
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:57
iantoKaia: Onid wyt ti'n siarad neu dysgu Cymraeg, wyt?20:55
iantoA tithau, plod20:56
brobostigonianto: i had a look for that documant package, that you mentioned the other day, i had a look thorugh all backups, and didnt find anything,.20:57
iantoFi di creu sianel newydd ##cymraeg er mwyn i greu siawns i bobl defnyddio'u Cymraeg neu helpu dysgwyr20:57
iantobrobostigon: Ok no problem, thanks for looking20:57
brobostigonianto: no worries.20:57
iantomarkjones: Ello butt21:48
markjonesshwma' cont?21:49
iantoEy, dwyt ti ddim yn dod o Gaernarfon, ti ddim yn cael defnydd o'r gair 'na21:49
markjonesnacdw, ond dwi'n ddod o Arfon :)21:49
KaiaNever around now ianto, busy with work21:54
iantoKaia: What are you working as?21:54
Kaiathree jobs at the moment21:54
iantoWow o21:55
KaiaI like work obviously21:56
iantoHelp me get a job in Aber then ;)21:56
Kaiai can't, no jobs in aber21:57
Kaiai'm in bridgend21:57
iantoVery true :(21:57
Kaiaotherwise i would be living in aber with bf21:58
iantoThe footballer?21:58
iantoOkie dokes21:59
iantoKaia: http://identi.ca/conversation/95747064#notice-96462185 Heh :/22:05
iantoAberguild is messed up22:05
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.22:24
iantonos da22:25
brobostigonnos da ianto and Kaia o/22:25
Kaianos da brob 0/22:28

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