
Ahmucklooks like i am missing codecs for vlc02:15
Ahmuckhow do i get multimedia codecs for vlc or do i need another player?02:15
ActionParsnipAhmuck: did you install lubuntu-restricted-extras02:15
silverarrowwonder if I should try mandriva02:29
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: why not, good to try new stuff but how is that a Lubuntu question?02:30
silverarrowwell, I am sticking with lubuntu02:30
silverarrowdo you have lubuntu installed on a laptop ?02:31
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: I do02:32
silverarrowcould you do me a favor?02:32
silverarrowcheck htop and see how much ram usage you have?02:33
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: although I'll use:  free -m02:33
silverarrowwell point is mostly ram usage02:34
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: 500Mb with samba, transmission, fatrat, ssh and samba running02:34
silverarrowI see02:34
silverarrowhow large is cpu?02:34
silverarrowcore2duo or more like i702:34
ActionParsnipjust killed vlc and now using 340Mb02:34
ActionParsnipcore2duo at 1.2Ghz dual core02:35
silverarrowwhich still is on the good side02:35
ActionParsnipits enough for the job02:35
silverarrowI doubt there is anything you can`t do with a laptop like that02:36
silverarrowunless you are a serious gamer02:37
ActionParsnipflash struggles with lots of 3D stuff, otherwise its ok02:37
ActionParsnipi can game on it, but not super well02:37
silverarrowyeah, 3D might be an issue too, I thought it had a lot to do with graphics?02:37
silverarrowI never game much anyhow02:38
ActionParsnipit plays urban terror fine, needs an external mouse02:39
silverarrowI can hardly push the powerpc cpu much beyond 300mb02:39
silverarrowbut I only have 51202:39
silverarrowwonder if it is any difference if I get a 1GB card02:39
ActionParsnip3Gb here, but its a low end Intel GPU which sucks. I mainly game on my media PC which isn't much better but has an nvidia 6150 512Mb which plays it nicely :)02:40
silverarrowI am seriously considering a samsung02:41
silverarrowor a macbook because of the retina screen02:41
silverarrownice to watch films on02:42
silverarrowmaybe tv02:42
silverarrowhowever tv is not so good anyhow02:42
silverarrowflash quality is soso, best screen really doesn`t matter too mch02:42
ActionParsnipwant me a fitpc02:43
holsteinflash? like web flash?02:43
silverarrowwell, like regular adobe flash02:43
holsteini wouldnt making any purchasing decisions based on that... its not on android anymore.. is it on ios?02:43
silverarrowthere is silverlight versions  available02:43
holsteinsilverlight wont be around long for sure02:44
ActionParsnipLinux silverlight is being canned02:44
silverarrowmaybe not, but I do feel the screen is one of the best points of the macbook02:44
holsteinyup.. still, is it worth the $$?02:44
ActionParsnipmac is far too expensive for what you get02:44
silverarrowthat is debateable02:44
silverarrowwhat I like about macbook pros are the aluminum casing, very light weight, really nice screen, all right sound02:45
ActionParsnipa lot of laptops have that now, its nothing special02:46
silverarrowyou get the i7 cpu and flash drive if that is point02:46
holsteini dont think so.. comparing hardware to hardware, mac is more.. with the same specs.. thats not debatable02:46
silverarrowI have only found samsung that I find comparable ?02:46
holsteinin what? look?02:47
silverarrowthough I don`t know all brands or models02:47
silverarrowwell looks are a pluss, but samsung seem very solid and well put together too02:48
holsteinthe asus one is nice02:48
silverarrowI would consider a asus02:48
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: lenovo kicked out a nice ultrabook, not bad at all02:48
silverarrowI read somewhere the retina screen technology is 10 years old, and should have reached the marked years ago, so maybe other nice screen are turning up now too02:49
silverarrowI am all up for suggestions02:49
ActionParsnipToshiba Portege's aren't too shabby either02:49
silverarrowI am slightly hesitant on the mac hardware they work so hard to be a world of their own02:50
silverarrowI suppose they are general pc these days02:50
silverarrowthe non-pc agrument went down the drain with the powerpc architecture I suppose02:51
silverarrowin the past mac had very bad sound02:53
silverarroweven the first macbooks02:53
silverarrowit has improved02:53
silverarrowI`m not thinking of lound volume or high fidelity, more bearable and non-painful02:54
silverarrowI am hoping some company make an effort to outdo the apple laptop lol02:55
silverarrowgive them a run for their money for a while02:55
AscavasaionWelcome back leszek .10:02
=== 18WABWV61 is now known as AlexZion
jbHi. I want to update the openbox menu.xml, but cant figure out which one to update. I have updated the one in /usr/share/lubuntu/openbox and expected that to update the right-click menu. Do I need to reload something ror will that work once I reload lxde?12:38
jb...or should I update the one in .config?12:39
leszekthe one in /usr/share/... ist the global config for all users12:50
leszekbut if you have one config in your home folder than this one will be used instead of the global one12:50
jband then I just restart openbox?12:52
leszekjb: exactly12:56
jbleszek: thanks!12:56
faLUCEhi. For some funny weird reason, If I execute MyLongNamedScriptFooooooo  , in the list of processes I only see the firs 15 chars of the name15:08
holsteinspace? .. what list? top?15:09
faLUCEholstein: no, there are not spaces15:09
faLUCEyes: top15:09
holsteinits just a list.. i would expect space to be the reason15:09
holsteintruncation for space15:09
faLUCEno, there's not a space. I'm sure15:10
holsteinfaLUCE: space like the space on the screen15:11
holsteinits shortened to take up less space in that top report15:11
faLUCEanyway, if I want to kill the process, I have to write killall -SIGKILL first15chars15:11
faLUCEholstein: no, no15:11
holsteinthere are many ways to kill15:11
holsteinfaLUCE: ok... then why do you think it is truncated in that report?15:11
faLUCEok, but I want to use killall15:11
faLUCEholstein: i don't know15:11
holsteinfaLUCE: we should not speculate.. i would go to a main support channel or try the mailing list15:12
holsteini usually kill with PID15:12
faLUCEholstein: wich is the main support channel?15:13
holsteinhttp://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/46979-pid-length.html is relevant15:13
holsteinfaLUCE: i was thinking #ubuntu.. but any more general linux channel15:14
faLUCEholstein: I see, thanks15:14
holsteinsays, from system to system15:14
holsteini was guessing that at some point the name gets truncated15:15
holsteinspace... ease of use... not sure why15:15
faLUCEtnx again15:19
FreeMansMindHow would I change my DNS settings to & that google provides?21:38
TheMasterNetwork icon at the bottom > Edit Connections > Wired or Wireless > Edit21:40
FreeMansMindwhere do i type the and in this edit window ?21:45
FreeMansMindDNS SERVERS: and Search Domains: or?21:45
TheMasterDNS servers:,
FreeMansMindTheMaster, thank you22:01
TheMasterYou're welcome.22:05
FreeMansMindis there a free software like ccleaner ?22:55
FreeMansMindi guess it wont work in ubuntu.22:55
silverarroware you worried about adware?22:58
silverarrowI don't think cc leaner would work for ubuntu even kif they made a version22:59
silverarrowyou would need something different22:59
silverarrownot sure where linux needs tidying up as time goes23:00
TheMaster!info bleachbit23:03
ubottubleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1 (precise), package size 319 kB, installed size 1710 kB23:03
silverarrowooooh, a linux  master23:05
FreeMansMindbleachit seems to be perfect. does it run with terminal commands?23:16

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