
uvirtbotNew bug: #1044318 in quantum "pre-1.5 OVS has trouble with floating ips when pinging from the same box" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104431800:21
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Troy^hello where do i find the motd login file? for server? I like some of ubuntu's default message like the info it provide i would like to add on but /etc/motd/ shows exactly as it sais on login not scripts01:44
donspauldinghey peeps, upgraded my server today from jaunty -> karmic -> lucid -> precise but I'm sure I've borked something along the way.  I got a kernel panic on reboot after the lucid -> precise upgrade and it looks like it's caused by the default kernel in /boot/grub/menu.lst not having any initrd.img file associated with it.03:08
donspauldingI've got a mediocre KVM over IP console up, so I can't even pastebin the menu.lst, but I'm wondering if I need the default entry that's there.  Right below the "Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, kernel Default" (and its associated Recovery entry), I've got what looks like a legit 3.2.0-29-generic kernel entry.03:10
patdk-lapthey are exactly the same03:11
patdk-lapyou can always try it03:11
patdk-lapbut it should be more of the same error03:11
donspauldingpatdk-lap: well, the one that specifies itself as 3.2.0 also has an 'initrd' line below the 'kernel' line in the menu.lst, which makes me think it's not quite the same as the one above it.03:12
patdk-lapoh, so just the line is missing, not the file03:12
patdk-lapit will bot on that fine03:12
patdk-lapthe recovery basically means, no to *hide* stuff by default03:13
donspauldingpatdk-lap: yeah, I'm saying I've got 4 boot entries total, one labelled "Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, kernel Default", one labelled "Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, kernel Default (recovery mode)", one labelled "Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, kernel 3.2.0-29-generic", and one labelled "Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS, kernel 3.2.0-29-generic (recovery mode)"03:14
donspauldingpatdk-lap: The ones labelled with the actual 3.2.0 version number have initrd lines, the ones labelled "Default" don't have initrd lines, but they're the default boot target.03:15
patdk-lapI wonder if those are some xen boot thing, or if it's really messed up03:15
donspauldingI want to get rid of the ones labelled "Default", my question is:  what's the best way to do that?03:16
patdk-lapya, I'm not sure, cause I'm not sure how they got in there03:16
donspauldingpatdk-lap: even kernels booted under xen need an initrd, no?03:16
patdk-lapwell, kernels don't need initrd's03:17
patdk-lapbut the way ubuntu does it, it's basically required, yes03:17
donspauldingpatdk-lap: it's not outside the realm of possibility, but this is not a dom0 or domU machine.  Bare metal all the way.03:17
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donspauldingcan I just delete entries straight out of /boot/grub/menu.lst?  Or do I have to do it through some other method and then run update-grub again?03:20
donspauldingAlso, on precise, should I be running update-grub2?  Because I think I somehow don't have grub2 installed.03:21
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NepheloI've got a problem with my Ubuntu 10.04 Server. I'm using smbd and mdadm (raid 5). Now I've got the problem that the server freezes after a time, accessing via smb. Nothing in syslog and RAM seems ok.09:18
=== troy__ is now known as Troy^
rtcg72aHi there, I am trying to use apt-get install to install a few dependencies for a package named webmin. However i get a message saying that the package is not available, but is referred to by another package. What can I do?12:30
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Troy^where do i find the defalt motd script? like i like how the default has some info about the system i would just like to modify that further and add to it15:00
patdk-lapin /etc/update-motd.d15:10
nanderssonHi, I would like to change GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub, but how on earth can I find out just what integer to put when /etc/grub.d/* shows a mess like several rows looking like http://stevenf.com/notes/index.php/?Create+bootable+ISO+disk+images+in+Linux15:26
nanderssonis there  a way to do a text-render of the content in /etc/grub.d/* so I now whether to put GRUB_DEFAULT=3,4,5, or whatever?15:27
nanderssonNow it feels like fumbling in the dark.15:28
nanderssonI want to boot a row in a submeny, and just how do I do that?15:29
nanderssonok....did a little googeling and, surprise, surprise. It is IMPOSSIBLE :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527515:30
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=== troy__ is now known as Troy^
Troy^can anyone tell me where the login motd is? so i can edit the default one16:19
marc_12314is that what your looking for  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpdateMotd  ?16:21
swTroy^: /etc/motd16:23
Troy^sw looked in there but i don't see any of the script portions like i like the fact the default has ram and harddriv info etc.16:23
swTroy^: scripts update /etc/motd with that. it reads from /etc/motd though. and that's what you asked for ;o16:24
sw^ link is prolly what you want then16:24
uvirtbotsw: Error: "link" is not a valid command.16:24
Troy^sw: just didn't know how to explain it :P16:25
* sw gags uvirtbot with ubottu 16:25
Troy^hmm /etc/update-motd.d seems to have some of the scripts but still seems like something is missing16:32
Troy^ahh here we go /usr/bin/landscape-sysinfo16:36
Troy^ok so if i wanted to add a program such as hddtemp to the motd. could i just add in the motd.tail /usr/sbin/hddtemp /dev/sda16:49
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Troy^is there a way to perform a internet speed test on my ubuntu server?18:03
xpistosHello. Is there a channel for Landscape?18:18
KartagisTroy^: speedtest.net18:21
Troy^? command line only?18:21
lickalottworking something out right now Troy^18:40
lickalottgimmie a min18:40
lickalottwas going to try first to see if it worked (command line only) but the download for the .zip is 15 mins18:41

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