
mneptokSeH[Connect]: is there something you need from the ops team?16:59
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (17))17:18
ubottuIn #ubuntu, wilee-nilee said: !broadcom > lauratika if it is a broadcom follow this link18:29
mneptokSeH[Connect]: is there something you need from the ops team?20:20
TheMasterThat was autojoin, connected to two other channels at the same time.20:24
mneptokle sigh20:27
ubottuIn #ubuntu, jasonbourne said: ubottu - thanks for your help...wireless is working...22:22
bazhangsmallfoot- ban evading in #ubuntu again23:52
bazhanghe joins uncloaked, then does the changing host to cloak to get around it23:54
smallfoot-bazhole just banned me from #ubuntu for no reason23:55
smallfoot-i didnt do anything23:55
smallfoot-look, i said NOTHING23:55
smallfoot-im innocent23:56
bazhangsmallfoot-, the ban was still in place.23:57
IdleOnecalling him bazhole doesn't make me want to remove the ban23:58
smallfoot-i typed wrong23:58
smallfoot-cuz i was pissed and all i cud think of was asshole23:58
IdleOneright. Part this channel and stop ban evading.23:58
smallfoot-but how can i get unbanned?23:59

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