
SamB_MacG5okay, so I got this branch merged into 2.4, anything I should do to get it merged also in 2.5 and bzr.dev? https://code.launchpad.net/~naesten/bzr/1044043-2.4-needs-python2.601:14
mgrandiif you propose to merge into 2.5 and trunk they will review it i believe01:21
SamB_MacG5merge from where, 2.4 or my branch?01:28
mgrandigo to the link you pasted and click 'propse for merging'01:29
mgrandiand then select the branch, probably lp:bzr-2.5 or whatever its called, and lp:bzr (need to do it twice)01:30
* SamB_MacG5 wishes he could start by cloning https://code.launchpad.net/~naesten/bzr/1044043-2.4-needs-python2.6/+merge/122168 ...01:32
mgrandii mean thats pretty much what happens01:33
mgrandiwhen you click "propose for merging"01:34
mgrandijust link the same bug report01:34
mgrandiactually you don't eve need to do that, the bug is already linked01:34
mgrandijust propose to merge into the trunk bzr branch and the 2.5 one01:34
SamB_MacG5This really doesn't look right, though... https://code.launchpad.net/~naesten/bzr/1044043-2.4-needs-python2.6/+merge/12237701:50
SamB_MacG5in fact, some irrelevant (for my purposes) changes have conflicts ...01:51
* SamB_MacG5 wonders why the 2.5 code from this conflict wasn't backported, rather than being re-written from scratch ...01:52
* SamB_MacG5 realizes that these conflict markers leave out the "ancestor" bits ... 01:53
* SamB_MacG5 grumbles at jam, who is evidently not here anyway ...02:06
mgrandiyeah they are all on in like..5 hours! haha02:45
* SamB_MacG5 accidentally adds a second review request ... how did the first one get there?03:52
* SamB_MacG5 specifically left that box unchecked to start with...03:53
PMSWhy is Bazaar better than Mercurial? :)07:05
quotemstrWhat do I need to do to resolve "bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'AppendRevisionsOnlyViolation', 'Operation denied because it would change the main history, which is not permitted by the append_revisions_only setting"?07:18
quotemstrI just added a change to trunk, merged, and then tried to push.07:19
quotemstrI'm not trying to change history. What gives?07:19
fullermdPMS: bzr has 3 A's; hg only has 1.  So it's 3x better.07:26
fullermdquotemstr: AppendRevisionsOnly prevents changes to the mainline.  So you did something like 'branch off trunk ; make changes ; merge changes to trunk since initial branch ; try pushing over trunk"07:27
fullermdWhich means the 'new' revs on trunk are now no longer on your mainline, ergo it disallows it.07:28
fullermdThe resolution would be either (a) merge into trunk and push, rather than merging trunk and pushing, or (2) unset a_r_o, if you don't really want it.07:29
quotemstrfullermd: I don't control the remote, so it sounds like I really need two local branches.07:30
quotemstrfullermd: One in which I make changes and occasionally merge from trunk, and another slaved to upstream, into which I only ever merge changes from the first branch, then push.07:30
fullermdYeah, it's simplest to keep a 'pristine' trunk for gating things upstream.07:31
fullermdMaybe as a checkout; that expresses intent well.07:31
vilafullermd, mgz: bzr.transform.orphan_policy=move07:36
quotemstrSo if I merge a change from branch B into branch A, what happens to the commit messages attached to the changes in B?07:55
quotemstrbzr log just displays the merge commit message.07:56
quotemstrIs there a way to make history linear instead07:57
fullermdIt's in there, log just doesn't expand out the merges by default.07:57
fullermdWith '-n0' it'll show all the merged revs.07:58
quotemstrAh, okay. Thanks.07:58
quotemstrOkay --- I have branches A and B. A is the pristine upstream branch; B is the forked dev branch.08:03
quotemstrI merged B into A, and bzr log -n0 shows B's commit as a child of the merge commit into A.08:04
quotemstrI pushed from A, then pulled into B. Now B's log matches A's and the trunk's.08:04
quotemstrBut didn't that pull just silently change the history in B? Now B has a merge commit where it previously had a direct commit.08:04
fullermdNot exactly.  It changed the _mainline_, but merely appended to the history.08:05
fullermdNeither push nor pull will ever do more than append new revs (unless you smack it with --overwrite).  a_r_o additionally prevents you from appending revs in such a way that the mainline changes.08:06
quotemstrSo the mainline is a _linear_ series of commits. Pull only adds commits, but it can change this "mainline" path that connects them. Right?08:07
fullermdNot...   exactly.  May be close enough for understanding, but I generally feel compelled to over-explain...08:13
fullermdThe mainline is a subset of the revisions in the branch, chosen by taking a particular path through the history.08:13
fullermdIt winds up creating a purely linear series.  In the event of a branch with purely linear history (i.e., no merges), it winds up being equivalent to the whole history.08:14
fullermdBut most nontrivial branches have merges, so the mainline goes down one side of that history and elides the other.08:14
fullermdThe result, in a loose colloquial sense, becomes a list of "commits made on this branch" (as distinct from "commits made elsewhere and merged into this branch").08:15
fullermdhttp://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/MatthewFuller/SpotDocs/RevNumbering   may be helpful08:16
fullermdAnyway, it happens via backtracking in a certain way from the head rev of the branch.  So any time the head changes, the mainline potentially can change (well, it DOES change, by getting new stuff appended to it.  It may change by stuff that previously wound up on it not doing so anymore; that's what a_r_o prevents)08:18
fullermdIn the case of your pull there, you appended history; the previous head rev is still in the history, which means all the stuff before it is too.  You only added new revs to the pile.08:19
fullermdBut the mainline changed, because the path you get from walking back using the particular rules from the _new_ head rev doesn't include the old head.08:20
* fullermd wanders off for a little while, content that he's thoroughly confused what was once somewhat clear.08:21
quotemstrNo, that makes sense. Thanks.08:22
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* SamB_MacG5 would have told PMS that bzr has a better command parsing API; mercurial's seems to be all lists of tuples, which presumably makes it hard to improve without breaking existing plugins/extensions15:26
SamB_MacG5so, can anyone tell me what to do with https://code.launchpad.net/~naesten/bzr/1044043-2.4-needs-python2.6/+merge/122377 ?15:27
* SamB_MacG5 suddenly recalls having dreamed that he ran into water in a channel called #bazaar15:31
jelmerhi SamB_MacG515:58
SamB_MacG5jelmer: hi16:54
jelmerSamB_MacG5, I'm not sure I follow your comment16:54
jelmerwhy does this have extra revisions that aren't on lp:bzr/2.516:55
SamB_MacG5jelmer: because it was originally made for lp:bzr/2.416:55
SamB_MacG5and it hadn't occurred to me to start my branch with a common ancestor of lp:bzr{/2.4,/2.5,}16:57
SamB_MacG5hmm, how would I even *do* that?17:00
* SamB_MacG5 wonders why git makes hard things easy and easy things hard ...17:01
vilaSamB_MacG5: you don't ;)17:02
vilaSamB_MacG5: but did you merge lp:bzr/2.5 before making your proposal ?17:02
fullermdOh, it's easy to get a common ancestor.  Just branch rev 1   ;p17:03
SamB_MacG5fullermd: You know very well that that's not what I meant!17:03
fullermdWhen has that ever stopped me?   O:-}17:04
vilaSamB_MacG5: you don't know fullermd very well ;)17:04
SamB_MacG5fullermd: yeah, usually doesn't stop me, either17:04
SamB_MacG5Regardless, I was clearly referring to a function like that specified in git-merge-base(1)17:08
SamB_MacG5er, or not.17:09
SamB_MacG5I hadn't seen what it did in the more-than-two-args case yet ...17:09
fullermdThe usual answer is probably something like "run missing, and backstep manually (mentally)".17:10
SamB_MacG5I couldn't get missing to work for some reason :-(17:10
SamB_MacG5it kept telling me everything was up to date17:11
fullermdIn this particular case, you could cheat and know that 2.4 gets merged into 2.5 aperiodically (and never the reverse), so just scroll through the 2.5 log until you see the last 2.4 merge and take that rev.17:11
vilaor just merge lp:bzr/2.5...17:11
fullermdThat wouldn't give you something mergeable into 2.4  ;p17:11
fullermd... well, it WOULD, but you'd have to sneak it through...17:12
vilamy understanding is that the patch has already been landed in 2.417:12
jelmerSamB_MacG5, just propose a merge to the oldest branch you care about17:12
jelmerSamB_MacG5, that branch will be periodically upmerged17:12
SamB_MacG5okay, so I should delete this proposal since I already did that?17:13
SamB_MacG5(In this case, the oldest branch it makes sense for is 2.4, since it's updating documentation to account for the Python dependancy having been upped to Python 2.6 at that point ...)17:15
* SamB_MacG5 waits for someone to confirm that he should delete before pushing the button17:17
* SamB_MacG5 wishes bzr had a functional syntax for revisions ...17:21
SamB_MacG5jelmer: I should delete my proposal, then, since my branch is already merged into lp:bzr/2.4 ?17:22
jelmerSamB_MacG5, I tihnk so17:57
* SamB_MacG5 discovers that his IRC client is under a hilarious dual license18:51
SamB_MacG5Oh, it looks like that's just the YAML library ... still ;-)19:02
* SamB_MacG5 gripes about Python's broken SIGINT handling23:16

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