
Mahjonkhi people00:16
Mahjonki freshly installed openssh-server00:16
Mahjonkbut it doesn't run at startup00:16
ActionParsnipMahjonk: can you manually start it ok?00:17
Mahjonkyes i can00:18
Mahjonki've tested the connection through lan it works pretty well00:18
ActionParsnipMahjonk: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc00:18
Mahjonki'm on lubuntu 12.0400:19
Mahjonki tried update-rc.d ssh defaults but still doesn't work00:19
ActionParsnipMahjonk: you could add the command to start it in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line00:23
Mahjonki need to reboot will comeback in seconds00:23
ActionParsnipany better?00:52
IboShello it's mahjonk00:54
IboSi've solved the problem00:54
ActionParsnipIboS: did adding the line help?00:54
IboSi put as bind host00:54
ActionParsnipah, nice00:54
IboSin fact00:55
IboSthe network isn't set up properly at boot up00:55
IboSif you add an adress like 192.X.X.X00:55
IboSit won't boot because it won't find the adress00:55
IboSi have a second problem to share with you00:56
IboSi think my graphic card driver are not properly loaded at boot up00:56
IboSbecause i cannot see any splash screen00:56
IboSuntil login00:56
ActionParsnipIboS: probably proprietary video drivers00:58
IboSit says no proprietary drivers is used on the system01:00
IboSwhen i check through menu01:00
ActionParsnipi see01:01
IboSActionParsnip: what you think ?01:35
IboSActionParsnip: is there a way to load it earlier01:37
ActionParsnipIboS: it takes a while, there are tweaks which may not work now to load the fb driver which loads quickly01:43
IboSthe fb ?01:59
ActionParsnipfb = frame buffer02:02
ActionParsnipconsidering its just a boot splash, I wouldn't sweat it02:02
IboSif it can't print the boot splash02:03
IboSit may print a quiet splash ?02:03
ActionParsnipIve used that in the past02:05
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=== cbien is now known as IboS
mal2hi there, trying to install a program, asked for my password, I enter it, it says it's wrong. What am I missing here?14:23
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=== Guest18084 is now known as DJones
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thetejuflash plugin is not working, fresh install lubuntu 12.0418:36
thetejucould not find solution on forums, please help18:36
Myrttiwhich browsers are you trying it on?18:52
Myrttihave you restarted the browser after installing the plugin18:53
silverarrowhi is anyone on?19:45
silverarrowI have bought a new battery and are trying to make the taskbar icon work19:45
silverarrowI have a lightning icon next to loudspeeker, but does not show charge or anything19:46
silverarrowthere is a ppc faq page, but I cannot make it work19:46
silverarrowActionParsnip, does your battery /adaptor icon work?19:47
silverarrowhi alex19:48
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: my battery is about 6 years old and I always run on mains. I remove the icon myself19:48
silverarrowyeah, after six years you might have a minute`s charge19:50
silverarrowI had about 6 minutes on the old ibook19:50
silverarrownow new19:50
silverarrowit was very low price, wonder how it works19:51
silverarrowit does work, but I have not checked for how long it lasts19:51
silverarrowapparently there is a large aftermarked still for the old powerpc laptops19:52
ActionParsnipi just run on mains, works fine19:52
silverarrowit would of course work fine19:52
silverarrowuntil a power failure19:53
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: its old so its fine, plenty more where that came from19:54
silverarrowpmu_battery this command do not work19:56
silverarrowand I have finally discovered how to paste in xchat19:56
silverarrowsilly really19:56
silverarrowit has annoyed me for ages19:56
=== szczur is now known as szczur_
silverarrowI like the convenience of a battery though20:07
silverarrowapparently leafpad is the thing20:12
ActionParsnipleafpad rocks :)20:30
ActionParsnipI laways make a symlink to /usr/bin/gedit to make life easier20:30
thetejuplease help, shockwave flash is crashing22:21
thetejulubuntu 12.0422:21
thetejuI am unable to watch videos on youtube22:22
ActionParsniptheteju: shockwave don't own flash22:22
ActionParsnipnot since 200522:22
silverarrowtheteju, you mean adobe ?22:22
ActionParsniptheteju: can you pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'22:22
thetejusure hold on22:23
silverarrowgnash works in midori22:27
silverarrowif minitube works it will stream22:27
silverarrowadobe should work22:28
thetejuActionParsnip : http://pastebin.com/khbmbizD22:28
silverarrowseriously, install midori just to check the difference22:30
silverarrowgnash and midori works nicely together22:30
thetejuwhat is midori?22:31
silverarrowa lightweight browser non-mozilla22:31
silverarrowbest html5 support at the moment22:31
thetejuand gnash ?22:31
thetejualternate flash?22:31
thetejuwhat seem to be problem on my system right now.. ?22:32
silverarrowit look like you hav gnash?22:32
silverarrowmozilla plugin for gnash is broken22:32
silverarrowat least for ppc22:32
silverarrowis there a reason you cannot have adobe flash?22:34
thetejui thought I installed the adobe flash22:34
silverarrowtheteju, what specs do you have?22:34
silverarrowI have been using Midori for over a month now22:34
silverarrowgetting used to the functions and settngs22:35
thetejuthis is an old averatec laptop22:35
silverarrowworks all fine22:35
ActionParsniptheteju: let me review22:35
ActionParsniptheteju: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-downloader flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound22:36
ActionParsniptheteju: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc22:36
thetejuactionparsnip : precise22:37
silverarrowtheteju, you have chromium?22:38
thetejuActionParsnip : all removed , yes i have chromium , came by default with lubuntu22:38
ActionParsniptheteju: ok enable the partner repo and install adobe-flashplugin22:39
ActionParsniptheteju: or if you already have it enabled, just install the package22:39
silverarrowI have firefox, probably because of chromium inbuilt flash22:40
silverarrowpowerpc do not have adobe22:40
ActionParsnipits not ppc22:40
ActionParsnipi686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux22:40
silverarrowadobe might stream fine  on1-  1.5GHz cpu22:41
silverarrowatoms and celeron still work it seems22:42
thetejuActionParsnip : it is installing22:42
silverarrowdoesn`t chromium have flash incorporated in the "bundle"22:42
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: its has thing called pepper flash or somesuch22:43
silverarrowor perhaps only Google Crome version?22:43
silverarrowsomeone told me pepper flash was already abandoned22:44
silverarrowI keep getting conflicting info22:44
thetejuActionParsnip : still missing plug-in22:45
thetejuon youtube page22:45
silverarrowi was told pepperflash should in theory work on ppc22:45
silverarrowmight have to reboot on some installs?22:45
ActionParsniptheteju: did you close all the browsers and rerun it once all browsers are closed?22:46
thetejuyes I did22:47
thetejuhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1184565/ that is the output of grep command again22:47
thetejuActionParsnip : do i have to restart the whole system?22:50
thetejusilverarrow : I installed the mindori22:51
silverarrowtheteju, do you have gnash still ?22:52
silverarrowit should stream fine22:52
silverarrowyoutube at least22:52
silverarroweven vimeo22:52
silverarrowproblem are some sites with coded flash streams22:53
thetejui would love to have adobe working first though22:53
thetejudamm I am so lost22:53
thetejusilverarrow : i think we just purged the gnash22:54
silverarrowdid you install the restricted packages ?22:54
silverarrowadobe usually streams fine22:54
thetejuno i did not22:54
silverarrowdid you try firefox and ditch chromium?22:54
silverarrowI have gnash browser plugin and gnash, and it streams all youtube fine22:55
silverarrowit even handles html5 where possible22:55
thetejuright now the firefox is not playing video too22:55
silverarrowdo you know what kind of cpu you have?22:56
thetejuamd athlon22:57
silverarrowmenu-sytem tools-system profiles should show some specs22:57
ActionParsniptheteju: no, you just have to close al browsers so that the new plugin can be loaded22:58
ActionParsniptheteju: instaling new plugins without closing all the browsers will not work22:58
ActionParsniptheteju: its the same in windows22:58
silverarrowand if you are in chatzilla, you have to restart irc chat too22:58
thetejuActionParsnip : yes, i did have all the browser closed23:00
thetejuI am using pidgin for chat23:00
thetejuXP-M 2000+silverarrow :  mobile AMD athlon23:01
silverarrowlet me google it23:02
silverarrowthere is a chance it should stream latest adobe flash perfectly23:07
thetejuguys,, the laptop was working just fine with peppermintOS on it23:09
thetejuand all of a sudden flash stopped23:10
thetejui could not solve it ,,besides it was time to upgrade23:10
thetejuso this time i went with lubuntu23:10
silverarrowthen it should be worked out fairly easily23:10
thetejuand here I am stuck with flash again  on fresh install23:10
silverarrownot even gnash and modori works?23:11
silverarrowthey should both work really23:11
silverarrowthough adobe overrides gnash23:12
silverarrowtends to at least23:12
thetejui installed modori23:12
thetejutell me how to install gnash23:12
ActionParsniptheteju: install mozilla-plugin-gnash23:13
ActionParsniptheteju: remember to uninstall the adobe-flashplugin package then close all browsers and relaunch23:13
thetejuActionParsnip : are you giving up on me for Adobe?23:14
silverarrowtheteju, you have installed the two restricted packages?23:15
silverarrowyou have to do it manually from package manager23:15
thetejusilverarrow : doing it right now23:17
silverarrowit should install a whole load of stuff23:17
silverarrowyou will be asked to press OK to agree to the restricted stuff23:17
silverarrowit usually takes care of most stuff23:17
silverarrowit`s usually either gnash or adobe, to much hassle to switch  back and forht23:19
silverarrowadobe works with everything, so usually the prefered one23:19
thetejui see23:20
silverarrowbut for youtube, they should be just as good23:20
silverarrowon some systems there have been issues with picture quality, but gnash is capable of best hd23:21
silverarrowfor  flash at least23:21
thetejudamm guys23:23
thetejunot working23:23
thetejulet me reboot ,, will be back23:23
* theteju getting frustrated23:23
silverarrowok, reboot is a good idea23:23
silverarrowat least double check for  all installs to take23:24
ActionParsnipcould just use minitube for youtube :)23:24
silverarrowworks better than html523:24
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
silverarrowis there a similar check option for lubuntu?23:57

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