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pressman57Hi all. I'm interested in iso testing but can't find the page for the daily build. Can someone give me a link?16:15
pnarcisothat is the link for alternate16:19
pnarcisothis is for normal http://mirrors.fe.up.pt/pub/xubuntu/daily-live/current/16:19
pressman57thanks. Is running it in vbox useful or is a hdd install better?16:20
pnarcisoit all depends16:20
pnarcisoif you want to test the only this OS, vbox would do, but ig you want to test hardware compatibility, installing it is better16:20
pressman57pnarciso, my hardware is pretty generic so I think I'll put it in vbox. Will apt-get update/upgrade keep me up with the current build once it's installed?16:25
pnarcisoyes, or you could use the included update application16:26
pressman57cool. I used xubuntu years ago- went to gentoo then arch- now i'm back. good distro.16:27
pnarcisoI agree, very good distro, and stable. Unity in Ubuntu is a big mess16:28
pressman57yeah unity is a fiasco16:31
pressman57gnome 3 with extensions kind of works but it's bloated16:32
pnarcisognome 3 layout does not look very different to me compared to unity, but it's more stable16:33
pnarcisoI like PC layouts, not phone layouts :)16:33
pressman57pnarciso, true that16:34
pressman57you talk about a mess....have you tried windows 8?16:35
pnarcisoyes :)16:35
pressman57It will be just the thing to get linux on the desktop16:36
pressman57in the mainstream16:36
ochosisince it's weekend there are probably not so many of the other devs around, but testing is always highly appreciated16:39
pnarcisoLinux is still much complicated to the average user16:39
ochosiunfortunately i don't do it enough myself to give you good guidance with how and where to report what16:40
ochosiexcept obvious bugs, you can report them on launchpad16:40
pnarcisoxubuntu 12.10 for the most part has been stable, bu I had a couple of hard freezes, which I think could be related to nvidia drivers, but I can't tell for sure because nothing shows on the logs. 16:41
pnarcisoYesterday my desktop froze and restart itself16:42
pressman57download is finished...gonna fire it up. Thanks for the info16:42
pnarcisoso, how is going the bug crushing?16:46
ochosifine, i think atm everyone is exhausting because we worked hard towards UI freeze17:10
pnarcisoso, UI will become like it is now in daily build?17:38
pnarcisoor there are changes that weren't introduced yet through update?17:38
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