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phoenix_firebrdIs network broken in Kubuntu 12.10?07:21
rippswhat do i need to remove to convert my ubuntu into pure gnomebuntu?07:29
phoenix_firebrdripps: remove the kde-runtime and it will remove all the kde stuff with it07:29
rippsthat not what I meant, ubunt-gnome-desktop dropped in the repos for pure-gnome without unity. I want to know what to remove to get a pure ubuntu gnome edition08:28
WaltherIs there a way to disable bluetooth by default on startup?08:39
WaltherRunning powertop shows 100% usage on both my "Audio codec"s and reports a rather high wattage for each. Is there a way around this? (This happens even when sound should be idle)08:43
ironhalikso, is nvidia-current package solid by now? :)09:43
WarOfTheNerdironhalik, wasn't working when I tried Alpha309:58
* WarOfTheNerd has Software Centre purchases though, and those don't integrate until release, so can't test anymore :(09:58
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BluesKajHiyas all12:16
penguin42Hey BK12:25
penguin42BluesKaj: Hey - don't do that - it tickles!12:47
BluesKajwell, i manged to get you to use my real nick didn't I ...instaed of burger king (BK) , penguin4212:49
* penguin42 flame grills BluesKaj12:49
yofel_ironhalik: nvidia works fine for me now13:44
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BluesKajyofel, i had some segfaults yesterday with kde apps like kate and even the bug reporter . but all seems better now after reinstalling the nvidia-current driver13:52
BluesKajyeah , and the backtrace didn't show much '14:03
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h00kmy compiz is still quite crashy16:29
penguin42hmm not good, todays server image won't boot after install17:20
penguin422nd try worked - hmm17:23
penguin42hmm, repeatable17:56
BluesKajinstalled kdm and at least now i can login with the gui , lightdm wasn't giving me a login page so i had to use the tty ...still few bugs to fix in that area18:09
BluesKajon kde here18:10
trismwith lightdm-kde-greeter?18:10
BluesKajtrism, yes the lightdm greeter was installed with lightdm , noe I get the old fashioned but working kdm greeter18:24
h00kmy compiz is much better today18:36
htorquehi all! i got some problems making unity work: i took part in the gconf-less unity/compiz test with the ppa. worked fine except for one crasher bug, but once regular updates came in, i can no longer start unity.18:37
htorquejust getting "compizconfig - Error: NULL encountered while reading GConf setting" - any ideas?18:37
ironhalikuninstalling nvidia-current reverts to nouveau?18:38
h00kironhalik: it should, yes18:38
ironhalikok, lets hope I wont need it18:39
ironhalikah, and btw18:39
ironhalikwhats the difference between nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates?18:39
ironhalikI understand there are additional ubuntu patches in the latter?18:39
penguin42I think it tends to be different versions from Nvidia doesn't it?18:40
ironhalikpost release updates maybe?18:41
ironhalikah nvm, Ill go with nvidia-current18:41
omichalekhi all, my system gets stuck in the middle of shutting down, can you help me what log to look into?18:46
omichalekwhen I jump from the graphical screen it says "fontconfig warning: etc/fonts/conf.d..." among other things, but I suppose that's not holding it, right?18:49
jtaylorthe fontconfig warnings should not cause the shutdown issue18:50
omichalekjtaylor: dmesg is relevant only for the current session, am I right?18:51
jtayloromichalek: yes, but some of the logs in /var/log not18:53
omichalekjtaylor: cat /var/log/syslog is pretty long, should I dig in there?18:54
jtayloryes thats probably a good place to start18:54
ironhalikis it the changes in unity or am I on unity-2d after installing nvidia-current18:59
gotwigironhalik: ĺol?19:03
gotwigironhalik: not normal19:03
ironhalikthe dash got somewhat darker, like in unity 2d19:03
ironhalikok, I guess not - I uninstalled unity-2d :P19:05
trismironhalik: unity-2d is just an empty package now anyway19:06
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scarrsI cannot get the virtual desktops to work in gnome classic or cairo dock sessions, is this a known bug?20:31
MrChrisDruifVirtual desktops or workspaces?20:34
kyporhello. Just set up Ubuntu 12.10. Is there a way to install the ATI driver?22:02
LLStarksany way to get rid of the fontconfig errors?22:32
jbichaLLStarks: basically just wait until bug 1034928 is fixed22:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1034928 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "Fontconfig warning: Having multiple values in <test> isn't supported and may not works as expected" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103492822:37
penguin42other than being annoying it doesn't seem to have any other effects; although a few people are misreporting hangs with the fontconfig because it's the last thing visible before it dies22:41
kyporhello. Just set up Ubuntu 12.10. Is there a way to install the ATI driver?22:47
WarOfTheNerdkypor, you'll have to use ATI's installer22:50
WarOfTheNerdkypor, with all the alphas there usually aren't any up to date proprietary drivers packaged22:50
WarOfTheNerdkypor, in fact, NVIDIA still haven't caught up with 12.10's Xorg version yet22:50
kyporI see ... will that mess up things in the long run though?22:51
penguin42it'll sort itself out22:51
penguin42kypor: Out of interest, how are the open ati drivers working for you - the ones that you get if you don't install the ATI ones?22:51
kyporthey are fine for sure. I wanted to see how a game in Steam will play out though. I want to try the prop driver with wine/steam/Civ5 basically22:52
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:52
DaekdroomHas anyone had any issue with dailies lately?22:53
DaekdroomI'm thinking of reinstalling Quantal.22:53
penguin42Daekdroom: The one I installed last week didn't install unity by default; the server iso seems OK this week (although it has a problem with graphics in VMs sometimes)22:53
DaekdroomI think I'll do it the safer way and download the Alpha3 iso22:55
DaekdroomNow to the backup process!22:55
dlentzhi penguin4222:56
dlentzbug 104472522:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044725 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "Additional Drivers is empty for nvidia" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104472522:57
dlentz Can this bug be marked as Triaged/High since it severely impacts users?22:58
WarOfTheNerddlentz, it's blocked by upstream22:58
dlentzthanks for your time/attention23:00
trismwell, nvidia-current is updated for abi 13 since last week, so the detection scripts may just need updating23:01
penguin42dlentz: This stuff normally works out by release23:01
* penguin42 is interested how well the open drivers work for people these days - as an ATI user who always uses the open drivers I'm happy, but I'm not a gamer and my card doesn't have a fan23:02
dlentzpenguin42, one would hope so...23:02
penguin42dlentz: So, how far does the open nvidia driver get for you on your card?23:03
dlentzi'm just the triager, i use radeon driver myself ;)23:04
penguin42haha ok23:04
penguin42WarOfTheNerd: Do you know if there is a reference bug for the nvidia stuff?23:05
Daekdroompenguin42, it still doesn't work for HD7xxx cards, iirc23:06
Daekdroom(unless they're rebrands)23:06
Daekdroomand the powermanagement is still crap.23:06
Daekdroomdynamic clock/voltage adjustments still cause screen flicker so it's disabled by default.23:06
Daekdroomand even when enabled it doesn't save power/drop temperature as much as Catalyst or the Windows drivers.... It makes me sad :(23:07
penguin42Daekdroom: :-(23:08
penguin42Daekdroom: Yeh they're normally one rev behind, so it doesn't surprise me about the 7xxx - and that explains why the stuff is disabled by default, which is annoying23:08
DaekdroomThere's the anecdote by the AMD developers that Catalyst's powermanagement has more code than the entire open source stack.23:08
trismpenguin42: he may be thinking bug 1037896 which is why abi 13 was briefly removed, but that was fixed with 304.4323:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1037896 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Quantal) "Starting Firefox kills xserver immediately when using 2D desktop" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103789623:09
penguin42power management is evil stuff23:09
LLStarksthanks jbicha23:11
LLStarksbtw, if it's any interest to the desktop team, 12.10 now has 97% of needed prime code for optimus laptops. all that's missing is the intel ddx, nouveau ddx, and xrandr 1.4 tool23:12
penguin42is that code out there that could go in?23:13
DaekdroomI think it's too late for them to include all that code.23:13
DaekdroomAnd I suspect part of that code is not even in a stable release yet.23:14
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/ReleaseSchedule23:14
LLStarksDaekdroom, prime needs to be ported to sna. it's uxa only at the moment.23:15
LLStarksthat's a 13.04 target23:15
penguin42rabid rodent?23:15
LLStarksas is nvidia blob support for prime23:15
LLStarkspenguin42, raging rhesus23:17
Daekdroomrestless rabbit23:18
DaekdroomIt is best to burn my Quantal DVD-R using the slowest speed possible, right?23:30
histoIt's best to burn it without errors23:30
penguin42Daekdroom: Why are you burning it - use a thumb drive23:30
Daekdroompenguin42, .... I still don't have a thumb drive.23:30
Daekdroomand I have no idea why.23:31
penguin42Daekdroom: Slap yourself on the head - hard23:31
* Daekdroom slaps himself lightly, but 4 times23:31
DaekdroomWell, I do some spare cash that I can do whatever I want to with.23:32
DaekdroomBuying a decent thumb drive is an option.23:32
DaekdroomBut I don't feel like aborting my reinstalling plans for tonight.23:32
penguin42Daekdroom: I'd say just notch it down one from the top speed supported by the drive and media23:33
DaekdroomHm, kk.23:33
penguin42but it only takes one failure to remind you that you should be using a thumb drive23:34
DaekdroomI have a total of 4 DVD-Rs to ruin.23:34
penguin42ah, should only take 5 goes then :-)23:34
DaekdroomConsidering how many Ubuntu CDs/DVDs I have burnt, a thumb drive might have paid itself by now.23:35
penguin42they're ludicrously cheap now anyway23:35
DaekdroomHow much is a 16GiB thumb drive in the US?23:36
penguin42in the UK it's under 10GBP now23:36
penguin42hmm, 6.25 apparently :-)23:37
DaekdroomThat would be about 20 BRL23:37
trismlooks like ~$10 in US23:37
DaekdroomBut according to the website I'm looking at, they cost twice as much here in Brazil.23:38
penguin42Daekdroom: They've dropped a lot recently, so makesure you use somewhere competitive and there is a big range23:38
* penguin42 gently wonders if they have Amazon in Brazil, but that would be kind of silly....23:38
DaekdroomAmazon does ship to here in Brazil, but I once tried to buy a headphone and the shipment was like 40 dollars.23:39
DaekdroomSo buying something so cheap is out of question.23:39
penguin42hmm, I'm kind of surprised, even to us here in the UK it's obvious there is a big tech community in Brazil23:40
DaekdroomIt's not a small market for these products. It's about huge taxes on them and stratospheric profits23:41
DaekdroomWell, I'll dig for a thumbdrive later. Time for reinstall.23:42
DaekdroomSee ya later.23:42

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