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CelsusI imported the Kmail1 mail structure to Kmail 2, but when i moved the imported folder to a local folder, Kmail will crash. Someone have a workaround, solution or tip for this?05:50
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mintyboxuserhello :)06:17
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ubottuantonio_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:20
antonio_xdcc send #4507:21
liudashello everyone, how could I make startup and close apps together with activity. like photo activity launches digikam for example?08:24
LynoureI have not used activities that much, but I think it is possible to define apps to go with them.08:32
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Lynoureliudas: it used to be right-click on the window title and associate it with an activity08:38
Lynoureliudas: but I'm not sure what happened with that.08:38
liudasLynoure: well, as far as I understand that only moves that window to specified activity, but what i want to achieve - start activity and specified apps starts as well08:40
liudasit should be some where in activities templates, but it's not clear for me so far how to edit them or create my own. o thanks nevermind. it's not so big deal :)08:42
Lynoureliudas: it's a good question though... let me know if you find a way to it08:53
liudasLynoure: ah not now. I better focus om my master degree studies :) good luck!08:54
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Alpha-Omegahow would I get ark to extract rar files?11:31
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BluesKajHiyas all12:16
phoenix_firebrdhello everyone13:08
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douglHas anyone ever tried to view/print an fdf file in Kubuntu?15:18
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BluesKajdougl, it's a form of PDF , maybe okular can open it15:24
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SaCruMHi there, could someone help me? I'm using Kubuntu 12.04, and i've been using it for a long time. Now that i bought a new mouse. The mouse jumps to top left corner all the time for no reason. This happens with the new and the old mouse. Could someone help me?15:49
SaCruMsomeone? please..15:53
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SaCruMHi there, could someone help me? I'm using Kubuntu 12.04, and i've been using it for a long time. Now that i bought a new mouse. The mouse jumps to top left corner all the time for no reason. This happens with the new and the old mouse. Could someone help me?16:00
=== Guest20418 is now known as Gamera
mkuettlerSaCruM: When it happens with both mice, why is it important that you bought a new one?16:01
SaCruMHi there, could someone help me? I'm using Kubuntu 12.04, and i've been using it for a long time. Now that i bought a new mouse. The mouse jumps to top left corner all the time for no reason. This happens with the new and the old mouse. Could someone help me?16:07
SaCruMHi there, could someone help me? I'm using Kubuntu 12.04, and i've been using it for a long time. Now that i bought a new mouse. The mouse jumps to top left corner all the time for no reason. This happens with the new and the old mouse. Could someone help me?16:19
mkuettlerSaCruM: As I said already: I don't understand what this has to do with the new mouse when it happens with both.16:20
SaCruMmkuettler: becouse it started when i started to use the new mouse16:20
mkuettlerAnd now it also happens with the old mouse? Even when you start the computer without having the new mouse plugged in?16:21
SaCruMmkuettler: yes16:21
mkuettlerI find it hard to imagine that a new mouse would confuse the system permanently, even when it is gone again. Can you operate the computer somehow?16:23
mkuettlerI mean: Does the mouse work enough to change settings? Or can you do that with the keyboard?16:24
SaCruMyes i do. with the touch pad it work fine.16:24
mkuettlerThat might sound stupid, but are you sure there is nothing on the touchpad that keeps moving the mouse to the top-left? I've never seen a mouse jump into corners before.16:26
mkuettlerDid you scare it? ;)16:26
SaCruMits nothing with touchpad16:26
SaCruMsearch on goolgle. alot of people have that problem :S16:26
mkuettlerAs I said, I think it's unlikly to be a problem with the new mouse, if it also happens when it is not connected. But I can't reproduce it, obviously.16:29
mkuettlerMost things I found on Google seemed to be related to an update.16:30
SaCruMmkuettler: is there a way to fix?16:31
mkuettlerI'm pretty sure there is, but I don't know enough about it to figure out how it could be fixed.16:33
SaCruMoh well, i'll probably have to reformat the computer again -.-16:33
mkuettlerAnd I didn't find any recent occurance of the problem online.16:34
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vividwhy does kde insist that i have a taskbar at the bottom of the screen?  no matter where i move it, when i log out and back it.....its back at the bottom17:13
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mojiboro bebin hastam ya na17:18
BluesKaj!ir | moji17:21
ubottumoji: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.17:21
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SaCruMSomeone how to fix the mouse jumping to top left corner issue?? My mouse just jumps to top left corner for no reason.. couls someone help me please??18:28
SaCruMSomeone pleeeeeeease...18:31
ahoneybunSaCruM, ?18:31
SaCruMahoneybun: Did you red my problem?18:32
ahoneybunSaCruM, just joined18:32
SaCruMahoneybun: I've been using kubuntu for a while without a problem. now, for no reason, my mouse started to jump to top left corner..18:32
SaCruMIt jumps there everytime i touch the mouse.. how can i fix it?18:32
ahoneybunSaCruM, usb, wireless, or touchpad?18:32
SaCruMi had a usb mouse. it started to happen when i started to use my wireless mouse. And now it does that even with the usb mouse.18:33
SaCruMtouchpad works fine.18:33
SaCruMahoneybun: you know how can i fix it?18:34
ahoneybunSaCruM, well touchpad uses one driver, different then the other two18:34
SaCruMahoneybun: Oh i see. But its possible to fix this issue?18:34
BarkingFishGood evening :)  Could someone help me for a few seconds please?  I just found the facility in kubuntu / kde for right clicking on a picture and asking to set as desktop background.  I tried it, and it doesn't work.  My desktop BG doesn't change.  Any ideas please?18:34
ahoneybunI know that much18:34
ahoneybunBarkingFish, right click on the desktop, desktop settings18:35
ahoneybunSaCruM, I'm thinking on it, going to look now18:35
BarkingFishahoneybun, I don't have a "desktop settings" entry in the right click menu.18:36
SaCruMahoneybun: thank you. i really hope you can find something. In a more extreme way. reformating the computer, reinstalling kubuntu would fix it?18:36
ahoneybunSaCruM, might. looking now18:37
SaCruMahoneybun: thank you very much18:37
ahoneybunBarkingFish, Default Desktop Settings?18:37
BarkingFishahoneybun, i know how to change the background from the desktop, it's through right click, folder view settings - i pick the background from there.18:38
BarkingFishI'm talking about something I found where you just right click a picture you're looking at, maybe on a webpage or something, and it pops in the right click menu "Set as desktop background" - it's this feature that does not work.18:39
BarkingFishi stress, it's not something I've added, it's not a plugin.18:39
ahoneybunBarkingFish, well the tool for KDE is Gwenview for viewing a picture and you can change it from there, but a Browser is different18:41
SaCruMahoneybun: any luck?18:41
ahoneybunBarkingFish, It may be a bug18:41
ahoneybunSaCruM, looking still. I see problems in touchpads so far18:42
ahoneybunSaCruM, did you update before the problem started?18:42
SaCruMahoneybun: no. i tryed to update after, but it didn't fix.18:43
ahoneybunSaCruM, a update might have causes it18:43
SaCruMahoneybun: really? how? :X18:43
SaCruMahoneybun: how can i know what update did it and downdate it?18:43
ahoneybunSaCruM, they might have changed something in the driver and a new bug happened, but the drivers for input devices like mouse and keyboard are pretty solid18:44
SaCruMahoneybun: in other words, is it possible to fix? :/18:44
ahoneybunSaCruM, you can fix touchpad issues in Xorg.conf, so maybe the same with a usb and wireless. I'm not too good at that thought18:45
SaCruMXorg.conf? whats that? teach me please *.*18:46
ahoneybunSaCruM, It's a configuration file for the screen, touchpad and a log of other things, pretty much for all input and output devices I believe18:47
SaCruMahoneybun: how can i use it to fix this issue?18:47
ahoneybunSaCruM, tbh that is not my strong suit, and again I am not sure if it is the Xorg.conf doing it18:48
SaCruMahoneybun: do you think that reinstalling kubuntu would fix it?18:48
ahoneybunSaCruM, yes for sure, but I would not want to do that lol18:49
SaCruMahoneybun: i don't want to do it either but i don't see other way. I'll have to do it :(18:49
ahoneybunIt would restore the default settings for all the devices18:49
ahoneybunSaCruM, backup all your data first, please18:49
SaCruMahoneybun: Well, thanks anyway. I'll reinstall kubuntu and i'll come here to say if it fixed.18:49
SaCruMahoneybun: i will :) thank you.18:50
ahoneybunSaCruM, sorry I could not find it18:50
SaCruMahoneybun: its ok. back in while.18:50
ahoneybunok np18:50
ahoneybunBarkingFish, sorry about not talking to you about your issue18:50
BarkingFishno problem, been a little busy this end too :)18:51
BarkingFishstill am actually18:51
ahoneybunBarkingFish, are you trying to set a wallpaper though a browser?18:51
BarkingFishyes, the facility appears in Firefox.18:53
ahoneybunBarkingFish, firefox gets weird with some add-ons, like I could not right click at all with a certain add-on installed18:55
BarkingFishThis is not an add-on though.18:56
BarkingFishThe only addons I have running are one for helping me watch Italian TV, one to auto refresh every 60 minutes, and my plugins for VLC and Totem18:57
ahoneybunBarkingFish, just making sure it is not that18:57
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desonicHi! Can anyone help me to connect to the Greek channel?19:16
ganihey everyone.. i have installed kubuntu 12.04 to my lenovo netbook but the panel is not okay.. it is shifted to top.... even kickoff Application launcher is not there in panel.. how to get rid of this problem?19:21
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BluesKajgani , kmenu>computer>system settings>workspace behaviour>workspace>workspace type, choose netbook19:41
Belial`is there anyone using kde 4.9 having problems hiding tabs in konsole? it seems the options to do so are gone now.19:42
JekyllBelial`: it is not gone, just moved to another place. Go to "Settings -> Configure Konsole -> Tabbar"19:44
ganiBluesKaj: its is already set to netbook... but maximize,minimise and close buttons are not there...whether the netbook mode doesnt contain them ?19:46
BluesKajgani, try the desktop setting19:48
ganibut everything is fine in desktop mode...will there be any problems if i use desktop mode in netbook?19:48
BluesKajgani, think the netbook mode is depracated in the latest releases, so desktop should be fine19:51
ganiBluesKaj: oh.. i see.. everything is working fine in desktop mode.. thanks for the help :)19:53
BluesKajgani, np19:54
trapDoor_anyone has problem with kate crashing?20:00
SmurphytrapDoor_: Nope.20:02
trapDoor_im not on that box so cannot provide detailed information20:02
trapDoor_kubuntu 12.10, kde (4.9) and qt (4.8.2) up-to dated from official repositories20:03
trapDoor_i suspect its due to recent qt updates but can't say for sure now without dbg messages20:06
BluesKajtrapDoor_, yes here as well , kate works for a while then segfaults about an hour after login , and you should report that in ubuntu+120:06
BluesKajI did yesterday20:07
BluesKajI tried reporting it in kubuntu-devel too , but haven't heard about any fixes from them20:08
trapDoor_BluesKaj: first i wanted to find out if it has been already reported20:18
trapDoor_so you did, remember the ticket number?20:18
BluesKajtrapDoor_, I checked the logs and didn't find much20:19
BluesKajsegfault 11 is all I reacall20:19
trapDoor_did you run kate from console?20:19
BluesKajand krunner20:19
Belial`thank you, Jekyll20:20
BluesKajpated the output in pastebin for the kubuntu-devel ppl , but i haven't heard back20:20
trapDoor_got the dbg packages installed as well?20:20
BluesKajyes , but the debugger kept crashing as well :)20:21
BluesKajwhen trying to backtrace20:21
trapDoor_same was on main :|20:22
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* Daskreech waves23:37
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