
wgrantwallyworld_: Right, but you need to query the APs to find out the in-use stuff, and the APs include the permitted stuff00:00
wgrantSo it can be simplified to just returning the APs00:00
wallyworld_sure, i was speaking logically as to what is missing00:01
wgrantwallyworld_: Do you think we can Won't Fix bug #1008538 now?00:42
_mup_Bug #1008538: Bug Supervisors are not notified when the project is not shared <bugs> <disclosure> <sharing> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wallyworld> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1008538 >00:42
wallyworld_perhaps. we were waiting for everything to be migrated across i think00:43
wallyworld_so can't we just leave it in open till then?00:44
wgrantI guess00:44
wgrantI just don't really think there's much we need to do in terms of it now00:44
wgrantOr in the future00:44
wallyworld_i think we were going to create structural subscriptions00:46
wgrantMmmm, possibly.00:48
cr3when using launchpadlib, how can a bug_task.status == u'Triaged' and bug_task.date_triaged == None :(01:20
wgrantcr3: Possibly if it was created Triaged01:23
cr3wgrant: interesting, so I'll fallback to date_created when any of the status related dates is None. thanks!01:24
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StevenKwgrant: https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=8dffb8ed96a390893ecaef560b7af41a01:56
wgrantStevenK: wallyworld's thing will fix that01:58
wgrantThough there is an underlying bug that should also ideally be fixed01:58
wallyworld_if the branch scanner ever completes :-(01:59
wgrantwallyworld_: You linked the bugs before the scan completed01:59
wgrantIt's cursed01:59
StevenKwgrant: What's the underlying bug?01:59
wallyworld_linking bugs is ok01:59
wallyworld_creating mp is not01:59
wgrantwallyworld_: Evidently not :/01:59
wallyworld_i've linked bugs without problems for ever01:59
wallyworld_but creating mp is problematic01:59
StevenKDoing *anything* with a LP branch before its scanned leads to cursing.02:00
StevenKEven looking at it.02:00
wallyworld_hmmm. not for me till now02:00
wallyworld_i've tried the push -r-2 trick. what else can i try?02:00
StevenKRenaming the branch on LP and re-pushing02:00
wallyworld_besides that :-(02:00
wgrantBesides SQLing the BRs away without a timeoput02:01
wgrantIn general, don't touch a large branch before the initial scan completes02:01
StevenKCan we delete BranchRevision for being complete crap?02:02
wgrant[2012-09-03 02:01:54,379: INFO/PoolWorker-2] Job resulted in OOPS: OOPS-5de0a53e4be5589c2a0309cbe7f925b902:05
StevenKPoolWorker-2 really is cursed02:06
StevenKCan't add a team to +sharing, so can't change the owner of the branch02:06
StevenKOr maybe this thing has a BVP, which would be quite sad02:07
wgrantStevenK: Oh, sorry, meant to say: you can work around that one by just setting Private and Private Security to All.02:08
wgrantAs well as Proprietary02:08
wgrantthe first two will do nothing02:08
wgrantBut it should prevent the crash02:08
* wgrant tries02:08
StevenKYeah, that worked out it02:08
StevenKaround it, that is02:08
StevenK+sharing for me states the branch is Private, when the branch itself states it is Proprietary.02:09
wgrantHave you refreshed?02:10
wgrantWhere does +sharing state that it's private?02:10
wgrantI don't see that02:10
wgrantThat is interesting02:10
wgrant'cause the APA is correct02:11
StevenKMaybe we have a bug in PersonPillarSharingView?02:11
StevenKHowever it's named.02:11
wgrantI assume so02:12
wgrantOr possibly in the sharing service, probably02:12
StevenK            # At the moment, all branches displayed on the sharing details02:13
StevenK            # page are private.02:13
StevenK            information_type = InformationType.USERDATA.title02:13
StevenKFace. Palm.02:13
wgrantSounds like an easy fix02:14
StevenKYeah, I'll look at it02:14
wallyworld_i think that stuff was written for the sharing details page way before information types02:14
wgrantBefore they were implemented properly for branches, yes02:16
* StevenK tries to work out where the tests for PillarPersonSharingView are hiding.02:21
StevenKwallyworld_: I don't think PillarPersonSharingView is tested. :-(02:40
wallyworld_StevenK: not sure, i didn't write it. i can look02:41
StevenKwallyworld_: Second set of eyes would be excellent02:41
wallyworld_StevenK: PillarSharingDetailsMixin02:42
wallyworld_so TestProductSharingDetailsView etc extend the mixin02:43
StevenKwallyworld_: Ah ha! Thanks02:45
wallyworld_the tests look like they could have some added02:45
StevenKI have it create a proprietary branch, and it dies creating an APA saying it already exists03:01
wgrantYou shouldn't need to manually create APAs any more03:01
StevenKHeh, nice. Dropping the APA lines gives me +22, -2303:04
* StevenK will push the branch up and propose after lunch03:05
StevenKActually, no. Since my lunch has to cook, I'll put it on and then push the branch03:06
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/branches-are-more-than-private/+merge/12243603:20
wallyworld_StevenK: i'd add the test to the subclass03:22
wallyworld_if it's only applicable for products03:22
wallyworld_i'd also just call the test view_data_model_branch , remove the word proprietary03:23
StevenKwallyworld_: branches are already tested by test_view_data_model, I was trying to be clear.03:24
wallyworld_hmm. i'm not sure we need a separate test then. we dont' have a separate test for proprietary bugs03:25
StevenKwallyworld_: So, I can rename it to proprietary, create a bug as well and check that both of their information_types are golden?03:26
wallyworld_do we need to? so long as the data model tests check that the json info type matches that of the artifact, aren't we ok?03:27
wallyworld_ie is the existing test sufficient?03:27
StevenKwallyworld_: So the03:27
wallyworld_i guess i'm asking, why doa special test for one specific info type03:28
StevenKwallyworld_: So the problem was that the existing tests create a bug and branch as USERDATA and then assert that is what is in the JSON.03:28
wallyworld_maube should need to loop across all info types then03:28
StevenKwallyworld_: The UI was overriding all branches information_type to USERDATA -- so I'm creating a branch that is a type that isn't USERDATA and checking what's in the JSON.03:28
StevenKI could use PRIVATESECURITY just as well03:29
wallyworld_yeah, understood03:30
wallyworld_i guess i have a small issue with adding a new test just for one specific info type. we should have a general test that lops over all info types if we don't trust the test that's there03:30
wallyworld_or change the info type to != USERDATA03:31
wallyworld_as you suggest03:31
wallyworld_that may be easiest03:31
wallyworld_since it gives us a failing test before the code change, and a working test after the fix03:32
StevenKwallyworld_: Sorry, was noming. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1182844/03:59
wallyworld_np, let me look04:00
wallyworld_StevenK: sure, but i think we don't even need a whole new test. just make the current data model test fail by changing the info type of the branch to PS or something other than UD, and the code fix makes everything ok again04:01
StevenKwallyworld_: Oh, HAH04:13
StevenKwallyworld_: I can't do it that way -- the branch is created as USERDATA and the JSON is populated on view creation so I can't transition it away, which would have been why I created a new test in the first place.04:14
* StevenK sees if he can grab the branch before the view and transition there.04:15
wallyworld_can can change the makeArtifactGrantee method04:16
StevenKI can change it to create a PRIVATESECURITY branch, sure04:17
wallyworld_and that will make the test fail without the code fix04:18
wallyworld_so i think that's all you need04:18
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StevenKwallyworld_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1182879/04:23
wallyworld_StevenK: i think that's ok. minimal changes, but the tests still fail without the code fix being applied04:25
StevenKAnd they do, yes.04:25
wallyworld_cool. adding a new test in this case just didn't sit right weith me04:25
wallyworld_StevenK: see, i even got you some LOC credit04:29
StevenKwallyworld_: Mercy buckets04:30
StevenKwallyworld_: It's not like I needed more.04:31
StevenK% loc-contributions 'Steve Kowalik'04:31
wallyworld_well give some of yours to me then04:31
StevenKwallyworld_: I would if I could04:31
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 4.0*10^2
=== StevenK changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: ∞
StevenKThat's better.04:37
wallyworld_i'd love to revisit out bug triage policy based on these numbers04:47
wgranthttp://webnumbr.com/launchpad-critical-bugs :)04:49
wallyworld_no, i meant i disagree with the triage policy04:50
wgrantI know, I was just showing you some even prettier numbers04:51
* micahg stopped filing timeout bugs04:51
StevenKwgrant: That user destroyed thier MP04:53
StevenKWhich is unfortunate, I wanted to grab sinzui's testcase off it04:53
wgrantStevenK: I can forward the email if you wish04:54
StevenKwgrant: From Curtis? Please do04:54
wgrantThis is why we shouldn't allow anybody to ever delete anything :)04:56
StevenKNo, we need to congratulate him -- he managed to delete a Launchpad branch04:56
wgrantYou have a good point...04:57
StevenKHe is nothing but persistant05:10
StevenKHe's put another branch up which actually fixes the issue, but doesn't include a test.05:10
StevenKwallyworld_: Is PopulateProjectSharingPolicies done?05:19
wgrantYes, it can die05:20
StevenKstub: O hai, https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/drop-unused-branch-function/+merge/122431 would love a review05:20
wgrantAs of Friday all projects are created with either Public or Proprietary05:20
StevenKI'll kill it05:20
wgrantThere's even a card for it05:20
stubStevenK: Applied happily to qastaging. Guess I should run it on production.05:39
stubstaging is rather borked - empty db05:39
StevenKHaha, ouch05:40
StevenKstub: Let me lp-land it05:40
StevenKstub: Aren't we in the middle of backups?05:42
stubprobably, but that doesn't matter for this05:42
stubThat is only a problem for live index builds05:42
StevenKRight, okay.05:43
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/destroy-populate-project-sharing-policies/+merge/12244205:47
wgrantStevenK: +3? :(05:53
StevenKwgrant: Oh, bleh.05:55
StevenKAnd all of those 3 are imports that went from multi-line to single, so shush05:55
wgrantIt was worth a try.05:55
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wallyworld_wgrant: i just had a look at the accesspolicy code - are you stre the other delete methods just pass in ids? see for example def delete(cls, concrete_artifacts):06:44
wgrantwallyworld_: Natural keys, not necessarily primary keys06:46
wallyworld_hmm. ok. seems a bit superfulous if i have the objects06:47
wgrantYeah, but the inconsistency is a bit bad06:47
wallyworld_i'll now have to unpack them just to apss them in06:47
wgrantNote that it's delete(concrete_artifacts), not delete(abstract_artifacts)06:47
wgrantOne could argue that these shouldn't really be objects at all :)06:52
wgrantBut mumble mumble06:52
wallyworld_i agree. i prefer to delete using just ids07:18
wgrantRight, but it's a toss-up between the performance-based surrogate key and the natural key.07:20
adeuringgood morning07:45
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evah, staging is dead. That would explain my inability to do much of anything with the API.16:26
czajkowskigetting it kicked16:28
czajkowskiev: people are on it and it's being restored16:29
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lifelessjml: oh hi18:17
lifelessjml: did you review my fixtures branch ?18:33
jmllifeless: maybe?18:33
* jml looks18:33
lifelessjml: there is a class in there that wants to be free, pondering a new pypi project for it18:34
jmllifeless: yes, I reviewed.18:34
lifelessahha so you did. Thanks18:35
jmllifeless: I'd wait until there was a project that wanted CallMany & didn't want anything else of fixtures18:35
lifelessjml: like testtools :P18:35
jmllifeless: huh, I guess so.18:46
jmllifeless: "Hard Facts" is a great read, btw.18:46
lifelessjml: it is, isn't it!19:01
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lifelessany reviewers around ? https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/python-oops-datedir-repo/bug-960775/+merge/12258021:21
lifelessev: o/21:27
lifelessev: will reply to your mail today21:27
czajkowskilifeless: we're down some due to USA being off today21:38
lifelessI can still hope :)21:40
czajkowskitrue :)21:44
czajkowskilifeless: hows the little one?21:44
lifelessjust had a growth spurt21:47
lifelesswas eating massive amounts every couple of hours for 3 days21:47
czajkowskiheh keeping ye busy I'm sure21:50
lifelessI was at kiwipycon in the weekend21:51
lifelesswe could have done with more sleep :P21:51
czajkowskiI was at a 2 day Irish wedding , my liver isn't speaking to me21:52
lifelessany reviewers around ? https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/python-oops-datedir-repo/bug-960775/+merge/122580 <- StevenK22:36
StevenKwgrant is OCR today. :-)22:37
lifelessStevenK: its small and you're doing work already :P22:38
StevenKlifeless: I'm in the middle of a few things, I'll look at it after if someone else hasn't already grabbed it.22:38
lifelessOTOH so is wgrant I see22:38
lifelessStevenK: thanks!; I'll whinge at wgrant right now.22:39
* lifeless whinges22:39
StevenKDefault state, isn't it?22:39
lifelesspor moi?22:41
wgrantlifeless: 44+ except IOError, e:22:43
wgrant45+ if e.args[0] == 'Empty OOPS Report':22:43
* cjwatson bangs the Python 3 compatibility drum a little22:47
cjwatson(s/,/ as/)22:49
lifelesscjwatson: I might care if we deployed on !lucid22:50
wgrantneem is precise22:51
wgrantWe don't deploy on <lucid22:52
wgrantso as is fine22:52
lifelesslucid is python 2.6 isn't it ?22:52
lifelessI thought as was 2.722:52
lifelesswgrant: this gets deployed on the various servers - e.g. everywhere.22:52
cjwatson2.6 has as22:52
cjwatsonLP uses 'except ... as'22:53
wgrantRight, we use it in lots of places in LP22:53
wgrantIt's not new in 2.722:53
cjwatsonEverywhere - I went through and fixed everything using the old style22:53
wgrantAh, indeed22:53
lifelessso sure, will change.22:56
lifelesscjwatson: everywhere in the main code tree; I guarantee lots of untouched places :)22:56
lifelesswgrant: as for the inspection, yes, really.22:56
cjwatsonWell, yes, but enough that I also guarantee it will work for you22:56
wgrantlifeless: :(22:56
cjwatsonLife's too short to figure out how to submit patches to everything else22:56
lifelesswgrant: lower layer signals that way22:56
lifelesscjwatson: sure, theres about 20 projects that have the same submission process as lp:launchpad :>22:57
wgrantlifeless: :(22:57
lifelesscjwatson: but I understand the overhead22:57
cjwatsonAnd a bunch that don't22:57
cjwatsonAlso about 50% of the time reviewers seem faintly confused when I submit a patch to one of the other projects22:58
lifelesscjwatson: :( - thats sad, a little understandable, but sad.22:58
lifelessI probably need to beat that drum some more22:59
cjwatsonMostly about how to deal with landing22:59
lifelesscjwatson: ah, so thats more tractable23:00
lifelesswgrant: I can change the signalling, but honestly it doesn't seem worth a specific class23:01
wgrantlifeless: OK23:08
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