwknome: So what will happen to the edit conflict in the documentation http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Keep%20your%20software%20up%20to%20date09:53
knomesomebody needs to manually solve it09:54
knomei prefer the topmost version of those09:55
knomebecause i intend to copy them to one long page09:55
knomethat is, http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Keeping%20your%20computer%20safe09:55
smartboyhwSure, the top one is my version I think...09:55
knomeyeah, regardless of who did it ;)09:55
knomei can resolve...09:56
smartboyhwThanks knome09:56
ochosiknome: i'm wondering whether the "warning" icon is really better than the "info" icon you used before09:56
knomeochosi, for what?09:56
knomeochosi, those are for two different use cases09:56
ochosie.g. here for "While it is possible.." http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Keeping%20your%20computer%20safe09:57
ochosii can see that you're using them for different messages09:57
knomeochosi, well, warning means "don't do this if unsure"09:58
ochosijust not sure the yellow warning icon would visually be less discomforting :)09:58
knomethe note talks about not setting autologin09:58
knomeoh, you mean that09:58
knomewe can have like 5 or 6 different icons09:58
smartboyhwI think warning is better.09:58
knomethat's how docbook currently works ;)09:58
ochosiok, it's fine09:58
ochosijust wanted to mention it09:58
knomeochosi, we should look at that in a week, when everything is written, and make sure we're using them consistently anyway09:59
ochosiyeah, sounds good09:59
knome"The update process may take a while if many updates need to be installed."10:00
knomeof course it might take a while...10:00
elfyknome: do you know if there's to be a beta today 10:00
knomeelfy, unfortunately no, i'm not on top of that thing10:01
smartboyhwBuild errors....10:01
knomeelfy, actually, i think the beta images are going to be up on monday10:01
knomenow that i think it more than 2 milliseconds10:01
elfyoh - ok - will check it then :)10:01
knomesmartboyhw, resolved10:03
smartboyhwknome: Yay10:03
smartboyhwknome: You mean the documentation or the build errors?10:04
knomethe documentation edit conflict10:04
smartboyhwAh. How about ISO build errors?:)10:05
knomei'm not able to resolve those.10:05
smartboyhwUh oh10:06
smartboyhwknome: Sorry for asking, then who is able to resolve it?:)10:08
elfyknome: not sure that Keryx should be on http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Installing%20packages%20without%20an%20Internet%20connection?action=edit&line=1 - well out of date it seems10:12
elfyI mean 10:12
smartboyhwAlso a strange bit: Who can add their names in http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Credits%20and%20License ?10:17
knomeelfy, keryx is mentioned in the ubuntu docs, so i added it there10:19
elfyok - perhaps it shouldn't be there either though :)10:19
smartboyhwThis one: http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Getting%20to%20know%20your%20desktop%20environment It is a bit too short.10:19
elfyknome: you want me to fill in some detail for it ?10:19
knomeelfy, try starting with what's on help.ubuntu.com and see if needs updating10:20
smartboyhwActually I want to say that just now I added the lines from help.ubuntu.com and saved it (keryx), hopefully elfy won't kill me10:22
mr_pouitknome: of course. You order, I upload :P11:21
ochosihey mr_pouit 11:23
ochosii think i asked about this before, but do you have any clue what would be needed for gtk-greeter to support compositing/transparency?11:24
mr_pouita window manager probably :>11:24
ochosiwould it be an option to use xfwm4 there?11:25
knomemr_pouit, hehe :)11:29
holsteinbbl = be back later12:54
pleia2smartboyhw: please don't create a HowardChan page on this wiki, it's really only for xubuntu edits (and when you create such a page it sends up a flag in my spam system)15:03
pleia2(I'm deleting the page, caught it before I deleted your account)15:03
smartboyhwSorry mate15:03
smartboyhwNever do it again:) Don't delete my account15:04
smartboyhwpleia2: PLEASE15:04
pleia2I said I didn't15:05
smartboyhwThanks pleia215:09
bluesabreThis line in the documentation sounds fibby.  "The Swfdec and Gnash players are not proprietary and so are supported. You may also find them to be more stable (cause fewer problems) than the official player."15:21
ochosii'm also uncertain whether it's true (cause fewer problems)15:22
ochosii think they just provide you with a different set of problems...15:22
pleia2also makes us sound like we hate open source "not proprietary? we only use awesome proprietary stuff!"15:23
pleia2but yeah, all wrong15:24
ochosibluesabre: btw, what would've been really nice is finding out whether USC's back/forward icons can be separately themed15:31
ochosibluesabre: our current icons don't work that well there..15:31
bluesabreYou don't think so?15:32
bluesabreI don't think they look bad15:32
ochosioh ok15:32
ochosidunno, for one, they're scaled...15:32
ochosiyes, the arrows are kinda blurry15:33
bluesabreA little bit15:33
bluesabreThat was the first time I noticed15:33
ochosinot blurry: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-08312012-053355pm.php15:34
ochosiyippie! i noticed something bluesabre didn't notice! :)15:34
bluesabreYou're the graphic designer, after all15:34
ochosii guess now you're really part of the team, the blindness starts ;)15:34
ochosianother slap in the face of all real graphic designers :p15:35
bluesabreHey, all the "real" graphic designers just make things look like Mac15:35
ochosinice one15:36
bluesabreI wonder if we should really have information about how to rip DVDs in http://dagobah.princessleia.com/Xubuntu/12.10/Movies%2C%20DVDs%20and%20Videos17:37
Unit193s/rip/backup/ and it's a real reason.  DVDs can easily get messed up, and more people have larger HDDs.17:38
bluesabreAt least I removed the part about ripping to ogg making the videos royalty and patent free17:40
Unit193But I'm just giving input, not any sort of end word. :P17:40
Sysiwe should maybe add "How to start application in specific workspace" to FAQ or docs17:44
Unit193GridCube: Idea ----^17:45
Sysiit seems to be somewhat commonly wanted feature17:46
bluesabreThat might be a good idea :)17:47
GridCube:) good, adding it to my 12.10-faq.txt17:47
bluesabreAnybody want to replace F-Spot in our documentation with Shotwell?17:48
bluesabreSince Shotwell seems to have largely killed it off17:48
GridCubearent we using gThumb?17:49
Unit193By default.17:49
bluesabreOh yeah17:49
bluesabreAnybody want to replace F-Spot in our documentation with gThumb?17:49
bluesabregThumb doesn't like SVGs btw17:51
bluesabreMakes me sad17:51
SysiGridCube: maybe both possibilities, wmctrl and devilspie since they give some different functionality17:51
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