
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
manojhi , i have recently tried to contribute to ubuntu , and i have done fixing spelling errors in description (http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/quantal/tags/spelling-error-in-description.html) ..can anybody tell me what should i do after this10:51
tumbleweedmanoj: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html10:54
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ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...14:47
alo21!ping | alo2114:47
ubottualo21, please see my private message14:47
=== jtaylor_ is now known as jtaylor
pillarsdotnetPackaging question: How can I make an amd64 package depend on libjpeg62:i386 ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/50292018:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502920 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Canon UFR II driver needs packaging" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:50
jtayloryou can't so far I know18:50
jtaylorbut you might be able to make an i386 package that is installable on amd6418:51
pillarsdotnetWas afraid of that. So I need to make a package with ... what's that tool that creates an empty package just for dependency sake?18:57
pillarsdotnetYup. found it.18:57
pillarsdotnetSo I need to make equivs part of the build-deps.18:58
jtaylorwhy would you need equiv?18:58
pillarsdotnetSeriously, nobody has done this already? Something like ia32-libs but that includes libjpeg62?18:58
pillarsdotnetHate to reinvent the wheel.18:58
jtaylorthat was done in the past, its now replaced with a proper multiarch18:59
pillarsdotnetNeed to make cndrvcups-ufr2-uk and cndrvcups-ufr2-us depend on libjpeg62:i38619:00
jtaylorfor what distributions do you want to build?19:00
pillarsdotnetBecause Canon is including a binary blob in their source and the blob depends on libjpeg62:i38619:00
pillarsdotnetDoesn't matter -- debian packaging, though.19:00
jtaylorit does matter19:00
pillarsdotnetI'm running Ubuntu but should work equally well for stock debian.19:00
jtaylorbecause the method has changed19:00
jtaylorin the past you used ia32-libs19:00
pillarsdotnetRight now I just care about Ubuntu.19:00
jtaylornow (= precise, wheezy) you use multiarch19:01
pillarsdotnetia32-libs does not include libjpeg62.19:01
jtayloron which distribution?19:01
jtaylorwhich version?19:01
jtaylor12.04 has no real ia32-libs anymore19:01
pillarsdotnetFunny, 'cuz I have it installed.19:01
jtayloryou can just install libjpeg62:i386 on amd6419:01
jtaylorit still exists but is empty19:02
pillarsdotnetokay, it's a transition package that depends on ia32-libs-multiarch19:02
pillarsdotnetand ia32-libs-multiarch does not include libjpeg6219:02
pillarsdotnetso... doesn't provide what I need.19:02
pillarsdotnetNot all of it, anyway.19:03
jtaylorbecause it doesn't need to19:03
jtaylorjust only build a i386 package and install that on amd6419:03
jtaylorit will pull all dependecies19:03
pillarsdotnetSo there's no way to build an amd64 package that depends on a i386 package.19:03
pillarsdotnetThat's what you're telling me.19:03
jtayloryou can still do it, but there is not much reason to do so anymore19:04
pillarsdotnetWell, there is a reasson.19:04
jtaylorwhich one?19:04
pillarsdotnetWant to print to a Canon UFR II printer.19:04
pillarsdotnet(why oh why is it that every time I ask for help doing something, I first have to convince somebody that yes, I really do need to do what I'm asking for help with?)19:05
jtaylorbecause I'm still not clear what the problem is19:05
jtaylorlibjpeg can't be it because that is multiarched19:06
pillarsdotnetwrong link.19:06
pillarsdotnetjtaylor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/50292019:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502920 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Canon UFR II driver needs packaging" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:06
pillarsdotnetIn short, after installing the Canon driver, I have to run "apt-get install libjpeg62:i386"19:06
pillarsdotnetWould be nice if that were taken care of by the dependencies.19:06
pillarsdotnetBut can't do that.19:06
pillarsdotnetSuppose I can add "apt-get install libjpeg62:i386" to the pre-install script but that seems a bit too hackish.19:07
pillarsdotnetSimply making it depend on libjpeg62 won't fix the problem.19:07
jtayloryou have the source for the driver?19:08
pillarsdotnetDid you even look at the link?19:08
jtayloryes but I don't understand why the software is gpl (= open source) but does not work on amd64?19:09
pillarsdotnetBecause it doesn't really conform to gpl.  It includes a binary blob.19:09
pillarsdotnetSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/502920/+attachment/3280856/+files/build-Linux_UFRII-driver.sh19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502920 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Canon UFR II driver needs packaging" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:09
jtaylorwell the solution is: create a i386 package that depends on libjpeg19:10
pillarsdotnetNevertheless, it's either play by their rules or don't print.19:10
jtaylordon't create an amd64 one19:10
pillarsdotnetYes, I already came to that conclusion, And the easiest way to do that is with equivs.19:10
pillarsdotnetSo therefore I need to add equivs to the build-deps.19:10
jtayloryou can't build a package within a package19:10
jtaylorwhere is the packaging source?19:10
pillarsdotnetI'm talking about editing the debian/control file.19:10
pillarsdotnetSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/502920/+attachment/3280856/+files/build-Linux_UFRII-driver.sh19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 502920 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Canon UFR II driver needs packaging" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:11
jtaylorok so its not a proper package19:11
pillarsdotnetI thought I said that already.19:11
jtaylorthen equiv or deb-reversion is probably the easiest solution19:11
pillarsdotnetWhat is deb-reversion?19:11
jtaylorjust a tool to mess with the internals of a package19:12
pillarsdotnetnm. http://man.he.net/man1/deb-reversion19:12
jtaylorin principle just a sort of wrapper to dpkg -x dpkg -b19:12
pillarsdotnetno, equivs would be the thing to use.19:12
pillarsdotnetNot interested in patching their packged .deb, only their "source".19:12
pillarsdotnetDo you know of any way I can search for an Ubuntu package which depends on libjpeg62 and exists for i386 but not for amd64?19:14
pillarsdotnetAgain, just trying not to reinvent the wheel.19:14
pillarsdotnetSomething like "ia32-libs-multiarch-compat"19:15
jtaylornot jpeg, but e,g. zsnes or ecere are i386 only19:16
jtaylorthey don't need ia32-libs anymore since multiarch19:16
pillarsdotnetSpecifically need to pull in libjpeg62:i38619:16
jtayloria32-libs was ugly, it was just a copy of a bunch of i386 libraries in one huge deb, now the i386 debs are directly installable in amd64 making it obsolete19:17
pillarsdotnetzsnes doesn't do it.19:17
jtayloryes install it and watch how it installs e.g. libpng12:i38619:18
pillarsdotnetecere isn't found by apt-cache.19:18
pillarsdotnetno, zsnes doesn't install libjpeg62:i38619:18
pillarsdotnetDon't care about libpng.19:18
pillarsdotnetNeed libjpeg62:i38619:18
jtaylorits the same thing19:18
pillarsdotnetno it's not.19:18
pillarsdotnetlibpng is for png files.19:18
pillarsdotnetlibjpeg is for jpeg files.19:18
jtaylorI know but both are libraries19:18
pillarsdotnetpng files and jpeg files are different.19:18
jtaylorand dependencies for both are handled in the same way19:18
pillarsdotnetYou can't substitute one for the other.19:18
pillarsdotnetYes, but depending on zsnes does not pull in libjpeg62:i38619:19
pillarsdotnetThat's what I mean by "zsnes doesn't install libjpeg62:i386"19:19
pillarsdotnetThought that would be obvious.19:19
pillarsdotnetSo... need to create a new package that depends on libjpeg62:i386 -- perhaps call it ia32-libjpeg-compat ?19:20
pillarsdotnetor ia32-libjpeg62 ?19:20
jtaylorjust install  libjpeg62:i38619:20
jtaylorI still don'T understand the problem19:21
jtaylorthere are two ways to solve this19:22
pillarsdotnetOnce I've got a package that installs cleanly (or else complains properly if the dependencies are not installed) then I'm gonna send the info to Canon so they can fix their broken packages.19:22
jtaylorfile a bug against ia32-libs-multiarch to include libjpeg6219:22
jtaylorassuming that canon's deb depends in ia32-libs19:22
jtayloror fix canon's deb19:22
jtayloradding another ia32 redirection deb will not solve anything19:22
pillarsdotnetI'm working on fixing canon's debian/control file.19:22
pillarsdotnetI've added ia32-libs but that doesn't fix it.19:23
pillarsdotnetBecause ia32-libs pulls in libjpeg8:i386 not libjpeg62:i38619:23
jtaylordoes canon provide a i386 deb?19:23
pillarsdotnetMaking that one work is straightforward -- just need to include libjpeg62 in the deps.19:24
jtayloryes and then your done19:24
pillarsdotnetIt's making the amd64 one work that is the problem.19:24
jtaylorthe amd64 depends on ia32-libs?19:24
pillarsdotnetWell, my version does.19:24
jtaylorthe only way to fix that is ti add libjpeg62 to ia32-libs-multiarch19:25
pillarsdotnetThey're missing the dependency; that's why it works for some and not for others.19:25
pillarsdotnetI'm fairly sure that the ubuntu devs are gonna be unwilling to do that.19:25
jtaylorfor that you need to file a bug, but I don't think changes are so high that it will be added19:25
jtayloryou will have to argue with core-dev's about that19:26
pillarsdotnetI'm just trying to make the canon package work with ubuntu (and if possible, stock debian) as it currently exists. I'm not trying to change all of ubuntu to accomodate canon.19:26
pillarsdotnetIMHO the way to do it is add equivs to the build-depends.19:27
pillarsdotnetAnd create a dummy package that has Architecture: i386 and depends on libjpeg62.19:27
jtaylorI don't think it is so unreasonable to add it again, it was in ia32-libs in the past after all19:27
jtaylorbut maybe there was a reason it was dropped, probably security issues19:27
pillarsdotnetAre you saying that core-devs are willing to add an obsolete library to current packages just so a canon print driver that violates GPL will install properly?19:28
pillarsdotnetYou're even more optimistic than I am.19:28
pillarsdotnetAll I'm trying to do is get Canon to support Linux somewhere besides Australia.19:28
jtayloraccommodating this crap is part of the reason ia32-libs existed in the first place19:28
jtaylorbut still chances are slim19:29
jtaylorhaving a dummy package will only replace apt-get install libjpeg62:i386 with apt-get install dummy-package?19:29
pillarsdotnetWill be "dpkg -i dummy-package" probably.19:29
pillarsdotnetI'm not even hopeful that the canon drivers will be added to any standard repository.19:30
pillarsdotnetSince they violate GPL.19:30
pillarsdotnetJust trying to make the build process fairly automatic.19:30
pillarsdotnetAw, heck.19:30
pillarsdotnetProbably the easiest way is to add the "apt-get install" line to the shell script.19:30
jtaylorthe way to do the dummy package is similar to how ia32-libs looks now19:30
pillarsdotnetWill take a look.19:31
jtaylorhave amd64 ia32-libjpeg62 package depend on an i386 ia32-libjpeg62-multiarch package that in turn depends on libjpeg6219:31
pillarsdotnetCan't have an amd64 package depend on an i386 package.19:31
jtaylorno, not yet19:31
pillarsdotnetso won't work.19:32
jtaylorI think it is planned to add this feature19:32
jtaylorI mean what won't work is have package depend in libjpeg:i38619:32
jtaylorbecause there is a libjpeg:amd64 which will be prefered19:32
jtaylorby having only one ia32-libs-multiarch package available for i38619:32
jtaylorthe resolver will pick that even though it is in a foreign arch19:32
pillarsdotnetSo no need to create "ia32-libjpeg62" package.19:32
jtaylorthe i386 package will then depend on its native i386 libjpeg package19:33
jtaylorits kind of a hack19:33
pillarsdotnetanyhow, I've gotten all the information I'm gonna get here.19:33
jtayloryour welcome19:33
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away

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