
xenophilerJust wanted to come in here and say how great this new version of Xubuntu is. I'm really enjoying it. Just came from Mac OS X. Xubuntu is making this old laptop SCREAM!!!  Thank you02:32
hermanlfI have compiz installed on xubuntu 12.04.  When I click on an application running on another workspace, it does not switch to that workspace.  Any ideas?02:47
holsteinother than disabling compiz... not really02:47
hermanlfbummer.  I wouldn't use compiz if hardware acceleration was working without it. I'm am using the troublesome intel/Nvidia setup using bumblebee.02:49
likemindeadXubuntu is great, isn't it? :D03:18
unheedingare you a bot, likemindead?03:19
bazhanglets get back on topic of support please. chat in #xubuntu-offtopic03:22
* likemindead hears crickets chirping.03:24
* unheeding apologizes profusely03:29
unheedingminor concern but my battery icon says "1 minute until is fully charged"  when I know that is inaccurate03:31
unheedingi've been having issues with xfce4-power-manager03:31
=== jono is now known as grateful
=== marco is now known as Guest85642
Guest85642hi all i just installed xubuntu 12.04 can someone tell me how to open a deb file?on lucid lynx when i clicked it it asked me to install the deb now nothing happens07:10
baizonGuest85642: right click?07:11
baizonor you can use the terminal07:12
Guest85642(i removed the ubuntu software centre)07:12
Guest85642nothing happens07:12
baizonin terminal dpkg -i packagename.deb07:12
baizonthen it will install07:12
TheMasterSoftware Center is what handles them, install gdebi if you're not fond of USC.07:13
Guest85642ah so they removed it07:13
Guest85642i installed gdebi now it works thanks a lot!07:16
TheMasterSure thing.07:17
Guest85642i dont know why but on my pc xubuntu really lags :/ the 10.04 with gnome worked perfectly (i also disabled all the "frills")07:19
bcwHello.  I have a question about Xubuntu 12.04.  The login screen doesn't show any way to start an on-screen keyboard.  Should it?07:31
bcwAs in, did I miss something during the install?07:31
bcw I have a question about Xubuntu 12.04.  The login screen doesn't show any way to start an on-screen keyboard.  Should it?07:39
TheMasterI have no idea, but I thought there were a couple things at the top right corner that are related.07:44
bcwThe controls at the top right do have accessibility entries, but not for a keyboard.07:47
bcwIn prior versions, that option was there.07:47
bcwI can't use my tablet without that.07:47
hanslandahello there. im using xubuntu and i want to add Fedora to the grub menu (fedora is installed in another HD)...anyone?07:55
z4nD4R_hi all, i have a problem with starting of XFCE... i just instaled 12.04 xfce, and xfce start a long time after i'm loged... any hits?08:35
z4nD4RHi again (not sure if previos messange has arived) ... any ide with extremly long time after login in xfce?08:44
pAt_z4nD4R, best is to look into the logs and see if there is something conspicucous08:52
z4nD4RpAt_: try to be little concrete.. wich logs?08:54
pAt_z4nD4R, there are a few in /var/log which you can check, i.e. syslog, dmesg, Xorg.0.log08:56
z4nD4RpAt_: i checked syslog an Xorg log, but no error ... but login in console isnt problem.... this is something copled with XFCE09:09
pAt_what about dmesg z4nD4R ?09:10
Sysiz4nD4R: see ~/.xsession-errors09:10
z4nD4Rdmesg | grep err - nothing09:10
z4nD4RSysi: ok w809:10
SysiI'd try rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions too09:11
z4nD4RSysi: i havent this file09:11
z4nD4Rmabe i forget to say, this is .. fresh instal..09:12
Sysisee if you have updates to install09:14
z4nD4Rsudo apt-get upgrade09:15
z4nD4RNačítavajú sa zoznamy balíkov... Hotovo09:15
z4nD4RVytvára sa strom závislostí09:15
z4nD4RNačítavajú sa stavové informácie... Hotovo09:15
z4nD4R0 aktualizovaných, 0 nových nainštalovaných, 0 na odstránenie a 0 neaktualizovaných.09:15
z4nD4Rthink, yes i have...09:15
pAt_z4nD4R, sudo apt-get update before09:16
z4nD4R;) yes i done09:16
pAt_strange! how long does it take after you log in to get the desktop?09:16
dystopiandriftCan I somehow dist upgrade to amd64 from x86? I have a 64 bit processor.. so that is not the issue.. Just installed x86 by mistake..11:06
dystopiandriftmaybe I should just reinstall? I have my home on a different partition.. so not a big huge deal.. just make a list of the software I need..11:09
Sysireinstall is much easier even if upgrade is technically possible11:13
Sysiunless you have 4GB (or more really) RAM you might as well keep x8611:14
dystopiandriftah, well I have 4GB..11:14
dystopiandriftbut, x86 is fast enough.. I haven't had any speed issues really.11:15
dystopiandriftperhaps x86 is more compatible in general? seems that way.11:16
Sysinowdays there shouldn't really be difference in support, but there isn't really speed difference either11:16
Sysiyou kan install -pae kernel to use all of your RAM, it just doesn't work for single application11:17
dystopiandriftwhat is the difference then?11:18
dystopiandriftx86 won't use all the RAM?11:19
z4nD4Rso no one have some ideas? :P11:52
z4nD4Rspiritos: hi12:38
spiritosi have a question12:39
spiritosi downloaded xubuntu with the torrent, and then i opened the .iso file ith daemon tools12:40
spiritoson its autoplay, on windows xp, it asks me if i wanna open it with folder or image viewing program12:40
spiritosand i dont kno how to install xubuntu :S12:40
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:42
spiritosok :p12:43
z4nD4Rso no idea with my problem with extra long time to login to xfce/12:43
=== scottwm is now known as Guest9925
slackerHey guys, i was just curious about the xubuntu release cycle. I would like to know if Xubuntu 12.10 will be released around the same time as Ubuntu 12.10 or if there will be a delay13:46
baizonslacker: all ubuntu devirates got the same release date as ubuntu13:51
slackerbaizon, thank you13:51
baizononly if something bad happens then a delay can happen, but that would be announced13:52
slackerYea, i guess i would see that in the RSS13:52
slackerLooking forward to XFCE 4.10 and the Greybird theme fixes13:52
baizonyep :)13:53
baizon4.10 is a good release13:53
anti-freezeI have it on my Arch, i love the MIME settings13:54
baizon<- loving the tiling feature14:01
anti-freezeYea, biggest thing for me is the speed of XFCE over all the other DE's14:11
anti-freezeapart from LXDE ofcourse, but its doesnt suit my eye candy tastes14:12
toekeedo you reboot or logout after editing the 50-synaptics.conf file ?16:26
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
aicasnhi all. i'm sending a drive back to WD for warranty replacement. I want to wipe it first. The drive has many, many bad sectors on it. I'm doing  "ddrescue -nv --force --direct /dev/sdc /dev/null  sdc.log" to generate the logfile then "ddrescue -nv --force --direct --fill=+ /dev/random /dev/sdc sdc.log" to fill good sectors with garbage. Is that a decent way or am I wasting my time?20:53
orangestarI'm getting an error on a partially-new Xubuntu install. When I click the app menu I get a dialogue saying "Failed to load the applications menu; Error on line 1 char 1: Document was empty or contained only whitespace"21:07

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